domain package:
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:19:01 +0100
changeset 4043 35766855f344
parent 4042 8abc33930ff0
child 4044 fdfef2d484ca
domain package: * theorems are stored in the theory * creates hierachical name space * minor changes to some names and values (for consistency), e.g. cases -> casedist, dists_eq -> dist_eqs, [take_lemma] -> take_lemmas * separator between mutual domain definitions changed from "," to "and" * minor debugging of Domain_Library.mk_var_names
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/axioms.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:18:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/axioms.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:19:01 1997 +0100
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
   val x_name = idx_name eqs x_name' (n+1);
   val dnam = Sign.base_name dname;
- val ax_abs_iso=(dnam^"_abs_iso",mk_trp(dc_rep`(dc_abs`%x_name')=== %x_name'));
- val ax_rep_iso=(dnam^"_rep_iso",mk_trp(dc_abs`(dc_rep`%x_name')=== %x_name'));
+ val abs_iso_ax = ("abs_iso" ,mk_trp(dc_rep`(dc_abs`%x_name')=== %x_name'));
+ val rep_iso_ax = ("rep_iso" ,mk_trp(dc_abs`(dc_rep`%x_name')=== %x_name'));
-  val ax_when_def = (dnam^"_when_def",%%(dname^"_when") == 
+  val when_def = ("when_def",%%(dname^"_when") == 
      foldr (uncurry /\ ) (when_funs cons, /\x_name'((when_body cons (fn (x,y) =>
 				Bound(1+length cons+x-y)))`(dc_rep`Bound 0))));
@@ -46,23 +46,23 @@
      |   inj y i j = %%"sinr"`(inj y (i-1) (j-1));
   in foldr /\# (args, outer (inj (parms args) m n)) end;
-  val ax_copy_def = (dnam^"_copy_def", %%(dname^"_copy") == /\"f" (dc_abs oo 
+  val copy_def = ("copy_def", %%(dname^"_copy") == /\"f" (dc_abs oo 
 	foldl (op `) (%%(dname^"_when") , 
 	              mapn (con_def Id true (length cons)) 0 cons)));
 (* -- definitions concerning the constructors, discriminators and selectors - *)
-  val axs_con_def = mapn (fn n => fn (con,args) => (extern_name con ^"_def",  
+  val con_defs = mapn (fn n => fn (con,args) => (extern_name con ^"_def",  
   %%con == con_def (fn t => dc_abs`t) false (length cons) n (con,args))) 0 cons;
-  val axs_dis_def = let
+  val dis_defs = let
 	fun ddef (con,_) = (dis_name con ^"_def",%%(dis_name con) == 
 			(fn (con',args) => (foldr /\#
 			   (args,if con'=con then %%"TT" else %%"FF"))) cons))
 	in map ddef cons end;
-  val axs_sel_def = let
+  val sel_defs = let
 	fun sdef con n arg = (sel_of arg^"_def",%%(sel_of arg) == 
 			(fn (con',args) => if con'<>con then %%"UU" else
@@ -73,16 +73,18 @@
 (* ----- axiom and definitions concerning induction ------------------------- *)
   fun cproj' T = cproj T (length eqs) n;
-  val ax_reach = (dnam^"_reach", mk_trp(cproj'(%%"fix"`%%(comp_dname^"_copy"))
+  val reach_ax = ("reach", mk_trp(cproj'(%%"fix"`%%(comp_dname^"_copy"))
 					`%x_name === %x_name));
-  val ax_take_def = (dnam^"_take_def",%%(dname^"_take") == mk_lam("n",cproj'
+  val take_def = ("take_def",%%(dname^"_take") == mk_lam("n",cproj'
 		    (%%"iterate" $ Bound 0 $ %%(comp_dname^"_copy") $ %%"UU")));
-  val ax_finite_def = (dnam^"_finite_def",%%(dname^"_finite") == mk_lam(x_name,
+  val finite_def = ("finite_def",%%(dname^"_finite") == mk_lam(x_name,
 	mk_ex("n",(%%(dname^"_take") $ Bound 0)`Bound 1 === Bound 1)));
-in [ax_abs_iso, ax_rep_iso, ax_when_def, ax_copy_def] @
-    axs_con_def @ axs_dis_def @ axs_sel_def @
-   [ax_reach, ax_take_def, ax_finite_def] 
+in (dnam,
+    [abs_iso_ax, rep_iso_ax, reach_ax],
+    [when_def, copy_def] @
+     con_defs @ dis_defs @ sel_defs @
+    [take_def, finite_def])
 end; (* let *)
@@ -93,9 +95,9 @@
   val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
   val x_name = idx_name dnames "x"; 
   fun copy_app dname = %%(dname^"_copy")`Bound 0;
-  val ax_copy_def =(comp_dnam^"_copy_def" , %%(comp_dname^"_copy") ==
+  val copy_def = ("copy_def" , %%(comp_dname^"_copy") ==
 				    /\"f"(foldr' cpair (map copy_app dnames)));
-  val ax_bisim_def=(comp_dnam^"_bisim_def",%%(comp_dname^"_bisim")==mk_lam("R",
+  val bisim_def = ("bisim_def",%%(comp_dname^"_bisim")==mk_lam("R",
       fun one_con (con,args) = let
 	val nonrec_args = filter_out is_rec args;
@@ -123,9 +125,17 @@
          		foldr' mk_disj (mk_conj(Bound 1 === UU,Bound 0 === UU)
 					::map one_con cons))));
     in foldr' mk_conj (mapn one_comp 0 eqs)end ));
-  val thy_axs = flat (mapn (calc_axioms comp_dname eqs) 0 eqs) @
-		(if length eqs>1 then [ax_copy_def] else []) @ [ax_bisim_def];
-in thy' |> Theory.add_axioms_i (infer_types thy' thy_axs) end;
+  fun add_one (thy,(dnam,axs,dfs)) = thy 
+	|> Theory.add_path dnam
+	|> PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (infer_types thy' dfs)(*add_store_defs_i*)
+	|> PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (infer_types thy' axs)
+	|> Theory.add_path "..";
+  val thy = foldl add_one (thy', mapn (calc_axioms comp_dname eqs) 0 eqs);
+in thy |> Theory.add_path comp_dnam  
+       |> PureThy.add_store_axioms_i (infer_types thy' 
+		(bisim_def::(if length eqs>1 then [copy_def] else [])))
+       |> Theory.add_path ".."
 fun add_induct ((tname,finite),(typs,cnstrs)) thy' = let
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:18:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/extender.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:19:01 1997 +0100
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 	fun type_of c = case (Sign.const_type sg' c) of Some t => t
 				| None => error ("Unknown constructor: "^c);
 	fun args_result_type (t as (Type(tn,[arg,rest]))) = 
-		if tn = "->" orelse tn = "=>"
+		if tn = cfun_arrow orelse tn = "=>"
 		then let val (ts,r) = args_result_type rest in (arg::ts,r) end
 		else ([],t)
 	|   args_result_type t = ([],t);
@@ -139,9 +139,8 @@
 	 )) cons') : cons list;
     val eqs = map (fn (dtnvs,cons') => (dtnvs,cons cons')) eqs' : eq list;
     val thy       = thy' |> Domain_Axioms.add_axioms (comp_dnam,eqs);
-    val thmss     = map (Domain_Theorems.theorems thy eqs) eqs;
-    val comp_thms = Domain_Theorems.comp_theorems thy (comp_dnam, eqs, thmss);
-  in (thy, thmss, comp_thms) end;
+  in (foldl (fn (thy0,eq) => Domain_Theorems.theorems (eq,eqs) thy0) (thy,eqs)) 
+                          |> Domain_Theorems.comp_theorems (comp_dnam, eqs) end;
   fun add_gen_by ((tname,finite),(typs',cnstrss')) thy' = let
    val (typs,cnstrs) = check_gen_by (sign_of thy') (typs',cnstrss');
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:18:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/interface.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:19:01 1997 +0100
@@ -12,31 +12,34 @@
 (* --- generation of bindings for axioms and theorems in .thy.ML - *)
-  fun gt_ax         name   = "get_axiom thy " ^ quote name;
-  fun gen_val dname name   = "val "^name^" = "^ gt_ax (dname^"_"^name)^";";
-  fun gen_vall      name l = "val "^name^" = "^ mk_list l^";";
-  val rews1 = "iso_rews @ when_rews @\n\
- 	      \con_rews @ sel_rews @ dis_rews @ dists_le @ dists_eq @\n\
-	      \copy_rews";
+  fun get      dname name   = "get_thm thy " ^ quote (dname^"."^name);
+  fun gen_vals dname name   = "val "^ name ^ " = get_thm" ^ 
+			(if hd (rev (explode name)) = "s" then "s" else "")^
+			" thy " ^ quote (dname^"."^name)^";";
+  fun gen_vall       name l = "val "^name^" = "^ mk_list l^";";
+  val rews = "iso_rews @ when_rews @\n\
+ 	   \  con_rews @ sel_rews @ dis_rews @ dist_les @ dist_eqs @\n\
+	   \  copy_rews";
-  fun gen_struct thms_str num ((dname,_), cons') = let
+  fun gen_struct num ((dname,_), cons') = let
     val axioms1 = ["abs_iso", "rep_iso", "when_def"];
 		   (* con_defs , sel_defs, dis_defs *) 
-    val axioms2 = ["copy_def"];
-    val theorems = 
-	"iso_rews, exhaust, cases, when_rews, con_rews, sel_rews, dis_rews,\n    \
-	\dists_le, dists_eq, inverts, injects, copy_rews";
+    val axioms2 = ["copy_def", "reach", "take_def", "finite_def"];
+    val theorems = ["iso_rews", "exhaust", "casedist", "when_rews", "con_rews", 
+		    "sel_rews", "dis_rews", "dist_les", "dist_eqs", "inverts", 
+		    "injects", "copy_rews"];
       "structure "^dname^" = struct\n"^
-      cat_lines(map (gen_val dname) axioms1)^"\n"^
-      gen_vall"con_defs"(map(fn (con,_,_) => gt_ax(strip_esc con^"_def")) cons')^"\n"^
-      gen_vall"sel_defs"(flat(map (fn (_,_,args) => map (fn (_,sel,_) => 
-					     gt_ax(sel^"_def")) args)    cons'))^"\n"^
-      gen_vall"dis_defs"(map(fn (con,_,_) => gt_ax(dis_name_ con^"_def")) 
-								          cons')^"\n"^
-      cat_lines(map (gen_val dname) axioms2)^"\n"^
-      "val ("^ theorems ^") = "^thms_str^";\n" ^
-      (if num > 1 then "val rews = " ^rews1 ^";\n" else "")
+      cat_lines (map (gen_vals dname) axioms1)^"\n"^
+      gen_vall "con_defs"       (map (fn (con,_,_) => 
+		get dname (strip_esc con^"_def")) cons')^"\n"^
+      gen_vall "sel_defs" (flat (map (fn (_,_,args) => map (fn (_,sel,_) => 
+		get dname (sel^"_def")) args)    cons'))^"\n"^
+      gen_vall "dis_defs"       (map (fn (con,_,_) => 
+		get dname (dis_name_ con^"_def")) cons')^"\n"^
+      cat_lines (map (gen_vals dname) axioms2)^"\n"^
+      cat_lines (map (gen_vals dname) theorems)^"\n"^
+      (if num > 1 then "val rews = " ^rews ^";\n" else "")
   fun mk_domain eqs'' = let
@@ -45,10 +48,10 @@
     val dnames = map fst dtnvs;
     val comp_dname = implode (separate "_" dnames);
     val conss' = 
-	(fn (dname,cons'') => let fun sel n m = upd_second 
-			      (fn None   => dname^"_sel_"^(string_of_int n)^
-						      "_"^(string_of_int m)
-				| Some s => s)
+	(fn (dnam,cons'') => let fun sel n m = upd_second 
+			     (fn None   => dnam^"_sel_"^(string_of_int n)^
+						    "_"^(string_of_int m)
+			       | Some s => s)
 	      fun fill_sels n con = upd_third (mapn (sel n) 1) con;
 	  in mapn fill_sels 1 cons'' end)
 	(dnames, map snd eqs'');
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@
 	  mk_list (map (fn (c,syn,ts)=> "\n"^
 		    mk_triple(quote c, syn, mk_list (map (fn (b,s ,tp) =>
 		    mk_triple(Bool.toString b, quote s, tp)) ts))) cons');
-    in "val (thy, thmss, comp_thms) = thy |> Domain_Extender.add_domain "
+    in "val thy = thy |> Domain_Extender.add_domain "
        ^ mk_pair(quote comp_dname, mk_list(map (fn ((n,vs),cs) => "\n"^
 				   mk_pair (mk_pair (quote n, mk_list vs), 
 					    mk_conslist cs)) eqs'))
@@ -71,35 +74,29 @@
 (* ----- string for calling (comp_)theorems and producing the structures ---- *)
     val val_gen_string =  let
-      fun plural s = if num > 1 then s^"s" else "["^s^"]";
       val comp_axioms   = [(* copy, *) "reach", "take_def", "finite_def"
 			   (*, "bisim_def" *)];
-      val comp_theorems = "take_rews, " ^ implode (separate ", " (map plural
-			   ["take_lemma","finite"]))^", finite_ind, ind, coind";
-      fun thms_str n = "hd (funpow "^string_of_int n^" tl thmss)";
+      val comp_theorems = ["take_rews", "take_lemmas", "finites", 
+			   "finite_ind", "ind", "coind"];
       fun collect sep name = if num = 1 then name else
-			     implode (separate sep (map (fn s => s^"."^name) dnames));
+		   implode (separate sep (map (fn s => s^"."^name) dnames));
 	implode (separate "end; (* struct *)\n" 
-			  (mapn (fn n => gen_struct (thms_str n) num) 0 eqs')) ^
-	(if num > 1 then "end; (* struct *)\n\n\
-		       \structure "^comp_dname^" = struct\n" else "") ^
-	(if num > 1 then gen_val comp_dname "copy_def" ^"\n" else "") ^
-	implode (map (fn s => gen_vall (plural s)
-			      (map (fn dn => gt_ax(dn ^ "_" ^ s)) dnames) ^"\n")
-		 comp_axioms) ^
-	gen_val comp_dname "bisim_def" ^"\n\
-        \val ("^ comp_theorems ^") = comp_thms;\n\
-	\val rews = "^(if num>1 then collect" @ " "rews"else rews1)^ 
+			  (map (gen_struct num) eqs')) ^
+	(if num > 1 then "end; (* struct *)\n\
+		         \structure "^comp_dname^" = struct\n" ^
+			 gen_vals comp_dname "copy_def" ^"\n" ^
+			 cat_lines (map (fn name => gen_vall (name^"s")
+			 (map (fn dn => dn^"."^name) dnames)) comp_axioms)^"\n"
+		    else "") ^
+	gen_vals comp_dname "bisim_def" ^"\n"^
+        cat_lines (map (gen_vals comp_dname) comp_theorems)^"\n"^
+	"val rews = "^(if num>1 then collect" @ " "rews"else rews)^ 
 		    " @ take_rews;\n\
       \end; (* struct *)\n"
-  in ("local\n"^
-      thy_ext_string^
-      "in\n"^
-      "val thy = thy;\n"^
+  in (thy_ext_string^
-      "end; (* local *)\n\n"^
       "val thy = thy",
       "") end;
@@ -113,7 +110,7 @@
        ^ mk_pair(mk_pair(quote tname, Bool.toString finite),
 		 mk_pair(mk_list(map quote typs), 
 			 mk_list (map (fn cns => mk_list(map quote cns)) cnstrss))),
-       "val "^tname^"_induct = " ^gt_ax (tname^"_induct")^";") end;
+       "val "^tname^"_induct = " ^get tname "induct" ^";") end;
 (* ----- parser for domain declaration equation ----------------------------- *)
@@ -140,14 +137,14 @@
 		    -- ThyOps.opt_cmixfix
 		    >> (fn ((con,args),syn) => (con,syn,args));
-  val domain_decl = (enum1 "," (con_typ --$$ "="  -- !! 
-			       (enum1 "|" domain_cons))) >> mk_domain;
+  val domain_decl = (enum1 "and" (con_typ --$$ "="  -- !! 
+				 (enum1 "|" domain_cons))) >> mk_domain;
   val gen_by_decl = (optional ($$ "finite" >> K true) false) -- 
 		    (enum1 "," (name'   --$$ "by" -- !!
 			       (enum1 "|" name'))) >> mk_gen_by;
   val _ = ThySyn.add_syntax
-    ["lazy", "by", "finite"]
+    ["lazy", "and", "by", "finite"]
     [("domain", domain_decl), ("generated", gen_by_decl)]
 end; (* local *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/library.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:18:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/library.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:19:01 1997 +0100
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@
    forbidding "o", "x..","f..","P.." as names *)
 (* a number string is added if necessary *)
 fun mk_var_names types : string list = let
+    fun strip ss = drop (find ("'", ss)+1, ss);
     fun typid (Type  (id,_)   ) = hd     (explode (Sign.base_name id))
-      | typid (TFree (id,_)   ) = hd (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id)))
+      | typid (TFree (id,_)   ) = hd (strip (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id))))
       | typid (TVar ((id,_),_)) = hd (tl (explode (Sign.base_name id)));
     fun nonreserved s = if s mem ["x","f","P"] then s^"'" else s;
     fun index_vnames(vn::vns,occupied) =
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
 fun mk_typ t (S,T) = Sign.intern_typ HOLCF_sg (Type(t,[S,T]));
 infixr 5 -->;
 infixr 6 ~>; val op ~> = mk_typ "->";
+val cfun_arrow = fst (rep_Type (dummyT ~> dummyT));
 val NoSyn' = ThyOps.Mixfix NoSyn;
 (* ----- support for term expressions ----- *)
--- a/src/HOLCF/domain/theorems.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:18:14 1997 +0100
+++ b/src/HOLCF/domain/theorems.ML	Thu Oct 30 14:19:01 1997 +0100
@@ -58,11 +58,7 @@
-type thms = (thm list * thm * thm * thm list *
-	     thm list * thm list * thm list * thm list * thm  list * thm list *
-	     thm list * thm list);
-fun (theorems thy: eq list -> eq -> thms) eqs ((dname,_),cons)  =
+fun theorems (((dname,_),cons) : eq, eqs : eq list) thy =
 val dummy = writeln ("Proving isomorphism properties of domain "^dname^" ...");
@@ -79,15 +75,16 @@
 (* ----- getting the axioms and definitions --------------------------------- *)
-local val ga = get_axiom thy in
-val ax_abs_iso    = ga (dname^"_abs_iso"   );
-val ax_rep_iso    = ga (dname^"_rep_iso"   );
-val ax_when_def   = ga (dname^"_when_def"  );
-val axs_con_def   = map (fn (con,_) => ga (extern_name con ^"_def")) cons;
-val axs_dis_def   = map (fn (con,_) => ga (   dis_name con ^"_def")) cons;
+local fun ga s dn = get_axiom thy (dn^"."^s) in
+val ax_abs_iso    = ga "abs_iso"  dname;
+val ax_rep_iso    = ga "rep_iso"  dname;
+val ax_when_def   = ga "when_def" dname;
+val axs_con_def   = map (fn (con,_) => ga (extern_name con^"_def") dname) cons;
+val axs_dis_def   = map (fn (con,_) => ga (   dis_name con^"_def") dname) cons;
 val axs_sel_def   = flat(map (fn (_,args) => 
-                    map (fn     arg => ga (sel_of arg      ^"_def")) args)cons);
-val ax_copy_def   = ga (dname^"_copy_def"  );
+                    map (fn     arg => ga (sel_of arg     ^"_def") dname) args)
+									  cons);
+val ax_copy_def   = ga "copy_def" dname;
 end; (* local *)
 (* ----- theorems concerning the isomorphism -------------------------------- *)
@@ -118,7 +115,7 @@
                               map (defined o (var vns)) (nonlazy args))) end
   in foldr1 ((cn(%x_name===UU))::map one_con cons) end;
-val cases = let 
+val casedist = let 
             fun common_tac thm = rtac thm 1 THEN contr_tac 1;
             fun unit_tac true = common_tac upE1
             |   unit_tac _    = all_tac;
@@ -161,7 +158,7 @@
                                      simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps [ax_rep_iso]) 1
                                 else sum_tac cons (tl prems)])end;
 val exhaust= pg[](mk_trp(exh (foldr' mk_disj) Id mk_ex (foldr' mk_conj) (K %)))[
-                                rtac cases 1,
+                                rtac casedist 1,
                                 UNTIL_SOLVED(fast_tac HOL_cs 1)];
@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@
         in flat(map (fn (c,_) => map (one_dis c) cons) cons) end;
   val dis_defins = map (fn (con,args) => pg [] (defined(%x_name) ==> 
                       defined(%%(dis_name con)`%x_name)) [
-                                rtac cases 1,
+                                rtac casedist 1,
                                 contr_tac 1,
                                 UNTIL_SOLVED (CHANGED(asm_simp_tac 
                                         (HOLCF_ss addsimps dis_apps) 1))]) cons;
@@ -238,7 +235,7 @@
      flat(mapn (fn n => fn arg => one_sel c n (sel_of arg)) 0 args)) cons) end;
 val sel_defins = if length cons=1 then map (fn arg => pg [](defined(%x_name)==> 
                         defined(%%(sel_of arg)`%x_name)) [
-                                rtac cases 1,
+                                rtac casedist 1,
                                 contr_tac 1,
                                 UNTIL_SOLVED (CHANGED(asm_simp_tac 
                                              (HOLCF_ss addsimps sel_apps) 1))]) 
@@ -262,8 +259,8 @@
     fun distincts []      = []
     |   distincts (c::cs) = (map (distinct c) cs) :: distincts cs;
 in distincts cons end;
-val dists_le = flat (flat distincts_le);
-val dists_eq = let
+val dist_les = flat (flat distincts_le);
+val dist_eqs = let
     fun distinct (_,args1) ((_,args2),leqs) = let
         val (le1,le2) = (hd leqs, hd(tl leqs));
         val (eq1,eq2) = (le1 RS dist_eqI, le2 RS dist_eqI) in
@@ -324,18 +321,25 @@
                              asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps rews) 1] end))
                         (filter (fn (_,args)=>exists is_nonlazy_rec args) cons);
 val copy_rews = copy_strict::copy_apps @ copy_stricts;
-in     (iso_rews, exhaust, cases, when_rews,
-        con_rews, sel_rews, dis_rews, dists_le, dists_eq, inverts, injects,
-        copy_rews)
+in thy |> Theory.add_path (Sign.base_name dname)
+       |> PureThy.store_thmss [
+		("iso_rews" , iso_rews  ),
+		("exhaust"  , [exhaust] ),
+		("casedist" , [casedist]),
+		("when_rews", when_rews ),
+		("con_rews", con_rews),
+		("sel_rews", sel_rews),
+		("dis_rews", dis_rews),
+		("dist_les", dist_les),
+		("dist_eqs", dist_eqs),
+		("inverts" , inverts ),
+		("injects" , injects ),
+		("copy_rews", copy_rews)]
+       |> Theory.add_path ".."
 end; (* let *)
-fun comp_theorems thy (comp_dnam, eqs: eq list, thmss: thms list) =
+fun comp_theorems (comp_dnam, eqs: eq list) thy =
-val casess    =       map #3  thmss;
-val con_rews  = flat (map #5  thmss);
-val copy_rews = flat (map #12 thmss);
 val dnames = map (fst o fst) eqs;
 val conss  = map  snd        eqs;
 val comp_dname = Sign.full_name (sign_of thy) comp_dnam;
@@ -345,12 +349,19 @@
 (* ----- getting the composite axiom and definitions ------------------------ *)
-local val ga = get_axiom thy in
-val axs_reach      = map (fn dn => ga (dn ^  "_reach"   )) dnames;
-val axs_take_def   = map (fn dn => ga (dn ^  "_take_def")) dnames;
-val axs_finite_def = map (fn dn => ga (dn ^"_finite_def")) dnames;
-val ax_copy2_def   = ga (comp_dname^ "_copy_def");
-val ax_bisim_def   = ga (comp_dname^"_bisim_def");
+local fun ga s dn = get_axiom thy (dn^"."^s) in
+val axs_reach      = map (ga "reach"     ) dnames;
+val axs_take_def   = map (ga "take_def"  ) dnames;
+val axs_finite_def = map (ga "finite_def") dnames;
+val ax_copy2_def   =      ga "copy_def"  comp_dnam;
+val ax_bisim_def   =      ga "bisim_def" comp_dnam;
+end; (* local *)
+local fun gt  s dn = get_thm  thy (dn^"."^s);
+      fun gts s dn = get_thms thy (dn^"."^s) in
+val cases     =       map (gt  "casedist" ) dnames;
+val con_rews  = flat (map (gts "con_rews" ) dnames);
+val copy_rews = flat (map (gts "copy_rews") dnames);
 end; (* local *)
 fun dc_take dn = %%(dn^"_take");
@@ -367,7 +378,6 @@
   val copy_take_defs =(if n_eqs = 1 then [] else [ax_copy2_def]) @ axs_take_def;
   val take_stricts=pg copy_take_defs(mk_trp(foldr' mk_conj(map(fn((dn,args),_)=>
             strict(dc_take dn $ %"n")) eqs))) ([
-			if n_eqs = 1 then all_tac else rewtac ax_copy2_def,
                         nat_ind_tac "n" 1,
                          simp_tac iterate_Cprod_ss 1,
                         asm_simp_tac (iterate_Cprod_ss addsimps copy_rews)1]);
@@ -455,7 +465,7 @@
                                   map (K (atac 1))      (nonlazy args) @
                                   map (K (etac spec 1)) (filter is_rec args)) 
-                                (conss~~casess)));
+                                (conss~~cases)));
 val take_lemmas =mapn(fn n=> fn(dn,ax_reach)=> pg'' thy axs_take_def(mk_All("n",
                 mk_trp(dc_take dn $ Bound 0 `%(x_name n) === 
@@ -508,7 +518,7 @@
                                       asm_simp_tac take_ss 1])
                                     (nonlazy_rec args)))
-                                1 (conss~~casess)));
+                                1 (conss~~cases)));
     val finites = map (fn (dn,l1b) => pg axs_finite_def (mk_trp(
                                                 %%(dn^"_finite") $ %"x"))[
                                 case_UU_tac take_rews 1 "x",
@@ -586,8 +596,15 @@
 end; (* local *)
-in (take_rews, take_lemmas, finites, finite_ind, ind, coind)
+in thy |> Theory.add_path comp_dnam
+       |> PureThy.store_thmss [
+		("take_rews"  , take_rews  ),
+		("take_lemmas", take_lemmas),
+		("finites"    , finites    ),
+		("finite_ind", [finite_ind]),
+		("ind"       , [ind       ]),
+		("coind"     , [coind     ])]
+       |> Theory.add_path ".."
 end; (* let *)
 end; (* local *)
 end; (* struct *)