--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/verit_proof.ML Wed Jul 30 14:03:12 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/verit_proof.ML Wed Jul 30 14:03:12 2014 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT2/veriT_proof.ML
+(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT2/verit_proof.ML
Author: Mathias Fleury, ENS Rennes
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@
val veriT_step_prefix = ".c"
val veriT_input_rule = "input"
val veriT_rewrite_rule = "__rewrite" (*arbitrary*)
-val veriT_proof_ite_elim_rule = "tmp_ite_elim"
-val veriT_var_suffix = "v"
+val veriT_tmp_ite_elim_rule = "tmp_ite_elim"
val veriT_tmp_skolemize = "tmp_skolemize"
+val veriT_alpha_conv = "tmp_alphaconv"
+fun mk_string_id id = veriT_step_prefix ^ (string_of_int id)
(* proof parser *)
@@ -81,74 +83,71 @@
| fix_quantification (SMTLIB2.S l) = SMTLIB2.S (map fix_quantification l)
| fix_quantification x = x
-fun replace_bound_var_by_free_var (q $ Abs (var, ty, u)) free_var replaced n =
+fun replace_bound_var_by_free_var (q $ Abs (var, ty, u)) free_var =
(case List.find (fn v => String.isPrefix v var) free_var of
- NONE => q $ Abs (var, ty, replace_bound_var_by_free_var u free_var replaced (n+1))
- | SOME _ =>
- replace_bound_var_by_free_var u free_var ((n, Free (var ^ veriT_var_suffix, ty)) :: replaced)
- (n+1))
- | replace_bound_var_by_free_var (Bound n) _ replaced_vars _ =
- (case List.find (curry (op =) n o fst) replaced_vars of
- NONE => Bound n
- | SOME (_, var) => var)
- | replace_bound_var_by_free_var (u $ v) free_vars replaced n =
- replace_bound_var_by_free_var u free_vars replaced n $
- replace_bound_var_by_free_var v free_vars replaced n
- | replace_bound_var_by_free_var u _ _ _ = u
+ NONE => q $ Abs (var, ty, replace_bound_var_by_free_var u free_var)
+ | SOME _ => replace_bound_var_by_free_var (Term.subst_bound (Free (var, ty), u)) free_var)
+ | replace_bound_var_by_free_var (u $ v) free_vars = replace_bound_var_by_free_var u free_vars $
+ replace_bound_var_by_free_var v free_vars
+ | replace_bound_var_by_free_var u _ = u
fun find_type_in_formula (Abs(v, ty, u)) var_name =
- if var_name = v then SOME ty else find_type_in_formula u var_name
+ if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME ty else find_type_in_formula u var_name
| find_type_in_formula (u $ v) var_name =
(case find_type_in_formula u var_name of
NONE => find_type_in_formula v var_name
| a => a)
| find_type_in_formula _ _ = NONE
+fun add_bound_variables_to_ctxt cx bounds concl =
+ fold (fn a => fn b => update_binding a b)
+ (map (fn s => ((s, Term (Free (s, the_default dummyT (find_type_in_formula concl s))))))
+ bounds) cx
-fun update_ctxt cx bounds concl =
- fold_index (fn (_, a) => fn b => update_binding a b)
- (map (fn s => ((s, Term (Free (s ^ "__" ^ veriT_var_suffix,
- the_default dummyT (find_type_in_formula concl s)))))) bounds) cx
-fun update_step cx (st as VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds}) =
- if rule = veriT_proof_ite_elim_rule then
- (mk_node id rule prems concl bounds, update_ctxt cx bounds concl)
+fun update_step_and_cx (st as VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds}) cx =
+ if rule = veriT_tmp_ite_elim_rule then
+ (mk_node id rule prems concl bounds, add_bound_variables_to_ctxt cx bounds concl)
else if rule = veriT_tmp_skolemize then
- val concl' = replace_bound_var_by_free_var concl bounds [] 0
+ val concl' = replace_bound_var_by_free_var concl bounds
- (mk_node id rule prems concl' [], update_ctxt cx bounds concl)
+ (mk_node id rule prems concl' [], add_bound_variables_to_ctxt cx bounds concl)
(st, cx)
+(*FIXME: using a reference would be better to know th numbers of the steps to add*)
fun fix_subproof_steps number_of_steps ((((id, rule), prems), subproof), ((step_concl, bounds),
cx)) =
+ fun mk_prop_of_term concl = (fastype_of concl = @{typ "bool"} ?
+ curry (op $) @{term "Trueprop"}) concl
fun inline_assumption assumption assumption_id (st as VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl,
bounds}) =
if List.find (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems <> NONE then
- mk_node (id + number_of_steps) rule (filter_out (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems)
- ((Const ("Pure.imp", @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}) $ assumption) $ concl)
- bounds
+ mk_node (id + number_of_steps) rule (filter_out (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems)
+ (Const ("Pure.imp", @{typ "prop"} --> @{typ "prop"} --> @{typ "prop"})
+ $ mk_prop_of_term assumption $ mk_prop_of_term concl) bounds
- fun inline_assumption_in_conclusion concl (VeriT_Node {rule, concl = assumption,...} :: l) =
+ fun find_input_steps_and_inline [] last_step_number = ([], last_step_number)
+ | find_input_steps_and_inline (VeriT_Node {id = id', rule, prems, concl, bounds} :: steps)
+ last_step_number =
if rule = veriT_input_rule then
- inline_assumption_in_conclusion
- (Const (@{const_name Pure.imp}, @{typ "prop => prop => prop"}) $ assumption $ concl) l
+ find_input_steps_and_inline (map (inline_assumption concl (mk_string_id id')) steps)
+ last_step_number
- inline_assumption_in_conclusion concl l
- | inline_assumption_in_conclusion concl [] = concl
- fun find_assumption_and_inline (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds} :: l) =
- if rule = veriT_input_rule then
- map (inline_assumption step_concl (veriT_step_prefix ^ string_of_int id)) l
- else
- (mk_node (id + number_of_steps) rule prems concl bounds) :: find_assumption_and_inline l
- | find_assumption_and_inline [] = []
+ apfst (cons (mk_node (id' + id + number_of_steps) rule prems concl bounds))
+ (find_input_steps_and_inline steps (id' + id + number_of_steps))
+ val (subproof', last_step_number) = find_input_steps_and_inline subproof ~1
+ val prems' =
+ if last_step_number = ~1 then prems
+ else
+ (case prems of
+ NONE => SOME [mk_string_id last_step_number]
+ | SOME l => SOME (string_of_int last_step_number :: l))
- (find_assumption_and_inline subproof,
- (((((id, rule), prems), inline_assumption_in_conclusion step_concl subproof), bounds), cx))
+ (subproof', (((((id, rule), prems'), step_concl), bounds), cx))
@@ -168,21 +167,19 @@
(SOME (map (fn (SMTLIB2.Sym id) => id) source), l)
| parse_source l = (NONE, l)
fun parse_subproof cx ((subproof_step as SMTLIB2.S (SMTLIB2.Sym "set" :: _)) :: l) =
- let val (step, cx') = parse_proof_step number_of_steps cx subproof_step in
- apfst (apfst (cons step)) (parse_subproof cx' l)
+ let val (subproof_steps, cx') = parse_proof_step number_of_steps cx subproof_step in
+ apfst (apfst (curry (op @) subproof_steps)) (parse_subproof cx' l)
| parse_subproof cx l = (([], cx), l)
fun skip_args (SMTLIB2.Key "args" :: SMTLIB2.S _ :: l) = l
| skip_args l = l
fun parse_conclusion (SMTLIB2.Key "conclusion" :: SMTLIB2.S concl :: []) = concl
fun make_or_from_clausification l =
- foldl1 (fn ((concl1, bounds1), (concl2, bounds2)) => (HOLogic.mk_disj (concl1, concl2),
- bounds1 @ bounds2)) l
+ foldl1 (fn ((concl1, bounds1), (concl2, bounds2)) =>
+ (HOLogic.mk_disj (perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) concl1,
+ perhaps (try HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) concl2), bounds1 @ bounds2)) l
fun to_node (((((id, rule), prems), concl), bounds), cx) = (mk_node id rule
- (the_default [] prems) concl bounds, cx)
+ (the_default [] prems) concl bounds, cx)
#>> change_id_to_number
@@ -204,10 +201,15 @@
#> fix_subproof_steps number_of_steps
##> to_node
#> (fn (subproof, (step, cx)) => (subproof @ [step], cx))
- #> (fn (steps, cx) => update_step cx (List.last steps))
+ #> (fn (steps, cx) => fold_map update_step_and_cx steps cx)
-fun seperate_into_lines_and_subproof lines =
+(*function related to parsing and general transformation*)
+(*subproofs are written on multiple lines: SMTLIB can not parse then, because parentheses are
+unbalanced on each line*)
+fun seperate_into_steps lines =
fun count ("(" :: l) n = count l (n+1)
| count (")" :: l) n = count l (n-1)
@@ -232,44 +234,115 @@
| remove_all_at (v :: l) = v :: remove_all_at l
| remove_all_at [] = []
-fun replace_all_by_exist (Const (@{const_name Pure.all}, ty) $ Abs (var, ty', u)) bounds =
+fun find_in_which_step_defined var (VeriT_Node {id, bounds, ...} :: l) =
(case List.find (fn v => String.isPrefix v var) bounds of
- NONE => (Const (@{const_name Pure.all}, ty) $ Abs (var, ty', replace_all_by_exist u bounds))
- | SOME _ => Const (@{const_name HOL.Ex}, (ty' --> @{typ bool}) --> @{typ bool}) $
- Abs (var ^ veriT_var_suffix, ty', replace_all_by_exist u bounds))
- | replace_all_by_exist (@{term "Trueprop"} $ g) bounds = replace_all_by_exist g bounds
- | replace_all_by_exist (f $ g) bounds =
- replace_all_by_exist f bounds $ replace_all_by_exist g bounds
- | replace_all_by_exist (Abs (var, ty, u)) bounds = Abs (var, ty, replace_all_by_exist u bounds)
- | replace_all_by_exist f _ = f
+ NONE => find_in_which_step_defined var l
+ | SOME _ => id)
+ | find_in_which_step_defined var _ = raise Fail ("undefined " ^ var)
+(*Yes every case is possible: the introduced var is not on a special size of the equality sign.*)
+fun find_ite_var_in_term (Const ("HOL.If", _) $ _ $
+ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Free (var1, _) $ Free (var2, _) ) $
+ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Free (var3, _) $ Free (var4, _) )) =
+ let
+ fun get_number_of_ite_transformed_var var =
+ perhaps (try (unprefix "ite")) var
+ |> Int.fromString
+ fun is_equal_and_has_correct_substring var var' var'' =
+ if var = var' andalso String.isPrefix "ite" var then SOME var'
+ else if var = var'' andalso String.isPrefix "ite" var then SOME var'' else NONE
+ val var1_introduced_var = is_equal_and_has_correct_substring var1 var3 var4
+ val var2_introduced_var = is_equal_and_has_correct_substring var3 var1 var2
+ in
+ (case (var1_introduced_var, var2_introduced_var) of
+ (SOME a, SOME b) =>
+ (*ill-generated case, might be possible when applying the rule to max a a. Only if the
+ variable have been introduced before. Probably an impossible edge case*)
+ (case (get_number_of_ite_transformed_var a, get_number_of_ite_transformed_var b) of
+ (SOME a, SOME b) => if a < b then var2_introduced_var else var1_introduced_var
+ (*Otherwise, it is a name clase between a parameter name and the introduced variable.
+ Or the name convention has been changed.*)
+ | (NONE, SOME _) => var2_introduced_var
+ | (SOME _, NONE) => var2_introduced_var)
+ | (_, SOME _) => var2_introduced_var
+ | (SOME _, _) => var1_introduced_var)
+ end
+ | find_ite_var_in_term (Const (@{const_name "If"}, _) $ _ $
+ (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ Free (var, _) $ _ ) $
+ (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ Free (var', _) $ _ )) =
+ if var = var' then SOME var else NONE
+ | find_ite_var_in_term (Const (@{const_name "If"}, _) $ _ $
+ (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ Free (var, _)) $
+ (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ Free (var', _))) =
+ if var = var' then SOME var else NONE
+ | find_ite_var_in_term (p $ q) =
+ (case find_ite_var_in_term p of
+ NONE => find_ite_var_in_term q
+ | x => x)
+ | find_ite_var_in_term (Abs (_, _, body)) = find_ite_var_in_term body
+ | find_ite_var_in_term _ = NONE
-fun correct_veriT_steps num_of_steps (st as VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems,
- concl = concl, bounds = bounds}) =
+fun correct_veriT_step num_of_steps steps (st as VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds}) =
if rule = "tmp_ite_elim" then
+ if bounds = [] then
+ (*if the introduced var has already been defined,
+ adding the definition as a dependency*)
+ let
+ val SOME var = find_ite_var_in_term concl
+ val new_dep = find_in_which_step_defined var steps
+ in
+ VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = (mk_string_id new_dep) :: prems,
+ concl = concl, bounds = bounds}
+ end
+ else
+ (*some new variables are created*)
+ let
+ val concl' = replace_bound_var_by_free_var concl bounds
+ in
+ (*FIXME: horrible hackish method, but seems somehow to work. The difference is in the way
+ sledgehammer reconstructs: without an empty dependency, the skolemization is not done at all.
+ But if there is, a new step is added:
+ {fix sk ....}
+ hence "..sk.."
+ thus "(if ..)"
+ last step does not work: the step before is buggy. Without the proof work.*)
+ mk_node id veriT_tmp_skolemize (if null prems then [mk_string_id (~num_of_steps - id)]
+ else prems) concl' []
+ end
+ else
+ st
+(*remove alpha conversion step, that just renames the variables*)
+fun remove_alpha_conversion _ [] = []
+ | remove_alpha_conversion replace_table (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds} :: steps) =
- val concl' = replace_bound_var_by_free_var concl bounds [] 0
+ fun correct_dependency prems =
+ map (fn x => perhaps (Symtab.lookup replace_table) x) prems
+ fun find_predecessor prem = perhaps (Symtab.lookup replace_table) prem
- [mk_node (num_of_steps + id) rule prems (@{term "Trueprop"} $
- replace_all_by_exist concl bounds) [],
- mk_node id veriT_tmp_skolemize (veriT_step_prefix ^ (string_of_int (num_of_steps + id)) ::
- []) concl' []]
+ if rule = veriT_alpha_conv then
+ remove_alpha_conversion (Symtab.update (mk_string_id id, find_predecessor (hd prems))
+ replace_table) steps
+ else
+ VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = correct_dependency prems,
+ concl = concl, bounds = bounds} :: remove_alpha_conversion replace_table steps
- else
- [st]
+fun correct_veriT_steps steps =
+ steps
+ |> map (correct_veriT_step (1 + length steps) steps)
+ |> remove_alpha_conversion Symtab.empty
(* overall proof parser *)
fun parse typs funs lines ctxt =
- val smtlib2_lines_without_at =
- remove_all_at (map SMTLIB2.parse (seperate_into_lines_and_subproof lines))
- val (u, env) =
- fold_map (fn l => fn cx => parse_proof_step (length lines) cx l) smtlib2_lines_without_at
- (empty_context ctxt typs funs)
- val t = map (correct_veriT_steps (1 + length u)) u |> flat
- fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...}) =
+ val smtlib2_lines_without_at =
+ remove_all_at (map SMTLIB2.parse (seperate_into_steps lines))
+ val (u, env) = apfst flat (fold_map (fn l => fn cx => parse_proof_step (length lines) cx l)
+ smtlib2_lines_without_at (empty_context ctxt typs funs))
+ val t = correct_veriT_steps u
+ fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...}) =
mk_step id rule prems concl bounds
(map node_to_step t, ctxt_of env)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/verit_proof_parse.ML Wed Jul 30 14:03:12 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/verit_proof_parse.ML Wed Jul 30 14:03:12 2014 +0200
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
open VeriT_Isar
open VeriT_Proof
-fun find_and_add_missing_dependances steps assms conjecture_id =
+fun find_and_add_missing_dependances steps assms ll_offset =
fun prems_to_theorem_number [] id repl = (([], []), (id, repl))
| prems_to_theorem_number (x :: ths) id replaced =
(case Int.fromString (perhaps (try (unprefix SMTLIB2_Interface.assert_prefix)) x) of
- let val ((prems, iidths), (id', replaced')) = prems_to_theorem_number ths id replaced
+ let
+ val ((prems, iidths), (id', replaced')) = prems_to_theorem_number ths id replaced
((perhaps (try (unprefix veriT_step_prefix)) x :: prems, iidths), (id', replaced'))
@@ -37,13 +38,17 @@
(case Option.map snd (List.find (fst #> curry (op =) x) replaced) of
- val id' = if th = conjecture_id then 0 else id - conjecture_id
+ val id' = if th = ll_offset then 0 else id - ll_offset (* 0: for the conjecture*)
val ((prems, iidths), (id'', replaced')) = prems_to_theorem_number ths
- (if th = 0 then id + 1 else id)
+ (if th <> ll_offset then id + 1 else id)
((x, string_of_int id') :: replaced)
- in ((string_of_int id' :: prems, (th, (id', th)) :: iidths), (id'', replaced')) end
+ in
+ ((string_of_int id' :: prems, (th, (id', th - ll_offset)) :: iidths),
+ (id'', replaced'))
+ end
| SOME x =>
- let val ((prems, iidths), (id', replaced')) = prems_to_theorem_number ths id replaced
+ let
+ val ((prems, iidths), (id', replaced')) = prems_to_theorem_number ths id replaced
in ((x :: prems, iidths), (id', replaced')) end))
fun update_step (VeriT_Proof.VeriT_Step {prems, id = id0, rule = rule0,
concl = concl0, fixes = fixes0}) (id, replaced) =
@@ -71,16 +76,15 @@
({context = ctxt, typs, terms, ll_defs, rewrite_rules, assms} : SMT2_Translate.replay_data)
xfacts prems concl output =
- val conjecture_i = length ll_defs
val (steps, _) = VeriT_Proof.parse typs terms output ctxt
- val (iidths, steps'') = find_and_add_missing_dependances steps assms conjecture_i
+ val (iidths, steps'') = find_and_add_missing_dependances steps assms (length ll_defs)
val steps' = add_missing_steps iidths @ steps''
fun id_of_index i = the_default ~1 (Option.map fst (AList.lookup (op =) iidths i))
val prems_i = 1
val facts_i = prems_i + length prems
- val conjecture_id = id_of_index conjecture_i
+ val conjecture_i = 0
+ val ll_offset = id_of_index conjecture_i
val prem_ids = map id_of_index (prems_i upto facts_i - 1)
val helper_ids = map_filter (try (fn (~1, idth) => idth)) iidths
@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@
{outcome = NONE, fact_ids = fact_ids,
atp_proof = fn () => atp_proof_of_veriT_proof ctxt ll_defs rewrite_rules prems concl
- fact_helper_ts prem_ids conjecture_id fact_helper_ids steps'}
+ fact_helper_ts prem_ids ll_offset fact_helper_ids steps'}