Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:45:40 +0100
changeset 46726 49cbc06af3e5
parent 46723 54ea872b60ea (current diff)
parent 46725 d34ec0512dfb (diff)
child 46727 0162a0d284ac
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Manual/Reference.thy	Mon Feb 27 23:35:11 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Manual/Reference.thy	Tue Feb 28 11:45:40 2012 +0100
@@ -43,11 +43,14 @@
 or packages, whereas the former allows the given term to refer to the types generated
 by \isa{\isacommand{spark\_open}} for record or enumeration types specified in the
 \texttt{*.fdl} file.
-@{rail "@'spark_types' ((name '=' type)+)"}
+@{rail "@'spark_types' ((name '=' type (mapping?))+);
+mapping: '('((name '=' nameref)+',')')'"}
 Associates a \SPARK{} type with the given name with an Isabelle type. This command can
 only be used outside a verification environment. The given type must be either a record
-or a datatype, where the field names and constructors must match those of the corresponding
-\SPARK{} types (modulo casing). This command is useful when having to define
+or a datatype, where the names of fields or constructors must either match those of the
+corresponding \SPARK{} types (modulo casing), or a mapping from \SPARK{} to Isabelle
+names has to be provided.
+This command is useful when having to define
 proof functions referring to record or enumeration types that are shared by several
 procedures or packages. First, the types required by the proof functions can be introduced
 using Isabelle's commands for defining records or datatypes. Having introduced the
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_commands.ML	Mon Feb 27 23:35:11 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_commands.ML	Tue Feb 28 11:45:40 2012 +0100
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
        Syntax.check_term ctxt) pf thy
-fun add_spark_type_cmd (s, raw_typ) thy =
-  SPARK_VCs.add_type (s, Syntax.read_typ_global thy raw_typ) thy;
+fun add_spark_type_cmd (s, (raw_typ, cmap)) thy =
+  SPARK_VCs.add_type (s, (Syntax.read_typ_global thy raw_typ, cmap)) thy;
 fun get_vc thy vc_name =
   (case SPARK_VCs.lookup_vc thy vc_name of
@@ -124,7 +124,9 @@
   Outer_Syntax.command "spark_types"
     "associate SPARK types with types"
-    (Scan.repeat1 ( --| Args.$$$ "=" -- Parse.typ) >>
+    (Scan.repeat1 ( -- Parse.!!! (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.typ --
+       Scan.optional (Args.parens (Parse.list1
+         ( -- Parse.!!! (Args.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.xname)))) [])) >>
        (Toplevel.theory o fold add_spark_type_cmd));
 val _ =
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML	Mon Feb 27 23:35:11 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML	Tue Feb 28 11:45:40 2012 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   val add_proof_fun: (typ option -> 'a -> term) ->
     string * ((string list * string) option * 'a) ->
     theory -> theory
-  val add_type: string * typ -> theory -> theory
+  val add_type: string * (typ * (string * string) list) -> theory -> theory
   val lookup_vc: theory -> string -> (Element.context_i list *
     (string * thm list option * Element.context_i * Element.statement_i)) option
   val get_vcs: theory ->
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   type T =
     {pfuns: ((string list * string) option * term) Symtab.table,
-     type_map: typ Symtab.table,
+     type_map: (typ * (string * string) list) Symtab.table,
        {ctxt: Element.context_i list,
         defs: (binding * thm) list,
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@
       | strip ys (x :: xs) = strip (x :: ys) xs
   in strip [] (rev (raw_explode s)) end;
+fun unprefix_pfun "" s = s
+  | unprefix_pfun prfx s =
+      let val (prfx', s') = strip_prfx s
+      in if prfx = prfx' then s' else s end;
 fun mk_unop s t =
   let val T = fastype_of t
   in Const (s, T --> T) $ t end;
@@ -104,14 +109,17 @@
   let val {type_map, ...} = VCs.get thy
   in lookup_prfx prfx type_map ty end;
-fun mk_type _ _ "integer" = HOLogic.intT
-  | mk_type _ _ "boolean" = HOLogic.boolT
-  | mk_type thy prfx ty =
+fun mk_type' _ _ "integer" = (HOLogic.intT, [])
+  | mk_type' _ _ "boolean" = (HOLogic.boolT, [])
+  | mk_type' thy prfx ty =
       (case get_type thy prfx ty of
          NONE =>
-           Syntax.check_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
-             (Type (Sign.full_name thy ( ty), []))
-       | SOME T => T);
+           (Syntax.check_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
+              (Type (Sign.full_name thy ( ty), [])),
+            [])
+       | SOME p => p);
+fun mk_type thy prfx ty = fst (mk_type' thy prfx ty);
 val booleanN = "boolean";
 val integerN = "integer";
@@ -146,7 +154,12 @@
       Record.get_info thy (Long_Name.qualifier tyname)
   | _ => NONE);
-fun find_field fname = find_first (curry lcase_eq fname o fst);
+fun find_field [] fname fields =
+      find_first (curry lcase_eq fname o fst) fields
+  | find_field cmap fname fields =
+      (case AList.lookup (op =) cmap fname of
+         NONE => NONE
+       | SOME fname' => SOME (fname', the (AList.lookup (op =) fields fname')));
 fun find_field' fname = get_first (fn (flds, fldty) =>
   if member (op =) flds fname then SOME fldty else NONE);
@@ -291,6 +304,10 @@
       else SOME ("either has no element " ^ el ^
         " or it is at the wrong position");
+fun invert_map [] = I
+  | invert_map cmap =
+      map (apfst (the o AList.lookup (op =) (map swap cmap)));
 fun add_type_def prfx (s, Basic_Type ty) (ids, thy) =
       (check_no_assoc thy prfx s;
@@ -307,26 +324,23 @@
                 (thy |>
                  Datatype.add_datatype {strict = true, quiet = true}
-                   [((tyb, [], NoSyn), map (fn s => ( s, [], NoSyn)) els)] |> snd |>
+                   [((tyb, [], NoSyn),
+                     map (fn s => ( s, [], NoSyn)) els)] |> snd |>
                  add_enum_type s tyname,
-          | SOME (T as Type (tyname, [])) =>
+          | SOME (T as Type (tyname, []), cmap) =>
               (case Datatype.get_constrs thy tyname of
                  NONE => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype"
                | SOME cs =>
-                   let
-                     val (prfx', _) = strip_prfx s;
-                     val els' =
-                       if prfx' = "" then els
-                       else map (unprefix (prfx' ^ "__")) els
-                         handle Fail _ => error ("Bad enumeration type " ^ s)
+                   let val (prfx', _) = strip_prfx s
-                     case check_enum els' cs of
+                     case check_enum (map (unprefix_pfun prfx') els)
+                         (invert_map cmap cs) of
                        NONE => (thy, tyname)
                      | SOME msg => assoc_ty_err thy T s msg
-          | SOME T => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype");
+          | SOME (T, _) => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype");
         val cs = map Const (the (Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname));
         ((fold (Symtab.update_new o apsnd (rpair s)) (els ~~ cs) tab,
@@ -349,24 +363,27 @@
            NONE =>
              Record.add_record ([], s) NONE
                (map (fn (fld, T) => ( fld, T, NoSyn)) fldTs) thy
-         | SOME rT =>
+         | SOME (rT, cmap) =>
              (case get_record_info thy rT of
                 NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s "is not a record type"
               | SOME {fields, ...} =>
-                  (case subtract (lcase_eq o pairself fst) fldTs fields of
-                     [] => ()
-                   | flds => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has extra field(s) " ^
-                       commas (map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) flds));
-                   map (fn (fld, T) =>
-                     case AList.lookup lcase_eq fields fld of
-                       NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has no field " ^ fld)
-                     | SOME U => T = U orelse assoc_ty_err thy rT s
-                         ("has field " ^
-                          fld ^ " whose type\n" ^
-                          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy U ^
-                          "\ndoes not match declared type\n" ^
-                          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T)) fldTs;
-                   thy))
+                  let val fields' = invert_map cmap fields
+                  in
+                    (case subtract (lcase_eq o pairself fst) fldTs fields' of
+                       [] => ()
+                     | flds => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has extra field(s) " ^
+                         commas (map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) flds));
+                     map (fn (fld, T) =>
+                       case AList.lookup lcase_eq fields' fld of
+                         NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has no field " ^ fld)
+                       | SOME U => T = U orelse assoc_ty_err thy rT s
+                           ("has field " ^
+                            fld ^ " whose type\n" ^
+                            Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy U ^
+                            "\ndoes not match declared type\n" ^
+                            Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T)) fldTs;
+                     thy)
+                  end)
   | add_type_def prfx (s, Pending_Type) (ids, thy) =
@@ -467,10 +484,10 @@
                [e] =>
                    val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e;
-                   val rT = mk_type thy prfx rcdty
+                   val (rT, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx rcdty
                  in case (get_record_info thy rT, lookup types rcdty) of
                      (SOME {fields, ...}, SOME (Record_Type fldtys)) =>
-                       (case (find_field fname fields,
+                       (case (find_field cmap fname fields,
                             find_field' fname fldtys) of
                           (SOME (fname', fT), SOME fldty) =>
                             (Const (fname', rT --> fT) $ t, fldty)
@@ -487,12 +504,12 @@
                [e, e'] =>
                    val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e;
-                   val rT = mk_type thy prfx rcdty;
+                   val (rT, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx rcdty;
                    val (u, fldty) = tm_of vs e';
                    val fT = mk_type thy prfx fldty
                  in case get_record_info thy rT of
                      SOME {fields, ...} =>
-                       (case find_field fname fields of
+                       (case find_field cmap fname fields of
                           SOME (fname', fU) =>
                             if fT = fU then
                               (Const (fname' ^ "_update",
@@ -576,13 +593,14 @@
       | tm_of vs (Record (s, flds)) =
-            val T = mk_type thy prfx s;
+            val (T, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx s;
             val {extension = (ext_name, _), fields, ...} =
               (case get_record_info thy T of
                  NONE => error (s ^ " is not a record type")
                | SOME info => info);
             val flds' = map (apsnd (tm_of vs)) flds;
-            val fnames = map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) fields;
+            val fnames = fields |> invert_map cmap |>
+              map (Long_Name.base_name o fst);
             val fnames' = map fst flds;
             val (fvals, ftys) = split_list (map (fn s' =>
               case AList.lookup lcase_eq flds' s' of
@@ -727,11 +745,6 @@
 fun upd_option x y = if is_some x then x else y;
-fun unprefix_pfun "" s = s
-  | unprefix_pfun prfx s =
-      let val (prfx', s') = strip_prfx s
-      in if prfx = prfx' then s' else s end;
 fun check_pfuns_types thy prfx funs = (fn s => fn (optty, t) =>
    let val optty' = lookup funs (unprefix_pfun prfx s)
@@ -834,29 +847,54 @@
        else error ("Undeclared proof function " ^ s))
     end) thy;
-fun add_type (s, T as Type (tyname, Ts)) thy =
-      thy |>
- (fn
-          {env = SOME _, ...} => err_unfinished ()
-        | {pfuns, type_map, env} =>
-            {pfuns = pfuns,
-             type_map = Symtab.update_new (s, T) type_map,
-             env = env}
-              handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("SPARK type " ^ s ^
-                " already associated with type")) |>
-      (fn thy' =>
-         case Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname of
-           NONE => thy'
-         | SOME cs =>
-             if null Ts then
-               (map
-                  (fn (_, Type (_, [])) => ()
-                    | (cname, _) => assoc_ty_err thy T s
-                        ("has illegal constructor " ^
-                         Long_Name.base_name cname)) cs;
-                add_enum_type s tyname thy')
-             else assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal")
-  | add_type (s, T) thy = assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal";
+fun check_mapping _ _ [] _ = ()
+  | check_mapping err s cmap cs =
+      (case duplicates (op = o pairself fst) cmap of
+         [] => (case duplicates (op = o pairself snd) cmap of
+             [] => (case subtract (op = o apsnd snd) cs cmap of
+                 [] => (case subtract (op = o apfst snd) cmap cs of
+                     [] => ()
+                   | zs => err ("has extra " ^ s ^ "(s) " ^ commas zs))
+               | zs => err ("does not have " ^ s ^ "(s) " ^
+                   commas (map snd zs)))
+           | zs => error ("Several SPARK names are mapped to " ^
+               commas (map snd zs)))
+       | zs => error ("The SPARK names " ^ commas (map fst zs) ^
+           " are mapped to more than one name"));
+fun add_type (s, (T as Type (tyname, Ts), cmap)) thy =
+      let val cmap' = map (apsnd (Sign.intern_const thy)) cmap
+      in
+        thy |>
+ (fn
+            {env = SOME _, ...} => err_unfinished ()
+          | {pfuns, type_map, env} =>
+              {pfuns = pfuns,
+               type_map = Symtab.update_new (s, (T, cmap')) type_map,
+               env = env}
+                handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("SPARK type " ^ s ^
+                  " already associated with type")) |>
+        (fn thy' =>
+           case Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname of
+             NONE => (case get_record_info thy' T of
+               NONE => thy'
+             | SOME {fields, ...} =>
+                 (check_mapping (assoc_ty_err thy' T s) "field"
+                    cmap' (map fst fields);
+                  thy'))
+           | SOME cs =>
+               if null Ts then
+                 (map
+                    (fn (_, Type (_, [])) => ()
+                      | (cname, _) => assoc_ty_err thy' T s
+                          ("has illegal constructor " ^
+                           Long_Name.base_name cname)) cs;
+                  check_mapping (assoc_ty_err thy' T s) "constructor"
+                    cmap' (map fst cs);
+                  add_enum_type s tyname thy')
+               else assoc_ty_err thy' T s "is illegal")
+      end
+  | add_type (s, (T, _)) thy = assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal";
 val is_closed = is_none o #env o VCs.get;
@@ -1027,7 +1065,8 @@
         Symtab.update ("false", (@{term False}, booleanN)) |>
         Symtab.update ("true", (@{term True}, booleanN)),
-       thy |> Sign.add_path (Long_Name.base_name ident)) |>
+       thy |> Sign.add_path
+         (if prfx = "" then Long_Name.base_name ident else prfx)) |>
       fold (add_type_def prfx) (items types) |>
       fold (snd oo add_const prfx) consts' |> (fn ids_thy as ((tab, _), _) =>
         ids_thy |>