--- a/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/ML.thy Fri Oct 22 19:03:31 2010 +0100
+++ b/doc-src/IsarImplementation/Thy/ML.thy Fri Oct 22 20:43:48 2010 +0100
@@ -718,6 +718,259 @@
+section {* Canonical argument order \label{sec:canonical-argument-order} *}
+text {* Standard ML is a language in the tradition of @{text
+ "\<lambda>"}-calculus and \emph{higher-order functional programming},
+ similar to OCaml, Haskell, or Isabelle/Pure and HOL as logical
+ languages. Getting acquainted with the native style of representing
+ functions in that setting can save a lot of extra boiler-plate of
+ redundant shuffling of arguments, auxiliary abstractions etc.
+ First of all, functions are usually \emph{curried}: the idea of
+ @{text "f"} taking @{text "n"} arguments of type @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>i"} (for
+ @{text "i \<in> {1, \<dots> n}"}) with result @{text "\<tau>"} is represented by
+ the iterated function space @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> \<dots> \<rightarrow> \<tau>\<^sub>n \<rightarrow> \<tau>"}. This is
+ isomorphic to the encoding via tuples @{text "\<tau>\<^sub>1 \<times> \<dots> \<times> \<tau>\<^sub>n \<rightarrow> \<tau>"}, but
+ the curried version fits more smoothly into the basic
+ calculus.\footnote{The difference is even more significant in
+ higher-order logic, because additional the redundant tuple structure
+ needs to be accommodated by formal reasoning.}
+ Currying gives some flexiblity due to \emph{partial application}. A
+ function @{text "f: \<tau>\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> \<tau>\<^bsub>2\<^esub> \<rightarrow> \<tau>"} can be applied to @{text "x: \<tau>\<^sub>1"}
+ and the remaining @{text "(f x): \<tau>\<^sub>2 \<rightarrow> \<tau>"} passed to other functions
+ etc. How well this works in practice depends on the order of
+ arguments. In the worst case, arguments are arranged erratically,
+ and using a function in a certain situation always requires some
+ glue code. Thus we would get exponentially many oppurtunities to
+ decorate the code with meaningless permutations of arguments.
+ This can be avoided by \emph{canonical argument order}, which
+ observes certain standard patterns of function definitions and
+ minimizes adhoc permutations in their application. In Isabelle/ML,
+ large portions of non-trivial source code are written without ever
+ using the infamous function @{text "swap: \<alpha> \<times> \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta> \<times> \<alpha>"} or the
+ combinator @{text "C: (\<alpha> \<rightarrow> \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<gamma>) \<rightarrow> (\<beta> \<rightarrow> \<alpha> \<rightarrow> \<gamma>)"}, which is not even
+ defined in our library.
+ \medskip The basic idea is that arguments that vary less are moved
+ further to the left than those that vary more. Two particularly
+ important categories of functions are \emph{selectors} and
+ \emph{updates}.
+ The subsequent scheme is based on a hypothetical set-like container
+ of type @{text "\<beta>"} that manages elements of type @{text "\<alpha>"}. Both
+ the names and types of the associated operations are canonical for
+ Isabelle/ML.
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ kind & canonical name and type \\\hline
+ selector & @{text "member: \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<alpha> \<rightarrow> bool"} \\
+ update & @{text "insert: \<alpha> \<rightarrow> \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ Given a container @{text "B: \<beta>"}, the partially applied @{text
+ "member B"} is a predicate over elements @{text "\<alpha> \<rightarrow> bool"}, and
+ thus represents the intended denotation directly. It is customary
+ to pass the abstract predicate to further operations, not the
+ concrete container. The argument order makes it easy to use other
+ combinators: @{text "forall (member B) list"} will check a list of
+ elements for membership in @{text "B"} etc. Often the explicit
+ @{text "list"} is pointless and can be contracted in the application
+ @{text "forall (member B)"} to get directly a predicate again.
+ The update operation naturally ``varies'' the container, so it moves
+ to the right: @{text "insert a"} is a function @{text "\<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} to
+ insert a value @{text "a"}. These can be composed naturally as
+ follows: @{text "insert c \<circ> insert b \<circ> insert a"}. This works well,
+ apart from some awkwardness due to conventional mathematical
+ function composition, which can be easily amended as follows.
+subsection {* Forward application and composition *}
+text {* Regular function application and infix notation works best for
+ relatively deeply structured expressions, e.g.\ @{text "h (f x y + g
+ z)"}. The important special case if \emph{linear transformation}
+ applies a cascade of functions as follows: @{text "f\<^sub>n (\<dots> (f\<^sub>1 x))"}.
+ This becomes hard to read and maintain if the functions are
+ themselves complex expressions. The notation can be significantly
+ improved by introducing \emph{forward} versions of application and
+ composition as follows:
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ @{text "x |> f"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "f x"} \\
+ @{text "f #> g"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "x |> f |> g"} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ This enables to write conveniently @{text "x |> f\<^sub>1 |> \<dots> |> f\<^sub>n"} or
+ @{text "f\<^sub>1 #> \<dots> #> f\<^sub>n"} for its functional abstraction over @{text
+ "x"}.
+ \medskip There is an additional set of combinators to accommodate
+ multiple results (via pairs) that are passed on as multiple
+ arguments (via currying).
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ @{text "(x, y) |-> f"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "f x y"} \\
+ @{text "f #-> g"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{text "x |> f |-> g"} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML "op |> ": "'a * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b"} \\
+ @{index_ML "op |-> ": "('c * 'a) * ('c -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b"} \\
+ @{index_ML "op #> ": "('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c"} \\
+ @{index_ML "op #-> ": "('a -> 'c * 'b) * ('c -> 'b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd"} \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ %FIXME description!?
+subsection {* Canonical iteration *}
+text {* As explained above, a function @{text "f: \<alpha> \<rightarrow> \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} can be
+ understood as update on a configuration of type @{text "\<beta>"} that is
+ parametrized by arguments of type @{text "\<alpha>"}. Given @{text "a: \<alpha>"}
+ the partial application @{text "(f a): \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} operates
+ homogeneously on @{text "\<beta>"}. This can be iterated naturally over a
+ list of parameters @{text "[a\<^sub>1, \<dots>, a\<^sub>n]"} as @{text "f a\<^sub>1 #> \<dots> #> f
+ a\<^bsub>n\<^esub>\<^bsub>\<^esub>"}. The latter expression is again a function @{text "\<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"}.
+ It can be applied to an initial configuration @{text "b: \<beta>"} to
+ start the iteration over the given list of arguments: each @{text
+ "a"} in @{text "a\<^sub>1, \<dots>, a\<^sub>n"} is applied consecutively by updating a
+ cumulative configuration.
+ The @{text fold} combinator in Isabelle/ML lifts a function @{text
+ "f"} as above to its iterated version over a list of arguments.
+ Lifting can be repeated, e.g.\ @{text "(fold \<circ> fold) f"} iterates
+ over a list of lists as expected.
+ The variant @{text "fold_rev"} works inside-out over the list of
+ arguments, such that @{text "fold_rev f \<equiv> fold f \<circ> rev"} holds.
+ The @{text "fold_map"} combinator essentially performs @{text
+ "fold"} and @{text "map"} simultaneously: each application of @{text
+ "f"} produces an updated configuration together with a side-result;
+ the iteration collects all such side-results as a separate list.
+text %mlref {*
+ \begin{mldecls}
+ @{index_ML fold: "('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b"} \\
+ @{index_ML fold_rev: "('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b"} \\
+ @{index_ML fold_map: "('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'c list * 'b"} \\
+ \end{mldecls}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item @{ML fold}~@{text f} lifts the parametrized update function
+ @{text "f"} to a list of parameters.
+ \item @{ML fold_rev}~@{text "f"} is similar to @{ML fold}~@{text
+ "f"}, but works inside-out.
+ \item @{ML fold_map}~@{text "f"} lifts the parametrized update
+ function @{text "f"} (with side-result) to a list of parameters and
+ cumulative side-results.
+ \end{description}
+ \begin{warn}
+ The literature on functional programming provides a multitude of
+ combinators called @{text "foldl"}, @{text "foldr"} etc. SML97
+ provides its own variations as @{ML List.foldl} and @{ML
+ List.foldr}, while the classic Isabelle library still has the
+ slightly more convenient historic @{ML Library.foldl} and @{ML
+ Library.foldr}. To avoid further confusion, all of this should be
+ ignored, and @{ML fold} (or @{ML fold_rev}) used exclusively.
+ \end{warn}
+text %mlex {* The following example shows how to fill a text buffer
+ incrementally by adding strings, either individually or from a given
+ list.
+ML {*
+ val s =
+ Buffer.empty
+ |> Buffer.add "digits: "
+ |> fold (Buffer.add o string_of_int) (0 upto 9)
+ |> Buffer.content;
+ @{assert} (s = "digits: 0123456789");
+text {* Note how @{ML "fold (Buffer.add o string_of_int)"} above saves
+ an extra @{ML "map"} over the given list. This kind of peephole
+ optimization reduces both the code size and the tree structures in
+ memory (``deforestation''), but requires some practice to read and
+ write it fluently.
+ \medskip The next example elaborates this idea and demonstrates fast
+ accumulation of tree content using a text buffer.
+ML {*
+ datatype tree = Text of string | Elem of string * tree list;
+ fun slow_content (Text txt) = txt
+ | slow_content (Elem (name, ts)) =
+ "<" ^ name ^ ">" ^
+ implode (map slow_content ts) ^
+ "</" ^ name ^ ">"
+ fun add_content (Text txt) = Buffer.add txt
+ | add_content (Elem (name, ts)) =
+ Buffer.add ("<" ^ name ^ ">") #>
+ fold add_content ts #>
+ Buffer.add ("</" ^ name ^ ">");
+ fun fast_content tree =
+ Buffer.empty |> add_content tree |> Buffer.content;
+text {* The slow part of @{ML slow_content} is the @{ML implode} of
+ the recursive results, because it copies previously produced strings
+ afresh.
+ The incremental @{ML add_content} avoids this by operating on a
+ buffer that is passed-through in a linear fashion. Using @{verbatim
+ "#>"} and contraction over the actual @{ML_type "Buffer.T"} argument
+ saves some additional boiler-plate, but requires again some
+ practice. Of course, the two @{ML "Buffer.add"} invocations with
+ concatenated strings could have been split into smaller parts, but
+ this would have obfuscated the source without making a big
+ difference in allocations. Here we have done some
+ peephole-optimization for the sake of readability.
+ Another benefit of @{ML add_content} is its ``open'' form as a
+ function on @{ML_type Buffer.T} that can be continued in further
+ linear transformations, folding etc. Thus it is more compositional
+ than the naive @{ML slow_content}. As a realistic example, compare
+ the slightly old-style @{ML "Term.maxidx_of_term: term -> int"} with
+ the newer @{ML "Term.maxidx_term: term -> int -> int"} in
+ Isabelle/Pure.
+ Note that @{ML fast_content} above is only defined for completeness
+ of the example. In many practical situations, it is customary to
+ defined the incremental @{ML add_content} only and leave the
+ initialization and termination to the concrete application by the
+ user.
section {* Message output channels \label{sec:message-channels} *}
text {* Isabelle provides output channels for different kinds of
@@ -1084,85 +1337,6 @@
-text %mlex {* The following example demonstrates how to \emph{merge}
- two lists in a natural way. *}
-ML {*
- fun merge_lists eq (xs, ys) = fold_rev (insert eq) ys xs;
-text {* Here the first list is treated conservatively: only the new
- elements from the second list are inserted. The inside-out order of
- insertion via @{ML fold_rev} attempts to preserve the order of
- elements in the result.
- This way of merging lists is typical for context data
- (\secref{sec:context-data}). See also @{ML merge} as defined in
- @{"file" "~~/src/Pure/library.ML"}.
-subsubsection {* Canonical iteration *} (* FIXME move!? *)
-text {* A function @{text "f: \<alpha> \<rightarrow> \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} can be understood as update
- on a configuration of type @{text "\<beta>"} that is parametrized by
- arguments of type @{text "\<alpha>"}. Given @{text "a: \<alpha>"} the partial
- application @{text "(f a): \<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"} operates homogeneously on @{text
- "\<beta>"}. This can be iterated naturally over a list of parameters
- @{text "[a\<^sub>1, \<dots>, a\<^sub>n]"} as @{text "f a\<^sub>1; \<dots>; f a\<^bsub>n\<^esub>\<^bsub>\<^esub>"} (where the
- semicolon represents left-to-right composition). The latter
- expression is again a function @{text "\<beta> \<rightarrow> \<beta>"}. It can be applied
- to an initial configuration @{text "b: \<beta>"} to start the iteration
- over the given list of arguments: each @{text "a"} in @{text "a\<^sub>1, \<dots>,
- a\<^sub>n"} is applied consecutively by updating a cumulative
- configuration.
- The @{text fold} combinator in Isabelle/ML lifts a function @{text
- "f"} as above to its iterated version over a list of arguments.
- Lifting can be repeated, e.g.\ @{text "(fold \<circ> fold) f"} iterates
- over a list of lists as expected.
- The variant @{text "fold_rev"} works inside-out over the list of
- arguments, such that @{text "fold_rev f \<equiv> fold f \<circ> rev"} holds.
- The @{text "fold_map"} combinator essentially performs @{text
- "fold"} and @{text "map"} simultaneously: each application of @{text
- "f"} produces an updated configuration together with a side-result;
- the iteration collects all such side-results as a separate list.
-text %mlref {*
- \begin{mldecls}
- @{index_ML fold: "('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b"} \\
- @{index_ML fold_rev: "('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b"} \\
- @{index_ML fold_map: "('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'c list * 'b"} \\
- \end{mldecls}
- \begin{description}
- \item @{ML fold}~@{text f} lifts the parametrized update function
- @{text "f"} to a list of parameters.
- \item @{ML fold_rev}~@{text "f"} is similar to @{ML fold}~@{text
- "f"}, but works inside-out.
- \item @{ML fold_map}~@{text "f"} lifts the parametrized update
- function @{text "f"} (with side-result) to a list of parameters and
- cumulative side-results.
- \end{description}
- \begin{warn}
- The literature on functional programming provides a multitude of
- combinators called @{text "foldl"}, @{text "foldr"} etc. SML97
- provides its own variations as @{ML List.foldl} and @{ML
- List.foldr}, while the classic Isabelle library still has the
- slightly more convenient historic @{ML Library.foldl} and @{ML
- Library.foldr}. To avoid further confusion, all of this should be
- ignored, and @{ML fold} (or @{ML fold_rev}) used exclusively.
- \end{warn}
text %mlex {* Using canonical @{ML fold} together with canonical @{ML
cons}, or similar standard operations, alternates the orientation of
data. The is quite natural and should not altered forcible by
@@ -1181,6 +1355,23 @@
@{assert} (list2 = items);
+text {* The subsequent example demonstrates how to \emph{merge} two
+ lists in a natural way. *}
+ML {*
+ fun merge_lists eq (xs, ys) = fold_rev (insert eq) ys xs;
+text {* Here the first list is treated conservatively: only the new
+ elements from the second list are inserted. The inside-out order of
+ insertion via @{ML fold_rev} attempts to preserve the order of
+ elements in the result.
+ This way of merging lists is typical for context data
+ (\secref{sec:context-data}). See also @{ML merge} as defined in
+ @{"file" "~~/src/Pure/library.ML"}.
subsection {* Association lists *}