scalable string_of_tree; tuned;
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:07:51 +0200
changeset 14969 3d9126cbf0e6
parent 14968 9db3d2be8cdf
child 14970 8159ade98144
scalable string_of_tree; tuned;
--- a/src/Pure/General/xml.ML	Fri Jun 18 20:07:42 2004 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/xml.ML	Fri Jun 18 20:07:51 2004 +0200
@@ -3,29 +3,41 @@
     Author:     David Aspinall, Stefan Berghofer and Markus Wenzel
-Basic support for XML input and output.
+Basic support for XML.
 signature XML =
+  val header: string
+  val text: string -> string
+  val cdata: string -> string
+  val element: string -> (string * string) list -> string list -> string
   datatype tree =
       Elem of string * (string * string) list * tree list
     | Text of string
-  val element: string -> (string * string) list -> string list -> string
-  val text: string -> string
-  val cdata: string -> string
-  val header: string
   val string_of_tree: tree -> string
-  val tree_of_string: string -> tree
   val parse_content: string list -> tree list * string list
   val parse_elem: string list -> tree * string list
   val parse_document: string list -> (string option * tree) * string list
+  val tree_of_string: string -> tree
 structure XML: XML =
-(* character data *)
+(** string based representation (small scale) **)
+val header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
+(* text and character data *)
+fun decode "&lt;" = "<"
+  | decode "&gt;" = ">"
+  | decode "&amp;" = "&"
+  | decode "&apos;" = "'"
+  | decode "&quot;" = "\""
+  | decode c = c;
 fun encode "<" = "&lt;"
   | encode ">" = "&gt;"
@@ -34,27 +46,13 @@
   | encode "\"" = "&quot;"
   | encode c = c;
-fun decode "&lt;" = "<"
-  | decode "&gt;" = ">"
-  | decode "&amp;" = "&"
-  | decode "&apos;" = "'"
-  | decode "&quot;" = "\""
-  | decode c = c;
 val text = Library.translate_string encode;
-val cdata_open  = "<![CDATA["
-val cdata_close = "]]>"
-fun cdata s = cdata_open ^ s ^ cdata_close;
+val cdata = enclose "<![CDATA[" "]]>";
 (* elements *)
-datatype tree =
-    Elem of string * (string * string) list * tree list
-  | Text of string;
 fun attribute (a, x) = a ^ " = \"" ^ text x ^ "\"";
 fun element name atts cs =
@@ -63,14 +61,34 @@
     else enclose "<" ">" elem ^ implode cs ^ enclose "</" ">" name
-fun string_of_tree (Elem (name, atts, ts)) =
-      element name atts (map string_of_tree ts)
-  | string_of_tree (Text s) = s;
-val header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
-(* parser *)
+(** explicit XML trees **)
+datatype tree =
+    Elem of string * (string * string) list * tree list
+  | Text of string;
+fun string_of_tree tree =
+  let
+    fun string_of (Elem (name, atts, ts)) buf =
+        let val buf' =
+          buf |> Buffer.add "<"
+          |> fold Buffer.add (separate " " (name :: map attribute atts))
+        in
+          if null ts then
+            buf' |> Buffer.add "/>"
+          else
+            buf' |> Buffer.add ">"
+            |> fold string_of ts
+            |> Buffer.add "</" |> Buffer.add name |> Buffer.add ">"
+        end
+      | string_of (Text s) buf = Buffer.add (text s) buf;
+  in Buffer.content (string_of tree Buffer.empty) end;
+(** XML parsing **)
 fun err s (xs, _) =
   "XML parsing error: " ^ s ^ "\nfound: " ^ quote (Symbol.beginning 100 xs);