--- a/src/Pure/old_goals.ML Fri Jul 24 18:58:58 2009 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/old_goals.ML Fri Jul 24 20:55:56 2009 +0200
@@ -8,28 +8,48 @@
may be a stack of pending proofs.
-signature GOALS =
+signature OLD_GOALS =
val the_context: unit -> theory
+ val simple_read_term: theory -> typ -> string -> term
+ val read_term: theory -> string -> term
+ val read_prop: theory -> string -> term
+ type proof
val premises: unit -> thm list
+ val reset_goals: unit -> unit
+ val result_error_fn: (thm -> string -> thm) ref
+ val print_sign_exn: theory -> exn -> 'a
+ val prove_goalw_cterm: thm list->cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
+ val prove_goalw_cterm_nocheck: thm list->cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
+ val prove_goalw: theory -> thm list -> string -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> thm
val prove_goal: theory -> string -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> thm
- val prove_goalw: theory -> thm list -> string -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> thm
val topthm: unit -> thm
val result: unit -> thm
val uresult: unit -> thm
val getgoal: int -> term
val gethyps: int -> thm list
+ val print_exn: exn -> 'a
+ val filter_goal: (term*term->bool) -> thm list -> int -> thm list
val prlev: int -> unit
val pr: unit -> unit
val prlim: int -> unit
+ val goalw_cterm: thm list -> cterm -> thm list
+ val goalw: theory -> thm list -> string -> thm list
val goal: theory -> string -> thm list
- val goalw: theory -> thm list -> string -> thm list
+ val Goalw: thm list -> string -> thm list
val Goal: string -> thm list
- val Goalw: thm list -> string -> thm list
+ val simple_prove_goal_cterm: cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
val by: tactic -> unit
+ val byev: tactic list -> unit
val back: unit -> unit
val choplev: int -> unit
+ val chop: unit -> unit
val undo: unit -> unit
+ val save_proof: unit -> proof
+ val restore_proof: proof -> thm list
+ val push_proof: unit -> unit
+ val pop_proof: unit -> thm list
+ val rotate_proof: unit -> thm list
val qed: string -> unit
val qed_goal: string -> theory -> string -> (thm list -> tactic list) -> unit
val qed_goalw: string -> theory -> thm list -> string
@@ -40,31 +60,6 @@
-> (thm list -> tactic list) -> unit
-signature OLD_GOALS =
- include GOALS
- val simple_read_term: theory -> typ -> string -> term
- val read_term: theory -> string -> term
- val read_prop: theory -> string -> term
- type proof
- val chop: unit -> unit
- val reset_goals: unit -> unit
- val result_error_fn: (thm -> string -> thm) ref
- val print_sign_exn: theory -> exn -> 'a
- val prove_goalw_cterm: thm list->cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
- val prove_goalw_cterm_nocheck: thm list->cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
- val print_exn: exn -> 'a
- val filter_goal: (term*term->bool) -> thm list -> int -> thm list
- val goalw_cterm: thm list -> cterm -> thm list
- val simple_prove_goal_cterm: cterm->(thm list->tactic list)->thm
- val byev: tactic list -> unit
- val save_proof: unit -> proof
- val restore_proof: proof -> thm list
- val push_proof: unit -> unit
- val pop_proof: unit -> thm list
- val rotate_proof: unit -> thm list
structure OldGoals: OLD_GOALS =
@@ -457,12 +452,13 @@
in proofstack := ps; pr(); prems end;
(* rotate the stack so that the top element goes to the bottom *)
-fun rotate_proof() = let val (p,ps) = top_proof()
- in proofstack := ps@[save_proof()];
- restore_proof p;
- pr();
- !curr_prems
- end;
+fun rotate_proof() =
+ let val (p,ps) = top_proof()
+ in proofstack := ps@[save_proof()];
+ restore_proof p;
+ pr();
+ !curr_prems
+ end;
(** theorem bindings **)
@@ -480,5 +476,3 @@
-structure Goals: GOALS = OldGoals;
-open Goals;