class package refinements, slight code generation refinements
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:10:20 +0200
changeset 19953 2f54a51f1801
parent 19952 eaf2c25654d3
child 19954 e4c9f6946db3
class package refinements, slight code generation refinements
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:09:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/class_package.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:10:20 2006 +0200
@@ -48,10 +48,9 @@
   type sortcontext = (string * sort) list
   datatype classlookup = Instance of (class * string) * classlookup list list
                        | Lookup of class list * (string * (int * int))
-  val extract_sortctxt: theory -> typ -> sortcontext
-  val extract_classlookup: theory -> string * typ -> classlookup list list
-  val extract_classlookup_inst: theory -> class * string -> class -> classlookup list list
-  val extract_classlookup_member: theory -> typ * typ -> classlookup list list
+  val sortcontext_of_typ: theory -> typ -> sortcontext
+  val sortlookup: theory -> sort * typ -> classlookup list
+  val sortlookups_const: theory -> string * typ -> classlookup list list
 structure ClassPackage: CLASS_PACKAGE =
@@ -129,17 +128,13 @@
   |> (not o null o #consts)
   |> the_default false;
-fun operational_sort_of thy sort =
+fun operational_sort_of thy =
     fun get_sort class =
       if is_operational_class thy class
       then [class]
       else operational_sort_of thy (Sign.super_classes thy class);
-  in
-    map get_sort sort
-    |> flat
-    |> Sign.certify_sort thy
-  end;
+  in Sign.certify_sort thy o maps get_sort end;
 fun the_superclasses thy class =
   if is_class thy class
@@ -193,7 +188,7 @@
       |> fold (fn (_, ty) => curry (gen_union (op =))
            ((map (fst o fst) o typ_tvars) ty @ (map fst o typ_tfrees) ty)) const_sign
       |> fold_map add_var arity;
-    val ty_inst = Type (tyco, map (fn (v, sort) => TVar ((v, 0), sort)) vsorts);
+    val ty_inst = Type (tyco, map TFree vsorts);
     val inst_signs = map (apsnd (subst_clsvar clsvar ty_inst)) const_sign;
   in (vsorts, inst_signs) end;
@@ -599,7 +594,7 @@
 type sortcontext = (string * sort) list;
-fun extract_sortctxt thy ty =
+fun sortcontext_of_typ thy ty =
   (typ_tfrees o fst o Type.freeze_thaw_type) ty
   |> map (apsnd (operational_sort_of thy))
   |> filter (not o null o snd);
@@ -613,75 +608,52 @@
         :: map pretty_lookup lss
   | pretty_lookup' (Lookup (classes, (v, (i, j)))) =
-      Pretty.enum " <" "[" "]" (map Pretty.str classes @ [Pretty.str (v ^ "!" ^ string_of_int i ^ "/" ^ string_of_int j)])
+      Pretty.enum " <" "[" "]" (map Pretty.str classes @
+        [Pretty.str (v ^ "!" ^ string_of_int i ^ "/" ^ string_of_int j)])
 and pretty_lookup ls = (Pretty.enum "," "(" ")" o map pretty_lookup') ls;
-fun extract_lookup thy sortctxt raw_typ_def raw_typ_use =
+fun sortlookup thy (sort_decl, typ_ctxt) =
-    val typ_def = Logic.legacy_varifyT raw_typ_def;
-    val typ_use = Logic.legacy_varifyT raw_typ_use;
-    val match_tab = Sign.typ_match thy (typ_def, typ_use) Vartab.empty;
-    fun tab_lookup vname = (the o Vartab.lookup match_tab) (vname, 0);
-    fun mk_class_deriv thy subclasses superclass =
-      let
-        val (i, (subclass::deriv)) = (the oo get_index) (fn subclass =>
-            get_superclass_derivation thy (subclass, superclass)
-          ) subclasses;
-      in (rev deriv, (i, length subclasses)) end;
-    fun mk_lookup (sort_def, (Type (tyco, tys))) =
-          map (fn class => Instance ((class, tyco),
-            map2 (curry mk_lookup)
-              (map (operational_sort_of thy) (Sign.arity_sorts thy tyco [class]))
-              tys)
-          ) sort_def
-      | mk_lookup (sort_def, TVar ((vname, _), sort_use)) =
-          let
-            fun mk_look class =
-              let val (deriv, classindex) = mk_class_deriv thy (operational_sort_of thy sort_use) class
-              in Lookup (deriv, (vname, classindex)) end;
-          in map mk_look sort_def end;
+    val pp = Sign.pp thy;
+    val algebra = Sorts.project_algebra pp (is_operational_class thy)
+      (Sign.classes_of thy);
+    fun classrel (l as Lookup (classes, p), _) class  =
+          Lookup (class :: classes, p)
+      | classrel (Instance ((_, tyco), lss), _) class =
+          Instance ((class, tyco), lss);
+    fun constructor tyco lss class =
+      Instance ((class, tyco), (map o map) fst lss)
+    fun variable (TFree (v, sort)) =
+          map_index (fn (n, class) => (Lookup ([], (v, (n, length sort))), class))
+            (operational_sort_of thy sort)
+      | variable (TVar _) = error "TVar encountered while deriving sortlookup";
- sortctxt
-    |> map (tab_lookup o fst)
-    |> map (apfst (operational_sort_of thy))
-    |> filter (not o null o fst)
-    |> map mk_lookup
+    Sorts.of_sort_derivation pp algebra
+      {classrel = classrel, constructor = constructor, variable = variable}
+      (typ_ctxt, operational_sort_of thy sort_decl)
-fun extract_classlookup thy (c, raw_typ_use) =
+fun sortlookups_const thy (c, typ_ctxt) =
-    val raw_typ_def = Sign.the_const_constraint thy c;
-    val typ_def = Logic.legacy_varifyT raw_typ_def;
-    fun reorder_sortctxt ctxt =
-      case lookup_const_class thy c
-       of NONE => ctxt
-        | SOME class =>
-            let
-              val data = the_class_data thy class;
-              val sign = (Logic.legacy_varifyT o the o AList.lookup (op =) ((map snd o #consts) data)) c;
-              val match_tab = Sign.typ_match thy (sign, typ_def) Vartab.empty;
-              val v : string = case Vartab.lookup match_tab (#var data, 0)
-                of SOME (_, TVar ((v, _), _)) => v;
-            in
-              (v, (the o AList.lookup (op =) ctxt) v) :: AList.delete (op =) v ctxt
-            end;
+    val typ_decl = case lookup_const_class thy c
+     of NONE => Sign.the_const_type thy c
+      | SOME class => case the_consts_sign thy class of (v, cs) =>
+          (Logic.legacy_varifyT o subst_clsvar v (TFree (v, [class])))
+          ((the o AList.lookup (op =) cs) c)
+    val vartab = typ_tvars typ_decl;
+    fun prep_vartab (v, (_, ty)) =
+      case (the o AList.lookup (op =) vartab) v
+       of [] => NONE
+        | sort => SOME (sort, ty);
-    extract_lookup thy
-      (reorder_sortctxt (extract_sortctxt thy ((fst o Type.freeze_thaw_type) raw_typ_def)))
-      raw_typ_def raw_typ_use
+    Vartab.empty
+    |> Sign.typ_match thy (typ_decl, typ_ctxt)
+    |> Vartab.dest
+    |> map_filter prep_vartab
+    |> map (sortlookup thy)
+    |> filter_out null
-fun extract_classlookup_inst thy (class, tyco) supclass =
-  let
-    fun mk_typ class = Type (tyco, (map TFree o fst o the_inst_sign thy) (class, tyco))
-    val typ_def = mk_typ supclass;
-    val typ_use = mk_typ class;
-  in
-    extract_lookup thy (extract_sortctxt thy typ_def) typ_def typ_use
-  end;
-fun extract_classlookup_member thy (ty_decl, ty_use) =
-  extract_lookup thy (extract_sortctxt thy ty_decl) ty_decl ty_use;
 (* toplevel interface *)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:09:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:10:20 2006 +0200
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
   |> Symtab.update (
        #haskell CodegenSerializer.serializers
        |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
-            [nsp_module, nsp_class, nsp_tyco, nsp_dtcon]
+            (nsp_dtcon, [nsp_module, nsp_class, nsp_tyco, nsp_dtcon])
             [[nsp_module], [nsp_class], [nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_overl, nsp_mem], [nsp_dtcon], [nsp_inst], [nsp_instmem]]
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
 structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
-  val name = "Pure/CodegenPackage";
+  val name = "Pure/codegen_package";
   type T = {
     modl: module,
     gens: gens,
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
        of SOME cls =>
               val (v, cs) = (ClassPackage.the_consts_sign thy) cls;
-              val sortctxts = map (ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy o snd) cs;
+              val sortctxts = map (ClassPackage.sortcontext_of_typ thy o snd) cs;
               val idfs = map (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem o fst) cs;
@@ -623,14 +623,15 @@
       |-> (fn clss => pair (Lookup (clss, (v |> unprefix "'", if j = 1 then ~1 else i))))
 and mk_fun thy tabs (c, ty) trns =
   case CodegenTheorems.get_funs thy (c, Logic.legacy_varifyT ty)  (* FIXME *)
-   of SOME (ty, eq_thms) =>
+   of eq_thms as eq_thm :: _ =>
           val msg = cat_lines ("generating code for theorems " :: map string_of_thm eq_thms);
-          val sortctxt = ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy ty;
+          val ty = (Logic.legacy_unvarifyT o CodegenTheorems.extr_typ thy) eq_thm
+          val sortcontext = ClassPackage.sortcontext_of_typ thy ty;
           fun dest_eqthm eq_thm =
               val ((t, args), rhs) =
-                (apfst strip_comb o Logic.dest_equals o prop_of) eq_thm;
+                (apfst strip_comb o Logic.dest_equals o Logic.legacy_unvarify o prop_of) eq_thm;
             in case t
              of Const (c', _) => if c' = c then (args, rhs)
                  else error ("illegal function equation for " ^ quote c
@@ -645,11 +646,11 @@
           |> message msg (fn trns => trns
           |> fold_map (exprgen_eq o dest_eqthm) eq_thms
+          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortcontext
           ||>> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
-          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortctxt
-          |-> (fn ((eqs, ity), sortctxt) => (pair o SOME) ((eqs, (sortctxt, ity)), ty)))
+          |-> (fn ((eqs, sortctxt), ty) => (pair o SOME) ((eqs, (sortctxt, ty)), map snd sortcontext)))
-    | NONE => (NONE, trns)
+    | [] => (NONE, trns)
 and ensure_def_inst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) (cls, tyco) trns =
     fun defgen_inst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) inst trns =
@@ -657,20 +658,24 @@
        of SOME (_, (class, tyco)) =>
               val (arity, memdefs) = ClassPackage.the_inst_sign thy (class, tyco);
+              val arity_typ = Type (tyco, (map TFree arity));
+              val operational_arity = map_filter (fn (v, sort) => case ClassPackage.operational_sort_of thy sort
+               of [] => NONE
+                | sort => SOME (v, sort)) arity;
               fun gen_suparity supclass trns =
                 |> ensure_def_class thy tabs supclass
-                ||>> ensure_def_inst thy tabs (supclass, tyco)
-                ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
-                      (ClassPackage.extract_classlookup_inst thy (class, tyco) supclass)
-                |-> (fn ((supclass, inst), lss) => pair (supclass, (inst, lss)));
+                ||>> fold_map (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
+                      (ClassPackage.sortlookup thy ([supclass], arity_typ));
               fun gen_membr (m, ty) trns =
                 |> mk_fun thy tabs (m, ty)
                 |-> (fn NONE => error ("could not derive definition for member "
                           ^ quote m ^ " :: " ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy ty)
-                      | SOME (funn, ty_decl) => (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
-                       (ClassPackage.extract_classlookup_member thy (ty_decl, ty))
+                      | SOME (funn, sorts) => fold_map (fn (sort, sort_ctxt) =>
+                          fold_map (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
+                            (ClassPackage.sortlookup thy (sort, TFree sort_ctxt)))
+                            (sorts ~~ operational_arity)
                 #-> (fn lss =>
                        pair (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem m, ((idf_of_name thy nsp_instmem m, funn), lss))));
@@ -783,7 +788,7 @@
   |> ensure_def_const thy tabs (c, ty)
   ||>> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
   ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
-         (ClassPackage.extract_classlookup thy (c, ty))
+         (ClassPackage.sortlookups_const thy (c, ty))
   ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs) ts
   |-> (fn (((c, ty), ls), es) =>
          pair (IConst (c, (ls, ty)) `$$ es))
@@ -878,7 +883,7 @@
     |> ensure_def ((K o fail) "no extraction of wfrec") false ("generating wfrec") idf
     |> exprgen_type thy tabs ty'
     ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_classlookup thy tabs)
-           (ClassPackage.extract_classlookup thy (c, ty))
+           (ClassPackage.sortlookups_const thy (c, ty))
     ||>> exprgen_type thy tabs ty_def
     ||>> exprgen_term thy tabs tf
     ||>> exprgen_term thy tabs tx
@@ -1006,7 +1011,6 @@
         val tabs = mk_tabs thy NONE;
         val idfs = map (idf_of_const' thy tabs) cs;
-        val _ = writeln ("purging " ^ commas idfs);
         fun purge idfs modl =
           CodegenThingol.purge_module (filter (can (get_def modl)) idfs) modl
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:09:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:10:20 2006 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   val pretty_list: string -> string -> int * string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax;
   val serializers: {
     ml: string * (string * string * (string -> bool) -> serializer),
-    haskell: string * (string list -> serializer)
+    haskell: string * (string * string list -> serializer)
   val mk_flat_ml_resolver: string list -> string -> string;
   val ml_fun_datatype: string * string * (string -> bool)
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@
     |> postprocess_module name
-fun constructive_fun (name, (eqs, ty)) =
+fun constructive_fun is_cons (name, (eqs, ty)) =
     fun check_eq (eq as (lhs, rhs)) =
-      if forall CodegenThingol.is_pat lhs
+      if forall (CodegenThingol.is_pat is_cons) lhs
       then SOME eq
       else (warning ("in function " ^ quote name ^ ", throwing away one "
         ^ "non-executable function clause"); NONE)
@@ -342,22 +342,24 @@
     val ml_from_label =
       str o translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
         o NameSpace.base o resolv;
-    fun ml_from_tyvar (v, sort) =
-      let
-        fun mk_class v class =
-          str (prefix "'" v ^ " " ^ resolv class);
-      in
-        Pretty.block [
-          str "(",
-          str v,
-          str ":",
-          case sort
-           of [] => str "unit"
-            | [class] => mk_class v class
-            | _ => Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map (mk_class v) sort),
-          str ")"
-        ]
-      end;
+    fun ml_from_tyvar (v, []) =
+          str "()"
+      | ml_from_tyvar (v, sort) =
+          let
+            val w = (Char.toString o Char.toUpper o the o Char.fromString) v;
+            fun mk_class class =
+              str (prefix "'" v ^ " " ^ resolv class);
+          in
+            Pretty.block [
+              str "(",
+              str w,
+              str ":",
+              case sort
+               of [class] => mk_class class
+                | _ => Pretty.enum " *" "" "" (map mk_class sort),
+              str ")"
+            ]
+          end;
     fun ml_from_sortlookup fxy lss =
         fun from_label l =
@@ -365,16 +367,17 @@
             if (is_some o Int.fromString) l then str l
             else ml_from_label l
-        fun from_lookup fxy [] p = p
-          | from_lookup fxy [l] p =
+        fun from_lookup fxy [] v =
+              v
+          | from_lookup fxy [l] v =
               brackify fxy [
                 from_label l,
-                p
+                v
-          | from_lookup fxy ls p =
+          | from_lookup fxy ls v =
               brackify fxy [
                 Pretty.enum " o" "(" ")" (map from_label ls),
-                p
+                v
         fun from_classlookup fxy (Instance (inst, lss)) =
               brackify fxy (
@@ -382,9 +385,11 @@
                 :: map (ml_from_sortlookup BR) lss
           | from_classlookup fxy (Lookup (classes, (v, ~1))) =
-              from_lookup BR classes (str v)
+              from_lookup BR classes
+                ((str o Char.toString o Char.toUpper o the o Char.fromString) v)
           | from_classlookup fxy (Lookup (classes, (v, i))) =
-              from_lookup BR (string_of_int (i+1) :: classes) (str v)
+              from_lookup BR (string_of_int (i+1) :: classes)
+                ((str o Char.toString o Char.toUpper o the o Char.fromString) v)
       in case lss
        of [] => str "()"
         | [ls] => from_classlookup fxy ls
@@ -596,7 +601,7 @@
               :: map (mk_eq "|") eq_tl
-        val def' :: defs' = map (apsnd eta_expand_poly_fun o constructive_fun) defs
+        val def' :: defs' = map (apsnd eta_expand_poly_fun o constructive_fun is_cons) defs
         chunk_defs (
           (mk_fun (the (fold check_args defs NONE))) def'
@@ -653,6 +658,7 @@
         | _ => error ("class block without class: " ^ (commas o map (quote o fst)) defs)
     fun ml_from_class (name, (supclasses, (v, membrs))) =
+        val w = (Char.toString o Char.toUpper o the o Char.fromString) v;
         fun from_supclass class =
           Pretty.block [
             ml_from_label class,
@@ -673,10 +679,10 @@
           (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
             str "fun",
             (str o resolv) m, 
-            Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (v ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ resolv name)],
+            Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [str (w ^ ":'" ^ v ^ " " ^ resolv name)],
             str "=",
             Pretty.block [str "#", ml_from_label m],
-            str (v ^ ";")
+            str (w ^ ";")
         Pretty.chunks (
@@ -706,15 +712,12 @@
       | ml_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Classinst (((class, (tyco, arity)), suparities), memdefs)) =
             val definer = if null arity then "val" else "fun"
-            fun from_supclass (supclass, (supinst, lss)) =
-              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
-                ml_from_label supclass
-                :: str "="
-                :: (str o resolv) supinst
-                :: (if null lss andalso (not o null) arity
-                     then [str "()"]
-                     else map (ml_from_sortlookup NOBR) lss)
-              );
+            fun from_supclass (supclass, ls) =
+              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [
+                ml_from_label supclass,
+                str "=",
+                ml_from_sortlookup NOBR ls
+              ];
             fun from_memdef (m, ((m', def), lss)) =
               (ml_from_funs [(m', def)], (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
                 ml_from_label m
@@ -831,7 +834,7 @@
-fun hs_from_defs with_typs (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
+fun hs_from_defs (is_cons, with_typs) (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
     resolver prefix defs =
     val resolv = resolver "";
@@ -965,7 +968,7 @@
             Pretty.brk 1,
             hs_from_expr NOBR rhs
-      in Pretty.chunks ((map from_eq o fst o snd o constructive_fun) def) end;
+      in Pretty.chunks ((map from_eq o fst o snd o constructive_fun is_cons) def) end;
     fun hs_from_def (name, CodegenThingol.Fun (def as (_, (sctxt, ty)))) =
             val body = hs_from_funeqs (name, def);
@@ -1044,7 +1047,7 @@
-fun hs_from_thingol target nsps_upper nspgrp =
+fun hs_from_thingol target (nsp_dtcon, nsps_upper) nspgrp =
     val reserved_hs = [
       "hiding", "deriving", "where", "case", "of", "infix", "infixl", "infixr",
@@ -1053,6 +1056,7 @@
     ] @ [
       "Bool", "Integer", "Maybe", "True", "False", "Nothing", "Just", "not", "negate"
+    fun is_cons c = CodegenThingol.has_nsp c nsp_dtcon;
     fun hs_from_module resolv imps ((_, name), ps) =
       (Pretty.chunks) (
         str ("module " ^ name ^ " where")
@@ -1068,7 +1072,7 @@
         else ch_first Char.toLower n
     fun serializer with_typs = abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp)
-      "Main" (hs_from_defs with_typs, hs_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_hs, postproc);
+      "Main" (hs_from_defs (is_cons, with_typs), hs_from_module, abstract_validator reserved_hs, postproc);
     fun eta_expander const_syntax c =
       const_syntax c
       |> (fst o fst)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_theorems.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:09:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_theorems.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:10:20 2006 +0200
@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@
   val notify_dirty: theory -> theory;
   val proper_name: string -> string;
+  val extr_typ: theory -> thm -> typ;
   val common_typ: theory -> (thm -> typ) -> thm list -> thm list;
-  val preprocess: theory -> thm list -> (typ * thm list) option;
+  val preprocess: theory -> thm list -> thm list;
-  val get_funs: theory -> string * typ -> (typ * thm list) option;
+  val get_funs: theory -> string * typ -> thm list;
   val get_datatypes: theory -> string
     -> (((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list) * thm list) option;
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@
 structure CodegenTheoremsSetup = TheoryDataFun
-  val name = "Pure/CodegenTheoremsSetup";
+  val name = "Pure/codegen_theorems_setup";
   type T = ((string * thm) * ((string * string) * (string * string))) option;
   val empty = NONE;
   val copy = I;
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@
 structure CodegenTheoremsData = TheoryDataFun
-  val name = "Pure/CodegenTheoremsData";
+  val name = "Pure/codegen_theorems_data";
   type T = T;
   val empty = mk_T ((false, mk_notify []), (mk_preproc ([], []),
     (mk_extrs ([], []), mk_funthms ([], Symtab.empty))));
@@ -566,6 +567,9 @@
 (* preprocessing *)
+fun extr_typ thy thm = case dest_fun thy thm
+ of (_, (ty, _)) => ty;
 fun common_typ thy _ [] = []
   | common_typ thy _ [thm] = [thm]
   | common_typ thy extract_typ thms =
@@ -591,12 +595,8 @@
           |> Conjunction.intr_list
           |> f
           |> Conjunction.elim_list;
-    fun extr_typ thm = case dest_fun thy thm
-     of (_, (ty, _)) => ty;
-    fun tap_typ [] = NONE
-     | tap_typ (thms as (thm::_)) = SOME (extr_typ thm, thms);
     fun cmp_thms (thm1, thm2) =
-      not (Sign.typ_instance thy (extr_typ thm1, extr_typ thm2));
+      not (Sign.typ_instance thy (extr_typ thy thm1, extr_typ thy thm2));
     fun rewrite_rhs conv thm = (case (Drule.strip_comb o cprop_of) thm
      of (ct', [ct1, ct2]) => (case term_of ct'
          of Const ("==", _) =>
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
     |> sort (make_ord cmp_thms)
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "[cg_thm] common_typ")
     |> debug_msg (commas o map string_of_thm)
-    |> common_typ thy extr_typ
+    |> common_typ thy (extr_typ thy)
     |> debug_msg (fn _ => "[cg_thm] abs_norm")
     |> debug_msg (commas o map string_of_thm)
     |> map (abs_norm thy)
@@ -633,8 +633,6 @@
         #> Drule.zero_var_indexes
     |> drop_redundant thy
-    |> unvarify
-    |> tap_typ
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:09:48 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Jun 27 10:10:20 2006 +0200
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     ((string * (iclasslookup list list * itype)) * iexpr list) option;
   val add_constnames: iexpr -> string list -> string list;
   val add_varnames: iexpr -> string list -> string list;
-  val is_pat: iexpr -> bool;
+  val is_pat: (string -> bool) -> iexpr -> bool;
   val map_pure: (iexpr -> 'a) -> iexpr -> 'a;
   val resolve_tycos: (string -> string) -> itype * iexpr list -> itype * iexpr list;
   val resolve_consts: (string -> string) -> iexpr -> iexpr;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
     | Class of class list * (vname * (string * (sortcontext * itype)) list)
     | Classmember of class
     | Classinst of ((class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
-          * (class * (string * iclasslookup list list)) list)
+          * (class * iclasslookup list) list)
         * (string * ((string * funn) * iclasslookup list list)) list
     | Classinstmember;
   type module;
@@ -304,13 +304,13 @@
       | instant y = map_itype instant y;
   in instant end;
-fun is_pat (e as IConst (_, ([], _))) = true
-  | is_pat (e as IVar _) = true
-  | is_pat (e as (e1 `$ e2)) =
-      is_pat e1 andalso is_pat e2
-  | is_pat (e as INum _) = true
-  | is_pat (e as IChar _) = true
-  | is_pat e = false;
+fun is_pat is_cons (e as IConst (c, ([], _))) = is_cons  c
+  | is_pat _ (e as IVar _) = true
+  | is_pat is_cons (e as (e1 `$ e2)) =
+      is_pat is_cons e1 andalso is_pat is_cons e2
+  | is_pat _ (e as INum _) = true
+  | is_pat _ (e as IChar _) = true
+  | is_pat _ _ = false;
 fun map_pure f (e as IConst _) =
       f e
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
   | Class of class list * (vname * (string * (sortcontext * itype)) list)
   | Classmember of class
   | Classinst of ((class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
-        * (class * (string * iclasslookup list list)) list)
+        * (class * iclasslookup list) list)
       * (string * ((string * funn) * iclasslookup list list)) list
   | Classinstmember;
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
           |> (pair defs #> PN);
     fun select (PN (defs, modls)) (Module module) =
-      |> Graph.subgraph (Graph.all_succs module (defs @ map fst modls))
+      |> Graph.project (member (op =) (Graph.all_succs module (defs @ map fst modls)))
       |> fold (fn (name, modls) => Graph.map_node name (select modls)) modls
       |> Module;
@@ -1003,7 +1003,6 @@
             (map (fn (name, Def def) => (fst (mk_name prfx name), def)) ds)
     seri_module (resolver []) (map (resolver []) ((the o Symtab.lookup imptab) ""))
-      (*map (resolver []) (Graph.strong_conn module |> flat |> rev)*)
       (("", name_root), (mk_contents [] module))