Inserted warning about defs with extra vars on rhs.
--- a/doc-src/Intro/advanced.tex Thu Nov 23 13:52:53 1995 +0100
+++ b/doc-src/Intro/advanced.tex Fri Nov 24 09:27:19 1995 +0100
@@ -437,6 +437,19 @@
+A common mistake when writing definitions is to introduce extra free variables
+on the right-hard side as in the following fictitious definition:
+defs prime_def "prime(p) == (m divides p) --> (m=1 | m=p)"
+Isabelle rejects this ``definition'' because of the extra {\tt m} on the
+right-hard side, which would introduce an inconsistency. What you should have
+written is
+defs prime_def "prime(p) == ALL m. (m divides p) --> (m=1 | m=p)"
\subsection{Declaring type constructors}