reimplemented Mirabelle as Isabelle/ML presentation hook + Isabelle/Scala tool, but sledgehammer is still inactive;
Fri, 14 May 2021 21:32:11 +0200
changeset 73691 2f9877db82a1
parent 73690 9267a04aabe6
child 73692 8444d4ff5646
reimplemented Mirabelle as Isabelle/ML presentation hook + Isabelle/Scala tool, but sledgehammer is still inactive;
--- a/etc/components	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/etc/components	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
--- a/etc/options	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/etc/options	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
   -- "level of parallel proof checking: 0, 1, 2"
 option parallel_subproofs_threshold : real = 0.01
   -- "lower bound of timing estimate for forked nested proofs (seconds)"
+option parallel_presentation : bool = true
+  -- "parallel theory presentation"
 option command_timing_threshold : real = 0.1
   -- "default threshold for persistent command timing (seconds)"
--- a/src/HOL/Main.thy	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Main.thy	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+    Mirabelle
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle.thy	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle.thy
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
+theory Mirabelle
+  imports Sledgehammer Predicate_Compile
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_arith.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_metis.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML\<close>
+ML_file \<open>Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_try0.ML\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Mirabelle.thy	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Mirabelle.thy
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-theory Mirabelle
-imports Main
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle.ML\<close>
-ML \<open>Toplevel.add_hook Mirabelle.step_hook\<close>
-ML \<open>
-  val invoke : (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Mirabelle_Test.thy	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Mirabelle_Test.thy
-    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-section \<open>Simple test theory for Mirabelle actions\<close>
-theory Mirabelle_Test
-imports Main Mirabelle
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_arith.ML\<close>
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_metis.ML\<close>
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML\<close>
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML\<close>
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML\<close>
-ML_file \<open>Tools/mirabelle_try0.ML\<close>
-text \<open>
-  Only perform type-checking of the actions,
-  any reasonable test would be too complicated.
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-signature MIRABELLE =
-  (*configuration*)
-  val logfile : string Config.T
-  val timeout : int Config.T
-  val start_line : int Config.T
-  val end_line : int Config.T
-  (*core*)
-  type init_action = int -> theory -> theory
-  type done_args = {last: Toplevel.state, log: string -> unit}
-  type done_action = int -> done_args -> unit
-  type run_args = {pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state option,
-    timeout: Time.time, log: string -> unit, pos: Position.T, name: string}
-  type run_action = int -> run_args -> unit
-  type action = init_action * run_action * done_action
-  val catch : (int -> string) -> run_action -> run_action
-  val catch_result : (int -> string) -> 'a -> (int -> run_args -> 'a) ->
-    int -> run_args -> 'a
-  val register : action -> theory -> theory
-  val step_hook : Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> Toplevel.state ->
-    unit
-  (*utility functions*)
-  val can_apply : Time.time -> (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) ->
-    Proof.state -> bool
-  val theorems_in_proof_term : theory -> thm -> thm list
-  val theorems_of_sucessful_proof : Toplevel.state option -> thm list
-  val get_setting : (string * string) list -> string * string -> string
-  val get_int_setting : (string * string) list -> string * int -> int
-  val get_bool_setting : (string * string) list -> string * bool -> bool
-  val cpu_time : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * int
-structure Mirabelle : MIRABELLE =
-(* Mirabelle configuration *)
-val logfile = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_logfile\<close> (K "")
-val timeout = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_timeout\<close> (K 30)
-val start_line = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_start_line\<close> (K 0)
-val end_line = Attrib.setup_config_int \<^binding>\<open>mirabelle_end_line\<close> (K ~1)
-(* Mirabelle core *)
-type init_action = int -> theory -> theory
-type done_args = {last: Toplevel.state, log: string -> unit}
-type done_action = int -> done_args -> unit
-type run_args = {pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state option,
-  timeout: Time.time, log: string -> unit, pos: Position.T, name: string}
-type run_action = int -> run_args -> unit
-type action = init_action * run_action * done_action
-structure Actions = Theory_Data
-  type T = (int * run_action * done_action) list
-  val empty = []
-  val extend = I
-  fun merge data = Library.merge (K true) data  (* FIXME potential data loss because of (K true) *)
-fun exn_log tag id e = tag id ^ "exception:\n" ^ General.exnMessage e
-fun catch tag f id (args: run_args) = f id args
-  handle exn =>
-    if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else #log args (exn_log tag id exn)
-fun catch_result tag default f id (args: run_args) = f id args
-  handle exn =>
-    if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else (#log args (exn_log tag id exn); default)
-fun register (init, run, done) thy =
-  let val id = length (Actions.get thy) + 1
-  in
-    thy
-    |> init id
-    |> (cons (id, run, done))
-  end
-fun log thy s =
-  let fun append_to n = if n = "" then K () else File.append (Path.explode n)
-  in append_to (Config.get_global thy logfile) (s ^ "\n") end
-  (* FIXME: with multithreading and parallel proofs enabled, we might need to
-     encapsulate this inside a critical section *)
-fun log_sep thy = log thy "------------------"
-fun apply_actions thy pos name info (pre, post, time) actions =
-  let
-    fun apply f = f {pre=pre, post=post, timeout=time, log=log thy, pos=pos, name=name}
-    fun run (id, run, _) = (apply (run id); log_sep thy)
-  in (log thy info; log_sep thy; run actions) end
-fun in_range _ _ NONE = true
-  | in_range l r (SOME i) = (l <= i andalso (r < 0 orelse i <= r))
-fun only_within_range thy pos f x =
-  let val l = Config.get_global thy start_line and r = Config.get_global thy end_line
-  in if in_range l r (Position.line_of pos) then f x else () end
-fun run_actions tr pre post =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof.theory_of pre
-    val pos = Toplevel.pos_of tr
-    val name = Toplevel.name_of tr
-    val st = (pre, post, Time.fromSeconds (Config.get_global thy timeout))
-    val str0 = string_of_int o the_default 0
-    val loc = str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ":" ^ str0 (Position.offset_of pos)
-    val info = "\n\nat " ^ loc ^ " (" ^ name ^ "):"
-  in
-    only_within_range thy pos (apply_actions thy pos name info st) (Actions.get thy)
-  end
-fun done_actions st =
-  let
-    val thy = Toplevel.theory_of st
-    val _ = log thy "\n\n";
-  in
-    thy
-    |> Actions.get
-    |> (fn (id, _, done) => done id {last=st, log=log thy})
-  end
-val whitelist = ["apply", "by", "proof"]
-fun step_hook tr pre post =
- (* FIXME: might require wrapping into "interruptible" *)
-  if can (Proof.assert_backward o Toplevel.proof_of) pre andalso
-     member (op =) whitelist (Toplevel.name_of tr)
-  then run_actions tr (Toplevel.proof_of pre) (SOME post)
-  else if not (Toplevel.is_toplevel pre) andalso Toplevel.is_toplevel post
-  then done_actions pre
-  else ()   (* FIXME: add theory_hook here *)
-(* Mirabelle utility functions *)
-fun can_apply time tac st =
-  let
-    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal st
-    val full_tac = HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt facts THEN' tac ctxt)
-  in
-    (case try (Timeout.apply time (Seq.pull o full_tac)) goal of
-      SOME (SOME _) => true
-    | _ => false)
-  end
-fun fold_body_thms f =
-  let
-    fun app n (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, thm_node) =>
-      fn (x, seen) =>
-        if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
-        else
-          let
-            val name = Proofterm.thm_node_name thm_node
-            val prop = Proofterm.thm_node_prop thm_node
-            val body = Future.join (Proofterm.thm_node_body thm_node)
-            val (x', seen') = app (n + (if name = "" then 0 else 1)) body
-              (x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen)
-        in (x' |> n = 0 ? f (name, prop, body), seen') end)
-  in fn bodies => fn x => #1 (fold (app 0) bodies (x, Inttab.empty)) end
-fun theorems_in_proof_term thy thm =
-  let
-    val all_thms = Global_Theory.all_thms_of thy true
-    fun collect (s, _, _) = if s <> "" then insert (op =) s else I
-    fun member_of xs (x, y) = if member (op =) xs x then SOME y else NONE
-    fun resolve_thms names = map_filter (member_of names) all_thms
-  in
-    resolve_thms (fold_body_thms collect [Thm.proof_body_of thm] [])
-  end
-fun theorems_of_sucessful_proof state =
-  (case state of
-    NONE => []
-  | SOME st =>
-      if not (Toplevel.is_proof st) then []
-      else
-        theorems_in_proof_term (Toplevel.theory_of st) (#goal (Proof.goal (Toplevel.proof_of st))))
-fun get_setting settings (key, default) =
-  the_default default (AList.lookup (op =) settings key)
-fun get_int_setting settings (key, default) =
-  (case Int.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) settings key) of
-    SOME (SOME i) => i
-  | SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
-  | NONE => default)
-fun get_bool_setting settings (key, default) =
-  (case Bool.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) settings key) of
-    SOME (SOME i) => i
-  | SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
-  | NONE => default)
-fun cpu_time f x =
-  let val ({cpu, ...}, y) = Timing.timing f x
-  in (y, Time.toMilliseconds cpu) end
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_arith.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_arith.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Arith : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-fun arith_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " arith: "
-fun init _ = I
-fun done _ _ = ()
-fun run id ({pre, timeout, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  if Mirabelle.can_apply timeout Arith_Data.arith_tac pre
-  then log (arith_tag id ^ "succeeded")
-  else ()
-  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => log (arith_tag id ^ "timeout")
-fun invoke _ = Mirabelle.register (init, Mirabelle.catch arith_tag run, done)
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_metis.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_metis.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Metis : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-fun metis_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " metis: "
-fun init _ = I
-fun done _ _ = ()
-fun run id ({pre, post, timeout, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  let
-    val thms = Mirabelle.theorems_of_sucessful_proof post
-    val names = map Thm.get_name_hint thms
-    val add_info = if null names then I else suffix (":\n" ^ commas names)
-    val facts = map #1 (Facts.props (Proof_Context.facts_of (Proof.context_of pre)))
-    fun metis ctxt =
-      Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.liftingN ctxt
-                             (thms @ facts)
-  in
-    (if Mirabelle.can_apply timeout metis pre then "succeeded" else "failed")
-    |> prefix (metis_tag id)
-    |> add_info
-    |> log
-  end
-  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => log (metis_tag id ^ "timeout")
-       | ERROR msg => log (metis_tag id ^ "error: " ^ msg)
-fun invoke _ = Mirabelle.register (init, Mirabelle.catch metis_tag run, done)
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Quickcheck : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-fun qc_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " quickcheck: "
-fun init _ = I
-fun done _ _ = ()
-fun run args id ({pre, timeout, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  let
-    val has_valid_key = member (op =) ["iterations", "size", "generator"] o fst
-    val quickcheck = Quickcheck.quickcheck (map (apsnd single) (filter has_valid_key args)) 1
-  in
-    (case Timeout.apply timeout quickcheck pre of
-      NONE => log (qc_tag id ^ "no counterexample")
-    | SOME _ => log (qc_tag id ^ "counterexample found"))
-  end
-  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => log (qc_tag id ^ "timeout")
-       | ERROR msg => log (qc_tag id ^ "error: " ^ msg)
-fun invoke args =
-  Mirabelle.register (init, Mirabelle.catch qc_tag (run args), done)
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme and Tobias Nipkow, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-(*To facilitate synching the description of Mirabelle Sledgehammer parameters
- (in ../lib/Tools/mirabelle) with the parameters actually used by this
- interface, the former extracts PARAMETER and DESCRIPTION from code below which
- has this pattern (provided it appears in a single line):
-(* NOTE: Do not forget to update the Sledgehammer documentation to reflect changes here. *)
-val check_trivialK = "check_trivial" (*=BOOL: check if goals are "trivial"*)
-val e_selection_heuristicK = "e_selection_heuristic" (*=STRING: E clause selection heuristic*)
-val fact_filterK = "fact_filter" (*=STRING: fact filter*)
-val force_sosK = "force_sos" (*=BOOL: use set-of-support (in Vampire)*)
-val isar_proofsK = "isar_proofs" (*=SMART_BOOL: enable Isar proof generation*)
-val keepK = "keep" (*=PATH: path where to keep temporary files created by sledgehammer*)
-val lam_transK = "lam_trans" (*=STRING: lambda translation scheme*)
-val max_callsK = "max_calls" (*=NUM: max. no. of calls to sledgehammer*)
-val max_factsK = "max_facts" (*=NUM: max. relevant clauses to use*)
-val max_mono_itersK = "max_mono_iters" (*=NUM: max. iterations of monomorphiser*)
-val max_new_mono_instancesK = "max_new_mono_instances" (*=NUM: max. new monomorphic instances*)
-val max_relevantK = "max_relevant" (*=NUM: max. relevant clauses to use*)
-val minimizeK = "minimize" (*=BOOL: instruct sledgehammer to run its minimizer*)
-val preplay_timeoutK = "preplay_timeout" (*=TIME: timeout for finding reconstructed proof*)
-val proof_methodK = "proof_method" (*=STRING: how to reconstruct proofs (ie. using metis/smt)*)
-val proverK = "prover" (*=STRING: name of the external prover to call*)
-val prover_timeoutK = "prover_timeout" (*=TIME: timeout for invoked ATP (seconds of process time)*)
-val sliceK = "slice" (*=BOOL: allow sledgehammer-level strategy-scheduling*)
-val smt_proofsK = "smt_proofs" (*=BOOL: enable SMT proof generation*)
-val strictK = "strict" (*=BOOL: run in strict mode*)
-val strideK = "stride" (*=NUM: run every nth goal*)
-val term_orderK = "term_order" (*=STRING: term order (in E)*)
-val type_encK = "type_enc" (*=STRING: type encoding scheme*)
-val uncurried_aliasesK = "uncurried_aliases" (*=SMART_BOOL: use fresh function names to alias curried applications*)
-fun sh_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " sledgehammer: "
-fun proof_method_tag meth id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " " ^ (!meth) ^ " (sledgehammer): "
-val separator = "-----"
-(*FIXME sensible to have Mirabelle-level Sledgehammer defaults?*)
-(*defaults used in this Mirabelle action*)
-val preplay_timeout_default = "1"
-val lam_trans_default = "smart"
-val uncurried_aliases_default = "smart"
-val fact_filter_default = "smart"
-val type_enc_default = "smart"
-val strict_default = "false"
-val stride_default = 1
-val max_facts_default = "smart"
-val slice_default = "true"
-val max_calls_default = 10000000
-val check_trivial_default = false
-(*If a key is present in args then augment a list with its pair*)
-(*This is used to avoid fixing default values at the Mirabelle level, and
-  instead use the default values of the tool (Sledgehammer in this case).*)
-fun available_parameter args key label list =
-  let
-    val value = AList.lookup (op =) args key
-  in if is_some value then (label, the value) :: list else list end
-datatype sh_data = ShData of {
-  calls: int,
-  success: int,
-  nontriv_calls: int,
-  nontriv_success: int,
-  lemmas: int,
-  max_lems: int,
-  time_isa: int,
-  time_prover: int,
-  time_prover_fail: int}
-datatype re_data = ReData of {
-  calls: int,
-  success: int,
-  nontriv_calls: int,
-  nontriv_success: int,
-  proofs: int,
-  time: int,
-  timeout: int,
-  lemmas: int * int * int,
-  posns: (Position.T * bool) list
-  }
-fun make_sh_data
-      (calls,success,nontriv_calls,nontriv_success,lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,
-       time_prover,time_prover_fail) =
-  ShData{calls=calls, success=success, nontriv_calls=nontriv_calls,
-         nontriv_success=nontriv_success, lemmas=lemmas, max_lems=max_lems,
-         time_isa=time_isa, time_prover=time_prover,
-         time_prover_fail=time_prover_fail}
-fun make_re_data (calls,success,nontriv_calls,nontriv_success,proofs,time,
-                  timeout,lemmas,posns) =
-  ReData{calls=calls, success=success, nontriv_calls=nontriv_calls,
-         nontriv_success=nontriv_success, proofs=proofs, time=time,
-         timeout=timeout, lemmas=lemmas, posns=posns}
-val empty_sh_data = make_sh_data (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-val empty_re_data = make_re_data (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (0,0,0), [])
-fun tuple_of_sh_data (ShData {calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success,
-                              lemmas, max_lems, time_isa,
-  time_prover, time_prover_fail}) = (calls, success, nontriv_calls,
-  nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
-fun tuple_of_re_data (ReData {calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success,
-  proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, posns}) = (calls, success, nontriv_calls,
-  nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, posns)
-datatype data = Data of {
-  sh: sh_data,
-  re_u: re_data (* proof method with unminimized set of lemmas *)
-  }
-fun make_data (sh, re_u) = Data {sh=sh, re_u=re_u}
-val empty_data = make_data (empty_sh_data, empty_re_data)
-fun map_sh_data f (Data {sh, re_u}) =
-  let val sh' = make_sh_data (f (tuple_of_sh_data sh))
-  in make_data (sh', re_u) end
-fun map_re_data f (Data {sh, re_u}) =
-  let
-    val f' = make_re_data o f o tuple_of_re_data
-    val re_u' = f' re_u
-  in make_data (sh, re_u') end
-fun inc_max (n:int) (s,sos,m) = (s+n, sos + n*n, Int.max(m,n));
-val inc_sh_calls =  map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls + 1, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
-val inc_sh_success = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls, success + 1, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
-val inc_sh_nontriv_calls =  map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls + 1, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
-val inc_sh_nontriv_success = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success + 1, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
-fun inc_sh_lemmas n = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas+n,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
-fun inc_sh_max_lems n = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,Int.max(max_lems,n),time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
-fun inc_sh_time_isa t = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa + t,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
-fun inc_sh_time_prover t = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover + t,time_prover_fail))
-fun inc_sh_time_prover_fail t = map_sh_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
-    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail + t))
-val inc_proof_method_calls = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls + 1, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-val inc_proof_method_success = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success + 1, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-val inc_proof_method_nontriv_calls = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls + 1, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-val inc_proof_method_nontriv_success = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success + 1, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-val inc_proof_method_proofs = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs + 1, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-fun inc_proof_method_time t = map_re_data
- (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-  => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time + t, timeout, lemmas,posns))
-val inc_proof_method_timeout = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout + 1, lemmas,posns))
-fun inc_proof_method_lemmas n = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, inc_max n lemmas, posns))
-fun inc_proof_method_posns pos = map_re_data
-  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
-    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, pos::posns))
-val str0 = string_of_int o the_default 0
-val str = string_of_int
-val str3 = Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 3))
-fun percentage a b = string_of_int (a * 100 div b)
-fun time t = Real.fromInt t / 1000.0
-fun avg_time t n =
-  if n > 0 then (Real.fromInt t / 1000.0) / Real.fromInt n else 0.0
-fun log_sh_data log
-    (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail) =
- (log ("Total number of sledgehammer calls: " ^ str calls);
-  log ("Number of successful sledgehammer calls: " ^ str success);
-  log ("Number of sledgehammer lemmas: " ^ str lemmas);
-  log ("Max number of sledgehammer lemmas: " ^ str max_lems);
-  log ("Success rate: " ^ percentage success calls ^ "%");
-  log ("Total number of nontrivial sledgehammer calls: " ^ str nontriv_calls);
-  log ("Number of successful nontrivial sledgehammer calls: " ^ str nontriv_success);
-  log ("Total time for sledgehammer calls (Isabelle): " ^ str3 (time time_isa));
-  log ("Total time for successful sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^ str3 (time time_prover));
-  log ("Total time for failed sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^ str3 (time time_prover_fail));
-  log ("Average time for sledgehammer calls (Isabelle): " ^
-    str3 (avg_time time_isa calls));
-  log ("Average time for successful sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^
-    str3 (avg_time time_prover success));
-  log ("Average time for failed sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^
-    str3 (avg_time time_prover_fail (calls - success)))
-  )
-fun str_of_pos (pos, triv) =
-  str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ":" ^ str0 (Position.offset_of pos) ^
-  (if triv then "[T]" else "")
-fun log_re_data log tag sh_calls (re_calls, re_success, re_nontriv_calls,
-     re_nontriv_success, re_proofs, re_time, re_timeout,
-    (lemmas, lems_sos, lems_max), re_posns) =
- (log ("Total number of " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_calls);
-  log ("Number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_success ^
-    " (proof: " ^ str re_proofs ^ ")");
-  log ("Number of " ^ tag ^ "proof method timeouts: " ^ str re_timeout);
-  log ("Success rate: " ^ percentage re_success sh_calls ^ "%");
-  log ("Total number of nontrivial " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_nontriv_calls);
-  log ("Number of successful nontrivial " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_nontriv_success ^
-    " (proof: " ^ str re_proofs ^ ")");
-  log ("Number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lemmas);
-  log ("SOS of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lems_sos);
-  log ("Max number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lems_max);
-  log ("Total time for successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str3 (time re_time));
-  log ("Average time for successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^
-    str3 (avg_time re_time re_success));
-  if tag=""
-  then log ("Proved: " ^ space_implode " " (map str_of_pos re_posns))
-  else ()
- )
-fun log_data id log (Data {sh, re_u}) =
-  let
-    val ShData {calls=sh_calls, ...} = sh
-    fun app_if (ReData {calls, ...}) f = if calls > 0 then f () else ()
-    fun log_re tag m =
-      log_re_data log tag sh_calls (tuple_of_re_data m)
-    fun log_proof_method (tag1, m1) = app_if m1 (fn () => (log_re tag1 m1; log ""))
-  in
-    if sh_calls > 0
-    then
-     (log ("\n\n\nReport #" ^ string_of_int id ^ ":\n");
-      log_sh_data log (tuple_of_sh_data sh);
-      log "";
-      log_proof_method ("", re_u))
-    else ()
-  end
-(* Warning: we implicitly assume single-threaded execution here *)
-val data = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * data) list)
-fun init id thy = (Unsynchronized.change data (cons (id, empty_data)); thy)
-fun done id ({log, ...}: Mirabelle.done_args) =
-  AList.lookup (op =) (!data) id
-  |> (log_data id log)
-  |> K ()
-fun change_data id f = (Unsynchronized.change data (AList.map_entry (op =) id f); ())
-fun get_prover_name thy args =
-  let
-    fun default_prover_name () =
-      hd (#provers (Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy []))
-      handle List.Empty => error "No ATP available"
-  in
-    (case AList.lookup (op =) args proverK of
-      SOME name => name
-    | NONE => default_prover_name ())
-  end
-fun get_prover ctxt name params goal =
-  let
-    val learn = Sledgehammer_MaSh.mash_learn_proof ctxt params (Thm.prop_of goal)
-  in
-    Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.get_minimizing_prover ctxt Sledgehammer_Prover.Normal learn name
-  end
-type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
-fun is_good_line s =
-  (String.isSubstring " ms)" s orelse String.isSubstring " s)" s)
-  andalso not (String.isSubstring "(> " s)
-  andalso not (String.isSubstring ", > " s)
-  andalso not (String.isSubstring "may fail" s)
-(* Fragile hack *)
-fun proof_method_from_msg args msg =
-  (case AList.lookup (op =) args proof_methodK of
-    SOME name =>
-    if name = "smart" then
-      if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
-        "none"
-      else
-        "fail"
-    else
-      name
-  | NONE =>
-    if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
-      "none" (* trust the preplayed proof *)
-    else if String.isSubstring "metis (" msg then
-      msg |> Substring.full
-          |> Substring.position "metis ("
-          |> snd |> Substring.position ")"
-          |> fst |> Substring.string
-          |> suffix ")"
-    else if String.isSubstring "metis" msg then
-      "metis"
-    else
-      "smt")
-datatype sh_result =
-  SH_OK of int * int * (string * stature) list |
-  SH_FAIL of int * int |
-fun run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice
-      lam_trans uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
-      hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
-      minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof.theory_of st
-    val {context = ctxt, facts = chained_ths, goal} = Proof.goal st
-    val i = 1
-    fun set_file_name (SOME dir) =
-        Config.put Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.atp_dest_dir dir
-        #> Config.put Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.atp_problem_prefix
-          ("prob_" ^ str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ "__")
-        #> Config.put SMT_Config.debug_files
-          (dir ^ "/" ^ Name.desymbolize (SOME false) (ATP_Util.timestamp ()) ^ "_"
-          ^ serial_string ())
-      | set_file_name NONE = I
-    val st' =
-      st
-      |> Proof.map_context
-           (set_file_name dir
-            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.e_selection_heuristic)
-                  e_selection_heuristic |> the_default I)
-            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.term_order)
-                  term_order |> the_default I)
-            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.force_sos)
-                  force_sos |> the_default I))
-    val params as {max_facts, minimize, preplay_timeout, ...} =
-      Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy
-         ([(* ("verbose", "true"), *)
-           ("fact_filter", fact_filter),
-           ("type_enc", type_enc),
-           ("strict", strict),
-           ("lam_trans", lam_trans |> the_default lam_trans_default),
-           ("uncurried_aliases", uncurried_aliases |> the_default uncurried_aliases_default),
-           ("max_facts", max_facts),
-           ("slice", slice),
-           ("timeout", string_of_int timeout),
-           ("preplay_timeout", preplay_timeout)]
-          |> isar_proofsLST
-          |> smt_proofsLST
-          |> minimizeLST (*don't confuse the two minimization flags*)
-          |> max_new_mono_instancesLST
-          |> max_mono_itersLST)
-    val default_max_facts =
-      Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.default_max_facts_of_prover ctxt prover_name
-    val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = ATP_Util.strip_subgoal goal i ctxt
-    val time_limit =
-      (case hard_timeout of
-        NONE => I
-      | SOME secs => Timeout.apply (Time.fromSeconds secs))
-    fun failed failure =
-      ({outcome = SOME failure, used_facts = [], used_from = [],
-        preferred_methss = (Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods.Auto_Method, []), run_time = Time.zeroTime,
-        message = K ""}, ~1)
-    val ({outcome, used_facts, preferred_methss, run_time, message, ...}
-         : Sledgehammer_Prover.prover_result,
-         time_isa) = time_limit (Mirabelle.cpu_time (fn () =>
-      let
-        val ho_atp = Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.is_ho_atp ctxt prover_name
-        val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt
-        val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
-        val facts =
-          Sledgehammer_Fact.nearly_all_facts ctxt ho_atp
-              Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override keywords css_table chained_ths
-              hyp_ts concl_t
-        val factss =
-          facts
-          |> Sledgehammer_MaSh.relevant_facts ctxt params prover_name
-                 (the_default default_max_facts max_facts)
-                 Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override hyp_ts concl_t
-          |> tap (fn factss =>
-                     "Line " ^ str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ": " ^
-                     Sledgehammer.string_of_factss factss
-                     |> writeln)
-        val prover = get_prover ctxt prover_name params goal
-        val problem =
-          {comment = "", state = st', goal = goal, subgoal = i,
-           subgoal_count = Sledgehammer_Util.subgoal_count st, factss = factss, found_proof = I}
-      in prover params problem end)) ()
-      handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => failed ATP_Proof.TimedOut
-           | Fail "inappropriate" => failed ATP_Proof.Inappropriate
-    val time_prover = run_time |> Time.toMilliseconds
-    val msg = message (fn () => Sledgehammer.play_one_line_proof minimize preplay_timeout used_facts
-      st' i preferred_methss)
-  in
-    (case outcome of
-      NONE => (msg, SH_OK (time_isa, time_prover, used_facts))
-    | SOME _ => (msg, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_prover)))
-  end
-  handle ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
-fun run_sledgehammer trivial args proof_method named_thms id
-      ({pre=st, log, pos, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof.theory_of st
-    val triv_str = if trivial then "[T] " else ""
-    val _ = change_data id inc_sh_calls
-    val _ = if trivial then () else change_data id inc_sh_nontriv_calls
-    val prover_name = get_prover_name thy args
-    val fact_filter = AList.lookup (op =) args fact_filterK |> the_default fact_filter_default
-    val type_enc = AList.lookup (op =) args type_encK |> the_default type_enc_default
-    val strict = AList.lookup (op =) args strictK |> the_default strict_default
-    val max_facts =
-      (case AList.lookup (op =) args max_factsK of
-        SOME max => max
-      | NONE =>
-        (case AList.lookup (op =) args max_relevantK of
-          SOME max => max
-        | NONE => max_facts_default))
-    val slice = AList.lookup (op =) args sliceK |> the_default slice_default
-    val lam_trans = AList.lookup (op =) args lam_transK
-    val uncurried_aliases = AList.lookup (op =) args uncurried_aliasesK
-    val e_selection_heuristic = AList.lookup (op =) args e_selection_heuristicK
-    val term_order = AList.lookup (op =) args term_orderK
-    val force_sos = AList.lookup (op =) args force_sosK
-      |> (curry (op <>) "false")
-    val dir = AList.lookup (op =) args keepK
-    val timeout = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (prover_timeoutK, 30)
-    (* always use a hard timeout, but give some slack so that the automatic
-       minimizer has a chance to do its magic *)
-    val preplay_timeout = AList.lookup (op =) args preplay_timeoutK
-      |> the_default preplay_timeout_default
-    val isar_proofsLST = available_parameter args isar_proofsK "isar_proofs"
-    val smt_proofsLST = available_parameter args smt_proofsK "smt_proofs"
-    val minimizeLST = available_parameter args minimizeK "minimize"
-    val max_new_mono_instancesLST =
-      available_parameter args max_new_mono_instancesK max_new_mono_instancesK
-    val max_mono_itersLST = available_parameter args max_mono_itersK max_mono_itersK
-    val hard_timeout = SOME (4 * timeout)
-    val (msg, result) =
-      run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice lam_trans
-        uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
-        hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
-        minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st
-  in
-    (case result of
-      SH_OK (time_isa, time_prover, names) =>
-        let
-          fun get_thms (name, stature) =
-            try (Sledgehammer_Util.thms_of_name (Proof.context_of st))
-              name
-            |> (pair (name, stature))
-        in
-          change_data id inc_sh_success;
-          if trivial then () else change_data id inc_sh_nontriv_success;
-          change_data id (inc_sh_lemmas (length names));
-          change_data id (inc_sh_max_lems (length names));
-          change_data id (inc_sh_time_isa time_isa);
-          change_data id (inc_sh_time_prover time_prover);
-          proof_method := proof_method_from_msg args msg;
-          named_thms := SOME (map_filter get_thms names);
-          log (sh_tag id ^ triv_str ^ "succeeded (" ^ string_of_int time_isa ^ "+" ^
-            string_of_int time_prover ^ ") [" ^ prover_name ^ "]:\n" ^ msg)
-        end
-    | SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_prover) =>
-        let
-          val _ = change_data id (inc_sh_time_isa time_isa)
-          val _ = change_data id (inc_sh_time_prover_fail time_prover)
-        in log (sh_tag id ^ triv_str ^ "failed: " ^ msg) end
-    | SH_ERROR => log (sh_tag id ^ "failed: " ^ msg))
-  end
-fun override_params prover type_enc timeout =
-  [("provers", prover),
-   ("max_facts", "0"),
-   ("type_enc", type_enc),
-   ("strict", "true"),
-   ("slice", "false"),
-   ("timeout", timeout |> Time.toSeconds |> string_of_int)]
-fun run_proof_method trivial full name meth named_thms id
-    ({pre=st, timeout, log, pos, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  let
-    fun do_method named_thms ctxt =
-      let
-        val ref_of_str = (* FIXME proper wrapper for parser combinators *)
-          suffix ";" #> Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt) Position.none
-          #> Parse.thm #> fst
-        val thms = named_thms |> maps snd
-        val facts = named_thms |> map (ref_of_str o fst o fst)
-        val fact_override = {add = facts, del = [], only = true}
-        fun my_timeout time_slice =
-          timeout |> Time.toReal |> curry (op *) time_slice |> Time.fromReal
-        fun sledge_tac time_slice prover type_enc =
-          Sledgehammer_Tactics.sledgehammer_as_oracle_tac ctxt
-            (override_params prover type_enc (my_timeout time_slice)) fact_override []
-      in
-        if !meth = "sledgehammer_tac" then
-          sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.vampireN "mono_native"
-          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.eN "poly_guards??"
-          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.spassN "mono_native"
-          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.z3_tptpN "poly_tags??"
-          ORELSE' SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt thms
-        else if !meth = "smt" then
-          SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt thms
-        else if full then
-          Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.full_typesN]
-            ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans ctxt thms
-        else if String.isPrefix "metis (" (!meth) then
-          let
-            val (type_encs, lam_trans) =
-              !meth
-              |> Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt) Position.start
-              |> filter Token.is_proper |> tl
-              |> Metis_Tactic.parse_metis_options |> fst
-              |>> the_default [ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.partial_typesN]
-              ||> the_default ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans
-          in Metis_Tactic.metis_tac type_encs lam_trans ctxt thms end
-        else if !meth = "metis" then
-          Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans ctxt thms
-        else if !meth = "none" then
-          K all_tac
-        else if !meth = "fail" then
-          K no_tac
-        else
-          (warning ("Unknown method " ^ quote (!meth)); K no_tac)
-      end
-    fun apply_method named_thms =
-      Mirabelle.can_apply timeout (do_method named_thms) st
-    fun with_time (false, t) = "failed (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")"
-      | with_time (true, t) = (change_data id inc_proof_method_success;
-          if trivial then ()
-          else change_data id inc_proof_method_nontriv_success;
-          change_data id (inc_proof_method_lemmas (length named_thms));
-          change_data id (inc_proof_method_time t);
-          change_data id (inc_proof_method_posns (pos, trivial));
-          if name = "proof" then change_data id inc_proof_method_proofs else ();
-          "succeeded (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")")
-    fun timed_method named_thms =
-      (with_time (Mirabelle.cpu_time apply_method named_thms), true)
-      handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => (change_data id inc_proof_method_timeout; ("timeout", false))
-           | ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, false)
-    val _ = log separator
-    val _ = change_data id inc_proof_method_calls
-    val _ = if trivial then () else change_data id inc_proof_method_nontriv_calls
-  in
-    named_thms
-    |> timed_method
-    |>> log o prefix (proof_method_tag meth id)
-    |> snd
-  end
-val try_timeout = seconds 5.0
-(* crude hack *)
-val num_sledgehammer_calls = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-val remaining_stride = Unsynchronized.ref stride_default
-fun sledgehammer_action args =
-  let
-    val stride = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (strideK, stride_default)
-    val max_calls = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (max_callsK, max_calls_default)
-    val check_trivial = Mirabelle.get_bool_setting args (check_trivialK, check_trivial_default)
-  in
-    fn id => fn (st as {pre, name, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =>
-      let val goal = Thm.major_prem_of (#goal (Proof.goal pre)) in
-        if can Logic.dest_conjunction goal orelse can Logic.dest_equals goal then
-          ()
-        else if !remaining_stride > 1 then
-          (* We still have some steps to do *)
-          (remaining_stride := !remaining_stride - 1;
-          log "Skipping because of stride")
-        else
-          (* This was the last step, now run the action *)
-          let
-            val _ = remaining_stride := stride
-            val _ = num_sledgehammer_calls := !num_sledgehammer_calls + 1
-          in
-            if !num_sledgehammer_calls > max_calls then
-              log "Skipping because max number of calls reached"
-            else
-              let
-                val meth = Unsynchronized.ref ""
-                val named_thms =
-                  Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : ((string * stature) * thm list) list option)
-                val trivial =
-                  if check_trivial then
-                    Try0.try0 (SOME try_timeout) ([], [], [], []) pre
-                    handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => false
-                  else false
-                fun apply_method () =
-                  (Mirabelle.catch_result (proof_method_tag meth) false
-                    (run_proof_method trivial false name meth (these (!named_thms))) id st; ())
-              in
-                Mirabelle.catch sh_tag (run_sledgehammer trivial args meth named_thms) id st;
-                if is_some (!named_thms) then apply_method () else ()
-              end
-          end
-      end
-  end
-fun invoke args =
-  Mirabelle.register (init, sledgehammer_action args, done)
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_Filter : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-fun get args name default_value =
-  case AList.lookup (op =) args name of
-    SOME value => Value.parse_real value
-  | NONE => default_value
-fun extract_relevance_fudge args
-      {local_const_multiplier, worse_irrel_freq, higher_order_irrel_weight, abs_rel_weight,
-       abs_irrel_weight, theory_const_rel_weight, theory_const_irrel_weight,
-       chained_const_irrel_weight, intro_bonus, elim_bonus, simp_bonus, local_bonus, assum_bonus,
-       chained_bonus, max_imperfect, max_imperfect_exp, threshold_divisor, ridiculous_threshold} =
-  {local_const_multiplier = get args "local_const_multiplier" local_const_multiplier,
-   worse_irrel_freq = get args "worse_irrel_freq" worse_irrel_freq,
-   higher_order_irrel_weight = get args "higher_order_irrel_weight" higher_order_irrel_weight,
-   abs_rel_weight = get args "abs_rel_weight" abs_rel_weight,
-   abs_irrel_weight = get args "abs_irrel_weight" abs_irrel_weight,
-   theory_const_rel_weight = get args "theory_const_rel_weight" theory_const_rel_weight,
-   theory_const_irrel_weight = get args "theory_const_irrel_weight" theory_const_irrel_weight,
-   chained_const_irrel_weight = get args "chained_const_irrel_weight" chained_const_irrel_weight,
-   intro_bonus = get args "intro_bonus" intro_bonus,
-   elim_bonus = get args "elim_bonus" elim_bonus,
-   simp_bonus = get args "simp_bonus" simp_bonus,
-   local_bonus = get args "local_bonus" local_bonus,
-   assum_bonus = get args "assum_bonus" assum_bonus,
-   chained_bonus = get args "chained_bonus" chained_bonus,
-   max_imperfect = get args "max_imperfect" max_imperfect,
-   max_imperfect_exp = get args "max_imperfect_exp" max_imperfect_exp,
-   threshold_divisor = get args "threshold_divisor" threshold_divisor,
-   ridiculous_threshold = get args "ridiculous_threshold" ridiculous_threshold}
-structure Prooftab =
-  Table(type key = int * int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord)
-val proof_table = Unsynchronized.ref (Prooftab.empty: string list list Prooftab.table)
-val num_successes = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-val num_failures = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-val num_found_proofs = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-val num_lost_proofs = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-val num_found_facts = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-val num_lost_facts = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
-fun get id c = the_default 0 (AList.lookup (op =) (!c) id)
-fun add id c n =
-  c := (case AList.lookup (op =) (!c) id of
-         SOME m => AList.update (op =) (id, m + n) (!c)
-       | NONE => (id, n) :: !c)
-fun init proof_file _ thy =
-  let
-    fun do_line line =
-      (case line |> space_explode ":" of
-        [line_num, offset, proof] =>
-        SOME (apply2 (the o Int.fromString) (line_num, offset),
-              proof |> space_explode " " |> filter_out (curry (op =) ""))
-       | _ => NONE)
-    val proofs = (Path.explode proof_file)
-    val proof_tab =
-      proofs |> space_explode "\n"
-             |> map_filter do_line
-             |> AList.coalesce (op =)
-             |> Prooftab.make
-  in proof_table := proof_tab; thy end
-fun percentage a b = if b = 0 then "N/A" else string_of_int (a * 100 div b)
-fun percentage_alt a b = percentage a (a + b)
-fun done id ({log, ...} : Mirabelle.done_args) =
-  if get id num_successes + get id num_failures > 0 then
-    (log "";
-     log ("Number of overall successes: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_successes));
-     log ("Number of overall failures: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_failures));
-     log ("Overall success rate: " ^
-          percentage_alt (get id num_successes) (get id num_failures) ^ "%");
-     log ("Number of found proofs: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_found_proofs));
-     log ("Number of lost proofs: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_lost_proofs));
-     log ("Proof found rate: " ^
-          percentage_alt (get id num_found_proofs) (get id num_lost_proofs) ^ "%");
-     log ("Number of found facts: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_found_facts));
-     log ("Number of lost facts: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_lost_facts));
-     log ("Fact found rate: " ^
-          percentage_alt (get id num_found_facts) (get id num_lost_facts) ^ "%"))
-  else
-    ()
-val default_prover = ATP_Proof.eN (* arbitrary ATP *)
-fun with_index (i, s) = s ^ "@" ^ string_of_int i
-fun action args id ({pre, pos, log, ...} : Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  case (Position.line_of pos, Position.offset_of pos) of
-    (SOME line_num, SOME offset) =>
-    (case Prooftab.lookup (!proof_table) (line_num, offset) of
-       SOME proofs =>
-       let
-         val thy = Proof.theory_of pre
-         val {context = ctxt, facts = chained_ths, goal} = Proof.goal pre
-         val prover = AList.lookup (op =) args "prover" |> the_default default_prover
-         val params as {max_facts, ...} = Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy args
-         val default_max_facts =
-           Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.default_max_facts_of_prover ctxt prover
-         val relevance_fudge =
-           extract_relevance_fudge args Sledgehammer_MePo.default_relevance_fudge
-         val subgoal = 1
-         val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = ATP_Util.strip_subgoal goal subgoal ctxt
-         val ho_atp = Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.is_ho_atp ctxt prover
-         val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt
-         val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
-         val facts =
-           Sledgehammer_Fact.nearly_all_facts ctxt ho_atp
-               Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override keywords css_table chained_ths
-               hyp_ts concl_t
-           |> Sledgehammer_Fact.drop_duplicate_facts
-           |> Sledgehammer_MePo.mepo_suggested_facts ctxt params
-                  (the_default default_max_facts max_facts) (SOME relevance_fudge) hyp_ts concl_t
-            |> map (fst o fst)
-         val (found_facts, lost_facts) =
-           flat proofs |> sort_distinct string_ord
-           |> map (fn fact => (find_index (curry (op =) fact) facts, fact))
-           |> List.partition (curry (op <=) 0 o fst)
-           |>> sort (prod_ord int_ord string_ord) ||> map snd
-         val found_proofs = filter (forall (member (op =) facts)) proofs
-         val n = length found_proofs
-         val _ =
-           if n = 0 then
-             (add id num_failures 1; log "Failure")
-           else
-             (add id num_successes 1;
-              add id num_found_proofs n;
-              log ("Success (" ^ string_of_int n ^ " of " ^
-                   string_of_int (length proofs) ^ " proofs)"))
-         val _ = add id num_lost_proofs (length proofs - n)
-         val _ = add id num_found_facts (length found_facts)
-         val _ = add id num_lost_facts (length lost_facts)
-         val _ =
-           if null found_facts then
-             ()
-           else
-             let
-               val found_weight =
-                 Real.fromInt (fold (fn (n, _) => Integer.add (n * n)) found_facts 0)
-                   / Real.fromInt (length found_facts)
-                 |> Math.sqrt |> Real.ceil
-             in
-               log ("Found facts (among " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^
-                    ", weight " ^ string_of_int found_weight ^ "): " ^
-                    commas (map with_index found_facts))
-             end
-         val _ = if null lost_facts then
-                   ()
-                 else
-                   log ("Lost facts (among " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^
-                        "): " ^ commas lost_facts)
-       in () end
-     | NONE => log "No known proof")
-  | _ => ()
-val proof_fileK = "proof_file"
-fun invoke args =
-  let
-    val (pf_args, other_args) = args |> List.partition (curry (op =) proof_fileK o fst)
-    val proof_file =
-      (case pf_args of
-        [] => error "No \"proof_file\" specified"
-      | (_, s) :: _ => s)
-  in Mirabelle.register (init proof_file, action other_args, done) end
-(* Workaround to keep the "" script happy *)
-structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_filter = Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_Filter;
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_try0.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_try0.ML
-    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Munich
-structure Mirabelle_Try0 : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
-fun try0_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " try0: "
-fun init _ = I
-fun done _ _ = ()
-fun times_ten time = Time.fromMilliseconds (10 * Time.toMilliseconds time)
-fun run id ({pre, timeout, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-  if Timeout.apply (times_ten timeout) (Try0.try0 (SOME timeout) ([], [], [], [])) pre
-  then log (try0_tag id ^ "succeeded")
-  else ()
-  handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => log (try0_tag id ^ "timeout")
-fun invoke _ = Mirabelle.register (init, Mirabelle.catch try0_tag run, done)
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/etc/settings	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript:
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/ex/Ex.thy	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-theory Ex imports Pure
-ML \<open>
-  val rc = Isabelle_System.bash
-    "cd \"$ISABELLE_HOME/src/HOL/Analysis\"; if isabelle build -n \"$MIRABELLE_LOGIC\"; then isabelle mirabelle arith Inner_Product.thy; fi";
-  if rc <> 0 then error ("Mirabelle example failed: " ^ string_of_int rc)
-  else ();
-\<close> \<comment> \<open>some arbitrary small test case\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/lib/Tools/mirabelle	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Author: Sascha Boehme
-# DESCRIPTION: testing tool for automated proof tools
-PRG="$(basename "$0")"
-function print_action_names()
-  for TOOL in "$MIRABELLE_HOME/Tools"/mirabelle_*.ML
-  do
-    echo "$TOOL" | perl -w -p -e 's/.*mirabelle_(.*)\.ML/    $1/'
-  done
-function print_sledgehammer_options() {
-  grep -e "^val .*K =" "$MIRABELLE_HOME/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML" | \
-  perl -w -p -e 's/val .*K *= *"(.*)" *\(\*(.*)\*\)/    $1$2/'
-function usage() {
-  # Do not forget to update the Sledgehammer documentation to reflect changes here.
-  [ -n "$MIRABELLE_OUTPUT_PATH" ] && out="$MIRABELLE_OUTPUT_PATH" || out="None"
-  echo
-  echo "Usage: isabelle $PRG [OPTIONS] ACTIONS FILES"
-  echo
-  echo "  Options are:"
-  echo "    -L LOGIC     parent logic to use (default $MIRABELLE_LOGIC)"
-  echo "    -O DIR       output directory for test data (default $out)"
-  echo "    -S FILE      user-provided setup file (no actions required)"
-  echo "    -T THEORY    parent theory to use (default $MIRABELLE_THEORY)"
-  echo "    -d DIR       include session directory"
-  echo "    -q           be quiet (suppress output of Isabelle process)"
-  echo "    -t TIMEOUT   timeout for each action in seconds (default $timeout)"
-  echo
-  echo "  Apply the given actions at all proof steps in the given theory files."
-  echo
-  echo "  ACTIONS is a colon-separated list of actions, where each action is"
-  echo "  either NAME or NAME[OPTION,...,OPTION]. Available actions are:"
-  print_action_names
-  echo
-  echo "  Available OPTIONs for the ACTION sledgehammer:"
-  print_sledgehammer_options
-  echo
-  echo "  FILES is a list of theory files, where each file is either NAME.thy"
-  echo "  or NAME.thy[START:END] and START and END are numbers indicating the"
-  echo "  range the given actions are to be applied."
-  echo
-  exit 1
-function fail()
-  echo "$1" >&2
-  exit 2
-## process command line
-# options
-[ $# -eq 0 ] && usage
-while getopts "L:T:O:d:t:S:q?" OPT
-  case "$OPT" in
-    L)
-      ;;
-    T)
-      ;;
-    O)
-      ;;
-    d)
-      ;;
-    t)
-      ;;
-    S)
-      ;;
-    q)
-      MIRABELLE_QUIET="true"
-      ;;
-    \?)
-      usage
-      ;;
-  esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-# setup
-if [ -z "$MIRABELLE_OUTPUT_PATH" ]; then
-  PURGE_OUTPUT="true"
-## main
-for FILE in "$@"
-  perl -w "$MIRABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/" "$FILE" || fail "Mirabelle failed."
-## cleanup
-if [ -n "$PURGE_OUTPUT" ]; then
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/lib/scripts/	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme
-# Testing tool for automated proof tools.
-use File::Basename;
-# environment
-my $isabelle_home = $ENV{'ISABELLE_HOME'};
-my $mirabelle_home = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_HOME'};
-my $mirabelle_dir = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_DIR'};
-my $mirabelle_logic = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_LOGIC'};
-my $mirabelle_theory = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_THEORY'};
-my $output_path = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_OUTPUT_PATH'};
-my $timeout = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_TIMEOUT'};
-my $be_quiet = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_QUIET'};
-my $user_setup_file = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_SETUP_FILE'};
-my $actions = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_ACTIONS'};
-my $mirabelle_thy = $mirabelle_home . "/Mirabelle";
-# argument
-my $thy_file = $ARGV[0];
-my ($thy_name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($thy_file, ".thy");
-my $rand_suffix = join('', map { ('a'..'z')[rand(26)] } 1 .. 10);
-my $new_thy_name = $thy_name . "_Mirabelle_" . $rand_suffix;
-my $new_thy_file = $path . "/" . $new_thy_name . $ext;
-# setup
-my $setup_file;
-my $setup_full_name;
-if (-e $user_setup_file) {
-  $setup_file = undef;
-  my ($name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($user_setup_file, ".thy");
-  $setup_full_name = $path . "/" . $name;
-else {
-my $start_line = "0";
-my $end_line = "~1";
-if ($thy_file =~ /^(.*)\[([0-9]+)\:(~?[0-9]+)\]$/) {
-  $thy_file = $1;
-  $start_line = $2;
-  $end_line = $3;
-my $setup_thy_name = $thy_name . "_Setup";
-my $setup_file = $output_path . "/" . $setup_thy_name . ".thy";
-my $log_file = $output_path . "/" . $thy_name . ".log";
-my @action_files;
-my @action_names;
-foreach (split(/:/, $actions)) {
-  if (m/([^[]*)/) {
-    push @action_files, "\"$mirabelle_home/Tools/mirabelle_$1.ML\"";
-    push @action_names, $1;
-  }
-my $tools = "";
-if ($#action_files >= 0) {
-  # uniquify
-  my $s = join ("\n", @action_files);
-  my @action_files = split(/\n/, $s . "\n" . $s);
-  %action_files = sort(@action_files);
-  $tools = join("", map { "ML_file " . $_ . "\n" } (sort(keys(%action_files))));
-open(SETUP_FILE, ">$setup_file") || die "Could not create file '$setup_file'";
-print SETUP_FILE <<END;
-theory "$setup_thy_name"
-imports "$mirabelle_thy" "$mirabelle_theory"
-setup {*
-  Config.put_global Mirabelle.logfile "$log_file" #>
-  Config.put_global Mirabelle.timeout $timeout #>
-  Config.put_global Mirabelle.start_line $start_line #>
-  Config.put_global Mirabelle.end_line $end_line
-@action_list = split(/:/, $actions);
-foreach (reverse(@action_list)) {
-  if (m/([^[]*)(?:\[(.*)\])?/) {
-    my ($name, $settings_str) = ($1, $2 || "");
-    $name =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/;
-    print SETUP_FILE "setup {* Mirabelle_$name.invoke [";
-    my $sep = "";
-    foreach (split(/,/, $settings_str)) {
-      if (m/\s*([^=]*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/) {
-        print SETUP_FILE "$sep(\"$1\", \"$2\")";
-        $sep = ", ";
-      }
-      elsif (m/\s*(.*)\s*/) {
-        print SETUP_FILE "$sep(\"$1\", \"\")";
-        $sep = ", ";
-      }
-    }
-    print SETUP_FILE "] *}\n";
-  }
-print SETUP_FILE "\nend";
-close SETUP_FILE;
-$setup_full_name = $output_path . "/" . $setup_thy_name;
-open(LOG_FILE, ">$log_file");
-print LOG_FILE "Run of $new_thy_file with:\n";
-foreach $action  (@action_list) {
-  print LOG_FILE "  $action\n";
-# modify target theory file
-open(OLD_FILE, "<$thy_file") || die "Cannot open file '$thy_file'";
-my @lines = <OLD_FILE>;
-my $setup_import = substr("\"$setup_full_name\"" . (" " x 1000), 0, 1000);
-my $thy_text = join("", @lines);
-my $old_len = length($thy_text);
-$thy_text =~ s/(theory\s+)\"?$thy_name\"?/$1"$new_thy_name"/g;
-$thy_text =~ s/\b$thy_name\./$new_thy_name./g;
-$thy_text =~ s/(imports)(\s+)/$1 $setup_import$2/g;
-die "No 'imports' found" if length($thy_text) == $old_len;
-open(NEW_FILE, ">$new_thy_file") || die "Cannot create file '$new_thy_file'";
-print NEW_FILE $thy_text;
-# run isabelle
-my $quiet = "";
-my $output_log = 1;
-if (defined $be_quiet and $be_quiet ne "") {
-  $quiet = " > /dev/null 2>&1";
-  $output_log = 0;
-if ($output_log) { print "Mirabelle: $thy_file\n"; }
-my $cmd =
-  "isabelle process -o quick_and_dirty -o threads=1" .
-  " -T \"$path/$new_thy_name\" " .
-  ($mirabelle_dir ? "-d " . $mirabelle_dir . " " : "") .
-  "-l $mirabelle_logic" . $quiet;
-my $result = system "bash", "-c", $cmd;
-if ($output_log) {
-  my $outcome = ($result ? "failure" : "success");
-  print "\nFinished:  $thy_file  [$outcome]\n";
-# cleanup
-if (defined $setup_file) {
-  unlink $setup_file;
-unlink $new_thy_file;
-exit ($result ? 1 : 0);
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -937,12 +937,13 @@
-session "HOL-Mirabelle" in Mirabelle = HOL +
-  theories Mirabelle_Test
-session "HOL-Mirabelle-ex" in "Mirabelle/ex" = "HOL-Mirabelle" +
-  options [timeout = 60]
-  theories Ex
+session "HOL-Mirabelle-ex" in "Tools/Mirabelle" = HOL +
+  description "Some arbitrary small test case for Mirabelle."
+  options [timeout = 60, mirabelle_actions = "arith"]
+  sessions
+    "HOL-Analysis"
+  theories
+    "HOL-Analysis.Inner_Product"
 session "HOL-SMT_Examples" (timing) in SMT_Examples = HOL +
   options [quick_and_dirty]
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+signature MIRABELLE =
+  (*core*)
+  val print_name: string -> string
+  val print_properties: Properties.T -> string
+  type context = {tag: string, arguments: Properties.T, timeout: Time.time, theory: theory}
+  type command = {name: string, pos: Position.T, pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state}
+  val command_result: command -> XML.body -> XML.tree
+  val print_exn: exn -> string
+  val theory_action: binding -> (context -> command list -> XML.body) -> theory -> theory
+  val command_action: binding -> (context -> command -> string) -> theory -> theory
+  (*utility functions*)
+  val can_apply : Time.time -> (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) ->
+    Proof.state -> bool
+  val theorems_in_proof_term : theory -> thm -> thm list
+  val theorems_of_sucessful_proof: Toplevel.state -> thm list
+  val get_argument : (string * string) list -> string * string -> string
+  val get_int_argument : (string * string) list -> string * int -> int
+  val get_bool_argument : (string * string) list -> string * bool -> bool
+  val cpu_time : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * int
+structure Mirabelle : MIRABELLE =
+(** Mirabelle core **)
+(* concrete syntax *)
+val keywords = Keyword.no_command_keywords (Thy_Header.get_keywords \<^theory>);
+val print_name = Token.print_name keywords;
+val print_properties = Token.print_properties keywords;
+fun print_action name [] = name
+  | print_action name arguments = name ^ " " ^ print_properties arguments;
+fun read_actions str =
+  Token.read_body keywords
+    (Parse.enum ";" ( -- Sledgehammer_Commands.parse_params))
+    (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str);
+(* actions *)
+type command = {name: string, pos: Position.T, pre: Proof.state, post: Toplevel.state};
+type context = {tag: string, arguments: Properties.T, timeout: Time.time, theory: theory};
+structure Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = (context -> command list -> XML.body) Name_Space.table;
+  val empty = Name_Space.empty_table "mirabelle_action";
+  val extend = I;
+  val merge = Name_Space.merge_tables;
+fun theory_action binding action thy =
+  let val context = Context.Theory thy |> Name_Space.map_naming (K Name_Space.global_naming);
+  in thy |> (#2 o Name_Space.define context true (binding, action)) end;
+fun apply_action index name arguments timeout commands thy =
+  let
+    val action = #2 (Name_Space.check (Context.Theory thy) (Data.get thy) (name, Position.none));
+    val tag = "#" ^ Value.print_int index ^ " " ^ name ^ ": ";
+    val context = {tag = tag, arguments = arguments, timeout = timeout, theory = thy};
+    val export_body = action context commands;
+    val export_head =
+      XML.Elem (("action", (Markup.nameN, name) :: arguments),
+        [XML.Text (print_action name arguments)]);
+    val export_path = Path.binding0 (Path.basic "mirabelle" + Path.basic (Value.print_int index));
+  in Export.export thy export_path (export_head :: export_body) end;
+(* command action *)
+fun command_result ({name, pos, ...}: command) body =
+  XML.Elem (("command", (Markup.nameN, name) :: Position.properties_of pos), body);
+fun print_exn exn =
+  (case exn of
+    Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => "timeout"
+  | ERROR msg => "error: " ^ msg
+  | exn => "exception:\n" ^ General.exnMessage exn);
+fun command_action binding action =
+  let
+    fun apply context command =
+      let val s =
+        action context command handle exn =>
+          if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn
+          else #tag context ^ print_exn exn;
+      in
+        if s = "" then NONE
+        else SOME (command_result command [XML.Text s]) end;
+  in theory_action binding (map_filter o apply) end;
+(* theory line range *)
+val theory_name =
+  Scan.many1 (Symbol_Pos.symbol #> (fn s => Symbol.not_eof s andalso s <> "["))
+    >> Symbol_Pos.content;
+val line = Symbol_Pos.scan_nat >> (Symbol_Pos.content #> Value.parse_nat);
+val end_line = Symbol_Pos.$$ ":" |-- line;
+val range = Symbol_Pos.$$ "[" |-- line -- Scan.option end_line --| Symbol_Pos.$$ "]";
+fun read_theory_range str =
+  (case Symbol_Pos.stopper (theory_name -- Scan.option range) (Symbol_Pos.explode0 str) of
+    SOME res => res
+  | NONE => error ("Malformed specification of theory line range: " ^ quote str));
+fun check_theories strs =
+  let
+    val theories = map read_theory_range strs;
+    fun get_theory name =
+      if null theories then SOME NONE
+      else get_first (fn (a, b) => if a = name then SOME b else NONE) theories;
+    fun check_line NONE _ = false
+      | check_line _ NONE = true
+      | check_line (SOME NONE) _ = true
+      | check_line (SOME (SOME (line, NONE))) (SOME i) = line <= i
+      | check_line (SOME (SOME (line, SOME end_line))) (SOME i) = line <= i andalso i <= end_line;
+    fun check_pos range = check_line range o Position.line_of;
+  in check_pos o get_theory end;
+(* presentation hook *)
+val whitelist = ["apply", "by", "proof"];
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Thy_Info.add_presentation (fn context => fn thy =>
+    let
+      val {options, adjust_pos, segments, ...} = context;
+      val mirabelle_timeout = Options.seconds options \<^system_option>\<open>mirabelle_timeout\<close>;
+      val mirabelle_actions = Options.string options \<^system_option>\<open>mirabelle_actions\<close>;
+      val mirabelle_theories = Options.string options \<^system_option>\<open>mirabelle_theories\<close>;
+      val actions =
+        (case read_actions mirabelle_actions of
+          SOME actions => actions
+        | NONE => error ("Failed to parse mirabelle_actions: " ^ quote mirabelle_actions));
+      val check = check_theories (space_explode "," mirabelle_theories);
+      val commands =
+        segments |> map_filter (fn {command = tr, prev_state = st, state = st', ...} =>
+          let
+            val name = Toplevel.name_of tr;
+            val pos = adjust_pos (Toplevel.pos_of tr);
+          in
+            if can (Proof.assert_backward o Toplevel.proof_of) st andalso
+              member (op =) whitelist name andalso
+              check (Context.theory_long_name thy) pos
+            then SOME {name = name, pos = pos, pre = Toplevel.proof_of st, post = st'}
+            else NONE
+          end);
+      fun apply (i, (name, arguments)) () =
+        apply_action (i + 1) name arguments mirabelle_timeout commands thy;
+    in if null commands then () else fold_index apply actions () end));
+(* Mirabelle utility functions *)
+fun can_apply time tac st =
+  let
+    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal st;
+    val full_tac = HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt facts THEN' tac ctxt);
+  in
+    (case try (Timeout.apply time (Seq.pull o full_tac)) goal of
+      SOME (SOME _) => true
+    | _ => false)
+  end;
+fun fold_body_thms f =
+  let
+    fun app n (PBody {thms, ...}) = thms |> fold (fn (i, thm_node) =>
+      fn (x, seen) =>
+        if Inttab.defined seen i then (x, seen)
+        else
+          let
+            val name = Proofterm.thm_node_name thm_node;
+            val prop = Proofterm.thm_node_prop thm_node;
+            val body = Future.join (Proofterm.thm_node_body thm_node);
+            val (x', seen') =
+              app (n + (if name = "" then 0 else 1)) body
+                (x, Inttab.update (i, ()) seen);
+        in (x' |> n = 0 ? f (name, prop, body), seen') end);
+  in fn bodies => fn x => #1 (fold (app 0) bodies (x, Inttab.empty)) end;
+fun theorems_in_proof_term thy thm =
+  let
+    val all_thms = Global_Theory.all_thms_of thy true;
+    fun collect (s, _, _) = if s <> "" then insert (op =) s else I;
+    fun member_of xs (x, y) = if member (op =) xs x then SOME y else NONE;
+    fun resolve_thms names = map_filter (member_of names) all_thms;
+  in resolve_thms (fold_body_thms collect [Thm.proof_body_of thm] []) end;
+fun theorems_of_sucessful_proof st =
+  (case try Toplevel.proof_of st of
+    NONE => []
+  | SOME prf => theorems_in_proof_term (Proof.theory_of prf) (#goal (Proof.goal prf)));
+fun get_argument arguments (key, default) =
+  the_default default (AList.lookup (op =) arguments key);
+fun get_int_argument arguments (key, default) =
+  (case Int.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) arguments key) of
+    SOME (SOME i) => i
+  | SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
+  | NONE => default);
+fun get_bool_argument arguments (key, default) =
+  (case Bool.fromString (AList.lookup (op =) arguments key) of
+    SOME (SOME i) => i
+  | SOME NONE => error ("bad option: " ^ key)
+  | NONE => default);
+fun cpu_time f x =
+  let val ({cpu, ...}, y) = Timing.timing f x
+  in (y, Time.toMilliseconds cpu) end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.scala	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+/*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Isabelle/Scala front-end for Mirabelle.
+package isabelle.mirabelle
+import isabelle._
+object Mirabelle
+  /* actions and options */
+  def action_names(): List[String] =
+  {
+    val Pattern = """Mirabelle action: "(\w+)".*""".r
+    (for {
+      file <-
+        File.find_files(Path.explode("~~/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle").file,
+          pred = _.getName.endsWith(".ML"))
+      line <- split_lines(
+      name <- line match { case Pattern(a) => Some(a) case _ => None }
+    } yield name).sorted
+  }
+  def sledgehammer_options(): List[String] =
+  {
+    val Pattern = """val .*K *= *"(.*)" *\(\*(.*)\*\)""".r
+    split_lines("~~/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML"))).
+      flatMap(line => line match { case Pattern(a, b) => Some (a + b) case _ => None })
+  }
+  /* exported content */
+  val separator = "------------------\n"
+  def mirabelle_path(index: Int): String = "mirabelle/" + index
+  object Action
+  {
+    def get(export_name: String, xml: XML.Tree): Action =
+      xml match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup("action", (Markup.NAME, name) :: arguments), body) =>
+          Action(name, arguments, body)
+        case _ =>
+          error("Expected action in export " + quote(export_name) + "\nmalformed XML: " + xml)
+      }
+  }
+  case class Action(name: String, arguments: Properties.T, body: XML.Body)
+  {
+    def print: String = XML.content(body)
+  }
+  object Command
+  {
+    def get(export_name: String, xml: XML.Tree): Command =
+      xml match {
+        case XML.Elem(Markup("command", (Markup.NAME, name) :: props), result) =>
+          Command(name, props.filter(Markup.position_property), result)
+        case _ =>
+          error("Expected command in export " + quote(export_name) + "\nmalformed XML: " + xml)
+      }
+  }
+  sealed case class Command(name: String, pos: Properties.T, result: XML.Body)
+  {
+    def print_head: String =
+    {
+      val line = Position.Line.get(pos)
+      val offset = Position.Offset.get(pos)
+      val loc = line.toString + ":" + offset.toString
+      "at " + loc + " (" + name + "):\n"
+    }
+    def print_body: String = Pretty.string_of(result)
+    def print: String = "\n\n" + print_head + separator + print_body
+  }
+  /* main mirabelle */
+  def mirabelle(
+    options: Options,
+    actions: List[String],
+    output_dir: Path,
+    theories: List[String] = Nil,
+    selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty,
+    progress: Progress = new Progress,
+    dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+    select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
+    numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
+    max_jobs: Int = 1,
+    verbose: Boolean = false): Build.Results =
+  {
+    val build_options =
+      options + "parallel_presentation=false" +
+        ("mirabelle_actions=" + actions.mkString(";")) +
+        ("mirabelle_theories=" + theories.mkString(","))
+    val build_results =
+, clean_build = true,
+        selection = selection, progress = progress, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs,
+        numa_shuffling = numa_shuffling, max_jobs = max_jobs, verbose = verbose)
+    if (build_results.ok) {
+      val structure = Sessions.load_structure(build_options, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs)
+      val store =
+      using(store.open_database_context())(db_context =>
+      {
+        var seen_theories = Set.empty[String]
+        for {
+          session <- structure.imports_selection(selection).iterator
+          session_hierarchy = structure.hierarchy(session)
+          theories <- db_context.input_database(session)((db, a) => Some(store.read_theories(db, a)))
+          theory <- theories
+          if !seen_theories(theory)
+          index <- 1 to actions.length
+          export <- db_context.read_export(session_hierarchy, theory, mirabelle_path(index))
+          body = export.uncompressed_yxml
+          if body.nonEmpty
+        } {
+          seen_theories += theory
+          val export_name = Export.compound_name(theory, mirabelle_path(index))
+          val (action, commands) =
+            (Action.get(export_name, body.head),, _)))
+          val dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(output_dir + Path.basic(theory))
+          val log_file = dir + Path.basic("mirabelle" + index).log
+          progress.echo("Writing " + log_file)
+          File.write(log_file, terminate_lines(action.print ::
+        }
+      })
+    }
+    build_results
+  }
+  /* Isabelle tool wrapper */
+  val default_output_dir: Path = Path.explode("mirabelle")
+  val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("mirabelle", "testing tool for automated proof tools",
+, args =>
+  {
+    val build_options = Word.explode(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS"))
+    var actions: List[String] = Nil
+    var base_sessions: List[String] = Nil
+    var select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
+    var numa_shuffling = false
+    var output_dir = default_output_dir
+    var requirements = false
+    var theories: List[String] = Nil
+    var exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil
+    var all_sessions = false
+    var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
+    var session_groups: List[String] = Nil
+    var max_jobs = 1
+    var options = Options.init(opts = build_options)
+    var verbose = false
+    var exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil
+    val default_timeout = options.seconds("mirabelle_timeout")
+    val getopts = Getopts("""
+Usage: isabelle mirabelle [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]
+  Options are:
+    -A ACTION    add to list of actions
+    -B NAME      include session NAME and all descendants
+    -D DIR       include session directory and select its sessions
+    -N           cyclic shuffling of NUMA CPU nodes (performance tuning)
+    -O DIR       output directory for log files (default: """ + default_output_dir + """,
+    -R           refer to requirements of selected sessions
+    -T THEORY    theory restriction: NAME or NAME[LINE:END_LINE]
+    -X NAME      exclude sessions from group NAME and all descendants
+    -a           select all sessions
+    -d DIR       include session directory
+    -g NAME      select session group NAME
+    -j INT       maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
+    -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
+    -t SECONDS   timeout for each action (default """ + default_timeout + """)
+    -v           verbose
+    -x NAME      exclude session NAME and all descendants
+  Apply the given actions at all theories and proof steps of the
+  specified sessions.
+  The absence of theory restrictions (option -T) means to check all
+  theories fully. Otherwise only the named theories are checked.
+  Each ACTION is either of the form NAME or NAME [OPTION, ...]
+  following Isabelle/Isar outer syntax.
+  Available actions are:""" + action_names().mkString("\n    ", "\n    ", "") + """
+  For the ACTION "sledgehammer", the following OPTIONs are available:""" +
+      sledgehammer_options().mkString("\n    ", "\n    ", "\n"),
+      "A:" -> (arg => actions = actions ::: List(arg)),
+      "B:" -> (arg => base_sessions = base_sessions ::: List(arg)),
+      "D:" -> (arg => select_dirs = select_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
+      "N" -> (_ => numa_shuffling = true),
+      "O:" -> (arg => output_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
+      "R" -> (_ => requirements = true),
+      "T:" -> (arg => theories = theories ::: List(arg)),
+      "X:" -> (arg => exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups ::: List(arg)),
+      "a" -> (_ => all_sessions = true),
+      "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
+      "g:" -> (arg => session_groups = session_groups ::: List(arg)),
+      "j:" -> (arg => max_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
+      "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
+      "t:" -> (arg => options = options + ("mirabelle_timeout=" + arg)),
+      "v" -> (_ => verbose = true),
+      "x:" -> (arg => exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions ::: List(arg)))
+    val sessions = getopts(args)
+    if (actions.isEmpty) error("Missing actions (option -A)")
+    val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)
+    val start_date =
+    if (verbose) {
+      progress.echo("Started at " + Build_Log.print_date(start_date))
+    }
+    val results =
+      progress.interrupt_handler {
+        mirabelle(options, actions, output_dir,
+          theories = theories,
+          selection = Sessions.Selection(
+            requirements = requirements,
+            all_sessions = all_sessions,
+            base_sessions = base_sessions,
+            exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups,
+            exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions,
+            session_groups = session_groups,
+            sessions = sessions),
+          progress = progress,
+          dirs = dirs,
+          select_dirs = select_dirs,
+          numa_shuffling = NUMA.enabled_warning(progress, numa_shuffling),
+          max_jobs = max_jobs,
+          verbose = verbose)
+      }
+    val end_date =
+    val elapsed_time = end_date.time - start_date.time
+    if (verbose) {
+      progress.echo("\nFinished at " + Build_Log.print_date(end_date))
+    }
+    val total_timing =
+ => results(a).timing).foldLeft( + _).
+        copy(elapsed = elapsed_time)
+    progress.echo(total_timing.message_resources)
+    sys.exit(results.rc)
+  })
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_arith.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_arith.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Mirabelle action: "arith".
+structure Mirabelle_Arith: sig end =
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Mirabelle.command_action \<^binding>\<open>arith\<close>
+    (fn {timeout, ...} => fn {pre, ...} =>
+      if Mirabelle.can_apply timeout Arith_Data.arith_tac pre
+      then "succeeded" else ""));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_metis.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_metis.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
+Mirabelle action: "metis".
+structure Mirabelle_Metis: sig end =
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Mirabelle.command_action \<^binding>\<open>metis\<close>
+    (fn {timeout, ...} => fn {pre, post, ...} =>
+      let
+        val thms = Mirabelle.theorems_of_sucessful_proof post;
+        val names = map Thm.get_name_hint thms;
+        val facts = map #1 (Facts.props (Proof_Context.facts_of (Proof.context_of pre)));
+        fun metis ctxt = Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Problem_Generate.liftingN ctxt (thms @ facts);
+      in
+        (if Mirabelle.can_apply timeout metis pre then "succeeded" else "failed")
+        |> not (null names) ? suffix (":\n" ^ commas names)
+      end));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_quickcheck.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme, TU Munich
+Mirabelle action: "quickcheck".
+structure Mirabelle_Quickcheck: sig end =
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Mirabelle.command_action \<^binding>\<open>quickcheck\<close>
+    (fn {arguments, timeout, ...} => fn {pre, ...} =>
+      let
+        val has_valid_key = member (op =) ["iterations", "size", "generator"] o fst;
+        val quickcheck =
+          Quickcheck.quickcheck (map (apsnd single) (filter has_valid_key arguments)) 1;
+      in
+        (case Timeout.apply timeout quickcheck pre of
+          NONE => "no counterexample"
+        | SOME _ => "counterexample found")
+      end));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme and Tobias Nipkow, TU Munich
+Mirabelle action: "sledgehammer".
+structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
+(*To facilitate synching the description of Mirabelle Sledgehammer parameters
+ (in ../lib/Tools/mirabelle) with the parameters actually used by this
+ interface, the former extracts PARAMETER and DESCRIPTION from code below which
+ has this pattern (provided it appears in a single line):
+(* NOTE: Do not forget to update the Sledgehammer documentation to reflect changes here. *)
+val check_trivialK = "check_trivial" (*=BOOL: check if goals are "trivial"*)
+val e_selection_heuristicK = "e_selection_heuristic" (*=STRING: E clause selection heuristic*)
+val fact_filterK = "fact_filter" (*=STRING: fact filter*)
+val force_sosK = "force_sos" (*=BOOL: use set-of-support (in Vampire)*)
+val isar_proofsK = "isar_proofs" (*=SMART_BOOL: enable Isar proof generation*)
+val keepK = "keep" (*=PATH: path where to keep temporary files created by sledgehammer*)
+val lam_transK = "lam_trans" (*=STRING: lambda translation scheme*)
+val max_callsK = "max_calls" (*=NUM: max. no. of calls to sledgehammer*)
+val max_factsK = "max_facts" (*=NUM: max. relevant clauses to use*)
+val max_mono_itersK = "max_mono_iters" (*=NUM: max. iterations of monomorphiser*)
+val max_new_mono_instancesK = "max_new_mono_instances" (*=NUM: max. new monomorphic instances*)
+val max_relevantK = "max_relevant" (*=NUM: max. relevant clauses to use*)
+val minimizeK = "minimize" (*=BOOL: instruct sledgehammer to run its minimizer*)
+val preplay_timeoutK = "preplay_timeout" (*=TIME: timeout for finding reconstructed proof*)
+val proof_methodK = "proof_method" (*=STRING: how to reconstruct proofs (ie. using metis/smt)*)
+val proverK = "prover" (*=STRING: name of the external prover to call*)
+val prover_timeoutK = "prover_timeout" (*=TIME: timeout for invoked ATP (seconds of process time)*)
+val sliceK = "slice" (*=BOOL: allow sledgehammer-level strategy-scheduling*)
+val smt_proofsK = "smt_proofs" (*=BOOL: enable SMT proof generation*)
+val strictK = "strict" (*=BOOL: run in strict mode*)
+val strideK = "stride" (*=NUM: run every nth goal*)
+val term_orderK = "term_order" (*=STRING: term order (in E)*)
+val type_encK = "type_enc" (*=STRING: type encoding scheme*)
+val uncurried_aliasesK = "uncurried_aliases" (*=SMART_BOOL: use fresh function names to alias curried applications*)
+fun sh_tag id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " sledgehammer: "
+fun proof_method_tag meth id = "#" ^ string_of_int id ^ " " ^ (!meth) ^ " (sledgehammer): "
+val separator = "-----"
+(*FIXME sensible to have Mirabelle-level Sledgehammer defaults?*)
+(*defaults used in this Mirabelle action*)
+val preplay_timeout_default = "1"
+val lam_trans_default = "smart"
+val uncurried_aliases_default = "smart"
+val fact_filter_default = "smart"
+val type_enc_default = "smart"
+val strict_default = "false"
+val stride_default = 1
+val max_facts_default = "smart"
+val slice_default = "true"
+val max_calls_default = 10000000
+val check_trivial_default = false
+(*If a key is present in args then augment a list with its pair*)
+(*This is used to avoid fixing default values at the Mirabelle level, and
+  instead use the default values of the tool (Sledgehammer in this case).*)
+fun available_parameter args key label list =
+  let
+    val value = AList.lookup (op =) args key
+  in if is_some value then (label, the value) :: list else list end
+datatype sh_data = ShData of {
+  calls: int,
+  success: int,
+  nontriv_calls: int,
+  nontriv_success: int,
+  lemmas: int,
+  max_lems: int,
+  time_isa: int,
+  time_prover: int,
+  time_prover_fail: int}
+datatype re_data = ReData of {
+  calls: int,
+  success: int,
+  nontriv_calls: int,
+  nontriv_success: int,
+  proofs: int,
+  time: int,
+  timeout: int,
+  lemmas: int * int * int,
+  posns: (Position.T * bool) list
+  }
+fun make_sh_data
+      (calls,success,nontriv_calls,nontriv_success,lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,
+       time_prover,time_prover_fail) =
+  ShData{calls=calls, success=success, nontriv_calls=nontriv_calls,
+         nontriv_success=nontriv_success, lemmas=lemmas, max_lems=max_lems,
+         time_isa=time_isa, time_prover=time_prover,
+         time_prover_fail=time_prover_fail}
+fun make_re_data (calls,success,nontriv_calls,nontriv_success,proofs,time,
+                  timeout,lemmas,posns) =
+  ReData{calls=calls, success=success, nontriv_calls=nontriv_calls,
+         nontriv_success=nontriv_success, proofs=proofs, time=time,
+         timeout=timeout, lemmas=lemmas, posns=posns}
+val empty_sh_data = make_sh_data (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+val empty_re_data = make_re_data (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (0,0,0), [])
+fun tuple_of_sh_data (ShData {calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success,
+                              lemmas, max_lems, time_isa,
+  time_prover, time_prover_fail}) = (calls, success, nontriv_calls,
+  nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
+fun tuple_of_re_data (ReData {calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success,
+  proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, posns}) = (calls, success, nontriv_calls,
+  nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, posns)
+datatype data = Data of {
+  sh: sh_data,
+  re_u: re_data (* proof method with unminimized set of lemmas *)
+  }
+fun make_data (sh, re_u) = Data {sh=sh, re_u=re_u}
+val empty_data = make_data (empty_sh_data, empty_re_data)
+fun map_sh_data f (Data {sh, re_u}) =
+  let val sh' = make_sh_data (f (tuple_of_sh_data sh))
+  in make_data (sh', re_u) end
+fun map_re_data f (Data {sh, re_u}) =
+  let
+    val f' = make_re_data o f o tuple_of_re_data
+    val re_u' = f' re_u
+  in make_data (sh, re_u') end
+fun inc_max (n:int) (s,sos,m) = (s+n, sos + n*n, Int.max(m,n));
+val inc_sh_calls =  map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls + 1, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
+val inc_sh_success = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls, success + 1, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
+val inc_sh_nontriv_calls =  map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls + 1, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
+val inc_sh_nontriv_success = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success + 1, lemmas,max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail))
+fun inc_sh_lemmas n = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas+n,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
+fun inc_sh_max_lems n = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,Int.max(max_lems,n),time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
+fun inc_sh_time_isa t = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa + t,time_prover,time_prover_fail))
+fun inc_sh_time_prover t = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover + t,time_prover_fail))
+fun inc_sh_time_prover_fail t = map_sh_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail)
+    => (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas,max_lems,time_isa,time_prover,time_prover_fail + t))
+val inc_proof_method_calls = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls + 1, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+val inc_proof_method_success = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success + 1, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+val inc_proof_method_nontriv_calls = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls + 1, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+val inc_proof_method_nontriv_success = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success + 1, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+val inc_proof_method_proofs = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs + 1, time, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+fun inc_proof_method_time t = map_re_data
+ (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+  => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time + t, timeout, lemmas,posns))
+val inc_proof_method_timeout = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout + 1, lemmas,posns))
+fun inc_proof_method_lemmas n = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, inc_max n lemmas, posns))
+fun inc_proof_method_posns pos = map_re_data
+  (fn (calls,success,nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs,time,timeout,lemmas,posns)
+    => (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, proofs, time, timeout, lemmas, pos::posns))
+val str0 = string_of_int o the_default 0
+val str = string_of_int
+val str3 = Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 3))
+fun percentage a b = string_of_int (a * 100 div b)
+fun time t = Real.fromInt t / 1000.0
+fun avg_time t n =
+  if n > 0 then (Real.fromInt t / 1000.0) / Real.fromInt n else 0.0
+fun log_sh_data log
+    (calls, success, nontriv_calls, nontriv_success, lemmas, max_lems, time_isa, time_prover, time_prover_fail) =
+ (log ("Total number of sledgehammer calls: " ^ str calls);
+  log ("Number of successful sledgehammer calls: " ^ str success);
+  log ("Number of sledgehammer lemmas: " ^ str lemmas);
+  log ("Max number of sledgehammer lemmas: " ^ str max_lems);
+  log ("Success rate: " ^ percentage success calls ^ "%");
+  log ("Total number of nontrivial sledgehammer calls: " ^ str nontriv_calls);
+  log ("Number of successful nontrivial sledgehammer calls: " ^ str nontriv_success);
+  log ("Total time for sledgehammer calls (Isabelle): " ^ str3 (time time_isa));
+  log ("Total time for successful sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^ str3 (time time_prover));
+  log ("Total time for failed sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^ str3 (time time_prover_fail));
+  log ("Average time for sledgehammer calls (Isabelle): " ^
+    str3 (avg_time time_isa calls));
+  log ("Average time for successful sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^
+    str3 (avg_time time_prover success));
+  log ("Average time for failed sledgehammer calls (ATP): " ^
+    str3 (avg_time time_prover_fail (calls - success)))
+  )
+fun str_of_pos (pos, triv) =
+  str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ":" ^ str0 (Position.offset_of pos) ^
+  (if triv then "[T]" else "")
+fun log_re_data log tag sh_calls (re_calls, re_success, re_nontriv_calls,
+     re_nontriv_success, re_proofs, re_time, re_timeout,
+    (lemmas, lems_sos, lems_max), re_posns) =
+ (log ("Total number of " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_calls);
+  log ("Number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_success ^
+    " (proof: " ^ str re_proofs ^ ")");
+  log ("Number of " ^ tag ^ "proof method timeouts: " ^ str re_timeout);
+  log ("Success rate: " ^ percentage re_success sh_calls ^ "%");
+  log ("Total number of nontrivial " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_nontriv_calls);
+  log ("Number of successful nontrivial " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str re_nontriv_success ^
+    " (proof: " ^ str re_proofs ^ ")");
+  log ("Number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lemmas);
+  log ("SOS of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lems_sos);
+  log ("Max number of successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method lemmas: " ^ str lems_max);
+  log ("Total time for successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^ str3 (time re_time));
+  log ("Average time for successful " ^ tag ^ "proof method calls: " ^
+    str3 (avg_time re_time re_success));
+  if tag=""
+  then log ("Proved: " ^ space_implode " " (map str_of_pos re_posns))
+  else ()
+ )
+fun log_data id log (Data {sh, re_u}) =
+  let
+    val ShData {calls=sh_calls, ...} = sh
+    fun app_if (ReData {calls, ...}) f = if calls > 0 then f () else ()
+    fun log_re tag m =
+      log_re_data log tag sh_calls (tuple_of_re_data m)
+    fun log_proof_method (tag1, m1) = app_if m1 (fn () => (log_re tag1 m1; log ""))
+  in
+    if sh_calls > 0
+    then
+     (log ("\n\n\nReport #" ^ string_of_int id ^ ":\n");
+      log_sh_data log (tuple_of_sh_data sh);
+      log "";
+      log_proof_method ("", re_u))
+    else ()
+  end
+(* Warning: we implicitly assume single-threaded execution here *)
+val data = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * data) list)
+fun init id thy = (Unsynchronized.change data (cons (id, empty_data)); thy)
+fun done id ({log, ...}: Mirabelle.done_args) =
+  AList.lookup (op =) (!data) id
+  |> (log_data id log)
+  |> K ()
+fun change_data id f = (Unsynchronized.change data (AList.map_entry (op =) id f); ())
+fun get_prover_name thy args =
+  let
+    fun default_prover_name () =
+      hd (#provers (Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy []))
+      handle List.Empty => error "No ATP available"
+  in
+    (case AList.lookup (op =) args proverK of
+      SOME name => name
+    | NONE => default_prover_name ())
+  end
+fun get_prover ctxt name params goal =
+  let
+    val learn = Sledgehammer_MaSh.mash_learn_proof ctxt params (Thm.prop_of goal)
+  in
+    Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.get_minimizing_prover ctxt Sledgehammer_Prover.Normal learn name
+  end
+type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
+fun is_good_line s =
+  (String.isSubstring " ms)" s orelse String.isSubstring " s)" s)
+  andalso not (String.isSubstring "(> " s)
+  andalso not (String.isSubstring ", > " s)
+  andalso not (String.isSubstring "may fail" s)
+(* Fragile hack *)
+fun proof_method_from_msg args msg =
+  (case AList.lookup (op =) args proof_methodK of
+    SOME name =>
+    if name = "smart" then
+      if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
+        "none"
+      else
+        "fail"
+    else
+      name
+  | NONE =>
+    if exists is_good_line (split_lines msg) then
+      "none" (* trust the preplayed proof *)
+    else if String.isSubstring "metis (" msg then
+      msg |> Substring.full
+          |> Substring.position "metis ("
+          |> snd |> Substring.position ")"
+          |> fst |> Substring.string
+          |> suffix ")"
+    else if String.isSubstring "metis" msg then
+      "metis"
+    else
+      "smt")
+datatype sh_result =
+  SH_OK of int * int * (string * stature) list |
+  SH_FAIL of int * int |
+fun run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice
+      lam_trans uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
+      hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
+      minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of st
+    val {context = ctxt, facts = chained_ths, goal} = Proof.goal st
+    val i = 1
+    fun set_file_name (SOME dir) =
+        Config.put Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.atp_dest_dir dir
+        #> Config.put Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.atp_problem_prefix
+          ("prob_" ^ str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ "__")
+        #> Config.put SMT_Config.debug_files
+          (dir ^ "/" ^ Name.desymbolize (SOME false) (ATP_Util.timestamp ()) ^ "_"
+          ^ serial_string ())
+      | set_file_name NONE = I
+    val st' =
+      st
+      |> Proof.map_context
+           (set_file_name dir
+            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.e_selection_heuristic)
+                  e_selection_heuristic |> the_default I)
+            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.term_order)
+                  term_order |> the_default I)
+            #> ( (Config.put Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems.force_sos)
+                  force_sos |> the_default I))
+    val params as {max_facts, minimize, preplay_timeout, ...} =
+      Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy
+         ([(* ("verbose", "true"), *)
+           ("fact_filter", fact_filter),
+           ("type_enc", type_enc),
+           ("strict", strict),
+           ("lam_trans", lam_trans |> the_default lam_trans_default),
+           ("uncurried_aliases", uncurried_aliases |> the_default uncurried_aliases_default),
+           ("max_facts", max_facts),
+           ("slice", slice),
+           ("timeout", string_of_int timeout),
+           ("preplay_timeout", preplay_timeout)]
+          |> isar_proofsLST
+          |> smt_proofsLST
+          |> minimizeLST (*don't confuse the two minimization flags*)
+          |> max_new_mono_instancesLST
+          |> max_mono_itersLST)
+    val default_max_facts =
+      Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.default_max_facts_of_prover ctxt prover_name
+    val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = ATP_Util.strip_subgoal goal i ctxt
+    val time_limit =
+      (case hard_timeout of
+        NONE => I
+      | SOME secs => Timeout.apply (Time.fromSeconds secs))
+    fun failed failure =
+      ({outcome = SOME failure, used_facts = [], used_from = [],
+        preferred_methss = (Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods.Auto_Method, []), run_time = Time.zeroTime,
+        message = K ""}, ~1)
+    val ({outcome, used_facts, preferred_methss, run_time, message, ...}
+         : Sledgehammer_Prover.prover_result,
+         time_isa) = time_limit (Mirabelle.cpu_time (fn () =>
+      let
+        val ho_atp = Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.is_ho_atp ctxt prover_name
+        val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt
+        val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
+        val facts =
+          Sledgehammer_Fact.nearly_all_facts ctxt ho_atp
+              Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override keywords css_table chained_ths
+              hyp_ts concl_t
+        val factss =
+          facts
+          |> Sledgehammer_MaSh.relevant_facts ctxt params prover_name
+                 (the_default default_max_facts max_facts)
+                 Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override hyp_ts concl_t
+          |> tap (fn factss =>
+                     "Line " ^ str0 (Position.line_of pos) ^ ": " ^
+                     Sledgehammer.string_of_factss factss
+                     |> writeln)
+        val prover = get_prover ctxt prover_name params goal
+        val problem =
+          {comment = "", state = st', goal = goal, subgoal = i,
+           subgoal_count = Sledgehammer_Util.subgoal_count st, factss = factss, found_proof = I}
+      in prover params problem end)) ()
+      handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => failed ATP_Proof.TimedOut
+           | Fail "inappropriate" => failed ATP_Proof.Inappropriate
+    val time_prover = run_time |> Time.toMilliseconds
+    val msg = message (fn () => Sledgehammer.play_one_line_proof minimize preplay_timeout used_facts
+      st' i preferred_methss)
+  in
+    (case outcome of
+      NONE => (msg, SH_OK (time_isa, time_prover, used_facts))
+    | SOME _ => (msg, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_prover)))
+  end
+  handle ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
+fun run_sledgehammer trivial args proof_method named_thms id
+      ({pre=st, log, pos, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of st
+    val triv_str = if trivial then "[T] " else ""
+    val _ = change_data id inc_sh_calls
+    val _ = if trivial then () else change_data id inc_sh_nontriv_calls
+    val prover_name = get_prover_name thy args
+    val fact_filter = AList.lookup (op =) args fact_filterK |> the_default fact_filter_default
+    val type_enc = AList.lookup (op =) args type_encK |> the_default type_enc_default
+    val strict = AList.lookup (op =) args strictK |> the_default strict_default
+    val max_facts =
+      (case AList.lookup (op =) args max_factsK of
+        SOME max => max
+      | NONE =>
+        (case AList.lookup (op =) args max_relevantK of
+          SOME max => max
+        | NONE => max_facts_default))
+    val slice = AList.lookup (op =) args sliceK |> the_default slice_default
+    val lam_trans = AList.lookup (op =) args lam_transK
+    val uncurried_aliases = AList.lookup (op =) args uncurried_aliasesK
+    val e_selection_heuristic = AList.lookup (op =) args e_selection_heuristicK
+    val term_order = AList.lookup (op =) args term_orderK
+    val force_sos = AList.lookup (op =) args force_sosK
+      |> (curry (op <>) "false")
+    val dir = AList.lookup (op =) args keepK
+    val timeout = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (prover_timeoutK, 30)
+    (* always use a hard timeout, but give some slack so that the automatic
+       minimizer has a chance to do its magic *)
+    val preplay_timeout = AList.lookup (op =) args preplay_timeoutK
+      |> the_default preplay_timeout_default
+    val isar_proofsLST = available_parameter args isar_proofsK "isar_proofs"
+    val smt_proofsLST = available_parameter args smt_proofsK "smt_proofs"
+    val minimizeLST = available_parameter args minimizeK "minimize"
+    val max_new_mono_instancesLST =
+      available_parameter args max_new_mono_instancesK max_new_mono_instancesK
+    val max_mono_itersLST = available_parameter args max_mono_itersK max_mono_itersK
+    val hard_timeout = SOME (4 * timeout)
+    val (msg, result) =
+      run_sh prover_name fact_filter type_enc strict max_facts slice lam_trans
+        uncurried_aliases e_selection_heuristic term_order force_sos
+        hard_timeout timeout preplay_timeout isar_proofsLST smt_proofsLST
+        minimizeLST max_new_mono_instancesLST max_mono_itersLST dir pos st
+  in
+    (case result of
+      SH_OK (time_isa, time_prover, names) =>
+        let
+          fun get_thms (name, stature) =
+            try (Sledgehammer_Util.thms_of_name (Proof.context_of st))
+              name
+            |> (pair (name, stature))
+        in
+          change_data id inc_sh_success;
+          if trivial then () else change_data id inc_sh_nontriv_success;
+          change_data id (inc_sh_lemmas (length names));
+          change_data id (inc_sh_max_lems (length names));
+          change_data id (inc_sh_time_isa time_isa);
+          change_data id (inc_sh_time_prover time_prover);
+          proof_method := proof_method_from_msg args msg;
+          named_thms := SOME (map_filter get_thms names);
+          log (sh_tag id ^ triv_str ^ "succeeded (" ^ string_of_int time_isa ^ "+" ^
+            string_of_int time_prover ^ ") [" ^ prover_name ^ "]:\n" ^ msg)
+        end
+    | SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_prover) =>
+        let
+          val _ = change_data id (inc_sh_time_isa time_isa)
+          val _ = change_data id (inc_sh_time_prover_fail time_prover)
+        in log (sh_tag id ^ triv_str ^ "failed: " ^ msg) end
+    | SH_ERROR => log (sh_tag id ^ "failed: " ^ msg))
+  end
+fun override_params prover type_enc timeout =
+  [("provers", prover),
+   ("max_facts", "0"),
+   ("type_enc", type_enc),
+   ("strict", "true"),
+   ("slice", "false"),
+   ("timeout", timeout |> Time.toSeconds |> string_of_int)]
+fun run_proof_method trivial full name meth named_thms id
+    ({pre=st, timeout, log, pos, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
+  let
+    fun do_method named_thms ctxt =
+      let
+        val ref_of_str = (* FIXME proper wrapper for parser combinators *)
+          suffix ";" #> Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt) Position.none
+          #> Parse.thm #> fst
+        val thms = named_thms |> maps snd
+        val facts = named_thms |> map (ref_of_str o fst o fst)
+        val fact_override = {add = facts, del = [], only = true}
+        fun my_timeout time_slice =
+          timeout |> Time.toReal |> curry (op *) time_slice |> Time.fromReal
+        fun sledge_tac time_slice prover type_enc =
+          Sledgehammer_Tactics.sledgehammer_as_oracle_tac ctxt
+            (override_params prover type_enc (my_timeout time_slice)) fact_override []
+      in
+        if !meth = "sledgehammer_tac" then
+          sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.vampireN "mono_native"
+          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.eN "poly_guards??"
+          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.spassN "mono_native"
+          ORELSE' sledge_tac 0.2 ATP_Proof.z3_tptpN "poly_tags??"
+          ORELSE' SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt thms
+        else if !meth = "smt" then
+          SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt thms
+        else if full then
+          Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.full_typesN]
+            ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans ctxt thms
+        else if String.isPrefix "metis (" (!meth) then
+          let
+            val (type_encs, lam_trans) =
+              !meth
+              |> Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt) Position.start
+              |> filter Token.is_proper |> tl
+              |> Metis_Tactic.parse_metis_options |> fst
+              |>> the_default [ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.partial_typesN]
+              ||> the_default ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans
+          in Metis_Tactic.metis_tac type_encs lam_trans ctxt thms end
+        else if !meth = "metis" then
+          Metis_Tactic.metis_tac [] ATP_Proof_Reconstruct.default_metis_lam_trans ctxt thms
+        else if !meth = "none" then
+          K all_tac
+        else if !meth = "fail" then
+          K no_tac
+        else
+          (warning ("Unknown method " ^ quote (!meth)); K no_tac)
+      end
+    fun apply_method named_thms =
+      Mirabelle.can_apply timeout (do_method named_thms) st
+    fun with_time (false, t) = "failed (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")"
+      | with_time (true, t) = (change_data id inc_proof_method_success;
+          if trivial then ()
+          else change_data id inc_proof_method_nontriv_success;
+          change_data id (inc_proof_method_lemmas (length named_thms));
+          change_data id (inc_proof_method_time t);
+          change_data id (inc_proof_method_posns (pos, trivial));
+          if name = "proof" then change_data id inc_proof_method_proofs else ();
+          "succeeded (" ^ string_of_int t ^ ")")
+    fun timed_method named_thms =
+      (with_time (Mirabelle.cpu_time apply_method named_thms), true)
+      handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => (change_data id inc_proof_method_timeout; ("timeout", false))
+           | ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, false)
+    val _ = log separator
+    val _ = change_data id inc_proof_method_calls
+    val _ = if trivial then () else change_data id inc_proof_method_nontriv_calls
+  in
+    named_thms
+    |> timed_method
+    |>> log o prefix (proof_method_tag meth id)
+    |> snd
+  end
+val try_timeout = seconds 5.0
+(* crude hack *)
+val num_sledgehammer_calls = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+val remaining_stride = Unsynchronized.ref stride_default
+fun sledgehammer_action args =
+  let
+    val stride = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (strideK, stride_default)
+    val max_calls = Mirabelle.get_int_setting args (max_callsK, max_calls_default)
+    val check_trivial = Mirabelle.get_bool_setting args (check_trivialK, check_trivial_default)
+  in
+    fn id => fn (st as {pre, name, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =>
+      let val goal = Thm.major_prem_of (#goal (Proof.goal pre)) in
+        if can Logic.dest_conjunction goal orelse can Logic.dest_equals goal then
+          ()
+        else if !remaining_stride > 1 then
+          (* We still have some steps to do *)
+          (remaining_stride := !remaining_stride - 1;
+          log "Skipping because of stride")
+        else
+          (* This was the last step, now run the action *)
+          let
+            val _ = remaining_stride := stride
+            val _ = num_sledgehammer_calls := !num_sledgehammer_calls + 1
+          in
+            if !num_sledgehammer_calls > max_calls then
+              log "Skipping because max number of calls reached"
+            else
+              let
+                val meth = Unsynchronized.ref ""
+                val named_thms =
+                  Unsynchronized.ref (NONE : ((string * stature) * thm list) list option)
+                val trivial =
+                  if check_trivial then
+                    Try0.try0 (SOME try_timeout) ([], [], [], []) pre
+                    handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => false
+                  else false
+                fun apply_method () =
+                  (Mirabelle.catch_result (proof_method_tag meth) false
+                    (run_proof_method trivial false name meth (these (!named_thms))) id st; ())
+              in
+                Mirabelle.catch sh_tag (run_sledgehammer trivial args meth named_thms) id st;
+                if is_some (!named_thms) then apply_method () else ()
+              end
+          end
+      end
+  end
+fun invoke args =
+  Mirabelle.register (init, sledgehammer_action args, done)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer_filter.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Munich
+Mirabelle action: "sledgehammer_filter".
+structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_Filter : MIRABELLE_ACTION =
+fun get args name default_value =
+  case AList.lookup (op =) args name of
+    SOME value => Value.parse_real value
+  | NONE => default_value
+fun extract_relevance_fudge args
+      {local_const_multiplier, worse_irrel_freq, higher_order_irrel_weight, abs_rel_weight,
+       abs_irrel_weight, theory_const_rel_weight, theory_const_irrel_weight,
+       chained_const_irrel_weight, intro_bonus, elim_bonus, simp_bonus, local_bonus, assum_bonus,
+       chained_bonus, max_imperfect, max_imperfect_exp, threshold_divisor, ridiculous_threshold} =
+  {local_const_multiplier = get args "local_const_multiplier" local_const_multiplier,
+   worse_irrel_freq = get args "worse_irrel_freq" worse_irrel_freq,
+   higher_order_irrel_weight = get args "higher_order_irrel_weight" higher_order_irrel_weight,
+   abs_rel_weight = get args "abs_rel_weight" abs_rel_weight,
+   abs_irrel_weight = get args "abs_irrel_weight" abs_irrel_weight,
+   theory_const_rel_weight = get args "theory_const_rel_weight" theory_const_rel_weight,
+   theory_const_irrel_weight = get args "theory_const_irrel_weight" theory_const_irrel_weight,
+   chained_const_irrel_weight = get args "chained_const_irrel_weight" chained_const_irrel_weight,
+   intro_bonus = get args "intro_bonus" intro_bonus,
+   elim_bonus = get args "elim_bonus" elim_bonus,
+   simp_bonus = get args "simp_bonus" simp_bonus,
+   local_bonus = get args "local_bonus" local_bonus,
+   assum_bonus = get args "assum_bonus" assum_bonus,
+   chained_bonus = get args "chained_bonus" chained_bonus,
+   max_imperfect = get args "max_imperfect" max_imperfect,
+   max_imperfect_exp = get args "max_imperfect_exp" max_imperfect_exp,
+   threshold_divisor = get args "threshold_divisor" threshold_divisor,
+   ridiculous_threshold = get args "ridiculous_threshold" ridiculous_threshold}
+structure Prooftab =
+  Table(type key = int * int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord)
+val proof_table = Unsynchronized.ref (Prooftab.empty: string list list Prooftab.table)
+val num_successes = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+val num_failures = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+val num_found_proofs = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+val num_lost_proofs = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+val num_found_facts = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+val num_lost_facts = Unsynchronized.ref ([] : (int * int) list)
+fun get id c = the_default 0 (AList.lookup (op =) (!c) id)
+fun add id c n =
+  c := (case AList.lookup (op =) (!c) id of
+         SOME m => AList.update (op =) (id, m + n) (!c)
+       | NONE => (id, n) :: !c)
+fun init proof_file _ thy =
+  let
+    fun do_line line =
+      (case line |> space_explode ":" of
+        [line_num, offset, proof] =>
+        SOME (apply2 (the o Int.fromString) (line_num, offset),
+              proof |> space_explode " " |> filter_out (curry (op =) ""))
+       | _ => NONE)
+    val proofs = (Path.explode proof_file)
+    val proof_tab =
+      proofs |> space_explode "\n"
+             |> map_filter do_line
+             |> AList.coalesce (op =)
+             |> Prooftab.make
+  in proof_table := proof_tab; thy end
+fun percentage a b = if b = 0 then "N/A" else string_of_int (a * 100 div b)
+fun percentage_alt a b = percentage a (a + b)
+fun done id ({log, ...} : Mirabelle.done_args) =
+  if get id num_successes + get id num_failures > 0 then
+    (log "";
+     log ("Number of overall successes: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_successes));
+     log ("Number of overall failures: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_failures));
+     log ("Overall success rate: " ^
+          percentage_alt (get id num_successes) (get id num_failures) ^ "%");
+     log ("Number of found proofs: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_found_proofs));
+     log ("Number of lost proofs: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_lost_proofs));
+     log ("Proof found rate: " ^
+          percentage_alt (get id num_found_proofs) (get id num_lost_proofs) ^ "%");
+     log ("Number of found facts: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_found_facts));
+     log ("Number of lost facts: " ^ string_of_int (get id num_lost_facts));
+     log ("Fact found rate: " ^
+          percentage_alt (get id num_found_facts) (get id num_lost_facts) ^ "%"))
+  else
+    ()
+val default_prover = ATP_Proof.eN (* arbitrary ATP *)
+fun with_index (i, s) = s ^ "@" ^ string_of_int i
+fun action args id ({pre, pos, log, ...} : Mirabelle.run_args) =
+  case (Position.line_of pos, Position.offset_of pos) of
+    (SOME line_num, SOME offset) =>
+    (case Prooftab.lookup (!proof_table) (line_num, offset) of
+       SOME proofs =>
+       let
+         val thy = Proof.theory_of pre
+         val {context = ctxt, facts = chained_ths, goal} = Proof.goal pre
+         val prover = AList.lookup (op =) args "prover" |> the_default default_prover
+         val params as {max_facts, ...} = Sledgehammer_Commands.default_params thy args
+         val default_max_facts =
+           Sledgehammer_Prover_Minimize.default_max_facts_of_prover ctxt prover
+         val relevance_fudge =
+           extract_relevance_fudge args Sledgehammer_MePo.default_relevance_fudge
+         val subgoal = 1
+         val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = ATP_Util.strip_subgoal goal subgoal ctxt
+         val ho_atp = Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.is_ho_atp ctxt prover
+         val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords' ctxt
+         val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
+         val facts =
+           Sledgehammer_Fact.nearly_all_facts ctxt ho_atp
+               Sledgehammer_Fact.no_fact_override keywords css_table chained_ths
+               hyp_ts concl_t
+           |> Sledgehammer_Fact.drop_duplicate_facts
+           |> Sledgehammer_MePo.mepo_suggested_facts ctxt params
+                  (the_default default_max_facts max_facts) (SOME relevance_fudge) hyp_ts concl_t
+            |> map (fst o fst)
+         val (found_facts, lost_facts) =
+           flat proofs |> sort_distinct string_ord
+           |> map (fn fact => (find_index (curry (op =) fact) facts, fact))
+           |> List.partition (curry (op <=) 0 o fst)
+           |>> sort (prod_ord int_ord string_ord) ||> map snd
+         val found_proofs = filter (forall (member (op =) facts)) proofs
+         val n = length found_proofs
+         val _ =
+           if n = 0 then
+             (add id num_failures 1; log "Failure")
+           else
+             (add id num_successes 1;
+              add id num_found_proofs n;
+              log ("Success (" ^ string_of_int n ^ " of " ^
+                   string_of_int (length proofs) ^ " proofs)"))
+         val _ = add id num_lost_proofs (length proofs - n)
+         val _ = add id num_found_facts (length found_facts)
+         val _ = add id num_lost_facts (length lost_facts)
+         val _ =
+           if null found_facts then
+             ()
+           else
+             let
+               val found_weight =
+                 Real.fromInt (fold (fn (n, _) => Integer.add (n * n)) found_facts 0)
+                   / Real.fromInt (length found_facts)
+                 |> Math.sqrt |> Real.ceil
+             in
+               log ("Found facts (among " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^
+                    ", weight " ^ string_of_int found_weight ^ "): " ^
+                    commas (map with_index found_facts))
+             end
+         val _ = if null lost_facts then
+                   ()
+                 else
+                   log ("Lost facts (among " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^
+                        "): " ^ commas lost_facts)
+       in () end
+     | NONE => log "No known proof")
+  | _ => ()
+val proof_fileK = "proof_file"
+fun invoke args =
+  let
+    val (pf_args, other_args) = args |> List.partition (curry (op =) proof_fileK o fst)
+    val proof_file =
+      (case pf_args of
+        [] => error "No \"proof_file\" specified"
+      | (_, s) :: _ => s)
+  in Mirabelle.register (init proof_file, action other_args, done) end
+(* Workaround to keep the "" script happy *)
+structure Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_filter = Mirabelle_Sledgehammer_Filter;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle_try0.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_try0.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Munich
+    Author:     Makarius
+Mirabelle action: "try0".
+structure Mirabelle_Try0 : sig end =
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup (Mirabelle.command_action \<^binding>\<open>try0\<close>
+    (fn {timeout, ...} => fn {pre, ...} =>
+      if Timeout.apply (Time.scale 10.0 timeout) (Try0.try0 (SOME timeout) ([], [], [], [])) pre
+      then "succeeded" else ""));
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_commands.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_commands.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   val provers : string Unsynchronized.ref
   val default_params : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
+  val parse_params: (string * string) list parser
 structure Sledgehammer_Commands : SLEDGEHAMMER_COMMANDS =
@@ -353,7 +354,8 @@
 val parse_key = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.embedded || parse_query_bang) >> implode_param
 val parse_value = Scan.repeat1 ( || Parse.float_number || parse_query_bang)
 val parse_param = parse_key -- Scan.optional (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- parse_value) []
-val parse_params = Scan.optional (Args.bracks (Parse.list parse_param)) []
+val parse_raw_params = Scan.optional (Args.bracks (Parse.list parse_param)) []
+val parse_params = parse_raw_params >> map (apsnd implode_param)
 val parse_fact_refs = Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless ( -- Args.colon) Parse.thm)
 val parse_fact_override_chunk =
   (Args.add |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs >> add_fact_override)
@@ -366,7 +368,7 @@
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>sledgehammer\<close>
     "search for first-order proof using automatic theorem provers"
-    (Scan.optional runN -- parse_params
+    (Scan.optional runN -- parse_raw_params
       -- parse_fact_override -- Scan.option Parse.nat >>
       (fn (((subcommand, params), fact_override), opt_i) =>
@@ -374,7 +376,7 @@
 val _ =
   Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>sledgehammer_params\<close>
     "set and display the default parameters for Sledgehammer"
-    (parse_params >> (fn params =>
+    (parse_raw_params >> (fn params =>
       Toplevel.theory (fold set_default_raw_param params #> tap (fn thy =>
         writeln ("Default parameters for Sledgehammer:\n" ^
           (case rev (default_raw_params Normal thy) of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/etc/options	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/etc/options	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -46,3 +46,15 @@
 public option kodkod_max_threads : int = 0
   -- "default max_threads for Nitpick/Kodkod (0: maximum of Java/Scala platform)"
+section "Mirabelle"
+option mirabelle_timeout : real = 30
+  -- "default timeout for Mirabelle actions"
+option mirabelle_actions : string = ""
+  -- "Mirabelle actions (outer syntax, separated by semicolons)"
+option mirabelle_theories : string = ""
+  -- "Mirabelle theories (names with optional line range, separated by commas)"
--- a/src/Pure/General/path.scala	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/path.scala	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
   def thy: Path = ext("thy")
   def tar: Path = ext("tar")
   def gz: Path = ext("gz")
+  def log: Path = ext("log")
   def backup: Path =
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/token.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
   val explode: Keyword.keywords -> Position.T -> string -> T list
   val explode0: Keyword.keywords -> string -> T list
   val print_name: Keyword.keywords -> string -> string
+  val print_properties: Keyword.keywords -> Properties.T -> string
   val make: (int * int) * string -> Position.T -> T * Position.T
   val make_string: string * Position.T -> T
   val make_int: int -> T list
@@ -698,13 +699,16 @@
 fun explode0 keywords = explode keywords Position.none;
-(* print name in parsable form *)
+(* print names in parsable form *)
 fun print_name keywords name =
   ((case explode keywords Position.none name of
     [tok] => not (member (op =) [Ident, Long_Ident, Sym_Ident, Nat] (kind_of tok))
   | _ => true) ? Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq) name;
+fun print_properties keywords =
+  map (apply2 (print_name keywords) #> (fn (a, b) => a ^ " = " ^ b)) #> commas #> enclose "[" "]";
 (* make *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
   val skip_proof_close: transition -> transition
   val exec_id: Document_ID.exec -> transition -> transition
   val setmp_thread_position: transition -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-  val add_hook: (transition -> state -> state -> unit) -> unit
   val transition: bool -> transition -> state -> state * (exn * string) option
   val command_errors: bool -> transition -> state -> Runtime.error list * state option
   val command_exception: bool -> transition -> state -> state
@@ -602,19 +601,6 @@
   Position.setmp_thread_data pos f x;
-(* post-transition hooks *)
-  val hooks =
-    Synchronized.var "Toplevel.hooks" ([]: (transition -> state -> state -> unit) list);
-fun add_hook hook = Synchronized.change hooks (cons hook);
-fun get_hooks () = Synchronized.value hooks;
 (* apply transitions *)
@@ -634,7 +620,6 @@
     val opt_err' = opt_err |>
       (fn Runtime.EXCURSION_FAIL exn_info => exn_info
         | exn => (Runtime.exn_context (try context_of st) exn, at_command tr));
-    val _ = get_hooks () |> (fn f => ignore \<^try>\<open>f tr st st'\<close>);
   in (st', opt_err') end;
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_tool.scala	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@
+  isabelle.mirabelle.Mirabelle.isabelle_tool,
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -55,8 +55,14 @@
   fun merge data : T = Library.merge (eq_snd op =) data;
+fun sequential_presentation options =
+  not (Options.bool options \<^system_option>\<open>parallel_presentation\<close>);
 fun apply_presentation (context: presentation_context) thy =
-  ignore (Presentation.get thy |> (fn (f, _) => f context thy));
+    {name = "apply_presentation", sequential = sequential_presentation (#options context)}
+    (fn (f, _) => f context thy) (Presentation.get thy)
+  |> ignore;
 fun add_presentation f = (cons (f, stamp ()));
@@ -257,7 +263,9 @@
     val results2 = futures
       |> map_filter (Exn.get_res o Future.join_result)
       |> sort result_ord
-      |> (fn result => Exn.capture (result_present result) ());
+      |>'
+          {name = "present", sequential = sequential_presentation (Options.default ())}
+          (fn result => Exn.capture (result_present result) ());
     (* FIXME more precise commit order (!?) *)
     val results3 = futures
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars	Thu May 13 15:52:10 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars	Fri May 14 21:32:11 2021 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 declare -a SOURCES=(
+  src/HOL/Tools/Mirabelle/mirabelle.scala