--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML Mon Sep 25 17:04:47 2006 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_axioms.ML Tue Sep 26 11:09:33 2006 +0200
@@ -268,6 +268,19 @@
fun monomorphic t =
Term.fold_types (Term.fold_atyps (fn TVar _ => K false | _ => I)) t true;
+fun dest_abs_list ct =
+ let val (cv,ct') = Thm.dest_abs NONE ct
+ val (cvs,cu) = dest_abs_list ct'
+ in (cv::cvs, cu) end
+ handle CTERM _ => ([],ct);
+fun lambda_list [] u = u
+ | lambda_list (v::vs) u = lambda v (lambda_list vs u);
+fun abstract_rule_list [] [] th = th
+ | abstract_rule_list (v::vs) (ct::cts) th = abstract_rule v ct (abstract_rule_list vs cts th)
+ | abstract_rule_list _ _ th = raise THM ("abstract_rule_list", 0, [th]);
(*Traverse a theorem, declaring abstraction function definitions. String s is the suggested
prefix for the constants. Resulting theory is returned in the first theorem. *)
fun declare_absfuns th =
@@ -275,14 +288,14 @@
if lambda_free (term_of ct) then (transfer thy (reflexive ct), [])
case term_of ct of
- Abs (_,T,u) =>
+ Abs _ =>
let val cname = Name.internal (gensym "abs_");
val _ = assert_eta_free ct;
- val (cv,cta) = Thm.dest_abs NONE ct
- val v = (#1 o dest_Free o term_of) cv
+ val (cvs,cta) = dest_abs_list ct
+ val (vs,Tvs) = ListPair.unzip (map (dest_Free o term_of) cvs)
val (u'_th,defs) = abstract thy cta
val cu' = crhs_of u'_th
- val abs_v_u = lambda (term_of cv) (term_of cu')
+ val abs_v_u = lambda_list (map term_of cvs) (term_of cu')
(*get the formal parameters: ALL variables free in the term*)
val args = term_frees abs_v_u
val rhs = list_abs_free (map dest_Free args, abs_v_u)
@@ -294,7 +307,7 @@
SOME ax => (ax,thy) (*cached axiom, current theory*)
| NONE =>
let val Ts = map type_of args
- val cT = Ts ---> (T --> typ_of (ctyp_of_term cu'))
+ val cT = Ts ---> (Tvs ---> typ_of (ctyp_of_term cu'))
val thy = theory_of_thm u'_th
val c = Const (Sign.full_name thy cname, cT)
val thy = Theory.add_consts_i [(cname, cT, NoSyn)] thy
@@ -312,7 +325,7 @@
val _ = assert (v_rhs aconv rhs_of ax) "declare_absfuns: rhs mismatch"
val def = #1 (Drule.freeze_thaw ax)
val def_args = list_combination def (map (cterm_of thy) args)
- in (transitive (abstract_rule v cv u'_th) (symmetric def_args),
+ in (transitive (abstract_rule_list vs cvs u'_th) (symmetric def_args),
def :: defs) end
| (t1$t2) =>
let val (ct1,ct2) = Thm.dest_comb ct
@@ -339,16 +352,17 @@
case term_of ct of
Abs (_,T,u) =>
- let val (cv,cta) = Thm.dest_abs NONE ct
- val _ = assert_eta_free ct;
- val v = (#1 o dest_Free o term_of) cv
+ let val _ = assert_eta_free ct;
+ val (cvs,cta) = dest_abs_list ct
+ val (vs,Tvs) = ListPair.unzip (map (dest_Free o term_of) cvs)
val (u'_th,defs) = abstract cta
val cu' = crhs_of u'_th
- val abs_v_u = Thm.cabs cv cu'
+ (*Could use Thm.cabs instead of lambda to work at level of cterms*)
+ val abs_v_u = lambda_list (map term_of cvs) (term_of cu')
(*get the formal parameters: free variables not present in the defs
(to avoid taking abstraction function names as parameters) *)
- val args = filter (valid_name defs) (term_frees (term_of abs_v_u))
- val crhs = list_cabs (map cterm args, abs_v_u)
+ val args = filter (valid_name defs) (term_frees abs_v_u)
+ val crhs = list_cabs (map cterm args, cterm abs_v_u)
(*Forms a lambda-abstraction over the formal parameters*)
val rhs = term_of crhs
val def = (*FIXME: can we also reuse the const-abstractions?*)
@@ -358,7 +372,7 @@
SOME ax => ax
| NONE =>
let val Ts = map type_of args
- val const_ty = Ts ---> (T --> typ_of (ctyp_of_term cu'))
+ val const_ty = Ts ---> (Tvs ---> typ_of (ctyp_of_term cu'))
val c = Free (gensym "abs_", const_ty)
val ax = assume (Thm.capply (cterm (equals const_ty $ c)) crhs)
val _ = abstraction_cache := Net.insert_term eq_absdef (rhs,ax)
@@ -368,7 +382,7 @@
in ax end
val _ = assert (rhs aconv rhs_of def) "assume_absfuns: rhs mismatch"
val def_args = list_combination def (map cterm args)
- in (transitive (abstract_rule v cv u'_th) (symmetric def_args),
+ in (transitive (abstract_rule_list vs cvs u'_th) (symmetric def_args),
def :: defs) end
| (t1$t2) =>
let val (ct1,ct2) = Thm.dest_comb ct
@@ -419,7 +433,7 @@
fun to_nnf th =
th |> transfer_to_Reconstruction
|> transform_elim |> zero_var_indexes |> Drule.freeze_thaw |> #1
- |> ObjectLogic.atomize_thm |> make_nnf;
+ |> ObjectLogic.atomize_thm |> make_nnf |> strip_lambdas;
(*The cache prevents repeated clausification of a theorem,
and also repeated declaration of Skolem functions*)