Internal and external SAT solvers
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 20:28:18 +0100
changeset 14453 3397a69dfa4e
parent 14452 c24d90dbf0c9
child 14454 8a8330bef1f8
Internal and external SAT solvers
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML	Wed Mar 10 20:28:18 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/sat_solver.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Tjark Weber
+    Copyright   2004
+Interface to external SAT solvers, and (simple) built-in SAT solvers.
+signature SAT_SOLVER =
+	type solver  (* PropLogic.prop_formula -> (int -> bool) option *)
+	(* external SAT solvers *)
+	val write_dimacs_cnf_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
+	val write_dimacs_sat_file : Path.T -> PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit
+	val parse_std_result_file : Path.T -> string -> (int -> bool) option
+	val make_external_solver  : string -> (PropLogic.prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> (int -> bool) option) -> solver
+	(* generic interface *)
+	val solvers       : (solver Symtab.table) ref
+	val add_solver    : string * solver -> unit  (* exception DUP *)
+	val invoke_solver : string -> solver         (* exception OPTION *)
+	val preferred     : string ref
+structure SatSolver : SAT_SOLVER =
+	open PropLogic;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Type of SAT solvers: given a propositional formula, a satisfying          *)
+(*      assignment may be returned                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	type solver = prop_formula -> (int -> bool) option;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* write_dimacs_cnf_file: serializes a formula 'fm' of propositional logic   *)
+(*      to a file in DIMACS CNF format (see "Satisfiability Suggested        *)
+(*      Format", May 8 1993, Section 2.1)                                    *)
+(* Note: 'fm' must not contain a variable index less than 1.                 *)
+(* Note: 'fm' is converted into (definitional) CNF.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
+	fun write_dimacs_cnf_file path fm =
+	let
+		(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+		fun cnf_True_False_elim True =
+			Or (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
+		  | cnf_True_False_elim False =
+			And (BoolVar 1, Not (BoolVar 1))
+		  | cnf_True_False_elim fm =
+			fm  (* since 'fm' is in CNF, either 'fm'='True'/'False', or 'fm' does not contain 'True'/'False' at all *)
+		(* prop_formula -> int *)
+		fun cnf_number_of_clauses (And (fm1,fm2)) =
+			(cnf_number_of_clauses fm1) + (cnf_number_of_clauses fm2)
+		  | cnf_number_of_clauses _ =
+			1
+		(* prop_formula -> string *)
+		fun cnf_string True =
+			error "formula is not in CNF"
+		  | cnf_string False =
+			error "formula is not in CNF"
+		  | cnf_string (BoolVar i) =
+			(assert (i>=1) "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
+			string_of_int i)
+		  | cnf_string (Not fm) =
+			"-" ^ (cnf_string fm)
+		  | cnf_string (Or (fm1,fm2)) =
+			(cnf_string fm1) ^ " " ^ (cnf_string fm2)
+		  | cnf_string (And (fm1,fm2)) =
+			(cnf_string fm1) ^ " 0\n" ^ (cnf_string fm2)
+	in
+		File.write path
+			(let
+				val cnf               = (cnf_True_False_elim o defcnf) fm  (* conversion into def. CNF *)
+				val number_of_vars    = maxidx cnf
+				val number_of_clauses = cnf_number_of_clauses cnf
+			in
+				"c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file\n" ^
+				"c (c) Tjark Weber\n" ^
+				"p cnf " ^ (string_of_int number_of_vars) ^ " " ^ (string_of_int number_of_clauses) ^ "\n" ^
+				(cnf_string cnf) ^ "\n"
+			end)
+	end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* write_dimacs_sat_file: serializes a formula 'fm' of propositional logic   *)
+(*      to a file in DIMACS SAT format (see "Satisfiability Suggested        *)
+(*      Format", May 8 1993, Section 2.2)                                    *)
+(* Note: 'fm' must not contain a variable index less than 1.                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Path.T -> prop_formula -> unit *)
+	fun write_dimacs_sat_file path fm =
+	let
+		(* prop_formula -> string *)
+		fun sat_string True =
+			"*()"
+		  | sat_string False =
+			"+()"
+		  | sat_string (BoolVar i) =
+			(assert (i>=1) "formula contains a variable index less than 1";
+			string_of_int i)
+		  | sat_string (Not fm) =
+			"-(" ^ (sat_string fm) ^ ")"
+		  | sat_string (Or (fm1,fm2)) =
+			"+(" ^ (sat_string fm1) ^ " " ^ (sat_string fm2) ^ ")"
+		  | sat_string (And (fm1,fm2)) =
+			"*(" ^ (sat_string fm1) ^ " " ^ (sat_string fm2) ^ ")"
+	in
+		File.write path
+			(let
+				val number_of_vars = Int.max (maxidx fm, 1)
+			in
+				"c This file was generated by SatSolver.write_dimacs_sat_file\n" ^
+				"c (c) Tjark Weber\n" ^
+				"p sat " ^ (string_of_int number_of_vars) ^ "\n" ^
+				"(" ^ (sat_string fm) ^ ")\n"
+			end)
+	end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* parse_std_result_file: scans a SAT solver's output file for a satisfying  *)
+(*      variable assignment.  Returns the assignment, or 'None' if the SAT   *)
+(*      solver did not find one.  The file format must be as follows:        *)
+(*      ,-----                                                               *)
+(*      | 0 or more lines not containing 'success'                           *)
+(*      | A line containing 'success' as a substring                         *)
+(*      | A line ASSIGNMENT containing integers, separated by " "            *)
+(*      | 0 or more lines                                                    *)
+(*      `-----                                                               *)
+(*      If variable i is contained in ASSIGNMENT, then i is interpreted as   *)
+(*      'true'.  If ~i is contained in ASSIGNMENT, then i is interpreted as  *)
+(*      'false'.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Path.T -> string -> (int -> bool) option *)
+	fun parse_std_result_file path success =
+	let
+		(* 'a option -> 'a Library.option *)
+		fun option (SOME a) =
+			Some a
+		  | option NONE =
+			None
+		(* string -> int list *)
+		fun int_list_from_string s =
+			mapfilter (option o Int.fromString) (space_explode " " s)
+		(* int list -> int -> bool *)
+		fun assignment_from_list [] i =
+			false  (* could be 'true' just as well; the SAT solver didn't provide a value for this variable *)
+		  | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
+			if x=i then true
+			else if x=(~i) then false
+			else assignment_from_list xs i
+		(* string -> string -> bool *)
+		fun is_substring needle haystack =
+		let
+			val length1 = String.size needle
+			val length2 = String.size haystack
+		in
+			if length2 < length1 then
+				false
+			else if needle = String.substring (haystack, 0, length1) then
+				true
+			else is_substring needle (String.substring (haystack, 1, length2-1))
+		end
+		(* string list -> int list option *)
+		fun parse_lines [] =
+			None
+		  | parse_lines (line::lines) =
+			if is_substring success line then
+				(* the next line must be a list of integers *)
+				(Some o assignment_from_list o int_list_from_string o hd) lines
+			else
+				parse_lines lines
+	in
+		(parse_lines o split_lines o path
+	end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* make_external_solver: call 'writefn', execute 'cmd', call 'readfn'        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* string -> (prop_formula -> unit) -> (unit -> (int -> bool) option) -> solver *)
+	fun make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm =
+		(writefn fm;
+		assert ((system cmd)=0) ("system command " ^ quote cmd ^ " failed (make sure the SAT solver is installed)");
+		readfn ());
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* solvers: a (reference to a) table of all registered SAT solvers           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	val solvers = ref Symtab.empty;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* add_solver: updates 'solvers' by adding a new solver                      *)
+(* Note: No two solvers may have the same 'name'; otherwise exception 'DUP'  *)
+(*       will be raised.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* string * solver -> unit *)
+	fun add_solver (name, new_solver) =
+		solvers := Symtab.update_new ((name, new_solver), !solvers);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* invoke_solver: returns the solver associated with the given 'name'        *)
+(* Note: If no solver is associated with 'name', exception 'OPTION' will be  *)
+(*       raised.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* string -> solver *)
+	fun invoke_solver name =
+		(the o Symtab.lookup) (!solvers, name);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* preferred: the name of the preferred SAT solver                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	val preferred = ref "";
+end;  (* SatSolver *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Predefined SAT solvers                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Internal SAT solver, available as 'SatSolver.solve "enumerate"' -- simply *)
+(* enumerates assignments until a satisfying assignment is found             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	fun enum_solver fm =
+	let
+		(* int list *)
+		val indices = PropLogic.indices fm
+		(* int list -> int list -> int list option *)
+		(* binary increment: list 'xs' of current bits, list 'ys' of all bits (lower bits first) *)
+		fun next_list _ ([]:int list) =
+			None
+		  | next_list [] (y::ys) =
+			Some [y]
+		  | next_list (x::xs) (y::ys) =
+			if x=y then
+				(* reset the bit, continue *)
+				next_list xs ys
+			else
+				(* set the lowest bit that wasn't set before, keep the higher bits *)
+				Some (y::x::xs)
+		(* int list -> int -> bool *)
+		fun assignment_from_list xs i =
+			i mem xs
+		(* int list -> (int -> bool) option *)
+		fun solver_loop xs =
+			if PropLogic.eval (assignment_from_list xs) fm then
+				Some (assignment_from_list xs)
+			else
+				(case next_list xs indices of
+				  Some xs' => solver_loop xs'
+				| None     => None)
+	in
+		(* start with the "first" assignment (all variables are interpreted as 'False') *)
+		solver_loop []
+	end
+	SatSolver.add_solver ("enumerate", enum_solver)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Internal SAT solver, available as 'SatSolver.solve "dpll"' -- a simple    *)
+(* implementation of the DPLL algorithm (cf. L. Zhang, S. Malik: "The Quest  *)
+(* for Efficient Boolean Satisfiability Solvers", July 2002, Fig. 1).        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	local
+		open PropLogic
+	in
+		fun dpll_solver fm =
+		let
+			(* prop_formula *)
+			val defcnf = PropLogic.defcnf fm
+			(* int list *)
+			val indices = PropLogic.indices defcnf
+			(* int list -> int -> prop_formula *)
+			fun partial_var_eval []      i = BoolVar i
+			  | partial_var_eval (x::xs) i = if x=i then True else if x=(~i) then False else partial_var_eval xs i
+			(* int list -> prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+			fun partial_eval xs True             = True
+			  | partial_eval xs False            = False
+			  | partial_eval xs (BoolVar i)      = partial_var_eval xs i
+			  | partial_eval xs (Not fm)         = SNot (partial_eval xs fm)
+			  | partial_eval xs (Or (fm1, fm2))  = SOr (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
+			  | partial_eval xs (And (fm1, fm2)) = SAnd (partial_eval xs fm1, partial_eval xs fm2)
+			(* prop_formula -> int list *)
+			fun forced_vars True              = []
+			  | forced_vars False             = []
+			  | forced_vars (BoolVar i)       = [i]
+			  | forced_vars (Not (BoolVar i)) = [~i]
+			  | forced_vars (Or (fm1, fm2))   = (forced_vars fm1) inter_int (forced_vars fm2)
+			  | forced_vars (And (fm1, fm2))  = (forced_vars fm1) union_int (forced_vars fm2)
+			  (* Above, i *and* ~i may be forced.  In this case the first occurrence takes   *)
+			  (* precedence, and the next partial evaluation of the formula returns 'False'. *)
+			  | forced_vars _                 = raise ERROR  (* formula is not in negation normal form *)
+			(* int list -> prop_formula -> (int list * prop_formula) *)
+			fun eval_and_force xs fm =
+			let
+				val fm' = partial_eval xs fm
+				val xs' = forced_vars fm'
+			in
+				if null xs' then
+					(xs, fm')
+				else
+					eval_and_force (xs@xs') fm'  (* xs and xs' should be distinct, so '@' here should have *)
+					                             (* the same effect as 'union_int'                         *)
+			end
+			(* int list -> int option *)
+			fun fresh_var xs =
+				Library.find_first (fn i => not (i mem_int xs) andalso not ((~i) mem_int xs)) indices
+			(* int list -> prop_formula -> int list option *)
+			(* partial assignment 'xs' *)
+			fun dpll xs fm =
+			let
+				val (xs', fm') = eval_and_force xs fm
+			in
+				case fm' of
+				  True  => Some xs'
+				| False => None
+				| _     =>
+					let
+						val x = the (fresh_var xs')  (* a fresh variable must exist since 'fm' did not evaluate to 'True'/'False' *)
+					in
+						case dpll (x::xs') fm' of  (* passing fm' rather than fm should save some simplification work *)
+						  Some xs'' => Some xs''
+						| None      => dpll ((~x)::xs') fm'  (* now try interpreting 'x' as 'False' *)
+					end
+			end
+			(* int list -> int -> bool *)
+			fun assignment_from_list [] i =
+				false  (* could be 'true' just as well; the DPLL procedure didn't provide a value for this variable *)
+			  | assignment_from_list (x::xs) i =
+				if x=i then true
+				else if x=(~i) then false
+				else assignment_from_list xs i
+		in
+			(* initially, no variable is interpreted yet *)
+			apsome assignment_from_list (dpll [] defcnf)
+		end
+	end  (* local *)
+	SatSolver.add_solver ("dpll", dpll_solver);
+	SatSolver.preferred := "dpll"
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Internal SAT solver, available as 'SatSolver.solve "auto"': uses the      *)
+(* preferred solver, or "dpll" if the preferred solver isn't present         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	fun auto_solver fm =
+	let
+		val preferred = !SatSolver.preferred
+		val fallback  = "dpll"
+	in
+		if preferred="auto" then  (* prevent infinite recursion *)
+			(warning ("Preferred SAT solver \"auto\": using solver " ^ quote fallback ^ " instead.");
+			SatSolver.invoke_solver fallback fm)
+		else if preferred=fallback then
+			(warning ("Preferred SAT solver is " ^ quote fallback ^ "; for better performance, consider using an external solver.");
+			SatSolver.invoke_solver fallback fm)
+		else
+			(SatSolver.invoke_solver preferred fm
+			handle OPTION =>
+				(warning ("Preferred SAT solver " ^ quote preferred ^ " not installed; using solver " ^ quote fallback ^ " instead.");
+				SatSolver.invoke_solver fallback fm))
+	end
+	SatSolver.add_solver ("auto", auto_solver)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ZChaff, Version 2003.12.04                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+if getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME" <> "" then
+	let
+		val inname     = "isabelle.cnf"
+		val outname    = "result"
+		val inpath     = File.tmp_path (Path.unpack inname)
+		val outpath    = File.tmp_path (Path.unpack outname)
+		val cmd        = (getenv "ZCHAFF_HOME") ^ "/zchaff " ^ (Path.pack inpath) ^ " > " ^ (Path.pack outpath)
+		fun writefn fm = SatSolver.write_dimacs_cnf_file inpath fm
+		fun readfn ()  = SatSolver.parse_std_result_file outpath "Verify Solution successful. Instance satisfiable"
+		fun zchaff fm =
+		let
+			val _          = assert (not (File.exists inpath)) ("file " ^ quote (Path.pack inpath) ^ " exists, please delete (will not overwrite)")
+			val _          = assert (not (File.exists outpath)) ("file " ^ quote (Path.pack outpath) ^ " exists, please delete (will not overwrite)")
+			val assignment = SatSolver.make_external_solver cmd writefn readfn fm
+			val _          = (File.rm inpath handle _ => ())
+			val _          = (File.rm outpath handle _ => ())
+		in
+			assignment
+		end
+	in
+		SatSolver.add_solver ("zchaff", zchaff);
+		SatSolver.preferred := "zchaff"
+	end
+	();
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add code for other SAT solvers below.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+if mysolver_is_installed then
+	let
+		fun mysolver fm = ...
+	in
+		SatSolver.add_solver ("myname", mysolver);  -- register the solver
+		SatSolver.preferred := "myname"             -- make it the preferred solver (optional)
+	end
+	();
+-- the solver is now available as SatSolver.invoke_solver "myname"