fast synchronous painting and asynchronous refresh of text overview, reduces GUI thread latency from 100ms to 1ms for big files like src/HOL/Multivariate_Analsyis/Integration.thy;
Sat, 19 Sep 2015 20:38:28 +0200
changeset 61195 42419fe6f660
parent 61194 e4699ef5cf90
child 61196 67c20ce71d22
fast synchronous painting and asynchronous refresh of text overview, reduces GUI thread latency from 100ms to 1ms for big files like src/HOL/Multivariate_Analsyis/Integration.thy;
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_view.scala	Sat Sep 19 20:31:57 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/document_view.scala	Sat Sep 19 20:38:28 2015 +0200
@@ -194,19 +194,14 @@
   /* text status overview left of scrollbar */
-  private object overview extends Text_Overview(this)
-  {
-    val delay_repaint =
-      GUI_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay")) { repaint() }
-  }
+  private val overview = new Text_Overview(this)
   /* main */
   private val main =
     Session.Consumer[Any](getClass.getName) {
-      case _: Session.Raw_Edits =>
-        overview.delay_repaint.postpone(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_input_delay"))
+      case _: Session.Raw_Edits => overview.postpone()
       case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
         val buffer = model.buffer
@@ -221,7 +216,7 @@
               if (changed.assignment || load_changed ||
                   (changed.nodes.contains(model.node_name) &&
-                overview.delay_repaint.invoke()
+                overview.invoke()
               val visible_lines = text_area.getVisibleLines
               if (visible_lines > 0) {
@@ -275,7 +270,7 @@
     session.commands_changed -= main
-    text_area.removeLeftOfScrollBar(overview); overview.delay_repaint.revoke()
+    text_area.removeLeftOfScrollBar(overview); overview.revoke()
     text_area.removeCaretListener(caret_listener); delay_caret_update.revoke()
--- a/src/Tools/jEdit/src/text_overview.scala	Sat Sep 19 20:31:57 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/jEdit/src/text_overview.scala	Sat Sep 19 20:38:28 2015 +0200
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import java.util.concurrent.{Future => JFuture}
 import java.awt.{Graphics, Graphics2D, BorderLayout, Dimension, Color}
 import java.awt.event.{MouseAdapter, MouseEvent}
 import javax.swing.{JPanel, ToolTipManager}
@@ -18,14 +19,16 @@
 class Text_Overview(doc_view: Document_View) extends JPanel(new BorderLayout)
+  /* GUI components */
   private val text_area = doc_view.text_area
   private val buffer = doc_view.model.buffer
+  private def lines(): Int = buffer.getLineCount max text_area.getVisibleLines
   private val WIDTH = 10
   private val HEIGHT = 4
-  private def lines(): Int = buffer.getLineCount max text_area.getVisibleLines
   setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, 0))
@@ -49,17 +52,44 @@
-  /* painting based on cached result */
+  /* overview */
-  private var cached_colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)] = Nil
+  private case class Overview(
+    relevant_range: Text.Range = Text.Range(0),
+    line_count: Int = 0,
+    char_count: Int = 0,
+    L: Int = 0,
+    H: Int = 0)
-  private var last_snapshot = Document.Snapshot.init
-  private var last_options = PIDE.options.value
-  private var last_relevant_range = Text.Range(0)
-  private var last_line_count = 0
-  private var last_char_count = 0
-  private var last_L = 0
-  private var last_H = 0
+  private def get_overview(rendering: Rendering): Overview =
+  {
+    val char_count = buffer.getLength
+    Overview(
+      relevant_range =
+        JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area) match {
+          case None => Text.Range(0)
+          case Some(visible_range) =>
+            val len = rendering.overview_limit max visible_range.length
+            val start = (visible_range.start + visible_range.stop - len) / 2
+            val stop = start + len
+            if (start < 0) Text.Range(0, len min char_count)
+            else if (stop > char_count) Text.Range((char_count - len) max 0, char_count)
+            else Text.Range(start, stop)
+        },
+      line_count = buffer.getLineCount,
+      char_count = char_count,
+      L = lines(),
+      H = getHeight())
+  }
+  /* synchronous painting */
+  private var current_snapshot = Document.Snapshot.init
+  private var current_options = PIDE.options.value
+  private var current_overview = Overview()
+  private var current_colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)] = Nil
   override def paintComponent(gfx: Graphics)
@@ -71,86 +101,110 @@
         val rendering = doc_view.get_rendering()
         val snapshot = rendering.snapshot
         val options = rendering.options
+        val overview = get_overview(rendering)
-        if (snapshot.is_outdated) {
-          gfx.setColor(rendering.outdated_color)
-          gfx.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D].fill(gfx.getClipBounds)
-        }
-        else {
+        if (!snapshot.is_outdated && overview == current_overview) {
-          val line_count = buffer.getLineCount
-          val char_count = buffer.getLength
-          val L = lines()
-          val H = getHeight()
-          val relevant_range =
-            JEdit_Lib.visible_range(text_area) match {
-              case None => Text.Range(0)
-              case Some(visible_range) =>
-                val len = rendering.overview_limit max visible_range.length
-                val start = (visible_range.start + visible_range.stop - len) / 2
-                val stop = start + len
-                if (start < 0) Text.Range(0, len min char_count)
-                else if (stop > char_count) Text.Range((char_count - len) max 0, char_count)
-                else Text.Range(start, stop)
-            }
-          if (!(line_count == last_line_count && char_count == last_char_count &&
-                L == last_L && H == last_H && relevant_range == last_relevant_range &&
-                (snapshot eq_content last_snapshot) && (options eq last_options)))
-          {
-            @tailrec def loop(l: Int, h: Int, p: Int, q: Int, colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)])
-              : List[(Color, Int, Int)] =
-            {
-              if (l < line_count && h < H) {
-                val p1 = p + H
-                val q1 = q + HEIGHT * L
-                val (l1, h1) =
-                  if (p1 >= q1) (l + 1, h + (p1 - q) / L)
-                  else (l + (q1 - p) / H, h + HEIGHT)
-                val start = buffer.getLineStartOffset(l)
-                val end =
-                  if (l1 < line_count) buffer.getLineStartOffset(l1)
-                  else char_count
-                val range = Text.Range(start, end)
-                val range_color =
-                  if (range overlaps relevant_range) rendering.overview_color(range)
-                  else Some(rendering.outdated_color)
-                val colors1 =
-                  (range_color, colors) match {
-                    case (Some(color), (old_color, old_h, old_h1) :: rest)
-                    if color == old_color && old_h1 == h => (color, old_h, h1) :: rest
-                    case (Some(color), _) => (color, h, h1) :: colors
-                    case (None, _) => colors
-                  }
-                loop(l1, h1, p + (l1 - l) * H, q + (h1 - h) * L, colors1)
-              }
-              else colors.reverse
-            }
-            cached_colors = loop(0, 0, 0, 0, Nil)
-            last_snapshot = snapshot
-            last_options = options
-            last_relevant_range = relevant_range
-            last_line_count = line_count
-            last_char_count = char_count
-            last_L = L
-            last_H = H
-          }
-          for ((color, h, h1) <- cached_colors) {
+          for ((color, h, h1) <- current_colors) {
             gfx.fillRect(0, h, getWidth, h1 - h)
+        else {
+          gfx.setColor(rendering.outdated_color)
+          gfx.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D].fill(gfx.getClipBounds)
+        }
+  /* asynchronous refresh */
+  private var future_refresh: Option[JFuture[Unit]] = None
+  private def cancel(): Unit =
+  def invoke(): Unit = delay_refresh.invoke()
+  def revoke(): Unit = delay_refresh.revoke()
+  def postpone(): Unit = { delay_refresh.postpone(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_input_delay")) }
+  private val delay_refresh =
+    GUI_Thread.delay_first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay"), cancel _) {
+      doc_view.rich_text_area.robust_body(()) {
+        JEdit_Lib.buffer_lock(buffer) {
+          val rendering = doc_view.get_rendering()
+          val snapshot = rendering.snapshot
+          val options = rendering.options
+          val overview = get_overview(rendering)
+          if (!snapshot.is_outdated &&
+              (overview != current_overview ||
+               !(snapshot eq_content current_snapshot) ||
+               !(options eq current_options)))
+          {
+            cancel()
+            val line_offsets =
+            {
+              val line_manager = JEdit_Lib.buffer_line_manager(buffer)
+              val a = new Array[Int](line_manager.getLineCount)
+              for (i <- 1 until a.length) a(i) = line_manager.getLineEndOffset(i - 1)
+              a
+            }
+            future_refresh =
+              Some(Simple_Thread.submit_task {
+                val relevant_range = overview.relevant_range
+                val line_count = overview.line_count
+                val char_count = overview.char_count
+                val L = overview.L
+                val H = overview.H
+                @tailrec def loop(l: Int, h: Int, p: Int, q: Int, colors: List[(Color, Int, Int)])
+                  : List[(Color, Int, Int)] =
+                {
+                  Exn.Interrupt.expose()
+                  if (l < line_count && h < H) {
+                    val p1 = p + H
+                    val q1 = q + HEIGHT * L
+                    val (l1, h1) =
+                      if (p1 >= q1) (l + 1, h + (p1 - q) / L)
+                      else (l + (q1 - p) / H, h + HEIGHT)
+                    val start = line_offsets(l)
+                    val end =
+                      if (l1 < line_count) line_offsets(l1)
+                      else char_count
+                    val range = Text.Range(start, end)
+                    val range_color =
+                      if (range overlaps relevant_range) rendering.overview_color(range)
+                      else Some(rendering.outdated_color)
+                    val colors1 =
+                      (range_color, colors) match {
+                        case (Some(color), (old_color, old_h, old_h1) :: rest)
+                        if color == old_color && old_h1 == h => (color, old_h, h1) :: rest
+                        case (Some(color), _) => (color, h, h1) :: colors
+                        case (None, _) => colors
+                      }
+                    loop(l1, h1, p + (l1 - l) * H, q + (h1 - h) * L, colors1)
+                  }
+                  else colors.reverse
+                }
+                val new_colors = loop(0, 0, 0, 0, Nil)
+                GUI_Thread.later {
+                  current_snapshot = snapshot
+                  current_options = options
+                  current_overview = overview
+                  current_colors = new_colors
+                  repaint()
+                }
+              })
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }