--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML Fri Sep 18 14:32:49 1998 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_read.ML Fri Sep 18 14:33:20 1998 +0200
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
thy_time = thy_time, ml_time = ml_time,
theory = theory}),
- end;
+ end
(*Mark all direct descendants of a theory as changed *)
fun mark_children thy =
@@ -233,34 +233,44 @@
^ (quote (space_implode "\",\"" loaded)))
else ();
seq mark_outdated present
- end;
+ end
(*Make sure that loaded_thys contains an entry for tname*)
fun init_thyinfo () =
- let val tinfo = {path = "", children = [], parents = [],
- thy_time = None, ml_time = None,
- theory = None};
- in if is_some (get_thyinfo tname) then ()
- else loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, tinfo), !loaded_thys)
- end;
+ let val tinfo = {path = "", children = [], parents = [],
+ thy_time = None, ml_time = None,
+ theory = None};
+ in if is_some (get_thyinfo tname) then ()
+ else loaded_thys := Symtab.update ((tname, tinfo), !loaded_thys)
+ end
+ fun read_thy_file() =
+ if thy_file = "" then ()
+ else
+ (writeln ("Reading \"" ^ name ^ ".thy\"");
+ init_thyinfo ();
+ read_thy tname thy_file;
+ let val old_pt = ! Goals.proof_timing;
+ in (*suppress annoying messages during theory loading*)
+ proof_timing := false;
+ Use.use (out_name tname);
+ proof_timing := old_pt
+ end;
+ if not (!delete_tmpfiles) then ()
+ else OS.FileSys.remove (out_name tname);
+ thyfile2html tname abs_path)
+ (*Add theory to list of all loaded theories (for index.html)
+ and it to its parents' sub-charts*)
+ fun add_theory path =
+ if path = "" then (*first time theory has been read*)
+ (mk_html tname abs_path old_parents;
+ mk_graph tname abs_path) (*Add it to graph definition file*)
+ else ()
in if thy_uptodate andalso ml_uptodate then ()
- (if thy_file = "" then ()
- else
- (writeln ("Reading \"" ^ name ^ ".thy\"");
- init_thyinfo ();
- read_thy tname thy_file;
- Use.use (out_name tname);
- if not (!delete_tmpfiles) then ()
- else OS.FileSys.remove (out_name tname);
- thyfile2html tname abs_path
- );
+ (read_thy_file();
set_info tname (Some (file_info thy_file)) None;
- (*mark thy_file as successfully loaded*)
+ (*mark thy_file as successfully loaded*)
if ml_file = "" then ()
else (writeln ("Reading \"" ^ name ^ ".ML\"");
@@ -269,31 +279,13 @@
(*Store theory again because it could have been redefined*)
use_text false ("val _ = store_theory " ^ tname ^ ".thy;");
- (*Add theory to list of all loaded theories (for index.html)
- and add it to its parents' sub-charts*)
- let val path = path_of tname;
- in if path = "" then (*first time theory has been read*)
- (
- (*Add theory to list of all loaded theories (for index.html)
- and add it to its parents' sub-charts*)
- mk_html tname abs_path old_parents;
- (*Add theory to graph definition file*)
- mk_graph tname abs_path
- )
- else ()
- end;
+ add_theory (path_of tname);
(*Now set the correct info*)
set_info tname (Some (file_info thy_file)) (Some (file_info ml_file));
set_path ();
- (*Mark theories that have to be reloaded*)
- mark_children tname;
- (*Close HTML file*)
- close_html ()
- )
+ mark_children tname; (*Mark theories that have to be reloaded*)
+ close_html () )