--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML Wed Sep 29 13:55:58 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML Wed Sep 29 14:02:33 1999 +0200
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
| Theorem of string * tag list
| Assume of cterm
| Implies_intr of cterm
- | Implies_intr_shyps
| Implies_intr_hyps
| Implies_elim
| Forall_intr of cterm
@@ -101,9 +100,7 @@
val concl_of : thm -> term
val cprop_of : thm -> cterm
val extra_shyps : thm -> sort list
- val force_strip_shyps : bool ref (* FIXME tmp (since 1995/08/01) *)
val strip_shyps : thm -> thm
- val implies_intr_shyps: thm -> thm
val get_axiom : theory -> xstring -> thm
val def_name : string -> string
val get_def : theory -> xstring -> thm
@@ -326,7 +323,6 @@
(*primitive inferences and compound versions of them*)
| Assume of cterm
| Implies_intr of cterm
- | Implies_intr_shyps
| Implies_intr_hyps
| Implies_elim
| Forall_intr of cterm
@@ -524,81 +520,47 @@
fun add_thms_shyps ([], Ss) = Ss
| add_thms_shyps (Thm {shyps, ...} :: ths, Ss) =
- add_thms_shyps (ths, union_sort(shyps,Ss));
+ add_thms_shyps (ths, union_sort (shyps, Ss));
(*get 'dangling' sort constraints of a thm*)
fun extra_shyps (th as Thm {shyps, ...}) =
- shyps \\ add_thm_sorts (th, []);
+ Term.rems_sort (shyps, add_thm_sorts (th, []));
(* fix_shyps *)
+fun all_sorts_nonempty sign_ref = is_some (Sign.univ_witness (Sign.deref sign_ref));
(*preserve sort contexts of rule premises and substituted types*)
-fun fix_shyps thms Ts thm =
- let
- val Thm {sign_ref, der, maxidx, hyps, prop, ...} = thm;
- val shyps =
- add_thm_sorts (thm, add_typs_sorts (Ts, add_thms_shyps (thms, [])));
- in
- Thm {sign_ref = sign_ref,
- der = der, (*No new derivation, as other rules call this*)
- maxidx = maxidx,
- shyps = shyps, hyps = hyps, prop = prop}
- end;
+fun fix_shyps thms Ts (thm as Thm {sign_ref, der, maxidx, hyps, prop, ...}) =
+ Thm
+ {sign_ref = sign_ref,
+ der = der, (*no new derivation, as other rules call this*)
+ maxidx = maxidx,
+ shyps =
+ if all_sorts_nonempty sign_ref then []
+ else add_thm_sorts (thm, add_typs_sorts (Ts, add_thms_shyps (thms, []))),
+ hyps = hyps, prop = prop}
-(* strip_shyps *) (* FIXME improve? (e.g. only minimal extra sorts) *)
-val force_strip_shyps = ref true; (* FIXME tmp (since 1995/08/01) *)
+(* strip_shyps *)
-(*remove extra sorts that are known to be syntactically non-empty*)
-fun strip_shyps thm =
- let
- val Thm {sign_ref, der, maxidx, shyps, hyps, prop} = thm;
- val sorts = add_thm_sorts (thm, []);
- val maybe_empty = not o Sign.nonempty_sort (Sign.deref sign_ref) sorts;
- val shyps' = filter (fn S => mem_sort(S,sorts) orelse maybe_empty S) shyps;
- in
- Thm {sign_ref = sign_ref, der = der, maxidx = maxidx,
- shyps =
- (if eq_set_sort (shyps',sorts) orelse
- not (!force_strip_shyps) then shyps'
- else (* FIXME tmp (since 1995/08/01) *)
- (warning ("Removed sort hypotheses: " ^
- commas (map Sorts.str_of_sort (shyps' \\ sorts)));
- warning "Let's hope these sorts are non-empty!";
- sorts)),
- hyps = hyps,
- prop = prop}
- end;
+(*remove extra sorts that are non-empty by virtue of type signature information*)
+fun strip_shyps (thm as Thm {shyps = [], ...}) = thm
+ | strip_shyps (thm as Thm {sign_ref, der, maxidx, shyps, hyps, prop}) =
+ let
+ val sign = Sign.deref sign_ref;
-(* implies_intr_shyps *)
+ val present_sorts = add_thm_sorts (thm, []);
+ val extra_shyps = Term.rems_sort (shyps, present_sorts);
+ val witnessed_shyps = Sign.witness_sorts sign present_sorts extra_shyps;
+ in
+ Thm {sign_ref = sign_ref, der = der, maxidx = maxidx,
+ shyps = Term.rems_sort (shyps, map #2 witnessed_shyps),
+ hyps = hyps, prop = prop}
+ end;
-(*discharge all extra sort hypotheses*)
-fun implies_intr_shyps thm =
- (case extra_shyps thm of
- [] => thm
- | xshyps =>
- let
- val Thm {sign_ref, der, maxidx, shyps, hyps, prop} = thm;
- val shyps' = ins_sort (logicS, shyps \\ xshyps);
- val used_names = foldr add_term_tfree_names (prop :: hyps, []);
- val names =
- tl (variantlist (replicate (length xshyps + 1) "'", used_names));
- val tfrees = map (TFree o rpair logicS) names;
- fun mk_insort (T, S) = map (Logic.mk_inclass o pair T) S;
- val sort_hyps = List.concat (map2 mk_insort (tfrees, xshyps));
- in
- Thm {sign_ref = sign_ref,
- der = infer_derivs (Implies_intr_shyps, [der]),
- maxidx = maxidx,
- shyps = shyps',
- hyps = hyps,
- prop = Logic.list_implies (sort_hyps, prop)}
- end);
(** Axioms **)