inverted flag potential to genuine_only in the quickcheck narrowing Haskell code
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:36:05 +0100
changeset 45760 3b5a735897c3
parent 45759 f8cc1f6528fb
child 45761 90028fd2f1fa
inverted flag potential to genuine_only in the quickcheck narrowing Haskell code
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/Narrowing_Engine.hs	Mon Dec 05 12:36:03 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/Narrowing_Engine.hs	Mon Dec 05 12:36:05 2011 +0100
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
        Left e -> throw e);
 answer :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> IO b) -> (Pos -> IO b) -> IO b;
-answer potential a known unknown =
+answer genuine_only a known unknown =
   Control.Exception.catch (answeri a known unknown) 
-    (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> known False (not potential));
+    (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> known False genuine_only);
 -- Refute
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@
   ", " ++ (str_of_list $ zipWith ($) (showArgs r) xs) ++ ")") >> hFlush stdout >> exitWith ExitSuccess;
 eval :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> IO a) -> (Pos -> IO a) -> IO a;
-eval potential p k u = answer potential p k u;
+eval genuine_only p k u = answer genuine_only p k u;
 ref :: Bool -> Result -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> IO Int;
-ref potential r xs = eval potential (apply_fun r xs) (\genuine res -> if res then return 1 else report genuine r xs)
-  (\p -> sumMapM (ref potential r) 1 (refineList xs p));
+ref genuine_only r xs = eval genuine_only (apply_fun r xs) (\genuine res -> if res then return 1 else report genuine r xs)
+  (\p -> sumMapM (ref genuine_only r) 1 (refineList xs p));
 refute :: Bool -> Result -> IO Int;
-refute potential r = ref potential r (args r);
+refute genuine_only r = ref genuine_only r (args r);
 sumMapM :: (a -> IO Int) -> Int -> [a] -> IO Int;
 sumMapM f n [] = return n;
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
 -- Top-level interface
 depthCheck :: Testable a => Bool -> Int -> a -> IO ();
-depthCheck potential d p =
-  (refute potential $ run (const p) 0 d) >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;
+depthCheck genuine_only d p =
+  (refute genuine_only $ run (const p) 0 d) >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;
 smallCheck :: Testable a => Bool -> Int -> a -> IO ();
-smallCheck potential d p = mapM_ (\d -> depthCheck potential d p) [0..d] >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;
+smallCheck genuine_only d p = mapM_ (\d -> depthCheck genuine_only d p) [0..d] >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/PNF_Narrowing_Engine.hs	Mon Dec 05 12:36:03 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/PNF_Narrowing_Engine.hs	Mon Dec 05 12:36:05 2011 +0100
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
        Left e -> throw e
 answer :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> IO b) -> (Pos -> IO b) -> IO b;
-answer potential a known unknown =
+answer genuine_only a known unknown =
   Control.Exception.catch (answeri a known unknown) 
-    (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> known (not potential))
+    (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> known genuine_only)
 --  Proofs and Refutation
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@
 -- refute
 refute :: ([Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> Bool) -> Bool -> Int -> QuantTree -> IO QuantTree
-refute exec potential d t = ref t
+refute exec genuine_only d t = ref t
     ref t =
       let path = find t in
-          t' <- answer potential (exec (termListOf [] path)) (\b -> return (updateNode path (Eval b) t))
+          t' <- answer genuine_only (exec (termListOf [] path)) (\b -> return (updateNode path (Eval b) t))
             (\p -> return (if length p < d then refineTree path p t else updateNode path unknown t));
           case evalOf t' of
             UnknownValue True -> ref t'
             _ -> return t'
 depthCheck :: Bool -> Int -> Generated_Code.Property -> IO ()
-depthCheck potential d p = refute (checkOf p) potential d (treeOf 0 p) >>= (\t -> 
+depthCheck genuine_only d p = refute (checkOf p) genuine_only d (treeOf 0 p) >>= (\t -> 
   case evalOf t of
    Eval False -> putStrLn ("SOME (" ++ show (counterexampleOf (reifysOf p) (exampleOf 0 t)) ++ ")")  
    _ -> putStrLn ("NONE"))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/narrowing_generators.ML	Mon Dec 05 12:36:03 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/narrowing_generators.ML	Mon Dec 05 12:36:05 2011 +0100
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
               val _ = current_size := k
               val ((response, _), timing) = elapsed_time ("execution of size " ^ string_of_int k)
                 (fn () => Isabelle_System.bash_output
-                  (executable ^ " " ^ haskell_string_of_bool (not genuine_only) ^ " " ^ string_of_int k))
+                  (executable ^ " " ^ haskell_string_of_bool genuine_only ^ " " ^ string_of_int k))
               val _ = Quickcheck.add_timing timing current_result
               if response = "NONE\n" then