--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/Thy/document/syntax.tex Tue Jun 03 00:03:54 2008 +0200
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-\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}syntax{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
-\isakeyword{imports}\ Pure\isanewline
-\isamarkupchapter{Syntax primitives%
-The rather generic framework of Isabelle/Isar syntax emerges from
- three main syntactic categories: \emph{commands} of the top-level
- Isar engine (covering theory and proof elements), \emph{methods} for
- general goal refinements (analogous to traditional ``tactics''), and
- \emph{attributes} for operations on facts (within a certain
- context). Subsequently we give a reference of basic syntactic
- entities underlying Isabelle/Isar syntax in a bottom-up manner.
- Concrete theory and proof language elements will be introduced later
- on.
- \medskip In order to get started with writing well-formed
- Isabelle/Isar documents, the most important aspect to be noted is
- the difference of \emph{inner} versus \emph{outer} syntax. Inner
- syntax is that of Isabelle types and terms of the logic, while outer
- syntax is that of Isabelle/Isar theory sources (specifications and
- proofs). As a general rule, inner syntax entities may occur only as
- \emph{atomic entities} within outer syntax. For example, the string
- \verb|"x + y"| and identifier \verb|z| are legal term
- specifications within a theory, while \verb|x + y| without
- quotes is not.
- Printed theory documents usually omit quotes to gain readability
- (this is a matter of {\LaTeX} macro setup, say via \verb|\isabellestyle|, see also \cite{isabelle-sys}). Experienced
- users of Isabelle/Isar may easily reconstruct the lost technical
- information, while mere readers need not care about quotes at all.
- \medskip Isabelle/Isar input may contain any number of input
- termination characters ``\verb|;|'' (semicolon) to separate
- commands explicitly. This is particularly useful in interactive
- shell sessions to make clear where the current command is intended
- to end. Otherwise, the interpreter loop will continue to issue a
- secondary prompt ``\verb|#|'' until an end-of-command is
- clearly recognized from the input syntax, e.g.\ encounter of the
- next command keyword.
- More advanced interfaces such as Proof~General \cite{proofgeneral}
- do not require explicit semicolons, the amount of input text is
- determined automatically by inspecting the present content of the
- Emacs text buffer. In the printed presentation of Isabelle/Isar
- documents semicolons are omitted altogether for readability.
- \begin{warn}
- Proof~General requires certain syntax classification tables in
- order to achieve properly synchronized interaction with the
- Isabelle/Isar process. These tables need to be consistent with
- the Isabelle version and particular logic image to be used in a
- running session (common object-logics may well change the outer
- syntax). The standard setup should work correctly with any of the
- ``official'' logic images derived from Isabelle/HOL (including
- HOLCF etc.). Users of alternative logics may need to tell
- Proof~General explicitly, e.g.\ by giving an option \verb|-k ZF|
- (in conjunction with \verb|-l ZF|, to specify the default
- logic image). Note that option \verb|-L| does both
- of this at the same time.
- \end{warn}%
-\isamarkupsection{Lexical matters \label{sec:lex-syntax}%
-The Isabelle/Isar outer syntax provides token classes as presented
- below; most of these coincide with the inner lexical syntax as
- presented in \cite{isabelle-ref}.
- \begin{matharray}{rcl}
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{ident}\hypertarget{syntax.ident}{\hyperlink{syntax.ident}{\mbox{\isa{ident}}}} & = & letter\,quasiletter^* \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{longident}\hypertarget{syntax.longident}{\hyperlink{syntax.longident}{\mbox{\isa{longident}}}} & = & ident (\verb,.,ident)^+ \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{symident}\hypertarget{syntax.symident}{\hyperlink{syntax.symident}{\mbox{\isa{symident}}}} & = & sym^+ ~|~ \verb,\,\verb,<,ident\verb,>, \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{nat}\hypertarget{syntax.nat}{\hyperlink{syntax.nat}{\mbox{\isa{nat}}}} & = & digit^+ \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{var}\hypertarget{syntax.var}{\hyperlink{syntax.var}{\mbox{\isa{var}}}} & = & ident ~|~ \verb,?,ident ~|~ \verb,?,ident\verb,.,nat \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{typefree}\hypertarget{syntax.typefree}{\hyperlink{syntax.typefree}{\mbox{\isa{typefree}}}} & = & \verb,',ident \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{typevar}\hypertarget{syntax.typevar}{\hyperlink{syntax.typevar}{\mbox{\isa{typevar}}}} & = & typefree ~|~ \verb,?,typefree ~|~ \verb,?,typefree\verb,.,nat \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{string}\hypertarget{syntax.string}{\hyperlink{syntax.string}{\mbox{\isa{string}}}} & = & \verb,", ~\dots~ \verb,", \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{altstring}\hypertarget{syntax.altstring}{\hyperlink{syntax.altstring}{\mbox{\isa{altstring}}}} & = & \backquote ~\dots~ \backquote \\
- \indexdef{}{syntax}{verbatim}\hypertarget{syntax.verbatim}{\hyperlink{syntax.verbatim}{\mbox{\isa{verbatim}}}} & = & \verb,{*, ~\dots~ \verb,*,\verb,}, \\[1ex]
- letter & = & latin ~|~ \verb,\,\verb,<,latin\verb,>, ~|~ \verb,\,\verb,<,latin\,latin\verb,>, ~|~ greek ~|~ \\
- & & \verb,\<^isub>, ~|~ \verb,\<^isup>, \\
- quasiletter & = & letter ~|~ digit ~|~ \verb,_, ~|~ \verb,', \\
- latin & = & \verb,a, ~|~ \dots ~|~ \verb,z, ~|~ \verb,A, ~|~ \dots ~|~ \verb,Z, \\
- digit & = & \verb,0, ~|~ \dots ~|~ \verb,9, \\
- sym & = & \verb,!, ~|~ \verb,#, ~|~ \verb,$, ~|~ \verb,%, ~|~ \verb,&, ~|~
- \verb,*, ~|~ \verb,+, ~|~ \verb,-, ~|~ \verb,/, ~|~ \\
- & & \verb,<, ~|~ \verb,=, ~|~ \verb,>, ~|~ \verb,?, ~|~ \texttt{\at} ~|~
- \verb,^, ~|~ \verb,_, ~|~ \verb,|, ~|~ \verb,~, \\
- greek & = & \verb,\<alpha>, ~|~ \verb,\<beta>, ~|~ \verb,\<gamma>, ~|~ \verb,\<delta>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<epsilon>, ~|~ \verb,\<zeta>, ~|~ \verb,\<eta>, ~|~ \verb,\<theta>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<iota>, ~|~ \verb,\<kappa>, ~|~ \verb,\<mu>, ~|~ \verb,\<nu>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<xi>, ~|~ \verb,\<pi>, ~|~ \verb,\<rho>, ~|~ \verb,\<sigma>, ~|~ \verb,\<tau>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<upsilon>, ~|~ \verb,\<phi>, ~|~ \verb,\<chi>, ~|~ \verb,\<psi>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<omega>, ~|~ \verb,\<Gamma>, ~|~ \verb,\<Delta>, ~|~ \verb,\<Theta>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<Lambda>, ~|~ \verb,\<Xi>, ~|~ \verb,\<Pi>, ~|~ \verb,\<Sigma>, ~| \\
- & & \verb,\<Upsilon>, ~|~ \verb,\<Phi>, ~|~ \verb,\<Psi>, ~|~ \verb,\<Omega>, \\
- \end{matharray}
- The syntax of \hyperlink{syntax.string}{\mbox{\isa{string}}} admits any characters, including
- newlines; ``\verb|"|'' (double-quote) and ``\verb|\|'' (backslash) need to be escaped by a backslash; arbitrary
- character codes may be specified as ``\verb|\|\isa{ddd}'',
- with three decimal digits. Alternative strings according to
- \hyperlink{syntax.altstring}{\mbox{\isa{altstring}}} are analogous, using single back-quotes instead.
- The body of \hyperlink{syntax.verbatim}{\mbox{\isa{verbatim}}} may consist of any text not
- containing ``\verb|*|\verb|}|''; this allows
- convenient inclusion of quotes without further escapes. The greek
- letters do \emph{not} include \verb|\<lambda>|, which is already used
- differently in the meta-logic.
- Common mathematical symbols such as \isa{{\isasymforall}} are represented in
- Isabelle as \verb|\<forall>|. There are infinitely many Isabelle
- symbols like this, although proper presentation is left to front-end
- tools such as {\LaTeX} or Proof~General with the X-Symbol package.
- A list of standard Isabelle symbols that work well with these tools
- is given in \cite[appendix~A]{isabelle-sys}.
- Source comments take the form \verb|(*|~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymdots}{\isachardoublequote}}~\verb|*)| and may be nested, although user-interface
- tools might prevent this. Note that this form indicates source
- comments only, which are stripped after lexical analysis of the
- input. The Isar document syntax also provides formal comments that
- are considered as part of the text (see \secref{sec:comments}).%
-\isamarkupsection{Common syntax entities%
-We now introduce several basic syntactic entities, such as names,
- terms, and theorem specifications, which are factored out of the
- actual Isar language elements to be described later.%
-Entity \railqtok{name} usually refers to any name of types,
- constants, theorems etc.\ that are to be \emph{declared} or
- \emph{defined} (so qualified identifiers are excluded here). Quoted
- strings provide an escape for non-identifier names or those ruled
- out by outer syntax keywords (e.g.\ quoted \verb|"let"|).
- Already existing objects are usually referenced by
- \railqtok{nameref}.
- \indexoutertoken{name}\indexoutertoken{parname}\indexoutertoken{nameref}
- \indexoutertoken{int}
- \begin{rail}
- name: ident | symident | string | nat
- ;
- parname: '(' name ')'
- ;
- nameref: name | longident
- ;
- int: nat | '-' nat
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Comments \label{sec:comments}%
-Large chunks of plain \railqtok{text} are usually given
- \railtok{verbatim}, i.e.\ enclosed in \verb|{|\verb|*|~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymdots}{\isachardoublequote}}~\verb|*|\verb|}|. For convenience,
- any of the smaller text units conforming to \railqtok{nameref} are
- admitted as well. A marginal \railnonterm{comment} is of the form
- \verb|--| \railqtok{text}. Any number of these may occur
- within Isabelle/Isar commands.
- \indexoutertoken{text}\indexouternonterm{comment}
- \begin{rail}
- text: verbatim | nameref
- ;
- comment: '--' text
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Type classes, sorts and arities%
-Classes are specified by plain names. Sorts have a very simple
- inner syntax, which is either a single class name \isa{c} or a
- list \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbraceleft}c\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isasymdots}{\isacharcomma}\ c\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}} referring to the
- intersection of these classes. The syntax of type arities is given
- directly at the outer level.
- \indexouternonterm{sort}\indexouternonterm{arity}
- \indexouternonterm{classdecl}
- \begin{rail}
- classdecl: name (('<' | subseteq) (nameref + ','))?
- ;
- sort: nameref
- ;
- arity: ('(' (sort + ',') ')')? sort
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Types and terms \label{sec:types-terms}%
-The actual inner Isabelle syntax, that of types and terms of the
- logic, is far too sophisticated in order to be modelled explicitly
- at the outer theory level. Basically, any such entity has to be
- quoted to turn it into a single token (the parsing and type-checking
- is performed internally later). For convenience, a slightly more
- liberal convention is adopted: quotes may be omitted for any type or
- term that is already atomic at the outer level. For example, one
- may just write \verb|x| instead of quoted \verb|"x"|.
- Note that symbolic identifiers (e.g.\ \verb|++| or \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymforall}{\isachardoublequote}} are available as well, provided these have not been superseded
- by commands or other keywords already (such as \verb|=| or
- \verb|+|).
- \indexoutertoken{type}\indexoutertoken{term}\indexoutertoken{prop}
- \begin{rail}
- type: nameref | typefree | typevar
- ;
- term: nameref | var
- ;
- prop: term
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Positional instantiations are indicated by giving a sequence of
- terms, or the placeholder ``\isa{{\isacharunderscore}}'' (underscore), which means to
- skip a position.
- \indexoutertoken{inst}\indexoutertoken{insts}
- \begin{rail}
- inst: underscore | term
- ;
- insts: (inst *)
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Type declarations and definitions usually refer to
- \railnonterm{typespec} on the left-hand side. This models basic
- type constructor application at the outer syntax level. Note that
- only plain postfix notation is available here, but no infixes.
- \indexouternonterm{typespec}
- \begin{rail}
- typespec: (() | typefree | '(' ( typefree + ',' ) ')') name
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Mixfix annotations%
-Mixfix annotations specify concrete \emph{inner} syntax of Isabelle
- types and terms. Some commands such as \hyperlink{command.types}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{types}}}} (see
- \secref{sec:types-pure}) admit infixes only, while \hyperlink{command.consts}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{consts}}}} (see \secref{sec:consts}) and \hyperlink{command.syntax}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{syntax}}}} (see
- \secref{sec:syn-trans}) support the full range of general mixfixes
- and binders.
- \indexouternonterm{infix}\indexouternonterm{mixfix}\indexouternonterm{structmixfix}
- \begin{rail}
- infix: '(' ('infix' | 'infixl' | 'infixr') string? nat ')'
- ;
- mixfix: infix | '(' string prios? nat? ')' | '(' 'binder' string prios? nat ')'
- ;
- structmixfix: mixfix | '(' 'structure' ')'
- ;
- prios: '[' (nat + ',') ']'
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Here the \railtok{string} specifications refer to the actual mixfix
- template (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}), which may include literal
- text, spacing, blocks, and arguments (denoted by ``\isa{{\isacharunderscore}}''); the
- special symbol ``\verb|\<index>|'' (printed as ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymindex}{\isachardoublequote}}'')
- represents an index argument that specifies an implicit structure
- reference (see also \secref{sec:locale}). Infix and binder
- declarations provide common abbreviations for particular mixfix
- declarations. So in practice, mixfix templates mostly degenerate to
- literal text for concrete syntax, such as ``\verb|++|'' for
- an infix symbol, or ``\verb|++|\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymindex}{\isachardoublequote}}'' for an infix of
- an implicit structure.%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Proof methods \label{sec:syn-meth}%
-Proof methods are either basic ones, or expressions composed of
- methods via ``\verb|,|'' (sequential composition),
- ``\verb||\verb,|,\verb||'' (alternative choices), ``\verb|?|''
- (try), ``\verb|+|'' (repeat at least once), ``\verb|[|\isa{n}\verb|]|'' (restriction to first \isa{n}
- sub-goals, with default \isa{{\isachardoublequote}n\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isadigit{1}}{\isachardoublequote}}). In practice, proof
- methods are usually just a comma separated list of
- \railqtok{nameref}~\railnonterm{args} specifications. Note that
- parentheses may be dropped for single method specifications (with no
- arguments).
- \indexouternonterm{method}
- \begin{rail}
- method: (nameref | '(' methods ')') (() | '?' | '+' | '[' nat? ']')
- ;
- methods: (nameref args | method) + (',' | '|')
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Proper Isar proof methods do \emph{not} admit arbitrary goal
- addressing, but refer either to the first sub-goal or all sub-goals
- uniformly. The goal restriction operator ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbrackleft}n{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}''
- evaluates a method expression within a sandbox consisting of the
- first \isa{n} sub-goals (which need to exist). For example, the
- method ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}simp{\isacharunderscore}all{\isacharbrackleft}{\isadigit{3}}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}'' simplifies the first three
- sub-goals, while ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharparenleft}rule\ foo{\isacharcomma}\ simp{\isacharunderscore}all{\isacharparenright}{\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}'' simplifies all
- new goals that emerge from applying rule \isa{{\isachardoublequote}foo{\isachardoublequote}} to the
- originally first one.
- Improper methods, notably tactic emulations, offer a separate
- low-level goal addressing scheme as explicit argument to the
- individual tactic being involved. Here ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbang}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}'' refers to
- all goals, and ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbrackleft}n{\isacharminus}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}'' to all goals starting from \isa{{\isachardoublequote}n{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \indexouternonterm{goalspec}
- \begin{rail}
- goalspec: '[' (nat '-' nat | nat '-' | nat | '!' ) ']'
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Attributes and theorems \label{sec:syn-att}%
-Attributes (and proof methods, see \secref{sec:syn-meth}) have their
- own ``semi-inner'' syntax, in the sense that input conforming to
- \railnonterm{args} below is parsed by the attribute a second time.
- The attribute argument specifications may be any sequence of atomic
- entities (identifiers, strings etc.), or properly bracketed argument
- lists. Below \railqtok{atom} refers to any atomic entity, including
- any \railtok{keyword} conforming to \railtok{symident}.
- \indexoutertoken{atom}\indexouternonterm{args}\indexouternonterm{attributes}
- \begin{rail}
- atom: nameref | typefree | typevar | var | nat | keyword
- ;
- arg: atom | '(' args ')' | '[' args ']'
- ;
- args: arg *
- ;
- attributes: '[' (nameref args * ',') ']'
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Theorem specifications come in several flavors:
- \railnonterm{axmdecl} and \railnonterm{thmdecl} usually refer to
- axioms, assumptions or results of goal statements, while
- \railnonterm{thmdef} collects lists of existing theorems. Existing
- theorems are given by \railnonterm{thmref} and
- \railnonterm{thmrefs}, the former requires an actual singleton
- result.
- There are three forms of theorem references:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item named facts \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a{\isachardoublequote}},
- \item selections from named facts \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a{\isacharparenleft}i{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequote}} or \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a{\isacharparenleft}j\ {\isacharminus}\ k{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequote}},
- \item literal fact propositions using \indexref{}{syntax}{altstring}\hyperlink{syntax.altstring}{\mbox{\isa{altstring}}} syntax
- \verb|`|\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymphi}{\isachardoublequote}}\verb|`| (see also method
- \indexref{}{method}{fact}\hyperlink{method.fact}{\mbox{\isa{fact}}} in \secref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
- \end{enumerate}
- Any kind of theorem specification may include lists of attributes
- both on the left and right hand sides; attributes are applied to any
- immediately preceding fact. If names are omitted, the theorems are
- not stored within the theorem database of the theory or proof
- context, but any given attributes are applied nonetheless.
- An extra pair of brackets around attributes (like ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackleft}simproc\ a{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequote}}'') abbreviates a theorem reference involving an
- internal dummy fact, which will be ignored later on. So only the
- effect of the attribute on the background context will persist.
- This form of in-place declarations is particularly useful with
- commands like \hyperlink{command.declare}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{declare}}}} and \hyperlink{command.using}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{using}}}}.
- \indexouternonterm{axmdecl}\indexouternonterm{thmdecl}
- \indexouternonterm{thmdef}\indexouternonterm{thmref}
- \indexouternonterm{thmrefs}\indexouternonterm{selection}
- \begin{rail}
- axmdecl: name attributes? ':'
- ;
- thmdecl: thmbind ':'
- ;
- thmdef: thmbind '='
- ;
- thmref: (nameref selection? | altstring) attributes? | '[' attributes ']'
- ;
- thmrefs: thmref +
- ;
- thmbind: name attributes | name | attributes
- ;
- selection: '(' ((nat | nat '-' nat?) + ',') ')'
- ;
- \end{rail}%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Term patterns and declarations \label{sec:term-decls}%
-Wherever explicit propositions (or term fragments) occur in a proof
- text, casual binding of schematic term variables may be given
- specified via patterns of the form ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharparenleft}{\isasymIS}\ p\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ p\isactrlsub n{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequote}}''. This works both for \railqtok{term} and \railqtok{prop}.
- \indexouternonterm{termpat}\indexouternonterm{proppat}
- \begin{rail}
- termpat: '(' ('is' term +) ')'
- ;
- proppat: '(' ('is' prop +) ')'
- ;
- \end{rail}
- \medskip Declarations of local variables \isa{{\isachardoublequote}x\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isasymtau}{\isachardoublequote}} and
- logical propositions \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a\ {\isacharcolon}\ {\isasymphi}{\isachardoublequote}} represent different views on
- the same principle of introducing a local scope. In practice, one
- may usually omit the typing of \railnonterm{vars} (due to
- type-inference), and the naming of propositions (due to implicit
- references of current facts). In any case, Isar proof elements
- usually admit to introduce multiple such items simultaneously.
- \indexouternonterm{vars}\indexouternonterm{props}
- \begin{rail}
- vars: (name+) ('::' type)?
- ;
- props: thmdecl? (prop proppat? +)
- ;
- \end{rail}
- The treatment of multiple declarations corresponds to the
- complementary focus of \railnonterm{vars} versus
- \railnonterm{props}. In ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}x\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ x\isactrlsub n\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isasymtau}{\isachardoublequote}}''
- the typing refers to all variables, while in \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a{\isacharcolon}\ {\isasymphi}\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ {\isasymphi}\isactrlsub n{\isachardoublequote}} the naming refers to all propositions collectively.
- Isar language elements that refer to \railnonterm{vars} or
- \railnonterm{props} typically admit separate typings or namings via
- another level of iteration, with explicit \indexref{}{keyword}{and}\hyperlink{keyword.and}{\mbox{\isa{\isakeyword{and}}}}
- separators; e.g.\ see \hyperlink{command.fix}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{fix}}}} and \hyperlink{command.assume}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{assume}}}} in
- \secref{sec:proof-context}.%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Antiquotations \label{sec:antiq}%
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{theory}\hypertarget{antiquotation.theory}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.theory}{\mbox{\isa{theory}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{thm}\hypertarget{antiquotation.thm}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.thm}{\mbox{\isa{thm}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{prop}\hypertarget{antiquotation.prop}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.prop}{\mbox{\isa{prop}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{term}\hypertarget{antiquotation.term}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.term}{\mbox{\isa{term}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{const}\hypertarget{antiquotation.const}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.const}{\mbox{\isa{const}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{abbrev}\hypertarget{antiquotation.abbrev}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.abbrev}{\mbox{\isa{abbrev}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{typeof}\hypertarget{antiquotation.typeof}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.typeof}{\mbox{\isa{typeof}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{typ}\hypertarget{antiquotation.typ}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.typ}{\mbox{\isa{typ}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{thm\_style}\hypertarget{antiquotation.thm-style}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.thm-style}{\mbox{\isa{thm{\isacharunderscore}style}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{term\_style}\hypertarget{antiquotation.term-style}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.term-style}{\mbox{\isa{term{\isacharunderscore}style}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{text}\hypertarget{antiquotation.text}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.text}{\mbox{\isa{text}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{goals}\hypertarget{antiquotation.goals}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.goals}{\mbox{\isa{goals}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{subgoals}\hypertarget{antiquotation.subgoals}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.subgoals}{\mbox{\isa{subgoals}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{prf}\hypertarget{antiquotation.prf}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.prf}{\mbox{\isa{prf}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{full\_prf}\hypertarget{antiquotation.full-prf}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.full-prf}{\mbox{\isa{full{\isacharunderscore}prf}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{ML}\hypertarget{antiquotation.ML}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.ML}{\mbox{\isa{ML}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{ML\_type}\hypertarget{antiquotation.ML-type}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.ML-type}{\mbox{\isa{ML{\isacharunderscore}type}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \indexdef{}{antiquotation}{ML\_struct}\hypertarget{antiquotation.ML-struct}{\hyperlink{antiquotation.ML-struct}{\mbox{\isa{ML{\isacharunderscore}struct}}}} & : & \isarantiq \\
- \end{matharray}
- The text body of formal comments (see also \secref{sec:comments})
- may contain antiquotations of logical entities, such as theorems,
- terms and types, which are to be presented in the final output
- produced by the Isabelle document preparation system (see also
- \secref{sec:document-prep}).
- Thus embedding of ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}term\ {\isacharbrackleft}show{\isacharunderscore}types{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isachardoublequote}f\ x\ {\isacharequal}\ a\ {\isacharplus}\ x{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}''
- within a text block would cause
- \isa{{\isacharparenleft}f{\isasymColon}{\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharparenleft}x{\isasymColon}{\isacharprime}a{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isacharparenleft}a{\isasymColon}{\isacharprime}a{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharplus}\ x} to appear in the final {\LaTeX} document. Also note that theorem
- antiquotations may involve attributes as well. For example,
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}thm\ sym\ {\isacharbrackleft}no{\isacharunderscore}vars{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}} would print the theorem's
- statement where all schematic variables have been replaced by fixed
- ones, which are easier to read.
- \begin{rail}
- atsign lbrace antiquotation rbrace
- ;
- antiquotation:
- 'theory' options name |
- 'thm' options thmrefs |
- 'prop' options prop |
- 'term' options term |
- 'const' options term |
- 'abbrev' options term |
- 'typeof' options term |
- 'typ' options type |
- 'thm\_style' options name thmref |
- 'term\_style' options name term |
- 'text' options name |
- 'goals' options |
- 'subgoals' options |
- 'prf' options thmrefs |
- 'full\_prf' options thmrefs |
- 'ML' options name |
- 'ML\_type' options name |
- 'ML\_struct' options name
- ;
- options: '[' (option * ',') ']'
- ;
- option: name | name '=' name
- ;
- \end{rail}
- Note that the syntax of antiquotations may \emph{not} include source
- comments \verb|(*|~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymdots}{\isachardoublequote}}~\verb|*)| or verbatim
- text \verb|{|\verb|*|~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymdots}{\isachardoublequote}}~\verb|*|\verb|}|.
- \begin{descr}
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}theory\ A{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints the name \isa{{\isachardoublequote}A{\isachardoublequote}}, which is
- guaranteed to refer to a valid ancestor theory in the current
- context.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}thm\ a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints theorems
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isachardoublequote}}. Note that attribute specifications
- may be included as well (see also \secref{sec:syn-att}); the
- \indexref{}{attribute}{no\_vars}\hyperlink{attribute.no-vars}{\mbox{\isa{no{\isacharunderscore}vars}}} rule (see \secref{sec:misc-meth-att}) would
- be particularly useful to suppress printing of schematic variables.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}prop\ {\isasymphi}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a well-typed proposition \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymphi}{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}term\ t{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a well-typed term \isa{{\isachardoublequote}t{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}const\ c{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a logical or syntactic constant
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}c{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}abbrev\ c\ x\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ x\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a constant
- abbreviation \isa{{\isachardoublequote}c\ x\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ x\isactrlsub n\ {\isasymequiv}\ rhs{\isachardoublequote}} as defined in
- the current context.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}typeof\ t{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints the type of a well-typed term
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}t{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}typ\ {\isasymtau}{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a well-formed type \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isasymtau}{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}thm{\isacharunderscore}style\ s\ a{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints theorem \isa{a},
- previously applying a style \isa{s} to it (see below).
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}term{\isacharunderscore}style\ s\ t{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints a well-typed term \isa{t} after applying a style \isa{s} to it (see below).
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}text\ s{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints uninterpreted source text \isa{s}. This is particularly useful to print portions of text according
- to the Isabelle {\LaTeX} output style, without demanding
- well-formedness (e.g.\ small pieces of terms that should not be
- parsed or type-checked yet).
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}goals{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints the current \emph{dynamic} goal
- state. This is mainly for support of tactic-emulation scripts
- within Isar --- presentation of goal states does not conform to
- actual human-readable proof documents.
- Please do not include goal states into document output unless you
- really know what you are doing!
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}subgoals{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] is similar to \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}goals{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}, but
- does not print the main goal.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}prf\ a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] prints the (compact)
- proof terms corresponding to the theorems \isa{{\isachardoublequote}a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isachardoublequote}}. Note that this requires proof terms to be switched on
- for the current object logic (see the ``Proof terms'' section of the
- Isabelle reference manual for information on how to do this).
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}full{\isacharunderscore}prf\ a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] is like \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}prf\ a\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymdots}\ a\isactrlsub n{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}, but displays the full proof terms,
- i.e.\ also displays information omitted in the compact proof term,
- which is denoted by ``\isa{{\isacharunderscore}}'' placeholders there.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}ML\ s{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}, \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}ML{\isacharunderscore}type\ s{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}, and \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharat}{\isacharbraceleft}ML{\isacharunderscore}struct\ s{\isacharbraceright}{\isachardoublequote}}] check text \isa{s} as ML value, type, and
- structure, respectively. The source is displayed verbatim.
- \end{descr}
- \medskip The following standard styles for use with \isa{thm{\isacharunderscore}style} and \isa{term{\isacharunderscore}style} are available:
- \begin{descr}
- \item [\isa{lhs}] extracts the first argument of any application
- form with at least two arguments -- typically meta-level or
- object-level equality, or any other binary relation.
- \item [\isa{rhs}] is like \isa{lhs}, but extracts the second
- argument.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}concl{\isachardoublequote}}] extracts the conclusion \isa{C} from a rule
- in Horn-clause normal form \isa{{\isachardoublequote}A\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ {\isasymdots}\ A\isactrlsub n\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ C{\isachardoublequote}}.
- \item [\isa{{\isachardoublequote}prem{\isadigit{1}}{\isachardoublequote}}, \dots, \isa{{\isachardoublequote}prem{\isadigit{9}}{\isachardoublequote}}] extract premise
- number \isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isasymdots}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isadigit{9}}{\isachardoublequote}}, respectively, from from a rule in
- Horn-clause normal form \isa{{\isachardoublequote}A\isactrlsub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ {\isasymdots}\ A\isactrlsub n\ {\isasymLongrightarrow}\ C{\isachardoublequote}}
- \end{descr}
- \medskip
- The following options are available to tune the output. Note that most of
- these coincide with ML flags of the same names (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}).
- \begin{descr}
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}show{\isacharunderscore}types\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}} and \isa{{\isachardoublequote}show{\isacharunderscore}sorts\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}]
- control printing of explicit type and sort constraints.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}show{\isacharunderscore}structs\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] controls printing of implicit
- structures.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}long{\isacharunderscore}names\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] forces names of types and
- constants etc.\ to be printed in their fully qualified internal
- form.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}short{\isacharunderscore}names\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] forces names of types and
- constants etc.\ to be printed unqualified. Note that internalizing
- the output again in the current context may well yield a different
- result.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}unique{\isacharunderscore}names\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] determines whether the printed
- version of qualified names should be made sufficiently long to avoid
- overlap with names declared further back. Set to \isa{false} for
- more concise output.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}eta{\isacharunderscore}contract\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] prints terms in \isa{{\isasymeta}}-contracted form.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}display\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] indicates if the text is to be
- output as multi-line ``display material'', rather than a small piece
- of text without line breaks (which is the default).
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}break\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] controls line breaks in non-display
- material.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}quotes\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] indicates if the output should be
- enclosed in double quotes.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}mode\ {\isacharequal}\ name{\isachardoublequote}}] adds \isa{name} to the print mode to
- be used for presentation (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}). Note that
- the standard setup for {\LaTeX} output is already present by
- default, including the modes \isa{latex} and \isa{xsymbols}.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}margin\ {\isacharequal}\ nat{\isachardoublequote}} and \isa{{\isachardoublequote}indent\ {\isacharequal}\ nat{\isachardoublequote}}] change the
- margin or indentation for pretty printing of display material.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}source\ {\isacharequal}\ bool{\isachardoublequote}}] prints the source text of the
- antiquotation arguments, rather than the actual value. Note that
- this does not affect well-formedness checks of \hyperlink{antiquotation.thm}{\mbox{\isa{thm}}}, \hyperlink{antiquotation.term}{\mbox{\isa{term}}}, etc. (only the \hyperlink{antiquotation.text}{\mbox{\isa{text}}} antiquotation admits arbitrary output).
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}goals{\isacharunderscore}limit\ {\isacharequal}\ nat{\isachardoublequote}}] determines the maximum number of
- goals to be printed.
- \item[\isa{{\isachardoublequote}locale\ {\isacharequal}\ name{\isachardoublequote}}] specifies an alternative locale
- context used for evaluating and printing the subsequent argument.
- \end{descr}
- For boolean flags, ``\isa{{\isachardoublequote}name\ {\isacharequal}\ true{\isachardoublequote}}'' may be abbreviated as
- ``\isa{name}''. All of the above flags are disabled by default,
- unless changed from ML.
- \medskip Note that antiquotations do not only spare the author from
- tedious typing of logical entities, but also achieve some degree of
- consistency-checking of informal explanations with formal
- developments: well-formedness of terms and types with respect to the
- current theory or proof context is ensured here.%
-\isamarkupsubsection{Tagged commands \label{sec:tags}%
-Each Isabelle/Isar command may be decorated by presentation tags:
- \indexouternonterm{tags}
- \begin{rail}
- tags: ( tag * )
- ;
- tag: '\%' (ident | string)
- \end{rail}
- The tags \isa{{\isachardoublequote}theory{\isachardoublequote}}, \isa{{\isachardoublequote}proof{\isachardoublequote}}, \isa{{\isachardoublequote}ML{\isachardoublequote}} are already
- pre-declared for certain classes of commands:
- \medskip
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}theory{\isachardoublequote}} & theory begin/end \\
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}proof{\isachardoublequote}} & all proof commands \\
- \isa{{\isachardoublequote}ML{\isachardoublequote}} & all commands involving ML code \\
- \end{tabular}
- \medskip The Isabelle document preparation system (see also
- \cite{isabelle-sys}) allows tagged command regions to be presented
- specifically, e.g.\ to fold proof texts, or drop parts of the text
- completely.
- For example ``\hyperlink{command.by}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{by}}}}~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharpercent}invisible\ auto{\isachardoublequote}}'' would
- cause that piece of proof to be treated as \isa{invisible} instead
- of \isa{{\isachardoublequote}proof{\isachardoublequote}} (the default), which may be either show or hidden
- depending on the document setup. In contrast, ``\hyperlink{command.by}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{by}}}}~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharpercent}visible\ auto{\isachardoublequote}}'' would force this text to be shown
- invariably.
- Explicit tag specifications within a proof apply to all subsequent
- commands of the same level of nesting. For example, ``\hyperlink{command.proof}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{proof}}}}~\isa{{\isachardoublequote}{\isacharpercent}visible\ {\isasymdots}{\isachardoublequote}}~\hyperlink{command.qed}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{qed}}}}'' would force the
- whole sub-proof to be typeset as \isa{visible} (unless some of its
- parts are tagged differently).%
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: "root"
-%%% End: