HTML markup elements.
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 12:12:45 +0100
changeset 6324 3b7111b360b1
parent 6323 e5b3e46d5dbd
child 6325 2822885f5e02
HTML markup elements.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/html.ML	Tue Mar 09 12:12:45 1999 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/HTML.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+HTML markup elements.
+signature HTML =
+  val output: string -> string
+  val output_width: string -> string * real
+  type text (* = string *)
+  val plain: string -> text
+  val name: string -> text
+  val keyword: string -> text
+  val file_name: string -> text
+  val file_path: Path.T -> text
+  val para: text -> text
+  val href_name: string -> text -> text
+  val href_path: Path.T -> text -> text
+  val preform: text -> text
+  val verbatim: string -> text
+  val begin_document: string -> text
+  val end_document: text
+  val insert_here: text
+  val source: (string, 'a) Source.source -> text
+  val begin_theory: Path.T * string -> string -> string list -> ((Path.T * Path.T) * bool) list
+    -> text -> text
+  val end_theory: text
+  val ml_file: Path.T -> string -> text
+  val conclude_theory: text
+  val theorem: string -> thm -> text
+  val section: string -> text
+  val setup: (theory -> theory) list
+structure HTML: HTML =
+(** HTML print modes **)
+(* mode *)
+val htmlN = "HTML";
+fun html_mode f x = setmp print_mode [htmlN] f x;
+(* symbol output *)
+val escape = fn "<" => "&lt;" | ">" => "&gt;" | "&" => "&amp;" | c => c;
+val output_chars = implode o map escape;
+fun output s =
+  if not (exists_string (equal "<" orf equal ">" orf equal "&") s) then s
+  else implode (map escape (explode s));        (*sic!*)
+fun output_width s = (output s, real (size s));
+val _ = Symbol.add_mode htmlN output_width;
+(* token translations *)
+fun tagit bg en = apfst (enclose bg en) o output_width;
+fun color col = tagit ("<font color=" ^ quote col ^ ">") "</font>";
+val html_trans =
+ [("class", color "red"),
+  ("tfree", color "purple"),
+  ("tvar",  color "purple"),
+  ("free",  color "blue"),
+  ("bound", color "green"),
+  ("var",   color "blue"),
+  ("xnum",  color "yellow"),
+  ("xstr",  color "brown")];
+(** HTML markup **)
+type text = string;
+(* atoms *)
+val plain = output;
+fun name s = "<i>" ^ output s ^ "</i>";
+fun keyword s = "<b>" ^ output s ^ "</b>";
+fun file_name s = "<tt>" ^ output s ^ "</tt>";
+val file_path = file_name o Path.pack;
+(* misc *)
+fun para txt = "\n<p>\n" ^ txt ^ "\n</p>\n";
+fun href_name s txt = "<a href=" ^ quote s ^ ">" ^ txt ^ "</a>";
+fun href_path path txt = href_name (Path.pack path) txt;
+fun preform txt = "<pre>" ^ txt ^ "</pre>";
+val verbatim = preform o output;
+(* document *)
+fun begin_document title =
+  let val txt = plain title in
+    "<html>\n\
+    \<head>\n\
+    \<title>" ^ txt ^ "</title>\n\
+    \</head>\n\
+    \\n\
+    \<body>\n\
+    \<h1>" ^ txt ^ "</h1>\n"
+  end;
+val end_document =
+  "</body>\n\
+  \</html>\n";
+val insert_here = "<!--insert--here-->";
+(* theory *)
+fun source src =
+  "\n<hr>\n<pre>" ^ output_chars (Source.exhaust src) ^ "</pre>\n<hr>\n";
+  fun file ((p, p'), loadit) =
+    href_path p' ((if not loadit then enclose "(" ")" else I) (file_path p));
+  fun suffix_last _ [] = []
+    | suffix_last s lst = let val (xs, x) = split_last lst in xs @ [x ^ s] end;
+  val plus_names = space_implode " + " o map name;
+  fun theory (back_path, back_name) A =
+    begin_document ("Theory " ^ A) ^ "\n" ^
+    href_path back_path "Back" ^ " to the index of " ^ plain back_name ^ "\n<p>\n" ^
+    keyword "theory" ^ " " ^ name A ^ " = ";
+fun begin_theory back A Bs [] body = theory back A ^ plus_names (suffix_last ":" Bs) ^ "\n" ^ body
+  | begin_theory back A Bs Ps body =
+      theory back A ^ plus_names Bs ^
+      "<br>" ^ keyword "files" ^ " " ^ space_implode " + " (map file Ps) ^ ":" ^ "\n" ^ body;
+val end_theory = "";
+val conclude_theory = end_document;
+(* ML file *)
+fun ml_file path str =
+  begin_document ("File " ^ Path.pack path) ^
+  "\n<hr>\n" ^ verbatim str ^ "\n<hr>\n" ^ end_document;
+(* theorem *)
+(* FIXME improve freeze_thaw (?) *)
+val string_of_thm =
+  Pretty.setmp_margin 80 Pretty.string_of o
+    Display.pretty_thm_no_quote o #1 o Drule.freeze_thaw;
+fun thm th = preform (prefix_lines "  " (html_mode string_of_thm th));
+fun theorem a th = para (keyword "theorem" ^ " " ^ name (a ^ ":") ^ "\n" ^ thm th);
+(* section *)
+fun section heading = "\n\n<h2>" ^ plain heading ^ "</h2>\n";
+(** theory setup **)
+val setup =
+ [Theory.add_mode_tokentrfuns htmlN html_trans];