--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_theory_export.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -46,15 +46,21 @@
| ident_of_problem_line (Class_Memb (ident, _, _, _)) = ident
| ident_of_problem_line (Formula (ident, _, _, _, _)) = ident
+fun atp_for_format (THF (Polymorphic, _, _, _)) = dummy_thfN
+ | atp_for_format (THF (Monomorphic, _, _, _)) = satallaxN
+ | atp_for_format (DFG Polymorphic) = spass_polyN
+ | atp_for_format (DFG Monomorphic) = spassN
+ | atp_for_format (TFF (Polymorphic, _)) = alt_ergoN
+ | atp_for_format (TFF (Monomorphic, _)) = vampireN
+ | atp_for_format FOF = eN
+ | atp_for_format CNF_UEQ = waldmeisterN
+ | atp_for_format CNF = eN
fun run_some_atp ctxt format problem =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val prob_file = File.tmp_path (Path.explode "prob")
- val atp =
- case format of
- DFG Polymorphic => spass_polyN
- | DFG Monomorphic => spassN
- | _ => eN
+ val atp = atp_for_format format
val {exec, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures, ...} =
get_atp thy atp ()
val ord = effective_term_order ctxt atp
@@ -107,13 +113,14 @@
handle TYPE _ => @{prop True}
-fun all_non_tautological_facts_of thy css_table =
+fun all_non_tautological_facts_of ctxt prover thy css_table =
Sledgehammer_Fact.all_facts_of thy css_table
- |> filter_out ((Sledgehammer_Filter_MaSh.is_likely_tautology orf
+ |> filter_out ((Sledgehammer_Filter_MaSh.is_likely_tautology ctxt prover orf
Sledgehammer_Filter_MaSh.is_too_meta) o snd)
fun generate_atp_inference_file_for_theory ctxt thy format type_enc file_name =
+ val atp = atp_for_format format
val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
val type_enc =
type_enc |> type_enc_from_string Strict
@@ -121,7 +128,7 @@
val mono = not (is_type_enc_polymorphic type_enc)
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
- val facts = all_non_tautological_facts_of thy css_table
+ val facts = all_non_tautological_facts_of ctxt atp thy css_table
val atp_problem =
|> map (fn ((_, loc), th) =>
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/mash_eval.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/mash_eval.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -26,21 +26,21 @@
val max_facts_slack = 2
-val all_names =
- filter_out (is_likely_tautology orf is_too_meta)
+fun all_names ctxt prover =
+ filter_out (is_likely_tautology ctxt prover orf is_too_meta)
#> map (rpair () o Thm.get_name_hint) #> Symtab.make
fun evaluate_mash_suggestions ctxt params thy file_name =
val {provers, max_facts, slice, type_enc, lam_trans, timeout, ...} =
Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params ctxt []
- val prover_name = hd provers
+ val prover = hd provers
val slack_max_facts = max_facts_slack * the max_facts
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val lines = path |> File.read_lines
val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
val facts = all_facts_of thy css_table
- val all_names = all_names (facts |> map snd)
+ val all_names = all_names ctxt prover (facts |> map snd)
val iter_ok = Unsynchronized.ref 0
val mash_ok = Unsynchronized.ref 0
val mesh_ok = Unsynchronized.ref 0
@@ -80,16 +80,17 @@
val isar_facts = suggested_facts isar_deps facts
val iter_facts =
Sledgehammer_Filter_Iter.iterative_relevant_facts ctxt params
- prover_name slack_max_facts NONE hyp_ts concl_t facts
+ prover slack_max_facts NONE hyp_ts concl_t facts
val mash_facts = suggested_facts suggs facts
val mess = [(iter_facts, SOME (length iter_facts)), (mash_facts, NONE)]
val mesh_facts = mesh_facts slack_max_facts mess
fun prove ok heading facts =
val facts =
- facts |> Sledgehammer_Fact.maybe_instantiate_inducts ctxt hyp_ts concl_t
- |> take (the max_facts)
- val res as {outcome, ...} = run_prover ctxt params facts goal
+ facts
+ |> Sledgehammer_Fact.maybe_instantiate_inducts ctxt hyp_ts concl_t
+ |> take (the max_facts)
+ val res as {outcome, ...} = run_prover ctxt params prover facts goal
val _ = if is_none outcome then ok := !ok + 1 else ()
in str_of_res heading facts res end
val iter_s = prove iter_ok iterN iter_facts
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
(100.0 * Real.fromInt (!ok) / Real.fromInt n) ^ "%)"
val inst_inducts = Config.get ctxt Sledgehammer_Fact.instantiate_inducts
val options =
- [prover_name, string_of_int (the max_facts) ^ " facts",
+ [prover, string_of_int (the max_facts) ^ " facts",
"slice" |> not slice ? prefix "dont_", the_default "smart" type_enc,
the_default "smart" lam_trans, ATP_Util.string_from_time timeout,
"instantiate_inducts" |> not inst_inducts ? prefix "dont_"]
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/mash_export.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/mash_export.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@
type params = Sledgehammer_Provers.params
val generate_accessibility : theory -> bool -> string -> unit
- val generate_features : Proof.context -> theory -> bool -> string -> unit
- val generate_isa_dependencies : theory -> bool -> string -> unit
- val generate_atp_dependencies :
+ val generate_features :
+ Proof.context -> string -> theory -> bool -> string -> unit
+ val generate_isa_dependencies :
+ Proof.context -> string -> theory -> bool -> string -> unit
+ val generate_prover_dependencies :
Proof.context -> params -> theory -> bool -> string -> unit
- val generate_commands : Proof.context -> theory -> string -> unit
+ val generate_commands : Proof.context -> string -> theory -> string -> unit
val generate_iter_suggestions :
Proof.context -> params -> theory -> int -> string -> unit
@@ -47,8 +49,8 @@
val thy_name_of_fact = hd o Long_Name.explode
fun thy_of_fact thy = Context.this_theory thy o thy_name_of_fact
-val all_names =
- filter_out (is_likely_tautology orf is_too_meta)
+fun all_names ctxt prover =
+ filter_out (is_likely_tautology ctxt prover orf is_too_meta)
#> map (rpair () o Thm.get_name_hint) #> Symtab.make
fun generate_accessibility thy include_thy file_name =
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@
in fold do_fact facts parents; () end
in fold_rev (fn (_, facts) => K (do_thy facts)) thy_map () end
-fun generate_features ctxt thy include_thy file_name =
+fun generate_features ctxt prover thy include_thy file_name =
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
@@ -82,12 +84,13 @@
fun do_fact ((_, (_, status)), th) =
val name = Thm.get_name_hint th
- val feats = features_of (theory_of_thm th) status [prop_of th]
+ val feats =
+ features_of ctxt prover (theory_of_thm th) status [prop_of th]
val s = escape_meta name ^ ": " ^ escape_metas feats ^ "\n"
in File.append path s end
in List.app do_fact facts end
-fun generate_isa_dependencies thy include_thy file_name =
+fun generate_isa_dependencies ctxt prover thy include_thy file_name =
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@
all_facts_of thy Termtab.empty
|> not include_thy ? filter_out (has_thy thy o snd)
|> map snd
- val all_names = all_names ths
+ val all_names = all_names ctxt prover ths
fun do_thm th =
val name = Thm.get_name_hint th
@@ -104,16 +107,17 @@
in File.append path s end
in List.app do_thm ths end
-fun generate_atp_dependencies ctxt (params as {provers, max_facts, ...}) thy
- include_thy file_name =
+fun generate_prover_dependencies ctxt (params as {provers, max_facts, ...}) thy
+ include_thy file_name =
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
+ val prover = hd provers
val facts =
all_facts_of thy Termtab.empty
|> not include_thy ? filter_out (has_thy thy o snd)
val ths = facts |> map snd
- val all_names = all_names ths
+ val all_names = all_names ctxt prover ths
fun is_dep dep (_, th) = Thm.get_name_hint th = dep
fun add_isa_dep facts dep accum =
if exists (is_dep dep) accum then
@@ -137,12 +141,12 @@
val facts =
facts |> filter (fn (_, th') => thm_ord (th', th) = LESS)
val facts =
- facts |> iterative_relevant_facts ctxt params (hd provers)
+ facts |> iterative_relevant_facts ctxt params prover
(the max_facts) NONE hyp_ts concl_t
|> fold (add_isa_dep facts) isa_deps
|> map fix_name
- case run_prover ctxt params facts goal of
+ case run_prover ctxt params prover facts goal of
{outcome = NONE, used_facts, ...} =>
used_facts |> map fst |> sort string_ord
| _ => isa_deps
@@ -151,7 +155,7 @@
in File.append path s end
in List.app do_thm ths end
-fun generate_commands ctxt thy file_name =
+fun generate_commands ctxt prover thy file_name =
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
@@ -161,11 +165,11 @@
facts |> List.partition (has_thy thy o snd)
|>> sort (thm_ord o pairself snd)
val ths = facts |> map snd
- val all_names = all_names ths
+ val all_names = all_names ctxt prover ths
fun do_fact ((_, (_, status)), th) prevs =
val name = Thm.get_name_hint th
- val feats = features_of thy status [prop_of th]
+ val feats = features_of ctxt prover thy status [prop_of th]
val deps = isabelle_dependencies_of all_names th
val kind = Thm.legacy_get_kind th
val core = escape_metas prevs ^ "; " ^ escape_metas feats
@@ -184,6 +188,7 @@
val path = file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write path ""
+ val prover = hd provers
val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
val facts = all_facts_of thy css_table
val (new_facts, old_facts) =
@@ -201,7 +206,7 @@
val suggs =
|> Sledgehammer_Filter_Iter.iterative_relevant_facts ctxt params
- (hd provers) max_relevant NONE hyp_ts concl_t
+ prover max_relevant NONE hyp_ts concl_t
|> map (fn ((name, _), _) => name ())
|> sort string_ord
val s = escape_meta name ^ ": " ^ escape_metas suggs ^ "\n"
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem_generate.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
val invert_const : string -> string
val unproxify_const : string -> string
val new_skolem_var_name_from_const : string -> string
+ val atp_logical_consts : string list
val atp_irrelevant_consts : string list
- val atp_widely_irrelevant_consts : string list
val atp_schematic_consts_of : term -> typ list Symtab.table
val is_type_enc_higher_order : type_enc -> bool
val is_type_enc_polymorphic : type_enc -> bool
@@ -390,6 +390,13 @@
nth ss (length ss - 2)
+(* These are ignored anyway by the relevance filter (unless they appear in
+ higher-order places) but not by the monomorphizer. *)
+val atp_logical_consts =
+ [@{const_name all}, @{const_name "==>"}, @{const_name "=="},
+ @{const_name Trueprop}, @{const_name All}, @{const_name Ex},
+ @{const_name Ex1}, @{const_name Ball}, @{const_name Bex}]
(* These are either simplified away by "Meson.presimplify" (most of the time) or
handled specially via "fFalse", "fTrue", ..., "fequal". *)
val atp_irrelevant_consts =
@@ -397,13 +404,7 @@
@{const_name conj}, @{const_name disj}, @{const_name implies},
@{const_name HOL.eq}, @{const_name If}, @{const_name Let}]
-val atp_widely_irrelevant_consts =
- atp_irrelevant_consts @
- (* These are ignored anyway by the relevance filter (unless they appear in
- higher-order places) but not by the monomorphizer. *)
- [@{const_name all}, @{const_name "==>"}, @{const_name "=="},
- @{const_name Trueprop}, @{const_name All}, @{const_name Ex},
- @{const_name Ex1}, @{const_name Ball}, @{const_name Bex}]
+val atp_widely_irrelevant_consts = atp_logical_consts @ atp_irrelevant_consts
fun add_schematic_const (x as (_, T)) =
Monomorph.typ_has_tvars T ? Symtab.insert_list (op =) x
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_filter_mash.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_filter_mash.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -26,14 +26,16 @@
val extract_query : string -> string * string list
val suggested_facts : string list -> fact list -> fact list
val mesh_facts : int -> (fact list * int option) list -> fact list
- val is_likely_tautology : thm -> bool
+ val is_likely_tautology : Proof.context -> string -> thm -> bool
val is_too_meta : thm -> bool
val theory_ord : theory * theory -> order
val thm_ord : thm * thm -> order
- val features_of : theory -> status -> term list -> string list
+ val features_of :
+ Proof.context -> string -> theory -> status -> term list -> string list
val isabelle_dependencies_of : unit Symtab.table -> thm -> string list
val goal_of_thm : theory -> thm -> thm
- val run_prover : Proof.context -> params -> fact list -> thm -> prover_result
+ val run_prover :
+ Proof.context -> params -> string -> fact list -> thm -> prover_result
val mash_RESET : Proof.context -> unit
val mash_INIT :
Proof.context -> bool
@@ -42,13 +44,14 @@
Proof.context -> bool
-> (string * string list * string list * string list) list -> unit
val mash_QUERY :
- Proof.context -> bool -> string list * string list -> string list
+ Proof.context -> bool -> int -> string list * string list -> string list
val mash_reset : Proof.context -> unit
- val mash_can_suggest_facts : Proof.context -> bool
+ val mash_could_suggest_facts : unit -> bool
+ val mash_can_suggest_facts : unit -> bool
val mash_suggest_facts :
- Proof.context -> params -> string -> term list -> term -> fact list
+ Proof.context -> params -> string -> int -> term list -> term -> fact list
-> fact list
- val mash_learn_thy : Proof.context -> params -> theory -> real -> unit
+ val mash_learn_thy : Proof.context -> params -> theory -> Time.time -> unit
val mash_learn_proof :
Proof.context -> params -> term -> thm list -> fact list -> unit
val relevant_facts :
@@ -65,6 +68,7 @@
open Sledgehammer_Fact
open Sledgehammer_Filter_Iter
open Sledgehammer_Provers
+open Sledgehammer_Minimize
val trace =
Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding sledgehammer_filter_mash_trace} (K false)
@@ -186,10 +190,13 @@
-fun interesting_terms_types_and_classes term_max_depth type_max_depth ts =
+fun interesting_terms_types_and_classes ctxt prover term_max_depth
+ type_max_depth ts =
val bad_types = [@{type_name prop}, @{type_name bool}, @{type_name fun}]
- val bad_consts = atp_widely_irrelevant_consts
+ fun is_bad_const (x as (s, _)) args =
+ member (op =) atp_logical_consts s orelse
+ fst (is_built_in_const_for_prover ctxt prover x args)
fun add_classes @{sort type} = I
| add_classes S = union (op =) (map class_name_of S)
fun do_add_type (Type (s, Ts)) =
@@ -215,8 +222,8 @@
fun add_patterns t =
let val (head, args) = strip_comb t in
(case head of
- Const (s, T) =>
- not (member (op =) bad_consts s) ? (add_term t #> add_type T)
+ Const (x as (_, T)) =>
+ not (is_bad_const x args) ? (add_term t #> add_type T)
| Free (_, T) => add_type T
| Var (_, T) => add_type T
| Abs (_, T, body) => add_type T #> add_patterns body
@@ -225,9 +232,9 @@
in [] |> fold add_patterns ts |> sort string_ord end
-fun is_likely_tautology th =
- null (interesting_terms_types_and_classes 0 ~1 [prop_of th]) andalso
- not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (@{thm ext}, th))
+fun is_likely_tautology ctxt prover th =
+ null (interesting_terms_types_and_classes ctxt prover 0 ~1 [prop_of th])
+ andalso not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (@{thm ext}, th))
(* ### FIXME: optimize *)
fun is_too_meta th =
@@ -253,9 +260,10 @@
val type_max_depth = 1
(* TODO: Generate type classes for types? *)
-fun features_of thy status ts =
+fun features_of ctxt prover thy status ts =
thy_feature_name_of (Context.theory_name thy) ::
- interesting_terms_types_and_classes term_max_depth type_max_depth ts
+ interesting_terms_types_and_classes ctxt prover term_max_depth type_max_depth
+ ts
|> exists (not o is_lambda_free) ts ? cons "lambdas"
|> exists (exists_Const is_exists) ts ? cons "skolems"
|> exists (not o is_fo_term thy) ts ? cons "ho"
@@ -282,21 +290,22 @@
fun goal_of_thm thy = prop_of #> freeze #> cterm_of thy #> Goal.init
-fun run_prover ctxt (params as {provers, ...}) facts goal =
+fun run_prover ctxt params prover facts goal =
val problem =
{state = Proof.init ctxt, goal = goal, subgoal = 1, subgoal_count = 1,
facts = facts |> map (apfst (apfst (fn name => name ())))
- |> map Sledgehammer_Provers.Untranslated_Fact}
- val prover =
- Sledgehammer_Minimize.get_minimizing_prover ctxt
- Sledgehammer_Provers.Normal (hd provers)
+ |> map Untranslated_Fact}
+ val prover = get_minimizing_prover ctxt Normal prover
in prover params (K (K (K ""))) problem end
(*** Low-level communication with MaSh ***)
-val max_preds = 500
+fun write_file write file =
+ let val path = Path.explode file in
+ File.write path ""; write (File.append path)
+ end
fun mash_info overlord =
if overlord then (getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER", "")
@@ -311,14 +320,11 @@
" --log " ^ log_file ^ " " ^ core ^ " 2>&1 > " ^ err_file
trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "Running " ^ command);
+ write_file (K ()) log_file;
+ write_file (K ()) err_file;
Isabelle_System.bash command; ()
-fun write_file write file =
- let val path = Path.explode file in
- File.write path ""; write (File.append path)
- end
fun run_mash_init ctxt overlord write_access write_feats write_deps =
val info as (temp_dir, serial) = mash_info overlord
@@ -331,18 +337,19 @@
run_mash ctxt info ("--init --inputDir " ^ in_dir)
-fun run_mash_commands ctxt overlord save write_cmds read_preds =
+fun run_mash_commands ctxt overlord save max_suggs write_cmds read_suggs =
val info as (temp_dir, serial) = mash_info overlord
+ val sugg_file = temp_dir ^ "/mash_suggs" ^ serial
val cmd_file = temp_dir ^ "/mash_commands" ^ serial
- val pred_file = temp_dir ^ "/mash_preds" ^ serial
+ write_file (K ()) sugg_file;
write_file write_cmds cmd_file;
run_mash ctxt info
- ("--inputFile " ^ cmd_file ^ " --predictions " ^ pred_file ^
- " --numberOfPredictions " ^ string_of_int max_preds ^
+ ("--inputFile " ^ cmd_file ^ " --predictions " ^ sugg_file ^
+ " --numberOfPredictions " ^ string_of_int max_suggs ^
(if save then " --saveModel" else ""));
- read_preds (fn () => File.read_lines (Path.explode pred_file))
+ read_suggs (fn () => File.read_lines (Path.explode sugg_file))
fun str_of_update (name, parents, feats, deps) =
@@ -376,14 +383,14 @@
| mash_ADD ctxt overlord upds =
(trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "MaSh ADD " ^
elide_string 1000 (space_implode " " (map #1 upds)));
- run_mash_commands ctxt overlord true
+ run_mash_commands ctxt overlord true 0
(fn append => List.app (append o str_of_update) upds) (K ()))
-fun mash_QUERY ctxt overlord (query as (_, feats)) =
+fun mash_QUERY ctxt overlord max_suggs (query as (_, feats)) =
(trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "MaSh QUERY " ^ space_implode " " feats);
- run_mash_commands ctxt overlord false
+ run_mash_commands ctxt overlord false max_suggs
(fn append => append (str_of_query query))
- (fn preds => snd (extract_query (List.last (preds ()))))
+ (fn suggs => snd (extract_query (List.last (suggs ()))))
handle List.Empty => [])
@@ -423,8 +430,9 @@
val path = mash_state_path ()
val thys = Symtab.dest thys
- fun line_for_thys comp = AList.find (op =) thys comp |> escape_metas
- fun fact_line_for name parents = name :: parents |> escape_metas
+ val line_for_thys = escape_metas o AList.find (op =) thys
+ fun fact_line_for name parents =
+ escape_meta name ^ ": " ^ escape_metas parents
val append_fact = File.append path o suffix "\n" oo fact_line_for
File.write path (line_for_thys true ^ "\n" ^ line_for_thys false ^ "\n");
@@ -450,24 +458,35 @@
-fun mash_can_suggest_facts (_ : Proof.context) =
- mash_home () <> "" andalso not (Graph.is_empty (#fact_graph (mash_get ())))
+fun mash_could_suggest_facts () = mash_home () <> ""
+fun mash_can_suggest_facts () = not (Graph.is_empty (#fact_graph (mash_get ())))
-fun parents_wrt facts fact_graph =
+fun parents_wrt_facts facts fact_graph =
+ val graph_facts = Symtab.make (map (rpair ()) (Graph.keys fact_graph))
val facts =
- Symtab.empty
- |> fold (fn (_, th) => Symtab.update (Thm.get_name_hint th, ())) facts
+ [] |> fold (cons o Thm.get_name_hint o snd) facts
+ |> filter (Symtab.defined graph_facts)
+ |> Graph.all_preds fact_graph
+ val facts = Symtab.empty |> fold (fn name => Symtab.update (name, ())) facts
in fact_graph |> Graph.restrict (Symtab.defined facts) |> Graph.maximals end
-fun mash_suggest_facts ctxt ({overlord, ...} : params) prover hyp_ts concl_t
- facts =
+(* Generate more suggestions than requested, because some might be thrown out
+ later for various reasons and "meshing" gives better results with some
+ slack. *)
+fun max_suggs_of max_facts = max_facts + Int.min (200, max_facts)
+fun mash_suggest_facts ctxt ({overlord, ...} : params) prover max_facts hyp_ts
+ concl_t facts =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val fact_graph = #fact_graph (mash_get ())
- val parents = parents_wrt facts fact_graph
- val feats = features_of thy General (concl_t :: hyp_ts)
- val suggs = mash_QUERY ctxt overlord (parents, feats)
+val _ = warning (PolyML.makestring (length (fact_graph |> Graph.keys), length (fact_graph |> Graph.maximals),
+length (fact_graph |> Graph.minimals))) (*###*)
+ val parents = parents_wrt_facts facts fact_graph
+ val feats = features_of ctxt prover thy General (concl_t :: hyp_ts)
+ val suggs =
+ mash_QUERY ctxt overlord (max_suggs_of max_facts) (parents, feats)
in suggested_facts suggs facts end
fun add_thys_for thy =
@@ -489,9 +508,18 @@
val (deps, graph) = ([], graph) |> fold maybe_add_from deps
in ((name, parents, feats, deps) :: upds, graph) end
-fun mash_learn_thy ctxt ({overlord, ...} : params) thy timeout =
+val pass1_learn_timeout_factor = 0.5
+val pass2_learn_timeout_factor = 10.0
+(* The timeout is understood in a very slack fashion. *)
+fun mash_learn_thy ctxt ({provers, verbose, overlord, ...} : params) thy
+ timeout =
- val css_table = Sledgehammer_Fact.clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
+ val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
+ val prover = hd provers
+ fun timed_out frac =
+ Time.> (Timer.checkRealTimer timer, time_mult frac timeout)
+ val css_table = clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
val facts = all_facts_of thy css_table
val {fact_graph, ...} = mash_get ()
fun is_old (_, th) = can (Graph.get_node fact_graph) (Thm.get_name_hint th)
@@ -501,20 +529,31 @@
+ val n = length new_facts
+ val _ =
+ if verbose then
+ "MaShing " ^ string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^
+ " (advisory timeout: " ^ string_from_time timeout ^ ")..."
+ |> Output.urgent_message
+ else
+ ()
val ths = facts |> map snd
val all_names =
- ths |> filter_out (is_likely_tautology orf is_too_meta)
+ ths |> filter_out (is_likely_tautology ctxt prover orf is_too_meta)
|> map (rpair () o Thm.get_name_hint)
|> Symtab.make
- fun do_fact ((_, (_, status)), th) (parents, upds) =
- let
- val name = Thm.get_name_hint th
- val feats = features_of thy status [prop_of th]
- val deps = isabelle_dependencies_of all_names th
- val upd = (name, parents, feats, deps)
- in ([name], upd :: upds) end
- val parents = parents_wrt facts fact_graph
- val (_, upds) = (parents, []) |> fold do_fact new_facts ||> rev
+ fun do_fact _ (accum as (_, true)) = accum
+ | do_fact ((_, (_, status)), th) ((parents, upds), false) =
+ let
+ val name = Thm.get_name_hint th
+ val feats = features_of ctxt prover thy status [prop_of th]
+ val deps = isabelle_dependencies_of all_names th
+ val upd = (name, parents, feats, deps)
+ in (([name], upd :: upds), timed_out pass1_learn_timeout_factor) end
+ val parents = parents_wrt_facts facts fact_graph
+ val ((_, upds), _) =
+ ((parents, []), false) |> fold do_fact new_facts |>> apsnd rev
+ val n = length upds
fun trans {thys, fact_graph} =
val mash_INIT_or_ADD =
@@ -526,19 +565,37 @@
{thys = thys |> add_thys_for thy,
fact_graph = fact_graph})
- in mash_map trans end
+ in
+ TimeLimit.timeLimit (time_mult pass2_learn_timeout_factor timeout)
+ mash_map trans
+ handle TimeLimit.TimeOut =>
+ (if verbose then
+ "MaSh timed out trying to learn " ^ string_of_int n ^
+ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^ " in " ^
+ string_from_time (Timer.checkRealTimer timer) ^ "."
+ |> Output.urgent_message
+ else
+ ());
+ (if verbose then
+ "MaSh learned " ^ string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^ " in " ^
+ string_from_time (Timer.checkRealTimer timer) ^ "."
+ |> Output.urgent_message
+ else
+ ())
+ end
-fun mash_learn_proof ctxt ({overlord, ...} : params) t used_ths facts =
+fun mash_learn_proof ctxt ({provers, overlord, ...} : params) t used_ths facts =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val name = ATP_Util.timestamp () (* should be fairly fresh *)
- val feats = features_of thy General [t]
+ val prover = hd provers
+ val name = ATP_Util.timestamp () ^ serial_string () (* fresh enough *)
+ val feats = features_of ctxt prover thy General [t]
val deps = used_ths |> map Thm.get_name_hint
mash_map (fn {thys, fact_graph} =>
- val parents = parents_wrt facts fact_graph
+ val parents = parents_wrt_facts facts fact_graph
val upds = [(name, parents, feats, deps)]
val (upds, fact_graph) =
([], fact_graph) |> fold (update_fact_graph ctxt) upds
@@ -548,7 +605,13 @@
-fun relevant_facts ctxt (params as {fact_filter, ...}) prover max_facts
+(* The threshold should be large enough so that MaSh doesn't kick in for Auto
+ Sledgehammer and Try. *)
+val min_secs_for_learning = 15
+val short_learn_timeout_factor = 0.2
+val long_learn_timeout_factor = 4.0
+fun relevant_facts ctxt (params as {fact_filter, timeout, ...}) prover max_facts
({add, only, ...} : fact_override) hyp_ts concl_t facts =
if not (subset (op =) (the_list fact_filter, fact_filters)) then
error ("Unknown fact filter: " ^ quote (the fact_filter) ^ ".")
@@ -558,10 +621,32 @@
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ fun maybe_learn can_suggest =
+ if Time.toSeconds timeout >= min_secs_for_learning then
+ if Multithreading.enabled () then
+ let
+ val factor =
+ if can_suggest then short_learn_timeout_factor
+ else long_learn_timeout_factor
+ in
+ Future.fork (fn () => mash_learn_thy ctxt params thy
+ (time_mult factor timeout)); ()
+ end
+ else
+ mash_learn_thy ctxt params thy
+ (time_mult short_learn_timeout_factor timeout)
+ else
+ ()
val fact_filter =
case fact_filter of
- SOME ff => ff
- | NONE => if mash_can_suggest_facts ctxt then meshN else iterN
+ SOME ff =>
+ (if ff <> iterN then maybe_learn (mash_can_suggest_facts ()) else ();
+ ff)
+ | NONE =>
+ if mash_can_suggest_facts () then (maybe_learn true; meshN)
+ else if mash_could_suggest_facts () then (maybe_learn false; iterN)
+ else iterN
val add_ths = Attrib.eval_thms ctxt add
fun prepend_facts ths accepts =
((facts |> filter (member Thm.eq_thm_prop ths o snd)) @
@@ -572,7 +657,8 @@
concl_t facts
|> (fn facts => (facts, SOME (length facts)))
fun mash () =
- (facts |> mash_suggest_facts ctxt params prover hyp_ts concl_t, NONE)
+ (mash_suggest_facts ctxt params prover max_facts hyp_ts concl_t facts,
val mess =
[] |> (if fact_filter <> mashN then cons (iter ()) else I)
|> (if fact_filter <> iterN then cons (mash ()) else I)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML Wed Jul 18 08:44:04 2012 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
val plural_s : int -> string
val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
val simplify_spaces : string -> string
+ val time_mult : real -> Time.time -> Time.time
val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
val subgoal_count : Proof.state -> int
@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@
val serial_commas = Try.serial_commas
val simplify_spaces = strip_spaces false (K true)
+fun time_mult k t =
+ Time.fromMilliseconds (Real.ceil (k * Real.fromInt (Time.toMilliseconds t)))
fun parse_bool_option option name s =
(case s of
"smart" => if option then NONE else raise Option