some more primrec
Wed, 02 Jan 2008 15:14:20 +0100
changeset 25765 49580bd58a21
parent 25764 878c37886eed
child 25766 6960410f134d
some more primrec
--- a/src/HOL/Complex/ex/MIR.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:17 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Complex/ex/MIR.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:20 2008 +0100
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 declare real_of_int_floor_cancel [simp del]
-fun alluopairs:: "'a list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'a) list" where 
+primrec alluopairs:: "'a list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'a) list" where 
   "alluopairs [] = []"
 | "alluopairs (x#xs) = (map (Pair x) (x#xs))@(alluopairs xs)"
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
   | Mul int num | Floor num| CF int num num
   (* A size for num to make inductive proofs simpler*)
-fun num_size :: "num \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+primrec num_size :: "num \<Rightarrow> nat" where
  "num_size (C c) = 1"
 | "num_size (Bound n) = 1"
 | "num_size (Neg a) = 1 + num_size a"
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 | "num_size (Floor a) = 1 + num_size a"
   (* Semantics of numeral terms (num) *)
-fun Inum :: "real list \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> real" where
+primrec Inum :: "real list \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> real" where
   "Inum bs (C c) = (real c)"
 | "Inum bs (Bound n) = bs!n"
 | "Inum bs (CN n c a) = (real c) * (bs!n) + (Inum bs a)"
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 by (induct p rule: fmsize.induct) simp_all
   (* Semantics of formulae (fm) *)
-fun Ifm ::"real list \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+primrec Ifm ::"real list \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   "Ifm bs T = True"
 | "Ifm bs F = False"
 | "Ifm bs (Lt a) = (Inum bs a < 0)"
@@ -322,39 +322,32 @@
   (* Quantifier freeness *)
-consts qfree:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool"
-recdef qfree "measure size"
+fun qfree:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   "qfree (E p) = False"
-  "qfree (A p) = False"
-  "qfree (NOT p) = qfree p" 
-  "qfree (And p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
-  "qfree (Or  p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
-  "qfree (Imp p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
-  "qfree (Iff p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
-  "qfree p = True"
+  | "qfree (A p) = False"
+  | "qfree (NOT p) = qfree p" 
+  | "qfree (And p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
+  | "qfree (Or  p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
+  | "qfree (Imp p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)" 
+  | "qfree (Iff p q) = (qfree p \<and> qfree q)"
+  | "qfree p = True"
   (* Boundedness and substitution *)
-  numbound0:: "num \<Rightarrow> bool" (* a num is INDEPENDENT of Bound 0 *)
-  bound0:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" (* A Formula is independent of Bound 0 *)
-  numsubst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num" (* substitute a num into a num for Bound 0 *)
-  subst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" (* substitue a num into a formula for Bound 0 *)
+primrec numbound0 :: "num \<Rightarrow> bool" (* a num is INDEPENDENT of Bound 0 *) where
   "numbound0 (C c) = True"
-  "numbound0 (Bound n) = (n>0)"
-  "numbound0 (CN n i a) = (n > 0 \<and> numbound0 a)"
-  "numbound0 (Neg a) = numbound0 a"
-  "numbound0 (Add a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)"
-  "numbound0 (Sub a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)" 
-  "numbound0 (Mul i a) = numbound0 a"
-  "numbound0 (Floor a) = numbound0 a"
-  "numbound0 (CF c a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)" 
+  | "numbound0 (Bound n) = (n>0)"
+  | "numbound0 (CN n i a) = (n > 0 \<and> numbound0 a)"
+  | "numbound0 (Neg a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "numbound0 (Add a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)"
+  | "numbound0 (Sub a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)" 
+  | "numbound0 (Mul i a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "numbound0 (Floor a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "numbound0 (CF c a b) = (numbound0 a \<and> numbound0 b)" 
 lemma numbound0_I:
   assumes nb: "numbound0 a"
   shows "Inum (b#bs) a = Inum (b'#bs) a"
-using nb
-by (induct a rule: numbound0.induct) (auto simp add: nth_pos2)
+  using nb by (induct a) (auto simp add: nth_pos2)
 lemma numbound0_gen: 
   assumes nb: "numbound0 t" and ti: "isint t (x#bs)"
@@ -367,41 +360,41 @@
     by (simp add: isint_def)
+primrec bound0:: "fm \<Rightarrow> bool" (* A Formula is independent of Bound 0 *) where
   "bound0 T = True"
-  "bound0 F = True"
-  "bound0 (Lt a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (Le a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (Gt a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (Ge a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (Eq a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (NEq a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (Dvd i a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (NDvd i a) = numbound0 a"
-  "bound0 (NOT p) = bound0 p"
-  "bound0 (And p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
-  "bound0 (Or p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
-  "bound0 (Imp p q) = ((bound0 p) \<and> (bound0 q))"
-  "bound0 (Iff p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
-  "bound0 (E p) = False"
-  "bound0 (A p) = False"
+  | "bound0 F = True"
+  | "bound0 (Lt a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (Le a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (Gt a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (Ge a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (Eq a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (NEq a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (Dvd i a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (NDvd i a) = numbound0 a"
+  | "bound0 (NOT p) = bound0 p"
+  | "bound0 (And p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
+  | "bound0 (Or p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
+  | "bound0 (Imp p q) = ((bound0 p) \<and> (bound0 q))"
+  | "bound0 (Iff p q) = (bound0 p \<and> bound0 q)"
+  | "bound0 (E p) = False"
+  | "bound0 (A p) = False"
 lemma bound0_I:
   assumes bp: "bound0 p"
   shows "Ifm (b#bs) p = Ifm (b'#bs) p"
-using bp numbound0_I[where b="b" and bs="bs" and b'="b'"]
-by (induct p rule: bound0.induct) (auto simp add: nth_pos2)
+ using bp numbound0_I [where b="b" and bs="bs" and b'="b'"]
+  by (induct p) (auto simp add: nth_pos2)
+primrec numsubst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num" (* substitute a num into a num for Bound 0 *) where
   "numsubst0 t (C c) = (C c)"
-  "numsubst0 t (Bound n) = (if n=0 then t else Bound n)"
-  "numsubst0 t (CN n i a) = (if n=0 then Add (Mul i t) (numsubst0 t a) else CN n i (numsubst0 t a))"
-  "numsubst0 t (CF i a b) = CF i (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
-  "numsubst0 t (Neg a) = Neg (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "numsubst0 t (Add a b) = Add (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
-  "numsubst0 t (Sub a b) = Sub (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)" 
-  "numsubst0 t (Mul i a) = Mul i (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "numsubst0 t (Floor a) = Floor (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (Bound n) = (if n=0 then t else Bound n)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (CN n i a) = (if n=0 then Add (Mul i t) (numsubst0 t a) else CN n i (numsubst0 t a))"
+  | "numsubst0 t (CF i a b) = CF i (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (Neg a) = Neg (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (Add a b) = Add (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (Sub a b) = Sub (numsubst0 t a) (numsubst0 t b)" 
+  | "numsubst0 t (Mul i a) = Mul i (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "numsubst0 t (Floor a) = Floor (numsubst0 t a)"
 lemma numsubst0_I:
   shows "Inum (b#bs) (numsubst0 a t) = Inum ((Inum (b#bs) a)#bs) t"
@@ -412,30 +405,29 @@
   shows "Inum (b#bs) (numsubst0 a t) = Inum ((Inum (b'#bs) a)#bs) t"
   by (induct t) (simp_all add: nth_pos2 numbound0_I[OF nb, where b="b" and b'="b'"])
+primrec subst0:: "num \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" (* substitue a num into a formula for Bound 0 *) where
   "subst0 t T = T"
-  "subst0 t F = F"
-  "subst0 t (Lt a) = Lt (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (Le a) = Le (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (Gt a) = Gt (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (Ge a) = Ge (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (Eq a) = Eq (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (NEq a) = NEq (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (Dvd i a) = Dvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (NDvd i a) = NDvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
-  "subst0 t (NOT p) = NOT (subst0 t p)"
-  "subst0 t (And p q) = And (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
-  "subst0 t (Or p q) = Or (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
-  "subst0 t (Imp p q) = Imp (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
-  "subst0 t (Iff p q) = Iff (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
+  | "subst0 t F = F"
+  | "subst0 t (Lt a) = Lt (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (Le a) = Le (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (Gt a) = Gt (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (Ge a) = Ge (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (Eq a) = Eq (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (NEq a) = NEq (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (Dvd i a) = Dvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (NDvd i a) = NDvd i (numsubst0 t a)"
+  | "subst0 t (NOT p) = NOT (subst0 t p)"
+  | "subst0 t (And p q) = And (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
+  | "subst0 t (Or p q) = Or (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
+  | "subst0 t (Imp p q) = Imp (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
+  | "subst0 t (Iff p q) = Iff (subst0 t p) (subst0 t q)"
 lemma subst0_I: assumes qfp: "qfree p"
   shows "Ifm (b#bs) (subst0 a p) = Ifm ((Inum (b#bs) a)#bs) p"
   using qfp numsubst0_I[where b="b" and bs="bs" and a="a"]
   by (induct p) (simp_all add: nth_pos2 )
   decrnum:: "num \<Rightarrow> num" 
   decr :: "fm \<Rightarrow> fm"
@@ -495,21 +487,22 @@
 lemma numsubst0_numbound0: assumes nb: "numbound0 t"
   shows "numbound0 (numsubst0 t a)"
-using nb by (induct a rule: numsubst0.induct, auto)
+using nb by (induct a, auto)
 lemma subst0_bound0: assumes qf: "qfree p" and nb: "numbound0 t"
   shows "bound0 (subst0 t p)"
-using qf numsubst0_numbound0[OF nb] by (induct p  rule: subst0.induct, auto)
+using qf numsubst0_numbound0[OF nb] by (induct p, auto)
 lemma bound0_qf: "bound0 p \<Longrightarrow> qfree p"
 by (induct p, simp_all)
-constdefs djf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm"
-  "djf f p q \<equiv> (if q=T then T else if q=F then f p else 
+definition djf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> fm \<Rightarrow> fm" where
+  "djf f p q = (if q=T then T else if q=F then f p else 
   (let fp = f p in case fp of T \<Rightarrow> T | F \<Rightarrow> q | _ \<Rightarrow> Or fp q))"
-constdefs evaldjf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> fm"
-  "evaldjf f ps \<equiv> foldr (djf f) ps F"
+definition evaldjf:: "('a \<Rightarrow> fm) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> fm" where
+  "evaldjf f ps = foldr (djf f) ps F"
 lemma djf_Or: "Ifm bs (djf f p q) = Ifm bs (Or (f p) q)"
 by (cases "q=T", simp add: djf_def,cases "q=F",simp add: djf_def) 
--- a/src/HOL/Library/State_Monad.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:17 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/State_Monad.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:20 2008 +0100
@@ -259,12 +259,13 @@
   lift :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'c \<Rightarrow> 'b \<times> 'c" where
   "lift f x = return (f x)"
   list :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" where
   "list f [] = id"
 | "list f (x#xs) = (do f x; list f xs done)"
-fun list_yield :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c \<times> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c list \<times> 'b" where
+  list_yield :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c \<times> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'c list \<times> 'b" where
   "list_yield f [] = return []"
 | "list_yield f (x#xs) = (do y \<leftarrow> f x; ys \<leftarrow> list_yield f xs; return (y#ys) done)"
@@ -277,29 +278,29 @@
 lemma list_cong [fundef_cong, recdef_cong]:
   "\<lbrakk> \<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f x = g x; xs = ys \<rbrakk>
     \<Longrightarrow> list f xs = list g ys"
-proof (induct f xs arbitrary: g ys rule: list.induct)
-  case 1 then show ?case by simp
+proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
+  case Nil then show ?case by simp
-  case (2 f x xs g)
-  from 2 have "\<And>y. y \<in> set (x # xs) \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
+  case (Cons x xs)
+  from Cons have "\<And>y. y \<in> set (x # xs) \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
   then have "\<And>y. y \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
-  with 2 have "list f xs = list g xs" by auto
-  with 2 have "list f (x # xs) = list g (x # xs)" by auto
-  with 2 show "list f (x # xs) = list g ys" by auto
+  with Cons have "list f xs = list g xs" by auto
+  with Cons have "list f (x # xs) = list g (x # xs)" by auto
+  with Cons show "list f (x # xs) = list g ys" by auto
 lemma list_yield_cong [fundef_cong, recdef_cong]:
   "\<lbrakk> \<And>x. x \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f x = g x; xs = ys \<rbrakk>
     \<Longrightarrow> list_yield f xs = list_yield g ys"
-proof (induct f xs arbitrary: g ys rule: list_yield.induct)
-  case 1 then show ?case by simp
+proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
+  case Nil then show ?case by simp
-  case (2 f x xs g)
-  from 2 have "\<And>y. y \<in> set (x # xs) \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
+  case (Cons x xs)
+  from Cons have "\<And>y. y \<in> set (x # xs) \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
   then have "\<And>y. y \<in> set xs \<Longrightarrow> f y = g y" by auto
-  with 2 have "list_yield f xs = list_yield g xs" by auto
-  with 2 have "list_yield f (x # xs) = list_yield g (x # xs)" by auto
-  with 2 show "list_yield f (x # xs) = list_yield g ys" by auto
+  with Cons have "list_yield f xs = list_yield g xs" by auto
+  with Cons have "list_yield f (x # xs) = list_yield g (x # xs)" by auto
+  with Cons show "list_yield f (x # xs) = list_yield g ys" by auto
 text {*
--- a/src/HOL/SizeChange/Interpretation.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:17 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SizeChange/Interpretation.thy	Wed Jan 02 15:14:20 2008 +0100
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   "in_cdesc (\<Gamma>, r, l) x y = (\<exists>q. x = r q \<and> y = l q \<and> \<Gamma> q)"
-fun mk_rel :: "('a, 'q) cdesc list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
+primrec mk_rel :: "('a, 'q) cdesc list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
   "mk_rel [] x y = False"
 | "mk_rel (c#cs) x y =