Checking for unsound proofs. Tidying.
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML Fri Jul 28 18:36:24 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML Fri Jul 28 18:37:25 2006 +0200
@@ -51,11 +51,7 @@
fun proofs_to_string [] str = str
-| proofs_to_string (x::xs) str = let val newstr = proof_to_string x
- in
- proofs_to_string xs (str^newstr)
- end
+| proofs_to_string (x::xs) str = proofs_to_string xs (str ^ proof_to_string x)
fun init_proofstep_to_string (num, step, clause_strs) =
@@ -63,10 +59,8 @@
(clause_strs_to_string clause_strs "")^" "
fun init_proofsteps_to_string [] str = str
-| init_proofsteps_to_string (x::xs) str = let val newstr = init_proofstep_to_string x
- in
- init_proofsteps_to_string xs (str^newstr)
- end
+| init_proofsteps_to_string (x::xs) str =
+ init_proofsteps_to_string xs (str ^ init_proofstep_to_string x)
@@ -82,10 +76,8 @@
fun origAxs_to_string [] str = str
-| origAxs_to_string (x::xs) str = let val newstr = origAx_to_string x
- in
- origAxs_to_string xs (str^newstr)
- end
+| origAxs_to_string (x::xs) str =
+ origAxs_to_string xs (str ^ origAx_to_string x )
(*** get a string representing the Isabelle ordered axioms not used in the spass proof***)
@@ -139,28 +131,20 @@
(*Flattens a list of list of strings to one string*)
fun onestr ls = String.concat (map String.concat ls);
-fun is_clasimp_ax clasimp_num n = n <= clasimp_num
-fun subone x = x - 1
-fun numstr [] = ""
-| numstr (x::xs) = (string_of_int x)^"%"^(numstr xs)
-(* retrieve the axioms that were obtained from the clasimpset *)
+(**** retrieve the axioms that were obtained from the clasimpset ****)
-fun get_clasimp_cls (names_arr: string array) step_nums =
- let val clasimp_nums = List.filter (is_clasimp_ax (Array.length names_arr - 1))
- (map subone step_nums)
+(*Get names of axioms used. Axioms are indexed from 1, while the array is indexed from 0*)
+fun get_axiom_names (names_arr: string array) step_nums =
+ let fun is_axiom n = n <= Array.length names_arr
+ fun index i = Array.sub(names_arr, i-1)
+ val axnums = List.filter is_axiom step_nums
+ val axnames = sort_distinct string_ord (map index axnums)
- map (fn x => Array.sub(names_arr, x)) clasimp_nums
+ if length axnums = length step_nums then "UNSOUND!!" :: axnames
+ else axnames
-(* get names of clasimp axioms used*)
-fun get_axiom_names step_nums names_arr =
- sort_distinct string_ord
- (get_clasimp_cls names_arr step_nums);
(*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
"253[0:Inp] et cetera..."
A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
@@ -171,20 +155,23 @@
val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofstr
in List.mapPartial (inputno o toks) lines end
-fun get_axiom_names_spass proofstr names_arr =
- get_axiom_names (get_spass_linenums proofstr) names_arr;
+fun get_axiom_names_spass proofstr names_arr =
+ get_axiom_names names_arr (get_spass_linenums proofstr);
- (*String contains multiple lines.
- A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned. *)
-fun get_linenums proofstr =
- let val numerics = String.tokens (not o Char.isDigit)
- fun firstno [] = NONE
- | firstno (x::xs) = Int.fromString x
+ (*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
+ "number : ...: ...: initial..." *)
+fun get_e_linenums proofstr =
+ let val fields = String.fields (fn c => c = #":")
+ val nospaces = String.translate (fn c => if c = #" " then "" else str c)
+ fun initial s = String.isPrefix "initial" (nospaces s)
+ fun firstno (line :: _ :: _ :: rule :: _) =
+ if initial rule then Int.fromString line else NONE
+ | firstno _ = NONE
val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofstr
- in List.mapPartial (firstno o numerics) lines end
+ in List.mapPartial (firstno o fields) lines end
-fun get_axiom_names_e proofstr names_arr =
- get_axiom_names (get_linenums proofstr) names_arr;
+fun get_axiom_names_e proofstr names_arr =
+ get_axiom_names names_arr (get_e_linenums proofstr);
(*String contains multiple lines. We want those of the form
"*********** [448, input] ***********".
@@ -196,8 +183,8 @@
val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") proofstr
in List.mapPartial (inputno o toks) lines end
-fun get_axiom_names_vamp proofstr names_arr =
- get_axiom_names (get_vamp_linenums proofstr) names_arr;
+fun get_axiom_names_vamp proofstr names_arr =
+ get_axiom_names names_arr (get_vamp_linenums proofstr);