removed 'freeze_problem_consts' hack in TPTP tools, which wasn't compatible with post-2016 reforms to local theories
Mon, 06 Jul 2020 16:52:48 +0200
changeset 72001 3e08311ada8e
parent 72000 379d0c207c29
child 72002 5c4800f6b25a
removed 'freeze_problem_consts' hack in TPTP tools, which wasn't compatible with post-2016 reforms to local theories
--- a/NEWS	Mon Jul 06 10:47:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/NEWS	Mon Jul 06 16:52:48 2020 +0200
@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@
 into theories Misc_lsb, Misc_msb and Misc_set_bit respectively.
+* Session HOL-TPTP: The "tptp_isabelle" and "tptp_sledgehammer"
+commands are in working order again, as opposed to outputting
+"GaveUp" on nearly all problems.
 * Simproc defined_all and rewrite rule subst_all perform
 more aggressive substitution with variables from assumptions.
 INCOMPATIBILITY, use something like
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/ATP_Problem_Import.thy	Mon Jul 06 10:47:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/ATP_Problem_Import.thy	Mon Jul 06 16:52:48 2020 +0200
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 section \<open>ATP Problem Importer\<close>
 theory ATP_Problem_Import
-imports Complex_Main TPTP_Interpret "HOL-Library.Refute"
+  imports Complex_Main TPTP_Interpret "HOL-Library.Refute"
 ML_file \<open>sledgehammer_tactics.ML\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Mon Jul 06 10:47:30 2020 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/atp_problem_import.ML	Mon Jul 06 16:52:48 2020 +0200
@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@
   val read_tptp_file : theory -> (string * term -> 'a) -> string ->
-    'a list * ('a list * 'a list) * Proof.context
+    'a list * ('a list * 'a list) * local_theory
   val nitpick_tptp_file : theory -> int -> string -> unit
   val refute_tptp_file : theory -> int -> string -> unit
   val can_tac : Proof.context -> (Proof.context -> tactic) -> term -> bool
   val SOLVE_TIMEOUT :  int -> string -> tactic -> tactic
-  val atp_tac : Proof.context -> int -> (string * string) list -> int -> term list -> string ->
+  val atp_tac : local_theory -> int -> (string * string) list -> int -> term list -> string ->
     int -> tactic
-  val smt_solver_tac : string -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
-  val freeze_problem_consts : theory -> term -> term
+  val smt_solver_tac : string -> local_theory -> int -> tactic
   val make_conj : term list * term list -> term list -> term
   val sledgehammer_tptp_file : theory -> int -> string -> unit
   val isabelle_tptp_file : theory -> int -> string -> unit
@@ -73,14 +72,14 @@
 fun nitpick_tptp_file thy timeout file_name =
-    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), ctxt) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
-    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), lthy) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
     val (defs, pseudo_defs) = defs
-      |> map (ATP_Util.abs_extensionalize_term ctxt #> aptrueprop (hol_open_form I))
+      |> map (ATP_Util.abs_extensionalize_term lthy #> aptrueprop (hol_open_form I))
       |> List.partition (is_legitimate_tptp_def o perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_Trueprop)
         o ATP_Util.unextensionalize_def)
     val nondefs = pseudo_defs @ nondefs
-    val state = Proof.init ctxt
+    val state = Proof.init lthy
     val params =
       [("card", "1-100"),
        ("box", "false"),
@@ -118,12 +117,12 @@
       |> writeln
-    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), ctxt) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
+    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), lthy) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
     val params =
       [("maxtime", string_of_int timeout),
        ("maxvars", "100000")]
-    Refute.refute_term ctxt params (defs @ nondefs)
+    Refute.refute_term lthy params (defs @ nondefs)
       (case conjs of conj :: _ => conj | [] => \<^prop>\<open>True\<close>)
     |> print_szs_of_outcome (not (null conjs))
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@
     | SOME st' => (writeln ("SUCCESS: " ^ name); Seq.single st'))
-fun nitpick_finite_oracle_tac ctxt timeout i th =
+fun nitpick_finite_oracle_tac lthy timeout i th =
     fun is_safe (Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, Ts)) = forall is_safe Ts
       | is_safe \<^typ>\<open>prop\<close> = true
@@ -159,8 +158,8 @@
-        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-        val state = Proof.init ctxt
+        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
+        val state = Proof.init lthy
         val params =
           [("box", "false"),
            ("max_threads", "1"),
@@ -177,22 +176,22 @@
         val (outcome, _) =
           Nitpick.pick_nits_in_term state params Nitpick.Normal i n step subst [] [] conj
-        if outcome = "none" then ALLGOALS (Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt) th else Seq.empty
+        if outcome = "none" then ALLGOALS (Skip_Proof.cheat_tac lthy) th else Seq.empty
-fun atp_tac ctxt completeness override_params timeout assms prover =
+fun atp_tac lthy completeness override_params timeout assms prover =
-    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
     val assm_ths0 = map (Skip_Proof.make_thm thy) assms
-    val ((assm_name, _), ctxt) = ctxt
+    val ((assm_name, _), lthy) = lthy
       |> Config.put Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP.atp_completish (if completeness > 0 then 3 else 0)
       |> Local_Theory.note ((\<^binding>\<open>thms\<close>, []), assm_ths0)
     fun ref_of th = (Facts.named (Thm.derivation_name th), [])
     val ref_of_assms = (Facts.named assm_name, [])
-    Sledgehammer_Tactics.sledgehammer_as_oracle_tac ctxt
+    Sledgehammer_Tactics.sledgehammer_as_oracle_tac lthy
       ([("debug", if debug then "true" else "false"),
         ("overlord", if overlord then "true" else "false"),
         ("provers", prover),
@@ -205,13 +204,13 @@
       {add = ref_of_assms :: map ref_of [ext, @{thm someI}], del = [], only = true} []
-fun sledgehammer_tac demo ctxt timeout assms i =
+fun sledgehammer_tac demo lthy timeout assms i =
     val frac = if demo then 16 else 12
     fun slice mult completeness prover =
       SOLVE_TIMEOUT (mult * timeout div frac)
         (prover ^ (if completeness > 0 then "(" ^ string_of_int completeness ^ ")" else ""))
-        (atp_tac ctxt completeness [] (mult * timeout div frac) assms prover i)
+        (atp_tac lthy completeness [] (mult * timeout div frac) assms prover i)
     slice 2 0 ATP_Proof.spassN
     ORELSE slice 2 0 ATP_Proof.vampireN
@@ -229,36 +228,27 @@
-fun smt_solver_tac solver ctxt =
+fun smt_solver_tac solver lthy =
-    val ctxt = ctxt |> Context.proof_map (SMT_Config.select_solver solver)
-  in SMT_Solver.smt_tac ctxt [] end
+    val lthy = lthy |> Context.proof_map (SMT_Config.select_solver solver)
+  in SMT_Solver.smt_tac lthy [] end
-fun auto_etc_tac ctxt timeout assms i =
-  SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "nitpick" (nitpick_finite_oracle_tac ctxt (timeout div 20) i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "simp" (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "blast" (blast_tac ctxt i)
+fun auto_etc_tac lthy timeout assms i =
+  SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "nitpick" (nitpick_finite_oracle_tac lthy (timeout div 20) i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "simp" (asm_full_simp_tac lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "blast" (blast_tac lthy i)
   ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 5) "auto+spass"
-    (auto_tac ctxt THEN ALLGOALS (atp_tac ctxt 0 [] (timeout div 5) assms ATP_Proof.spassN))
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "fast" (fast_tac ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "z3" (smt_solver_tac "z3" ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "cvc4" (smt_solver_tac "cvc4" ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "best" (best_tac ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "force" (force_tac ctxt i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "meson" (Meson.meson_tac ctxt [] i)
-  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "fastforce" (fast_force_tac ctxt i)
+    (auto_tac lthy THEN ALLGOALS (atp_tac lthy 0 [] (timeout div 5) assms ATP_Proof.spassN))
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "fast" (fast_tac lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "z3" (smt_solver_tac "z3" lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "cvc4" (smt_solver_tac "cvc4" lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 20) "best" (best_tac lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "force" (force_tac lthy i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "meson" (Meson.meson_tac lthy [] i)
+  ORELSE SOLVE_TIMEOUT (timeout div 10) "fastforce" (fast_force_tac lthy i)
 fun problem_const_prefix thy = Context.theory_name thy ^ Long_Name.separator
-(* Isabelle's standard automatic tactics ("auto", etc.) are more eager to
-   unfold "definitions" of free variables than of constants (cf. PUZ107^5). *)
-fun freeze_problem_consts thy =
-  let val is_problem_const = String.isPrefix (problem_const_prefix thy) in
-    map_aterms
-      (fn t as Const (s, T) => if is_problem_const s then Free (Long_Name.base_name s, T) else t
-        | t => t)
-  end
 fun make_conj (defs, nondefs) conjs =
   Logic.list_implies (rev defs @ rev nondefs, case conjs of conj :: _ => conj | [] => \<^prop>\<open>False\<close>)
@@ -271,27 +261,27 @@
 fun sledgehammer_tptp_file thy timeout file_name =
-    val (conjs, assms, ctxt) = read_tptp_file thy (freeze_problem_consts thy o snd) file_name
+    val (conjs, assms, lthy) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
     val conj = make_conj ([], []) conjs
     val assms = op @ assms
-    can_tac ctxt (fn ctxt => sledgehammer_tac true ctxt timeout assms 1) conj
+    can_tac lthy (fn lthy => sledgehammer_tac true lthy timeout assms 1) conj
     |> print_szs_of_success conjs
 fun generic_isabelle_tptp_file demo thy timeout file_name =
-    val (conjs, assms, ctxt) = read_tptp_file thy (freeze_problem_consts thy o snd) file_name
+    val (conjs, assms, lthy) = read_tptp_file thy snd file_name
     val conj = make_conj ([], []) conjs
     val full_conj = make_conj assms conjs
     val assms = op @ assms
     val (last_hope_atp, last_hope_completeness) =
       if demo then (ATP_Proof.satallaxN, 0) else (ATP_Proof.vampireN, 2)
-    (can_tac ctxt (fn ctxt => auto_etc_tac ctxt (timeout div 2) assms 1) full_conj orelse
-     can_tac ctxt (fn ctxt => sledgehammer_tac demo ctxt (timeout div 2) assms 1) conj orelse
-     can_tac ctxt (fn ctxt => SOLVE_TIMEOUT timeout (last_hope_atp ^ "(*)")
-       (atp_tac ctxt last_hope_completeness [] timeout assms last_hope_atp 1)) full_conj)
+    (can_tac lthy (fn lthy => auto_etc_tac lthy (timeout div 2) assms 1) full_conj orelse
+     can_tac lthy (fn lthy => sledgehammer_tac demo lthy (timeout div 2) assms 1) conj orelse
+     can_tac lthy (fn lthy => SOLVE_TIMEOUT timeout (last_hope_atp ^ "(*)")
+       (atp_tac lthy last_hope_completeness [] timeout assms last_hope_atp 1)) full_conj)
     |> print_szs_of_success conjs
@@ -303,7 +293,7 @@
 fun translate_tptp_file thy format_str file_name =
-    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), ctxt) = read_tptp_file thy I file_name
+    val (conjs, (defs, nondefs), lthy) = read_tptp_file thy I file_name
     val conj = make_conj ([], []) (map snd conjs)
     val (format, type_enc, lam_trans) =
@@ -322,11 +312,11 @@
       map (apfst (rpair (Global, Non_Rec_Def))) defs @
       map (apfst (rpair (Global, General))) nondefs
     val (atp_problem, _, _, _) =
-      generate_atp_problem ctxt generate_info format Hypothesis (type_enc_of_string Strict type_enc)
+      generate_atp_problem lthy generate_info format Hypothesis (type_enc_of_string Strict type_enc)
         lam_trans uncurried_aliases readable_names presimp [] conj facts
-    val ord = effective_term_order ctxt spassN
+    val ord = effective_term_order lthy spassN
     val ord_info = K []
     val lines = lines_of_atp_problem format ord ord_info atp_problem