cases/induct attributes;
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 15:33:35 +0100
changeset 8308 45e11d3ccbe4
parent 8307 6600c6e53111
child 8309 a054d5c98b21
cases/induct attributes; use NetRules for storage; tuned rule selection; tuned concrete syntax;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/induct_method.ML	Sun Feb 27 15:32:10 2000 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/induct_method.ML	Sun Feb 27 15:33:35 2000 +0100
@@ -2,146 +2,281 @@
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Proof methods for cases and induction on types / sets / functions.
+Proof by cases and induction on types (intro) and sets (elim).
 signature INDUCT_METHOD =
+  val print_global_rules: theory -> unit
+  val print_local_rules: Proof.context -> unit
+  val cases_type_global: string -> theory attribute
+  val cases_set_global: string -> theory attribute
+  val cases_type_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
+  val cases_set_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
+  val induct_type_global: string -> theory attribute
+  val induct_set_global: string -> theory attribute
+  val induct_type_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
+  val induct_set_local: string -> Proof.context attribute
   val setup: (theory -> theory) list
 structure InductMethod: INDUCT_METHOD =
+(** global and local induct data **)
-(** utils **)
+(* rules *)
+type rules = (string * thm) NetRules.T;
+fun eq_rule ((s1:string, th1), (s2, th2)) = s1 = s2 andalso Thm.eq_thm (th1, th2);
+val type_rules = NetRules.init eq_rule (Thm.concl_of o #2);
+val set_rules = NetRules.init eq_rule (Thm.major_prem_of o #2);
+fun lookup_rule (rs:rules) name = Library.assoc (NetRules.rules rs, name);
+fun print_rules kind rs =
+  let val thms = map snd (NetRules.rules rs)
+  in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list (kind ^ " rules:") (map Display.pretty_thm thms)) end;
+(* theory data kind 'HOL/induct_method' *)
+structure GlobalInductArgs =
+  val name = "HOL/induct_method";
+  type T = (rules * rules) * (rules * rules);
+  val empty = ((type_rules, set_rules), (type_rules, set_rules));
+  val copy = I;
+  val prep_ext = I;
+  fun merge (((casesT1, casesS1), (inductT1, inductS1)),
+      ((casesT2, casesS2), (inductT2, inductS2))) =
+    ((NetRules.merge (casesT1, casesT2), NetRules.merge (casesS1, casesS2)),
+      (NetRules.merge (inductT1, inductT2), NetRules.merge (inductS1, inductS2)));
+  fun print _ ((casesT, casesS), (inductT, inductS)) =
+    (print_rules "type cases" casesT;
+      print_rules "set cases" casesS;
+      print_rules "type induct" inductT;
+      print_rules "set induct" inductS);
+structure GlobalInduct = TheoryDataFun(GlobalInductArgs);
+val print_global_rules = GlobalInduct.print;
+(* proof data kind 'HOL/induct_method' *)
+structure LocalInductArgs =
+  val name = "HOL/induct_method";
+  type T = GlobalInductArgs.T;
-(* vars_of *)
+  fun init thy = GlobalInduct.get thy;
+  fun print x = GlobalInductArgs.print x;
+structure LocalInduct = ProofDataFun(LocalInductArgs);
+val print_local_rules = LocalInduct.print;
+(* access rules *)
+val get_cases = #1 o LocalInduct.get;
+val get_induct = #2 o LocalInduct.get;
+val lookup_casesT = lookup_rule o #1 o get_cases;
+val lookup_casesS = lookup_rule o #2 o get_cases;
+val lookup_inductT = lookup_rule o #1 o get_induct;
+val lookup_inductS = lookup_rule o #2 o get_induct;
+(** attributes **)
+fun mk_att f g name (x, thm) = (f (g (name, thm)) x, thm);
+fun add_casesT rule x = apfst (apfst (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
+fun add_casesS rule x = apfst (apsnd (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
+fun add_inductT rule x = apsnd (apfst (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
+fun add_inductS rule x = apsnd (apsnd (NetRules.insert rule)) x;
+val cases_type_global = mk_att add_casesT;
+val cases_set_global = mk_att add_casesS;
+val induct_type_global = mk_att add_inductT;
+val induct_set_global = mk_att add_inductS;
+val cases_type_local = mk_att add_casesT;
+val cases_set_local = mk_att add_casesS;
+val induct_type_local = mk_att add_inductT;
+val induct_set_local = mk_att add_inductS;
+(** misc utils **)
 fun vars_of tm =        (*ordered left-to-right, preferring right!*)
-  foldl_aterms (fn (ts, t as Var _) => t :: ts | (ts, _) => ts) ([], tm)
+  Term.foldl_aterms (fn (ts, t as Var _) => t :: ts | (ts, _) => ts) ([], tm)
   |> Library.distinct |> rev;
-(* kinds *)
-datatype kind = Type | Set | Function | Rule;
-fun intern_kind Type = Sign.intern_tycon
-  | intern_kind Set = Sign.intern_const
-  | intern_kind Function = Sign.intern_const
-  | intern_kind Rule = K I;
+fun type_name t =
+  #1 (Term.dest_Type (Term.type_of t))
+    handle TYPE _ => raise TERM ("Bad type of term argument", [t]);
 (** cases method **)
-fun cases_rule Type = DatatypePackage.cases_of o Theory.sign_of
-  | cases_rule Set = InductivePackage.cases_of o Theory.sign_of
-  | cases_rule Function = (fn _ => error "No cases rule for recursive functions")
-  | cases_rule Rule = PureThy.get_thm;
-val cases_var = hd o vars_of o hd o Logic.strip_assums_hyp o Library.last_elem o Thm.prems_of;
+  rule selection:
+        cases         - classical case split
+  <x:A> cases         - set elimination
+  ...   cases t       - datatype exhaustion
+  ...   cases ... r   - explicit rule
-fun cases_tac (None, None) ctxt =
-      Method.rule_tac (case_split_thm :: InductivePackage.all_cases (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt))
-  | cases_tac args ctxt =
-      let
-        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-        val sign = Theory.sign_of thy;
-        val cert = Thm.cterm_of sign;
+fun cases_var thm =
+  (case try (hd o vars_of o hd o Logic.strip_assums_hyp o Library.last_elem o Thm.prems_of) thm of
+    None => raise THM ("Malformed cases rule", 0, [thm])
+  | Some x => x);
+fun cases_tac (ctxt, args) facts =
+  let
+    val sg = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
+    val cert = Thm.cterm_of sg;
-        val (kind, name) =
-          (case args of
-            (_, Some (kind, bname)) => (kind, intern_kind kind sign bname)
-          | (Some t, _) =>
-              (case try (#1 o Term.dest_Type o Term.type_of) t of
-                Some name => (Type, name)
-              | None => error "Need specific type to figure out cases rule")
-          | _ => sys_error "cases_tac");
-        val rule = cases_rule kind thy name;
+    fun inst_rule t thm =
+      Drule.cterm_instantiate [(cert (cases_var thm), cert t)] thm;
-        val inst_rule =
-          (case #1 args of
-            None => rule
-          | Some t => Drule.cterm_instantiate [(cert (cases_var rule), cert t)] rule);
-  in Method.rule_tac [inst_rule] end;
+    val thms =
+      (case (args, facts) of
+        ((None, None), []) => [case_split_thm]
+      | ((None, None), th :: _) =>
+          NetRules.may_unify (#2 (get_cases ctxt))
+            (Logic.strip_assums_concl (#prop (Thm.rep_thm th)))
+          |> map #2
+      | ((Some t, None), _) =>
+          let val name = type_name t in
+            (case lookup_casesT ctxt name of
+              None => error ("No cases rule for type: " ^ quote name)
+            | Some thm => [inst_rule t thm])
+          end
+      | ((None, Some thm), _) => [thm]
+      | ((Some t, Some thm), _) => [inst_rule t thm]);
+  in Method.rule_tac thms facts end;
-val cases_meth = Method.METHOD oo (FINDGOAL ooo cases_tac);
+val cases_meth = Method.METHOD o (FINDGOAL oo cases_tac);
 (** induct method **)
-fun induct_rule Type = #induction oo DatatypePackage.datatype_info_err
-  | induct_rule Set = (#induct o #2) oo InductivePackage.get_inductive
-  | induct_rule Function = #induct oo RecdefPackage.get_recdef
-  | induct_rule Rule = PureThy.get_thm;
+  rule selection:
+        induct         - mathematical induction
+  <x:A> induct         - set induction
+  ...   induct x       - datatype induction
+  ...   induct ... r   - explicit rule
-fun induct_tac ([], None) ctxt =
-      Method.rule_tac (InductivePackage.all_inducts (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt))
-  | induct_tac (insts, opt_kind_name) ctxt =
-      let
-        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-        val sign = Theory.sign_of thy;
-        val cert = Thm.cterm_of sign;
+fun induct_tac (ctxt, args) facts =
+  let
+    val sg = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
+    val cert = Thm.cterm_of sg;
+    fun prep_inst (concl, ts) =
+      let val xs = vars_of concl; val n = length xs - length ts in
+        if n < 0 then error "More arguments given than in induction rule"
+        else map cert (Library.drop (n, xs)) ~~ map cert ts
+      end;
-        val (kind, name) =
-          (case opt_kind_name of
-            Some (kind, bname) => (kind, intern_kind kind sign bname)
-          | None =>
-              (case try (#1 o Term.dest_Type o Term.type_of o Library.last_elem o hd) insts of
-                Some name => (Type, name)
-              | None => error "Unable to figure out induction rule"));
-        val rule = induct_rule kind thy name;
+    fun inst_rule insts thm =
+      Drule.cterm_instantiate (flat (map2 prep_inst
+        (HOLogic.dest_conj (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of thm)), insts))) thm;
-        fun prep_inst (concl, ts) =
-          let
-            val xs = vars_of concl;
-            val n = length xs - length ts;
-          in
-            if n < 0 then raise THM ("More arguments given than in induction rule", 0, [rule])
-            else map cert (Library.drop (n, xs)) ~~ map cert ts
-          end;
+    val thms =
+      (case (args, facts) of
+        (([], None), []) => [nat_induct]
+      | (([], None), th :: _) =>
+          NetRules.may_unify (#2 (get_induct ctxt))
+            (Logic.strip_assums_concl (#prop (Thm.rep_thm th)))
+          |> map #2
+      | ((insts, None), _) =>
+          let val name = type_name (last_elem (hd insts)) in
+            (case lookup_inductT ctxt name of
+              None => error ("No induct rule for type: " ^ quote name)
+            | Some thm => [inst_rule insts thm])
+          end
+      | (([], Some thm), _) => [thm]
+      | ((insts, Some thm), _) => [inst_rule insts thm]);
+  in Method.rule_tac thms facts end;
-        val prep_insts = flat o map2 prep_inst;
-        val inst_rule =
-          if null insts then rule
-          else Drule.cterm_instantiate (prep_insts
-            (DatatypeAux.dest_conj (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of rule)), insts)) rule;
-      in Method.rule_tac [inst_rule] end;
-val induct_meth = Method.METHOD oo (FINDGOAL ooo induct_tac);
+val induct_meth = Method.METHOD o (FINDGOAL oo induct_tac);
 (** concrete syntax **)
+val casesN = "cases";
+val inductN = "induct";
+val typeN = "type";
+val setN = "set";
+val ruleN = "rule";
+(* attributes *)
+fun spec k = (Args.$$$ k -- Args.$$$ ":") |-- Args.!!!;
+fun attrib sign_of add_type add_set = Scan.depend (fn x =>
+  let val sg = sign_of x in
+    spec typeN >> (add_type o Sign.intern_tycon sg) ||
+    spec setN  >> (add_set o Sign.intern_const sg)
+  end >> pair x);
+val cases_attr =
+  (Attrib.syntax (attrib Theory.sign_of cases_type_global cases_set_global),
+   Attrib.syntax (attrib ProofContext.sign_of cases_type_local cases_set_local));
+val induct_attr =
+  (Attrib.syntax (attrib Theory.sign_of induct_type_global induct_set_global),
+   Attrib.syntax (attrib ProofContext.sign_of induct_type_local induct_set_local));
+(* methods *)
-val kind_name =
-  Args.$$$ "type" >> K Type ||
-  Args.$$$ "set" >> K Set ||
-  Args.$$$ "function" >> K Function ||
-  Args.$$$ "rule" >> K Rule;
+fun err k get name =
+  (case get name of Some x => x
+  | None => error ("No rule for " ^ k ^ " " ^ quote name));
-val kind_spec = kind_name --| Args.$$$ ":";
+fun rule get_type get_set =
+  Scan.depend (fn ctxt =>
+    let val sg = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt in
+      spec typeN >> (err typeN (get_type ctxt) o Sign.intern_tycon sg) ||
+      spec setN >> (err setN (get_set ctxt) o Sign.intern_const sg)
+    end >> pair ctxt) ||
+  Scan.lift (Args.$$$ ruleN -- Args.$$$ ":") |-- Attrib.local_thm;
-val kind = Scan.lift (kind_spec --;
-val term = Scan.unless (Scan.lift (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "in") -- kind_spec)) Args.local_term;
+val cases_rule = rule lookup_casesT lookup_casesS;
+val induct_rule = rule lookup_inductT lookup_inductS;
-fun argument is_empty arg = arg :-- (fn x =>
-  Scan.option (if is_empty x then kind else Scan.lift (Args.$$$ "in") |-- kind));
+val kind = (Args.$$$ typeN || Args.$$$ setN || Args.$$$ ruleN) -- Args.$$$ ":";
+val term = Scan.unless (Scan.lift kind) Args.local_term;
-fun cases_args f src ctxt =
-  f (#2 (Method.syntax (argument is_none (Scan.option term)) src ctxt)) ctxt;
-fun induct_args f src ctxt =
-  f (#2 (Method.syntax (argument null (Args.and_list (Scan.repeat1 term))) src ctxt)) ctxt;
+val cases_args = Method.syntax (Scan.option term -- Scan.option cases_rule);
+val induct_args = Method.syntax (Args.and_list (Scan.repeat1 term) -- Scan.option induct_rule);
@@ -150,9 +285,12 @@
 (** theory setup **)
 val setup =
- [Method.add_methods
-  [("cases", cases_args cases_meth, "case analysis on types / sets"),
-   ("induct", induct_args induct_meth, "induction on types / sets / functions")]];
+  [GlobalInduct.init, LocalInduct.init,
+   Attrib.add_attributes
+    [(casesN, cases_attr, "cases rule for type or set"),
+     (inductN, induct_attr, "induction rule for type or set")],
+   Method.add_methods
+    [("cases", cases_meth oo cases_args, "case analysis on types or sets"),
+     ("induct", induct_meth oo induct_args, "induction on types or sets")]];