using a signature in core_data and moving some more functions to core_data
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 19:13:10 +0200
changeset 40053 3fa49ea76cbb
parent 40052 ea46574ca815
child 40054 cd7b1fa20bce
using a signature in core_data and moving some more functions to core_data
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -1,9 +1,99 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/core_data.ML
+    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
-structure Core_Data =
+Data of the predicate compiler core
+signature CORE_DATA =
+  type mode = Predicate_Compile_Aux.mode
+  type compilation = Predicate_Compile_Aux.compilation
+  type compilation_funs = Predicate_Compile_Aux.compilation_funs
+  datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
+    definition : thm,
+    intro : thm,
+    elim : thm,
+    neg_intro : thm option
+  };
+  datatype pred_data = PredData of {
+    intros : (string option * thm) list,
+    elim : thm option,
+    preprocessed : bool,
+    function_names : (compilation * (mode * string) list) list,
+    predfun_data : (mode * predfun_data) list,
+    needs_random : mode list
+  };
+  (* general operations *)
+  val unify_consts : theory -> term list -> term list -> (term list * term list)
+  val mk_casesrule : Proof.context -> term -> thm list -> term
+  val preprocess_intro : theory -> thm -> thm
+  structure PredData : THEORY_DATA
+  (* queries *)
+  val defined_functions : compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> bool
+  val is_registered : Proof.context -> string -> bool
+  val function_name_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode -> string
+  val the_elim_of : Proof.context -> string -> thm
+  val has_elim : Proof.context -> string -> bool
+  val needs_random : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> bool
+  val predfun_intro_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
+  val predfun_neg_intro_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm option
+  val predfun_elim_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
+  val predfun_definition_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
+  val all_preds_of : Proof.context -> string list
+  val modes_of: compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode list
+  val all_modes_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
+  val all_random_modes_of : Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
+  val intros_of : Proof.context -> string -> thm list
+  val names_of : Proof.context -> string -> string option list
+  val intros_graph_of : Proof.context -> thm list Graph.T
+  (* updaters *)
+  val register_predicate : (string * thm list * thm) -> theory -> theory
+  val register_intros : string * thm list -> theory -> theory
+  (* FIXME: naming of function is strange *)
+  val defined_function_of : compilation -> string -> theory -> theory
+  val add_intro : string option * thm -> theory -> theory
+  val set_elim : thm -> theory -> theory
+  val set_function_name : compilation -> string -> mode -> string -> theory -> theory
+  val add_predfun_data : string -> mode -> thm * ((thm * thm) * thm option) -> theory -> theory
+  val set_needs_random : string -> mode list -> theory -> theory
+  (* sophisticated updaters *)
+  val extend_intro_graph : string list -> theory -> theory
+  val preprocess_intros : string -> theory -> theory
+  (* alternative function definitions *)
+  val register_alternative_function : string -> mode -> string -> theory -> theory
+  val alternative_compilation_of_global : theory -> string -> mode ->
+    (compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
+  val alternative_compilation_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode ->
+    (compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
+  val functional_compilation : string -> mode -> compilation_funs -> typ -> term
+  val force_modes_and_functions : string -> (mode * (string * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
+  val force_modes_and_compilations : string ->
+    (mode * ((compilation_funs -> typ -> term) * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
+structure Core_Data : CORE_DATA =
 open Predicate_Compile_Aux;
+(* FIXME: should be moved to Predicate_Compile_Aux *)
+val strip_intro_concl = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o prop_of)
 (* book-keeping *)
 datatype predfun_data = PredfunData of {
@@ -124,6 +214,330 @@
 val intros_graph_of = (K (map snd o #intros o rep_pred_data)) o PredData.get o ProofContext.theory_of
+(** preprocessing rules **)
+fun Trueprop_conv cv ct =
+  case Thm.term_of ct of
+    Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ _ => Conv.arg_conv cv ct  
+  | _ => raise Fail "Trueprop_conv"
+fun preprocess_equality thy rule =
+  Conv.fconv_rule
+    (imp_prems_conv
+      (Trueprop_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv (Thm.symmetric @{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq})))))
+    (Thm.transfer thy rule)
+fun preprocess_intro thy = expand_tuples thy #> preprocess_equality thy
+(* importing introduction rules *)
+fun unify_consts thy cs intr_ts =
+  (let
+     val add_term_consts_2 = fold_aterms (fn Const c => insert (op =) c | _ => I);
+     fun varify (t, (i, ts)) =
+       let val t' = map_types (Logic.incr_tvar (i + 1)) (#2 (Type.varify_global [] t))
+       in (maxidx_of_term t', t'::ts) end;
+     val (i, cs') = List.foldr varify (~1, []) cs;
+     val (i', intr_ts') = List.foldr varify (i, []) intr_ts;
+     val rec_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 cs' [];
+     val intr_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 intr_ts' [];
+     fun unify (cname, cT) =
+       let val consts = map snd (filter (fn c => fst c = cname) intr_consts)
+       in fold (Sign.typ_unify thy) ((replicate (length consts) cT) ~~ consts) end;
+     val (env, _) = fold unify rec_consts (Vartab.empty, i');
+     val subst = map_types (Envir.norm_type env)
+   in (map subst cs', map subst intr_ts')
+   end) handle Type.TUNIFY =>
+     (warning "Occurrences of recursive constant have non-unifiable types"; (cs, intr_ts));
+fun import_intros inp_pred [] ctxt =
+  let
+    val ([outp_pred], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [inp_pred] ctxt
+    val T = fastype_of outp_pred
+    val paramTs = ho_argsT_of_typ (binder_types T)
+    val (param_names, ctxt'') = Variable.variant_fixes
+      (map (fn i => "p" ^ (string_of_int i)) (1 upto (length paramTs))) ctxt'
+    val params = map2 (curry Free) param_names paramTs
+  in
+    (((outp_pred, params), []), ctxt')
+  end
+  | import_intros inp_pred (th :: ths) ctxt =
+    let
+      val ((_, [th']), ctxt') = Variable.import true [th] ctxt
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt'
+      val (pred, args) = strip_intro_concl th'
+      val T = fastype_of pred
+      val ho_args = ho_args_of_typ T args
+      fun subst_of (pred', pred) =
+        let
+          val subst = Sign.typ_match thy (fastype_of pred', fastype_of pred) Vartab.empty
+            handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => error ("Type mismatch of predicate " ^ fst (dest_Const pred)
+            ^ " (trying to match " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of pred')
+            ^ " and " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of pred) ^ ")"
+            ^ " in " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)
+        in map (fn (indexname, (s, T)) => ((indexname, s), T)) (Vartab.dest subst) end
+      fun instantiate_typ th =
+        let
+          val (pred', _) = strip_intro_concl th
+          val _ = if not (fst (dest_Const pred) = fst (dest_Const pred')) then
+            raise Fail "Trying to instantiate another predicate" else ()
+        in Thm.certify_instantiate (subst_of (pred', pred), []) th end;
+      fun instantiate_ho_args th =
+        let
+          val (_, args') = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o prop_of) th
+          val ho_args' = map dest_Var (ho_args_of_typ T args')
+        in Thm.certify_instantiate ([], ho_args' ~~ ho_args) th end
+      val outp_pred =
+        Term_Subst.instantiate (subst_of (inp_pred, pred), []) inp_pred
+      val ((_, ths'), ctxt1) =
+        Variable.import false (map (instantiate_typ #> instantiate_ho_args) ths) ctxt'
+    in
+      (((outp_pred, ho_args), th' :: ths'), ctxt1)
+    end
+(* generation of case rules from user-given introduction rules *)
+fun mk_args2 (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) st =
+    let
+      val (t1, st') = mk_args2 T1 st
+      val (t2, st'') = mk_args2 T2 st'
+    in
+      (HOLogic.mk_prod (t1, t2), st'')
+    end
+  (*| mk_args2 (T as Type ("fun", _)) (params, ctxt) = 
+    let
+      val (S, U) = strip_type T
+    in
+      if U = HOLogic.boolT then
+        (hd params, (tl params, ctxt))
+      else
+        let
+          val ([x], ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes ["x"] ctxt
+        in
+          (Free (x, T), (params, ctxt'))
+        end
+    end*)
+  | mk_args2 T (params, ctxt) =
+    let
+      val ([x], ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes ["x"] ctxt
+    in
+      (Free (x, T), (params, ctxt'))
+    end
+fun mk_casesrule ctxt pred introrules =
+  let
+    (* TODO: can be simplified if parameters are not treated specially ? *)
+    val (((pred, params), intros_th), ctxt1) = import_intros pred introrules ctxt
+    (* TODO: distinct required ? -- test case with more than one parameter! *)
+    val params = distinct (op aconv) params
+    val intros = map prop_of intros_th
+    val ([propname], ctxt2) = Variable.variant_fixes ["thesis"] ctxt1
+    val prop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Free (propname, HOLogic.boolT))
+    val argsT = binder_types (fastype_of pred)
+    (* TODO: can be simplified if parameters are not treated specially ? <-- see uncommented code! *)
+    val (argvs, _) = fold_map mk_args2 argsT (params, ctxt2)
+    fun mk_case intro =
+      let
+        val (_, args) = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl) intro
+        val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems intro
+        val eqprems =
+          map2 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo (curry HOLogic.mk_eq)) argvs args
+        val frees = map Free (fold Term.add_frees (args @ prems) [])
+      in fold Logic.all frees (Logic.list_implies (eqprems @ prems, prop)) end
+    val assm = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, argvs))
+    val cases = map mk_case intros
+  in Logic.list_implies (assm :: cases, prop) end;
+fun prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_cases_rule, nparams)) cases_rule =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val nargs = length (binder_types (fastype_of pred))
+    fun PEEK f dependent_tactic st = dependent_tactic (f st) st
+    fun meta_eq_of th = th RS @{thm eq_reflection}
+    val tuple_rew_rules = map meta_eq_of [@{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm Pair_eq}]
+    fun instantiate i n {context = ctxt, params = p, prems = prems,
+      asms = a, concl = cl, schematics = s}  =
+      let
+        fun term_pair_of (ix, (ty,t)) = (Var (ix,ty), t)
+        fun inst_of_matches tts = fold (Pattern.match thy) tts (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
+          |> snd |> Vartab.dest |> map (pairself (cterm_of thy) o term_pair_of)
+        val (cases, (eqs, prems)) = apsnd (chop (nargs - nparams)) (chop n prems)
+        val case_th = MetaSimplifier.simplify true
+          (@{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq} :: map meta_eq_of eqs) (nth cases (i - 1))
+        val prems' = maps (dest_conjunct_prem o MetaSimplifier.simplify true tuple_rew_rules) prems
+        val pats = map (swap o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) (take nargs (prems_of case_th))
+        val case_th' = Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches pats) case_th
+          OF (replicate nargs @{thm refl})
+        val thesis =
+          Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches (prems_of case_th' ~~ map prop_of prems')) case_th'
+            OF prems'
+      in
+        (rtac thesis 1)
+      end
+    val tac =
+      etac pre_cases_rule 1
+      THEN
+      (PEEK nprems_of
+        (fn n =>
+          ALLGOALS (fn i =>
+            MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac [@{thm split_paired_all}] i
+            THEN (SUBPROOF (instantiate i n) ctxt i))))
+  in
+    Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names cases_rule []) [] cases_rule (fn _ => tac)
+  end
+(* updaters *)
+(* fetching introduction rules or registering introduction rules *)
+val no_compilation = ([], ([], []))
+fun fetch_pred_data ctxt name =
+  case try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name of
+    SOME (info as (_, result)) => 
+      let
+        fun is_intro_of intro =
+          let
+            val (const, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of intro))
+          in (fst (dest_Const const) = name) end;
+        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val intros = map (preprocess_intro thy) (filter is_intro_of (#intrs result))
+        val index = find_index (fn s => s = name) (#names (fst info))
+        val pre_elim = nth (#elims result) index
+        val pred = nth (#preds result) index
+        val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred intros
+        val nparams = length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
+        val elim = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_elim, nparams)) elim_t
+      in
+        mk_pred_data (((map (pair NONE) intros, SOME elim), true), no_compilation)
+      end
+  | NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name)
+fun add_predfun_data name mode data =
+  let
+    val add = (apsnd o apsnd o apfst) (cons (mode, mk_predfun_data data))
+  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data add)) end
+fun is_inductive_predicate ctxt name =
+  is_some (try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name)
+fun depending_preds_of ctxt (key, value) =
+  let
+    val intros = map (Thm.prop_of o snd) ((#intros o rep_pred_data) value)
+  in
+    fold Term.add_const_names intros []
+      |> (fn cs =>
+        if member (op =) cs @{const_name "HOL.eq"} then
+          insert (op =) @{const_name Predicate.eq} cs
+        else cs)
+      |> filter (fn c => (not (c = key)) andalso
+        (is_inductive_predicate ctxt c orelse is_registered ctxt c))
+  end;
+fun add_intro (opt_case_name, thm) thy =
+  let
+    val (name, T) = dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl thm))
+    fun cons_intro gr =
+     case try (Graph.get_node gr) name of
+       SOME pred_data => Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data
+         (apfst (apfst (apfst (fn intros => intros @ [(opt_case_name, thm)]))))) gr
+     | NONE => Graph.new_node (name, mk_pred_data ((([(opt_case_name, thm)], NONE), false), no_compilation)) gr
+  in cons_intro thy end
+fun set_elim thm =
+  let
+    val (name, _) = dest_Const (fst 
+      (strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd (prems_of thm)))))
+  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst (apfst (apsnd (K (SOME thm))))))) end
+fun register_predicate (constname, intros, elim) thy =
+  let
+    val named_intros = map (pair NONE) intros
+  in
+    if not (member (op =) (Graph.keys (PredData.get thy)) constname) then
+        (Graph.new_node (constname,
+          mk_pred_data (((named_intros, SOME elim), false), no_compilation))) thy
+    else thy
+  end
+fun register_intros (constname, pre_intros) thy =
+  let
+    val T = Sign.the_const_type thy constname
+    fun constname_of_intro intr = fst (dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl intr)))
+    val _ = if not (forall (fn intr => constname_of_intro intr = constname) pre_intros) then
+      error ("register_intros: Introduction rules of different constants are used\n" ^
+        "expected rules for " ^ constname ^ ", but received rules for " ^
+          commas (map constname_of_intro pre_intros))
+      else ()
+    val pred = Const (constname, T)
+    val pre_elim = 
+      (Drule.export_without_context o Skip_Proof.make_thm thy)
+      (mk_casesrule (ProofContext.init_global thy) pred pre_intros)
+  in register_predicate (constname, pre_intros, pre_elim) thy end
+fun defined_function_of compilation pred =
+  let
+    val set = (apsnd o apfst) (cons (compilation, []))
+  in
+ (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
+  end
+fun set_function_name compilation pred mode name =
+  let
+    val set = (apsnd o apfst)
+      (AList.map_default (op =) (compilation, [(mode, name)]) (cons (mode, name)))
+  in
+ (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
+  end
+fun set_needs_random name modes =
+  let
+    val set = (apsnd o apsnd o apsnd) (K modes)
+  in
+ (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data set))
+  end  
+fun extend' value_of edges_of key (G, visited) =
+  let
+    val (G', v) = case try (Graph.get_node G) key of
+        SOME v => (G, v)
+      | NONE => (Graph.new_node (key, value_of key) G, value_of key)
+    val (G'', visited') = fold (extend' value_of edges_of)
+      (subtract (op =) visited (edges_of (key, v)))
+      (G', key :: visited)
+  in
+    (fold (Graph.add_edge o (pair key)) (edges_of (key, v)) G'', visited')
+  end;
+fun extend value_of edges_of key G = fst (extend' value_of edges_of key (G, [])) 
+fun extend_intro_graph names thy =
+  let
+    val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
+  in
+ (fold (extend (fetch_pred_data ctxt) (depending_preds_of ctxt)) names) thy
+  end
+fun preprocess_intros name thy =
+ (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst (fn (rules, preprocessed) =>
+    if preprocessed then (rules, preprocessed)
+    else
+      let
+        val (named_intros, SOME elim) = rules
+        val named_intros' = map (apsnd (preprocess_intro thy)) named_intros
+        val pred = Const (name, Sign.the_const_type thy name)
+        val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
+        val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred (map snd named_intros')
+        val nparams = (case try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name of
+            SOME (_, result) => length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
+          | NONE => 0)
+        val elim' = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (elim, 0)) elim_t
+      in
+        ((named_intros', SOME elim'), true)
+      end))))
+    thy  
 (* registration of alternative function names *)
 structure Alt_Compilations_Data = Theory_Data
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 fun preprocess_strong_conn_constnames options gr ts thy =
   if forall (fn (Const (c, _)) =>
-      Predicate_Compile_Core.is_registered (ProofContext.init_global thy) c) ts then
+      Core_Data.is_registered (ProofContext.init_global thy) c) ts then
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
       val intross10 = map_specs (map_filter (peephole_optimisation thy3)) intross9
       val _ = print_intross options thy3 "introduction rules before registering: " intross10
       val _ = print_step options "Registering introduction rules..."
-      val thy4 = fold Predicate_Compile_Core.register_intros intross10 thy3
+      val thy4 = fold Core_Data.register_intros intross10 thy3
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_core.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -16,33 +16,9 @@
   val code_pred_cmd : options -> string -> Proof.context -> Proof.state
   val values_cmd : string list -> mode option list option
     -> ((string option * bool) * (compilation * int list)) -> int -> string -> Toplevel.state -> unit
-  val register_predicate : (string * thm list * thm) -> theory -> theory
-  val register_intros : string * thm list -> theory -> theory
-  val is_registered : Proof.context -> string -> bool
-  val function_name_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode -> string
-  val predfun_intro_of: Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val predfun_elim_of: Proof.context -> string -> mode -> thm
-  val all_preds_of : Proof.context -> string list
-  val modes_of: compilation -> Proof.context -> string -> mode list
-  val all_modes_of : compilation -> Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
-  val all_random_modes_of : Proof.context -> (string * mode list) list
-  val intros_of : Proof.context -> string -> thm list
-  val intros_graph_of : Proof.context -> thm list Graph.T
-  val add_intro : string option * thm -> theory -> theory
-  val set_elim : thm -> theory -> theory
-  val register_alternative_function : string -> mode -> string -> theory -> theory
-  val alternative_compilation_of_global : theory -> string -> mode ->
-    (compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
-  val alternative_compilation_of : Proof.context -> string -> mode ->
-    (compilation_funs -> typ -> term) option
-  val functional_compilation : string -> mode -> compilation_funs -> typ -> term
-  val force_modes_and_functions : string -> (mode * (string * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
-  val force_modes_and_compilations : string ->
-    (mode * ((compilation_funs -> typ -> term) * bool)) list -> theory -> theory
-  val preprocess_intro : theory -> thm -> thm
   val print_stored_rules : Proof.context -> unit
   val print_all_modes : compilation -> Proof.context -> unit
-  val mk_casesrule : Proof.context -> term -> thm list -> term
   val put_pred_result : (unit -> term Predicate.pred) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val put_pred_random_result : (unit -> int * int -> term Predicate.pred * (int * int)) ->
@@ -128,8 +104,6 @@
   Const(@{const_name Code_Evaluation.tracing},
     @{typ String.literal} --> (fastype_of t) --> (fastype_of t)) $ (HOLogic.mk_literal s) $ t
-val strip_intro_concl = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o prop_of)
 (* representation of inferred clauses with modes *)
 type moded_clause = term list * (indprem * mode_derivation) list
@@ -264,289 +238,6 @@
-(* importing introduction rules *)
-fun unify_consts thy cs intr_ts =
-  (let
-     val add_term_consts_2 = fold_aterms (fn Const c => insert (op =) c | _ => I);
-     fun varify (t, (i, ts)) =
-       let val t' = map_types (Logic.incr_tvar (i + 1)) (#2 (Type.varify_global [] t))
-       in (maxidx_of_term t', t'::ts) end;
-     val (i, cs') = List.foldr varify (~1, []) cs;
-     val (i', intr_ts') = List.foldr varify (i, []) intr_ts;
-     val rec_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 cs' [];
-     val intr_consts = fold add_term_consts_2 intr_ts' [];
-     fun unify (cname, cT) =
-       let val consts = map snd (filter (fn c => fst c = cname) intr_consts)
-       in fold (Sign.typ_unify thy) ((replicate (length consts) cT) ~~ consts) end;
-     val (env, _) = fold unify rec_consts (Vartab.empty, i');
-     val subst = map_types (Envir.norm_type env)
-   in (map subst cs', map subst intr_ts')
-   end) handle Type.TUNIFY =>
-     (warning "Occurrences of recursive constant have non-unifiable types"; (cs, intr_ts));
-fun import_intros inp_pred [] ctxt =
-  let
-    val ([outp_pred], ctxt') = Variable.import_terms true [inp_pred] ctxt
-    val T = fastype_of outp_pred
-    val paramTs = ho_argsT_of_typ (binder_types T)
-    val (param_names, ctxt'') = Variable.variant_fixes
-      (map (fn i => "p" ^ (string_of_int i)) (1 upto (length paramTs))) ctxt'
-    val params = map2 (curry Free) param_names paramTs
-  in
-    (((outp_pred, params), []), ctxt')
-  end
-  | import_intros inp_pred (th :: ths) ctxt =
-    let
-      val ((_, [th']), ctxt') = Variable.import true [th] ctxt
-      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt'
-      val (pred, args) = strip_intro_concl th'
-      val T = fastype_of pred
-      val ho_args = ho_args_of_typ T args
-      fun subst_of (pred', pred) =
-        let
-          val subst = Sign.typ_match thy (fastype_of pred', fastype_of pred) Vartab.empty
-            handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => error ("Type mismatch of predicate " ^ fst (dest_Const pred)
-            ^ " (trying to match " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of pred')
-            ^ " and " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of pred) ^ ")"
-            ^ " in " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)
-        in map (fn (indexname, (s, T)) => ((indexname, s), T)) (Vartab.dest subst) end
-      fun instantiate_typ th =
-        let
-          val (pred', _) = strip_intro_concl th
-          val _ = if not (fst (dest_Const pred) = fst (dest_Const pred')) then
-            raise Fail "Trying to instantiate another predicate" else ()
-        in Thm.certify_instantiate (subst_of (pred', pred), []) th end;
-      fun instantiate_ho_args th =
-        let
-          val (_, args') = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o prop_of) th
-          val ho_args' = map dest_Var (ho_args_of_typ T args')
-        in Thm.certify_instantiate ([], ho_args' ~~ ho_args) th end
-      val outp_pred =
-        Term_Subst.instantiate (subst_of (inp_pred, pred), []) inp_pred
-      val ((_, ths'), ctxt1) =
-        Variable.import false (map (instantiate_typ #> instantiate_ho_args) ths) ctxt'
-    in
-      (((outp_pred, ho_args), th' :: ths'), ctxt1)
-    end
-(* generation of case rules from user-given introduction rules *)
-fun mk_args2 (Type (@{type_name}, [T1, T2])) st =
-    let
-      val (t1, st') = mk_args2 T1 st
-      val (t2, st'') = mk_args2 T2 st'
-    in
-      (HOLogic.mk_prod (t1, t2), st'')
-    end
-  (*| mk_args2 (T as Type ("fun", _)) (params, ctxt) = 
-    let
-      val (S, U) = strip_type T
-    in
-      if U = HOLogic.boolT then
-        (hd params, (tl params, ctxt))
-      else
-        let
-          val ([x], ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes ["x"] ctxt
-        in
-          (Free (x, T), (params, ctxt'))
-        end
-    end*)
-  | mk_args2 T (params, ctxt) =
-    let
-      val ([x], ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes ["x"] ctxt
-    in
-      (Free (x, T), (params, ctxt'))
-    end
-fun mk_casesrule ctxt pred introrules =
-  let
-    (* TODO: can be simplified if parameters are not treated specially ? *)
-    val (((pred, params), intros_th), ctxt1) = import_intros pred introrules ctxt
-    (* TODO: distinct required ? -- test case with more than one parameter! *)
-    val params = distinct (op aconv) params
-    val intros = map prop_of intros_th
-    val ([propname], ctxt2) = Variable.variant_fixes ["thesis"] ctxt1
-    val prop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Free (propname, HOLogic.boolT))
-    val argsT = binder_types (fastype_of pred)
-    (* TODO: can be simplified if parameters are not treated specially ? <-- see uncommented code! *)
-    val (argvs, _) = fold_map mk_args2 argsT (params, ctxt2)
-    fun mk_case intro =
-      let
-        val (_, args) = (strip_comb o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl) intro
-        val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems intro
-        val eqprems =
-          map2 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop oo (curry HOLogic.mk_eq)) argvs args
-        val frees = map Free (fold Term.add_frees (args @ prems) [])
-      in fold Logic.all frees (Logic.list_implies (eqprems @ prems, prop)) end
-    val assm = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (list_comb (pred, argvs))
-    val cases = map mk_case intros
-  in Logic.list_implies (assm :: cases, prop) end;
-fun prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_cases_rule, nparams)) cases_rule =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    val nargs = length (binder_types (fastype_of pred))
-    fun PEEK f dependent_tactic st = dependent_tactic (f st) st
-    fun meta_eq_of th = th RS @{thm eq_reflection}
-    val tuple_rew_rules = map meta_eq_of [@{thm fst_conv}, @{thm snd_conv}, @{thm Pair_eq}]
-    fun instantiate i n {context = ctxt, params = p, prems = prems,
-      asms = a, concl = cl, schematics = s}  =
-      let
-        fun term_pair_of (ix, (ty,t)) = (Var (ix,ty), t)
-        fun inst_of_matches tts = fold (Pattern.match thy) tts (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
-          |> snd |> Vartab.dest |> map (pairself (cterm_of thy) o term_pair_of)
-        val (cases, (eqs, prems)) = apsnd (chop (nargs - nparams)) (chop n prems)
-        val case_th = MetaSimplifier.simplify true
-          (@{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq} :: map meta_eq_of eqs) (nth cases (i - 1))
-        val prems' = maps (dest_conjunct_prem o MetaSimplifier.simplify true tuple_rew_rules) prems
-        val pats = map (swap o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) (take nargs (prems_of case_th))
-        val case_th' = Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches pats) case_th
-          OF (replicate nargs @{thm refl})
-        val thesis =
-          Thm.instantiate ([], inst_of_matches (prems_of case_th' ~~ map prop_of prems')) case_th'
-            OF prems'
-      in
-        (rtac thesis 1)
-      end
-    val tac =
-      etac pre_cases_rule 1
-      THEN
-      (PEEK nprems_of
-        (fn n =>
-          ALLGOALS (fn i =>
-            MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goal_tac [@{thm split_paired_all}] i
-            THEN (SUBPROOF (instantiate i n) ctxt i))))
-  in
-    Goal.prove ctxt (Term.add_free_names cases_rule []) [] cases_rule (fn _ => tac)
-  end
-(** preprocessing rules **)
-fun Trueprop_conv cv ct =
-  case Thm.term_of ct of
-    Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ _ => Conv.arg_conv cv ct  
-  | _ => raise Fail "Trueprop_conv"
-fun preprocess_equality thy rule =
-  Conv.fconv_rule
-    (imp_prems_conv
-      (Trueprop_conv (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv (Thm.symmetric @{thm Predicate.eq_is_eq})))))
-    (Thm.transfer thy rule)
-fun preprocess_intro thy = expand_tuples thy #> preprocess_equality thy
-(* fetching introduction rules or registering introduction rules *)
-val no_compilation = ([], ([], []))
-fun fetch_pred_data ctxt name =
-  case try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name of
-    SOME (info as (_, result)) => 
-      let
-        fun is_intro_of intro =
-          let
-            val (const, _) = strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of intro))
-          in (fst (dest_Const const) = name) end;
-        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-        val intros = map (preprocess_intro thy) (filter is_intro_of (#intrs result))
-        val index = find_index (fn s => s = name) (#names (fst info))
-        val pre_elim = nth (#elims result) index
-        val pred = nth (#preds result) index
-        val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred intros
-        val nparams = length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
-        val elim = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (pre_elim, nparams)) elim_t
-      in
-        mk_pred_data (((map (pair NONE) intros, SOME elim), true), no_compilation)
-      end
-  | NONE => error ("No such predicate: " ^ quote name)
-fun add_predfun_data name mode data =
-  let
-    val add = (apsnd o apsnd o apfst) (cons (mode, mk_predfun_data data))
-  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data add)) end
-fun is_inductive_predicate ctxt name =
-  is_some (try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name)
-fun depending_preds_of ctxt (key, value) =
-  let
-    val intros = map (Thm.prop_of o snd) ((#intros o rep_pred_data) value)
-  in
-    fold Term.add_const_names intros []
-      |> (fn cs =>
-        if member (op =) cs @{const_name "HOL.eq"} then
-          insert (op =) @{const_name Predicate.eq} cs
-        else cs)
-      |> filter (fn c => (not (c = key)) andalso
-        (is_inductive_predicate ctxt c orelse is_registered ctxt c))
-  end;
-fun add_intro (opt_case_name, thm) thy =
-  let
-    val (name, T) = dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl thm))
-    fun cons_intro gr =
-     case try (Graph.get_node gr) name of
-       SOME pred_data => Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data
-         (apfst (apfst (apfst (fn intros => intros @ [(opt_case_name, thm)]))))) gr
-     | NONE => Graph.new_node (name, mk_pred_data ((([(opt_case_name, thm)], NONE), false), no_compilation)) gr
-  in cons_intro thy end
-fun set_elim thm =
-  let
-    val (name, _) = dest_Const (fst 
-      (strip_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (hd (prems_of thm)))))
-  in (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst (apfst (apsnd (K (SOME thm))))))) end
-fun register_predicate (constname, intros, elim) thy =
-  let
-    val named_intros = map (pair NONE) intros
-  in
-    if not (member (op =) (Graph.keys (PredData.get thy)) constname) then
-        (Graph.new_node (constname,
-          mk_pred_data (((named_intros, SOME elim), false), no_compilation))) thy
-    else thy
-  end
-fun register_intros (constname, pre_intros) thy =
-  let
-    val T = Sign.the_const_type thy constname
-    fun constname_of_intro intr = fst (dest_Const (fst (strip_intro_concl intr)))
-    val _ = if not (forall (fn intr => constname_of_intro intr = constname) pre_intros) then
-      error ("register_intros: Introduction rules of different constants are used\n" ^
-        "expected rules for " ^ constname ^ ", but received rules for " ^
-          commas (map constname_of_intro pre_intros))
-      else ()
-    val pred = Const (constname, T)
-    val pre_elim = 
-      (Drule.export_without_context o Skip_Proof.make_thm thy)
-      (mk_casesrule (ProofContext.init_global thy) pred pre_intros)
-  in register_predicate (constname, pre_intros, pre_elim) thy end
-fun defined_function_of compilation pred =
-  let
-    val set = (apsnd o apfst) (cons (compilation, []))
-  in
- (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
-  end
-fun set_function_name compilation pred mode name =
-  let
-    val set = (apsnd o apfst)
-      (AList.map_default (op =) (compilation, [(mode, name)]) (cons (mode, name)))
-  in
- (Graph.map_node pred (map_pred_data set))
-  end
-fun set_needs_random name modes =
-  let
-    val set = (apsnd o apsnd o apsnd) (K modes)
-  in
- (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data set))
-  end
 (* compilation modifiers *)
 structure Comp_Mod =
@@ -1719,51 +1410,16 @@
-fun extend' value_of edges_of key (G, visited) =
-  let
-    val (G', v) = case try (Graph.get_node G) key of
-        SOME v => (G, v)
-      | NONE => (Graph.new_node (key, value_of key) G, value_of key)
-    val (G'', visited') = fold (extend' value_of edges_of)
-      (subtract (op =) visited (edges_of (key, v)))
-      (G', key :: visited)
-  in
-    (fold (Graph.add_edge o (pair key)) (edges_of (key, v)) G'', visited')
-  end;
-fun extend value_of edges_of key G = fst (extend' value_of edges_of key (G, [])) 
 fun gen_add_equations steps options names thy =
     fun dest_steps (Steps s) = s
     val defined = defined_functions (Comp_Mod.compilation (#comp_modifiers (dest_steps steps)))
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
-    val thy' = thy
-      |> (fold (extend (fetch_pred_data ctxt) (depending_preds_of ctxt)) names)
-      |> Theory.checkpoint;
+    val thy' = extend_intro_graph names thy |> Theory.checkpoint;
     fun strong_conn_of gr keys =
       Graph.strong_conn (Graph.subgraph (member (op =) (Graph.all_succs gr keys)) gr)
     val scc = strong_conn_of (PredData.get thy') names
-    fun preprocess name thy =
- (Graph.map_node name (map_pred_data (apfst (fn (rules, preprocessed) =>
-        if preprocessed then (rules, preprocessed)
-        else
-          let
-            val (named_intros, SOME elim) = rules
-            val named_intros' = map (apsnd (preprocess_intro thy)) named_intros
-            val pred = Const (name, Sign.the_const_type thy name)
-            val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
-            val elim_t = mk_casesrule ctxt pred (map snd named_intros')
-            val nparams = (case try (Inductive.the_inductive ctxt) name of
-                SOME (_, result) => length (Inductive.params_of (#raw_induct result))
-              | NONE => 0)
-            val elim' = prove_casesrule ctxt (pred, (elim, 0)) elim_t
-          in
-            ((named_intros', SOME elim'), true)
-          end))))
-        thy
-    val thy'' = fold preprocess (flat scc) thy'
+    val thy'' = fold preprocess_intros (flat scc) thy'
     val thy''' = fold_rev
       (fn preds => fn thy =>
         if not (forall (defined (ProofContext.init_global thy)) preds) then
@@ -1930,9 +1586,7 @@
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy
     val const = prep_const thy raw_const
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
-    val lthy' = Local_Theory.background_theory (
-        (extend (fetch_pred_data ctxt) (depending_preds_of ctxt) const)) lthy
+    val lthy' = Local_Theory.background_theory (extend_intro_graph [const]) lthy
     val thy' = ProofContext.theory_of lthy'
     val ctxt' = ProofContext.init_global thy'
     val preds = Graph.all_succs (PredData.get thy') [const] |> filter_out (has_elim ctxt')
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_data.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_data.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
     val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy
     fun is_nondefining_const (c, T) = member (op =) logic_operator_names c
-    fun has_code_pred_intros (c, T) = can (Predicate_Compile_Core.intros_of ctxt) c
+    fun has_code_pred_intros (c, T) = can (Core_Data.intros_of ctxt) c
     fun case_consts (c, T) = is_some (Datatype.info_of_case thy c)
     fun is_datatype_constructor (c, T) = is_some (Datatype.info_of_constr thy (c, T))
     fun defiants_of specs =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_fun.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_fun.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
       fun functional_mode_of T =
         list_fun_mode (replicate (length (binder_types T)) Input @ [Output])
       val thy''' = fold
-        (fn (predname, Const (name, T)) => Predicate_Compile_Core.register_alternative_function
+        (fn (predname, Const (name, T)) => Core_Data.register_alternative_function
           predname (functional_mode_of T) name)
       (dst_prednames ~~ dst_funs) thy''
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_specialisation.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:09 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Predicate_Compile/predicate_compile_specialisation.ML	Thu Oct 21 19:13:10 2010 +0200
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     val optimised_intros =
       map_filter (Predicate_Compile_Aux.peephole_optimisation thy'') exported_intros
     val ([spec], thy''') = find_specialisations black_list [(constname, optimised_intros)] thy''
-    val thy'''' = Predicate_Compile_Core.register_intros spec thy'''
+    val thy'''' = Core_Data.register_intros spec thy'''
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
                     if member (op =) ((map fst specs) @ black_list) pred_name then
-                      (case try (Predicate_Compile_Core.intros_of (ProofContext.init_global thy)) pred_name of
+                      (case try (Core_Data.intros_of (ProofContext.init_global thy)) pred_name of
                         NONE => thy
                       | SOME [] => thy
                       | SOME intros =>