clarified directories;
Sun, 24 Dec 2017 13:07:05 +0100
changeset 67274 4588f714a78a
parent 67273 c573cfb2c407
child 67275 5e427586cb57
clarified directories;
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sun Dec 24 12:48:43 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sun Dec 24 13:07:05 2017 +0100
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
 ML_file "ML/ml_antiquotations.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/thy_output.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/document_antiquotations.ML";
+ML_file "Thy/bibtex.ML";
 ML_file "General/graph_display.ML";
 ML_file "pure_syn.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/command.ML";
@@ -319,7 +320,6 @@
 ML_file "Tools/build.ML";
 ML_file "Tools/named_thms.ML";
 ML_file "Tools/print_operation.ML";
-ML_file "Tools/bibtex.ML";
 ML_file "Tools/rail.ML";
 ML_file "Tools/rule_insts.ML";
 ML_file "Tools/thm_deps.ML";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/bibtex.ML	Sun Dec 24 13:07:05 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/bibtex.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+BibTeX support.
+signature BIBTEX =
+  val cite_macro: string Config.T
+structure Bibtex: BIBTEX =
+val cite_macro = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>cite_macro\<close> (K "cite");
+val _ =
+  Theory.setup
+   (Thy_Output.add_option \<^binding>\<open>cite_macro\<close> (Config.put cite_macro) #>
+    Thy_Output.antiquotation \<^binding>\<open>cite\<close>
+      (Scan.lift
+        (Scan.option (Parse.verbatim || Parse.cartouche) --
+         Parse.and_list1 (Parse.position
+      (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => fn (opt, citations) =>
+        let
+          val _ =
+            Context_Position.reports ctxt
+              (map (fn (name, pos) => (pos, Markup.citation name)) citations);
+          val opt_arg = (case opt of NONE => "" | SOME s => "[" ^ s ^ "]");
+          val arg = "{" ^ space_implode "," (map #1 citations) ^ "}";
+        in "\\" ^ Config.get ctxt cite_macro ^ opt_arg ^ arg end));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/bibtex.scala	Sun Dec 24 13:07:05 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/Thy/bibtex.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+BibTeX support.
+package isabelle
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
+import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
+object Bibtex
+  /** bibtex errors **/
+  def bibtex_errors(dir: Path, root_name: String): List[String] =
+  {
+    val log_path = dir + Path.explode(root_name).ext("blg")
+    if (log_path.is_file) {
+      val Error = """^(.*)---line (\d+) of file (.+)""".r
+      Line.logical_lines( =>
+        line match {
+          case Error(msg, Value.Int(l), file) =>
+            val path = File.standard_path(file)
+            if (Path.is_wellformed(path)) {
+              val pos = Position.Line_File(l, (dir + Path.explode(path)).canonical.implode)
+              Some("Bibtex error" + + ":\n  " + msg)
+            }
+            else None
+          case _ => None
+        })
+    }
+    else Nil
+  }
+  /** check database **/
+  sealed case class Message(is_error: Boolean, msg: String, pos: Position.T)
+  {
+    def output: Unit =
+      if (is_error)
+        Output.error_message("Bibtex error" + + ":\n  " + msg)
+      else Output.warning("Bibtex warning" + + ":\n  " + msg)
+  }
+  def check_database(bib_file: Path): List[Message] =
+  {
+    val chunks = parse(Line.normalize(
+    val tokens = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Token, Position.T)]
+    var line = 1
+    var offset = 1
+    var chunk_pos = Map.empty[String, Position.T]
+    val file_pos = bib_file.expand.position
+    def token_pos(tok: Token): Position.T =
+      Position.Offset(offset) ::: Position.End_Offset(offset + tok.source.length) :::
+      Position.Line(line) ::: file_pos
+    def advance_pos(tok: Token)
+    {
+      for (s <- Symbol.iterator(tok.source)) {
+        if (Symbol.is_newline(s)) line += 1
+        offset += 1
+      }
+    }
+    def get_line_pos(l: Int): Position.T =
+      if (0 < l && l <= tokens.length) tokens(l - 1)._2 else Position.none
+    for (chunk <- chunks) {
+      val name =
+      if (name != "" && !chunk_pos.isDefinedAt(name)) {
+        chunk_pos += (name -> token_pos(chunk.tokens.head))
+      }
+      for (tok <- chunk.tokens) {
+        tokens += (tok.copy(source = tok.source.replace("\n", " ")) -> token_pos(tok))
+        advance_pos(tok)
+      }
+    }
+    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("bibtex")(tmp_dir =>
+    {
+      File.write(tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.bib"),
+ => p._1.source).mkString("", "\n", "\n"))
+      File.write(tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.aux"),
+        "\\bibstyle{plain}\n\\bibdata{root}\n\\citation{*}")
+      Isabelle_System.bash("\"$ISABELLE_BIBTEX\" root", cwd = tmp_dir.file)
+      val Error = """^(.*)---line (\d+) of file root.bib$""".r
+      val Warning = """^Warning--(.+)$""".r
+      val Warning_Line = """--line (\d+) of file root.bib$""".r
+      val Warning_in_Chunk = """^Warning--(.+) in (.+)$""".r
+      val log_file = tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.blg")
+      val lines = if (log_file.is_file) Line.logical_lines( else Nil
+ ::: List("")).flatMap(
+        {
+          case (Error(msg, Value.Int(l)), _) =>
+            Some(Message(true, msg, get_line_pos(l)))
+          case (Warning_in_Chunk(msg, name), _) if chunk_pos.isDefinedAt(name) =>
+            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg + " in entry " + quote(name)), chunk_pos(name)))
+          case (Warning(msg), Warning_Line(Value.Int(l))) =>
+            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg), get_line_pos(l)))
+          case (Warning(msg), _) =>
+            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg), Position.none))
+          case _ => None
+        }
+      )
+    })
+  }
+  /** document model **/
+  def check_name(name: String): Boolean = name.endsWith(".bib")
+  def check_name(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean = check_name(name.node)
+  def entries(text: String): List[Text.Info[String]] =
+  {
+    val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Text.Info[String]]
+    var offset = 0
+    for (chunk <- Bibtex.parse(text)) {
+      val end_offset = offset + chunk.source.length
+      if ( != "" && !chunk.is_command)
+        result += Text.Info(Text.Range(offset, end_offset),
+      offset = end_offset
+    }
+    result.toList
+  }
+  def entries_iterator[A, B <: Document.Model](models: Map[A, B])
+    : Iterator[Text.Info[(String, B)]] =
+  {
+    for {
+      (_, model) <- models.iterator
+      info <- model.bibtex_entries.iterator
+    } yield, model))
+  }
+  /* completion */
+  def completion[A, B <: Document.Model](
+    history: Completion.History, rendering: Rendering, caret: Text.Offset,
+    models: Map[A, B]): Option[Completion.Result] =
+  {
+    for {
+      Text.Info(r, name) <- rendering.citation(rendering.before_caret_range(caret))
+      name1 <- Completion.clean_name(name)
+      original <- rendering.model.get_text(r)
+      original1 <- Completion.clean_name(Library.perhaps_unquote(original))
+      entries =
+        (for {
+          Text.Info(_, (entry, _)) <- entries_iterator(models)
+          if entry.toLowerCase.containsSlice(name1.toLowerCase) && entry != original1
+        } yield entry).toList
+      if entries.nonEmpty
+      items =
+          case entry =>
+            val full_name = Long_Name.qualify(Markup.CITATION, entry)
+            val description = List(entry, "(BibTeX entry)")
+            val replacement = quote(entry)
+          Completion.Item(r, original, full_name, description, replacement, 0, false)
+        }).sorted(history.ordering).take("completion_limit"))
+    } yield Completion.Result(r, original, false, items)
+  }
+  /** content **/
+  private val months = List(
+    "jan",
+    "feb",
+    "mar",
+    "apr",
+    "may",
+    "jun",
+    "jul",
+    "aug",
+    "sep",
+    "oct",
+    "nov",
+    "dec")
+  def is_month(s: String): Boolean = months.contains(s.toLowerCase)
+  private val commands = List("preamble", "string")
+  def is_command(s: String): Boolean = commands.contains(s.toLowerCase)
+  sealed case class Entry(
+    kind: String,
+    required: List[String],
+    optional_crossref: List[String],
+    optional_other: List[String])
+  {
+    def is_required(s: String): Boolean = required.contains(s.toLowerCase)
+    def is_optional(s: String): Boolean =
+      optional_crossref.contains(s.toLowerCase) || optional_other.contains(s.toLowerCase)
+    def fields: List[String] = required ::: optional_crossref ::: optional_other
+    def template: String =
+      "@" + kind + "{,\n" + => "  " + x + " = {},\n").mkString + "}\n"
+  }
+  val known_entries: List[Entry] =
+    List(
+      Entry("Article",
+        List("author", "title"),
+        List("journal", "year"),
+        List("volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note")),
+      Entry("InProceedings",
+        List("author", "title"),
+        List("booktitle", "year"),
+        List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "month", "address",
+          "organization", "publisher", "note")),
+      Entry("InCollection",
+        List("author", "title", "booktitle"),
+        List("publisher", "year"),
+        List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages",
+          "edition", "month", "address", "note")),
+      Entry("InBook",
+        List("author", "editor", "title", "chapter"),
+        List("publisher", "year"),
+        List("volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "pages", "note")),
+      Entry("Proceedings",
+        List("title", "year"),
+        List(),
+        List("booktitle", "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month",
+          "organization", "publisher", "note")),
+      Entry("Book",
+        List("author", "editor", "title"),
+        List("publisher", "year"),
+        List("volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month", "note")),
+      Entry("Booklet",
+        List("title"),
+        List(),
+        List("author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note")),
+      Entry("PhdThesis",
+        List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
+        List(),
+        List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
+      Entry("MastersThesis",
+        List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
+        List(),
+        List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
+      Entry("TechReport",
+        List("author", "title", "institution", "year"),
+        List(),
+        List("type", "number", "address", "month", "note")),
+      Entry("Manual",
+        List("title"),
+        List(),
+        List("author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note")),
+      Entry("Unpublished",
+        List("author", "title", "note"),
+        List(),
+        List("month", "year")),
+      Entry("Misc",
+        List(),
+        List(),
+        List("author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note")))
+  def get_entry(kind: String): Option[Entry] =
+    known_entries.find(entry => entry.kind.toLowerCase == kind.toLowerCase)
+  def is_entry(kind: String): Boolean = get_entry(kind).isDefined
+  /** tokens and chunks **/
+  object Token
+  {
+    object Kind extends Enumeration
+    {
+      val COMMAND = Value("command")
+      val ENTRY = Value("entry")
+      val KEYWORD = Value("keyword")
+      val NAT = Value("natural number")
+      val STRING = Value("string")
+      val NAME = Value("name")
+      val IDENT = Value("identifier")
+      val SPACE = Value("white space")
+      val COMMENT = Value("ignored text")
+      val ERROR = Value("bad input")
+    }
+  }
+  sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String)
+  {
+    def is_kind: Boolean =
+      kind == Token.Kind.COMMAND ||
+      kind == Token.Kind.ENTRY ||
+      kind == Token.Kind.IDENT
+    def is_name: Boolean =
+      kind == Token.Kind.NAME ||
+      kind == Token.Kind.IDENT
+    def is_ignored: Boolean =
+      kind == Token.Kind.SPACE ||
+      kind == Token.Kind.COMMENT
+    def is_malformed: Boolean = kind ==
+      Token.Kind.ERROR
+  }
+  case class Chunk(kind: String, tokens: List[Token])
+  {
+    val source =
+    private val content: Option[List[Token]] =
+      tokens match {
+        case Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "@") :: body if body.nonEmpty =>
+          (body.init.filterNot(_.is_ignored), body.last) match {
+            case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "{") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "}"))
+            if tok.is_kind => Some(toks)
+            case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "(") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, ")"))
+            if tok.is_kind => Some(toks)
+            case _ => None
+          }
+        case _ => None
+      }
+    def name: String =
+      content match {
+        case Some(tok :: _) if tok.is_name => tok.source
+        case _ => ""
+      }
+    def is_ignored: Boolean = kind == "" && tokens.forall(_.is_ignored)
+    def is_malformed: Boolean = kind == "" || tokens.exists(_.is_malformed)
+    def is_command: Boolean = Bibtex.is_command(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined
+    def is_entry: Boolean = Bibtex.is_entry(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined
+  }
+  /** parsing **/
+  // context of partial line-oriented scans
+  abstract class Line_Context
+  case object Ignored extends Line_Context
+  case object At extends Line_Context
+  case class Item_Start(kind: String) extends Line_Context
+  case class Item_Open(kind: String, end: String) extends Line_Context
+  case class Item(kind: String, end: String, delim: Delimited) extends Line_Context
+  case class Delimited(quoted: Boolean, depth: Int)
+  val Closed = Delimited(false, 0)
+  private def token(kind: Token.Kind.Value)(source: String): Token = Token(kind, source)
+  private def keyword(source: String): Token = Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, source)
+  // See also
+  // module @<Scan for and process a \.{.bib} command or database entry@>.
+  object Parsers extends RegexParsers
+  {
+    /* white space and comments */
+    override val whiteSpace = "".r
+    private val space = """[ \t\n\r]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.SPACE)
+    private val spaces = rep(space)
+    /* ignored text */
+    private val ignored: Parser[Chunk] =
+      rep1("""(?i)([^@]+|@[ \t]*comment)""".r) ^^ {
+        case ss => Chunk("", List(Token(Token.Kind.COMMENT, ss.mkString))) }
+    private def ignored_line: Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
+      ignored ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) }
+    /* delimited string: outermost "..." or {...} and body with balanced {...} */
+    // see also bibtex.web: scan_a_field_token_and_eat_white, scan_balanced_braces
+    private def delimited_depth(delim: Delimited): Parser[(String, Delimited)] =
+      new Parser[(String, Delimited)]
+      {
+        require(if (delim.quoted) delim.depth > 0 else delim.depth >= 0)
+        def apply(in: Input) =
+        {
+          val start = in.offset
+          val end = in.source.length
+          var i = start
+          var q = delim.quoted
+          var d = delim.depth
+          var finished = false
+          while (!finished && i < end) {
+            val c = in.source.charAt(i)
+            if (c == '"' && d == 0) { i += 1; d = 1; q = true }
+            else if (c == '"' && d == 1 && q) {
+              i += 1; d = 0; q = false; finished = true
+            }
+            else if (c == '{') { i += 1; d += 1 }
+            else if (c == '}') {
+              if (d == 1 && !q || d > 1) { i += 1; d -= 1; if (d == 0) finished = true }
+              else {i = start; finished = true }
+            }
+            else if (d > 0) i += 1
+            else finished = true
+          }
+          if (i == start) Failure("bad input", in)
+          else {
+            val s = in.source.subSequence(start, i).toString
+            Success((s, Delimited(q, d)), in.drop(i - start))
+          }
+        }
+      }.named("delimited_depth")
+    private def delimited: Parser[Token] =
+      delimited_depth(Closed) ^?
+        { case (s, delim) if delim == Closed => Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s) }
+    private def recover_delimited: Parser[Token] =
+      """["{][^@]*""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.ERROR)
+    def delimited_line(ctxt: Item): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
+      delimited_depth(ctxt.delim) ^^ { case (s, delim1) =>
+        (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s))), ctxt.copy(delim = delim1)) } |
+      recover_delimited ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), Ignored) }
+    /* other tokens */
+    private val at = "@" ^^ keyword
+    private val nat = "[0-9]+".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAT)
+    private val name = """[\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME)
+    private val identifier =
+      """[\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}0-9]][\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]*""".r
+    private val ident = identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.IDENT)
+    val other_token = "[=#,]".r ^^ keyword | (nat | (ident | space))
+    /* body */
+    private val body =
+      delimited | (recover_delimited | other_token)
+    private def body_line(ctxt: Item) =
+      if (ctxt.delim.depth > 0)
+        delimited_line(ctxt)
+      else
+        delimited_line(ctxt) |
+        other_token ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
+        ctxt.end ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(keyword(a))), Ignored) }
+    /* items: command or entry */
+    private val item_kind =
+      identifier ^^ { case a =>
+        val kind =
+          if (is_command(a)) Token.Kind.COMMAND
+          else if (is_entry(a)) Token.Kind.ENTRY
+          else Token.Kind.IDENT
+        Token(kind, a)
+      }
+    private val item_begin =
+      "{" ^^ { case a => ("}", keyword(a)) } |
+      "(" ^^ { case a => (")", keyword(a)) }
+    private def item_name(kind: String) =
+      kind.toLowerCase match {
+        case "preamble" => failure("")
+        case "string" => identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME)
+        case _ => name
+      }
+    private val item_start =
+      at ~ spaces ~ item_kind ~ spaces ^^
+        { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => (c.source, List(a) ::: b ::: List(c) ::: d) }
+    private val item: Parser[Chunk] =
+      (item_start ~ item_begin ~ spaces) into
+        { case (kind, a) ~ ((end, b)) ~ c =>
+            opt(item_name(kind)) ~ rep(body) ~ opt(end ^^ keyword) ^^ {
+              case d ~ e ~ f => Chunk(kind, a ::: List(b) ::: c ::: d.toList ::: e ::: f.toList) } }
+    private val recover_item: Parser[Chunk] =
+      at ~ "[^@]*".r ^^ { case a ~ b => Chunk("", List(a, Token(Token.Kind.ERROR, b))) }
+    /* chunks */
+    val chunk: Parser[Chunk] = ignored | (item | recover_item)
+    def chunk_line(ctxt: Line_Context): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
+    {
+      ctxt match {
+        case Ignored =>
+          ignored_line |
+          at ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), At) }
+        case At =>
+          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), ctxt) } |
+          item_kind ^^ { case a => (Chunk(a.source, List(a)), Item_Start(a.source)) } |
+          recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } |
+          ignored_line
+        case Item_Start(kind) =>
+          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
+          item_begin ^^ { case (end, a) => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item_Open(kind, end)) } |
+          recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } |
+          ignored_line
+        case Item_Open(kind, end) =>
+          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
+          item_name(kind) ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item(kind, end, Closed)) } |
+          body_line(Item(kind, end, Closed)) |
+          ignored_line
+        case item_ctxt: Item =>
+          body_line(item_ctxt) |
+          ignored_line
+        case _ => failure("")
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* parse */
+  def parse(input: CharSequence): List[Chunk] =
+    Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.rep(Parsers.chunk), Scan.char_reader(input)) match {
+      case Parsers.Success(result, _) => result
+      case _ => error("Unexpected failure to parse input:\n" + input.toString)
+    }
+  def parse_line(input: CharSequence, context: Line_Context): (List[Chunk], Line_Context) =
+  {
+    var in: Reader[Char] = Scan.char_reader(input)
+    val chunks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Chunk]
+    var ctxt = context
+    while (!in.atEnd) {
+      Parsers.parse(Parsers.chunk_line(ctxt), in) match {
+        case Parsers.Success((x, c), rest) => chunks += x; ctxt = c; in = rest
+        case Parsers.NoSuccess(_, rest) =>
+          error("Unepected failure to parse input:\n" + rest.source.toString)
+      }
+    }
+    (chunks.toList, ctxt)
+  }
+  /** HTML output **/
+  private val output_styles =
+    List(
+      "" -> "html-n",
+      "plain" -> "html-n",
+      "alpha" -> "html-a",
+      "named" -> "html-n",
+      "paragraph" -> "html-n",
+      "unsort" -> "html-u",
+      "unsortlist" -> "html-u")
+  def html_output(bib: List[Path],
+    title: String = "Bibliography",
+    body: Boolean = false,
+    citations: List[String] = List("*"),
+    style: String = "",
+    chronological: Boolean = false): String =
+  {
+    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("bibtex")(tmp_dir =>
+    {
+      /* database files */
+      val bib_files = => path.split_ext._1)
+      val bib_names =
+      {
+        val names0 =
+        if (Library.duplicates(names0).isEmpty) names0
+        else{ case (name, i) => (i + 1).toString + "-" + name })
+      }
+      for ((a, b) <- bib_files zip bib_names) {
+        File.copy(a.ext("bib"), tmp_dir + Path.basic(b).ext("bib"))
+      }
+      /* style file */
+      val bst =
+        output_styles.toMap.get(style) match {
+          case Some(base) => base + (if (chronological) "c" else "") + ".bst"
+          case None =>
+            error("Bad style for bibtex HTML output: " + quote(style) +
+              "\n(expected: " + commas_quote( + ")")
+        }
+      File.copy(Path.explode("$BIB2XHTML_HOME/bst") + Path.explode(bst), tmp_dir)
+      /* result */
+      val in_file = Path.explode("bib.aux")
+      val out_file = Path.explode("bib.html")
+      File.write(tmp_dir + in_file,
+        bib_names.mkString("\\bibdata{", ",", "}\n") +
+ => "\\citation{" + cite + "}\n").mkString)
+      Isabelle_System.bash(
+        "\"$BIB2XHTML_HOME/main/\" -B \"$ISABELLE_BIBTEX\"" +
+          " -u -s " + Bash.string(proper_string(style) getOrElse "empty") +
+          (if (chronological) " -c" else "") +
+          (if (title != "") " -h " + Bash.string(title) + " " else "") +
+          " " + File.bash_path(in_file) + " " + File.bash_path(out_file),
+        cwd = tmp_dir.file).check
+      val html = + out_file)
+      if (body) {
+        cat_lines(
+          split_lines(html).
+            dropWhile(line => !line.startsWith("<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY")).reverse.
+            dropWhile(line => !line.startsWith("<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY")).reverse)
+      }
+      else html
+    })
+  }
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.ML	Sun Dec 24 12:48:43 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/bibtex.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-BibTeX support.
-signature BIBTEX =
-  val cite_macro: string Config.T
-structure Bibtex: BIBTEX =
-val cite_macro = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>cite_macro\<close> (K "cite");
-val _ =
-  Theory.setup
-   (Thy_Output.add_option \<^binding>\<open>cite_macro\<close> (Config.put cite_macro) #>
-    Thy_Output.antiquotation \<^binding>\<open>cite\<close>
-      (Scan.lift
-        (Scan.option (Parse.verbatim || Parse.cartouche) --
-         Parse.and_list1 (Parse.position
-      (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => fn (opt, citations) =>
-        let
-          val _ =
-            Context_Position.reports ctxt
-              (map (fn (name, pos) => (pos, Markup.citation name)) citations);
-          val opt_arg = (case opt of NONE => "" | SOME s => "[" ^ s ^ "]");
-          val arg = "{" ^ space_implode "," (map #1 citations) ^ "}";
-        in "\\" ^ Config.get ctxt cite_macro ^ opt_arg ^ arg end));
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala	Sun Dec 24 12:48:43 2017 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-BibTeX support.
-package isabelle
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
-import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
-object Bibtex
-  /** bibtex errors **/
-  def bibtex_errors(dir: Path, root_name: String): List[String] =
-  {
-    val log_path = dir + Path.explode(root_name).ext("blg")
-    if (log_path.is_file) {
-      val Error = """^(.*)---line (\d+) of file (.+)""".r
-      Line.logical_lines( =>
-        line match {
-          case Error(msg, Value.Int(l), file) =>
-            val path = File.standard_path(file)
-            if (Path.is_wellformed(path)) {
-              val pos = Position.Line_File(l, (dir + Path.explode(path)).canonical.implode)
-              Some("Bibtex error" + + ":\n  " + msg)
-            }
-            else None
-          case _ => None
-        })
-    }
-    else Nil
-  }
-  /** check database **/
-  sealed case class Message(is_error: Boolean, msg: String, pos: Position.T)
-  {
-    def output: Unit =
-      if (is_error)
-        Output.error_message("Bibtex error" + + ":\n  " + msg)
-      else Output.warning("Bibtex warning" + + ":\n  " + msg)
-  }
-  def check_database(bib_file: Path): List[Message] =
-  {
-    val chunks = parse(Line.normalize(
-    val tokens = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Token, Position.T)]
-    var line = 1
-    var offset = 1
-    var chunk_pos = Map.empty[String, Position.T]
-    val file_pos = bib_file.expand.position
-    def token_pos(tok: Token): Position.T =
-      Position.Offset(offset) ::: Position.End_Offset(offset + tok.source.length) :::
-      Position.Line(line) ::: file_pos
-    def advance_pos(tok: Token)
-    {
-      for (s <- Symbol.iterator(tok.source)) {
-        if (Symbol.is_newline(s)) line += 1
-        offset += 1
-      }
-    }
-    def get_line_pos(l: Int): Position.T =
-      if (0 < l && l <= tokens.length) tokens(l - 1)._2 else Position.none
-    for (chunk <- chunks) {
-      val name =
-      if (name != "" && !chunk_pos.isDefinedAt(name)) {
-        chunk_pos += (name -> token_pos(chunk.tokens.head))
-      }
-      for (tok <- chunk.tokens) {
-        tokens += (tok.copy(source = tok.source.replace("\n", " ")) -> token_pos(tok))
-        advance_pos(tok)
-      }
-    }
-    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("bibtex")(tmp_dir =>
-    {
-      File.write(tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.bib"),
- => p._1.source).mkString("", "\n", "\n"))
-      File.write(tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.aux"),
-        "\\bibstyle{plain}\n\\bibdata{root}\n\\citation{*}")
-      Isabelle_System.bash("\"$ISABELLE_BIBTEX\" root", cwd = tmp_dir.file)
-      val Error = """^(.*)---line (\d+) of file root.bib$""".r
-      val Warning = """^Warning--(.+)$""".r
-      val Warning_Line = """--line (\d+) of file root.bib$""".r
-      val Warning_in_Chunk = """^Warning--(.+) in (.+)$""".r
-      val log_file = tmp_dir + Path.explode("root.blg")
-      val lines = if (log_file.is_file) Line.logical_lines( else Nil
- ::: List("")).flatMap(
-        {
-          case (Error(msg, Value.Int(l)), _) =>
-            Some(Message(true, msg, get_line_pos(l)))
-          case (Warning_in_Chunk(msg, name), _) if chunk_pos.isDefinedAt(name) =>
-            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg + " in entry " + quote(name)), chunk_pos(name)))
-          case (Warning(msg), Warning_Line(Value.Int(l))) =>
-            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg), get_line_pos(l)))
-          case (Warning(msg), _) =>
-            Some(Message(false, Word.capitalize(msg), Position.none))
-          case _ => None
-        }
-      )
-    })
-  }
-  /** document model **/
-  def check_name(name: String): Boolean = name.endsWith(".bib")
-  def check_name(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean = check_name(name.node)
-  def entries(text: String): List[Text.Info[String]] =
-  {
-    val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Text.Info[String]]
-    var offset = 0
-    for (chunk <- Bibtex.parse(text)) {
-      val end_offset = offset + chunk.source.length
-      if ( != "" && !chunk.is_command)
-        result += Text.Info(Text.Range(offset, end_offset),
-      offset = end_offset
-    }
-    result.toList
-  }
-  def entries_iterator[A, B <: Document.Model](models: Map[A, B])
-    : Iterator[Text.Info[(String, B)]] =
-  {
-    for {
-      (_, model) <- models.iterator
-      info <- model.bibtex_entries.iterator
-    } yield, model))
-  }
-  /* completion */
-  def completion[A, B <: Document.Model](
-    history: Completion.History, rendering: Rendering, caret: Text.Offset,
-    models: Map[A, B]): Option[Completion.Result] =
-  {
-    for {
-      Text.Info(r, name) <- rendering.citation(rendering.before_caret_range(caret))
-      name1 <- Completion.clean_name(name)
-      original <- rendering.model.get_text(r)
-      original1 <- Completion.clean_name(Library.perhaps_unquote(original))
-      entries =
-        (for {
-          Text.Info(_, (entry, _)) <- entries_iterator(models)
-          if entry.toLowerCase.containsSlice(name1.toLowerCase) && entry != original1
-        } yield entry).toList
-      if entries.nonEmpty
-      items =
-          case entry =>
-            val full_name = Long_Name.qualify(Markup.CITATION, entry)
-            val description = List(entry, "(BibTeX entry)")
-            val replacement = quote(entry)
-          Completion.Item(r, original, full_name, description, replacement, 0, false)
-        }).sorted(history.ordering).take("completion_limit"))
-    } yield Completion.Result(r, original, false, items)
-  }
-  /** content **/
-  private val months = List(
-    "jan",
-    "feb",
-    "mar",
-    "apr",
-    "may",
-    "jun",
-    "jul",
-    "aug",
-    "sep",
-    "oct",
-    "nov",
-    "dec")
-  def is_month(s: String): Boolean = months.contains(s.toLowerCase)
-  private val commands = List("preamble", "string")
-  def is_command(s: String): Boolean = commands.contains(s.toLowerCase)
-  sealed case class Entry(
-    kind: String,
-    required: List[String],
-    optional_crossref: List[String],
-    optional_other: List[String])
-  {
-    def is_required(s: String): Boolean = required.contains(s.toLowerCase)
-    def is_optional(s: String): Boolean =
-      optional_crossref.contains(s.toLowerCase) || optional_other.contains(s.toLowerCase)
-    def fields: List[String] = required ::: optional_crossref ::: optional_other
-    def template: String =
-      "@" + kind + "{,\n" + => "  " + x + " = {},\n").mkString + "}\n"
-  }
-  val known_entries: List[Entry] =
-    List(
-      Entry("Article",
-        List("author", "title"),
-        List("journal", "year"),
-        List("volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note")),
-      Entry("InProceedings",
-        List("author", "title"),
-        List("booktitle", "year"),
-        List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "month", "address",
-          "organization", "publisher", "note")),
-      Entry("InCollection",
-        List("author", "title", "booktitle"),
-        List("publisher", "year"),
-        List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages",
-          "edition", "month", "address", "note")),
-      Entry("InBook",
-        List("author", "editor", "title", "chapter"),
-        List("publisher", "year"),
-        List("volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "pages", "note")),
-      Entry("Proceedings",
-        List("title", "year"),
-        List(),
-        List("booktitle", "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month",
-          "organization", "publisher", "note")),
-      Entry("Book",
-        List("author", "editor", "title"),
-        List("publisher", "year"),
-        List("volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month", "note")),
-      Entry("Booklet",
-        List("title"),
-        List(),
-        List("author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note")),
-      Entry("PhdThesis",
-        List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
-        List(),
-        List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
-      Entry("MastersThesis",
-        List("author", "title", "school", "year"),
-        List(),
-        List("type", "address", "month", "note")),
-      Entry("TechReport",
-        List("author", "title", "institution", "year"),
-        List(),
-        List("type", "number", "address", "month", "note")),
-      Entry("Manual",
-        List("title"),
-        List(),
-        List("author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note")),
-      Entry("Unpublished",
-        List("author", "title", "note"),
-        List(),
-        List("month", "year")),
-      Entry("Misc",
-        List(),
-        List(),
-        List("author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note")))
-  def get_entry(kind: String): Option[Entry] =
-    known_entries.find(entry => entry.kind.toLowerCase == kind.toLowerCase)
-  def is_entry(kind: String): Boolean = get_entry(kind).isDefined
-  /** tokens and chunks **/
-  object Token
-  {
-    object Kind extends Enumeration
-    {
-      val COMMAND = Value("command")
-      val ENTRY = Value("entry")
-      val KEYWORD = Value("keyword")
-      val NAT = Value("natural number")
-      val STRING = Value("string")
-      val NAME = Value("name")
-      val IDENT = Value("identifier")
-      val SPACE = Value("white space")
-      val COMMENT = Value("ignored text")
-      val ERROR = Value("bad input")
-    }
-  }
-  sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String)
-  {
-    def is_kind: Boolean =
-      kind == Token.Kind.COMMAND ||
-      kind == Token.Kind.ENTRY ||
-      kind == Token.Kind.IDENT
-    def is_name: Boolean =
-      kind == Token.Kind.NAME ||
-      kind == Token.Kind.IDENT
-    def is_ignored: Boolean =
-      kind == Token.Kind.SPACE ||
-      kind == Token.Kind.COMMENT
-    def is_malformed: Boolean = kind ==
-      Token.Kind.ERROR
-  }
-  case class Chunk(kind: String, tokens: List[Token])
-  {
-    val source =
-    private val content: Option[List[Token]] =
-      tokens match {
-        case Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "@") :: body if body.nonEmpty =>
-          (body.init.filterNot(_.is_ignored), body.last) match {
-            case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "{") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "}"))
-            if tok.is_kind => Some(toks)
-            case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "(") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, ")"))
-            if tok.is_kind => Some(toks)
-            case _ => None
-          }
-        case _ => None
-      }
-    def name: String =
-      content match {
-        case Some(tok :: _) if tok.is_name => tok.source
-        case _ => ""
-      }
-    def is_ignored: Boolean = kind == "" && tokens.forall(_.is_ignored)
-    def is_malformed: Boolean = kind == "" || tokens.exists(_.is_malformed)
-    def is_command: Boolean = Bibtex.is_command(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined
-    def is_entry: Boolean = Bibtex.is_entry(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined
-  }
-  /** parsing **/
-  // context of partial line-oriented scans
-  abstract class Line_Context
-  case object Ignored extends Line_Context
-  case object At extends Line_Context
-  case class Item_Start(kind: String) extends Line_Context
-  case class Item_Open(kind: String, end: String) extends Line_Context
-  case class Item(kind: String, end: String, delim: Delimited) extends Line_Context
-  case class Delimited(quoted: Boolean, depth: Int)
-  val Closed = Delimited(false, 0)
-  private def token(kind: Token.Kind.Value)(source: String): Token = Token(kind, source)
-  private def keyword(source: String): Token = Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, source)
-  // See also
-  // module @<Scan for and process a \.{.bib} command or database entry@>.
-  object Parsers extends RegexParsers
-  {
-    /* white space and comments */
-    override val whiteSpace = "".r
-    private val space = """[ \t\n\r]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.SPACE)
-    private val spaces = rep(space)
-    /* ignored text */
-    private val ignored: Parser[Chunk] =
-      rep1("""(?i)([^@]+|@[ \t]*comment)""".r) ^^ {
-        case ss => Chunk("", List(Token(Token.Kind.COMMENT, ss.mkString))) }
-    private def ignored_line: Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
-      ignored ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) }
-    /* delimited string: outermost "..." or {...} and body with balanced {...} */
-    // see also bibtex.web: scan_a_field_token_and_eat_white, scan_balanced_braces
-    private def delimited_depth(delim: Delimited): Parser[(String, Delimited)] =
-      new Parser[(String, Delimited)]
-      {
-        require(if (delim.quoted) delim.depth > 0 else delim.depth >= 0)
-        def apply(in: Input) =
-        {
-          val start = in.offset
-          val end = in.source.length
-          var i = start
-          var q = delim.quoted
-          var d = delim.depth
-          var finished = false
-          while (!finished && i < end) {
-            val c = in.source.charAt(i)
-            if (c == '"' && d == 0) { i += 1; d = 1; q = true }
-            else if (c == '"' && d == 1 && q) {
-              i += 1; d = 0; q = false; finished = true
-            }
-            else if (c == '{') { i += 1; d += 1 }
-            else if (c == '}') {
-              if (d == 1 && !q || d > 1) { i += 1; d -= 1; if (d == 0) finished = true }
-              else {i = start; finished = true }
-            }
-            else if (d > 0) i += 1
-            else finished = true
-          }
-          if (i == start) Failure("bad input", in)
-          else {
-            val s = in.source.subSequence(start, i).toString
-            Success((s, Delimited(q, d)), in.drop(i - start))
-          }
-        }
-      }.named("delimited_depth")
-    private def delimited: Parser[Token] =
-      delimited_depth(Closed) ^?
-        { case (s, delim) if delim == Closed => Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s) }
-    private def recover_delimited: Parser[Token] =
-      """["{][^@]*""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.ERROR)
-    def delimited_line(ctxt: Item): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
-      delimited_depth(ctxt.delim) ^^ { case (s, delim1) =>
-        (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s))), ctxt.copy(delim = delim1)) } |
-      recover_delimited ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), Ignored) }
-    /* other tokens */
-    private val at = "@" ^^ keyword
-    private val nat = "[0-9]+".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAT)
-    private val name = """[\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME)
-    private val identifier =
-      """[\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}0-9]][\x21-\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]*""".r
-    private val ident = identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.IDENT)
-    val other_token = "[=#,]".r ^^ keyword | (nat | (ident | space))
-    /* body */
-    private val body =
-      delimited | (recover_delimited | other_token)
-    private def body_line(ctxt: Item) =
-      if (ctxt.delim.depth > 0)
-        delimited_line(ctxt)
-      else
-        delimited_line(ctxt) |
-        other_token ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
-        ctxt.end ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(keyword(a))), Ignored) }
-    /* items: command or entry */
-    private val item_kind =
-      identifier ^^ { case a =>
-        val kind =
-          if (is_command(a)) Token.Kind.COMMAND
-          else if (is_entry(a)) Token.Kind.ENTRY
-          else Token.Kind.IDENT
-        Token(kind, a)
-      }
-    private val item_begin =
-      "{" ^^ { case a => ("}", keyword(a)) } |
-      "(" ^^ { case a => (")", keyword(a)) }
-    private def item_name(kind: String) =
-      kind.toLowerCase match {
-        case "preamble" => failure("")
-        case "string" => identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME)
-        case _ => name
-      }
-    private val item_start =
-      at ~ spaces ~ item_kind ~ spaces ^^
-        { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => (c.source, List(a) ::: b ::: List(c) ::: d) }
-    private val item: Parser[Chunk] =
-      (item_start ~ item_begin ~ spaces) into
-        { case (kind, a) ~ ((end, b)) ~ c =>
-            opt(item_name(kind)) ~ rep(body) ~ opt(end ^^ keyword) ^^ {
-              case d ~ e ~ f => Chunk(kind, a ::: List(b) ::: c ::: d.toList ::: e ::: f.toList) } }
-    private val recover_item: Parser[Chunk] =
-      at ~ "[^@]*".r ^^ { case a ~ b => Chunk("", List(a, Token(Token.Kind.ERROR, b))) }
-    /* chunks */
-    val chunk: Parser[Chunk] = ignored | (item | recover_item)
-    def chunk_line(ctxt: Line_Context): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] =
-    {
-      ctxt match {
-        case Ignored =>
-          ignored_line |
-          at ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), At) }
-        case At =>
-          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), ctxt) } |
-          item_kind ^^ { case a => (Chunk(a.source, List(a)), Item_Start(a.source)) } |
-          recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } |
-          ignored_line
-        case Item_Start(kind) =>
-          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
-          item_begin ^^ { case (end, a) => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item_Open(kind, end)) } |
-          recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } |
-          ignored_line
-        case Item_Open(kind, end) =>
-          space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } |
-          item_name(kind) ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item(kind, end, Closed)) } |
-          body_line(Item(kind, end, Closed)) |
-          ignored_line
-        case item_ctxt: Item =>
-          body_line(item_ctxt) |
-          ignored_line
-        case _ => failure("")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* parse */
-  def parse(input: CharSequence): List[Chunk] =
-    Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.rep(Parsers.chunk), Scan.char_reader(input)) match {
-      case Parsers.Success(result, _) => result
-      case _ => error("Unexpected failure to parse input:\n" + input.toString)
-    }
-  def parse_line(input: CharSequence, context: Line_Context): (List[Chunk], Line_Context) =
-  {
-    var in: Reader[Char] = Scan.char_reader(input)
-    val chunks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Chunk]
-    var ctxt = context
-    while (!in.atEnd) {
-      Parsers.parse(Parsers.chunk_line(ctxt), in) match {
-        case Parsers.Success((x, c), rest) => chunks += x; ctxt = c; in = rest
-        case Parsers.NoSuccess(_, rest) =>
-          error("Unepected failure to parse input:\n" + rest.source.toString)
-      }
-    }
-    (chunks.toList, ctxt)
-  }
-  /** HTML output **/
-  private val output_styles =
-    List(
-      "" -> "html-n",
-      "plain" -> "html-n",
-      "alpha" -> "html-a",
-      "named" -> "html-n",
-      "paragraph" -> "html-n",
-      "unsort" -> "html-u",
-      "unsortlist" -> "html-u")
-  def html_output(bib: List[Path],
-    title: String = "Bibliography",
-    body: Boolean = false,
-    citations: List[String] = List("*"),
-    style: String = "",
-    chronological: Boolean = false): String =
-  {
-    Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("bibtex")(tmp_dir =>
-    {
-      /* database files */
-      val bib_files = => path.split_ext._1)
-      val bib_names =
-      {
-        val names0 =
-        if (Library.duplicates(names0).isEmpty) names0
-        else{ case (name, i) => (i + 1).toString + "-" + name })
-      }
-      for ((a, b) <- bib_files zip bib_names) {
-        File.copy(a.ext("bib"), tmp_dir + Path.basic(b).ext("bib"))
-      }
-      /* style file */
-      val bst =
-        output_styles.toMap.get(style) match {
-          case Some(base) => base + (if (chronological) "c" else "") + ".bst"
-          case None =>
-            error("Bad style for bibtex HTML output: " + quote(style) +
-              "\n(expected: " + commas_quote( + ")")
-        }
-      File.copy(Path.explode("$BIB2XHTML_HOME/bst") + Path.explode(bst), tmp_dir)
-      /* result */
-      val in_file = Path.explode("bib.aux")
-      val out_file = Path.explode("bib.html")
-      File.write(tmp_dir + in_file,
-        bib_names.mkString("\\bibdata{", ",", "}\n") +
- => "\\citation{" + cite + "}\n").mkString)
-      Isabelle_System.bash(
-        "\"$BIB2XHTML_HOME/main/\" -B \"$ISABELLE_BIBTEX\"" +
-          " -u -s " + Bash.string(proper_string(style) getOrElse "empty") +
-          (if (chronological) " -c" else "") +
-          (if (title != "") " -h " + Bash.string(title) + " " else "") +
-          " " + File.bash_path(in_file) + " " + File.bash_path(out_file),
-        cwd = tmp_dir.file).check
-      val html = + out_file)
-      if (body) {
-        cat_lines(
-          split_lines(html).
-            dropWhile(line => !line.startsWith("<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY")).reverse.
-            dropWhile(line => !line.startsWith("<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY")).reverse)
-      }
-      else html
-    })
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/build-jars	Sun Dec 24 12:48:43 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/build-jars	Sun Dec 24 13:07:05 2017 +0100
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
+  Thy/bibtex.scala
@@ -132,7 +133,6 @@
-  Tools/bibtex.scala