correct most general type for mutual recursion when several identical types are involved
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 13:04:57 +0100
changeset 55772 367ec44763fd
parent 55771 a421f1ccfc9f
child 55773 cbeb32e44ff1
correct most general type for mutual recursion when several identical types are involved
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_def_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
   type fp_sugar =
     {T: typ,
+     X: typ,
      fp: BNF_Util.fp_kind,
      fp_res_index: int,
      fp_res: BNF_FP_Util.fp_result,
      pre_bnf: BNF_Def.bnf,
      nested_bnfs: BNF_Def.bnf list,
      nesting_bnfs: BNF_Def.bnf list,
+     ctrXs_Tss: typ list list,
      ctr_defs: thm list,
      ctr_sugar: Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar,
      co_iters: term list,
@@ -61,9 +63,8 @@
      * (string * term list * term list list
         * ((term list list * term list list list) * typ list) list) option)
     * Proof.context
-  val mk_coiter_fun_arg_types: typ list list list -> typ list -> int list -> term ->
-    typ list list
-    * (typ list list list list * typ list list list * typ list list list list * typ list)
+  val repair_nullary_single_ctr: typ list list -> typ list list
+  val mk_coiter_p_pred_types: typ list -> int list -> typ list list
   val define_iters: string list ->
     (typ list list * typ list list list list * term list list * term list list list list) list ->
     (string -> binding) -> typ list -> typ list -> term list -> Proof.context ->
@@ -115,12 +116,14 @@
 type fp_sugar =
   {T: typ,
+   X: typ,
    fp: fp_kind,
    fp_res_index: int,
    fp_res: fp_result,
    pre_bnf: bnf,
    nested_bnfs: bnf list,
    nesting_bnfs: bnf list,
+   ctrXs_Tss: typ list list,
    ctr_defs: thm list,
    ctr_sugar: Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar,
    co_iters: term list,
@@ -131,16 +134,18 @@
    disc_co_iterss: thm list list,
    sel_co_itersss: thm list list list};
-fun morph_fp_sugar phi ({T, fp, fp_res, fp_res_index, pre_bnf, nested_bnfs, nesting_bnfs, ctr_defs,
-    ctr_sugar, co_iters, maps, common_co_inducts, co_inducts, co_iter_thmss, disc_co_iterss,
-    sel_co_itersss} : fp_sugar) =
+fun morph_fp_sugar phi ({T, X, fp, fp_res, fp_res_index, pre_bnf, nested_bnfs, nesting_bnfs,
+    ctrXs_Tss, ctr_defs, ctr_sugar, co_iters, maps, common_co_inducts, co_inducts, co_iter_thmss,
+    disc_co_iterss, sel_co_itersss} : fp_sugar) =
   {T = Morphism.typ phi T,
+   X = Morphism.typ phi X,
    fp = fp,
    fp_res = morph_fp_result phi fp_res,
    fp_res_index = fp_res_index,
    pre_bnf = morph_bnf phi pre_bnf,
    nested_bnfs = map (morph_bnf phi) nested_bnfs,
    nesting_bnfs = map (morph_bnf phi) nesting_bnfs,
+   ctrXs_Tss = map (map (Morphism.typ phi)) ctrXs_Tss,
    ctr_defs = map (Morphism.thm phi) ctr_defs,
    ctr_sugar = morph_ctr_sugar phi ctr_sugar,
    co_iters = map (Morphism.term phi) co_iters,
@@ -178,17 +183,17 @@
   Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = true}
     (fn phi => (Symtab.update (key, morph_fp_sugar phi fp_sugar)));
-fun register_fp_sugars fp pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs (fp_res as {Ts, ...}) ctr_defss
-    ctr_sugars co_iterss mapss common_co_inducts co_inductss co_iter_thmsss disc_co_itersss
-    sel_co_iterssss lthy =
+fun register_fp_sugars Xs fp pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs (fp_res as {Ts, ...}) ctrXs_Tsss
+    ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_iterss mapss common_co_inducts co_inductss co_iter_thmsss
+    disc_co_itersss sel_co_iterssss lthy =
   (0, lthy)
   |> fold (fn T as Type (s, _) => fn (kk, lthy) => (kk + 1,
-    register_fp_sugar s {T = T, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk,
+    register_fp_sugar s {T = T, X = nth Xs kk, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk,
         pre_bnf = nth pre_bnfs kk, nested_bnfs = nested_bnfs, nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs,
-        ctr_defs = nth ctr_defss kk, ctr_sugar = nth ctr_sugars kk, co_iters = nth co_iterss kk,
-        maps = nth mapss kk, common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts, co_inducts = nth co_inductss kk,
-        co_iter_thmss = nth co_iter_thmsss kk, disc_co_iterss = nth disc_co_itersss kk,
-        sel_co_itersss = nth sel_co_iterssss kk}
+        ctrXs_Tss = nth ctrXs_Tsss kk, ctr_defs = nth ctr_defss kk, ctr_sugar = nth ctr_sugars kk,
+        co_iters = nth co_iterss kk, maps = nth mapss kk, common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts,
+        co_inducts = nth co_inductss kk, co_iter_thmss = nth co_iter_thmsss kk,
+        disc_co_iterss = nth disc_co_itersss kk, sel_co_itersss = nth sel_co_iterssss kk}
       lthy)) Ts
   |> snd;
@@ -381,13 +386,13 @@
     ([(g_Tss, y_Tssss, gss, yssss), (h_Tss, z_Tssss, hss, zssss)], lthy)
+(*avoid "'a itself" arguments in coiterators*)
+fun repair_nullary_single_ctr [[]] = [[@{typ unit}]]
+  | repair_nullary_single_ctr Tss = Tss;
 fun mk_coiter_fun_arg_types0 ctr_Tsss Cs ns fun_Ts =
-    (*avoid "'a itself" arguments in coiterators*)
-    fun repair_arity [[]] = [[@{typ unit}]]
-      | repair_arity Tss = Tss;
-    val ctr_Tsss' = map repair_arity ctr_Tsss;
+    val ctr_Tsss' = map repair_nullary_single_ctr ctr_Tsss;
     val f_sum_prod_Ts = map range_type fun_Ts;
     val f_prod_Tss = map2 dest_sumTN_balanced ns f_sum_prod_Ts;
     val f_Tsss = map2 (map2 (dest_tupleT o length)) ctr_Tsss' f_prod_Tss;
@@ -400,10 +405,6 @@
 fun mk_coiter_p_pred_types Cs ns = map2 (fn n => replicate (Int.max (0, n - 1)) o mk_pred1T) ns Cs;
-fun mk_coiter_fun_arg_types ctr_Tsss Cs ns dtor_coiter =
-  (mk_coiter_p_pred_types Cs ns,
-   mk_coiter_fun_arg_types0 ctr_Tsss Cs ns (binder_fun_types (fastype_of dtor_coiter)));
 fun mk_coiters_args_types ctr_Tsss Cs ns dtor_coiter_fun_Tss lthy =
     val p_Tss = mk_coiter_p_pred_types Cs ns;
@@ -1385,9 +1386,9 @@
         |> Spec_Rules.add Spec_Rules.Equational (map un_fold_of iterss, flat fold_thmss)
         |> Spec_Rules.add Spec_Rules.Equational (map co_rec_of iterss, flat rec_thmss)
         |> Local_Theory.notes (common_notes @ notes) |> snd
-        |> register_fp_sugars Least_FP pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs fp_res ctr_defss ctr_sugars
-          iterss mapss [induct_thm] (map single induct_thms) (transpose [fold_thmss, rec_thmss])
-          (replicate nn []) (replicate nn [])
+        |> register_fp_sugars Xs Least_FP pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs fp_res ctrXs_Tsss
+          ctr_defss ctr_sugars iterss mapss [induct_thm] (map single induct_thms)
+          (transpose [fold_thmss, rec_thmss]) (replicate nn []) (replicate nn [])
     fun derive_note_coinduct_coiters_thms_for_types
@@ -1450,8 +1451,8 @@
         |> add_spec_rules un_fold_of sel_unfold_thmss unfold_thmss
         |> add_spec_rules co_rec_of sel_corec_thmss corec_thmss
         |> Local_Theory.notes (common_notes @ notes) |> snd
-        |> register_fp_sugars Greatest_FP pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs fp_res ctr_defss
-          ctr_sugars coiterss mapss [coinduct_thm, strong_coinduct_thm]
+        |> register_fp_sugars Xs Greatest_FP pre_bnfs nested_bnfs nesting_bnfs fp_res ctrXs_Tsss
+          ctr_defss ctr_sugars coiterss mapss [coinduct_thm, strong_coinduct_thm]
           (transpose [coinduct_thms, strong_coinduct_thms])
           (transpose [unfold_thmss, corec_thmss]) (transpose [disc_unfold_thmss, disc_corec_thmss])
           (transpose [sel_unfold_thmsss, sel_corec_thmsss])
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
   val unfold_lets_splits: term -> term
   val dest_map: Proof.context -> string -> term -> term * term list
-  val mutualize_fp_sugars: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list -> (term -> int list) ->
+  val mutualize_fp_sugars: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
     term list list list list -> BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list -> local_theory ->
     (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
      * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
     * local_theory
-  val nested_to_mutual_fps: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list -> (term -> int list) ->
+  val nested_to_mutual_fps: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
     (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
     (typ list * int list * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
      * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
@@ -103,8 +103,13 @@
 fun key_of_fp_eqs fp fpTs fp_eqs =
   Type (fp_case fp "l" "g", fpTs @ maps (fn (x, T) => [TFree x, T]) fp_eqs);
+fun get_indices callers t =
+  callers
+  |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
+  |> map_filter I;
 (* TODO: test with sort constraints on As *)
-fun mutualize_fp_sugars fp bs fpTs get_indices callssss fp_sugars0 no_defs_lthy0 =
+fun mutualize_fp_sugars fp bs fpTs callers callssss fp_sugars0 no_defs_lthy0 =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of no_defs_lthy0;
@@ -112,6 +117,8 @@
     fun incompatible_calls ts =
       error ("Incompatible " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive calls: " ^ commas (map qsotm ts));
+    fun mutual_self_call caller t =
+      error ("Unsupported mutual self-call " ^ qsotm t ^ " from " ^ qsotm caller);
     fun nested_self_call t =
       error ("Unsupported nested self-call " ^ qsotm t);
@@ -146,7 +153,7 @@
       ||>> variant_tfrees fp_b_names;
     fun check_call_dead live_call call =
-      if null (get_indices call) then () else incompatible_calls [live_call, call];
+      if null (get_indices callers call) then () else incompatible_calls [live_call, call];
     fun freeze_fpTs_type_based_default (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
         (case filter (curry (op =) T o snd) (map_index I fpTs) of
@@ -154,31 +161,36 @@
         | _ => Type (s, map freeze_fpTs_type_based_default Ts))
       | freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T = T;
-    fun freeze_fpTs_mutual_call calls T =
-      (case fold (union (op =)) (map get_indices calls) [] of
-        [] => freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
-      | [kk] => nth Xs kk
+    fun freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T =
+      (case fold (union (op =)) (map (get_indices callers) calls) [] of
+        [] => if T = fpT then nth Xs kk else freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
+      | [kk'] =>
+        if T = fpT andalso kk' <> kk then
+          mutual_self_call (nth callers kk)
+            (the (find_first (not o null o get_indices callers) calls))
+        else
+          nth Xs kk'
       | _ => incompatible_calls calls);
-    fun freeze_fpTs_map (fpT as Type (_, Ts')) (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls))
+    fun freeze_fpTs_map kk (fpT as Type (_, Ts')) (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls))
         (Type (s, Ts)) =
       if Ts' = Ts then
         nested_self_call live_call
         ( (check_call_dead live_call) dead_calls;
-         Type (s, map2 (freeze_fpTs_call fpT)
+         Type (s, map2 (freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT)
            (flatten_type_args_of_bnf (the (bnf_of no_defs_lthy s)) [] (transpose callss)) Ts))
-    and freeze_fpTs_call fpT calls (T as Type (s, _)) =
+    and freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT calls (T as Type (s, _)) =
         (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
           ([], _) =>
           (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_abs_or_applied_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
-            ([], _) => freeze_fpTs_mutual_call calls T
-          | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map fpT callsp T)
-        | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map fpT callsp T)
-      | freeze_fpTs_call _ _ T = T;
+            ([], _) => freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T
+          | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
+        | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
+      | freeze_fpTs_call _ _ _ T = T;
     val ctr_Tsss = map (map binder_types) ctr_Tss;
-    val ctrXs_Tsss = map3 (map2 o map2 o freeze_fpTs_call) fpTs callssss ctr_Tsss;
+    val ctrXs_Tsss = map4 (map2 o map2 oo freeze_fpTs_call) kks fpTs callssss ctr_Tsss;
     val ctrXs_sum_prod_Ts = map (mk_sumTN_balanced o map HOLogic.mk_tupleT) ctrXs_Tsss;
     val ns = map length ctr_Tsss;
@@ -254,11 +266,12 @@
         val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism no_defs_lthy no_defs_lthy0;
-        fun mk_target_fp_sugar T kk pre_bnf ctr_defs ctr_sugar co_iters maps co_inducts un_fold_thms
-            co_rec_thms disc_unfold_thms disc_corec_thms sel_unfold_thmss sel_corec_thmss =
-          {T = T, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk, pre_bnf = pre_bnf,
-           nested_bnfs = nested_bnfs, nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs, ctr_defs = ctr_defs,
-           ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, co_iters = co_iters, maps = maps,
+        fun mk_target_fp_sugar T X kk pre_bnf ctrXs_Tss ctr_defs ctr_sugar co_iters maps co_inducts
+            un_fold_thms co_rec_thms disc_unfold_thms disc_corec_thms sel_unfold_thmss
+            sel_corec_thmss =
+          {T = T, X = X, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk, pre_bnf = pre_bnf,
+           nested_bnfs = nested_bnfs, nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs, ctrXs_Tss = ctrXs_Tss,
+           ctr_defs = ctr_defs, ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, co_iters = co_iters, maps = maps,
            common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts, co_inducts = co_inducts,
            co_iter_thmss = [un_fold_thms, co_rec_thms],
            disc_co_iterss = [disc_unfold_thms, disc_corec_thms],
@@ -266,9 +279,9 @@
           |> morph_fp_sugar phi;
         val target_fp_sugars =
-          map14 mk_target_fp_sugar fpTs kks pre_bnfs ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_iterss mapss
-            (transpose co_inductss) un_fold_thmss co_rec_thmss disc_unfold_thmss disc_corec_thmss
-            sel_unfold_thmsss sel_corec_thmsss;
+          map16 mk_target_fp_sugar fpTs Xs kks pre_bnfs ctrXs_Tsss ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_iterss
+            mapss (transpose co_inductss) un_fold_thmss co_rec_thmss disc_unfold_thmss
+            disc_corec_thmss sel_unfold_thmsss sel_corec_thmsss;
         val n2m_sugar = (target_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms);
@@ -292,7 +305,9 @@
     f (T, U) #> (if s = s' then fold (fold_subtype_pairs f) (Ts ~~ Us) else I)
   | fold_subtype_pairs f TU = f TU;
-fun nested_to_mutual_fps fp actual_bs actual_Ts get_indices actual_callssss0 lthy =
+val impossible_caller = Bound ~1;
+fun nested_to_mutual_fps fp actual_bs actual_Ts actual_callers actual_callssss0 lthy =
     val qsoty = quote o Syntax.string_of_typ lthy;
     val qsotys = space_implode " or " o map qsoty;
@@ -391,23 +406,23 @@
     val common_name = mk_common_name (map Binding.name_of actual_bs);
     val bs = pad_list ( common_name) nn actual_bs;
+    val callers = pad_list impossible_caller nn actual_callers;
     fun permute xs = permute_like (op =) Ts perm_Ts xs;
     fun unpermute perm_xs = permute_like (op =) perm_Ts Ts perm_xs;
     val perm_bs = permute bs;
+    val perm_callers = permute callers;
     val perm_kks = permute kks;
     val perm_callssss0 = permute callssss0;
     val perm_fp_sugars0 = map (the o fp_sugar_of lthy o fst o dest_Type) perm_Ts;
     val perm_callssss = map2 (indexify_callsss o #ctrs o #ctr_sugar) perm_fp_sugars0 perm_callssss0;
-    val get_perm_indices = map (fn kk => find_index (curry (op =) kk) perm_kks) o get_indices;
     val ((perm_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy) =
       if num_groups > 1 then
-        mutualize_fp_sugars fp perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts get_perm_indices perm_callssss
-          perm_fp_sugars0 lthy
+        mutualize_fp_sugars fp perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts perm_callers perm_callssss perm_fp_sugars0
+          lthy
         ((perm_fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_rec_sugar_util.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_rec_sugar_util.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
   val mk_compN: int -> typ list -> term * term -> term
   val mk_comp: typ list -> term * term -> term
-  val get_free_indices: ((binding * typ) * 'a) list -> term -> int list
   val mk_co_iter: theory -> fp_kind -> typ -> typ list -> term -> term
   val mk_conjunctN: int -> int -> thm
@@ -109,10 +108,6 @@
 val mk_comp = mk_compN 1;
-fun get_free_indices fixes t = map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes
-  |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
-  |> map_filter I;
 fun mk_co_iter thy fp fpT Cs t =
     val ((f_Cs, prebody), body) = strip_type (fastype_of t) |>> split_last;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_gfp_rec_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -370,33 +370,44 @@
     (case fp_sugar_of ctxt s of SOME {maps, ...} => maps | NONE => [])
   | map_thms_of_typ _ _ = [];
-fun corec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0 =
+fun corec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0 =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy0;
-    val ((missing_res_Ts, perm0_kks,
-          fp_sugars as {nested_bnfs, fp_res = {xtor_co_iterss = dtor_coiters1 :: _, ...},
-            common_co_inducts = common_coinduct_thms, ...} :: _, (_, gfp_sugar_thms)), lthy) =
-      nested_to_mutual_fps Greatest_FP bs res_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0;
+    val ((missing_res_Ts, perm0_kks, fp_sugars as {nested_bnfs, co_iters = coiter1 :: _,
+            common_co_inducts = common_coinduct_thms, ...} :: _,
+          (_, gfp_sugar_thms)), lthy) =
+      nested_to_mutual_fps Greatest_FP bs res_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
     val perm_fp_sugars = sort (int_ord o pairself #fp_res_index) fp_sugars;
     val indices = map #fp_res_index fp_sugars;
     val perm_indices = map #fp_res_index perm_fp_sugars;
-    val perm_ctrss = map (#ctrs o #ctr_sugar) perm_fp_sugars;
-    val perm_ctr_Tsss = map (map (binder_types o fastype_of)) perm_ctrss;
-    val perm_gfpTs = map (body_type o fastype_of o hd) perm_ctrss;
+    val perm_gfpTs = map #T perm_fp_sugars;
+    val perm_ctrXs_Tsss' = map (repair_nullary_single_ctr o #ctrXs_Tss) perm_fp_sugars;
     val nn0 = length res_Ts;
     val nn = length perm_gfpTs;
     val kks = 0 upto nn - 1;
-    val perm_ns = map length perm_ctr_Tsss;
+    val perm_ns' = map length perm_ctrXs_Tsss';
+    val perm_Ts = map #T perm_fp_sugars;
+    val perm_Xs = map #X perm_fp_sugars;
+    val perm_Cs = map (domain_type o body_fun_type o fastype_of o co_rec_of o #co_iters) perm_fp_sugars;
+    val Xs_TCs = perm_Xs ~~ (perm_Ts ~~ perm_Cs);
-    val perm_Cs = map (fn {fp_res, fp_res_index, ...} => domain_type (body_fun_type (fastype_of
-      (co_rec_of (nth (#xtor_co_iterss fp_res) fp_res_index))))) perm_fp_sugars;
-    val (perm_p_Tss, (perm_q_Tssss, _, perm_f_Tssss, _)) =
-      mk_coiter_fun_arg_types perm_ctr_Tsss perm_Cs perm_ns (co_rec_of dtor_coiters1);
+    fun zip_corecT (Type (s, Us)) = [Type (s, map (mk_sumTN o zip_corecT) Us)]
+      | zip_corecT U =
+        (case AList.lookup (op =) Xs_TCs U of
+          SOME (T, C) => [T, C]
+        | NONE => [U]);
+    val perm_p_Tss = mk_coiter_p_pred_types perm_Cs perm_ns';
+    val perm_f_Tssss =
+      map2 (fn C => map (map (map (curry (op -->) C) o zip_corecT))) perm_Cs perm_ctrXs_Tsss';
+    val perm_q_Tssss =
+      map (map (map (fn [_] => [] | [_, T] => [mk_pred1T (domain_type T)]))) perm_f_Tssss;
     val (perm_p_hss, h) = indexedd perm_p_Tss 0;
     val (perm_q_hssss, h') = indexedddd perm_q_Tssss h;
@@ -915,7 +926,8 @@
     val fun_names = map Binding.name_of bs;
     val basic_ctr_specss = map (basic_corec_specs_of lthy) res_Ts;
-    val has_call = exists_subterm (map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes |> member (op =));
+    val frees = map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes;
+    val has_call = exists_subterm (member (op =) frees);
     val eqns_data =
       fold_map2 (dissect_coeqn lthy has_call fun_names sequentials basic_ctr_specss) (tag_list 0 (map snd specs))
         of_specs_opt []
@@ -936,7 +948,7 @@
     val ((n2m, corec_specs', _, coinduct_thm, strong_coinduct_thm, coinduct_thms,
           strong_coinduct_thms), lthy') =
-      corec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts (get_free_indices fixes) callssss lthy;
+      corec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts frees callssss lthy;
     val corec_specs = take actual_nn corec_specs';
     val ctr_specss = map #ctr_specs corec_specs;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_compat.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@
       | NONE => error ("Unsupported recursion via type constructor " ^ quote s ^
           " not corresponding to new-style datatype (cf. \"datatype_new\")"));
-    fun get_var_indices (Var ((_, kk), _)) = [kk];
     val (Tparentss_kkssss, _) = nested_Tparentss_indicessss_of [] fpT1 0;
     val Tparentss = map fst Tparentss_kkssss;
     val Ts = map (fst o hd) Tparentss;
@@ -110,14 +108,6 @@
     val ctrss0 = map (#ctrs o #ctr_sugar) fp_sugars0;
     val ctr_Tsss0 = map (map (binder_types o fastype_of)) ctrss0;
-    fun apply_comps n kk =
-      mk_partial_compN n (replicate n @{typ unit} ---> @{typ unit})
-        (Var ((Name.uu, kk), @{typ "unit => unit"}));
-    val callssss =
-      map2 (map2 (map2 (fn kks => fn ctr_T => map (apply_comps (num_binder_types ctr_T)) kks)))
-        kkssss ctr_Tsss0;
     val b_names = Name.variant_list [] (map base_name_of_typ Ts);
     val compat_b_names = map (prefix compatN) b_names;
     val compat_bs = map compat_b_names;
@@ -126,9 +116,18 @@
     val nn_fp = length fpTs;
     val nn = length Ts;
+    val callers = map (fn kk => Var ((Name.uu, kk), @{typ "unit => unit"})) (0 upto nn - 1);
+    fun apply_comps n kk =
+      mk_partial_compN n (replicate n @{typ unit} ---> @{typ unit}) (nth callers kk);
+    val callssss =
+      map2 (map2 (map2 (fn kks => fn ctr_T => map (apply_comps (num_binder_types ctr_T)) kks)))
+        kkssss ctr_Tsss0;
     val ((fp_sugars, (lfp_sugar_thms, _)), lthy) =
       if nn > nn_fp then
-        mutualize_fp_sugars Least_FP compat_bs Ts get_var_indices callssss fp_sugars0 lthy
+        mutualize_fp_sugars Least_FP compat_bs Ts callers callssss fp_sugars0 lthy
         ((fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
   type lfp_rec_extension =
     {nested_simps: thm list,
      is_new_datatype: Proof.context -> string -> bool,
-     get_basic_lfp_sugars: binding list -> typ list -> (term -> int list) ->
-      (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
-      typ list * int list * basic_lfp_sugar list * thm list * thm list * thm * bool * local_theory,
+     get_basic_lfp_sugars: binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
+       (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
+       typ list * int list * basic_lfp_sugar list * thm list * thm list * thm * bool * local_theory,
      rewrite_nested_rec_call: Proof.context -> (term -> bool) -> (string -> int) -> typ list ->
        term -> term -> term -> term};
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
 type lfp_rec_extension =
   {nested_simps: thm list,
    is_new_datatype: Proof.context -> string -> bool,
-   get_basic_lfp_sugars: binding list -> typ list -> (term -> int list) ->
-    (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
-    typ list * int list * basic_lfp_sugar list * thm list * thm list * thm * bool * local_theory,
+   get_basic_lfp_sugars: binding list -> typ list -> term list ->
+     (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
+     typ list * int list * basic_lfp_sugar list * thm list * thm list * thm * bool * local_theory,
    rewrite_nested_rec_call: Proof.context -> (term -> bool) -> (string -> int) -> typ list ->
      term -> term -> term -> term};
@@ -118,22 +118,22 @@
     SOME {is_new_datatype, ...} => is_new_datatype ctxt
   | NONE => K false);
-fun get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts get_indices callssss lthy =
+fun get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts callers callssss lthy =
   (case Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) of
-    SOME {get_basic_lfp_sugars, ...} => get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts get_indices callssss lthy
-  | NONE => error "Not implemented yet");
+    SOME {get_basic_lfp_sugars, ...} => get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts callers callssss lthy
+  | NONE => error "Functionality not loaded yet");
 fun rewrite_nested_rec_call ctxt =
   (case Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) of
     SOME {rewrite_nested_rec_call, ...} => rewrite_nested_rec_call ctxt);
-fun rec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0 =
+fun rec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0 =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy0;
     val (missing_arg_Ts, perm0_kks, basic_lfp_sugars, nested_map_idents, nested_map_comps,
          induct_thm, n2m, lthy) =
-      get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0;
+      get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
     val perm_basic_lfp_sugars = sort (int_ord o pairself #fp_res_index) basic_lfp_sugars;
@@ -427,7 +427,8 @@
       |> map (fn (x, y) => the_single y
           handle List.Empty => raise PRIMREC ("missing equations for function " ^ quote x, []));
-    val has_call = exists_subterm (map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes |> member (op =));
+    val frees = map (fst #>> Binding.name_of #> Free) fixes;
+    val has_call = exists_subterm (member (op =) frees);
     val arg_Ts = map (#rec_type o hd) funs_data;
     val res_Ts = map (#res_type o hd) funs_data;
     val callssss = funs_data
@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@
       | (b, _) :: _ => raise PRIMREC ("type of " ^ Binding.print b ^ " contains top sort", []));
     val ((n2m, rec_specs, _, induct_thm, induct_thms), lthy) =
-      rec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts (get_free_indices fixes) callssss lthy0;
+      rec_specs_of bs arg_Ts res_Ts frees callssss lthy0;
     val actual_nn = length funs_data;
@@ -469,7 +470,8 @@
           |> map_filter (try (fn (x, [y]) =>
             (#fun_name x, #user_eqn x, length (#left_args x) + length (#right_args x), #rec_thm y)))
           |> map2 (fn j => fn (fun_name, user_eqn, num_extra_args, rec_thm) =>
-              mk_primrec_tac lthy' num_extra_args nested_map_idents nested_map_comps def_thms rec_thm
+              mk_primrec_tac lthy' num_extra_args nested_map_idents nested_map_comps def_thms
+                rec_thm
               |> K |> Goal.prove_sorry lthy' [] [] user_eqn
               (* for code extraction from proof terms: *)
               |> singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy' lthy)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_rec_sugar_more.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -26,26 +26,26 @@
   {T = T, fp_res_index = fp_res_index, C = C, fun_arg_Tsss = fun_arg_Tsss, ctr_defs = ctr_defs,
    ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar, recx = co_rec_of iters, rec_thms = co_rec_of iter_thmss};
-fun get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0 =
+fun get_basic_lfp_sugars bs arg_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0 =
     val ((missing_arg_Ts, perm0_kks,
           fp_sugars as {nested_bnfs, co_inducts = [induct_thm], ...} :: _, (lfp_sugar_thms, _)),
          lthy) =
-      nested_to_mutual_fps Least_FP bs arg_Ts get_indices callssss0 lthy0;
+      nested_to_mutual_fps Least_FP bs arg_Ts callers callssss0 lthy0;
     val Ts = map #T fp_sugars;
+    val Xs = map #X fp_sugars;
     val Cs = map (body_type o fastype_of o co_rec_of o #co_iters) fp_sugars;
-    val Ts_Cs = Ts ~~ Cs;
+    val Xs_TCs = Xs ~~ (Ts ~~ Cs);
-    fun zip_recT (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
-        (case AList.lookup (op =) Ts_Cs T of
-          SOME C => [T, C]
-        | NONE => [Type (s, map (HOLogic.mk_tupleT o zip_recT) Ts)])
-      | zip_recT T = [T];
+    fun zip_recT (Type (s, Us)) = [Type (s, map (HOLogic.mk_tupleT o zip_recT) Us)]
+      | zip_recT U =
+        (case AList.lookup (op =) Xs_TCs U of
+          SOME (T, C) => [T, C]
+        | NONE => [U]);
-    val ctrss = map (#ctrs o #ctr_sugar) fp_sugars;
-    val ctr_Tsss = map (map (binder_types o fastype_of)) ctrss;
-    val fun_arg_Tssss = map (map (map zip_recT)) ctr_Tsss;
+    val ctrXs_Tsss = map #ctrXs_Tss fp_sugars;
+    val fun_arg_Tssss = map (map (map zip_recT)) ctrXs_Tsss;
     val nested_map_idents = map (unfold_thms lthy @{thms id_def} o map_id0_of_bnf) nested_bnfs;
     val nested_map_comps = map map_comp_of_bnf nested_bnfs;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_util.ML	Thu Feb 27 11:41:32 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_util.ML	Thu Feb 27 13:04:57 2014 +0100
@@ -31,10 +31,18 @@
   val map13: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i -> 'j -> 'k -> 'l -> 'm -> 'n) ->
     'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list -> 'f list -> 'g list -> 'h list ->
     'i list -> 'j list -> 'k list -> 'l list -> 'm list -> 'n list
-  val map14:
-    ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i -> 'j -> 'k -> 'l -> 'm -> 'n -> 'o) ->
+  val map14: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i -> 'j -> 'k -> 'l -> 'm -> 'n ->
+      'o) ->
     'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list -> 'f list -> 'g list -> 'h list ->
     'i list -> 'j list -> 'k list -> 'l list -> 'm list -> 'n list -> 'o list
+  val map15: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i -> 'j -> 'k -> 'l -> 'm -> 'n ->
+      'o -> 'p) ->
+    'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list -> 'f list -> 'g list -> 'h list ->
+    'i list -> 'j list -> 'k list -> 'l list -> 'm list -> 'n list -> 'o list -> 'p list
+  val map16: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h -> 'i -> 'j -> 'k -> 'l -> 'm -> 'n ->
+      'o -> 'p -> 'q) ->
+    'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e list -> 'f list -> 'g list -> 'h list ->
+    'i list -> 'j list -> 'k list -> 'l list -> 'm list -> 'n list -> 'o list -> 'p list -> 'q list
   val fold_map4: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f * 'e) ->
     'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list -> 'e -> 'f list * 'e
   val fold_map5: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g * 'f) ->
@@ -202,6 +210,21 @@
       map14 f x1s x2s x3s x4s x5s x6s x7s x8s x9s x10s x11s x12s x13s x14s
   | map14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths;
+fun map15 _ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] = []
+  | map15 f (x1::x1s) (x2::x2s) (x3::x3s) (x4::x4s) (x5::x5s) (x6::x6s) (x7::x7s) (x8::x8s)
+      (x9::x9s) (x10::x10s) (x11::x11s) (x12::x12s) (x13::x13s) (x14::x14s) (x15::x15s) =
+    f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 ::
+      map15 f x1s x2s x3s x4s x5s x6s x7s x8s x9s x10s x11s x12s x13s x14s x15s
+  | map15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths;
+fun map16 _ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] = []
+  | map16 f (x1::x1s) (x2::x2s) (x3::x3s) (x4::x4s) (x5::x5s) (x6::x6s) (x7::x7s) (x8::x8s)
+      (x9::x9s) (x10::x10s) (x11::x11s) (x12::x12s) (x13::x13s) (x14::x14s) (x15::x15s)
+      (x16::x16s) =
+    f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 ::
+      map16 f x1s x2s x3s x4s x5s x6s x7s x8s x9s x10s x11s x12s x13s x14s x15s x16s
+  | map16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = raise ListPair.UnequalLengths;
 fun fold_map4 _ [] [] [] [] acc = ([], acc)
   | fold_map4 f (x1::x1s) (x2::x2s) (x3::x3s) (x4::x4s) acc =