--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML Wed Dec 08 22:17:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_provers.ML Wed Dec 08 22:17:52 2010 +0100
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
type prover = params -> minimize_command -> prover_problem -> prover_result
+ val das_Tool : string
val is_smt_prover : Proof.context -> string -> bool
val is_prover_available : Proof.context -> string -> bool
val is_prover_installed : Proof.context -> string -> bool
@@ -65,9 +66,6 @@
val running_provers : unit -> unit
val messages : int option -> unit
val get_prover : Proof.context -> bool -> string -> prover
- val run_prover :
- params -> bool -> (string -> minimize_command) -> bool -> prover_problem
- -> string -> bool * Proof.state
val setup : theory -> theory
@@ -249,19 +247,6 @@
|> Exn.release
|> tap (after path)
-fun prover_description ctxt ({blocking, verbose, ...} : params) name num_facts i
- n goal =
- quote name ^
- (if verbose then
- " with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^ " fact" ^ plural_s num_facts
- else
- "") ^
- " on " ^ (if n = 1 then "goal" else "subgoal " ^ string_of_int i) ^ ":" ^
- (if blocking then
- ""
- else
- "\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i)))
fun proof_banner auto =
if auto then "Auto Sledgehammer found a proof" else "Try this command"
@@ -580,66 +565,6 @@
error ("No such prover: " ^ name ^ ".")
-fun run_prover (params as {blocking, debug, max_relevant, timeout, expect, ...})
- auto minimize_command only
- {state, goal, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts} name =
- let
- val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
- val birth_time = Time.now ()
- val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
- val max_relevant =
- the_default (default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt name) max_relevant
- val num_facts = length facts |> not only ? Integer.min max_relevant
- val desc =
- prover_description ctxt params name num_facts subgoal subgoal_count goal
- val prover = get_prover ctxt auto name
- val problem =
- {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = subgoal,
- subgoal_count = subgoal_count, facts = take num_facts facts}
- fun go () =
- let
- fun really_go () =
- prover params (minimize_command name) problem
- |> (fn {outcome, message, ...} =>
- (if is_some outcome then "none" else "some", message))
- val (outcome_code, message) =
- if debug then
- really_go ()
- else
- (really_go ()
- handle ERROR message => ("unknown", "Error: " ^ message ^ "\n")
- | exn =>
- if Exn.is_interrupt exn then
- reraise exn
- else
- ("unknown", "Internal error:\n" ^
- ML_Compiler.exn_message exn ^ "\n"))
- val _ =
- if expect = "" orelse outcome_code = expect then
- ()
- else if blocking then
- error ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code ^ ".")
- else
- warning ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code ^ ".");
- in (outcome_code = "some", message) end
- in
- if auto then
- let val (success, message) = TimeLimit.timeLimit timeout go () in
- (success, state |> success ? Proof.goal_message (fn () =>
- Pretty.chunks [Pretty.str "", Pretty.mark Markup.hilite
- (Pretty.str message)]))
- end
- else if blocking then
- let val (success, message) = TimeLimit.timeLimit timeout go () in
- List.app Output.urgent_message
- (Async_Manager.break_into_chunks [desc ^ "\n" ^ message]);
- (success, state)
- end
- else
- (Async_Manager.launch das_Tool birth_time death_time desc (snd o go);
- (false, state))
- end
val setup =
#> problem_prefix_setup
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML Wed Dec 08 22:17:52 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_run.ML Wed Dec 08 22:17:52 2010 +0100
@@ -25,6 +25,79 @@
open Sledgehammer_ATP_Translate
open Sledgehammer_Provers
+fun prover_description ctxt ({blocking, verbose, ...} : params) name num_facts i
+ n goal =
+ quote name ^
+ (if verbose then
+ " with " ^ string_of_int num_facts ^ " fact" ^ plural_s num_facts
+ else
+ "") ^
+ " on " ^ (if n = 1 then "goal" else "subgoal " ^ string_of_int i) ^ ":" ^
+ (if blocking then
+ ""
+ else
+ "\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i)))
+fun run_prover (params as {blocking, debug, max_relevant, timeout, expect, ...})
+ auto minimize_command only
+ {state, goal, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts} name =
+ let
+ val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
+ val birth_time = Time.now ()
+ val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
+ val max_relevant =
+ the_default (default_max_relevant_for_prover ctxt name) max_relevant
+ val num_facts = length facts |> not only ? Integer.min max_relevant
+ val desc =
+ prover_description ctxt params name num_facts subgoal subgoal_count goal
+ val prover = get_prover ctxt auto name
+ val problem =
+ {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = subgoal,
+ subgoal_count = subgoal_count, facts = take num_facts facts}
+ fun go () =
+ let
+ fun really_go () =
+ prover params (minimize_command name) problem
+ |> (fn {outcome, message, ...} =>
+ (if is_some outcome then "none" else "some", message))
+ val (outcome_code, message) =
+ if debug then
+ really_go ()
+ else
+ (really_go ()
+ handle ERROR message => ("unknown", "Error: " ^ message ^ "\n")
+ | exn =>
+ if Exn.is_interrupt exn then
+ reraise exn
+ else
+ ("unknown", "Internal error:\n" ^
+ ML_Compiler.exn_message exn ^ "\n"))
+ val _ =
+ if expect = "" orelse outcome_code = expect then
+ ()
+ else if blocking then
+ error ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code ^ ".")
+ else
+ warning ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code ^ ".");
+ in (outcome_code = "some", message) end
+ in
+ if auto then
+ let val (success, message) = TimeLimit.timeLimit timeout go () in
+ (success, state |> success ? Proof.goal_message (fn () =>
+ Pretty.chunks [Pretty.str "", Pretty.mark Markup.hilite
+ (Pretty.str message)]))
+ end
+ else if blocking then
+ let val (success, message) = TimeLimit.timeLimit timeout go () in
+ List.app Output.urgent_message
+ (Async_Manager.break_into_chunks [desc ^ "\n" ^ message]);
+ (success, state)
+ end
+ else
+ (Async_Manager.launch das_Tool birth_time death_time desc (snd o go);
+ (false, state))
+ end
(* FUDGE *)
val auto_max_relevant_divisor = 2