--- a/src/Pure/search.ML Sat Aug 15 20:27:23 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/search.ML Sat Aug 15 22:47:03 2015 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(* Title: Pure/search.ML
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson and Norbert Voelker
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson
+ Author: Norbert Voelker, FernUniversitaet Hagen
Search tacticals.
@@ -41,18 +42,17 @@
(*Searches until "satp" reports proof tree as satisfied.
Suppresses duplicate solutions to minimize search space.*)
fun DEPTH_FIRST satp tac =
- let val tac = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST tac
- fun depth used [] = NONE
- | depth used (q::qs) =
- case Seq.pull q of
- NONE => depth used qs
- | SOME(st,stq) =>
- if satp st andalso not (member Thm.eq_thm used st)
- then SOME(st, Seq.make
- (fn()=> depth (st::used) (stq::qs)))
- else depth used (tac st :: stq :: qs)
- in traced_tac (fn st => depth [] [Seq.single st]) end;
+ let
+ val tac = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST tac
+ fun depth used [] = NONE
+ | depth used (q :: qs) =
+ (case Seq.pull q of
+ NONE => depth used qs
+ | SOME (st, stq) =>
+ if satp st andalso not (member Thm.eq_thm used st) then
+ SOME (st, Seq.make (fn() => depth (st :: used) (stq :: qs)))
+ else depth used (tac st :: stq :: qs));
+ in traced_tac (fn st => depth [] [Seq.single st]) end;
(*Predicate: Does the rule have fewer than n premises?*)
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
(**** Iterative deepening with pruning ****)
fun has_vars (Var _) = true
- | has_vars (Abs (_,_,t)) = has_vars t
- | has_vars (f$t) = has_vars f orelse has_vars t
+ | has_vars (Abs (_, _, t)) = has_vars t
+ | has_vars (f $ t) = has_vars f orelse has_vars t
| has_vars _ = false;
(*Counting of primitive inferences is APPROXIMATE, as the step tactic
@@ -95,21 +95,21 @@
(*Pruning of rigid ancestor to prevent backtracking*)
fun prune (new as (k', np':int, rgd', stq), qs) =
- let fun prune_aux (qs, []) = new::qs
- | prune_aux (qs, (k,np,rgd,q)::rqs) =
- if np'+1 = np andalso rgd then
- (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
- tracing ("Pruning " ^
- string_of_int (1+length rqs) ^ " levels")
- else ();
- (*Use OLD k: zero-cost solution; see Stickel, p 365*)
- (k, np', rgd', stq) :: qs)
- else prune_aux ((k,np,rgd,q)::qs, rqs)
- fun take ([], rqs) = ([], rqs)
- | take (arg as ((k,np,rgd,stq)::qs, rqs)) =
- if np' < np then take (qs, (k,np,rgd,stq)::rqs)
- else arg
- in prune_aux (take (qs, [])) end;
+ let
+ fun prune_aux (qs, []) = new :: qs
+ | prune_aux (qs, (k, np, rgd, q) :: rqs) =
+ if np' + 1 = np andalso rgd then
+ (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
+ tracing ("Pruning " ^
+ string_of_int (1+length rqs) ^ " levels")
+ else ();
+ (*Use OLD k: zero-cost solution; see Stickel, p 365*)
+ (k, np', rgd', stq) :: qs)
+ else prune_aux ((k, np, rgd, q) :: qs, rqs)
+ fun take ([], rqs) = ([], rqs)
+ | take (arg as ((k, np, rgd, stq) :: qs, rqs)) =
+ if np' < np then take (qs, (k, np, rgd, stq) :: rqs) else arg;
+ in prune_aux (take (qs, [])) end;
(*Depth-first iterative deepening search for a state that satisfies satp
@@ -118,54 +118,51 @@
to suppress solutions arising from earlier searches, as the accumulated cost
(k) can be wrong.*)
fun THEN_ITER_DEEPEN lim tac0 satp tac1 = traced_tac (fn st =>
- let val countr = Unsynchronized.ref 0
- and tf = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST (tac1 1)
- and qs0 = tac0 st
+ let
+ val countr = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+ and tf = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST (tac1 1)
+ and qs0 = tac0 st
(*bnd = depth bound; inc = estimate of increment required next*)
- fun depth (bnd,inc) [] =
+ fun depth (bnd, inc) [] =
if bnd > lim then
- (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
- tracing (string_of_int (!countr) ^
- " inferences so far. Giving up at " ^
- string_of_int bnd)
- else ();
+ (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
+ tracing (string_of_int (! countr) ^
+ " inferences so far. Giving up at " ^ string_of_int bnd)
+ else ();
- (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
- tracing (string_of_int (!countr) ^
- " inferences so far. Searching to depth " ^
- string_of_int bnd)
- else ();
- (*larger increments make it run slower for the hard problems*)
- depth (bnd+inc, 10)) [(0, 1, false, qs0)]
- | depth (bnd,inc) ((k,np,rgd,q)::qs) =
- if k>=bnd then depth (bnd,inc) qs
+ (if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
+ tracing (string_of_int (!countr) ^
+ " inferences so far. Searching to depth " ^ string_of_int bnd)
+ else ();
+ (*larger increments make it run slower for the hard problems*)
+ depth (bnd + inc, 10)) [(0, 1, false, qs0)]
+ | depth (bnd, inc) ((k, np, rgd, q) :: qs) =
+ if k >= bnd then depth (bnd, inc) qs
- case (Unsynchronized.inc countr;
- if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
- tracing (string_of_int np ^ implode (map (fn _ => "*") qs))
- else ();
- Seq.pull q) of
- NONE => depth (bnd,inc) qs
- | SOME(st,stq) =>
- if satp st (*solution!*)
- then SOME(st, Seq.make
- (fn()=> depth (bnd,inc) ((k,np,rgd,stq)::qs)))
- else
- let val np' = Thm.nprems_of st
- (*rgd' calculation assumes tactic operates on subgoal 1*)
- val rgd' = not (has_vars (hd (Thm.prems_of st)))
- val k' = k+np'-np+1 (*difference in # of subgoals, +1*)
- in if k'+np' >= bnd
- then depth (bnd, Int.min(inc, k'+np'+1-bnd)) qs
- else if np' < np (*solved a subgoal; prune rigid ancestors*)
- then depth (bnd,inc)
- (prune ((k', np', rgd', tf st), (k,np,rgd,stq) :: qs))
- else depth (bnd,inc) ((k', np', rgd', tf st) ::
- (k,np,rgd,stq) :: qs)
- end
- in depth (0,5) [] end);
+ (case
+ (Unsynchronized.inc countr;
+ if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
+ tracing (string_of_int np ^ implode (map (fn _ => "*") qs))
+ else ();
+ Seq.pull q) of
+ NONE => depth (bnd, inc) qs
+ | SOME (st, stq) =>
+ if satp st then (*solution!*)
+ SOME(st, Seq.make (fn() => depth (bnd, inc) ((k, np, rgd, stq) :: qs)))
+ else
+ let
+ val np' = Thm.nprems_of st;
+ (*rgd' calculation assumes tactic operates on subgoal 1*)
+ val rgd' = not (has_vars (hd (Thm.prems_of st)));
+ val k' = k + np' - np + 1; (*difference in # of subgoals, +1*)
+ in
+ if k' + np' >= bnd then depth (bnd, Int.min (inc, k' + np' + 1 - bnd)) qs
+ else if np' < np (*solved a subgoal; prune rigid ancestors*)
+ then depth (bnd, inc) (prune ((k', np', rgd', tf st), (k, np, rgd, stq) :: qs))
+ else depth (bnd, inc) ((k', np', rgd', tf st) :: (k, np, rgd, stq) :: qs)
+ end)
+ in depth (0, 5) [] end);
fun ITER_DEEPEN lim = THEN_ITER_DEEPEN lim all_tac;
@@ -200,8 +197,8 @@
val trace_BEST_FIRST = Unsynchronized.ref false;
(*For creating output sequence*)
-fun some_of_list [] = NONE
- | some_of_list (x::l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
+fun some_of_list [] = NONE
+ | some_of_list (x :: l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
(*Check for and delete duplicate proof states*)
fun delete_all_min prf heap =
@@ -214,23 +211,26 @@
Function sizef estimates size of problem remaining (smaller means better).
tactic tac0 sets up the initial priority queue, while tac1 searches it. *)
fun THEN_BEST_FIRST tac0 (satp, sizef) tac1 =
- let val tac = tracify trace_BEST_FIRST tac1
- fun pairsize th = (sizef th, th);
- fun bfs (news,nprf_heap) =
- (case List.partition satp news of
- ([],nonsats) => next(fold_rev Thm_Heap.insert (map pairsize nonsats) nprf_heap)
- | (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
- and next nprf_heap =
- if Thm_Heap.is_empty nprf_heap then NONE
- else
- let val (n,prf) = Thm_Heap.min nprf_heap
- in if !trace_BEST_FIRST
- then tracing("state size = " ^ string_of_int n)
- else ();
- bfs (Seq.list_of (tac prf),
- delete_all_min prf (Thm_Heap.delete_min nprf_heap))
- end
- fun btac st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), Thm_Heap.empty)
+ let
+ val tac = tracify trace_BEST_FIRST tac1;
+ fun pairsize th = (sizef th, th);
+ fun bfs (news, nprf_heap) =
+ (case List.partition satp news of
+ ([], nonsats) => next (fold_rev Thm_Heap.insert (map pairsize nonsats) nprf_heap)
+ | (sats, _) => some_of_list sats)
+ and next nprf_heap =
+ if Thm_Heap.is_empty nprf_heap then NONE
+ else
+ let
+ val (n, prf) = Thm_Heap.min nprf_heap;
+ val _ =
+ if !trace_BEST_FIRST
+ then tracing("state size = " ^ string_of_int n)
+ else ();
+ in
+ bfs (Seq.list_of (tac prf), delete_all_min prf (Thm_Heap.delete_min nprf_heap))
+ end;
+ fun btac st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), Thm_Heap.empty)
in traced_tac btac end;
(*Ordinary best-first search, with no initial tactic*)
@@ -238,59 +238,59 @@
(*Breadth-first search to satisfy satpred (including initial state)
-fun gen_BREADTH_FIRST message satpred (tac:tactic) =
- let val tacf = Seq.list_of o tac;
- fun bfs prfs =
- (case List.partition satpred prfs of
- ([],[]) => []
- | ([],nonsats) =>
- (message("breadth=" ^ string_of_int(length nonsats));
- bfs (maps tacf nonsats))
- | (sats,_) => sats)
- in (fn st => Seq.of_list (bfs [st])) end;
+fun gen_BREADTH_FIRST message satpred (tac: tactic) =
+ let
+ val tacf = Seq.list_of o tac;
+ fun bfs prfs =
+ (case List.partition satpred prfs of
+ ([], []) => []
+ | ([], nonsats) =>
+ (message ("breadth=" ^ string_of_int (length nonsats));
+ bfs (maps tacf nonsats))
+ | (sats, _) => sats);
+ in fn st => Seq.of_list (bfs [st]) end;
-(* Author: Norbert Voelker, FernUniversitaet Hagen
- Remarks: Implementation of A*-like proof procedure by modification
- of the existing code for BEST_FIRST and best_tac so that the
- current level of search is taken into account.
+ Implementation of A*-like proof procedure by modification
+ of the existing code for BEST_FIRST and best_tac so that the
+ current level of search is taken into account.
-(*Insertion into priority queue of states, marked with level *)
-fun insert_with_level (lnth: int*int*thm) [] = [lnth]
- | insert_with_level (l,m,th) ((l',n,th') :: nths) =
- if n<m then (l',n,th') :: insert_with_level (l,m,th) nths
- else if n=m andalso Thm.eq_thm(th,th')
- then (l',n,th')::nths
- else (l,m,th)::(l',n,th')::nths;
+(*Insertion into priority queue of states, marked with level*)
+fun insert_with_level (lnth: int * int * thm) [] = [lnth]
+ | insert_with_level (l, m, th) ((l', n, th') :: nths) =
+ if n < m then (l', n, th') :: insert_with_level (l, m, th) nths
+ else if n = m andalso Thm.eq_thm (th, th') then (l', n, th') :: nths
+ else (l, m, th) :: (l', n, th') :: nths;
(*For creating output sequence*)
-fun some_of_list [] = NONE
- | some_of_list (x::l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
+fun some_of_list [] = NONE
+ | some_of_list (x :: xs) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list xs));
val trace_ASTAR = Unsynchronized.ref false;
fun THEN_ASTAR tac0 (satp, costf) tac1 =
- let val tf = tracify trace_ASTAR tac1;
- fun bfs (news,nprfs,level) =
- let fun cost thm = (level, costf level thm, thm)
- in (case List.partition satp news of
- ([],nonsats)
- => next (fold_rev (insert_with_level o cost) nonsats nprfs)
- | (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
- end and
- next [] = NONE
- | next ((level,n,prf)::nprfs) =
- (if !trace_ASTAR
- then tracing("level = " ^ string_of_int level ^
- " cost = " ^ string_of_int n ^
- " queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
- else ();
- bfs (Seq.list_of (tf prf), nprfs,level+1))
- fun tf st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), [], 0)
+ let
+ val tf = tracify trace_ASTAR tac1;
+ fun bfs (news, nprfs, level) =
+ let fun cost thm = (level, costf level thm, thm) in
+ (case List.partition satp news of
+ ([], nonsats) => next (fold_rev (insert_with_level o cost) nonsats nprfs)
+ | (sats, _) => some_of_list sats)
+ end
+ and next [] = NONE
+ | next ((level, n, prf) :: nprfs) =
+ (if !trace_ASTAR then
+ tracing ("level = " ^ string_of_int level ^
+ " cost = " ^ string_of_int n ^
+ " queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
+ else ();
+ bfs (Seq.list_of (tf prf), nprfs, level + 1))
+ fun tf st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), [], 0);
in traced_tac tf end;
(*Ordinary ASTAR, with no initial tactic*)