--- a/src/Pure/context.ML Tue Jan 10 19:33:30 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/context.ML Tue Jan 10 19:33:31 2006 +0100
@@ -72,9 +72,12 @@
val init_proof: theory -> proof
val proof_data_of: theory -> string list
(*generic context*)
- datatype context = Theory of theory | Proof of proof
- val theory_of: context -> theory
- val proof_of: context -> proof
+ datatype generic = Theory of theory | Proof of proof
+ val cases: (theory -> 'a) -> (proof -> 'a) -> generic -> 'a
+ val the_theory: generic -> theory
+ val the_proof: generic -> proof
+ val theory_of: generic -> theory
+ val proof_of: generic -> proof
@@ -565,15 +568,19 @@
(*** generic context ***)
-datatype context = Theory of theory | Proof of proof;
+datatype generic = Theory of theory | Proof of proof;
+fun cases f _ (Theory thy) = f thy
+ | cases _ g (Proof prf) = g prf;
-fun theory_of (Theory thy) = thy
- | theory_of (Proof prf) = theory_of_proof prf;
+val the_theory = cases I (fn _ => raise Fail "Bad generic context: theory expected");
+val the_proof = cases (fn _ => raise Fail "Bad generic context: proof context expected") I;
-fun proof_of (Theory thy) = init_proof thy
- | proof_of (Proof prf) = prf;
+val theory_of = cases I theory_of_proof;
+val proof_of = cases init_proof I;
@@ -671,5 +678,52 @@
+(** generic data **)
+signature GENERIC_DATA_ARGS =
+ val name: string
+ type T
+ val empty: T
+ val extend: T -> T
+ val merge: Pretty.pp -> T * T -> T
+ val print: Context.generic -> T -> unit
+signature GENERIC_DATA =
+ type T
+ val init: theory -> theory
+ val get: Context.generic -> T
+ val put: T -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val map: (T -> T) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val print: Context.generic -> unit
+functor GenericDataFun(Data: GENERIC_DATA_ARGS): GENERIC_DATA =
+structure ThyData = TheoryDataFun(open Data val copy = I fun print _ _ = ());
+structure PrfData =
+ ProofDataFun(val name = Data.name type T = Data.T val init = ThyData.get fun print _ _ = ());
+type T = Data.T;
+val init = ThyData.init #> PrfData.init;
+fun get (Context.Theory thy) = ThyData.get thy
+ | get (Context.Proof prf) = PrfData.get prf;
+fun put x (Context.Theory thy) = Context.Theory (ThyData.put x thy)
+ | put x (Context.Proof prf) = Context.Proof (PrfData.put x prf);
+fun map f ctxt = put (f (get ctxt)) ctxt;
+fun print ctxt = Data.print ctxt (get ctxt);
(*hide private interface*)
structure Context: CONTEXT = Context;