Support for calculational proofs.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/calculation.ML Fri Jun 04 19:55:41 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+(* Title: Pure/Isar/calculation.ML
+ ID: $Id$
+ Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Support for calculational proofs.
+signature CALCULATION =
+ val print_global_rules: theory -> unit
+ val print_local_rules: Proof.context -> unit
+ val trans_add_global: theory attribute
+ val trans_del_global: theory attribute
+ val trans_add_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val trans_del_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val also: (thm -> unit) -> Proof.state -> Proof.state Seq.seq
+ val finally: (thm -> unit) -> Proof.state -> Proof.state Seq.seq
+ val setup: (theory -> theory) list
+structure Calculation: CALCULATION =
+(** global and local calculation data **)
+fun print_rules ths =
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "calculation rules:" (map Display.pretty_thm ths));
+(* theory data kind 'Isar/calculation' *)
+structure GlobalCalculationArgs =
+ val name = "Isar/calculation";
+ type T = thm list;
+ val empty = [];
+ val copy = I;
+ val prep_ext = I;
+ fun merge (ths1, ths2) = Library.generic_merge Thm.eq_thm I I ths1 ths2;
+ fun print _ = print_rules;
+structure GlobalCalculation = TheoryDataFun(GlobalCalculationArgs);
+val print_global_rules = GlobalCalculation.print;
+(* proof data kind 'Isar/calculation' *)
+structure LocalCalculationArgs =
+ val name = "Isar/calculation";
+ type T = thm list * (thm * int) option;
+ fun init thy = (GlobalCalculation.get thy, None);
+ fun print _ (ths, _) = print_rules ths;
+structure LocalCalculation = ProofDataFun(LocalCalculationArgs);
+val get_local_rules = #1 o LocalCalculation.get o Proof.context_of;
+val print_local_rules = LocalCalculation.print;
+(* access calculation *)
+fun get_calculation state =
+ (case #2 (LocalCalculation.get (Proof.context_of state)) of
+ None => None
+ | Some (thm, lev) => if lev = Proof.level state then Some thm else None);
+fun put_calculation thm state =
+ LocalCalculation.put_st (get_local_rules state, Some (thm, Proof.level state)) state;
+(** attributes **)
+(* trans add/del *)
+fun map_rules_global f thy = GlobalCalculation.put (f (GlobalCalculation.get thy)) thy;
+fun map_rules_local f ctxt = LocalCalculation.put (f (LocalCalculation.get ctxt)) ctxt;
+fun add_trans thm rules = Library.gen_ins Thm.eq_thm (thm, rules);
+fun del_trans thm rules = Library.gen_rem Thm.eq_thm (rules, thm);
+fun mk_att f g (x, thm) = (f (g thm) x, thm);
+val trans_add_global = mk_att map_rules_global add_trans;
+val trans_del_global = mk_att map_rules_global del_trans;
+val trans_add_local = mk_att map_rules_local (Library.apfst o add_trans);
+val trans_del_local = mk_att map_rules_local (Library.apfst o del_trans);
+(* concrete syntax *)
+val transN = "trans";
+val addN = "add";
+val delN = "del";
+fun trans_att add del =
+ Attrib.syntax (Scan.lift (Args.$$$ addN >> K add || Args.$$$ delN >> K del || Scan.succeed add));
+val trans_attr =
+ (trans_att trans_add_global trans_del_global, trans_att trans_add_local trans_del_local);
+(** proof commands **)
+val calculationN = "calculation";
+fun calculate final prt state =
+ let
+ val fact = Proof.the_fact state;
+ val dddot = ObjectLogic.dest_main_statement (#prop (Thm.rep_thm fact)) handle TERM _ =>
+ raise Proof.STATE ("Unable to bind '...' pattern from current fact", state);
+ val name = if final then "" else calculationN;
+ fun have_thm thm = Proof.have_thmss name [] [([thm], [])];
+ val rules = Seq.of_list (get_local_rules state);
+ val calculations =
+ (case get_calculation state of
+ None => Seq.single fact
+ | Some thm => Seq.flat ( (Method.multi_resolve [thm, fact]) rules));
+ in
+ calculations
+ |> (fn calc =>
+ (prt calc;
+ state
+ |> Proof.bind_i [(Syntax.dddot_indexname, dddot)]
+ |> have_thm calc
+ |> (if final then I else Proof.reset_facts)))
+ end;
+val also = calculate false;
+val finally = calculate true;
+(** theory setup **)
+val setup = [GlobalCalculation.init, LocalCalculation.init,
+ Attrib.add_attributes [(transN, trans_attr, "transitivity rule")]];