--- a/src/Pure/term.ML Tue Nov 12 11:38:51 1996 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/term.ML Tue Nov 12 11:40:41 1996 +0100
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
(*Accumulate all 'loose' bound vars referring to level 'lev' or beyond.
(Bound 0) is loose at level 0 *)
fun add_loose_bnos (Bound i, lev, js) =
- if i<lev then js else (i-lev) ins js
+ if i<lev then js else (i-lev) ins_int js
| add_loose_bnos (Abs (_,_,t), lev, js) = add_loose_bnos (t, lev+1, js)
| add_loose_bnos (f$t, lev, js) =
add_loose_bnos (f, lev, add_loose_bnos (t, lev, js))
@@ -317,6 +317,44 @@
| (f$t) aconv (g$u) = (f aconv g) andalso (t aconv u)
| _ aconv _ = false;
+(** Membership, insertion, union for terms **)
+fun mem_term (_, []) = false
+ | mem_term (t, t'::ts) = t aconv t' orelse mem_term(t,ts);
+fun ins_term(t,ts) = if mem_term(t,ts) then ts else t :: ts;
+fun union_term (xs, []) = xs
+ | union_term ([], ys) = ys
+ | union_term ((x :: xs), ys) = union_term (xs, ins_term (x, ys));
+(** Equality, membership and insertion of indexnames (string*ints) **)
+(*optimized equality test for indexnames. Yields a huge gain under Poly/ML*)
+fun eq_ix ((a:string, i:int), (a',i')) = (a=a') andalso i=i';
+(*membership in a list, optimized version for indexnames*)
+fun mem_ix (x:string*int, []) = false
+ | mem_ix (x, y :: ys) = eq_ix(x,y) orelse mem_ix (x, ys);
+(*insertion into list, optimized version for indexnames*)
+fun ins_ix (x,xs) = if mem_ix (x, xs) then xs else x :: xs;
+(** Equality, membership and insertion of sorts (string lists) **)
+fun eq_sort ([]:sort, []) = true
+ | eq_sort ((s::ss), (t::ts)) = s=t andalso eq_sort(ss,ts)
+ | eq_sort (_, _) = false;
+fun mem_sort (_:sort, []) = false
+ | mem_sort (S, S'::Ss) = eq_sort (S, S') orelse mem_sort(S,Ss);
+fun ins_sort(S,Ss) = if mem_sort(S,Ss) then Ss else S :: Ss;
+fun union_sort (xs, []) = xs
+ | union_sort ([], ys) = ys
+ | union_sort ((x :: xs), ys) = union_sort (xs, ins_sort (x, ys));
(*are two term lists alpha-convertible in corresponding elements?*)
fun aconvs ([],[]) = true
| aconvs (t::ts, u::us) = t aconv u andalso aconvs(ts,us)
@@ -490,8 +528,8 @@
(*Accumulates the names in the term, suppressing duplicates.
Includes Frees and Consts. For choosing unambiguous bound var names.*)
-fun add_term_names (Const(a,_), bs) = a ins bs
- | add_term_names (Free(a,_), bs) = a ins bs
+fun add_term_names (Const(a,_), bs) = a ins_string bs
+ | add_term_names (Free(a,_), bs) = a ins_string bs
| add_term_names (f$u, bs) = add_term_names (f, add_term_names(u, bs))
| add_term_names (Abs(_,_,t), bs) = add_term_names(t,bs)
| add_term_names (_, bs) = bs;
@@ -503,7 +541,7 @@
(*Accumulates the TFrees in a type, suppressing duplicates. *)
fun add_typ_tfree_names(Type(_,Ts),fs) = foldr add_typ_tfree_names (Ts,fs)
- | add_typ_tfree_names(TFree(f,_),fs) = f ins fs
+ | add_typ_tfree_names(TFree(f,_),fs) = f ins_string fs
| add_typ_tfree_names(TVar(_),fs) = fs;
fun add_typ_tfrees(Type(_,Ts),fs) = foldr add_typ_tfrees (Ts,fs)
@@ -511,8 +549,8 @@
| add_typ_tfrees(TVar(_),fs) = fs;
fun add_typ_varnames(Type(_,Ts),nms) = foldr add_typ_varnames (Ts,nms)
- | add_typ_varnames(TFree(nm,_),nms) = nm ins nms
- | add_typ_varnames(TVar((nm,_),_),nms) = nm ins nms;
+ | add_typ_varnames(TFree(nm,_),nms) = nm ins_string nms
+ | add_typ_varnames(TVar((nm,_),_),nms) = nm ins_string nms;
(*Accumulates the TVars in a term, suppressing duplicates. *)
val add_term_tvars = it_term_types add_typ_tvars;
@@ -532,7 +570,8 @@
(*special code to enforce left-to-right collection of TVar-indexnames*)
fun add_typ_ixns(ixns,Type(_,Ts)) = foldl add_typ_ixns (ixns,Ts)
- | add_typ_ixns(ixns,TVar(ixn,_)) = if ixn mem ixns then ixns else ixns@[ixn]
+ | add_typ_ixns(ixns,TVar(ixn,_)) = if mem_ix (ixn, ixns) then ixns
+ else ixns@[ixn]
| add_typ_ixns(ixns,TFree(_)) = ixns;
fun add_term_tvar_ixns(Const(_,T),ixns) = add_typ_ixns(ixns,T)