totally bypass Sledgehammer's relevance filter when facts are given using the "(fact1 ... factn)" syntax;
faster and more reliable
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML Sat Jun 05 07:52:45 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML Sat Jun 05 15:07:50 2010 +0200
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
del: Facts.ref list,
only: bool}
+ val name_thms_pair_from_ref :
+ Proof.context -> thm list -> Facts.ref -> string * thm list
val tvar_classes_of_terms : term list -> string list
val tfree_classes_of_terms : term list -> string list
val type_consts_of_terms : theory -> term list -> string list
@@ -254,35 +256,37 @@
fun relevant_clauses ctxt relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_new
- (relevance_override as {add, del, only}) thy ctab =
+ (relevance_override as {add, del, ...}) ctab =
- val thms_for_facts =
- maps (maps (cnf_axiom thy) o ProofContext.get_fact ctxt)
- val add_thms = thms_for_facts add
- val del_thms = thms_for_facts del
- fun iter p rel_consts =
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+ val cnf_for_facts = maps (maps (cnf_axiom thy) o ProofContext.get_fact ctxt)
+ val add_thms = cnf_for_facts add
+ val del_thms = cnf_for_facts del
+ fun iter threshold rel_consts =
fun relevant ([], _) [] = [] (* Nothing added this iteration *)
- | relevant (newpairs,rejects) [] =
+ | relevant (newpairs, rejects) [] =
val (newrels, more_rejects) = take_best max_new newpairs
val new_consts = maps #2 newrels
val rel_consts' = List.foldl add_const_typ_table rel_consts new_consts
- val newp = p + (1.0 - p) / relevance_convergence
+ val threshold =
+ threshold + (1.0 - threshold) / relevance_convergence
trace_msg (fn () => "relevant this iteration: " ^
Int.toString (length newrels));
- map #1 newrels @ iter newp rel_consts' (more_rejects @ rejects)
+ map #1 newrels @ iter threshold rel_consts'
+ (more_rejects @ rejects)
| relevant (newrels, rejects)
((ax as (clsthm as (thm, (name, n)), consts_typs)) :: axs) =
+ (* FIXME: "add" and "del" don't always work *)
val weight = if member Thm.eq_thm del_thms thm then 0.0
else if member Thm.eq_thm add_thms thm then 1.0
- else if only then 0.0
else clause_weight ctab rel_consts consts_typs
- if p <= weight orelse
+ if weight >= threshold orelse
(defs_relevant andalso defines thy (#1 clsthm) rel_consts) then
(trace_msg (fn () => name ^ " clause " ^ Int.toString n ^
" passes: " ^ Real.toString weight);
@@ -291,8 +295,8 @@
relevant (newrels, ax :: rejects) axs
- trace_msg (fn () => "relevant_clauses, current pass mark: " ^
- Real.toString p);
+ trace_msg (fn () => "relevant_clauses, current threshold: " ^
+ Real.toString threshold);
relevant ([], [])
in iter end
@@ -310,7 +314,7 @@
commas (Symtab.keys goal_const_tab))
val relevant =
relevant_clauses ctxt relevance_convergence defs_relevant max_new
- relevance_override thy const_tab relevance_threshold
+ relevance_override const_tab relevance_threshold
(map (pair_consts_typs_axiom theory_relevant thy)
@@ -398,26 +402,32 @@
(* The single-name theorems go after the multiple-name ones, so that single
names are preferred when both are available. *)
-fun name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths =
+fun name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt name_thms_pairs =
- val (mults, singles) =
- List.partition is_multi (all_valid_thms respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths)
+ val (mults, singles) = List.partition is_multi name_thms_pairs
val ps = [] |> fold add_single_names singles
|> fold add_multi_names mults
in ps |> respect_no_atp ? filter_out (No_ATPs.member ctxt o snd) end;
-fun check_named ("", th) =
- (warning ("No name for theorem " ^ Display.string_of_thm_without_context th); false)
- | check_named _ = true;
+fun is_named ("", th) =
+ (warning ("No name for theorem " ^
+ Display.string_of_thm_without_context th); false)
+ | is_named _ = true
+fun checked_name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt =
+ name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt
+ #> tap (fn ps => trace_msg
+ (fn () => ("Considering " ^ Int.toString (length ps) ^
+ " theorems")))
+ #> filter is_named
-fun get_all_lemmas respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths =
- let val included_thms =
- tap (fn ths => trace_msg
- (fn () => ("Including all " ^ Int.toString (length ths) ^ " theorems")))
- (name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths)
- in
- filter check_named included_thms
- end;
+fun name_thms_pair_from_ref ctxt chained_ths xref =
+ let
+ val ths = ProofContext.get_fact ctxt xref
+ val name = Facts.string_of_ref xref
+ |> forall (member Thm.eq_thm chained_ths) ths
+ ? prefix chained_prefix
+ in (name, ths) end
(* Type Classes Present in the Axiom or Conjecture Clauses *)
@@ -518,7 +528,10 @@
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
val is_FO = is_first_order thy goal_cls
- val included_cls = get_all_lemmas respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths
+ val included_cls =
+ checked_name_thm_pairs respect_no_atp ctxt
+ (if only then map (name_thms_pair_from_ref ctxt chained_ths) add
+ else all_valid_thms respect_no_atp ctxt chained_ths)
|> cnf_rules_pairs thy |> make_unique
|> restrict_to_logic thy is_FO
|> remove_unwanted_clauses
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML Sat Jun 05 07:52:45 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML Sat Jun 05 15:07:50 2010 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
open ATP_Manager
open ATP_Systems
@@ -238,19 +239,12 @@
state) atps
in () end
-fun minimize override_params i frefs state =
+fun minimize override_params i refs state =
val thy = Proof.theory_of state
val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
val chained_ths = #facts (Proof.goal state)
- fun theorems_from_ref ctxt fref =
- let
- val ths = ProofContext.get_fact ctxt fref
- val name = Facts.string_of_ref fref
- |> forall (member Thm.eq_thm chained_ths) ths
- ? prefix chained_prefix
- in (name, ths) end
- val name_thms_pairs = map (theorems_from_ref ctxt) frefs
+ val name_thms_pairs = map (name_thms_pair_from_ref ctxt chained_ths) refs
case subgoal_count state of
0 => priority "No subgoal!"