--- a/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML Fri Nov 09 00:11:52 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/symbol.ML Fri Nov 09 00:14:17 2001 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Generalized characters, independent of encoding.
+Generalized characters with infinitely many named symbols.
signature SYMBOL =
@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@
val source: bool -> (string, 'a) Source.source ->
(symbol, (string, 'a) Source.source) Source.source
val explode: string -> symbol list
- val input: string -> string
val default_indent: string * int -> string
val add_mode: string -> (string -> string * real) * (string * int -> string) -> unit
- val isabelle_fontN: string
val symbolsN: string
val xsymbolsN: string
val plain_output: string -> string
@@ -59,8 +57,8 @@
(b) printable symbols: \<ident>
(c) control symbols: \<^ident>
- input may include non-ASCII characters according to isabelle-0 encoding;
- output is subject to the print_mode variable (default: verbatim);
+ output is subject to the print_mode variable (default: verbatim),
+ actual interpretation in display is up to front-end tools;
type symbol = string;
@@ -133,135 +131,6 @@
-(** isabelle-0 encoding table **)
-val enc_start = 160;
-val enc_end = 255;
-val enc_vector =
-(* GENERATED TEXT FOLLOWS - Do not edit! *)
- "\\<spacespace>",
- "\\<Gamma>",
- "\\<Delta>",
- "\\<Theta>",
- "\\<Lambda>",
- "\\<Pi>",
- "\\<Sigma>",
- "\\<Phi>",
- "\\<Psi>",
- "\\<Omega>",
- "\\<alpha>",
- "\\<beta>",
- "\\<gamma>",
- "\\<delta>",
- "\\<epsilon>",
- "\\<zeta>",
- "\\<eta>",
- "\\<theta>",
- "\\<kappa>",
- "\\<lambda>",
- "\\<mu>",
- "\\<nu>",
- "\\<xi>",
- "\\<pi>",
- "\\<rho>",
- "\\<sigma>",
- "\\<tau>",
- "\\<phi>",
- "\\<chi>",
- "\\<psi>",
- "\\<omega>",
- "\\<not>",
- "\\<and>",
- "\\<or>",
- "\\<forall>",
- "\\<exists>",
- "\\<And>",
- "\\<lceil>",
- "\\<rceil>",
- "\\<lfloor>",
- "\\<rfloor>",
- "\\<turnstile>",
- "\\<Turnstile>",
- "\\<lbrakk>",
- "\\<rbrakk>",
- "\\<cdot>",
- "\\<in>",
- "\\<subseteq>",
- "\\<inter>",
- "\\<union>",
- "\\<Inter>",
- "\\<Union>",
- "\\<sqinter>",
- "\\<squnion>",
- "\\<Sqinter>",
- "\\<Squnion>",
- "\\<bottom>",
- "\\<doteq>",
- "\\<equiv>",
- "\\<noteq>",
- "\\<sqsubset>",
- "\\<sqsubseteq>",
- "\\<prec>",
- "\\<preceq>",
- "\\<succ>",
- "\\<approx>",
- "\\<sim>",
- "\\<simeq>",
- "\\<le>",
- "\\<Colon>",
- "\\<leftarrow>",
- "\\<midarrow>",
- "\\<rightarrow>",
- "\\<Leftarrow>",
- "\\<Midarrow>",
- "\\<Rightarrow>",
- "\\<frown>",
- "\\<mapsto>",
- "\\<leadsto>",
- "\\<up>",
- "\\<down>",
- "\\<notin>",
- "\\<times>",
- "\\<oplus>",
- "\\<ominus>",
- "\\<otimes>",
- "\\<oslash>",
- "\\<subset>",
- "\\<infinity>",
- "\\<box>",
- "\\<diamond>",
- "\\<circ>",
- "\\<bullet>",
- "\\<parallel>",
- "\\<surd>",
- "\\<copyright>"
-val enc_rel = enc_vector ~~ map chr (enc_start upto enc_end);
-val char_tab = Symtab.make enc_rel;
-val symbol_tab = Symtab.make (map swap enc_rel);
-fun lookup_symbol c =
- if ord c < enc_start then None
- else Symtab.lookup (symbol_tab, c);
-(* encode / decode *)
-fun char s = if_none (Symtab.lookup (char_tab, s)) s;
-fun symbol c = if_none (lookup_symbol c) c;
-fun symbol' c =
- (case lookup_symbol c of
- None => c
- | Some s => "\\" ^ s);
(** scanning through symbols **)
fun scanner msg scan chs =
@@ -301,21 +170,12 @@
fun no_syms [] = true
| no_syms ("\\" :: "<" :: _) = false
- | no_syms (c :: cs) = ord c < enc_start andalso no_syms cs;
+ | no_syms (_ :: cs) = no_syms cs;
fun sym_explode str =
let val chs = explode str in
if no_syms chs then chs (*tune trivial case*)
- else map symbol (the (Scan.read stopper (Scan.repeat scan) chs))
- end;
-(* input *)
-fun input str =
- let val chs = explode str in
- if forall (fn c => ord c < enc_start) chs then str
- else implode (map symbol' chs)
+ else the (Scan.read stopper (Scan.repeat scan) chs)
@@ -333,22 +193,13 @@
fun default_indent (_: string, k) = spaces k;
-(* isabelle_font *)
-fun isabelle_font_output s =
- let val cs = sym_explode s
- in (implode (map char cs), real (sym_length cs)) end;
-val isabelle_font_indent = default_indent;
(* maintain modes *)
-val isabelle_fontN = "isabelle_font";
val symbolsN = "symbols";
val xsymbolsN = "xsymbols";
-val modes = ref (Symtab.make [(isabelle_fontN, (isabelle_font_output, isabelle_font_indent))]);
+val modes =
+ ref (Symtab.empty: ((string -> string * real) * (string * int -> string)) Symtab.table);
fun lookup_mode name = Symtab.lookup (! modes, name);
--- a/src/Sequents/LK0.thy Fri Nov 09 00:11:52 2001 +0100
+++ b/src/Sequents/LK0.thy Fri Nov 09 00:14:17 2001 +0100
@@ -40,21 +40,17 @@
"x ~= y" == "~ (x = y)"
-syntax (symbols)
+syntax (xsymbols)
Not :: o => o ("\\<not> _" [40] 40)
"op &" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<and>" 35)
"op |" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<or>" 30)
- "op -->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<midarrow>\\<rightarrow>" 25)
- "op <->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<leftarrow>\\<rightarrow>" 25)
+ "op -->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<longrightarrow>" 25)
+ "op <->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<longleftrightarrow>" 25)
"ALL " :: [idts, o] => o ("(3\\<forall>_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"EX " :: [idts, o] => o ("(3\\<exists>_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"EX! " :: [idts, o] => o ("(3\\<exists>!_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"op ~=" :: ['a, 'a] => o (infixl "\\<noteq>" 50)
-syntax (xsymbols)
- "op -->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<longrightarrow>" 25)
- "op <->" :: [o, o] => o (infixr "\\<longleftrightarrow>" 25)
syntax (HTML output)
Not :: o => o ("\\<not> _" [40] 40)