less flex-flex pairs
Thu, 20 Feb 2014 15:14:37 +0100
changeset 55604 42e4e8c2e8dc
parent 55603 48596c45bf7f
child 55605 b1b363e81c87
child 55606 75a639ddc05f
less flex-flex pairs
--- a/src/HOL/BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.thy	Thu Feb 20 13:53:26 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.thy	Thu Feb 20 15:14:37 2014 +0100
@@ -400,7 +400,8 @@
   proof (cases "Field p2 = {}")
     case True
     with n have "Field r2 = {}" .
-    hence "cone \<le>o r1 ^c r2" unfolding cone_def cexp_def Func_def by (auto intro: card_of_ordLeqI)
+    hence "cone \<le>o r1 ^c r2" unfolding cone_def cexp_def Func_def
+      by (auto intro: card_of_ordLeqI[where f="\<lambda>_ _. undefined"])
     thus ?thesis using `p1 ^c p2 \<le>o cone` ordLeq_transitive by auto
     case False with True have "|Field (p1 ^c p2)| =o czero"
--- a/src/HOL/Inductive.thy	Thu Feb 20 13:53:26 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Inductive.thy	Thu Feb 20 15:14:37 2014 +0100
@@ -177,12 +177,13 @@
 text{*strong version, thanks to Coen and Frost*}
 lemma coinduct_set: "[| mono(f);  a: X;  X \<subseteq> f(X Un gfp(f)) |] ==> a : gfp(f)"
-  by (blast intro: weak_coinduct [OF _ coinduct_lemma])
+  by (rule weak_coinduct[rotated], rule coinduct_lemma) blast+
 lemma coinduct: "[| mono(f); X \<le> f (sup X (gfp f)) |] ==> X \<le> gfp(f)"
   apply (rule order_trans)
   apply (rule sup_ge1)
-  apply (erule gfp_upperbound [OF coinduct_lemma])
+  apply (rule gfp_upperbound)
+  apply (erule coinduct_lemma)
   apply assumption
--- a/src/HOL/Lifting.thy	Thu Feb 20 13:53:26 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Lifting.thy	Thu Feb 20 15:14:37 2014 +0100
@@ -455,13 +455,13 @@
   assumes "left_unique T"
   assumes "R \<le> op="
   shows "(T OO R OO T\<inverse>\<inverse>) \<le> op="
-using assms unfolding left_unique_def by fast
+using assms unfolding left_unique_def by blast
 lemma left_total_composition: "left_total R \<Longrightarrow> left_total S \<Longrightarrow> left_total (R OO S)"
 unfolding left_total_def OO_def by fast
 lemma left_unique_composition: "left_unique R \<Longrightarrow> left_unique S \<Longrightarrow> left_unique (R OO S)"
-unfolding left_unique_def OO_def by fast
+unfolding left_unique_def OO_def by blast
 lemma invariant_le_eq:
   "invariant P \<le> op=" unfolding invariant_def by blast