--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML Mon Oct 15 20:36:48 2001 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML Mon Oct 15 20:41:14 2001 +0200
@@ -22,10 +22,16 @@
val dest_global: theory attribute
val elim_global: theory attribute
val intro_global: theory attribute
+ val dest_bang_global: theory attribute
+ val elim_bang_global: theory attribute
+ val intro_bang_global: theory attribute
val rule_del_global: theory attribute
val dest_local: Proof.context attribute
val elim_local: Proof.context attribute
val intro_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val dest_bang_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val elim_bang_local: Proof.context attribute
+ val intro_bang_local: Proof.context attribute
val rule_del_local: Proof.context attribute
val METHOD: (thm list -> tactic) -> Proof.method
@@ -134,13 +140,24 @@
(** global and local rule data **)
+val introK = 0;
+val elimK = 1;
+val intro_bangK = 2;
+val elim_bangK = 3;
- fun prt_rules kind sg ths =
- Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list ("standard " ^ kind ^ " rules:")
- (map (Display.pretty_thm_sg sg) ths));
+fun kind_name 0 = "introduction rules (intro)"
+ | kind_name 1 = "elimination rules (elim)"
+ | kind_name 2 = "safe introduction rules (intro!)"
+ | kind_name 3 = "safe elimination rules (elim!)";
+fun prt_rules sg (k, rs) =
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list (kind_name k ^ ":")
+ (map (Display.pretty_thm_sg sg) (NetRules.rules rs)));
- fun print_rules sg (intro, elim) =
- (prt_rules "introduction" sg intro; prt_rules "elimination" sg elim);
+ fun print_rules sg rules = seq (prt_rules sg) (0 upto length rules - 1 ~~ rules);
@@ -149,13 +166,12 @@
structure GlobalRulesArgs =
val name = "Isar/rules";
- type T = thm list * thm list;
+ type T = thm NetRules.T list;
- val empty = ([], []);
+ val empty = [NetRules.intro, NetRules.elim, NetRules.intro, NetRules.elim];
val copy = I;
val prep_ext = I;
- fun merge ((intro1, elim1), (intro2, elim2)) =
- (Drule.merge_rules (intro1, intro2), Drule.merge_rules (elim1, elim2));
+ fun merge x = map2 NetRules.merge x;
val print = print_rules;
@@ -167,9 +183,8 @@
structure LocalRulesArgs =
- val name = "Isar/rules";
- type T = thm list * thm list;
+ val name = GlobalRulesArgs.name;
+ type T = GlobalRulesArgs.T;
val init = GlobalRules.get;
val print = print_rules o ProofContext.sign_of;
@@ -185,15 +200,16 @@
-fun add_dest th (intro, elim) = (intro, Drule.add_rules [Tactic.make_elim th] elim);
-fun add_elim th (intro, elim) = (intro, Drule.add_rules [th] elim);
-fun add_intro th (intro, elim) = (Drule.add_rules [th] intro, elim);
+fun add_rule k view th = Library.map_nth_elem k (NetRules.insert (view th));
-fun del_rule th (intro, elim) =
- let
- val th' = Tactic.make_elim th;
- val del = Drule.del_rules [th'] o Drule.del_rules [th];
- in (del intro, del elim) end;
+val add_intro = add_rule introK I;
+val add_elim = add_rule elimK I;
+val add_dest = add_rule elimK Tactic.make_elim;
+val add_intro_bang = add_rule intro_bangK I;
+val add_elim_bang = add_rule elim_bangK I;
+val add_dest_bang = add_rule elim_bangK Tactic.make_elim;
+fun del_rule th = map (NetRules.delete th o NetRules.delete (Tactic.make_elim th));
fun mk_att f g (x, th) = (f (g th) x, th);
@@ -202,11 +218,17 @@
val dest_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_dest;
val elim_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_elim;
val intro_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_intro;
+val dest_bang_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_dest_bang;
+val elim_bang_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_elim_bang;
+val intro_bang_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map add_intro_bang;
val rule_del_global = mk_att GlobalRules.map del_rule;
val dest_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_dest;
val elim_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_elim;
val intro_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_intro;
+val dest_bang_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_dest_bang;
+val elim_bang_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_elim_bang;
+val intro_bang_local = mk_att LocalRules.map add_intro_bang;
val rule_del_local = mk_att LocalRules.map del_rule;
fun del_args att = Attrib.syntax (Scan.lift Args.del >> K att);
@@ -217,11 +239,17 @@
(* concrete syntax *)
val rule_atts =
- [("dest", (Attrib.no_args dest_global, Attrib.no_args dest_local),
+ [("dest",
+ (Attrib.bang_args dest_bang_global dest_global,
+ Attrib.bang_args dest_bang_local dest_local),
"declaration of destruction rule"),
- ("elim", (Attrib.no_args elim_global, Attrib.no_args elim_local),
+ ("elim",
+ (Attrib.bang_args elim_bang_global elim_global,
+ Attrib.bang_args elim_bang_local elim_local),
"declaration of elimination rule"),
- ("intro", (Attrib.no_args intro_global, Attrib.no_args intro_local),
+ ("intro",
+ (Attrib.bang_args intro_bang_global intro_global,
+ Attrib.bang_args intro_bang_local intro_local),
"declaration of introduction rule"),
("rule", (del_args rule_del_global, del_args rule_del_local),
"remove declaration of elim/intro rule")];
@@ -310,12 +338,20 @@
fun gen_arule_tac tac j rules facts =
EVERY' (gen_rule_tac tac rules facts :: replicate j Tactic.assume_tac);
-fun gen_some_rule_tac tac arg_rules ctxt facts =
- let val rules =
- if not (null arg_rules) then arg_rules
- else if null facts then #1 (LocalRules.get ctxt)
- else op @ (LocalRules.get ctxt);
- in trace rules; tac rules facts end;
+fun find_erules [] _ = []
+ | find_erules (fact :: _) rs =
+ NetRules.retrieve rs (Logic.strip_assums_concl (#prop (Thm.rep_thm fact)));
+fun find_rules goal rs = NetRules.retrieve rs (Logic.strip_assums_concl goal);
+fun gen_some_rule_tac tac arg_rules ctxt facts = SUBGOAL (fn (goal, i) =>
+ let
+ fun get k = nth_elem (k, LocalRules.get ctxt);
+ val rules =
+ if not (null arg_rules) then arg_rules
+ else find_erules facts (get elim_bangK) @ find_erules facts (get elimK) @
+ find_rules goal (get intro_bangK) @ find_rules goal (get introK);
+ in trace rules; tac rules facts i end);
fun meth tac x = METHOD (HEADGOAL o tac x);
fun meth' tac x y = METHOD (HEADGOAL o tac x y);
@@ -489,7 +525,6 @@
fun no_args m = ctxt_args (K m);
(* sections *)
type modifier = (Proof.context -> Proof.context) * Proof.context attribute;