--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML Mon Jul 26 11:19:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML Mon Jul 26 11:21:11 2010 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
type minimize_command = string list -> string
+fun mk_anot phi = AConn (ANot, [phi])
+fun mk_aconn c (phi1, phi2) = AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])
val index_in_shape : int -> int list list -> int =
find_index o exists o curry (op =)
fun is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num =
@@ -50,24 +53,31 @@
| _ => "", fastype_of v, abstract_over (v, t))
fun forall_of v t = HOLogic.all_const (fastype_of v) $ smart_lambda v t
+fun negate_term (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+ Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
+ | negate_term (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+ Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term t')
+ | negate_term (@{const "op -->"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+ @{const "op &"} $ t1 $ negate_term t2
+ | negate_term (@{const "op &"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+ @{const "op |"} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
+ | negate_term (@{const "op |"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+ @{const "op &"} $ negate_term t1 $ negate_term t2
+ | negate_term (@{const Not} $ t) = t
+ | negate_term t = @{const Not} $ t
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) raw_step =
Definition of 'a * 'b * 'c |
Inference of 'a * 'd * 'e list
-(* Syntax trees, either term list or formulae *)
-datatype node = IntLeaf of int | StrNode of string * node list
-fun str_leaf s = StrNode (s, [])
-fun scons (x, y) = StrNode ("cons", [x, y])
-val slist_of = List.foldl scons (str_leaf "nil")
+datatype int_or_string = Str of string | Int of int
(*Strings enclosed in single quotes, e.g. filenames*)
-val parse_quoted = $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode;
+val scan_quoted = $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode;
-val parse_dollar_name =
+val scan_dollar_name =
Scan.repeat ($$ "$") -- Symbol.scan_id >> (fn (ss, s) => implode ss ^ s)
(* needed for SPASS's output format *)
@@ -79,63 +89,72 @@
(* Generalized first-order terms, which include file names, numbers, etc. *)
(* The "x" argument is not strictly necessary, but without it Poly/ML loops
forever at compile time. *)
+fun parse_generalized_term x =
+ (scan_quoted >> (fn s => ATerm (Str s, []))
+ || scan_dollar_name
+ -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_generalized_terms --| $$ ")") []
+ >> (fn (s, gs) => ATerm (Str s, gs))
+ || scan_integer >> (fn k => ATerm (Int k, []))
+ || $$ "(" |-- parse_generalized_term --| $$ ")"
+ || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional parse_generalized_terms [] --| $$ "]"
+ >> curry ATerm (Str "list")) x
+and parse_generalized_terms x =
+ (parse_generalized_term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_generalized_term)) x
fun parse_term pool x =
- (parse_quoted >> str_leaf
- || scan_integer >> IntLeaf
- || (parse_dollar_name >> repair_name pool)
- -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms pool --| $$ ")") [] >> StrNode
- || $$ "(" |-- parse_term pool --| $$ ")"
- || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional (parse_terms pool) [] --| $$ "]" >> slist_of) x
+ ((scan_dollar_name >> repair_name pool)
+ -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms pool --| $$ ")") [] >> ATerm) x
and parse_terms pool x =
(parse_term pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term pool)) x
-fun negate_node u = StrNode ("c_Not", [u])
-fun equate_nodes u1 u2 = StrNode ("c_equal", [u1, u2])
-(* Apply equal or not-equal to a term. *)
-fun repair_predicate_term (u, NONE) = u
- | repair_predicate_term (u1, SOME (NONE, u2)) = equate_nodes u1 u2
- | repair_predicate_term (u1, SOME (SOME _, u2)) =
- negate_node (equate_nodes u1 u2)
fun parse_predicate_term pool =
parse_term pool -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "="
-- parse_term pool)
- >> repair_predicate_term
-fun parse_literal pool x =
- ($$ "~" |-- parse_literal pool >> negate_node || parse_predicate_term pool) x
-fun parse_literals pool =
- parse_literal pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- parse_literal pool)
-fun parse_parenthesized_literals pool =
- $$ "(" |-- parse_literals pool --| $$ ")" || parse_literals pool
-fun parse_clause pool =
- parse_parenthesized_literals pool
- ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- parse_parenthesized_literals pool)
- >> List.concat
+ >> (fn (u, NONE) => APred u
+ | (u1, SOME (NONE, u2)) => APred (ATerm ("c_equal", [u1, u2]))
+ | (u1, SOME (SOME _, u2)) =>
+ mk_anot (APred (ATerm ("c_equal", [u1, u2]))))
+fun fo_term_head (ATerm (s, _)) = s
-fun ints_of_node (IntLeaf n) = cons n
- | ints_of_node (StrNode (_, us)) = fold ints_of_node us
+(* TPTP formulas are fully parenthesized, so we don't need to worry about
+ operator precedence. *)
+fun parse_formula pool x =
+ (($$ "(" |-- parse_formula pool --| $$ ")"
+ || ($$ "!" >> K AForall || $$ "?" >> K AExists)
+ --| $$ "[" -- parse_terms pool --| $$ "]" --| $$ ":"
+ -- parse_formula pool
+ >> (fn ((q, ts), phi) => AQuant (q, map fo_term_head ts, phi))
+ || $$ "~" |-- parse_formula pool >> mk_anot
+ || parse_predicate_term pool)
+ -- Scan.option ((Scan.this_string "=>" >> K AImplies
+ || Scan.this_string "<=>" >> K AIff
+ || Scan.this_string "<~>" >> K ANotIff
+ || Scan.this_string "<=" >> K AIf
+ || $$ "|" >> K AOr || $$ "&" >> K AAnd)
+ -- parse_formula pool)
+ >> (fn (phi1, NONE) => phi1
+ | (phi1, SOME (c, phi2)) => mk_aconn c (phi1, phi2))) x
+fun ints_of_generalized_term (ATerm (label, gs)) =
+ fold ints_of_generalized_term gs #> (case label of Int k => cons k | _ => I)
val parse_tstp_annotations =
- Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_term Symtab.empty
- --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- parse_terms Symtab.empty)
- >> (fn source => ints_of_node source [])) []
+ Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_generalized_term
+ --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- parse_generalized_terms)
+ >> (fn g => ints_of_generalized_term g [])) []
-fun parse_definition pool =
- $$ "(" |-- parse_literal pool --| Scan.this_string "<=>"
- -- parse_clause pool --| $$ ")"
-(* Syntax: cnf(<num>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>).
+(* Syntax: (fof|cnf)\(<num>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>\).
The <num> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
-fun finish_tstp_definition_line (num, (u, us)) = Definition (num, u, us)
-fun finish_tstp_inference_line ((num, us), deps) = Inference (num, us, deps)
-fun parse_tstp_line pool =
- ((Scan.this_string "fof" -- $$ "(") |-- scan_integer --| $$ ","
- --| Scan.this_string "definition" --| $$ "," -- parse_definition pool
- --| parse_tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
- >> finish_tstp_definition_line)
- || ((Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- scan_integer --| $$ ","
- --| Symbol.scan_id --| $$ "," -- parse_clause pool
- -- parse_tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
- >> finish_tstp_inference_line)
+ fun parse_tstp_line pool =
+ ((Scan.this_string "fof" || Scan.this_string "cnf") -- $$ "(")
+ |-- scan_integer --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_id --| $$ ","
+ -- parse_formula pool -- parse_tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+ >> (fn (((num, role), phi), deps) =>
+ case role of
+ "definition" =>
+ (case phi of
+ AConn (AIff, [phi1, phi2]) => Definition (num, phi1, phi2)
+ | _ => raise Fail "malformed definition")
+ | _ => Inference (num, phi, deps))
@@ -152,21 +171,25 @@
fun parse_decorated_predicate_term pool =
parse_predicate_term pool --| Scan.repeat ($$ "*" || $$ "+" || $$ " ")
+fun mk_horn ([], []) = APred (ATerm ("c_False", []))
+ | mk_horn ([], pos_lits) = foldr1 (mk_aconn AOr) pos_lits
+ | mk_horn (neg_lits, []) = mk_anot (foldr1 (mk_aconn AAnd) neg_lits)
+ | mk_horn (neg_lits, pos_lits) =
+ mk_aconn AImplies (foldr1 (mk_aconn AAnd) neg_lits,
+ foldr1 (mk_aconn AOr) pos_lits)
fun parse_horn_clause pool =
Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_predicate_term pool) --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|"
-- Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_predicate_term pool) --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
-- Scan.repeat (parse_decorated_predicate_term pool)
- >> (fn (([], []), []) => [str_leaf "c_False"]
- | ((clauses1, clauses2), clauses3) =>
- map negate_node (clauses1 @ clauses2) @ clauses3)
+ >> (mk_horn o apfst (op @))
(* Syntax: <num>[0:<inference><annotations>]
<cnf_formulas> || <cnf_formulas> -> <cnf_formulas>. *)
-fun finish_spass_line ((num, deps), us) = Inference (num, us, deps)
fun parse_spass_line pool =
scan_integer --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
-- parse_spass_annotations --| $$ "]" -- parse_horn_clause pool --| $$ "."
- >> finish_spass_line
+ >> (fn ((num, deps), u) => Inference (num, u, deps))
fun parse_line pool = parse_tstp_line pool || parse_spass_line pool
fun parse_lines pool = Scan.repeat1 (parse_line pool)
@@ -178,30 +201,31 @@
-exception NODE of node list
+exception FO_TERM of string fo_term list
+exception FORMULA of string formula list
+exception SAME of unit
(* Type variables are given the basic sort "HOL.type". Some will later be
- constrained by information from type literals, or by type inference. *)
-fun type_from_node _ (u as IntLeaf _) = raise NODE [u]
- | type_from_node tfrees (u as StrNode (a, us)) =
- let val Ts = map (type_from_node tfrees) us in
- case strip_prefix type_const_prefix a of
- SOME b => Type (invert_const b, Ts)
+ constrained by information from type literals, or by type inference. *)
+fun type_from_fo_term tfrees (u as ATerm (a, us)) =
+ let val Ts = map (type_from_fo_term tfrees) us in
+ case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii type_const_prefix a of
+ SOME b => Type (invert_const b, Ts)
+ | NONE =>
+ if not (null us) then
+ raise FO_TERM [u] (* only "tconst"s have type arguments *)
+ else case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii tfree_prefix a of
+ SOME b =>
+ let val s = "'" ^ b in
+ TFree (s, AList.lookup (op =) tfrees s |> the_default HOLogic.typeS)
+ end
| NONE =>
- if not (null us) then
- raise NODE [u] (* only "tconst"s have type arguments *)
- else case strip_prefix tfree_prefix a of
- SOME b =>
- let val s = "'" ^ b in
- TFree (s, AList.lookup (op =) tfrees s |> the_default HOLogic.typeS)
- end
+ case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii tvar_prefix a of
+ SOME b => TVar (("'" ^ b, 0), HOLogic.typeS)
| NONE =>
- case strip_prefix tvar_prefix a of
- SOME b => TVar (("'" ^ b, 0), HOLogic.typeS)
- | NONE =>
- (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
- Type_Infer.param 0 (a, HOLogic.typeS)
- end
+ (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
+ Type_Infer.param 0 (a, HOLogic.typeS)
+ end
fun fix_atp_variable_name s =
@@ -222,21 +246,19 @@
(* First-order translation. No types are known for variables. "HOLogic.typeT"
should allow them to be inferred.*)
-fun term_from_node thy full_types tfrees =
+fun term_from_fo_term thy full_types tfrees opt_T =
fun aux opt_T extra_us u =
case u of
- IntLeaf _ => raise NODE [u]
- | StrNode ("hBOOL", [u1]) => aux (SOME @{typ bool}) [] u1
- | StrNode ("hAPP", [u1, u2]) => aux opt_T (u2 :: extra_us) u1
- | StrNode ("c_Not", [u1]) => @{const Not} $ aux (SOME @{typ bool}) [] u1
- | StrNode (a, us) =>
+ ATerm ("hBOOL", [u1]) => aux (SOME @{typ bool}) [] u1
+ | ATerm ("hAPP", [u1, u2]) => aux opt_T (u2 :: extra_us) u1
+ | ATerm (a, us) =>
if a = type_wrapper_name then
case us of
[typ_u, term_u] =>
- aux (SOME (type_from_node tfrees typ_u)) extra_us term_u
- | _ => raise NODE us
- else case strip_prefix const_prefix a of
+ aux (SOME (type_from_fo_term tfrees typ_u)) extra_us term_u
+ | _ => raise FO_TERM us
+ else case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii const_prefix a of
SOME "equal" =>
list_comb (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, HOLogic.typeT),
map (aux NONE []) us)
@@ -264,35 +286,34 @@
map fastype_of term_ts ---> HOLogic.typeT
Sign.const_instance thy (c,
- map (type_from_node tfrees) type_us))
+ map (type_from_fo_term tfrees) type_us))
in list_comb (t, term_ts @ extra_ts) end
| NONE => (* a free or schematic variable *)
val ts = map (aux NONE []) (us @ extra_us)
val T = map fastype_of ts ---> HOLogic.typeT
val t =
- case strip_prefix fixed_var_prefix a of
+ case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii fixed_var_prefix a of
SOME b => Free (b, T)
| NONE =>
- case strip_prefix schematic_var_prefix a of
+ case strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii schematic_var_prefix a of
SOME b => Var ((b, 0), T)
| NONE =>
(* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
Var ((fix_atp_variable_name a, 0), T)
in list_comb (t, ts) end
- in aux end
+ in aux opt_T [] end
(* Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class,
type. *)
-fun type_constraint_from_node pos tfrees (StrNode ("c_Not", [u])) =
- type_constraint_from_node (not pos) tfrees u
- | type_constraint_from_node pos tfrees u = case u of
- IntLeaf _ => raise NODE [u]
- | StrNode (a, us) =>
- (case (strip_prefix class_prefix a,
- map (type_from_node tfrees) us) of
- (SOME b, [T]) => (pos, b, T)
- | _ => raise NODE [u])
+fun type_constraint_from_formula pos tfrees (AConn (ANot, [u])) =
+ type_constraint_from_formula (not pos) tfrees u
+ | type_constraint_from_formula pos tfrees (phi as APred (ATerm (a, us))) =
+ (case (strip_prefix_and_undo_ascii class_prefix a,
+ map (type_from_fo_term tfrees) us) of
+ (SOME b, [T]) => (pos, b, T)
+ | _ => raise FORMULA [phi])
+ | type_constraint_from_formula _ _ phi = raise FORMULA [phi]
(** Accumulate type constraints in a clause: negative type literals **)
@@ -305,63 +326,7 @@
fun is_positive_literal (@{const Not} $ _) = false
| is_positive_literal _ = true
-fun negate_term thy (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
- Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term thy t')
- | negate_term thy (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
- Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term thy t')
- | negate_term thy (@{const "op -->"} $ t1 $ t2) =
- @{const "op &"} $ t1 $ negate_term thy t2
- | negate_term thy (@{const "op &"} $ t1 $ t2) =
- @{const "op |"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
- | negate_term thy (@{const "op |"} $ t1 $ t2) =
- @{const "op &"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
- | negate_term _ (@{const Not} $ t) = t
- | negate_term _ t = @{const Not} $ t
-fun clause_for_literals _ [] = HOLogic.false_const
- | clause_for_literals _ [lit] = lit
- | clause_for_literals thy lits =
- case List.partition is_positive_literal lits of
- (pos_lits as _ :: _, neg_lits as _ :: _) =>
- @{const "op -->"}
- $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map (negate_term thy) neg_lits)
- $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj pos_lits
- | _ => foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj lits
-(* Final treatment of the list of "real" literals from a clause.
- No "real" literals means only type information. *)
-fun finish_clause _ [] = HOLogic.true_const
- | finish_clause thy lits =
- lits |> filter_out (curry (op =) HOLogic.false_const) |> rev
- |> clause_for_literals thy
-(*Accumulate sort constraints in vt, with "real" literals in lits.*)
-fun lits_of_nodes thy full_types tfrees =
- let
- fun aux (vt, lits) [] = (vt, finish_clause thy lits)
- | aux (vt, lits) (u :: us) =
- aux (add_type_constraint
- (type_constraint_from_node true tfrees u) vt, lits) us
- handle NODE _ =>
- aux (vt, term_from_node thy full_types tfrees (SOME @{typ bool})
- [] u :: lits) us
- in aux end
-(* Update TVars with detected sort constraints. It's not totally clear when
- this code is necessary. *)
-fun repair_tvar_sorts vt =
- let
- fun do_type (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map do_type Ts)
- | do_type (TVar (xi, s)) = TVar (xi, the_default s (Vartab.lookup vt xi))
- | do_type (TFree z) = TFree z
- fun do_term (Const (a, T)) = Const (a, do_type T)
- | do_term (Free (a, T)) = Free (a, do_type T)
- | do_term (Var (xi, T)) = Var (xi, do_type T)
- | do_term (t as Bound _) = t
- | do_term (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, do_type T, do_term t)
- | do_term (t1 $ t2) = do_term t1 $ do_term t2
- in not (Vartab.is_empty vt) ? do_term end
+(* ### FIXME: remove once Skolemization is left to ATPs *)
fun unskolemize_term t =
Term.add_consts t []
|> filter (is_skolem_const_name o fst) |> map Const
@@ -382,14 +347,75 @@
| NONE => t)
| uncombine_term t = t
-(* Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and
- sort constraints. "vt" holds the initial sort constraints, from the
- conjecture clauses. *)
-fun clause_of_nodes ctxt full_types tfrees us =
+fun disjuncts (AConn (AOr, phis)) = maps disjuncts phis
+ | disjuncts phi = [phi]
+(* Update schematic type variables with detected sort constraints. It's not
+ totally clear when this code is necessary. *)
+fun repair_tvar_sorts (tvar_tab, t) =
- val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
- val (vt, t) = lits_of_nodes thy full_types tfrees (Vartab.empty, []) us
- in repair_tvar_sorts vt t end
+ fun do_type (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map do_type Ts)
+ | do_type (TVar (xi, s)) =
+ TVar (xi, the_default s (Vartab.lookup tvar_tab xi))
+ | do_type (TFree z) = TFree z
+ fun do_term (Const (a, T)) = Const (a, do_type T)
+ | do_term (Free (a, T)) = Free (a, do_type T)
+ | do_term (Var (xi, T)) = Var (xi, do_type T)
+ | do_term (t as Bound _) = t
+ | do_term (Abs (a, T, t)) = Abs (a, do_type T, do_term t)
+ | do_term (t1 $ t2) = do_term t1 $ do_term t2
+ in t |> not (Vartab.is_empty tvar_tab) ? do_term end
+fun s_disj (t1, @{const False}) = t1
+ | s_disj p = HOLogic.mk_disj p
+fun quantify_over_free quant_s free_s body_t =
+ case Term.add_frees body_t [] |> filter (curry (op =) free_s o fst) of
+ [] => body_t
+ | frees as (_, free_T) :: _ =>
+ Abs (free_s, free_T, fold (curry abstract_over) (map Free frees) body_t)
+ (* Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and
+ sort constraints. Accumulates sort constraints in "tvar_tab", with "real"
+ literals in "lits". *)
+fun prop_from_formula thy full_types tfrees =
+ let
+ val do_sort_constraint =
+ add_type_constraint o type_constraint_from_formula true tfrees
+ fun do_real_literal phi =
+ case phi of
+ AQuant (_, [], phi) => do_real_literal phi
+ | AQuant (q, x :: xs, phi') =>
+ let
+ val body = do_real_literal (AQuant (q, xs, phi'))
+ val quant_s = case q of
+ AForall => @{const_name All}
+ | AExists => @{const_name Ex}
+ in quantify_over_free quant_s x body end
+ | AConn (ANot, [phi']) => HOLogic.mk_not (do_real_literal phi')
+ | AConn (c, [phi1, phi2]) =>
+ (phi1, phi2)
+ |> pairself do_real_literal
+ |> (case c of
+ AAnd => HOLogic.mk_conj
+ | AOr => HOLogic.mk_disj
+ | AImplies => HOLogic.mk_imp
+ | AIff => (fn (t1, t2) => HOLogic.eq_const HOLogic.boolT $ t1 $ t2))
+ | APred tm =>
+ term_from_fo_term thy full_types tfrees (SOME @{typ bool}) tm
+ | _ => raise FORMULA [phi]
+ fun do_literals (tvar_tab, t) [] = (tvar_tab, t)
+ | do_literals (tvar_tab, t) (u :: us) =
+ (do_literals (tvar_tab |> do_sort_constraint u, t) us
+ handle FO_TERM _ => raise SAME ()
+ | FORMULA _ => raise SAME ())
+ handle SAME () =>
+ do_literals (tvar_tab, s_disj (do_real_literal u, t)) us
+ in
+ repair_tvar_sorts o do_literals (Vartab.empty, HOLogic.false_const)
+ o disjuncts
+ end
fun check_formula ctxt =
Type_Infer.constrain @{typ bool}
#> Syntax.check_term (ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic ctxt)
@@ -400,13 +426,14 @@
fun unvarify_term (Var ((s, 0), T)) = Free (s, T)
| unvarify_term t = raise TERM ("unvarify_term: non-Var", [t])
-fun decode_line full_types tfrees (Definition (num, u, us)) ctxt =
+fun decode_line full_types tfrees (Definition (num, phi1, phi2)) ctxt =
- val t1 = clause_of_nodes ctxt full_types tfrees [u]
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+ val t1 = prop_from_formula thy full_types tfrees phi1
val vars = snd (strip_comb t1)
val frees = map unvarify_term vars
val unvarify_args = subst_atomic (vars ~~ frees)
- val t2 = clause_of_nodes ctxt full_types tfrees us
+ val t2 = prop_from_formula thy full_types tfrees phi2
val (t1, t2) =
HOLogic.eq_const HOLogic.typeT $ t1 $ t2
|> unvarify_args |> uncombine_term |> check_formula ctxt
@@ -415,10 +442,11 @@
(Definition (num, t1, t2),
fold Variable.declare_term (maps OldTerm.term_frees [t1, t2]) ctxt)
- | decode_line full_types tfrees (Inference (num, us, deps)) ctxt =
+ | decode_line full_types tfrees (Inference (num, u, deps)) ctxt =
- val t = us |> clause_of_nodes ctxt full_types tfrees
- |> unskolemize_term |> uncombine_term |> check_formula ctxt
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+ val t = u |> prop_from_formula thy full_types tfrees
+ |> unskolemize_term |> uncombine_term |> check_formula ctxt
(Inference (num, t, deps),
fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees t) ctxt)
@@ -507,11 +535,10 @@
-(* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned.
- TSTP: Interesting lines have the form "fof(108, axiom, ...)", where the
- number (108) is extracted.
- SPASS: Lines have the form "108[0:Inp] ...", where the first number (108) is
- extracted. *)
+(* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. For TSTP,
+ interesting lines have the form "fof(108, axiom, ...)", where the number
+ (108) is extracted. For SPASS, lines have the form "108[0:Inp] ...", where
+ the first number (108) is extracted. *)
fun extract_formula_numbers_in_atp_proof atp_proof =
val tokens_of = String.tokens (not o Char.isAlphaNum)
@@ -613,7 +640,7 @@
atp_proof conjecture_shape thm_names params frees =
val lines =
- atp_proof ^ "$" (* the $ sign acts as a sentinel *)
+ atp_proof ^ "$" (* the $ sign acts as a sentinel (FIXME: pick it up) *)
|> parse_proof pool
|> decode_lines ctxt full_types tfrees
|> rpair [] |-> fold_rev (add_line conjecture_shape thm_names)
@@ -674,7 +701,7 @@
| 1 => [Then]
| _ => [Ultimately]
-fun redirect_proof thy conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t proof =
+fun redirect_proof conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t proof =
(* The first pass outputs those steps that are independent of the negated
conjecture. The second pass flips the proof by contradiction to obtain a
@@ -733,9 +760,9 @@
(proof, assums,
patches |>> cons (contra_l, (l :: co_ls, ss)))
|>> cons (if member (op =) (fst (snd patches)) l then
- Assume (l, negate_term thy t)
+ Assume (l, negate_term t)
- Have (qs, l, negate_term thy t,
+ Have (qs, l, negate_term t,
ByMetis (backpatch_label patches l)))
| (contra_ls as _ :: _, co_ls) =>
@@ -756,7 +783,7 @@
end) contra_ls
val (assumes, facts) =
if member (op =) (fst (snd patches)) l then
- ([Assume (l, negate_term thy t)], (l :: co_ls, ss))
+ ([Assume (l, negate_term t)], (l :: co_ls, ss))
([], (co_ls, ss))
@@ -938,7 +965,6 @@
(other_params as (full_types, _, atp_proof, thm_names, goal,
i)) =
- val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
val (params, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal i
val frees = fold Term.add_frees (concl_t :: hyp_ts) []
val tfrees = fold Term.add_tfrees (concl_t :: hyp_ts) []
@@ -948,7 +974,7 @@
case proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt full_types tfrees isar_shrink_factor
atp_proof conjecture_shape thm_names params
- |> redirect_proof thy conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t
+ |> redirect_proof conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t
|> kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof
|> then_chain_proof
|> kill_useless_labels_in_proof