--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/isabelle.bib Wed May 05 09:44:48 1999 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+@string{AP="Academic Press"}
+@string{CUP="Cambridge University Press"}
+@string{FAC="Formal Aspects of Computing"}
+@string{JSL="J. Symbolic Logic"}
+@string{LNCS="Lect.\ Notes in Comp.\ Sci."}
+@string{MIT="MIT Press"}
+@book{andrews86,author="Peter Andrews",
+title="An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: to Truth
+through Proof",publisher=AP,
+series="Computer Science and Applied Mathematics",year=1986}
+@book{mgordon-hol,editor="M.J.C. Gordon and T.F. Melham",
+"Introduction to {HOL}: a theorem-proving environment for higher order logic",
+@article{church40,author="Alonzo Church",
+title="A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types",
+@article{milner78,author="Robin Milner",
+title="A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming",
+journal="J. Comp.\ Sys.\ Sci.",year=1978,volume=17,pages="348--375"}
+author={Wolfgang Naraschewski and Markus Wenzel},
+{Object-Oriented Verification based on Record Subtyping in Higher-Order Logic},
+booktitle={Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs'98)},
+author={Wolfgang Naraschewski and Tobias Nipkow},
+title={Type Inference Verified: Algorithm {W} in {Isabelle/HOL}},
+booktitle={Types for Proofs and Programs: Intl. Workshop TYPES '96},
+editor={E. Gim\'enez and C. Paulin-Mohring},
+@inproceedings{Nipkow-CR,author={Tobias Nipkow},
+title={More {Church-Rosser} Proofs (in {Isabelle/HOL})},
+booktitle={Automated Deduction --- CADE-13},
+editor={M. McRobbie and J.K. Slaney},
+@article{nipkow-IMP,author={Tobias Nipkow},
+title={Winskel is (almost) Right: Towards a Mechanized Semantics Textbook},
+@inproceedings{slind-tfl,author={Konrad Slind},
+title={Function Definition in Higher Order Logic},
+booktitle={Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics},
+editor={J. von Wright and J. Grundy and J. Harrison},
+@book{winskel93,author={Glynn Winskel},
+title={The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages},publisher=MIT,year=1993}