observe distinction between Pure/Tools and Tools more closely
Fri, 24 Apr 2009 17:45:17 +0200
changeset 30973 304ab57afa6e
parent 30972 5b65835ccc92
child 30974 415f2fe37f62
observe distinction between Pure/Tools and Tools more closely
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
   $(SRC)/Tools/intuitionistic.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/induct_tacs.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/nbe.ML \
+  $(SRC)/Tools/quickcheck.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/project_rule.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/random_word.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/value.ML \
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 Pure: $(OUT)/Pure
-$(OUT)/Pure: $(BOOTSTRAP_FILES) ../Tools/auto_solve.ML			\
-  ../Tools/quickcheck.ML Concurrent/ROOT.ML Concurrent/future.ML	\
+  Concurrent/ROOT.ML Concurrent/future.ML	\
   Concurrent/mailbox.ML Concurrent/par_list.ML				\
   Concurrent/par_list_dummy.ML Concurrent/simple_thread.ML		\
   Concurrent/synchronized.ML Concurrent/task_queue.ML General/ROOT.ML	\
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
   Thy/html.ML Thy/latex.ML Thy/present.ML Thy/term_style.ML		\
   Thy/thm_deps.ML Thy/thy_header.ML Thy/thy_info.ML Thy/thy_load.ML	\
   Thy/thy_output.ML Thy/thy_syntax.ML Tools/ROOT.ML			\
-  Tools/find_consts.ML Tools/find_theorems.ML Tools/named_thms.ML	\
+  Tools/auto_solve.ML Tools/find_consts.ML Tools/find_theorems.ML Tools/named_thms.ML	\
   Tools/xml_syntax.ML assumption.ML axclass.ML codegen.ML config.ML	\
   conjunction.ML consts.ML context.ML context_position.ML conv.ML	\
   defs.ML display.ML drule.ML envir.ML facts.ML goal.ML			\
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   |> setmp Proofterm.proofs 1
   |> setmp quick_and_dirty true
-  |> setmp auto_quickcheck true
+  |> setmp Quickcheck.auto true
   |> setmp auto_solve true) "preferences.ML";
 use "pgip_parser.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/ROOT.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/ROOT.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
 use "find_theorems.ML";
 use "find_consts.ML";
-(*quickcheck/autosolve needed here because of pg preferences*)
-use "../../Tools/quickcheck.ML";
-use "../../Tools/auto_solve.ML";
+use "auto_solve.ML";
+(*quickcheck stub needed here because of pg preferences*)
+structure Quickcheck =
+val auto = ref false;
+val auto_time_limit = ref 5000;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/auto_solve.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(*  Title:      Tools/auto_solve.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
+Check whether a newly stated theorem can be solved directly by an
+existing theorem.  Duplicate lemmas can be detected in this way.
+The implementation is based in part on Berghofer and Haftmann's
+quickcheck.ML.  It relies critically on the FindTheorems solves
+signature AUTO_SOLVE =
+  val auto : bool ref
+  val auto_time_limit : int ref
+  val limit : int ref
+  val seek_solution : bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+structure AutoSolve : AUTO_SOLVE =
+val auto = ref false;
+val auto_time_limit = ref 2500;
+val limit = ref 5;
+fun seek_solution int state =
+  let
+    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
+    val crits = [(true, FindTheorems.Solves)];
+    fun find g = snd (FindTheorems.find_theorems ctxt (SOME g) (SOME (! limit)) false crits);
+    fun prt_result (goal, results) =
+      let
+        val msg =
+          (case goal of
+            NONE => "The current goal"
+          | SOME sg => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of sg));
+      in
+        Pretty.big_list
+          (msg ^ " could be solved directly with:")
+          (map (FindTheorems.pretty_thm ctxt) results)
+      end;
+    fun seek_against_goal () =
+      (case try Proof.get_goal state of
+        NONE => NONE
+      | SOME (_, (_, goal)) =>
+          let
+            val subgoals = Conjunction.dest_conjunctions (Thm.cprem_of goal 1);
+            val rs =
+              if length subgoals = 1
+              then [(NONE, find goal)]
+              else map (fn sg => (SOME sg, find (Goal.init sg))) subgoals;
+            val results = filter_out (null o snd) rs;
+          in if null results then NONE else SOME results end);
+    fun go () =
+      let
+        val res =
+          TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromMilliseconds (! auto_time_limit))
+            (try seek_against_goal) ();
+      in
+        (case res of
+          SOME (SOME results) =>
+            state |> Proof.goal_message
+              (fn () => Pretty.chunks
+                [Pretty.str "",
+                  Pretty.markup Markup.hilite
+                    (separate (Pretty.brk 0) (map prt_result results))])
+        | _ => state)
+      end handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => (warning "AutoSolve: timeout."; state);
+  in
+    if int andalso ! auto andalso not (! Toplevel.quiet)
+    then go ()
+    else state
+  end;
+val _ = Context.>> (Specification.add_theorem_hook AutoSolve.seek_solution);
+val auto_solve = AutoSolve.auto;
+val auto_solve_time_limit = AutoSolve.auto_time_limit;
--- a/src/Tools/Code_Generator.thy	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/Code_Generator.thy	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 imports Pure
+  "~~/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML"
--- a/src/Tools/auto_solve.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/auto_solve.ML
-    Author:     Timothy Bourke and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
-Check whether a newly stated theorem can be solved directly by an
-existing theorem.  Duplicate lemmas can be detected in this way.
-The implementation is based in part on Berghofer and Haftmann's
-quickcheck.ML.  It relies critically on the FindTheorems solves
-signature AUTO_SOLVE =
-  val auto : bool ref
-  val auto_time_limit : int ref
-  val limit : int ref
-  val seek_solution : bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
-structure AutoSolve : AUTO_SOLVE =
-val auto = ref false;
-val auto_time_limit = ref 2500;
-val limit = ref 5;
-fun seek_solution int state =
-  let
-    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
-    val crits = [(true, FindTheorems.Solves)];
-    fun find g = snd (FindTheorems.find_theorems ctxt (SOME g) (SOME (! limit)) false crits);
-    fun prt_result (goal, results) =
-      let
-        val msg =
-          (case goal of
-            NONE => "The current goal"
-          | SOME sg => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of sg));
-      in
-        Pretty.big_list
-          (msg ^ " could be solved directly with:")
-          (map (FindTheorems.pretty_thm ctxt) results)
-      end;
-    fun seek_against_goal () =
-      (case try Proof.get_goal state of
-        NONE => NONE
-      | SOME (_, (_, goal)) =>
-          let
-            val subgoals = Conjunction.dest_conjunctions (Thm.cprem_of goal 1);
-            val rs =
-              if length subgoals = 1
-              then [(NONE, find goal)]
-              else map (fn sg => (SOME sg, find (Goal.init sg))) subgoals;
-            val results = filter_out (null o snd) rs;
-          in if null results then NONE else SOME results end);
-    fun go () =
-      let
-        val res =
-          TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromMilliseconds (! auto_time_limit))
-            (try seek_against_goal) ();
-      in
-        (case res of
-          SOME (SOME results) =>
-            state |> Proof.goal_message
-              (fn () => Pretty.chunks
-                [Pretty.str "",
-                  Pretty.markup Markup.hilite
-                    (separate (Pretty.brk 0) (map prt_result results))])
-        | _ => state)
-      end handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => (warning "AutoSolve: timeout."; state);
-  in
-    if int andalso ! auto andalso not (! Toplevel.quiet)
-    then go ()
-    else state
-  end;
-val _ = Context.>> (Specification.add_theorem_hook AutoSolve.seek_solution);
-val auto_solve = AutoSolve.auto;
-val auto_solve_time_limit = AutoSolve.auto_time_limit;
--- a/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:16 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Apr 24 17:45:17 2009 +0200
@@ -15,19 +15,21 @@
 structure Quickcheck : QUICKCHECK =
+open Quickcheck; (*c.f. Pure/Tools/ROOT.ML*)
 (* quickcheck configuration -- default parameters, test generators *)
 datatype test_params = Test_Params of
   { size: int, iterations: int, default_type: typ option };
-fun dest_test_params (Test_Params { size, iterations, default_type}) =
+fun dest_test_params (Test_Params { size, iterations, default_type }) =
   ((size, iterations), default_type);
 fun mk_test_params ((size, iterations), default_type) =
   Test_Params { size = size, iterations = iterations, default_type = default_type };
 fun map_test_params f (Test_Params { size, iterations, default_type}) =
   mk_test_params (f ((size, iterations), default_type));
-fun merge_test_params (Test_Params {size = size1, iterations = iterations1, default_type = default_type1},
-  Test_Params {size = size2, iterations = iterations2, default_type = default_type2}) =
+fun merge_test_params (Test_Params { size = size1, iterations = iterations1, default_type = default_type1 },
+  Test_Params { size = size2, iterations = iterations2, default_type = default_type2 }) =
   mk_test_params ((Int.max (size1, size2), Int.max (iterations1, iterations2)),
     case default_type1 of NONE => default_type2 | _ => default_type1);
@@ -138,9 +140,6 @@
 (* automatic testing *)
-val auto = ref false;
-val auto_time_limit = ref 5000;
 fun test_goal_auto int state =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;