add support for Isar reconstruction for thf1 ATP provers like Leo-II.
Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:18:15 +0200
changeset 57255 488046fdda59
parent 57254 d3d91422f408
child 57256 cf43583f9bb9
add support for Isar reconstruction for thf1 ATP provers like Leo-II.
--- a/src/HOL/ATP.thy	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ATP.thy	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 ML_file "Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML"
 ML_file "Tools/ATP/atp_proof_redirect.ML"
 subsection {* Higher-order reasoning helpers *}
 definition fFalse :: bool where
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_problem.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   datatype atp_formula_role =
     Axiom | Definition | Lemma | Hypothesis | Conjecture | Negated_Conjecture |
-    Plain | Unknown
+    Plain | Type_Role | Unknown
   datatype 'a atp_problem_line =
     Class_Decl of string * 'a * 'a list |
@@ -75,9 +75,12 @@
   val tptp_exists : string
   val tptp_ho_exists : string
   val tptp_choice : string
+  val tptp_ho_choice : string
   val tptp_not : string
   val tptp_and : string
+  val tptp_not_and : string
   val tptp_or : string
+  val tptp_not_or : string
   val tptp_implies : string
   val tptp_if : string
   val tptp_iff : string
@@ -85,10 +88,13 @@
   val tptp_app : string
   val tptp_not_infix : string
   val tptp_equal : string
+  val tptp_not_equal : string
   val tptp_old_equal : string
   val tptp_false : string
   val tptp_true : string
+  val tptp_lambda : string
   val tptp_empty_list : string
+  val tptp_binary_op_list : string list
   val isabelle_info_prefix : string
   val isabelle_info : string -> int -> (string, 'a) atp_term list
   val extract_isabelle_status : (string, 'a) atp_term list -> string option
@@ -114,6 +120,9 @@
   val mk_aconn :
     atp_connective -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula
     -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) atp_formula
+  val mk_app : (string, 'a) atp_term -> (string, 'a) atp_term -> (string, 'a) atp_term
+  val mk_apps :  (string, 'a) atp_term -> (string, 'a) atp_term list -> (string, 'a) atp_term
+  val mk_simple_aterm:  'a -> ('a, 'b) atp_term
   val aconn_fold :
     bool option -> (bool option -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> atp_connective * 'a list
     -> 'b -> 'b
@@ -189,7 +198,7 @@
 datatype atp_formula_role =
   Axiom | Definition | Lemma | Hypothesis | Conjecture | Negated_Conjecture |
-  Plain | Unknown
+  Plain | Type_Role | Unknown
 datatype 'a atp_problem_line =
   Class_Decl of string * 'a * 'a list |
@@ -221,9 +230,12 @@
 val tptp_exists = "?"
 val tptp_ho_exists = "??"
 val tptp_choice = "@+"
+val tptp_ho_choice = "@@+"
 val tptp_not = "~"
 val tptp_and = "&"
+val tptp_not_and = "~&"
 val tptp_or = "|"
+val tptp_not_or = "~|"
 val tptp_implies = "=>"
 val tptp_if = "<="
 val tptp_iff = "<=>"
@@ -231,11 +243,14 @@
 val tptp_app = "@"
 val tptp_not_infix = "!"
 val tptp_equal = "="
+val tptp_not_equal = "!="
 val tptp_old_equal = "equal"
 val tptp_false = "$false"
 val tptp_true = "$true"
+val tptp_lambda = "^"
 val tptp_empty_list = "[]"
+val tptp_binary_op_list = [tptp_and, tptp_not_and, tptp_or, tptp_not_or, tptp_implies, tptp_if,
+                             tptp_iff, tptp_not_iff, tptp_equal, tptp_app]
 val isabelle_info_prefix = "isabelle_"
 val inductionN = "induction"
@@ -291,6 +306,11 @@
   | mk_anot phi = AConn (ANot, [phi])
 fun mk_aconn c phi1 phi2 = AConn (c, [phi1, phi2])
+fun mk_app t u = ATerm ((tptp_app, []), [t, u])
+fun mk_apps f xs = fold (fn x => fn f => mk_app f x) xs f
+fun mk_simple_aterm p = ATerm ((p, []), [])
 fun aconn_fold pos f (ANot, [phi]) = f ( not pos) phi
   | aconn_fold pos f (AImplies, [phi1, phi2]) =
     f ( not pos) phi1 #> f pos phi2
@@ -345,6 +365,7 @@
   | tptp_string_of_role Conjecture = "conjecture"
   | tptp_string_of_role Negated_Conjecture = "negated_conjecture"
   | tptp_string_of_role Plain = "plain"
+  | tptp_string_of_role Type_Role = "type"
   | tptp_string_of_role Unknown = "unknown"
 fun tptp_string_of_app _ func [] = func
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@
 val dummy_phi = AAtom (ATerm (("", []), []))
 val dummy_inference = Inference_Source ("", [])
+val dummy_aterm = ATerm (("", []), [])
+val dummy_atype = AType(("", []), [])
 (* "skip_term" is there to cope with Waldmeister nonsense such as "theory(equality)". *)
 fun parse_dependency x =
@@ -433,8 +435,88 @@
   | role_of_tptp_string "conjecture" = Conjecture
   | role_of_tptp_string "negated_conjecture" = Negated_Conjecture
   | role_of_tptp_string "plain" = Plain
+  | role_of_tptp_string "type" = Type_Role
   | role_of_tptp_string _ = Unknown
+fun parse_binary_op x =
+  foldl1 (op||) (map Scan.this_string tptp_binary_op_list) x
+fun parse_thf0_type x =
+  ($$ "(" |-- parse_thf0_type --| $$ ")"
+   || parse_type --| $$ tptp_fun_type -- parse_thf0_type >> AFun
+   || parse_type) x
+fun mk_ho_of_fo_quant q =
+  if q = tptp_forall then tptp_ho_forall
+  else if q = tptp_exists then tptp_ho_exists
+  else raise Fail ("unrecognized quantification: " ^ q)
+fun remove_thf_app (ATerm ((x, ty), arg)) =
+  if x = tptp_app then
+    (case arg of
+      ATerm ((x, ty), arg) :: t => remove_thf_app (ATerm ((x, ty), map remove_thf_app arg @ t))
+    | [AAbs ((var, tvar), phi), t] =>
+      remove_thf_app (AAbs ((var, tvar), map remove_thf_app phi @ [t])))
+  else ATerm ((x, ty), map remove_thf_app arg)
+  | remove_thf_app (AAbs (((x, ty), arg), t)) = AAbs (((x, ty), remove_thf_app arg), t)
+fun parse_thf0_typed_var x =
+  (Scan.repeat (scan_general_id -- Scan.option ($$ ":" |-- parse_thf0_type)
+     --| Scan.option (Scan.this_string ","))
+   || $$ "(" |-- parse_thf0_typed_var --| $$ ")") x
+fun parse_literal_hol x =
+  ((Scan.repeat ($$ tptp_not) >> length)
+   -- ($$ "(" |-- parse_formula_hol_raw --| $$ ")"
+       || scan_general_id >> mk_simple_aterm
+       || scan_general_id --| $$ ":" --| scan_general_id >> mk_simple_aterm
+       || (Scan.this_string tptp_ho_forall || Scan.this_string tptp_ho_exists) >> mk_simple_aterm)
+   >> (fn (n, phi) => phi |> n mod 2 = 1 ? mk_app (mk_simple_aterm tptp_not))) x
+and parse_formula_hol_raw x =
+  (((parse_literal_hol
+      -- parse_binary_op
+      -- parse_formula_hol_raw)
+    >> (fn ((phi1, c) , phi2) =>
+        if c = tptp_app then mk_app phi1 phi2
+        else mk_apps (mk_simple_aterm c) [phi1, phi2]))
+   || (Scan.this_string tptp_forall || Scan.this_string tptp_exists || Scan.this_string tptp_lambda)
+        -- ($$ "[" |-- parse_thf0_typed_var --| $$ "]" --| $$ ":") -- parse_formula_hol_raw
+      >> (fn ((q, t), phi) =>
+        if q <> tptp_lambda then
+          fold_rev
+            (fn (var, ty) => fn r =>
+              mk_app (q |> mk_ho_of_fo_quant |> mk_simple_aterm)
+                (AAbs (((var, the_default dummy_atype ty), r), [])))
+            t phi
+        else
+          fold_rev (fn (var, ty) => fn r => AAbs (((var, the_default dummy_atype ty), r), []))
+                   t phi)
+   || Scan.this_string tptp_not |-- parse_formula_hol_raw >> (mk_app (mk_simple_aterm tptp_not))
+   || scan_general_id --| $$ ":" -- parse_thf0_type >> (fn (var, typ) => ATerm ((var, [typ]), []))
+   || parse_literal_hol
+   || scan_general_id >> mk_simple_aterm) x
+fun parse_formula_hol x = (parse_formula_hol_raw #>> remove_thf_app #>> AAtom) x
+fun parse_tstp_line_hol problem =
+  ((Scan.this_string tptp_cnf || Scan.this_string tptp_fof
+    || Scan.this_string tptp_tff || Scan.this_string tptp_thf)
+  -- $$ "(") |-- scan_general_id --| $$ "," -- Symbol.scan_ascii_id --| $$ ","
+  -- parse_formula_hol -- parse_tstp_extra_arguments--| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+  >> (fn (((num, role), phi), deps) =>
+      let
+        val ((name, phi), rule, deps) =
+          (case deps of
+             File_Source (_, SOME s) =>
+             (((num, [s |> perhaps (try (unprefix tofof_fact_prefix))]), phi), "", [])
+          | File_Source _ =>
+             (((num, map fst (find_formula_in_problem phi problem)), phi), "", [])
+          | Inference_Source (rule, deps) => (((num, []), phi), rule, deps))
+      in
+        [(name, role_of_tptp_string role, phi, rule, map (rpair []) deps)]
+      end)
 (* Syntax: (cnf|fof|tff|thf)\(<num>, <formula_role>, <formula> <extra_arguments>\).
    The <num> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
 fun parse_tstp_line problem =
@@ -469,7 +551,7 @@
             [(case role_of_tptp_string role of
                Definition =>
                (case phi of
-                  AAtom (ATerm (("equal", _), _)) =>
+                 AAtom (ATerm (("equal", _), _)) =>
                   (* Vampire's equality proxy axiom *)
                   (name, Definition, phi, rule, map (rpair []) deps)
                 | _ => mk_step ())
@@ -554,10 +636,11 @@
    >> map (core_inference z3_tptp_core_rule)) x
 fun parse_line name problem =
-  if name = z3_tptpN then parse_z3_tptp_core_line
-  else if name = spass_pirateN then  parse_spass_pirate_line
-  else if name = spassN then  parse_spass_line
+  if name = leo2N then parse_tstp_line_hol problem
   else if name = satallaxN then parse_satallax_core_line
+  else if name = spassN then parse_spass_line
+  else if name = spass_pirateN then parse_spass_pirate_line
+  else if name = z3_tptpN then parse_z3_tptp_core_line
   else parse_tstp_line problem
 fun parse_proof name problem =
@@ -573,7 +656,7 @@
     _ :: proof_term :: _ => SOME (unprefix " " conj :: find_enclosed "<<" ">>" proof_term)
   | _ => NONE)
-fun atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof prover _ ""  = []
+fun atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof prover _ "" = []
   | atp_proof_of_tstplike_proof prover problem tstp =
     (case core_of_agsyhol_proof tstp of
       SOME facts => facts |> map (core_inference agsyhol_core_rule)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
   val exists_of : term -> term -> term
   val type_enc_aliases : (string * string list) list
   val unalias_type_enc : string -> string list
-  val term_of_atp : Proof.context -> bool -> int Symtab.table -> typ option ->
-    (string, string atp_type) atp_term -> term
-  val prop_of_atp : Proof.context -> bool -> int Symtab.table ->
+  val term_of_atp : Proof.context -> ATP_Problem.atp_format -> ATP_Problem_Generate.type_enc ->
+    bool -> int Symtab.table -> typ option -> (string, string atp_type) atp_term -> term
+  val prop_of_atp : Proof.context -> ATP_Problem.atp_format -> ATP_Problem_Generate.type_enc ->
+    bool -> int Symtab.table ->
     (string, string, (string, string atp_type) atp_term, string) atp_formula -> term
   val used_facts_in_atp_proof :
@@ -45,7 +46,8 @@
   val is_typed_helper_used_in_atp_proof : string atp_proof -> bool
   val replace_dependencies_in_line : atp_step_name * atp_step_name list -> ('a, 'b) atp_step ->
     ('a, 'b) atp_step
-  val termify_atp_proof : Proof.context -> string Symtab.table -> (string * term) list ->
+  val termify_atp_proof : Proof.context -> string -> ATP_Problem.atp_format ->
+    ATP_Problem_Generate.type_enc -> string Symtab.table -> (string * term) list ->
     int Symtab.table -> string atp_proof -> (term, string) atp_step list
   val introduce_spass_skolem : (term, string) atp_step list -> (term, string) atp_step list
   val factify_atp_proof : (string * 'a) list vector -> term list -> term ->
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@
   | _ => raise ATP_TERM [u])
 (* Accumulate type constraints in a formula: negative type literals. *)
-fun add_var (key, z)  = Vartab.map_default (key, []) (cons z)
+fun add_var (key, z) = Vartab.map_default (key, []) (cons z)
 fun add_type_constraint false (cl, TFree (a ,_)) = add_var ((a, ~1), cl)
   | add_type_constraint false (cl, TVar (ix, _)) = add_var (ix, cl)
   | add_type_constraint _ _ = I
@@ -184,9 +186,144 @@
 val spass_skolem_prefix = "sk" (* "skc" or "skf" *)
 val vampire_skolem_prefix = "sK"
+(* Higher-order translation. Variables are typed (although we don't use that information). Lambdas
+   are typed. *)
+fun term_of_atp_ho ctxt textual sym_tab =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    fun norm_var_types var T' t =
+      let
+        fun norm_term (ATerm ((x, ty), l)) =
+            ATerm((x, if x = var then [T'] else ty), norm_term l)
+          | norm_term (AAbs(((x, ty), term), l)) = AAbs(((x, ty), term), norm_term l)
+      in
+        norm_term t
+      end
+    fun mk_op_of_tptp_operator s =
+      if s = tptp_or then HOLogic.mk_disj
+      else if s = tptp_and then HOLogic.mk_conj
+      else if s = tptp_implies then HOLogic.mk_imp
+      else if s = tptp_iff orelse s = tptp_equal then HOLogic.mk_eq
+      else if s = tptp_not_iff orelse s = tptp_not_equal then HOLogic.mk_eq #> HOLogic.mk_not
+      else if s = tptp_if then HOLogic.mk_imp #> HOLogic.mk_not
+      else if s = tptp_not_and then HOLogic.mk_conj #> HOLogic.mk_not
+      else if s = tptp_not_or then HOLogic.mk_disj #> HOLogic.mk_not
+      else raise Fail ("unknown operator: " ^ s)
+    fun mk_quant_of_tptp_quant s =
+      if s = tptp_ho_exists then HOLogic.mk_exists
+      else if s = tptp_ho_forall then HOLogic.mk_all
+      else raise Fail ("unknown quantifier: " ^ s)
+    val var_index = if textual then 0 else 1
+    fun do_term opt_T u =
+      (case u of
+        AAbs(((var, ty), term), []) =>
+        let val typ = typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty in
+          absfree (repair_var_name textual var, typ) (do_term NONE (norm_var_types var ty term))
+        end
+      | ATerm ((s, tys), us) =>
+        if s = ""
+        then error "Isar proof reconstruction failed because the ATP proof \
+                     \contains unparsable material."
+        else if String.isPrefix native_type_prefix s then
+          @{const True} (* ignore TPTP type information *)
+        else if s = tptp_equal then
+          let val ts = map (do_term NONE) us in
+            if textual andalso length ts = 2 andalso loose_aconv (hd ts, List.last ts) then
+              @{const True}
+            else
+              list_comb (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type_Infer.anyT @{sort type}), ts)
+          end
+        else if s = tptp_app then
+          let val ts = map (do_term NONE) us in
+            hd ts $ List.last ts
+          end
+        else if s = tptp_not then
+          let val ts = map (do_term NONE) us in
+            List.last ts |> HOLogic.mk_not
+          end
+        else if s = tptp_ho_forall orelse s = tptp_ho_exists then
+          (case us of
+            [AAbs (((var, ty), term), [])] =>
+            let val typ = typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty in
+              (repair_var_name textual var, typ , do_term NONE (norm_var_types var ty term))
+                |> mk_quant_of_tptp_quant s
+            end
+          | [] => if s = tptp_ho_exists then HOLogic.exists_const dummyT
+                  else HOLogic.all_const dummyT)
+        else if List.exists (curry (op=) s) tptp_binary_op_list then
+          let val ts = map (do_term NONE) us in
+            (mk_op_of_tptp_operator s) (hd ts, List.last ts)
+          end
+        else
+          if us <> [] then
+            let
+              val applicant_list = (do_term NONE) us
+              val opt_typ = SOME (fold_rev
+                                    (fn t1 => fn t2 => slack_fastype_of t1 --> t2)
+                                    applicant_list (the_default dummyT opt_T))
+              val func_name = do_term opt_typ (ATerm ((s, tys), []))
+            in
+              foldl1 (op$) (func_name :: applicant_list) end
+          else (*FIXME: clean (remove stuff related to vampire and other provers)*)
+            (case unprefix_and_unascii const_prefix s of
+              SOME s' =>
+              let
+                val ((s', s''), mangled_us) = s' |> unmangled_const |>> `invert_const
+                val new_skolem = String.isPrefix new_skolem_const_prefix s''
+                val num_ty_args = length us - the_default 0 (Symtab.lookup sym_tab s)
+                val (type_us, term_us) = chop num_ty_args us |>> append mangled_us
+                val term_ts = map (do_term NONE) term_us
+                val Ts = map (typ_of_atp_type ctxt) tys @ map (typ_of_atp_term ctxt) type_us
+                val T =
+                    (if not (null Ts) andalso robust_const_num_type_args thy s' = length Ts then
+                       if new_skolem then
+                         SOME (Type_Infer.paramify_vars (tl Ts ---> hd Ts))
+                       else if textual then
+                         try (Sign.const_instance thy) (s', Ts)
+                       else
+                         NONE
+                     else
+                       NONE)
+                       |> (fn SOME T => T
+                            | NONE =>
+                              map slack_fastype_of term_ts --->
+                                the_default (Type_Infer.anyT @{sort type}) opt_T)
+                val t =
+                    if new_skolem then Var ((new_skolem_var_name_of_const s'', var_index), T)
+                    else Const (unproxify_const s', T)
+              in list_comb (t, term_ts) end
+            | NONE => (* a free or schematic variable *)
+              let
+                (* This assumes that distinct names are mapped to distinct names by
+                   "Variable.variant_frees". This does not hold in general but should hold for
+                   ATP-generated Skolem function names, since these end with a digit and
+                   "variant_frees" appends letters. *)
+                fun fresh_up s =
+                  [(s, ())] |> Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] |> hd |> fst
+                val ts = map (do_term NONE) us
+                val T =
+                  (case opt_T of
+                    SOME T => map slack_fastype_of ts ---> T
+                  | NONE =>
+                    map slack_fastype_of ts --->
+                      (case tys of [ty] => typ_of_atp_type ctxt ty | _ => Type_Infer.anyT
+                        @{sort type}))
+                val t =
+                  (case unprefix_and_unascii fixed_var_prefix s of
+                    SOME s => Free (s, T)
+                  | NONE =>
+                    if textual andalso not (is_tptp_variable s) then
+                      Free (s |> textual ? (repair_var_name_raw #> fresh_up), T)
+                    else
+                      Var ((repair_var_name textual s, var_index), T))
+              in list_comb (t, ts) end))
+  in do_term end
 (* First-order translation. No types are known for variables. "Type_Infer.anyT @{sort type}"
    should allow them to be inferred. *)
-fun term_of_atp ctxt textual sym_tab =
+fun term_of_atp_fo ctxt textual sym_tab =
     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
     (* For Metis, we use 1 rather than 0 because variable references in clauses may otherwise
@@ -249,7 +386,9 @@
                   val t =
                     if new_skolem then Var ((new_skolem_var_name_of_const s'', var_index), T)
                     else Const (unproxify_const s', T)
-                in list_comb (t, term_ts @ extra_ts) end
+                in
+                  list_comb (t, term_ts @ extra_ts)
+                end
           | NONE => (* a free or schematic variable *)
@@ -283,12 +422,21 @@
             in list_comb (t, ts) end))
   in do_term [] end
-fun term_of_atom ctxt textual sym_tab pos (u as ATerm ((s, _), _)) =
+fun term_of_atp ctxt (ATP_Problem.THF _) type_enc =
+    if ATP_Problem_Generate.is_type_enc_higher_order type_enc
+    then term_of_atp_ho ctxt
+    else error "Unsupported Isar reconstruction."
+  | term_of_atp ctxt _ type_enc =
+    if not (ATP_Problem_Generate.is_type_enc_higher_order type_enc)
+    then term_of_atp_fo ctxt
+    else error "Unsupported Isar reconstruction."
+fun term_of_atom ctxt format type_enc textual sym_tab pos (u as ATerm ((s, _), _)) =
   if String.isPrefix class_prefix s then
     add_type_constraint pos (type_constraint_of_term ctxt u)
     #> pair @{const True}
-    pair (term_of_atp ctxt textual sym_tab (SOME @{typ bool}) u)
+    pair (term_of_atp ctxt format type_enc textual sym_tab (SOME @{typ bool}) u)
 (* Update schematic type variables with detected sort constraints. It's not
    totally clear whether this code is necessary. *)
@@ -317,7 +465,7 @@
 (* Interpret an ATP formula as a HOL term, extracting sort constraints as they appear in the
    formula. *)
-fun prop_of_atp ctxt textual sym_tab phi =
+fun prop_of_atp ctxt format type_enc textual sym_tab phi =
     fun do_formula pos phi =
       (case phi of
@@ -337,7 +485,7 @@
             | AImplies => s_imp
             | AIff => s_iff
             | ANot => raise Fail "impossible connective")
-      | AAtom tm => term_of_atom ctxt textual sym_tab pos tm
+      | AAtom tm => term_of_atom ctxt format type_enc textual sym_tab pos tm
       | _ => raise ATP_FORMULA [phi])
     repair_tvar_sorts (do_formula true phi Vartab.empty)
@@ -475,18 +623,19 @@
                | t => t)
-fun termify_line ctxt lifted sym_tab (name, role, u, rule, deps) =
-  let
-    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
-    val t = u
-      |> prop_of_atp ctxt true sym_tab
-      |> uncombine_term thy
-      |> unlift_term lifted
-      |> infer_formula_types ctxt
-      |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-  in
-    (name, role, t, rule, deps)
-  end
+fun termify_line _ _ _ _ _ (_, Type_Role, _, _, _) =  NONE
+  | termify_line ctxt format type_enc lifted sym_tab (name, role, u, rule, deps) =
+    let
+      val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+      val t = u
+        |> prop_of_atp ctxt format type_enc true sym_tab
+        |> uncombine_term thy
+        |> unlift_term lifted
+        |> infer_formula_types ctxt
+        |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+    in
+      SOME (name, role, t, rule, deps)
+    end
 val waldmeister_conjecture_num = ""
@@ -502,12 +651,12 @@
     repair_body proof
-fun termify_atp_proof ctxt pool lifted sym_tab =
+fun termify_atp_proof ctxt prover format type_enc pool lifted sym_tab =
   #> nasty_atp_proof pool
   #> map_term_names_in_atp_proof repair_name
-  #> map (termify_line ctxt lifted sym_tab)
-  #> repair_waldmeister_endgame
+  #> map_filter (termify_line ctxt format type_enc lifted sym_tab)
+  #> prover = waldmeisterN ? repair_waldmeister_endgame
 fun take_distinct_vars seen ((t as Var _) :: ts) =
     if member (op aconv) seen t then rev seen else take_distinct_vars (t :: seen) ts
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -569,7 +569,6 @@
 val vampire = (vampireN, fn () => vampire_config)
 (* Z3 with TPTP syntax (half experimental, half legacy) *)
 val z3_tff0 = TFF Monomorphic
@@ -796,7 +795,7 @@
 val atps =
   [agsyhol, alt_ergo, e, e_males, e_par, iprover, iprover_eq, leo2, satallax, spass, vampire,
-   z3_tptp,zipperposition, dummy_thf, remote_agsyhol, remote_e, remote_e_sine, remote_e_tofof,
+   z3_tptp, zipperposition, dummy_thf, remote_agsyhol, remote_e, remote_e_sine, remote_e_tofof,
    remote_iprover, remote_iprover_eq, remote_leo2, remote_satallax, remote_vampire, remote_snark,
    remote_spass_pirate, remote_waldmeister]
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_reconstruct.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_reconstruct.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     ATerm ((Metis_Name.toString s, []), [])
 fun hol_term_of_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab =
-  atp_term_of_metis type_enc #> term_of_atp ctxt false sym_tab NONE
+  atp_term_of_metis type_enc #> term_of_atp ctxt ATP_Problem.CNF type_enc false sym_tab NONE
 fun atp_literal_of_metis type_enc (pos, atom) =
   atom |> Metis_Term.Fn |> atp_term_of_metis type_enc
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
   #> Metis_LiteralSet.toList
   #> atp_clause_of_metis type_enc
-  #> prop_of_atp ctxt false sym_tab
+  #> prop_of_atp ctxt ATP_Problem.CNF type_enc false sym_tab
   #> singleton (polish_hol_terms ctxt concealed)
 fun hol_terms_of_metis ctxt type_enc concealed sym_tab fol_tms =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML	Mon Jun 16 13:19:48 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover_atp.ML	Mon Jun 16 16:18:15 2014 +0200
@@ -302,36 +302,39 @@
                 | NONE => NONE)
               | _ => outcome)
-            ((SOME key, value), (output, run_time, facts, atp_proof, outcome))
+            ((SOME key, value), (output, run_time, facts, atp_proof, outcome),
+              SOME (format, type_enc))
         val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
-        fun maybe_run_slice slice (result as (cache, (_, run_time0, _, _, SOME _))) =
+        fun maybe_run_slice slice (result as (cache, (_, run_time0, _, _, SOME _), _)) =
             let val time_left = Time.- (timeout, Timer.checkRealTimer timer) in
               if Time.<= (time_left, Time.zeroTime) then
                 run_slice time_left cache slice
-                |> (fn (cache, (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome)) =>
-                  (cache, (output, Time.+ (run_time0, run_time), used_from, atp_proof, outcome)))
+                |> (fn (cache, (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome),
+                        format_type_enc) =>
+                  (cache, (output, Time.+ (run_time0, run_time), used_from, atp_proof, outcome),
+                   format_type_enc))
           | maybe_run_slice _ result = result
         ((NONE, ([], Symtab.empty, Vector.fromList [], [], Symtab.empty)),
-         ("", Time.zeroTime, [], [], SOME InternalError))
+         ("", Time.zeroTime, [], [], SOME InternalError), NONE)
         |> fold maybe_run_slice actual_slices
     (* If the problem file has not been exported, remove it; otherwise, export
        the proof file too. *)
     fun clean_up () = if dest_dir = "" then (try File.rm prob_path; ()) else ()
-    fun export (_, (output, _, _, _, _)) =
+    fun export (_, (output, _, _, _, _), _) =
       if dest_dir = "" then ()
       else File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode prob_path ^ "_proof")) output
     val ((_, (_, pool, fact_names, lifted, sym_tab)),
-         (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome)) =
+         (output, run_time, used_from, atp_proof, outcome), SOME (format, type_enc)) =
       with_cleanup clean_up run () |> tap export
     val important_message =
@@ -367,7 +370,7 @@
                       if atp_proof_prefers_lifting atp_proof then SOME liftingN else NONE
                     val atp_proof =
-                      |> termify_atp_proof ctxt pool lifted sym_tab
+                      |> termify_atp_proof ctxt name format type_enc pool lifted sym_tab
                       |> introduce_spass_skolem
                       |> factify_atp_proof fact_names hyp_ts concl_t