moved management of auxiliary theory source files to Thy_Load -- as theory data instead of accidental loader state;
theory loader: reduced warnings -- thy database can be bypassed in certain situations;
ML use function: propagate ML environment as well;
pervasive type generic_theory;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -274,10 +274,9 @@
(* init and exit *)
fun init_theory (name, imports, uses) =
- Toplevel.init_theory name (Thy_Info.begin_theory name imports (map (apfst Path.explode) uses))
- (fn thy =>
- if Thy_Info.check_known_thy (Context.theory_name thy)
- then Thy_Info.end_theory thy else ());
+ Toplevel.init_theory name
+ (Thy_Info.begin_theory name imports (map (apfst Path.explode) uses))
+ (Theory.end_theory #> tap Thy_Load.check_loaded #> Thy_Info.end_theory);
val exit = Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
(Context.set_thread_data (try Toplevel.generic_theory_of state);
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -304,30 +304,23 @@
(* use ML text *)
-fun propagate_env (context as Context.Proof lthy) =
- Context.Proof (Local_Theory.map_contexts (ML_Env.inherit context) lthy)
- | propagate_env context = context;
-fun propagate_env_prf prf = Proof.map_contexts
- (Context.proof_map (ML_Env.inherit (Context.Proof (Proof.context_of prf)))) prf;
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command "use" "ML text from file" (Keyword.tag_ml Keyword.thy_decl)
- (Parse.path >>
- (fn path => Toplevel.generic_theory (Thy_Info.exec_file path #> propagate_env)));
+ (Parse.path >> (fn path => Toplevel.generic_theory (Thy_Load.exec_ml path)));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command "ML" "ML text within theory or local theory"
(Keyword.tag_ml Keyword.thy_decl)
(Parse.ML_source >> (fn (txt, pos) =>
- (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_text true pos txt) #> propagate_env)));
+ (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_text true pos txt) #>
+ Local_Theory.propagate_ml_env)));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command "ML_prf" "ML text within proof" (Keyword.tag_proof Keyword.prf_decl)
(Parse.ML_source >> (fn (txt, pos) =>
Toplevel.proof (Proof.map_context (Context.proof_map
- (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_text true pos txt))) #> propagate_env_prf)));
+ (ML_Context.exec (fn () => ML_Context.eval_text true pos txt))) #> Proof.propagate_ml_env)));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command "ML_val" "diagnostic ML text" (Keyword.tag_ml Keyword.diag)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/local_theory.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/local_theory.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
type local_theory = Proof.context;
+type generic_theory = Context.generic;
signature LOCAL_THEORY =
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
val target_result: (Proof.context -> 'a * Proof.context) -> local_theory -> 'a * local_theory
val target: (Proof.context -> Proof.context) -> local_theory -> local_theory
val map_contexts: (Context.generic -> Context.generic) -> local_theory -> local_theory
+ val propagate_ml_env: generic_theory -> generic_theory
val standard_morphism: local_theory -> Proof.context -> morphism
val target_morphism: local_theory -> morphism
val global_morphism: local_theory -> morphism
@@ -173,6 +175,10 @@
target (Context.proof_map f) #>
Context.proof_map f;
+fun propagate_ml_env (context as Context.Proof lthy) =
+ Context.Proof (map_contexts (ML_Env.inherit context) lthy)
+ | propagate_ml_env context = context;
(* morphisms *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
val theory_of: state -> theory
val map_context: (context -> context) -> state -> state
val map_contexts: (context -> context) -> state -> state
+ val propagate_ml_env: state -> state
val bind_terms: (indexname * term option) list -> state -> state
val put_thms: bool -> string * thm list option -> state -> state
val the_facts: state -> thm list
@@ -207,6 +208,9 @@
fun map_contexts f = map_all (fn (ctxt, facts, mode, goal) => (f ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
+fun propagate_ml_env state = map_contexts
+ (Context.proof_map (ML_Env.inherit (Context.Proof (context_of state)))) state;
val bind_terms = map_context o ProofContext.bind_terms;
val put_thms = map_context oo ProofContext.put_thms;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/toplevel.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
signature TOPLEVEL =
exception UNDEF
- type generic_theory
type state
val toplevel: state
val is_toplevel: state -> bool
@@ -103,8 +102,6 @@
(* local theory wrappers *)
-type generic_theory = Context.generic; (*theory or local_theory*)
val loc_init = Theory_Target.context_cmd;
val loc_exit = Local_Theory.exit_global;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
val name = thy_name file;
val _ = name = "" andalso error ("Bad file name: " ^ quote file);
val _ =
- if Thy_Info.check_known_thy name then
+ if Thy_Info.known_thy name then
(Isar.>> (Toplevel.commit_exit Position.none);
Thy_Info.touch_child_thys name; Thy_Info.register_thy name)
handle ERROR msg =>
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -184,10 +184,8 @@
(*theory sources*)
use "Thy/thy_header.ML";
-use "Thy/thy_load.ML";
use "Thy/html.ML";
use "Thy/latex.ML";
-use "Thy/present.ML";
(*basic proof engine*)
use "Isar/proof_display.ML";
@@ -227,10 +225,12 @@
use "Isar/constdefs.ML";
(*toplevel transactions*)
+use "Thy/thy_load.ML";
use "Isar/proof_node.ML";
use "Isar/toplevel.ML";
(*theory syntax*)
+use "Thy/present.ML";
use "Thy/term_style.ML";
use "Thy/thy_output.ML";
use "Thy/thy_syntax.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
val add_hook: (action -> string -> unit) -> unit
val get_names: unit -> string list
val known_thy: string -> bool
- val check_known_thy: string -> bool
val if_known_thy: (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
val lookup_theory: string -> theory option
val get_theory: string -> theory
@@ -23,10 +22,6 @@
val thy_ord: theory * theory -> order
val remove_thy: string -> unit
val kill_thy: string -> unit
- val provide_file: Path.T -> string -> unit
- val load_file: Path.T -> unit
- val exec_file: Path.T -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
- val use: string -> unit
val use_thys: string list -> unit
val use_thy: string -> unit
val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> bool -> theory
@@ -80,18 +75,15 @@
(* thy database *)
type deps =
- {update_time: int, (*symbolic time of update; negative value means outdated*)
- master: (Path.T * File.ident) option, (*master dependencies for thy file*)
- text: string, (*source text for thy*)
- parents: string list, (*source specification of parents (partially qualified)*)
- (*auxiliary files: source path, physical path + identifier*)
- files: (Path.T * (Path.T * File.ident) option) list};
+ {update_time: int, (*symbolic time of update; negative value means outdated*)
+ master: (Path.T * File.ident) option, (*master dependencies for thy file*)
+ text: string, (*source text for thy*)
+ parents: string list}; (*source specification of parents (partially qualified)*)
-fun make_deps update_time master text parents files : deps =
- {update_time = update_time, master = master, text = text, parents = parents, files = files};
+fun make_deps update_time master text parents : deps =
+ {update_time = update_time, master = master, text = text, parents = parents};
-fun init_deps master text parents files =
- SOME (make_deps ~1 master text parents (map (rpair NONE) files));
+fun init_deps master text parents = SOME (make_deps ~1 master text parents);
fun master_dir NONE = Path.current
| master_dir (SOME (path, _)) = Path.dir path;
@@ -123,8 +115,7 @@
SOME (thy_graph Graph.get_node name) handle Graph.UNDEF _ => NONE;
val known_thy = is_some o lookup_thy;
-fun check_known_thy name = known_thy name orelse (warning ("Unknown theory " ^ quote name); false);
-fun if_known_thy f name = if check_known_thy name then f name else ();
+fun if_known_thy f name = if known_thy name then f name else ();
fun get_thy name =
(case lookup_thy name of
@@ -144,13 +135,6 @@
val is_finished = is_none o get_deps;
val master_directory = master_dir' o get_deps;
-fun loaded_files name =
- (case get_deps name of
- NONE => []
- | SOME {master, files, ...} =>
- (case master of SOME (thy_path, _) => [thy_path] | NONE => []) @
- (map_filter ( #1 o #2) files));
fun get_parents name =
thy_graph Graph.imm_preds name handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
error (loader_msg "nothing known about theory" [name]);
@@ -168,27 +152,16 @@
SOME theory => theory
| _ => error (loader_msg "undefined theory entry for" [name]));
+fun loaded_files name =
+ (case get_deps name of
+ NONE => []
+ | SOME {master, ...} => (case master of SOME (thy_path, _) => [thy_path] | NONE => [])) @
+ Thy_Load.loaded_files (get_theory name);
(** thy operations **)
-(* check state *)
-fun check_unfinished fail name =
- if known_thy name andalso is_finished name then
- fail (loader_msg "cannot update finished theory" [name])
- else ();
-fun check_files name =
- let
- val files = (case get_deps name of SOME {files, ...} => files | NONE => []);
- val missing_files = map_filter (fn (path, NONE) => SOME (Path.implode path) | _ => NONE) files;
- val _ = null missing_files orelse
- error (loader_msg "unresolved dependencies of theory" [name] ^
- " on file(s): " ^ commas_quote missing_files);
- in () end;
(* maintain update_time *)
@@ -207,8 +180,8 @@
fun outdate_thy name =
if is_finished name orelse is_outdated name then ()
else CRITICAL (fn () =>
- (change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, files, ...} =>
- make_deps ~1 master text parents files)); perform Outdate name));
+ (change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, ...} =>
+ make_deps ~1 master text parents)); perform Outdate name));
fun touch_thys names = outdate_thy (thy_graph Graph.all_succs (map_filter unfinished names));
@@ -266,52 +239,6 @@
val kill_thy = if_known_thy remove_thy;
-(* load_file *)
-fun provide path name info (SOME {update_time, master, text, parents, files}) =
- (if AList.defined (op =) files path then ()
- else warning (loader_msg "undeclared dependency of theory" [name] ^
- " on file: " ^ quote (Path.implode path));
- SOME (make_deps update_time master text parents
- (AList.update (op =) (path, SOME info) files)))
- | provide _ _ _ NONE = NONE;
-fun run_file path =
- (case (Context.theory_name o Context.the_theory) (Context.thread_data ()) of
- NONE => (Thy_Load.load_ml Path.current path; ())
- | SOME name =>
- (case lookup_deps name of
- SOME deps =>
- change_deps name (provide path name (Thy_Load.load_ml (master_dir' deps) path))
- | NONE => (Thy_Load.load_ml Path.current path; ())));
-fun provide_file path name =
- let
- val dir = master_directory name;
- val _ = check_unfinished error name;
- in change_deps name (provide path name (Thy_Load.check_file dir path)) end;
-fun load_file path =
- if ! Output.timing then
- let val name = Path.implode path in
- timeit (fn () =>
- (priority ("\n**** Starting file " ^ quote name ^ " ****");
- run_file path;
- priority ("**** Finished file " ^ quote name ^ " ****\n")))
- end
- else run_file path;
-fun exec_file path = ML_Context.exec (fn () => load_file path);
-val use = load_file o Path.explode;
(* load_thy *)
fun required_by _ [] = ""
@@ -321,22 +248,22 @@
val _ = priority ("Loading theory " ^ quote name ^ required_by " " initiators);
fun corrupted () = error (loader_msg "corrupted dependency information" [name]);
- val (pos, text, _) =
+ val (pos, text) =
(case get_deps name of
- SOME {master = SOME (master_path, _), text, files, ...} =>
+ SOME {master = SOME (master_path, _), text, ...} =>
if text = "" then corrupted ()
- else (Path.position master_path, text, files)
+ else (Path.position master_path, text)
| _ => corrupted ());
val _ = touch_thy name;
val _ = CRITICAL (fn () =>
- change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, files, ...} =>
- make_deps upd_time master text parents files)));
+ change_deps name ( (fn {master, text, parents, ...} =>
+ make_deps upd_time master text parents)));
val after_load = Outer_Syntax.load_thy name pos text;
val _ =
CRITICAL (fn () =>
(change_deps name
- ( (fn {update_time, master, parents, files, ...} =>
- make_deps update_time master "" parents files));
+ ( (fn {update_time, master, parents, ...} =>
+ make_deps update_time master "" parents));
perform Update name));
in after_load end;
@@ -410,43 +337,33 @@
-fun check_file master (src_path, info) =
- let val info' =
- (case info of
- | SOME (_, id) =>
- (case Thy_Load.test_file (master_dir master) src_path of
- | SOME (path', id') => if id <> id' then NONE else SOME (path', id')))
- in (src_path, info') end;
fun check_deps dir name =
(case lookup_deps name of
SOME NONE => (true, NONE, get_parents name)
| NONE =>
- let val {master, text, imports = parents, uses = files} = Thy_Load.deps_thy dir name
- in (false, init_deps (SOME master) text parents files, parents) end
- | SOME (SOME {update_time, master, text, parents, files}) =>
+ let val {master, text, imports = parents, ...} = Thy_Load.deps_thy dir name
+ in (false, init_deps (SOME master) text parents, parents) end
+ | SOME (SOME {update_time, master, text, parents}) =>
val (thy_path, thy_id) = Thy_Load.check_thy dir name;
val master' = SOME (thy_path, thy_id);
if #2 master <> SOME thy_id then
- let val {text = text', imports = parents', uses = files', ...} =
- Thy_Load.deps_thy dir name;
- in (false, init_deps master' text' parents' files', parents') end
+ let val {text = text', imports = parents', ...} = Thy_Load.deps_thy dir name;
+ in (false, init_deps master' text' parents', parents') end
- val files' = map (check_file master') files;
- val current = update_time >= 0 andalso can get_theory name
- andalso forall (is_some o snd) files';
+ val current =
+ (case lookup_theory name of
+ NONE => false
+ | SOME theory => update_time >= 0 andalso Thy_Load.all_current theory);
val update_time' = if current then update_time else ~1;
- val deps' = SOME (make_deps update_time' master' text parents files');
+ val deps' = SOME (make_deps update_time' master' text parents);
in (current, deps', parents) end
-fun read_text (SOME {update_time, master = master as SOME (path, _), text = _, parents, files}) =
- SOME (make_deps update_time master ( path) parents files);
+fun read_text (SOME {update_time, master = master as SOME (path, _), text = _, parents}) =
+ SOME (make_deps update_time master ( path) parents);
@@ -495,28 +412,31 @@
schedule_tasks (snd (require_thys [] dir arg Graph.empty));
val use_thys = use_thys_dir Path.current;
-fun use_thy str =
- let
- val name = base_name str;
- val _ = check_unfinished warning name;
- in use_thys [str] end;
+val use_thy = use_thys o single;
(* begin / end theory *)
+fun check_unfinished name =
+ if known_thy name andalso is_finished name then
+ error (loader_msg "cannot update finished theory" [name])
+ else ();
fun begin_theory name parents uses int =
val parent_names = map base_name parents;
val dir = master_dir'' (lookup_deps name);
- val _ = check_unfinished error name;
+ val _ = check_unfinished name;
val _ = if int then use_thys_dir dir parents else ();
- val theory = Theory.begin_theory name (map get_theory parent_names);
+ val theory =
+ Theory.begin_theory name (map get_theory parent_names)
+ |> Thy_Load.init dir
+ |> fold (Thy_Load.require o fst) uses;
val deps =
if known_thy name then get_deps name
- else init_deps NONE "" parents (map #1 uses);
+ else init_deps NONE "" parents;
val _ = change_thys (new_deps name parent_names (deps, NONE));
val update_time = (case deps of NONE => 0 | SOME {update_time, ...} => update_time);
@@ -527,16 +447,12 @@
val uses_now = map_filter (fn (x, true) => SOME x | _ => NONE) uses;
val theory'' =
- fold (fn x => Context.theory_map (exec_file x) o Theory.checkpoint) uses_now theory';
+ fold (fn x => Context.theory_map (Thy_Load.exec_ml x) o Theory.checkpoint) uses_now theory';
in theory'' end;
fun end_theory theory =
- let
- val name = Context.theory_name theory;
- val _ = check_files name;
- val theory' = Theory.end_theory theory;
- val _ = change_thy name (fn (deps, _) => (deps, SOME theory'));
- in () end;
+ let val name = Context.theory_name theory
+ in if known_thy name then change_thy name (fn (deps, _) => (deps, SOME theory)) else () end;
(* register existing theories *)
@@ -546,14 +462,14 @@
val _ = priority ("Registering theory " ^ quote name);
val thy = get_theory name;
val _ = map get_theory (get_parents name);
- val _ = check_unfinished error name;
+ val _ = check_unfinished name;
val _ = touch_thy name;
val master = #master (Thy_Load.deps_thy Path.current name);
val upd_time = #2 (Management_Data.get thy);
CRITICAL (fn () =>
- (change_deps name (
- (fn {parents, files, ...} => make_deps upd_time (SOME master) "" parents files));
+ (change_deps name ( (fn {parents, ...} =>
+ make_deps upd_time (SOME master) "" parents));
perform Update name))
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_load.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_load.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
signature THY_LOAD =
+ val master_directory: theory -> Path.T
+ val init: Path.T -> theory -> theory
+ val require: Path.T -> theory -> theory
+ val provide: Path.T * (Path.T * File.ident) -> theory -> theory
val ml_path: string -> Path.T
val thy_path: string -> Path.T
val split_thy_path: Path.T -> Path.T * string
@@ -26,12 +30,57 @@
val check_thy: Path.T -> string -> Path.T * File.ident
val deps_thy: Path.T -> string ->
{master: Path.T * File.ident, text: string, imports: string list, uses: Path.T list}
- val load_ml: Path.T -> Path.T -> Path.T * File.ident
+ val loaded_files: theory -> Path.T list
+ val check_loaded: theory -> unit
+ val all_current: theory -> bool
+ val provide_file: Path.T -> theory -> theory
+ val use_ml: Path.T -> unit
+ val exec_ml: Path.T -> generic_theory -> generic_theory
structure Thy_Load: THY_LOAD =
+(* manage source files *)
+type files =
+ {master_dir: Path.T, (*master directory of theory source*)
+ required: Path.T list, (*source path*)
+ provided: (Path.T * (Path.T * File.ident)) list}; (*source path, physical path, identifier*)
+fun make_files (master_dir, required, provided): files =
+ {master_dir = master_dir, required = required, provided = provided};
+structure Files = Theory_Data
+ type T = files;
+ val empty = make_files (Path.current, [], []);
+ fun extend _ = empty;
+ fun merge _ = empty;
+fun map_files f =
+ (fn {master_dir, required, provided} =>
+ make_files (f (master_dir, required, provided)));
+val master_directory = #master_dir o Files.get;
+fun init master_dir = map_files (fn _ => (master_dir, [], []));
+fun require src_path =
+ map_files (fn (master_dir, required, provided) =>
+ if member (op =) required src_path then
+ error ("Duplicate source file dependency: " ^ Path.implode src_path)
+ else (master_dir, src_path :: required, provided));
+fun provide (src_path, path_info) =
+ map_files (fn (master_dir, required, provided) =>
+ if AList.defined (op =) provided src_path then
+ error ("Duplicate resolution of source file dependency: " ^ Path.implode src_path)
+ else (master_dir, required, (src_path, path_info) :: provided));
(* maintain load path *)
local val load_path = Unsynchronized.ref [Path.current] in
@@ -121,13 +170,56 @@
in {master = master, text = text, imports = imports, uses = uses} end;
-(* ML files *)
+(* loaded files *)
+val loaded_files = map (#1 o #2) o #provided o Files.get;
-fun load_ml dir raw_path =
+fun check_loaded thy =
+ let
+ val {required, provided, ...} = Files.get thy;
+ val provided_paths = map #1 provided;
+ val _ =
+ (case subtract (op =) provided_paths required of
+ [] => NONE
+ | bad => error ("Pending source file dependencies: " ^ commas (map Path.implode (rev bad))));
+ val _ =
+ (case subtract (op =) required provided_paths of
+ [] => NONE
+ | bad => error ("Undeclared source file dependencies: " ^ commas (map Path.implode (rev bad))));
+ in () end;
+fun all_current thy =
- val (path, id) = check_file dir raw_path;
- val _ = ML_Context.eval_file path;
- in (path, id) end;
+ val {master_dir, provided, ...} = Files.get thy;
+ fun current (src_path, path_info) =
+ (case test_file master_dir src_path of
+ NONE => false
+ | SOME path_info' => eq_snd (op =) (path_info, path_info'));
+ in can check_loaded thy andalso forall current provided end;
+(* provide files *)
+fun provide_file src_path thy =
+ provide (src_path, check_file (master_directory thy) src_path) thy;
+fun use_ml src_path =
+ if is_none (Context.thread_data ()) then
+ ML_Context.eval_file (#1 (check_file Path.current src_path))
+ else
+ let
+ val thy = ML_Context.the_global_context ();
+ val (path, info) = check_file (master_directory thy) src_path;
+ val _ = ML_Context.eval_file path;
+ val _ = Context.>> Local_Theory.propagate_ml_env;
+ val provide = provide (src_path, (path, info));
+ val _ = Context.>> (Context.mapping provide (Local_Theory.theory provide));
+ in () end
+fun exec_ml src_path = ML_Context.exec (fn () => use_ml src_path);
--- a/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML Fri Jul 23 18:42:46 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML Sat Jul 24 12:14:53 2010 +0200
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
(* ML toplevel use commands *)
-fun use name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use name);
+fun use name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Load.use_ml (Path.explode name));
fun use_thys name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use_thys name);
fun use_thy name = Toplevel.program (fn () => Thy_Info.use_thy name);