--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML Mon Feb 27 23:35:11 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML Tue Feb 28 11:45:40 2012 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
val add_proof_fun: (typ option -> 'a -> term) ->
string * ((string list * string) option * 'a) ->
theory -> theory
- val add_type: string * typ -> theory -> theory
+ val add_type: string * (typ * (string * string) list) -> theory -> theory
val lookup_vc: theory -> string -> (Element.context_i list *
(string * thm list option * Element.context_i * Element.statement_i)) option
val get_vcs: theory ->
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
type T =
{pfuns: ((string list * string) option * term) Symtab.table,
- type_map: typ Symtab.table,
+ type_map: (typ * (string * string) list) Symtab.table,
{ctxt: Element.context_i list,
defs: (binding * thm) list,
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@
| strip ys (x :: xs) = strip (x :: ys) xs
in strip [] (rev (raw_explode s)) end;
+fun unprefix_pfun "" s = s
+ | unprefix_pfun prfx s =
+ let val (prfx', s') = strip_prfx s
+ in if prfx = prfx' then s' else s end;
fun mk_unop s t =
let val T = fastype_of t
in Const (s, T --> T) $ t end;
@@ -104,14 +109,17 @@
let val {type_map, ...} = VCs.get thy
in lookup_prfx prfx type_map ty end;
-fun mk_type _ _ "integer" = HOLogic.intT
- | mk_type _ _ "boolean" = HOLogic.boolT
- | mk_type thy prfx ty =
+fun mk_type' _ _ "integer" = (HOLogic.intT, [])
+ | mk_type' _ _ "boolean" = (HOLogic.boolT, [])
+ | mk_type' thy prfx ty =
(case get_type thy prfx ty of
- Syntax.check_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
- (Type (Sign.full_name thy (Binding.name ty), []))
- | SOME T => T);
+ (Syntax.check_typ (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
+ (Type (Sign.full_name thy (Binding.name ty), [])),
+ [])
+ | SOME p => p);
+fun mk_type thy prfx ty = fst (mk_type' thy prfx ty);
val booleanN = "boolean";
val integerN = "integer";
@@ -146,7 +154,12 @@
Record.get_info thy (Long_Name.qualifier tyname)
| _ => NONE);
-fun find_field fname = find_first (curry lcase_eq fname o fst);
+fun find_field [] fname fields =
+ find_first (curry lcase_eq fname o fst) fields
+ | find_field cmap fname fields =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) cmap fname of
+ | SOME fname' => SOME (fname', the (AList.lookup (op =) fields fname')));
fun find_field' fname = get_first (fn (flds, fldty) =>
if member (op =) flds fname then SOME fldty else NONE);
@@ -291,6 +304,10 @@
else SOME ("either has no element " ^ el ^
" or it is at the wrong position");
+fun invert_map [] = I
+ | invert_map cmap =
+ map (apfst (the o AList.lookup (op =) (map swap cmap)));
fun add_type_def prfx (s, Basic_Type ty) (ids, thy) =
(check_no_assoc thy prfx s;
@@ -307,26 +324,23 @@
(thy |>
Datatype.add_datatype {strict = true, quiet = true}
- [((tyb, [], NoSyn), map (fn s => (Binding.name s, [], NoSyn)) els)] |> snd |>
+ [((tyb, [], NoSyn),
+ map (fn s => (Binding.name s, [], NoSyn)) els)] |> snd |>
add_enum_type s tyname,
- | SOME (T as Type (tyname, [])) =>
+ | SOME (T as Type (tyname, []), cmap) =>
(case Datatype.get_constrs thy tyname of
NONE => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype"
| SOME cs =>
- let
- val (prfx', _) = strip_prfx s;
- val els' =
- if prfx' = "" then els
- else map (unprefix (prfx' ^ "__")) els
- handle Fail _ => error ("Bad enumeration type " ^ s)
+ let val (prfx', _) = strip_prfx s
- case check_enum els' cs of
+ case check_enum (map (unprefix_pfun prfx') els)
+ (invert_map cmap cs) of
NONE => (thy, tyname)
| SOME msg => assoc_ty_err thy T s msg
- | SOME T => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype");
+ | SOME (T, _) => assoc_ty_err thy T s "is not a datatype");
val cs = map Const (the (Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname));
((fold (Symtab.update_new o apsnd (rpair s)) (els ~~ cs) tab,
@@ -349,24 +363,27 @@
Record.add_record ([], Binding.name s) NONE
(map (fn (fld, T) => (Binding.name fld, T, NoSyn)) fldTs) thy
- | SOME rT =>
+ | SOME (rT, cmap) =>
(case get_record_info thy rT of
NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s "is not a record type"
| SOME {fields, ...} =>
- (case subtract (lcase_eq o pairself fst) fldTs fields of
- [] => ()
- | flds => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has extra field(s) " ^
- commas (map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) flds));
- map (fn (fld, T) =>
- case AList.lookup lcase_eq fields fld of
- NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has no field " ^ fld)
- | SOME U => T = U orelse assoc_ty_err thy rT s
- ("has field " ^
- fld ^ " whose type\n" ^
- Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy U ^
- "\ndoes not match declared type\n" ^
- Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T)) fldTs;
- thy))
+ let val fields' = invert_map cmap fields
+ in
+ (case subtract (lcase_eq o pairself fst) fldTs fields' of
+ [] => ()
+ | flds => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has extra field(s) " ^
+ commas (map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) flds));
+ map (fn (fld, T) =>
+ case AList.lookup lcase_eq fields' fld of
+ NONE => assoc_ty_err thy rT s ("has no field " ^ fld)
+ | SOME U => T = U orelse assoc_ty_err thy rT s
+ ("has field " ^
+ fld ^ " whose type\n" ^
+ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy U ^
+ "\ndoes not match declared type\n" ^
+ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T)) fldTs;
+ thy)
+ end)
| add_type_def prfx (s, Pending_Type) (ids, thy) =
@@ -467,10 +484,10 @@
[e] =>
val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e;
- val rT = mk_type thy prfx rcdty
+ val (rT, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx rcdty
in case (get_record_info thy rT, lookup types rcdty) of
(SOME {fields, ...}, SOME (Record_Type fldtys)) =>
- (case (find_field fname fields,
+ (case (find_field cmap fname fields,
find_field' fname fldtys) of
(SOME (fname', fT), SOME fldty) =>
(Const (fname', rT --> fT) $ t, fldty)
@@ -487,12 +504,12 @@
[e, e'] =>
val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e;
- val rT = mk_type thy prfx rcdty;
+ val (rT, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx rcdty;
val (u, fldty) = tm_of vs e';
val fT = mk_type thy prfx fldty
in case get_record_info thy rT of
SOME {fields, ...} =>
- (case find_field fname fields of
+ (case find_field cmap fname fields of
SOME (fname', fU) =>
if fT = fU then
(Const (fname' ^ "_update",
@@ -576,13 +593,14 @@
| tm_of vs (Record (s, flds)) =
- val T = mk_type thy prfx s;
+ val (T, cmap) = mk_type' thy prfx s;
val {extension = (ext_name, _), fields, ...} =
(case get_record_info thy T of
NONE => error (s ^ " is not a record type")
| SOME info => info);
val flds' = map (apsnd (tm_of vs)) flds;
- val fnames = map (Long_Name.base_name o fst) fields;
+ val fnames = fields |> invert_map cmap |>
+ map (Long_Name.base_name o fst);
val fnames' = map fst flds;
val (fvals, ftys) = split_list (map (fn s' =>
case AList.lookup lcase_eq flds' s' of
@@ -727,11 +745,6 @@
fun upd_option x y = if is_some x then x else y;
-fun unprefix_pfun "" s = s
- | unprefix_pfun prfx s =
- let val (prfx', s') = strip_prfx s
- in if prfx = prfx' then s' else s end;
fun check_pfuns_types thy prfx funs =
Symtab.map (fn s => fn (optty, t) =>
let val optty' = lookup funs (unprefix_pfun prfx s)
@@ -834,29 +847,54 @@
else error ("Undeclared proof function " ^ s))
end) thy;
-fun add_type (s, T as Type (tyname, Ts)) thy =
- thy |>
- VCs.map (fn
- {env = SOME _, ...} => err_unfinished ()
- | {pfuns, type_map, env} =>
- {pfuns = pfuns,
- type_map = Symtab.update_new (s, T) type_map,
- env = env}
- handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("SPARK type " ^ s ^
- " already associated with type")) |>
- (fn thy' =>
- case Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname of
- NONE => thy'
- | SOME cs =>
- if null Ts then
- (map
- (fn (_, Type (_, [])) => ()
- | (cname, _) => assoc_ty_err thy T s
- ("has illegal constructor " ^
- Long_Name.base_name cname)) cs;
- add_enum_type s tyname thy')
- else assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal")
- | add_type (s, T) thy = assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal";
+fun check_mapping _ _ [] _ = ()
+ | check_mapping err s cmap cs =
+ (case duplicates (op = o pairself fst) cmap of
+ [] => (case duplicates (op = o pairself snd) cmap of
+ [] => (case subtract (op = o apsnd snd) cs cmap of
+ [] => (case subtract (op = o apfst snd) cmap cs of
+ [] => ()
+ | zs => err ("has extra " ^ s ^ "(s) " ^ commas zs))
+ | zs => err ("does not have " ^ s ^ "(s) " ^
+ commas (map snd zs)))
+ | zs => error ("Several SPARK names are mapped to " ^
+ commas (map snd zs)))
+ | zs => error ("The SPARK names " ^ commas (map fst zs) ^
+ " are mapped to more than one name"));
+fun add_type (s, (T as Type (tyname, Ts), cmap)) thy =
+ let val cmap' = map (apsnd (Sign.intern_const thy)) cmap
+ in
+ thy |>
+ VCs.map (fn
+ {env = SOME _, ...} => err_unfinished ()
+ | {pfuns, type_map, env} =>
+ {pfuns = pfuns,
+ type_map = Symtab.update_new (s, (T, cmap')) type_map,
+ env = env}
+ handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("SPARK type " ^ s ^
+ " already associated with type")) |>
+ (fn thy' =>
+ case Datatype.get_constrs thy' tyname of
+ NONE => (case get_record_info thy' T of
+ NONE => thy'
+ | SOME {fields, ...} =>
+ (check_mapping (assoc_ty_err thy' T s) "field"
+ cmap' (map fst fields);
+ thy'))
+ | SOME cs =>
+ if null Ts then
+ (map
+ (fn (_, Type (_, [])) => ()
+ | (cname, _) => assoc_ty_err thy' T s
+ ("has illegal constructor " ^
+ Long_Name.base_name cname)) cs;
+ check_mapping (assoc_ty_err thy' T s) "constructor"
+ cmap' (map fst cs);
+ add_enum_type s tyname thy')
+ else assoc_ty_err thy' T s "is illegal")
+ end
+ | add_type (s, (T, _)) thy = assoc_ty_err thy T s "is illegal";
val is_closed = is_none o #env o VCs.get;
@@ -1027,7 +1065,8 @@
Symtab.update ("false", (@{term False}, booleanN)) |>
Symtab.update ("true", (@{term True}, booleanN)),
- thy |> Sign.add_path (Long_Name.base_name ident)) |>
+ thy |> Sign.add_path
+ (if prfx = "" then Long_Name.base_name ident else prfx)) |>
fold (add_type_def prfx) (items types) |>
fold (snd oo add_const prfx) consts' |> (fn ids_thy as ((tab, _), _) =>
ids_thy |>