minor cleanups
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 16:14:37 +0100
changeset 18865 31aed965135c
parent 18864 a87c0aeae92f
child 18866 378c0cb028a8
minor cleanups
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:12:56 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:14:37 2006 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
   val add_appconst: string * ((int * int) * appgen) -> theory -> theory;
   val add_appconst_i: xstring * ((int * int) * appgen) -> theory -> theory;
   val add_eqextr: string * eqextr -> theory -> theory;
-  val add_defgen: string * defgen -> theory -> theory;
   val add_prim_class: xstring -> string list -> (string * string)
     -> theory -> theory;
   val add_prim_tyco: xstring -> string list -> (string * string)
@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@
   val set_is_datatype: (theory -> string -> bool) -> theory -> theory;
   val set_get_all_datatype_cons : (theory -> (string * string) list)
     -> theory -> theory;
+  val set_defgen_datatype: defgen -> theory -> theory;
   val set_int_tyco: string -> theory -> theory;
   val exprgen_type: theory -> auxtab
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     -> theory -> theory;
   val add_case_const_i: (theory -> string -> (string * int) list option) -> string
     -> theory -> theory;
-  val defgen_datatype: (theory -> string -> ((string * sort) list * string list) option)
+  val defgen_datatype_proto: (theory -> string -> ((string * sort) list * string list) option)
     -> (theory -> string * string -> typ list option)
     -> defgen;
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
 (* auxiliary *)
-fun devarify_type ty = (fst o Type.freeze_thaw_type) ty;
-fun devarify_term t = (fst o Type.freeze_thaw) t;
+fun devarify_type ty = (fst o Type.freeze_thaw_type o Term.zero_var_indexesT) ty;
+fun devarify_term t = (fst o Type.freeze_thaw o Term.zero_var_indexes) t;
 val is_number = is_some o Int.fromString;
@@ -175,19 +175,21 @@
 type auxtab = ((typ * thm) list Symtab.table * string Symtab.table)
-  * (InstNameMangler.T * ((typ * typ list) Symtab.table * ConstNameMangler.T) * DatatypeconsNameMangler.T);
+  * (InstNameMangler.T * ((typ * typ list) Symtab.table * ConstNameMangler.T)
+  * DatatypeconsNameMangler.T);
 type eqextr = theory -> auxtab
   -> (string * typ) -> (thm list * typ) option;
 type defgen = theory -> auxtab -> gen_defgen;
-type appgen = theory -> auxtab -> (string * typ) * term list -> transact -> iexpr * transact;
+type appgen = theory -> auxtab
+  -> (string * typ) * term list -> transact -> iexpr * transact;
 val serializers = ref (
   |> Symtab.update (
        #ml CodegenSerializer.serializers
        |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
-            (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, "")
-            [[nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_overl, nsp_dtcon, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
+            (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, K false)
+            [[nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_overl, nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
   |> Symtab.update (
@@ -204,68 +206,75 @@
 type gens = {
   appconst: ((int * int) * (appgen * stamp)) Symtab.table,
-  eqextrs: (string * (eqextr * stamp)) list,
-  defgens: (string * (defgen * stamp)) list
+  eqextrs: (string * (eqextr * stamp)) list
-fun map_gens f { appconst, eqextrs, defgens } =
+fun map_gens f { appconst, eqextrs } =
-    val (appconst, eqextrs, defgens) =
-      f (appconst, eqextrs, defgens)
-  in { appconst = appconst, eqextrs = eqextrs, defgens = defgens } : gens end;
+    val (appconst, eqextrs) =
+      f (appconst, eqextrs)
+  in { appconst = appconst, eqextrs = eqextrs } : gens end;
 fun merge_gens
-  ({ appconst = appconst1 , eqextrs = eqextrs1, defgens = defgens1 },
-   { appconst = appconst2 , eqextrs = eqextrs2, defgens = defgens2 }) =
+  ({ appconst = appconst1 , eqextrs = eqextrs1 },
+   { appconst = appconst2 , eqextrs = eqextrs2 }) =
   { appconst = Symtab.merge
-      (fn ((bounds1, (_, stamp1)), (bounds2, (_, stamp2))) => bounds1 = bounds2 andalso stamp1 = stamp2)
+      (fn ((bounds1, (_, stamp1)), (bounds2, (_, stamp2))) => bounds1 = bounds2
+         andalso stamp1 = stamp2)
       (appconst1, appconst2),
-    eqextrs = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (eqextrs1, eqextrs2),
-    defgens = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (defgens1, defgens2)
+    eqextrs = AList.merge (op =) (eq_snd (op =)) (eqextrs1, eqextrs2)
   } : gens;
 type logic_data = {
   is_datatype: ((theory -> string -> bool) * stamp) option,
   get_all_datatype_cons: ((theory -> (string * string) list) * stamp) option,
+  defgen_datatype: (defgen * stamp) option,
   alias: string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
-fun map_logic_data f { is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, alias } =
+fun map_logic_data f { is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype, alias } =
-    val ((is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons), alias) =
-      f ((is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons), alias)
+    val ((is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype), alias) =
+      f ((is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype), alias)
   in { is_datatype = is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons = get_all_datatype_cons,
-    alias = alias } : logic_data end;
+    defgen_datatype = defgen_datatype, alias = alias } : logic_data end;
 fun merge_logic_data
   ({ is_datatype = is_datatype1, get_all_datatype_cons = get_all_datatype_cons1,
-       alias = alias1 },
+       defgen_datatype = defgen_datatype1, alias = alias1 },
    { is_datatype = is_datatype2, get_all_datatype_cons = get_all_datatype_cons2,
-       alias = alias2 }) =
+       defgen_datatype = defgen_datatype2, alias = alias2 }) =
     { is_datatype = merge_opt (eq_snd (op =)) (is_datatype1, is_datatype2),
-      get_all_datatype_cons = merge_opt (eq_snd (op =)) (get_all_datatype_cons1, get_all_datatype_cons2),
+      get_all_datatype_cons = merge_opt (eq_snd (op =))
+        (get_all_datatype_cons1, get_all_datatype_cons2),
+      defgen_datatype = merge_opt (eq_snd (op =)) (defgen_datatype1, defgen_datatype2),
       alias = (Symtab.merge (op =) (fst alias1, fst alias2),
                Symtab.merge (op =) (snd alias1, snd alias2)) } : logic_data
 type target_data = {
+  syntax_class: string Symtab.table,
   syntax_tyco: (itype CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table,
   syntax_const: (iexpr CodegenSerializer.pretty_syntax * stamp) Symtab.table
-fun map_target_data f { syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =
+fun map_target_data f { syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const } =
-    val (syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
-      f (syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
-  in { syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco, syntax_const = syntax_const } : target_data
+    val (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =
+      f (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const)
+  in {
+    syntax_class = syntax_class,
+    syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco,
+    syntax_const = syntax_const } : target_data
 fun merge_target_data
-  ({ syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
-   { syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
-  { syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
+  ({ syntax_class = syntax_class1, syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco1, syntax_const = syntax_const1 },
+   { syntax_class = syntax_class2, syntax_tyco = syntax_tyco2, syntax_const = syntax_const2 }) =
+  { syntax_class = Symtab.merge (op =) (syntax_class1, syntax_class2),
+    syntax_tyco = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_tyco1, syntax_tyco2),
     syntax_const = Symtab.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (syntax_const1, syntax_const2) } : target_data;
 structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
@@ -279,13 +288,15 @@
   val empty = {
     modl = empty_module,
-    gens = { appconst = Symtab.empty, eqextrs = [], defgens = [] } : gens,
+    gens = { appconst = Symtab.empty, eqextrs = [] } : gens,
     logic_data = { is_datatype = NONE, get_all_datatype_cons = NONE,
+      defgen_datatype = NONE,
       alias = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty) } : logic_data,
     target_data =
       |> Symtab.fold (fn (target, _) =>
-           Symtab.update (target, { syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
+           Symtab.update (target,
+             { syntax_class = Symtab.empty, syntax_tyco = Symtab.empty, syntax_const = Symtab.empty })
          ) (! serializers)
   } : T;
   val copy = I;
@@ -322,58 +333,8 @@
     (writeln o Pretty.output o Pretty.chunks) [pretty_module module, pretty_deps module]
-fun gen_add_appconst prep_const (raw_c, (bounds, ag)) thy =
-  let
-    val c = prep_const thy raw_c;
-  in map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
-       (modl,
-        gens |> map_gens
-          (fn (appconst, eqextrs, defgens) =>
-            (appconst
-             |> Symtab.update (c, (bounds, (ag, stamp ()))),
-             eqextrs, defgens)), target_data, logic_data)) thy
-  end;
-val add_appconst = gen_add_appconst Sign.intern_const;
-val add_appconst_i = gen_add_appconst (K I);
-fun add_defgen (name, dg) =
-  map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
-       (modl,
-        gens |> map_gens
-          (fn (appconst, eqextrs, defgens) =>
-            (appconst, eqextrs, defgens
-             |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing definition definition generator " ^ name) (name, (dg, stamp ())))),
-             target_data, logic_data));
-fun get_defgens thy tabs =
-  (map (apsnd (fn (dg, _) => dg thy tabs)) o #defgens o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy;
-fun add_eqextr (name, eqx) =
-  map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
-       (modl,
-        gens |> map_gens
-          (fn (appconst, eqextrs, defgens) =>
-            (appconst, eqextrs
-             |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing equation extractor " ^ name) (name, (eqx, stamp ())),
-             defgens)),
-             target_data, logic_data));
-fun get_eqextrs thy tabs =
-  (map (fn (_, (eqx, _)) => eqx thy tabs) o #eqextrs o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy;
-fun is_datatype thy =
-  case (#is_datatype o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
-   of NONE => K false
-    | SOME (f, _) => f thy;
-fun get_all_datatype_cons thy =
-  case (#get_all_datatype_cons o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
-   of NONE => []
-    | SOME (f, _) => f thy;
+(* name handling *)
 fun add_alias (src, dst) =
@@ -384,9 +345,6 @@
             (tab |> Symtab.update (src, dst),
              tab_rev |> Symtab.update (dst, src))))));
-(* name handling *)
 val alias_get = perhaps o Symtab.lookup o fst o #alias o #logic_data o CodegenData.get;
 val alias_rev = perhaps o Symtab.lookup o snd o #alias o #logic_data o CodegenData.get;
@@ -419,69 +377,8 @@
   |> dest_nsp shallow
   |> Option.map (alias_rev thy);
-fun set_is_datatype f =
-  map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
-       (modl, gens, target_data,
-        logic_data
-        |> map_logic_data (apfst (fn (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons)
-             => (SOME (f, stamp ()), get_all_datatype_cons)))));
-fun set_get_all_datatype_cons f =
-  map_codegen_data
-    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
-       (modl, gens, target_data,
-        logic_data
-        |> map_logic_data ((apfst (fn (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons)
-             => (is_datatype, SOME (f, stamp ())))))));
-fun set_int_tyco tyco thy =
-  (serializers := (
-    ! serializers
-    |> Symtab.update (
-         #ml CodegenSerializer.serializers
-         |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
-              (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, idf_of_name thy nsp_tyco tyco)
-              [[nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_overl, nsp_dtcon, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
-            )
-       )
-    ); thy);
-(* code generator instantiation *)
-fun ensure_def_class thy tabs cls trns =
-  let
-    val cls' = idf_of_name thy nsp_class cls;
-  in
-    trns
-    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating class " ^ quote cls)
-    |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy tabs) ("generating class " ^ quote cls) cls'
-    |> pair cls'
-  end;
-fun ensure_def_inst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) (cls, tyco) trns =
-  let
-    val thyname = (the o AList.lookup (op =) (ClassPackage.the_instances thy cls)) tyco;
-    val inst = idf_of_name thy nsp_inst (InstNameMangler.get thy insttab (thyname, (cls, tyco)));
-  in
-    trns
-    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating instance " ^ quote cls ^ " / " ^ quote tyco)
-    |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy tabs) ("generating instance " ^ quote cls ^ " / " ^ quote tyco) inst
-    |> pair inst
-  end;
-fun ensure_def_tyco thy tabs tyco trns =
-  let
-    val tyco' = idf_of_name thy nsp_tyco tyco;
-  in
-    trns
-    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco)
-    |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy tabs) ("generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco) tyco'
-    |> pair tyco'
-  end;
-fun idf_of_const thy (tabs as ((_, clsmemtab), (_, (overltab1, overltab2), dtcontab))) (c, ty) =
+fun idf_of_const thy (tabs as ((_, clsmemtab), (_, (overltab1, overltab2), dtcontab)))
+      (c, ty) =
     fun get_overloaded (c, ty) =
       case Symtab.lookup overltab1 c
@@ -519,43 +416,139 @@
           | NONE => NONE
-fun ensure_def_const thy (tabs as ((_, clsmemtab), (_, overltab, dtcontab))) (c, ty) trns =
+(* further theory data accessors *)
+fun gen_add_appconst prep_const (raw_c, (bounds, ag)) thy =
-    val c' = idf_of_const thy tabs (c, ty);
-  in
-    trns
-    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating constant " ^ quote c)
-    |> gen_ensure_def (get_defgens thy tabs) ("generating constant " ^ quote c) c'
-    |> pair c'
+    val c = prep_const thy raw_c;
+  in map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl,
+        gens |> map_gens
+          (fn (appconst, eqextrs) =>
+            (appconst
+             |> Symtab.update (c, (bounds, (ag, stamp ()))),
+             eqextrs)), target_data, logic_data)) thy
-(* fun ensure_def_eq thy tabs (dtco, (eqpred, arity)) trns =
+val add_appconst = gen_add_appconst Sign.intern_const;
+val add_appconst_i = gen_add_appconst (K I);
+fun add_eqextr (name, eqx) =
+  map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl,
+        gens |> map_gens
+          (fn (appconst, eqextrs) =>
+            (appconst, eqextrs
+             |> Output.update_warn (op =) ("overwriting existing equation extractor " ^ name)
+                 (name, (eqx, stamp ())))),
+             target_data, logic_data));
+fun get_eqextrs thy tabs =
+  (map (fn (_, (eqx, _)) => eqx thy tabs) o #eqextrs o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy;
+fun set_is_datatype f =
+  map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl, gens, target_data,
+        logic_data
+        |> map_logic_data (apfst (fn (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype)
+             => (SOME (f, stamp ()), get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype)))));
+fun is_datatype thy =
+  case (#is_datatype o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
+   of NONE => K false
+    | SOME (f, _) => f thy;
+fun set_get_all_datatype_cons f =
+  map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl, gens, target_data,
+        logic_data
+        |> map_logic_data ((apfst (fn (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype)
+             => (is_datatype, SOME (f, stamp ()), defgen_datatype))))));
+fun get_all_datatype_cons thy =
+  case (#get_all_datatype_cons o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
+   of NONE => []
+    | SOME (f, _) => f thy;
+fun set_defgen_datatype f =
+  map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl, gens, target_data,
+        logic_data
+        |> map_logic_data ((apfst (fn (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, defgen_datatype)
+             => (is_datatype, get_all_datatype_cons, SOME (f, stamp ())))))));
+fun defgen_datatype thy tabs dtco trns =
+  case (#defgen_datatype o #logic_data o CodegenData.get) thy
+   of NONE =>
+        trns
+        |> fail ("no datatype definition generator present")
+    | SOME (f, _) => 
+        trns
+        |> f thy tabs dtco;
+fun set_int_tyco tyco thy =
+  (serializers := (
+    ! serializers
+    |> Symtab.update (
+         #ml CodegenSerializer.serializers
+         |> apsnd (fn seri => seri
+              (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, fn tyco' => tyco' = idf_of_name thy nsp_tyco tyco )
+              [[nsp_class, nsp_tyco], [nsp_const, nsp_overl, nsp_dtcon, nsp_mem, nsp_inst]]
+            )
+       )
+    ); thy);
+(* definition and expression generators *)
+fun ensure_def_class thy tabs cls trns =
-    val name_dtco = (the ooo name_of_idf) thy nsp_tyco dtco;
-    val idf_eqinst = idf_of_name thy nsp_eq_inst name_dtco;
-    val idf_eqpred = idf_of_name thy nsp_eq_pred name_dtco;
-    val inst_sortlookup = map (fn (v, _) => [ClassPackage.Lookup ([], (v, 0))]) arity;
-    fun mk_eq_pred _ trns =
-      trns
-      |> succeed (eqpred)
-    fun mk_eq_inst _ trns =
-      trns
-      |> gen_ensure_def [("eqpred", mk_eq_pred)] ("generating equality predicate for " ^ quote dtco) idf_eqpred
-      |> succeed (Classinst ((class_eq, (dtco, arity)), ([], [(fun_eq, (idf_eqpred, inst_sortlookup))])));
+    fun defgen_class thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) cls trns =
+      case name_of_idf thy nsp_class cls
+       of SOME cls =>
+            let
+              val cs = (snd o ClassPackage.the_consts_sign thy) cls;
+              val sortctxts = map (ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy o snd) cs;
+              val idfs = map (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem o fst) cs;
+            in
+              trns
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class declaration for " ^ quote cls)
+              |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy tabs) (ClassPackage.the_superclasses thy cls)
+              ||>> fold_map (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type o snd) cs
+              ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortctxts
+              |-> (fn ((supcls, memtypes), sortctxts) => succeed
+                (Class ((supcls, ("a", idfs ~~ (sortctxts ~~ memtypes))), [])))
+            end
+        | _ =>
+            trns
+            |> fail ("no class definition found for " ^ quote cls);
+    val cls' = idf_of_name thy nsp_class cls;
-    |> gen_ensure_def [("eqinst", mk_eq_inst)] ("generating equality instance for " ^ quote dtco) idf_eqinst
-  end; *)
-(* expression generators *)
-fun exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs (v, sort) trns =
+    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating class " ^ quote cls)
+    |> gen_ensure_def [("class", defgen_class thy tabs)] ("generating class " ^ quote cls) cls'
+    |> pair cls'
+  end
+and ensure_def_tyco thy tabs tyco trns =
+  let
+    val tyco' = idf_of_name thy nsp_tyco tyco;
+  in
+    trns
+    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco)
+    |> gen_ensure_def [("datatype", defgen_datatype thy tabs)] ("generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco) tyco'
+    |> pair tyco'
+  end
+and exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs (v, sort) trns =
   |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy tabs) (ClassPackage.syntactic_sort_of thy sort)
-  |-> (fn sort => pair (unprefix "'" v, sort));
-fun exprgen_type thy tabs (TVar _) trns =
+  |-> (fn sort => pair (unprefix "'" v, sort))
+and exprgen_type thy tabs (TVar _) trns =
       error "TVar encountered during code generation"
   | exprgen_type thy tabs (TFree v_s) trns =
@@ -581,60 +574,145 @@
   | mk_lookup thy tabs (ClassPackage.Lookup (clss, (v, i))) trns =
       |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy tabs) clss
-      |-> (fn clss => pair (ClassPackage.Lookup (clss, (v |> unprefix "'", i))));
-fun appgen_default thy tabs ((c, ty), ts) trns =
-  trns
-  |> ensure_def_const thy tabs (c, ty)
-  ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (mk_lookup thy tabs)
-    (ClassPackage.extract_sortlookup thy (c, ty))
-  ||>> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
-  ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs) ts
-  |-> (fn (((c, ls), ty), es) =>
-         pair (Library.foldl IInst ((IConst (c, ty)), ls) `$$ es))
-and appgen thy tabs ((f, ty), ts) trns =
-  case Symtab.lookup ((#appconst o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy) f
-   of SOME ((imin, imax), (ag, _)) =>
-        if length ts < imin then
-          let
-            val d = imin - length ts;
-            val vs = Term.invent_names (add_term_names (Const (f, ty), [])) "x" d;
-            val tys = Library.take (d, ((fst o strip_type) ty));
-          in
+      |-> (fn clss => pair (ClassPackage.Lookup (clss, (v |> unprefix "'", i))))
+and mk_fun thy tabs (c, ty) trns =
+  case get_first (fn eqx => eqx (c, ty)) (get_eqextrs thy tabs)
+   of SOME (eq_thms, ty) =>
+        let
+          val sortctxt = ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy ty;
+          fun dest_eqthm eq_thm =
+            let
+              val ((t, args), rhs) =
+                (apfst strip_comb o Logic.dest_equals o prop_of o Drule.zero_var_indexes) eq_thm;
+            in case t
+             of Const (c', _) => if c' = c then (args, rhs)
+                 else error ("illegal function equation for " ^ quote c
+                   ^ ", actually defining " ^ quote c')
+              | _ => error ("illegal function equation for " ^ quote c)
+            end;
+          fun mk_eq (args, rhs) trns =
-            |> debug 10 (fn _ => "eta-expanding")
-            |> fold_map (exprgen_type thy tabs) tys
-            ||>> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), ts @ map2 (curry Free) vs tys)
-            |-> (fn (tys, e) => pair ((vs ~~ tys) `|--> e))
-          end
-        else if length ts > imax then
+            |> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs o devarify_term) args
+            ||>> (exprgen_term thy tabs o devarify_term) rhs
+            |-> (fn (args, rhs) => pair (args, rhs))
+        in
-          |> debug 10 (fn _ => "splitting arguments (" ^ string_of_int imax ^ ", " ^ string_of_int (length ts) ^ ")")
-          |> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), Library.take (imax, ts))
-          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs) (Library.drop (imax, ts))
-          |-> (fn es => pair (mk_apps es))
-        else
-          trns
-          |> debug 10 (fn _ => "keeping arguments")
-          |> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), ts)
-    | NONE =>
-        trns
-        |> appgen_default thy tabs ((f, ty), ts)
+          |> debug 6 (fn _ => "(1) retrieved function equations for " ^
+               quote (c ^ "::" ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy ty))
+          |> fold_map (mk_eq o dest_eqthm) eq_thms
+          |> debug 6 (fn _ => "(2) building equations")
+          ||>> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
+          |> debug 6 (fn _ => "(3) building type")
+          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortctxt
+          |> debug 6 (fn _ => "(4) building sort context")
+          |-> (fn ((eqs, ty), sortctxt) => (pair o SOME) (eqs, (sortctxt, ty)))
+        end
+    | NONE => (NONE, trns)
+and ensure_def_inst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) (cls, tyco) trns =
+  let
+    fun defgen_inst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) inst trns =
+      case Option.map (InstNameMangler.rev thy insttab) (name_of_idf thy nsp_inst inst)
+       of SOME (_, (cls, tyco)) =>
+            let
+              val (arity, memdefs) = ClassPackage.the_inst_sign thy (cls, tyco);
+              fun gen_suparity supclass trns =
+                trns
+                |> ensure_def_inst thy tabs (supclass, tyco)
+                ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (mk_lookup thy tabs)
+                     (ClassPackage.extract_sortlookup_inst thy (cls, tyco) supclass)
+                |-> (fn (inst, ls) => pair (supclass, (inst, ls)));
+              fun gen_membr (m, ty) trns =
+                trns
+                |> mk_fun thy tabs (m, ty)
+                |-> (fn SOME funn => pair (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem m, funn)
+                      | NONE => error ("could not derive definition for member " ^ quote m));
+            in
+              trns
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class instance for (" ^ quote cls
+                   ^ ", " ^ quote tyco ^ ")")
+              |> ensure_def_class thy tabs cls
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "(1) got class")
+              ||>> ensure_def_tyco thy tabs tyco
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "(2) got type")
+              ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) arity
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "(3) got arity")
+              ||>> fold_map gen_suparity (ClassPackage.the_superclasses thy cls)
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "(4) got superarities")
+              ||>> fold_map gen_membr memdefs
+              |> debug 5 (fn _ => "(5) got members")
+              |-> (fn ((((cls, tyco), arity), suparities), memdefs) =>
+                     succeed (Classinst (((cls, (tyco, arity)), suparities), memdefs)))
+            end
+        | _ =>
+            trns |> fail ("no class instance found for " ^ quote inst);
+    val thyname = (the o AList.lookup (op =) (ClassPackage.the_instances thy cls)) tyco;
+    val inst = idf_of_name thy nsp_inst (InstNameMangler.get thy insttab (thyname, (cls, tyco)));
+  in
+    trns
+    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating instance " ^ quote cls ^ " / " ^ quote tyco)
+    |> gen_ensure_def [("instance", defgen_inst thy tabs)]
+         ("generating instance " ^ quote cls ^ " / " ^ quote tyco) inst
+    |> pair inst
+  end
+and ensure_def_const thy (tabs as ((_, clsmemtab), (_, overltab, dtcontab))) (c, ty) trns =
+  let
+    fun defgen_funs thy tabs c trns =
+      case recconst_of_idf thy tabs c
+       of SOME (c, ty) =>
+            trns
+            |> mk_fun thy tabs (c, ty)
+            |-> (fn (SOME funn) => succeed (Fun funn)
+                  | NONE => fail ("no defining equations found for " ^ quote c))
+        | NONE =>
+            trns
+            |> fail ("not a constant: " ^ quote c);
+    fun defgen_datatypecons thy (tabs as (_, (_, _, dtcontab))) co trns =
+      case Option.map (DatatypeconsNameMangler.rev thy dtcontab) (name_of_idf thy nsp_dtcon co)
+       of SOME (co, dtco) =>
+            trns
+            |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen datatype constructor for " ^ quote co)
+            |> ensure_def_tyco thy tabs dtco
+            |-> (fn dtco => succeed Undef)
+        | _ =>
+            trns
+            |> fail ("not a datatype constructor: " ^ quote co);
+    fun defgen_clsmem thy tabs m trns =
+      case name_of_idf thy nsp_mem m
+       of SOME m =>
+            trns
+            |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class member for " ^ quote m)
+            |> ensure_def_class thy tabs ((the o ClassPackage.lookup_const_class thy) m)
+            |-> (fn cls => succeed Undef)
+        | _ =>
+            trns |> fail ("no class member found for " ^ quote m)
+    val c' = idf_of_const thy tabs (c, ty);
+  in
+    trns
+    |> debug 4 (fn _ => "generating constant " ^ quote c)
+    |> gen_ensure_def
+         [("funs", defgen_funs thy tabs),
+          ("clsmem", defgen_clsmem thy tabs),
+          ("datatypecons", defgen_datatypecons thy tabs)]
+         ("generating constant " ^ quote c) c'
+    |> pair c'
+  end
 and exprgen_term thy tabs (Const (f, ty)) trns =
       |> appgen thy tabs ((f, ty), [])
       |-> (fn e => pair e)
-  | exprgen_term thy tabs (Var ((v, i), ty)) trns =
+  | exprgen_term thy tabs (Var ((v, 0), ty)) trns =
-      |> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
-      |-> (fn ty => pair (IVarE (if i = 0 then v else v ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i, ty)))
+      |> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
+      |-> (fn ty => pair (IVarE (v, ty)))
+  | exprgen_term thy tabs (Var ((_, _), _)) trns =
+      error "Var with index greater 0 encountered during code generation"
   | exprgen_term thy tabs (Free (v, ty)) trns =
-      |> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
+      |> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
       |-> (fn ty => pair (IVarE (v, ty)))
   | exprgen_term thy tabs (Abs (v, ty, t)) trns =
-      |> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
+      |> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
       ||>> exprgen_term thy tabs (subst_bound (Free (v, ty), t))
       |-> (fn (ty, e) => pair ((v, ty) `|-> e))
   | exprgen_term thy tabs (t as t1 $ t2) trns =
@@ -650,10 +728,65 @@
             |> exprgen_term thy tabs t'
             ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs) ts
             |-> (fn (e, es) => pair (e `$$ es))
-      end;
+      end
+and appgen_default thy tabs ((c, ty), ts) trns =
+  trns
+  |> ensure_def_const thy tabs (c, ty)
+  ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (mk_lookup thy tabs)
+         (ClassPackage.extract_sortlookup thy (c, ty))
+  ||>> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
+  ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs o devarify_term) ts
+  |-> (fn (((c, ls), ty), es) =>
+         pair (IConst ((c, ty), ls) `$$ es))
+and appgen thy tabs ((f, ty), ts) trns =
+  case Symtab.lookup ((#appconst o #gens o CodegenData.get) thy) f
+   of SOME ((imin, imax), (ag, _)) =>
+        if length ts < imin then
+          let
+            val d = imin - length ts;
+            val vs = Term.invent_names (add_term_names (Const (f, ty), [])) "x" d;
+            val tys = Library.take (d, ((fst o strip_type) ty));
+          in
+            trns
+            |> debug 10 (fn _ => "eta-expanding")
+            |> fold_map (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) tys
+            ||>> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), ts @ map2 (curry Free) vs tys)
+            |-> (fn (tys, e) => pair ((vs ~~ tys) `|--> e))
+          end
+        else if length ts > imax then
+          trns
+          |> debug 10 (fn _ => "splitting arguments (" ^ string_of_int imax ^ ", "
+               ^ string_of_int (length ts) ^ ")")
+          |> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), Library.take (imax, ts))
+          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs) (Library.drop (imax, ts))
+          |-> (fn es => pair (mk_apps es))
+        else
+          trns
+          |> debug 10 (fn _ => "keeping arguments")
+          |> ag thy tabs ((f, ty), ts)
+    | NONE =>
+        trns
+        |> appgen_default thy tabs ((f, ty), ts);
+(* fun ensure_def_eq thy tabs (dtco, (eqpred, arity)) trns =
+  let
+    val name_dtco = (the ooo name_of_idf) thy nsp_tyco dtco;
+    val idf_eqinst = idf_of_name thy nsp_eq_inst name_dtco;
+    val idf_eqpred = idf_of_name thy nsp_eq_pred name_dtco;
+    val inst_sortlookup = map (fn (v, _) => [ClassPackage.Lookup ([], (v, 0))]) arity;
+    fun mk_eq_pred _ trns =
+      trns
+      |> succeed (eqpred)
+    fun mk_eq_inst _ trns =
+      trns
+      |> gen_ensure_def [("eqpred", mk_eq_pred)] ("generating equality predicate for " ^ quote dtco) idf_eqpred
+      |> succeed (Classinst ((class_eq, (dtco, arity)), ([], [(fun_eq, (idf_eqpred, inst_sortlookup))])));
+  in
+    trns
+    |> gen_ensure_def [("eqinst", mk_eq_inst)] ("generating equality instance for " ^ quote dtco) idf_eqinst
+  end; *)
-(* application generators *)
+(* expression generators *)
 (* fun appgen_eq thy tabs (("op =", Type ("fun", [ty, _])), [t1, t2]) trns =
@@ -667,34 +800,6 @@
 (* function extractors *)
-fun mk_fun thy tabs (c, ty) trns =
-  case get_first (fn eqx => eqx (c, ty)) (get_eqextrs thy tabs)
-   of SOME (eq_thms, ty) =>
-        let
-          val sortctxt = ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy ty;
-          fun dest_eqthm eq_thm =
-            let
-              val ((t, args), rhs) = (apfst strip_comb o Logic.dest_equals o prop_of) eq_thm;
-            in case t
-             of Const (c', _) => if c' = c then (args, rhs)
-                 else error ("illegal function equation for " ^ quote c
-                   ^ ", actually defining " ^ quote c')
-              | _ => error ("illegal function equation for " ^ quote c)
-            end;
-          fun mk_eq (args, rhs) trns =
-            trns
-            |> fold_map (exprgen_term thy tabs o devarify_term) args
-            ||>> (exprgen_term thy tabs o devarify_term) rhs
-            |-> (fn (args, rhs) => pair (map ipat_of_iexpr args, rhs))
-        in
-          trns
-          |> fold_map (mk_eq o dest_eqthm) eq_thms
-          ||>> exprgen_type thy tabs (devarify_type ty)
-          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortctxt
-          |-> (fn ((eqs, ty), sortctxt) => (pair o SOME) (eqs, (sortctxt, ty)))
-        end
-    | NONE => (NONE, trns);
 fun eqextr_defs thy ((deftab, _), _) (c, ty) =
     fun eq_typ (ty1, ty2) = 
@@ -708,84 +813,6 @@
-(* definition generators *)
-fun defgen_clsdecl thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) cls trns =
-  case name_of_idf thy nsp_class cls
-   of SOME cls =>
-        let
-          val cs = (snd o ClassPackage.the_consts_sign thy) cls;
-          val sortctxts = map (ClassPackage.extract_sortctxt thy o snd) cs;
-          val idfs = map (idf_of_name thy nsp_mem o fst) cs;
-        in
-          trns
-          |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class declaration for " ^ quote cls)
-          |> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy tabs) (ClassPackage.the_superclasses thy cls)
-          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_type thy tabs o snd) cs
-          ||>> (fold_map o fold_map) (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) sortctxts
-          |-> (fn ((supcls, memtypes), sortctxts) => succeed
-            (Class ((supcls, ("a", idfs ~~ (sortctxts ~~ memtypes))), [])))
-        end
-    | _ =>
-        trns
-        |> fail ("no class definition found for " ^ quote cls);
-fun defgen_funs thy tabs c trns =
-  case recconst_of_idf thy tabs c
-   of SOME (c, ty) =>
-        trns
-        |> mk_fun thy tabs (c, ty)
-        |-> (fn (SOME funn) => succeed (Fun funn)
-              | NONE => fail ("no defining equations found for " ^ quote c))
-    | NONE =>
-        trns
-        |> fail ("not a constant: " ^ quote c);
-fun defgen_datatypecons thy (tabs as (_, (_, _, dtcontab))) co trns =
-  case Option.map (DatatypeconsNameMangler.rev thy dtcontab) (name_of_idf thy nsp_dtcon co)
-   of SOME (co, dtco) =>
-        trns
-        |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen datatype constructor for " ^ quote co)
-        |> ensure_def_tyco thy tabs dtco
-        |-> (fn dtco => succeed Undef)
-    | _ =>
-        trns
-        |> fail ("not a datatype constructor: " ^ quote co);
-fun defgen_clsmem thy tabs m trns =
-  case name_of_idf thy nsp_mem m
-   of SOME m =>
-        trns
-        |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class member for " ^ quote m)
-        |> ensure_def_class thy tabs ((the o ClassPackage.lookup_const_class thy) m)
-        |-> (fn cls => succeed Undef)
-    | _ =>
-        trns |> fail ("no class member found for " ^ quote m)
-fun defgen_clsinst thy (tabs as (_, (insttab, _, _))) inst trns =
-  case Option.map (InstNameMangler.rev thy insttab) (name_of_idf thy nsp_inst inst)
-   of SOME (_, (cls, tyco)) =>
-        let
-          val (arity, memdefs) = ClassPackage.the_inst_sign thy (cls, tyco);
-          fun gen_membr (m, ty) trns =
-            trns
-            |> mk_fun thy tabs (m, ty)
-            |-> (fn SOME funn => pair (m, funn)
-                  | NONE => error ("could not derive definition for member " ^ quote m));
-        in
-          trns
-          |> debug 5 (fn _ => "trying defgen class instance for (" ^ quote cls ^ ", " ^ quote tyco ^ ")")
-          |> ensure_def_class thy tabs cls
-          ||>> ensure_def_tyco thy tabs tyco
-          ||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy tabs) arity
-          ||>> fold_map gen_membr memdefs
-          |-> (fn (((cls, tyco), arity), memdefs) =>
-                 succeed (Classinst ((cls, (tyco, arity)), memdefs)))
-        end
-    | _ =>
-        trns |> fail ("no class instance found for " ^ quote inst);
 (* parametrized generators, for instantiation in HOL *)
 fun appgen_let strip_abs thy tabs ((c, ty), [t2, t3]) trns =
@@ -801,7 +828,7 @@
       |> exprgen_term thy tabs l
       ||>> exprgen_term thy tabs r
-      |-> (fn (l, r) => pair (r, ipat_of_iexpr l));
+      |-> (fn (l, r) => pair (r, l));
     val (lets, body) = dest_let (Const (c, ty) $ t2 $ t3)
@@ -825,8 +852,8 @@
   Type (_, [_, ty as Type (tyco, [])])), [bin]) trns =
     if tyco = tyco_int then
-      |> exprgen_type thy tabs ty
-      |-> (fn ty => pair (CodegenThingol.IConst ((IntInf.toString o bin_to_int) bin, ty)))
+      |> (exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type) ty
+      |-> (fn ty => pair (CodegenThingol.IConst (((IntInf.toString o bin_to_int) bin, ty), [])))
     else if tyco = tyco_nat then
       |> exprgen_term thy tabs (mk_int_to_nat bin)
@@ -849,7 +876,7 @@
         |> exprgen_term thy tabs (list_comb (Const (cname, tys ---> dty), frees))
         ||>> exprgen_term thy tabs t'
-        |-> (fn (ep, e) => pair (ipat_of_iexpr ep, e))
+        |-> (fn (ep, e) => pair (ep, e))
@@ -872,7 +899,7 @@
 val add_case_const = gen_add_case_const Sign.intern_const;
 val add_case_const_i = gen_add_case_const (K I);
-fun defgen_datatype get_datatype get_datacons thy (tabs as (_, (_, _, dtcontab))) dtco trns =
+fun defgen_datatype_proto get_datatype get_datacons thy (tabs as (_, (_, _, dtcontab))) dtco trns =
   case name_of_idf thy nsp_tyco dtco
    of SOME dtco =>
         (case get_datatype thy dtco
@@ -935,13 +962,15 @@
       |> Symtab.fold
           (fn (c, [_]) => I
             | (c, tytab) =>
-                (fn (overltab1, overltab2) => (
-                  overltab1
-                  |> Symtab.update_new (c, (Sign.the_const_constraint thy c, map fst tytab)),
-                  overltab2
-                  |> fold (fn (ty, _) => ConstNameMangler.declare thy
-                       (idf_of_name thy nsp_overl c, (Sign.the_const_constraint thy c, ty)) #> snd) tytab
-                ))) deftab;
+                if (is_none o ClassPackage.lookup_const_class thy) c
+                then (fn (overltab1, overltab2) => (
+                    overltab1
+                    |> Symtab.update_new (c, (Sign.the_const_constraint thy c, map fst tytab)),
+                    overltab2
+                    |> fold (fn (ty, _) => ConstNameMangler.declare thy
+                         (idf_of_name thy nsp_overl c, (Sign.the_const_constraint thy c, ty)) #> snd) tytab))
+                else I
+          ) deftab;
     fun mk_dtcontab thy =
       |> fold_map
@@ -1069,6 +1098,20 @@
 (* syntax *)
+fun gen_add_syntax_class prep_class class target pretty thy =
+  thy
+  |> map_codegen_data
+    (fn (modl, gens, target_data, logic_data) =>
+       (modl, gens,
+        target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
+          (map_target_data
+            (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+             (syntax_class
+              |> Symtab.update (prep_class thy class, pretty), syntax_tyco, syntax_const))),
+        logic_data));
+val add_syntax_class = gen_add_syntax_class Sign.intern_class;
 val parse_syntax_tyco =
     fun mk reader raw_tyco target thy =
@@ -1093,14 +1136,15 @@
              (modl, gens,
               target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
-                  (fn (syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-                   (syntax_tyco |> Symtab.update
+                  (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+                   (syntax_class, syntax_tyco |> Symtab.update
                       (tyco, (pretty, stamp ())),
-    CodegenSerializer.parse_syntax (read_quote read_typ exprgen_type)
+    CodegenSerializer.parse_syntax
+      (read_quote read_typ (fn thy => fn tabs => exprgen_type thy tabs o devarify_type))
     #-> (fn reader => pair (mk reader))
@@ -1110,8 +1154,8 @@
        (modl, gens,
         target_data |> Symtab.map_entry target
-            (fn (syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
-             (syntax_tyco,
+            (fn (syntax_class, syntax_tyco, syntax_const) =>
+             (syntax_class, syntax_tyco,
               |> Symtab.update
                  (c, (pretty, stamp ()))))),
@@ -1181,6 +1225,7 @@
           |> #target_data
           |> (fn data => (the oo Symtab.lookup) data target);
         in (seri (
+          (Symtab.lookup o #syntax_class) target_data,
           (Option.map fst oo Symtab.lookup o #syntax_tyco) target_data,
           (Option.map fst oo Symtab.lookup o #syntax_const) target_data
         ) cs module : unit; thy) end;
@@ -1197,10 +1242,10 @@
 val (generateK, serializeK,
      primclassK, primtycoK, primconstK,
-     syntax_tycoK, syntax_constK, aliasK) =
+     syntax_classK, syntax_tycoK, syntax_constK, aliasK) =
   ("code_generate", "code_serialize",
    "code_primclass", "code_primtyco", "code_primconst",
-   "code_syntax_tyco", "code_syntax_const", "code_alias");
+   "code_syntax_class", "code_syntax_tyco", "code_syntax_const", "code_alias");
 val dependingK =
@@ -1260,6 +1305,18 @@
             (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (add_prim_const raw_const depends) primdefs)
+val syntax_classP =
+  OuterSyntax.command syntax_tycoK "define code syntax for class" K.thy_decl (
+    Scan.repeat1 (
+      P.xname
+      -- Scan.repeat1 (
+           P.name -- P.string
+         )
+    )
+    >> (Toplevel.theory oo fold) (fn (raw_class, syns) =>
+          fold (fn (target, p) => add_syntax_class raw_class target p) syns)
+  );
 val syntax_tycoP =
   OuterSyntax.command syntax_tycoK "define code syntax for type constructor" K.thy_decl (
     Scan.repeat1 (
@@ -1294,11 +1351,6 @@
 val _ = Context.add_setup (
   add_eqextr ("defs", eqextr_defs)
-  #> add_defgen ("funs", defgen_funs)
-  #> add_defgen ("clsdecl", defgen_clsdecl)
-  #> add_defgen ("clsmem", defgen_clsmem)
-  #> add_defgen ("clsinst", defgen_clsinst)
-  #> add_defgen ("datatypecons", defgen_datatypecons)
 (*   add_appconst_i ("op =", ((2, 2), appgen_eq))  *)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:12:56 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_serializer.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:14:37 2006 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
   type serializer = 
       string list list
       -> OuterParse.token list ->
-      ((string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
+      ((string -> string option)
+        * (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
         * (string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax option)
       -> string list option
       -> CodegenThingol.module -> unit)
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
   val parse_targetdef: (string -> string) -> string -> string;
   val pretty_list: string -> string -> int * string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax;
   val serializers: {
-    ml: string * (string * string * string -> serializer),
+    ml: string * (string * string * (string -> bool) -> serializer),
     haskell: string * (string -> serializer)
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@
   | Pretty of Pretty.T
   | Quote of 'a;
-type 'a pretty_syntax = (int * int) * (fixity -> (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> 'a list -> Pretty.T);
+type 'a pretty_syntax = (int * int) * (fixity -> (fixity -> 'a -> Pretty.T)
+  -> 'a list -> Pretty.T);
 fun eval_lrx L L = false
   | eval_lrx R R = false
@@ -84,17 +86,26 @@
 fun brackify_infix infx fxy_ctxt ps =
   gen_brackify (eval_fxy (INFX infx) fxy_ctxt) (Pretty.breaks ps);
-fun from_app mk_app from_expr const_syntax fxy (f, es) =
+fun from_app mk_app from_expr const_syntax fxy (c, es) =
     fun mk NONE es =
-          brackify fxy (mk_app f es)
+          brackify fxy (mk_app c es)
       | mk (SOME ((i, k), pr)) es =
-            val (es1, es2) = splitAt (i, es);
+            val (es1, es2) = splitAt (k, es);
             brackify fxy (pr fxy from_expr es1 :: map (from_expr BR) es2)
-  in mk (const_syntax f) es end;
+  in mk (const_syntax c) es end;
+val _ : (string -> iexpr list -> Pretty.T list)
+                 -> (fixity -> iexpr -> Pretty.T)
+                    -> (string
+                        -> ((int * int)
+                            * (fixity
+                               -> (fixity -> iexpr -> Pretty.T)
+                                  -> iexpr list -> Pretty.T)) option)
+                       -> fixity -> string * iexpr list -> Pretty.T = from_app;
 fun fillin_mixfix fxy_this ms fxy_ctxt pr args =
@@ -155,13 +166,18 @@
 fun parse_nonatomic_mixfix reader s ctxt =
   case parse_mixfix reader s ctxt
-   of ([Pretty _], _) => error ("mixfix contains just one pretty element; either declare as " ^ quote atomK ^ " or consider adding a break")
+   of ([Pretty _], _) =>
+        error ("mixfix contains just one pretty element; either declare as "
+          ^ quote atomK ^ " or consider adding a break")
     | x => x;
 fun parse_syntax_proto reader = OuterParse.$$$ "(" |-- (
-       OuterParse.$$$ infixK  |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, X)), INFX (i, X)))
-    || OuterParse.$$$ infixlK |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, L)), INFX (i, L)))
-    || OuterParse.$$$ infixrK |-- OuterParse.nat >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, R)), INFX (i, R)))
+       OuterParse.$$$ infixK  |-- OuterParse.nat
+        >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, X)), INFX (i, X)))
+    || OuterParse.$$$ infixlK |-- OuterParse.nat
+        >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, L)), INFX (i, L)))
+    || OuterParse.$$$ infixrK |-- OuterParse.nat
+        >> (fn i => (parse_infix (INFX (i, R)), INFX (i, R)))
     || OuterParse.$$$ atomK |-- pair (parse_mixfix reader, NOBR)
     || pair (parse_nonatomic_mixfix reader, BR)
   ) -- OuterParse.string --| OuterParse.$$$ ")" >> (fn ((p, fxy), s) => (p s, fxy));
@@ -210,7 +226,8 @@
 type serializer = 
     string list list
     -> OuterParse.token list ->
-    ((string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
+    ((string -> string option)
+      * (string -> CodegenThingol.itype pretty_syntax option)
       * (string -> CodegenThingol.iexpr pretty_syntax option)
     -> string list option
     -> CodegenThingol.module -> unit)
@@ -226,7 +243,8 @@
 fun abstract_serializer (target, nspgrp) name_root (from_defs, from_module, validator)
-  postprocess preprocess (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) select module =
+    postprocess preprocess (class_syntax : string -> string option, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)
+    select module =
     fun from_prim (name, prim) =
       case AList.lookup (op = : string * string -> bool) prim target
@@ -242,7 +260,7 @@
     |> debug 3 (fn _ => "preprocessing...")
     |> preprocess
     |> debug 3 (fn _ => "serializing...")
-    |> serialize (from_defs (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)))
+    |> serialize (from_defs (from_prim, (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)))
          from_module' validator nspgrp name_root
     |> K ()
@@ -308,7 +326,7 @@
 fun pretty_list thingol_nil thingol_cons (target_pred, target_cons) =
-    fun dest_cons (IApp (IApp (IConst (c, _), e1), e2)) =
+    fun dest_cons (IApp (IApp (IConst ((c, _), _), e1), e2)) =
           if c = thingol_cons
           then SOME (e1, e2)
           else NONE
@@ -321,7 +339,7 @@
     fun pretty_compact fxy pr [e1, e2] =
       case unfoldr dest_cons e2
-       of (es, IConst (c, _)) =>
+       of (es, IConst ((c, _), _)) =>
             if c = thingol_nil
             then Pretty.enum "," "[" "]" (map (pr NOBR) (e1::es))
             else pretty_default fxy pr e1 e2
@@ -335,21 +353,19 @@
 fun ml_from_defs (is_cons, needs_type)
-  (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) resolv defs =
+    (from_prim, (_, tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) resolv defs =
     fun chunk_defs ps =
         val (p_init, p_last) = split_last ps
         Pretty.chunks (p_init @ [Pretty.block ([p_last, str ";"])])
-    end;
-    fun ml_from_label s =
-      let
-        val s' = NameSpace.unpack s;
-      in
-        NameSpace.pack (Library.drop (length s' - 2, s'))
-        |> translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
+    val ml_from_label =
+      resolv
+      #> NameSpace.base
+      #> translate_string (fn "_" => "__" | "." => "_" | c => c)
+      #> str;
     fun ml_from_type fxy (IType (tyco, tys)) =
           (case tyco_syntax tyco
            of NONE =>
@@ -363,7 +379,8 @@
             | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
                 if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
                 then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
-                  ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
+                  ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, "
+                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
                   ^ " expected")
                 else pr fxy ml_from_type tys)
       | ml_from_type fxy (IFun (t1, t2)) =
@@ -379,127 +396,96 @@
               ml_from_type (INFX (1, R)) t2
-      | ml_from_type _ (IVarT (v, [])) =
+      | ml_from_type _ (IVarT (v, _)) =
           str ("'" ^ v)
-      | ml_from_type _ (IVarT (_, sort)) =
-          "cannot serialize sort constrained type variable to ML: " ^ commas sort |> error
       | ml_from_type _ (IDictT fs) =
           Pretty.enum "," "{" "}" (
             map (fn (f, ty) =>
-              Pretty.block [str (ml_from_label f ^ ": "), ml_from_type NOBR ty]) fs
+              Pretty.block [ml_from_label f, str ": ", ml_from_type NOBR ty]) fs
-    fun ml_from_pat fxy (ICons ((f, ps), ty)) =
-          (case const_syntax f
-           of NONE => if length ps <= 1
-                then
-                  ps
-                  |> map (ml_from_pat BR)
-                  |> cons ((str o resolv) f)
-                  |> brackify fxy
-                else
-                  ps
-                  |> map (ml_from_pat BR)
-                  |> Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
-                  |> single
-                  |> cons ((str o resolv) f)
-                  |> brackify fxy
-            | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-                if not (i <= length ps andalso length ps <= k)
-                then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
-                  ^ (string_of_int o length) ps ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
-                  ^ " expected")
-                else pr fxy ml_from_expr (map iexpr_of_ipat ps))
-      | ml_from_pat fxy (IVarP (v, ty)) =
-          if needs_type ty
-          then
-            brackify fxy [
-              str v,
-              str ":",
-              ml_from_type NOBR ty
-            ]
-          else
-            str v
-    and ml_from_expr fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
-          (case (unfold_app e)
-           of (e as (IConst (f, _)), es) =>
-                ml_from_app fxy (f, es)
-            | _ =>
+    fun ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
+          (case unfold_const_app e
+           of SOME x => ml_from_app sortctxt fxy x
+            | NONE =>
                 brackify fxy [
-                  ml_from_expr NOBR e1,
-                  ml_from_expr BR e2
+                  ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e1,
+                  ml_from_expr sortctxt BR e2
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (e as IConst (f, _)) =
-          ml_from_app fxy (f, [])
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (IVarE (v, _)) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (e as IConst x) =
+          ml_from_app sortctxt fxy (x, [])
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (IVarE (v, _)) =
           str v
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (IAbs ((v, _), e)) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (IAbs ((v, _), e)) =
           brackify fxy [
             str ("fn " ^ v ^ " =>"),
-            ml_from_expr NOBR e
+            ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (e as ICase (_, [_])) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (e as ICase (_, [_])) =
             val (ps, e) = unfold_let e;
             fun mk_val (p, e) = Pretty.block [
                 str "val ",
-                ml_from_pat fxy p,
+                ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy p,
                 str " =",
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                ml_from_expr NOBR e,
+                ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e,
                 str ";"
           in Pretty.chunks [
             [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, map mk_val ps |> Pretty.chunks] |> Pretty.block,
-            [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, ml_from_expr NOBR e] |> Pretty.block,
+            [str ("in"), Pretty.fbrk, ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e] |> Pretty.block,
             str ("end")
           ] end
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (ICase (e, c::cs)) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (ICase (e, c::cs)) =
             fun mk_clause definer (p, e) =
               Pretty.block [
                 str definer,
-                ml_from_pat NOBR p,
+                ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR p,
                 str " =>",
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                ml_from_expr NOBR e
+                ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e
           in brackify fxy (
             str "case"
-            :: ml_from_expr NOBR e
+            :: ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e
             :: mk_clause "of " c
             :: map (mk_clause "| ") cs
           ) end
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (IInst _) =
-          error "cannot serialize poly instant to ML"
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (IDictE fs) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (IDictE fs) =
           Pretty.enum "," "{" "}" (
             map (fn (f, e) =>
-              Pretty.block [str (ml_from_label f ^ " = "), ml_from_expr NOBR e]) fs
+              Pretty.block [ml_from_label f, str " = ", ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR e]) fs
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup ([], v)) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (ILookup ([], v)) =
           str v
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup ([l], v)) =
+      | ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (ILookup ([l], v)) =
           brackify fxy [
-            str ("#" ^ (ml_from_label l)),
+            str "#",
+            ml_from_label l,
             str v
-      | ml_from_expr fxy (ILookup (ls, v)) =
+      (*| ml_from_expr sortctxt fxy (ILookup (ls, v)) =
           brackify fxy [
             str ("("
               ^ (ls |> map ((fn s => "#" ^ s) o ml_from_label) |> foldr1 (fn (l, e) => l ^ " o " ^ e))
               ^ ")"),
             str v
-          ]
-      | ml_from_expr _ e =
+          ]*)
+      | ml_from_expr _ _ e =
           error ("dubious expression: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_iexpr) e)
-    and ml_mk_app f es =
+    and ml_mk_app sortctxt f es =
       if is_cons f andalso length es > 1
-        [(str o resolv) f, Pretty.enum " *" "(" ")" (map (ml_from_expr BR) es)]
+        [(str o resolv) f, Pretty.enum " *" "(" ")" (map (ml_from_expr sortctxt BR) es)]
-        (str o resolv) f :: map (ml_from_expr BR) es
-    and ml_from_app fxy =
-      from_app ml_mk_app ml_from_expr const_syntax fxy;
+        (str o resolv) f :: map (ml_from_expr sortctxt BR) es
+    and ml_from_app sortctxt fxy (((f, _), ls), es) =
+      let
+        val _ = ();
+      in
+        from_app (ml_mk_app sortctxt) (ml_from_expr sortctxt) const_syntax fxy (f, es)
+      end;
     fun ml_from_funs (ds as d::ds_tl) =
         fun mk_definer [] = "val"
@@ -513,23 +499,23 @@
           | check_args _ _ =
               error ("function definition block containing other definitions than functions")
         val definer = the (fold check_args ds NONE);
-        fun mk_eq definer f ty (pats, expr) =
+        fun mk_eq definer sortctxt f ty (pats, expr) =
             val lhs = [str (definer ^ " " ^ f)]
                        @ (if null pats
                           then [str ":", ml_from_type NOBR ty]
-                          else map (ml_from_pat BR) pats)
-            val rhs = [str "=", ml_from_expr NOBR expr]
+                          else map (ml_from_expr sortctxt BR) pats)
+            val rhs = [str "=", ml_from_expr sortctxt NOBR expr]
             Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1) (lhs @ rhs))
-        fun mk_fun definer (f, Fun (eqs as eq::eq_tl, (_, ty))) =
+        fun mk_fun definer (f, Fun (eqs as eq::eq_tl, (sortctxt , ty))) =
             val (pats_hd::pats_tl) = (fst o split_list) eqs;
             val shift = if null eq_tl then I else map (Pretty.block o single);
           in (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks o shift) (
-               mk_eq definer f ty eq
-               :: map (mk_eq "|" f ty) eq_tl
+               mk_eq definer sortctxt f ty eq
+               :: map (mk_eq "|" sortctxt f ty) eq_tl
@@ -543,7 +529,8 @@
         val defs' = List.mapPartial
           (fn (name, Datatype info) => SOME (name, info)
             | (name, Datatypecons _) => NONE
-            | (name, def) => error ("datatype block containing illegal def: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_def) def)
+            | (name, def) => error ("datatype block containing illegal def: "
+                ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_def) def)
           ) defs
         fun mk_cons (co, []) =
               str (resolv co)
@@ -552,7 +539,8 @@
                 str (resolv co)
                 :: str " of"
                 :: Pretty.brk 1
-                :: separate (Pretty.block [str " *", Pretty.brk 1]) (map (ml_from_type NOBR) tys)
+                :: separate (Pretty.block [str " *", Pretty.brk 1])
+                     (map (ml_from_type NOBR) tys)
         fun mk_datatype definer (t, ((vs, cs), _)) =
           Pretty.block (
@@ -576,7 +564,8 @@
       | ml_from_def (name, Prim prim) =
           from_prim (name, prim)
       | ml_from_def (name, Typesyn (vs, ty)) =
-        (map (fn (vname, []) => () | _ => error "can't serialize sort constrained type declaration to ML") vs;
+        (map (fn (vname, []) => () | _ =>
+            error "can't serialize sort constrained type declaration to ML") vs;
           Pretty.block [
             str "type ",
             ml_from_type NOBR (name `%% map IVarT vs),
@@ -586,12 +575,82 @@
             str ";"
           ) |> SOME
-      | ml_from_def (name, Class _) =
-          error ("can't serialize class declaration " ^ quote name ^ " to ML")
+      | ml_from_def (name, Class ((supclasses, (v, membrs)), _)) =
+          let
+            val pv = str ("'" ^ v);
+            fun from_supclass class =
+              Pretty.block [
+                ml_from_label class,
+                str ":",
+                Pretty.brk 1,
+                pv,
+                Pretty.brk 1,
+                (str o resolv) class
+              ]
+            fun from_membr (m, (_, ty)) =
+              Pretty.block [
+                ml_from_label m,
+                str ":",
+                Pretty.brk 1,
+                ml_from_type NOBR ty
+              ]
+          in
+            Pretty.block [
+              str "type",
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              pv,
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              (str o resolv) name,
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              str "=",
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              Pretty.enum "," "{" "};" (
+                map from_supclass supclasses @ map from_membr membrs
+              )
+            ] |> SOME
+          end
       | ml_from_def (_, Classmember _) =
-      | ml_from_def (name, Classinst _) =
-          error ("can't serialize instance declaration " ^ quote name ^ " to ML")
+      | ml_from_def (name, Classinst (((class, (tyco, arity)), suparities), memdefs)) =
+          let
+            val definer = if null arity then "val" else "fun"
+            fun from_supclass (supclass, (inst, ls)) = str "<DUMMY>"
+            fun from_memdef (m, def) =
+              ((the o ml_from_funs) [(m, Fun def)], Pretty.block [
+                (str o resolv) m,
+                Pretty.brk 1,
+                str "=",
+                Pretty.brk 1,
+                (str o resolv) m
+              ])
+            fun mk_memdefs supclassexprs [] =
+                  Pretty.enum "," "{" "};" (
+                    supclassexprs
+                  )
+              | mk_memdefs supclassexprs memdefs =
+                  let
+                    val (defs, assigns) = (split_list o map from_memdef) memdefs;
+                  in
+                    Pretty.chunks [
+                      [str ("let"), Pretty.fbrk, defs |> Pretty.chunks]
+                        |> Pretty.block,
+                      [str ("in "), Pretty.enum "," "{" "};" (supclassexprs @ assigns)]
+                        |> Pretty.block
+                    ] 
+                  end;
+          in
+            Pretty.block [
+              (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
+                str definer
+                :: str name
+                :: map (str o fst) arity
+              ),
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              str "=",
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              mk_memdefs (map from_supclass suparities) memdefs
+            ] |> SOME
+          end;
   in case defs
    of (_, Fun _)::_ => ml_from_funs defs
     | (_, Datatypecons _)::_ => ml_from_datatypes defs
@@ -601,10 +660,10 @@
-fun ml_from_thingol target (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, int_tyco) nspgrp =
+fun ml_from_thingol target (nsp_dtcon, nsp_class, is_int_tyco) nspgrp =
     val reserved_ml = ThmDatabase.ml_reserved @ [
-      "bool", "int", "list", "true", "false"
+      "bool", "int", "list", "true", "false", "o"
     fun ml_from_module _ ((_, name), ps) =
       Pretty.chunks ([
@@ -617,7 +676,7 @@
     fun needs_type (IType (tyco, _)) =
           has_nsp tyco nsp_class
-          orelse tyco = int_tyco
+          orelse is_int_tyco tyco
       | needs_type (IDictT _) =
       | needs_type _ =
@@ -641,9 +700,7 @@
       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eta-expanding...")
       |> eta_expand (eta_expander module const_syntax)
       |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eta-expanding polydefs...")
-      |> eta_expand_poly
-      |> debug 3 (fn _ => "eliminating classes...")
-      |> eliminate_classes;
+      |> eta_expand_poly;
     val parse_multi =
       #-> (fn "dir" => 
@@ -655,15 +712,16 @@
      || parse_internal serializer
      || parse_single_file serializer)
-    >> (fn seri => fn (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) => seri 
-         (preprocess const_syntax) (tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
+    >> (fn seri => fn (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax) => seri 
+         (preprocess const_syntax) (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
 end; (* local *)
-fun hs_from_defs is_cons (from_prim, (tyco_syntax, const_syntax)) resolv defs =
+fun hs_from_defs is_cons (from_prim, (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
+    resolv defs =
     fun upper_first s =
@@ -691,10 +749,14 @@
     fun hs_from_sctxt vs =
+        fun from_class cls =
+         case class_syntax cls
+          of NONE => (upper_first o resolv) cls
+           | SOME cls => cls
         fun from_sctxt [] = str ""
           | from_sctxt vs =
-              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str ((upper_first o resolv) cls ^ " " ^ lower_first v))
+              |> map (fn (v, cls) => str (from_class cls ^ " " ^ lower_first v))
               |> Pretty.enum "," "(" ")"
               |> (fn p => Pretty.block [p, str " => "])
@@ -703,73 +765,39 @@
         |> Library.flat
         |> from_sctxt
-    fun hs_from_type fxy ty =
-      let
-        fun from_itype fxy (IType (tyco, tys)) sctxt =
-              (case tyco_syntax tyco
-               of NONE =>
-                    sctxt
-                    |> fold_map (from_itype BR) tys
-                    |-> (fn tyargs => pair (brackify fxy ((str o upper_first o resolv) tyco :: tyargs)))
-                | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-                    if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
-                    then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
-                      ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
-                      ^ " expected")
-                    else (pr fxy hs_from_type tys, sctxt))
-          | from_itype fxy (IFun (t1, t2)) sctxt =
-              sctxt
-              |> from_itype (INFX (1, X)) t1
-              ||>> from_itype (INFX (1, R)) t2
-              |-> (fn (p1, p2) => pair (
-                    brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
-                      p1,
-                      str "->",
-                      p2
-                    ]
-                  ))
-          | from_itype fxy (IVarT (v, [])) sctxt =
-              sctxt
-              |> pair ((str o lower_first) v)
-          | from_itype fxy (IVarT (v, sort)) sctxt =
-              sctxt
-              |> AList.default (op =) (v, [])
-              |> AList.map_entry (op =) v (fold (insert (op =)) sort)
-              |> pair ((str o lower_first) v)
-          | from_itype fxy (IDictT _) _ =
-              error "cannot serialize dictionary type to hs"
-      in
-        []
-        |> from_itype fxy ty
-        ||> hs_from_sctxt
-        |> (fn (pty, pctxt) => Pretty.block [pctxt, pty])
-      end;
-    fun hs_from_pat fxy (ICons ((f, ps), _)) =
-          (case const_syntax f
+    fun hs_from_type fxy (IType (tyco, tys)) =
+          (case tyco_syntax tyco
            of NONE =>
-                ps
-                |> map (hs_from_pat BR)
-                |> cons ((str o resolv_const) f)
-                |> brackify fxy
+                brackify fxy ((str o upper_first o resolv) tyco :: map (hs_from_type BR) tys)
             | SOME ((i, k), pr) =>
-                if not (i <= length ps andalso length ps <= k)
+                if not (i <= length tys andalso length tys <= k)
                 then error ("number of argument mismatch in customary serialization: "
-                  ^ (string_of_int o length) ps ^ " given, " ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
+                  ^ (string_of_int o length) tys ^ " given, "
+                  ^ string_of_int i ^ " to " ^ string_of_int k
                   ^ " expected")
-                else pr fxy hs_from_expr (map iexpr_of_ipat ps))
-      | hs_from_pat fxy (IVarP (v, _)) =
+                else pr fxy hs_from_type tys)
+      | hs_from_type fxy (IFun (t1, t2)) =
+          brackify_infix (1, R) fxy [
+            hs_from_type (INFX (1, X)) t1,
+            str "->",
+            hs_from_type (INFX (1, R)) t2
+          ]
+      | hs_from_type fxy (IVarT (v, _)) =
           (str o lower_first) v
-    and hs_from_expr fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
-          (case (unfold_app e)
-           of (e as (IConst (f, _)), es) =>
-                hs_from_app fxy (f, es)
+      | hs_from_type fxy (IDictT _) =
+          error "can't serialize dictionary type to hs";
+    fun hs_from_sctxt_type (sctxt, ty) =
+      Pretty.block [hs_from_sctxt sctxt, hs_from_type NOBR ty]
+    fun hs_from_expr fxy (e as IApp (e1, e2)) =
+          (case unfold_const_app e
+           of SOME x => hs_from_app fxy x
             | _ =>
                 brackify fxy [
                   hs_from_expr NOBR e1,
                   hs_from_expr BR e2
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (e as IConst (f, _)) =
-          hs_from_app fxy (f, [])
+      | hs_from_expr fxy (e as IConst x) =
+          hs_from_app fxy (x, [])
       | hs_from_expr fxy (IVarE (v, _)) =
           (str o lower_first) v
       | hs_from_expr fxy (e as IAbs _) =
@@ -787,7 +815,7 @@
             val (ps, body) = unfold_let e;
             fun mk_bind (p, e) = Pretty.block [
-                hs_from_pat BR p,
+                hs_from_expr BR p,
                 str " =",
                 Pretty.brk 1,
                 hs_from_expr NOBR e
@@ -800,7 +828,7 @@
             fun mk_clause (p, e) =
               Pretty.block [
-                hs_from_pat NOBR p,
+                hs_from_expr NOBR p,
                 str " ->",
                 Pretty.brk 1,
                 hs_from_expr NOBR e
@@ -814,26 +842,36 @@
             (Pretty.chunks o map mk_clause) cs
           ] end
-      | hs_from_expr fxy (IInst (e, _)) =
-          hs_from_expr fxy e
       | hs_from_expr fxy (IDictE _) =
-          error "cannot serialize dictionary expression to hs"
+          error "can't serialize dictionary expression to hs"
       | hs_from_expr fxy (ILookup _) =
-          error "cannot serialize lookup expression to hs"
-    and hs_mk_app f es =
-      (str o resolv_const) f :: map (hs_from_expr BR) es
-    and hs_from_app fxy =
-      from_app hs_mk_app hs_from_expr const_syntax fxy;
+          error "can't serialize lookup expression to hs"
+    and hs_mk_app c es =
+      (str o resolv_const) c :: map (hs_from_expr BR) es
+    and hs_from_app fxy (((c, _), ls), es) =
+      from_app hs_mk_app hs_from_expr const_syntax fxy (c, es);
+    fun hs_from_funeqs (name, eqs) =
+      let
+        fun from_eq name (args, rhs) =
+          Pretty.block [
+            str (lower_first name),
+            Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, hs_from_expr BR p]) args),
+            Pretty.brk 1,
+            str ("="),
+            Pretty.brk 1,
+            hs_from_expr NOBR rhs
+          ]
+      in Pretty.chunks (map (from_eq name) eqs) end;
     fun hs_from_def (name, Undef) =
           error ("empty statement during serialization: " ^ quote name)
       | hs_from_def (name, Prim prim) =
           from_prim (name, prim)
-      | hs_from_def (name, Fun (eqs, (_, ty))) =
+      | hs_from_def (name, Fun (eqs, (sctxt, ty))) =
             fun from_eq name (args, rhs) =
               Pretty.block [
                 str (lower_first name),
-                Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, hs_from_pat BR p]) args),
+                Pretty.block (map (fn p => Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, hs_from_expr BR p]) args),
                 Pretty.brk 1,
                 str ("="),
                 Pretty.brk 1,
@@ -844,22 +882,20 @@
               Pretty.block [
                 str (lower_first name ^ " ::"),
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                hs_from_type NOBR ty
+                hs_from_sctxt_type (sctxt, ty)
-              Pretty.chunks (map (from_eq name) eqs)
+              hs_from_funeqs (name, eqs)
             ] |> SOME
       | hs_from_def (name, Typesyn (vs, ty)) =
           Pretty.block [
             str "type ",
-            hs_from_sctxt vs,
-            str (upper_first name),
-            Pretty.block (map (fn (v, _) => str (" " ^ (lower_first) v)) vs),
+            hs_from_sctxt_type (vs, CodegenThingol.IType (name, map CodegenThingol.IVarT vs)),
             str " =",
             Pretty.brk 1,
-            hs_from_type NOBR ty
+            hs_from_sctxt_type ([], ty)
           ] |> SOME
-      | hs_from_def (name, Datatype ((vars, constrs), _)) =
+      | hs_from_def (name, Datatype ((vs, constrs), _)) =
             fun mk_cons (co, tys) =
               (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (
@@ -867,25 +903,26 @@
                 :: map (hs_from_type NOBR) tys
-            Pretty.block (
+            Pretty.block ((
               str "data "
-              :: hs_from_sctxt vars
-              :: str (upper_first name)
-              :: Pretty.block (map (fn (v, _) => str (" " ^ (lower_first) v)) vars)
+              :: hs_from_sctxt_type (vs, CodegenThingol.IType (name, map CodegenThingol.IVarT vs))
               :: str " ="
               :: Pretty.brk 1
               :: separate (Pretty.block [Pretty.brk 1, str "| "]) (map mk_cons constrs)
-            )
+            ) @ [
+              Pretty.brk 1,
+              str "deriving Show"
+            ])
           end |> SOME
       | hs_from_def (_, Datatypecons _) =
       | hs_from_def (name, Class ((supclasss, (v, membrs)), _)) =
-            fun mk_member (m, (_, ty)) =
+            fun mk_member (m, (sctxt, ty)) =
               Pretty.block [
                 str (resolv m ^ " ::"),
                 Pretty.brk 1,
-                hs_from_type NOBR ty
+                hs_from_sctxt_type (sctxt, ty)
             Pretty.block [
@@ -899,16 +936,15 @@
       | hs_from_def (name, Classmember _) =
-      | hs_from_def (_, Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, arity)), memdefs)) = 
+      | hs_from_def (_, Classinst (((clsname, (tyco, arity)), _), memdefs)) = 
           Pretty.block [
             str "instance ",
-            hs_from_sctxt arity,
-            str ((upper_first o resolv) clsname),
+            hs_from_sctxt_type (arity, IType ((upper_first o resolv) clsname, map (IVarT o rpair [] o fst) arity)),
             str " ",
-            hs_from_type NOBR (IType (tyco, (map (IVarT o rpair [] o fst)) arity)),
+            hs_from_sctxt_type (arity, IType (tyco, map (IVarT o rpair [] o fst) arity)),
             str " where",
-            Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, funn) => hs_from_def (m, Fun funn) |> the) memdefs)
+            Pretty.chunks (map (fn (m, (eqs, _)) => hs_from_funeqs (resolv m, eqs)) memdefs)
           ] |> SOME
     case List.mapPartial (fn (name, def) => hs_from_def (name, def)) defs
@@ -953,8 +989,8 @@
       |> eta_expand (eta_expander const_syntax);
     parse_multi_file ((K o K) NONE) "hs" serializer
-    >> (fn seri => fn (tyco_syntax, const_syntax) => seri 
-         (preprocess const_syntax) (tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
+    >> (fn seri => fn (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax) => seri 
+         (preprocess const_syntax) (class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax))
 end; (* local *)
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:12:56 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/codegen_thingol.ML	Tue Jan 31 16:14:37 2006 +0100
@@ -13,38 +13,31 @@
     | IFun of itype * itype
     | IVarT of vname * sort
     | IDictT of (string * itype) list;
-  datatype ipat =
-      ICons of (string * ipat list) * itype
-    | IVarP of vname * itype;
   datatype iexpr =
-      IConst of string * itype
+      IConst of (string * itype) * ClassPackage.sortlookup list list
     | IVarE of vname * itype
     | IApp of iexpr * iexpr
-    | IInst of iexpr * ClassPackage.sortlookup list
     | IAbs of (vname * itype) * iexpr
-    | ICase of iexpr * (ipat * iexpr) list
+    | ICase of iexpr * (iexpr * iexpr) list
     | IDictE of (string * iexpr) list
     | ILookup of (string list * vname);
   val mk_funs: itype list * itype -> itype;
   val mk_apps: iexpr * iexpr list -> iexpr;
   val mk_abss: (vname * itype) list * iexpr -> iexpr;
   val pretty_itype: itype -> Pretty.T;
-  val pretty_ipat: ipat -> Pretty.T;
   val pretty_iexpr: iexpr -> Pretty.T;
   val unfoldl: ('a -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'a -> 'a * 'b list;
   val unfoldr: ('a -> ('b * 'a) option) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a;
   val unfold_fun: itype -> itype list * itype;
   val unfold_app: iexpr -> iexpr * iexpr list;
   val unfold_abs: iexpr -> (vname * itype) list * iexpr;
-  val unfold_let: iexpr -> (ipat * iexpr) list * iexpr;
+  val unfold_let: iexpr -> (iexpr * iexpr) list * iexpr;
+  val unfold_const_app: iexpr ->
+    (((string * itype) * ClassPackage.sortlookup list list) * iexpr list) option;
   val itype_of_iexpr: iexpr -> itype;
-  val itype_of_ipat: ipat -> itype;
-  val ipat_of_iexpr: iexpr -> ipat;
-  val iexpr_of_ipat: ipat -> iexpr;
   val eq_itype: itype * itype -> bool;
   val tvars_of_itypes: itype list -> string list;
-  val vars_of_ipats: ipat list -> string list;
-  val vars_of_iexprs: iexpr list -> string list;
+  val names_of_iexprs: iexpr list -> string list;
   val `%% : string * itype list -> itype;
   val `-> : itype * itype -> itype;
@@ -54,7 +47,7 @@
   val `|-> : (vname * itype) * iexpr -> iexpr;
   val `|--> : (vname * itype) list * iexpr -> iexpr;
-  type funn = (ipat list * iexpr) list * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype);
+  type funn = (iexpr list * iexpr) list * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype);
   datatype prim =
       Pretty of Pretty.T
     | Name of string;
@@ -69,7 +62,9 @@
     | Class of (class list * (vname * (string * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype)) list))
         * string list
     | Classmember of class
-    | Classinst of (class * (string * (vname * sort) list)) * (string * funn) list;
+    | Classinst of ((class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
+          * (class * (string * ClassPackage.sortlookup list list)) list)
+        * (string * funn) list;
   type module;
   type transact;
   type 'dst transact_fin;
@@ -90,10 +85,8 @@
     -> string -> transact -> transact;
   val start_transact: (transact -> 'a * transact) -> module -> 'a * module;
-  val extract_defs: iexpr -> string list;
   val eta_expand: (string -> int) -> module -> module;
   val eta_expand_poly: module -> module;
-  val eliminate_classes: module -> module;
   val debug_level: int ref;
   val debug: int -> ('a -> string) -> 'a -> 'a;
@@ -164,17 +157,12 @@
     (*ML auxiliary*)
   | IDictT of (string * itype) list;
-datatype ipat =
-    ICons of (string * ipat list) * itype
-  | IVarP of vname * itype;
 datatype iexpr =
-    IConst of string * itype
+    IConst of (string * itype) * ClassPackage.sortlookup list list
   | IVarE of vname * itype
   | IApp of iexpr * iexpr
-  | IInst of iexpr * ClassPackage.sortlookup list
   | IAbs of (vname * itype) * iexpr
-  | ICase of iexpr * (ipat * iexpr) list
+  | ICase of iexpr * (iexpr * iexpr) list
     (*ML auxiliary*)
   | IDictE of (string * iexpr) list
   | ILookup of (string list * vname);
@@ -231,6 +219,11 @@
   (fn ICase (e, [(p, e')]) => SOME ((p, e), e')
     | _ => NONE);
+fun unfold_const_app e = 
+ case unfold_app e
+  of (IConst x, es) => SOME (x, es)
+   | _ => NONE;
 fun map_itype f_itype (IType (tyco, tys)) =
       tyco `%% map f_itype tys
   | map_itype f_itype (IFun (t1, t2)) =
@@ -238,27 +231,20 @@
   | map_itype _ (ty as IVarT _) =
-fun map_ipat f_itype f_ipat (ICons ((c, ps), ty)) =
-      ICons ((c, map f_ipat ps), f_itype ty)
-  | map_ipat _ _ (p as IVarP _) =
-      p;
-fun map_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IApp (e1, e2)) =
+fun map_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (IApp (e1, e2)) =
       f_iexpr e1 `$ f_iexpr e2
-  | map_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IInst (e, c)) =
-      IInst (f_iexpr e, c)
-  | map_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IAbs (v, e)) =
+  | map_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (IAbs (v, e)) =
       IAbs (v, f_iexpr e)
-  | map_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (ICase (e, ps)) =
-      ICase (f_iexpr e, map (fn (p, e) => (f_ipat p, f_iexpr e)) ps)
-  | map_iexpr _ _ _ (e as IConst _) =
+  | map_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (ICase (e, ps)) =
+      ICase (f_iexpr e, map (fn (p, e) => (f_iexpr p, f_iexpr e)) ps)
+  | map_iexpr _ _ (e as IConst _) =
-  | map_iexpr _ _ _ (e as IVarE _) =
+  | map_iexpr _ _ (e as IVarE _) =
-  | map_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IDictE ms) =
+  | map_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (IDictE ms) =
       IDictE (map (apsnd f_iexpr) ms)
-  | map_iexpr _ _ _ (e as ILookup _) =
-      e ;
+  | map_iexpr _ _ (e as ILookup _) =
+      e;
 fun fold_itype f_itype (IFun (t1, t2)) =
       f_itype t1 #> f_itype t2
@@ -267,22 +253,15 @@
   | fold_itype _ (ty as IVarT _) =
-fun fold_ipat f_itype f_ipat (ICons ((_, ps), ty)) =
-      f_itype ty #> fold f_ipat ps
-  | fold_ipat f_itype f_ipat (p as IVarP _) =
-      I;
-fun fold_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IApp (e1, e2)) =
+fun fold_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (IApp (e1, e2)) =
       f_iexpr e1 #> f_iexpr e2
-  | fold_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IInst (e, c)) =
-      f_iexpr e
-  | fold_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (IAbs (v, e)) =
+  | fold_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (IAbs (v, e)) =
       f_iexpr e
-  | fold_iexpr f_itype f_ipat f_iexpr (ICase (e, ps)) =
-      f_iexpr e #> fold (fn (p, e) => f_ipat p #> f_iexpr e) ps
-  | fold_iexpr _ _ _ (e as IConst _) =
+  | fold_iexpr f_itype f_iexpr (ICase (e, ps)) =
+      f_iexpr e #> fold (fn (p, e) => f_iexpr p #> f_iexpr e) ps
+  | fold_iexpr _ _ (e as IConst _) =
-  | fold_iexpr _ _ _ (e as IVarE _) =
+  | fold_iexpr _ _ (e as IVarE _) =
@@ -325,20 +304,12 @@
   | pretty_itype (IDictT _) =
       Pretty.str "<DictT>";
-fun pretty_ipat (ICons ((cons, ps), ty)) =
-      Pretty.enum " " "(" ")"
-        (Pretty.str cons :: map pretty_ipat ps @ [Pretty.str ":: ", pretty_itype ty])
-  | pretty_ipat (IVarP (v, ty)) =
-      Pretty.block [Pretty.str ("?" ^ v ^ "::"), pretty_itype ty];
-fun pretty_iexpr (IConst (f, ty)) =
-      Pretty.block [Pretty.str (f ^ "::"), pretty_itype ty]
+fun pretty_iexpr (IConst ((c, ty), _)) =
+      Pretty.block [Pretty.str (c ^ "::"), pretty_itype ty]
   | pretty_iexpr (IVarE (v, ty)) =
       Pretty.block [Pretty.str ("?" ^ v ^ "::"), pretty_itype ty]
   | pretty_iexpr (IApp (e1, e2)) =
       Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [pretty_iexpr e1, Pretty.brk 1, pretty_iexpr e2]
-  | pretty_iexpr (IInst (e, c)) =
-      pretty_iexpr e
   | pretty_iexpr (IAbs ((v, ty), e)) =
       Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [Pretty.str ("?" ^ v ^ " |->"), Pretty.brk 1, pretty_iexpr e]
   | pretty_iexpr (ICase (e, cs)) =
@@ -347,7 +318,7 @@
         pretty_iexpr e,
         Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (map (fn (p, e) =>
           Pretty.block [
-            pretty_ipat p,
+            pretty_iexpr p,
             Pretty.str " => ",
             pretty_iexpr e
@@ -361,7 +332,18 @@
 (* language auxiliary *)
-fun itype_of_iexpr (IConst (_, ty)) = ty
+fun instant_itype (v, sty) ty =
+  let
+    fun instant (IType (tyco, tys)) =
+          tyco `%% map instant tys
+      | instant (IFun (ty1, ty2)) =
+          instant ty1 `-> instant ty2
+      | instant (w as (IVarT (u, _))) =
+          if v = u then sty else w
+  in instant ty end;
+fun itype_of_iexpr (IConst ((_, ty), s)) = ty
   | itype_of_iexpr (IVarE (_, ty)) = ty
   | itype_of_iexpr (e as IApp (e1, e2)) = (case itype_of_iexpr e1
       of (IFun (ty2, ty')) =>
@@ -371,29 +353,9 @@
               ^ ", " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_itype) ty2
               ^ " vs. " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_itype o itype_of_iexpr) e2)
        | _ => error ("expression is not a function: " ^ Pretty.output (pretty_iexpr e1)))
-  | itype_of_iexpr (IInst (e, cs)) = itype_of_iexpr e
   | itype_of_iexpr (IAbs ((_, ty1), e2)) = ty1 `-> itype_of_iexpr e2
   | itype_of_iexpr (ICase ((_, [(_, e)]))) = itype_of_iexpr e;
-fun itype_of_ipat (ICons (_, ty)) = ty
-  | itype_of_ipat (IVarP (_, ty)) = ty;
-fun ipat_of_iexpr (IConst (f, ty)) = ICons ((f, []), ty)
-  | ipat_of_iexpr (IVarE v) = IVarP v
-  | ipat_of_iexpr (e as IApp _) =
-      (case unfold_app e
-        of (IConst (f, ty), es) =>
-              ICons ((f, map ipat_of_iexpr es), (snd o unfold_fun) ty)
-         | (IInst (IConst (f, ty), _), es) =>
-              ICons ((f, map ipat_of_iexpr es), (snd o unfold_fun) ty)
-         | _ => error ("illegal expression for pattern: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_iexpr) e))
-  | ipat_of_iexpr e =
-      error ("illegal expression for pattern: " ^ (Pretty.output o pretty_iexpr) e);
-fun iexpr_of_ipat (ICons ((co, ps), ty)) =
-      IConst (co, map itype_of_ipat ps `--> ty) `$$ map iexpr_of_ipat ps
-  | iexpr_of_ipat (IVarP v) = IVarE v;
 fun tvars_of_itypes tys =
     fun vars (IType (_, tys)) =
@@ -404,18 +366,10 @@
           insert (op =) v
   in fold vars tys [] end;
-fun vars_of_ipats ps =
+fun names_of_iexprs es =
-    fun vars (ICons ((_, ps), _)) =
-          fold vars ps
-      | vars (IVarP (v, _)) =
-          insert (op =) v
-  in fold vars ps [] end;
-fun vars_of_iexprs es =
-  let
-    fun vars (IConst (f, _)) =
-          I
+    fun vars (IConst ((c, _), _)) =
+          insert (op =) c
       | vars (IVarE (v, _)) =
           insert (op =) v
       | vars (IApp (e1, e2)) =
@@ -425,32 +379,19 @@
           #> vars e
       | vars (ICase (e, cs)) =
           vars e
-          #> fold (fn (p, e) => fold (insert (op =)) (vars_of_ipats [p]) #> vars e) cs
-      | vars (IInst (e, lookup)) =
-          vars e
+          #> fold (fn (p, e) => vars p #> vars e) cs
       | vars (IDictE ms) =
           fold (vars o snd) ms
       | vars (ILookup (_, v)) =
           cons v
   in fold vars es [] end;
-fun instant_itype (v, sty) ty =
-  let
-    fun instant (IType (tyco, tys)) =
-          tyco `%% map instant tys
-      | instant (IFun (ty1, ty2)) =
-          instant ty1 `-> instant ty2
-      | instant (w as (IVarT (u, _))) =
-          if v = u then sty else w
-  in instant ty end;
 (** language module system - definitions, modules, transactions **)
 (* type definitions *)
-type funn = (ipat list * iexpr) list * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype);
+type funn = (iexpr list * iexpr) list * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype);
 datatype prim =
     Pretty of Pretty.T
@@ -467,7 +408,9 @@
   | Class of (class list * (vname * (string * (ClassPackage.sortcontext * itype)) list))
       * string list
   | Classmember of class
-  | Classinst of (class * (string * (vname * sort) list)) * (string * funn) list;
+  | Classinst of ((class * (string * (vname * sort) list))
+        * (class * (string * ClassPackage.sortlookup list list)) list)
+      * (string * funn) list;
 datatype node = Def of def | Module of node Graph.T;
 type module = node Graph.T;
@@ -489,7 +432,7 @@
       Pretty.enum " |" "" "" (
         map (fn (ps, body) =>
           Pretty.block [
-            Pretty.enum "," "[" "]" (map pretty_ipat ps),
+            Pretty.enum "," "[" "]" (map pretty_iexpr ps),
             Pretty.str " |->",
             Pretty.brk 1,
             pretty_iexpr body,
@@ -531,7 +474,7 @@
         Pretty.str "class member belonging to ",
         Pretty.str clsname
-  | pretty_def (Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, arity)), _)) =
+  | pretty_def (Classinst (((clsname, (tyco, arity)), _), _)) =
       Pretty.block [
         Pretty.str "class instance (",
         Pretty.str clsname,
@@ -748,16 +691,16 @@
           apfst Module o Graph.fold_map_nodes (foldmap (prfix @ [name])) modl
   in Graph.fold_map_nodes (foldmap []) end;
-fun map_def_fun f_ipat f_iexpr (Fun (eqs, cty)) =
-      Fun (map (fn (ps, rhs) => (map f_ipat ps, f_iexpr rhs)) eqs, cty)
-  | map_def_fun _ _ def = def;
+fun map_def_fun f_iexpr (Fun (eqs, cty)) =
+      Fun (map (fn (ps, rhs) => (map f_iexpr ps, f_iexpr rhs)) eqs, cty)
+  | map_def_fun _ def = def;
-fun transform_defs f_def f_ipat f_iexpr s modl =
+fun transform_defs f_def f_iexpr s modl =
     val (modl', s') = fold_map_defs f_def modl s
-    |> map_defs (map_def_fun (f_ipat s') (f_iexpr s'))
+    |> map_defs (map_def_fun (f_iexpr s'))
 fun merge_module modl12 =
@@ -850,7 +793,7 @@
       else error "attempted to add class with bare instances"
   | check_prep_def modl (Classmember _) =
       error "attempted to add bare class member"
-  | check_prep_def modl (Classinst ((d as (class, (tyco, arity)), memdefs))) =
+  | check_prep_def modl (Classinst ((d as ((class, (tyco, arity)), _), memdefs))) =
         val Class ((_, (v, membrs)), _) = get_def modl class;
         val _ = if length memdefs > length memdefs
@@ -881,7 +824,7 @@
         #> add_dep (name, m)
       ) membrs
-  | postprocess_def (name, Classinst ((class, (tyco, _)), _)) =
+  | postprocess_def (name, Classinst (((class, (tyco, _)), _), _)) =
       map_def class (fn Datatype (d, insts) => Datatype (d, name::insts)
                       | d => d)
       #> map_def class (fn Class (d, insts) => Class (d, name::insts))
@@ -979,25 +922,9 @@
 (** generic transformation **)
-fun extract_defs e =
-  let
-    fun extr_itype (ty as IType (tyco, _)) =
-          cons tyco #> fold_itype extr_itype ty
-      | extr_itype ty =
-          fold_itype extr_itype ty
-    fun extr_ipat (p as ICons ((c, _), _)) =
-          cons c #> fold_ipat extr_itype extr_ipat p
-      | extr_ipat p =
-          fold_ipat extr_itype extr_ipat p
-    fun extr_iexpr (e as IConst (f, _)) =
-          cons f #> fold_iexpr extr_itype extr_ipat extr_iexpr e
-      | extr_iexpr e =
-          fold_iexpr extr_itype extr_ipat extr_iexpr e
-  in extr_iexpr e [] end;
 fun eta_expand query =
-    fun eta_app ((f, ty), es) =
+    fun eta_app (((f, ty), ls), es) =
         val delta = query f - length es;
         val add_n = if delta < 0 then 0 else delta;
@@ -1006,20 +933,16 @@
           |> curry Library.drop (length es)
           |> curry Library.take add_n
         val add_vars =
-          Term.invent_names (vars_of_iexprs es) "x" add_n ~~ tys;
+          Term.invent_names (names_of_iexprs es) "x" add_n ~~ tys;
-        Library.foldr IAbs (add_vars, IConst (f, ty) `$$ es `$$ (map IVarE add_vars))
+        Library.foldr IAbs (add_vars,
+          IConst ((f, ty), ls) `$$ es `$$ (map IVarE add_vars))
-    fun eta_iexpr' e = map_iexpr I I eta_iexpr e
-    and eta_iexpr (IConst (f, ty)) =
-          eta_app ((f, ty), [])
-      | eta_iexpr (e as IApp _) =
-          (case (unfold_app e)
-           of (IConst (f, ty), es) =>
-                eta_app ((f, ty), map eta_iexpr es)
-            | _ => eta_iexpr' e)
-      | eta_iexpr e = eta_iexpr' e;
-  in map_defs (map_def_fun I eta_iexpr) end;
+    fun eta_iexpr e =
+     case unfold_const_app e
+      of SOME x => eta_app x
+       | NONE => map_iexpr I eta_iexpr e;
+  in map_defs (map_def_fun eta_iexpr) end;
 val eta_expand_poly =
@@ -1029,124 +952,11 @@
           then def
-              val add_var = (hd (Term.invent_names (vars_of_iexprs [e]) "x" 1), ty1)
-            in (Fun ([([IVarP add_var], IAbs (add_var, e))], cty)) end
+              val add_var = (hd (Term.invent_names (names_of_iexprs [e]) "x" 1), ty1)
+            in (Fun ([([IVarE add_var], IAbs (add_var, e))], cty)) end
       | map_def_fun def = def;
   in map_defs map_def_fun end;
-(*fun eliminate_classes module =
-  let
-    fun transform_itype (IVarT (v, s)) =
-          IVarT (v, [])
-      | transform_itype (ty as IDictT _) =
-          ty
-      | transform_itype ty =
-          map_itype transform_itype ty;
-    fun transform_ipat p =
-          map_ipat transform_itype transform_ipat p;
-    fun transform_iexpr vname_alist (IInst (e, ls)) =
-          let
-            fun transform_lookup (ClassPackage.Instance ((cdict, idict), ls)) =
-                  ls
-                  |> transform_lookups
-                  |-> (fn tys =>
-                        curry mk_apps (IConst (idict, cdict `%% tys))
-                        #> pair (cdict `%% tys))
-              | transform_lookup (ClassPackage.Lookup (deriv, (v, i))) =
-                  let
-                    val (v', cls) =
-                      (nth o the oo AList.lookup (op =)) vname_alist v i;
-                    fun mk_parm tyco = tyco `%% [IVarT (v, [])];
-                  in (mk_parm cls, ILookup (deriv, v')) end
-            and transform_lookups lss =
-                  map_yield (map_yield transform_lookup
-                       #> apfst **
-                       #> apsnd XXe) lss
-          in transform_iexpr vname_alist e `$$ (snd o transform_lookups) ls end
-      | transform_iexpr vname_alist e =
-          map_iexpr transform_itype transform_ipat (transform_iexpr vname_alist) e;
-    fun elim_sorts (Fun (eqs, ([], ty))) =
-          Fun (map (fn (ps, rhs) => (map transform_ipat ps, transform_iexpr [] rhs)) eqs,
-            ([], transform_itype ty))
-      | elim_sorts (Fun (eqs, (sortctxt, ty))) =
-          let
-            val varnames_ctxt =
-              burrow
-                (Term.invent_names ((vars_of_iexprs o map snd) eqs @
-                  (vars_of_ipats o Library.flat o map fst) eqs) "d" o length)
-                (map snd sortctxt);
-            val vname_alist = map2 (fn (vt, sort) => fn vs => (vt, vs ~~ sort))
-              sortctxt varnames_ctxt;
-            val ty' = map (op ** o (fn (vt, vss) => map (fn (_, cls) =>
-              cls `%% [IVarT (vt, [])]) vss)) vname_alist
-              `--> transform_itype ty;
-            val ps_add = map (XXp o (fn (vt, vss) => map (fn (v, cls) =>
-              IVarP (v, cls `%% [IVarT (vt, [])])) vss)) vname_alist;
-          in Fun (map (fn (ps, rhs) => (ps_add @ map transform_ipat ps, transform_iexpr vname_alist rhs)) eqs, ([], ty')) end
-      | elim_sorts (Datatype (vars, constrs, insts)) =
-          Datatype (map (fn (v, _) => (v, [])) vars, map (apsnd (map transform_itype)) constrs, insts)
-      | elim_sorts (Typesyn (vars, ty)) =
-          Typesyn (map (fn (v, _) => (v, [])) vars, transform_itype ty)
-      | elim_sorts d = d;
-    fun mk_cls_typ_map v (supclss, membrs) ty_inst =
-      (map (fn class => (class, IType (class, [ty_inst]))) supclss,
-        map (fn (m, (mctxt, ty)) =>
-        (m, ty |> instant_itype (v, ty_inst))) membrs);
-    fun extract_members (cls, Class (supclss, v, membrs, _)) =
-          let
-            val ty_cls = cls `%% [IVarT (v, [])];
-            val w = "d";
-            val add_supclss = if null supclss then I else cons (v, supclss);
-            fun mk_fun (m, (mctxt, ty)) = (m, Fun ([([IVarP (w, ty_cls)], ILookup ([m], w))],
-              (add_supclss mctxt, ty `-> ty_cls)));
-          in fold (cons o mk_fun) membrs end
-      | extract_members _ = I;
-    fun introduce_dicts (Class (supclss, v, membrs, insts)) =
-          let
-            val varname_cls = Term.invent_names (tvars_of_itypes (map (snd o snd) membrs)) "a" 1 |> hd
-          in
-            Typesyn ([(varname_cls, supclss)], IDictT ((op @) (mk_cls_typ_map v (supclss, membrs) (IVarT (varname_cls, [])))))
-          end
-      | introduce_dicts (Classinst ((clsname, (tyco, arity)), (supinsts, memdefs))) =
-          let
-            val Class (supclss, v, members, _) =
-              if clsname = class_eq
-              then
-                Class ([], "a", [(fun_eq, ([], IVarT ("a", []) `-> IVarT ("a", []) `-> Type_bool))], [])
-              else
-                get_def module clsname;
-            val ty = tyco `%% map IVarT arity;
-            val (supinst_typ_map, mem_typ_map) = mk_cls_typ_map v (supclss, members) ty;
-            fun mk_meminst (m, ty) =
-              let
-                val (instname, instlookup) = (the o AList.lookup (op =) memdefs) m;
-              in
-                IInst (IConst (instname, ty), instlookup)
-                |> pair m
-              end;
-            val memdefs_ty = map mk_meminst mem_typ_map;
-            fun mk_supinst (supcls, dictty) =
-              let
-                val (instname, instlookup) = (the o AList.lookup (op =) supinsts) supcls;
-              in
-                IInst (IConst (instname, dictty), instlookup)
-                |> pair supcls
-              end;
-            val instdefs_ty = map mk_supinst supinst_typ_map;
-          in
-            Fun ([([], IDictE (instdefs_ty @ memdefs_ty))],
-              (arity, IType (clsname, [ty])))
-          end
-      | introduce_dicts d = d;
-  in
-    module
-    |> `(fn module => fold_defs extract_members module [])
-    |-> (fn membrs => fold (fn (name, f) => map_def name (K f)) membrs)
-    |> map_defs introduce_dicts
-    |> map_defs elim_sorts
-  end;*)
-fun eliminate_classes module = module;
 (** generic serialization **)