--- a/src/Pure/Admin/build_log.scala Sun Apr 30 16:32:09 2017 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Admin/build_log.scala Sun Apr 30 16:32:58 2017 +0200
@@ -470,9 +470,13 @@
val status = SQL.Column.string("status")
val ml_statistics = SQL.Column.bytes("ml_statistics")
- val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_build_log_build_info",
- List(Meta_Info.log_name, session_name, chapter, groups, threads, timing_elapsed, timing_cpu,
- timing_gc, ml_timing_elapsed, ml_timing_cpu, ml_timing_gc, heap_size, status, ml_statistics))
+ val sessions_table =
+ SQL.Table("isabelle_build_log_sessions",
+ List(Meta_Info.log_name, session_name, chapter, groups, threads, timing_elapsed, timing_cpu,
+ timing_gc, ml_timing_elapsed, ml_timing_cpu, ml_timing_gc, heap_size, status))
+ val ml_statistics_table =
+ SQL.Table("isabelle_build_log_ml_statistics",
+ List(Meta_Info.log_name, session_name, ml_statistics))
sealed case class Build_Info(sessions: Map[String, Session_Entry])
@@ -677,19 +681,19 @@
- def update_build_info(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File)
+ def update_sessions(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File)
val build_info = log_file.parse_build_info()
- val table = Build_Info.table
+ val table = Build_Info.sessions_table
db.transaction {
using(db.delete(table, Meta_Info.log_name.sql_where_equal(log_file.name)))(_.execute)
using(db.insert(table))(stmt =>
- val iterator =
+ val entries_iterator =
if (build_info.sessions.isEmpty) Iterator("" -> Session_Entry.empty)
else build_info.sessions.iterator
- for ((session_name, session) <- iterator) {
+ for ((session_name, session) <- entries_iterator) {
db.set_string(stmt, 1, log_file.name)
db.set_string(stmt, 2, session_name)
db.set_string(stmt, 3, session.proper_chapter)
@@ -703,14 +707,37 @@
db.set_long(stmt, 11, session.ml_timing.gc.proper_ms)
db.set_long(stmt, 12, session.heap_size)
db.set_string(stmt, 13, session.status.map(_.toString))
- db.set_bytes(stmt, 14, compress_properties(session.ml_statistics).proper)
- def write_info(db: SQL.Database, files: List[JFile], group: Int = 100)
+ def update_ml_statistics(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File)
+ {
+ val build_info = log_file.parse_build_info()
+ val table = Build_Info.ml_statistics_table
+ db.transaction {
+ using(db.delete(table, Meta_Info.log_name.sql_where_equal(log_file.name)))(_.execute)
+ using(db.insert(table))(stmt =>
+ {
+ val ml_stats: List[(String, Option[Bytes])] =
+ Par_List.map[(String, Session_Entry), (String, Option[Bytes])](
+ { case (a, b) => (a, compress_properties(b.ml_statistics).proper) },
+ build_info.sessions.iterator.filter(p => p._2.ml_statistics.nonEmpty).toList)
+ val entries = if (ml_stats.nonEmpty) ml_stats else List("" -> None)
+ for ((session_name, ml_statistics) <- entries) {
+ db.set_string(stmt, 1, log_file.name)
+ db.set_string(stmt, 2, session_name)
+ db.set_bytes(stmt, 3, ml_statistics)
+ stmt.execute()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ def write_info(db: SQL.Database, files: List[JFile], ml_statistics: Boolean = false)
class Table_Status(table: SQL.Table, update_db: (SQL.Database, Log_File) => Unit)
@@ -733,9 +760,12 @@
val status =
new Table_Status(Meta_Info.table, update_meta_info _),
- new Table_Status(Build_Info.table, update_build_info _))
+ new Table_Status(Build_Info.sessions_table, update_sessions _),
+ new Table_Status(Build_Info.ml_statistics_table,
+ if (ml_statistics) update_ml_statistics _
+ else (_: SQL.Database, _: Log_File) => ()))
- for (file_group <- files.filter(file => status.exists(_.required(file))).grouped(group)) {
+ for (file_group <- files.filter(file => status.exists(_.required(file))).grouped(100)) {
val log_files = Par_List.map[JFile, Log_File](Log_File.apply _, file_group)
db.transaction { log_files.foreach(log_file => status.foreach(_.update(log_file))) }
@@ -770,23 +800,39 @@
session_names: List[String] = Nil,
ml_statistics: Boolean = false): Build_Info =
- val table = Build_Info.table
- val columns =
- table.columns.filter(c =>
- c != Meta_Info.log_name && (ml_statistics || c != Build_Info.ml_statistics))
+ val table1 = Build_Info.sessions_table
+ val table2 = Build_Info.ml_statistics_table
- val where0 =
- Meta_Info.log_name.sql_where_equal(log_name) + " AND " +
- Build_Info.session_name.sql_name + " <> ''"
+ val where_log_name =
+ Meta_Info.log_name(table1).sql_where_equal(log_name) + " AND " +
+ Build_Info.session_name(table1).sql_name + " <> ''"
val where =
- if (session_names.isEmpty) where0
+ if (session_names.isEmpty) where_log_name
- where0 + " AND " +
- session_names.map(a => Build_Info.session_name.sql_name + " = " + SQL.quote_string(a)).
+ where_log_name + " AND " +
+ session_names.map(a =>
+ Build_Info.session_name(table1).sql_name + " = " + SQL.quote_string(a)).
mkString("(", " OR ", ")")
+ val columns1 = table1.columns.tail.map(_.apply(table1))
+ val (columns, from) =
+ if (ml_statistics) {
+ val columns = columns1 ::: List(Build_Info.ml_statistics(table2))
+ val from =
+ "(" +
+ SQL.quote_ident(table1.name) + " LEFT JOIN " +
+ SQL.quote_ident(table2.name) + " ON " +
+ Meta_Info.log_name(table1).sql_name + " = " +
+ Meta_Info.log_name(table2).sql_name + " AND " +
+ Build_Info.session_name(table1).sql_name + " = " +
+ Build_Info.session_name(table2).sql_name +
+ ")"
+ (columns, from)
+ }
+ else (columns1, SQL.quote_ident(table1.name))
val sessions =
- using(db.select(table, columns, where))(stmt =>
+ using(db.statement(SQL.select(columns) + from + " " + where))(stmt =>
SQL.iterator(stmt.executeQuery)(rs =>