Tue, 31 May 2011 16:38:36 +0200
changeset 43093 40e50afbc203
parent 43092 93ec303e1917
child 43094 269300fb83d0
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_reconstruct.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_reconstruct.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@
 (* Type variables are given the basic sort "HOL.type". Some will later be
    constrained by information from type literals, or by type inference. *)
-fun typ_from_fo_term tfrees (u as ATerm (a, us)) =
-  let val Ts = map (typ_from_fo_term tfrees) us in
+fun typ_from_atp tfrees (u as ATerm (a, us)) =
+  let val Ts = map (typ_from_atp tfrees) us in
     case strip_prefix_and_unascii type_const_prefix a of
       SOME b => Type (invert_const b, Ts)
     | NONE =>
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
    type. *)
 fun type_constraint_from_term tfrees (u as ATerm (a, us)) =
   case (strip_prefix_and_unascii class_prefix a,
-        map (typ_from_fo_term tfrees) us) of
+        map (typ_from_atp tfrees) us) of
     (SOME b, [T]) => (b, T)
   | _ => raise FO_TERM [u]
@@ -410,20 +410,17 @@
     | _ => s
-fun num_type_args thy s =
-  (s, Sign.the_const_type thy s) |> Sign.const_typargs thy |> length
 (* First-order translation. No types are known for variables. "HOLogic.typeT"
    should allow them to be inferred. *)
-fun raw_term_from_pred thy sym_tab tfrees =
+fun term_from_atp thy sym_tab tfrees =
-    fun aux opt_T extra_us u =
+    fun do_term extra_us opt_T u =
       case u of
         ATerm (a, us) =>
         if String.isPrefix simple_type_prefix a then
           @{const True} (* ignore TPTP type information *)
         else if a = tptp_equal then
-          let val ts = map (aux NONE []) us in
+          let val ts = map (do_term [] NONE) us in
             if length ts = 2 andalso hd ts aconv List.last ts then
               (* Vampire is keen on producing these. *)
               @{const True}
@@ -438,12 +435,12 @@
             if s' = type_tag_name then
               case mangled_us @ us of
                 [typ_u, term_u] =>
-                aux (SOME (typ_from_fo_term tfrees typ_u)) extra_us term_u
+                do_term extra_us (SOME (typ_from_atp tfrees typ_u)) term_u
               | _ => raise FO_TERM us
             else if s' = predicator_name then
-              aux (SOME @{typ bool}) [] (hd us)
+              do_term [] (SOME @{typ bool}) (hd us)
             else if s' = app_op_name then
-              aux opt_T (nth us 1 :: extra_us) (hd us)
+              do_term (nth us 1 :: extra_us) opt_T (hd us)
             else if s' = type_pred_name then
               @{const True} (* ignore type predicates *)
@@ -454,13 +451,13 @@
                   chop num_ty_args us |>> append mangled_us
                 (* Extra args from "hAPP" come after any arguments given
                    directly to the constant. *)
-                val term_ts = map (aux NONE []) term_us
-                val extra_ts = map (aux NONE []) extra_us
+                val term_ts = map (do_term [] NONE) term_us
+                val extra_ts = map (do_term [] NONE) extra_us
                 val T =
                   if not (null type_us) andalso
                      num_type_args thy s' = length type_us then
-                    Sign.const_instance thy
-                        (s', map (typ_from_fo_term tfrees) type_us)
+                    (s', map (typ_from_atp tfrees) type_us)
+                    |> Sign.const_instance thy
                   else case opt_T of
                     SOME T => map fastype_of (term_ts @ extra_ts) ---> T
                   | NONE => HOLogic.typeT
@@ -469,7 +466,7 @@
         | NONE => (* a free or schematic variable *)
-            val ts = map (aux NONE []) (us @ extra_us)
+            val ts = map (do_term [] NONE) (us @ extra_us)
             val T = map fastype_of ts ---> HOLogic.typeT
             val t =
               case strip_prefix_and_unascii fixed_var_prefix a of
@@ -484,14 +481,14 @@
                     (* Skolem constants? *)
                     Var ((repair_tptp_variable_name Char.toUpper a, 0), T)
           in list_comb (t, ts) end
-  in aux (SOME HOLogic.boolT) [] end
+  in do_term [] end
-fun term_from_pred thy sym_tab tfrees pos (u as ATerm (s, _)) =
+fun term_from_atom thy sym_tab tfrees pos (u as ATerm (s, _)) =
   if String.isPrefix class_prefix s then
     add_type_constraint pos (type_constraint_from_term tfrees u)
     #> pair @{const True}
-    pair (raw_term_from_pred thy sym_tab tfrees u)
+    pair (term_from_atp thy sym_tab tfrees (SOME @{typ bool}) u)
 val combinator_table =
   [(@{const_name Meson.COMBI}, @{thm Meson.COMBI_def_raw}),
@@ -560,7 +557,7 @@
              | AIff => s_iff
              | ANotIff => s_not o s_iff
              | _ => raise Fail "unexpected connective")
-      | AAtom tm => term_from_pred thy sym_tab tfrees pos tm
+      | AAtom tm => term_from_atom thy sym_tab tfrees pos tm
       | _ => raise FORMULA [phi]
   in repair_tvar_sorts (do_formula true phi Vartab.empty) end
@@ -569,7 +566,7 @@
   #> Syntax.check_term
          (Proof_Context.set_mode Proof_Context.mode_schematic ctxt)
-(**** Translation of TSTP files to Isar Proofs ****)
+(**** Translation of TSTP files to Isar proofs ****)
 fun unvarify_term (Var ((s, 0), T)) = Free (s, T)
   | unvarify_term t = raise TERM ("unvarify_term: non-Var", [t])
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
   val make_fixed_const : string -> string
   val make_fixed_type_const : string -> string
   val make_type_class : string -> string
+  val new_skolem_var_name_from_const : string -> string
+  val num_type_args : theory -> string -> int
   val make_arity_clauses :
     theory -> string list -> class list -> class list * arity_clause list
   val make_class_rel_clauses :
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@
 val fact_prefix = "fact_"
 val conjecture_prefix = "conj_"
 val helper_prefix = "help_"
-val class_rel_clause_prefix = "crel_";
+val class_rel_clause_prefix = "crel_"
 val arity_clause_prefix = "arity_"
 val tfree_clause_prefix = "tfree_"
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@
   The character _ goes to __
   Characters in the range ASCII space to / go to _A to _P, respectively.
   Other characters go to _nnn where nnn is the decimal ASCII code.*)
-val upper_a_minus_space = Char.ord #"A" - Char.ord #" ";
+val upper_a_minus_space = Char.ord #"A" - Char.ord #" "
 fun stringN_of_int 0 _ = ""
   | stringN_of_int k n =
@@ -311,6 +313,20 @@
 fun make_type_class clas = class_prefix ^ ascii_of clas
+fun new_skolem_var_name_from_const s =
+  let val ss = s |> space_explode Long_Name.separator in
+    nth ss (length ss - 2)
+  end
+(* The number of type arguments of a constant, zero if it's monomorphic. For
+   (instances of) Skolem pseudoconstants, this information is encoded in the
+   constant name. *)
+fun num_type_args thy s =
+  if String.isPrefix skolem_const_prefix s then
+    s |> space_explode Long_Name.separator |> List.last |> Int.fromString |> the
+  else
+    (s, Sign.the_const_type thy s) |> Sign.const_typargs thy |> length
 (** Definitions and functions for FOL clauses and formulas for TPTP **)
 (* The first component is the type class; the second is a "TVar" or "TFree". *)
@@ -326,7 +342,7 @@
   TVarLit of name * name
 fun gen_TVars 0 = []
-  | gen_TVars n = ("T_" ^ string_of_int n) :: gen_TVars (n-1);
+  | gen_TVars n = ("T_" ^ string_of_int n) :: gen_TVars (n-1)
 fun pack_sort (_,[])  = []
   | pack_sort (tvar, "HOL.type" :: srt) =
@@ -370,13 +386,14 @@
 (*Generate all pairs (tycon,class,sorts) such that tycon belongs to class in theory thy
   provided its arguments have the corresponding sorts.*)
 fun type_class_pairs thy tycons classes =
-  let val alg = Sign.classes_of thy
-      fun domain_sorts tycon = Sorts.mg_domain alg tycon o single
-      fun add_class tycon class =
-        cons (class, domain_sorts tycon class)
-        handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => I
-      fun try_classes tycon = (tycon, fold (add_class tycon) classes [])
-  in  map try_classes tycons  end;
+  let
+    val alg = Sign.classes_of thy
+    fun domain_sorts tycon = Sorts.mg_domain alg tycon o single
+    fun add_class tycon class =
+      cons (class, domain_sorts tycon class)
+      handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => I
+    fun try_classes tycon = (tycon, fold (add_class tycon) classes [])
+  in map try_classes tycons end
 (*Proving one (tycon, class) membership may require proving others, so iterate.*)
 fun iter_type_class_pairs _ _ [] = ([], [])
@@ -385,7 +402,7 @@
           val newclasses = union_all (union_all (union_all (map (map #2 o #2) cpairs)))
             |> subtract (op =) classes |> subtract (op =) HOLogic.typeS
           val (classes', cpairs') = iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons newclasses
-      in (union (op =) classes' classes, union (op =) cpairs' cpairs) end;
+      in (union (op =) classes' classes, union (op =) cpairs' cpairs) end
 fun make_arity_clauses thy tycons =
   iter_type_class_pairs thy tycons ##> multi_arity_clause
@@ -413,7 +430,7 @@
    superclass = `make_type_class super}
 fun make_class_rel_clauses thy subs supers =
-  map make_class_rel_clause (class_pairs thy subs supers);
+  map make_class_rel_clause (class_pairs thy subs supers)
 datatype combterm =
   CombConst of name * typ * typ list |
@@ -601,14 +618,16 @@
     general_type_arg_policy type_sys
 (*Make literals for sorted type variables*)
-fun sorts_on_typs_aux (_, [])   = []
-  | sorts_on_typs_aux ((x,i),  s::ss) =
-      let val sorts = sorts_on_typs_aux ((x,i), ss)
-      in
-          if s = the_single @{sort HOL.type} then sorts
-          else if i = ~1 then TyLitFree (`make_type_class s, `make_fixed_type_var x) :: sorts
-          else TyLitVar (`make_type_class s, (make_schematic_type_var (x,i), x)) :: sorts
-      end;
+fun sorts_on_typs_aux (_, []) = []
+  | sorts_on_typs_aux ((x, i), s :: ss) =
+    sorts_on_typs_aux ((x, i), ss)
+    |> (if s = the_single @{sort HOL.type} then
+          I
+        else if i = ~1 then
+          cons (TyLitFree (`make_type_class s, `make_fixed_type_var x))
+        else
+          cons (TyLitVar (`make_type_class s,
+                          (make_schematic_type_var (x, i), x))))
 fun sorts_on_typs (TFree (a, s)) = sorts_on_typs_aux ((a, ~1), s)
   | sorts_on_typs (TVar (v, s)) = sorts_on_typs_aux (v, s)
@@ -1286,17 +1305,17 @@
 (* Remove this trivial type class (FIXME: similar code elsewhere) *)
 fun delete_type cset = Symtab.delete_safe (the_single @{sort HOL.type}) cset
-fun tfree_classes_of_terms ts =
-  let val sorts_list = map (map #2 o OldTerm.term_tfrees) ts
-  in  Symtab.keys (delete_type (List.foldl add_classes Symtab.empty sorts_list))  end;
+fun classes_of_terms get_Ts =
+  map (map #2 o get_Ts)
+  #> List.foldl add_classes Symtab.empty
+  #> delete_type #> Symtab.keys
-fun tvar_classes_of_terms ts =
-  let val sorts_list = map (map #2 o OldTerm.term_tvars) ts
-  in  Symtab.keys (delete_type (List.foldl add_classes Symtab.empty sorts_list))  end;
+val tfree_classes_of_terms = classes_of_terms OldTerm.term_tfrees
+val tvar_classes_of_terms = classes_of_terms OldTerm.term_tvars
 (*fold type constructors*)
 fun fold_type_consts f (Type (a, Ts)) x = fold (fold_type_consts f) Ts (f (a,x))
-  | fold_type_consts _ _ x = x;
+  | fold_type_consts _ _ x = x
 (*Type constructors used to instantiate overloaded constants are the only ones needed.*)
 fun add_type_consts_in_term thy =
@@ -1310,7 +1329,7 @@
   in aux end
 fun type_consts_of_terms thy ts =
-  Symtab.keys (fold (add_type_consts_in_term thy) ts Symtab.empty);
+  Symtab.keys (fold (add_type_consts_in_term thy) ts Symtab.empty)
 fun translate_formulas ctxt format prem_kind type_sys hyp_ts concl_t
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_reconstruct.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_reconstruct.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -212,8 +212,10 @@
                    hol_term_from_metis_PT ctxt t)
   in fol_tm |> cvt end
-fun hol_term_from_metis FT = hol_term_from_metis_FT
-  | hol_term_from_metis _ = hol_term_from_metis_PT
+fun hol_term_from_metis FO = hol_term_from_metis_PT
+  | hol_term_from_metis HO = hol_term_from_metis_PT
+  | hol_term_from_metis FT = hol_term_from_metis_FT
+(*  | hol_term_from_metis New = ###*)
 fun hol_terms_from_metis ctxt mode old_skolems fol_tms =
   let val ts = map (hol_term_from_metis mode ctxt) fol_tms
@@ -453,9 +455,11 @@
 val metis_eq = Metis_Term.Fn ("=", []);
-fun get_ty_arg_size _ (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _)) = 0  (*equality has no type arguments*)
-  | get_ty_arg_size thy (Const (c, _)) = (num_type_args thy c handle TYPE _ => 0)
-  | get_ty_arg_size _ _ = 0;
+(* Equality has no type arguments *)
+fun get_ty_arg_size _ (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _)) = 0
+  | get_ty_arg_size thy (Const (s, _)) =
+    (num_type_args thy s handle TYPE _ => 0)
+  | get_ty_arg_size _ _ = 0
 fun equality_inf ctxt mode skolem_params (pos, atm) fp fr =
   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_translate.ML	Tue May 31 16:38:36 2011 +0200
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
      old_skolems: (string * term) list}
   val metis_generated_var_prefix : string
-  val new_skolem_const_prefix : string
-  val num_type_args: theory -> string -> int
-  val new_skolem_var_name_from_const : string -> string
   val reveal_old_skolem_terms : (string * term) list -> term -> term
   val string_of_mode : mode -> string
   val prepare_metis_problem :
@@ -36,20 +33,6 @@
 val metis_generated_var_prefix = "_"
-(* The number of type arguments of a constant, zero if it's monomorphic. For
-   (instances of) Skolem pseudoconstants, this information is encoded in the
-   constant name. *)
-fun num_type_args thy s =
-  if String.isPrefix skolem_const_prefix s then
-    s |> space_explode Long_Name.separator |> List.last |> Int.fromString |> the
-  else
-    (s, Sign.the_const_type thy s) |> Sign.const_typargs thy |> length
-fun new_skolem_var_name_from_const s =
-  let val ss = s |> space_explode Long_Name.separator in
-    nth ss (length ss - 2)
-  end
 fun predicate_of thy ((@{const Not} $ P), pos) = predicate_of thy (P, not pos)
   | predicate_of thy (t, pos) =
     (combterm_from_term thy [] (Envir.eta_contract t), pos)