--- a/src/Doc/IsarImplementation/Logic.thy Mon Jun 17 20:15:34 2013 +0200
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@@ -1291,6 +1291,46 @@
and can turn it into a theorem by replaying its primitive inferences
within the kernel. *}
+subsection {* Concrete syntax of proof terms *}
+text {* The concrete syntax of proof terms is a slight extension of
+ the regular inner syntax of Isabelle/Pure \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
+ Its main syntactic category @{syntax (inner) proof} is defined as
+ follows:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{supertabular}{rclr}
+ @{syntax_def (inner) proof} & = & @{verbatim Lam} @{text params} @{verbatim "."} @{text proof} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text "\<Lambda>"} @{text "params"} @{verbatim "."} @{text proof} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text proof} @{verbatim "%"} @{text any} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text proof} @{text "\<cdot>"} @{text any} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text proof} @{verbatim "%%"} @{text proof} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text proof} @{text "\<bullet>"} @{text proof} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text "id | longid"} \\
+ \\
+ @{text param} & = & @{text idt} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text idt} @{verbatim ":"} @{text prop} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{verbatim "("} @{text param} @{verbatim ")"} \\
+ \\
+ @{text params} & = & @{text param} \\
+ & @{text "|"} & @{text param} @{text params} \\
+ \end{supertabular}
+ \end{center}
+ Implicit term arguments in partial proofs are indicated by ``@{text
+ "_"}''. Type arguments for theorems and axioms may be specified
+ using @{text "p \<cdot> TYPE(type)"} (they must appear before any other
+ term argument of a theorem or axiom, but may be omitted altogether).
+ \medskip There are separate read and print operations for proof
+ terms, in order to avoid conflicts with the regular term language.
text %mlref {*
@{index_ML_type proof} \\
@@ -1300,8 +1340,9 @@
"theory -> term -> proof -> proof"} \\
@{index_ML Reconstruct.expand_proof: "theory ->
(string * term option) list -> proof -> proof"} \\
- @{index_ML Proof_Checker.thm_of_proof:
- "theory -> proof -> thm"} \\
+ @{index_ML Proof_Checker.thm_of_proof: "theory -> proof -> thm"} \\
+ @{index_ML Proof_Syntax.read_proof: "theory -> bool -> bool -> string -> proof"} \\
+ @{index_ML Proof_Syntax.pretty_proof: "Proof.context -> proof -> Pretty.T"} \\
@@ -1354,6 +1395,14 @@
given (full) proof into a theorem, by replaying it using only
primitive rules of the inference kernel.
+ \item @{ML Proof_Syntax.read_proof}~@{text "thy b\<^sub>1 b\<^sub>2 s"} reads in a
+ proof term. The Boolean flags indicate the use of sort and type
+ information. Usually, typing information is left implicit and is
+ inferred during proof reconstruction. %FIXME eliminate flags!?
+ \item @{ML Proof_Syntax.pretty_proof}~@{text "ctxt prf"}
+ pretty-prints the given proof term.
@@ -1434,12 +1483,11 @@
pretty_item "full proof:"
(Proof_Syntax.pretty_proof ctxt full_prf)]
|> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln;
+ in
(*rechecked theorem*)
- val thm' =
- Proof_Checker.thm_of_proof thy full_prf
- |> singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt ctxt0);
- in thm' end;
+ Proof_Checker.thm_of_proof thy full_prf
+ |> singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt ctxt0)
+ end;
text {* As anticipated, the rechecked theorem establishes the same
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\\[4ex] The Isabelle/Isar Implementation}
\author{\emph{Makarius Wenzel} \\[3ex]
With Contributions by
+ Stefan Berghofer, \\
Florian Haftmann
and Larry Paulson
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- "document/thm.tex"
session Sledgehammer (doc) in "Sledgehammer" = Pure +
options [document_variants = "sledgehammer"]
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\pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents \clearfirst
%%seealso's must be last so that they appear last in the index entries
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+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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-\chapter{Theorems and Forward Proof}
-\section{Proof terms}\label{sec:proofObjects}
-\subsection{Parsing and printing proof terms}
-\index{proof terms!parsing}
-\index{proof terms!printing}
-Isabelle offers several functions for parsing and printing
-proof terms. The concrete syntax for proof terms is described
-in Fig.\ts\ref{fig:proof_gram}.
-Implicit term arguments in partial proofs are indicated
-by ``{\tt _}''.
-Type arguments for theorems and axioms may be specified using
-\verb!%! or ``$\cdot$'' with an argument of the form {\tt TYPE($type$)}
-(see \S\ref{sec:basic_syntax}).
-They must appear before any other term argument of a theorem
-or axiom. In contrast to term arguments, type arguments may
-be completely omitted.
-ProofSyntax.read_proof : theory -> bool -> string -> Proofterm.proof
-ProofSyntax.pretty_proof : Sign.sg -> Proofterm.proof -> Pretty.T
-ProofSyntax.pretty_proof_of : bool -> thm -> Pretty.T
-ProofSyntax.print_proof_of : bool -> thm -> unit
-$proof$ & $=$ & {\tt Lam} $params${\tt .} $proof$ ~~$|$~~
- $\Lambda params${\tt .} $proof$ \\
- & $|$ & $proof$ \verb!%! $any$ ~~$|$~~
- $proof$ $\cdot$ $any$ \\
- & $|$ & $proof$ \verb!%%! $proof$ ~~$|$~~
- $proof$ {\boldmath$\cdot$} $proof$ \\
- & $|$ & $id$ ~~$|$~~ $longid$ \\\\
-$param$ & $=$ & $idt$ ~~$|$~~ $idt$ {\tt :} $prop$ ~~$|$~~
- {\tt (} $param$ {\tt )} \\\\
-$params$ & $=$ & $param$ ~~$|$~~ $param$ $params$
-\caption{Proof term syntax}\label{fig:proof_gram}
-The function {\tt read_proof} reads in a proof term with
-respect to a given theory. The boolean flag indicates whether
-the proof term to be parsed contains explicit typing information
-to be taken into account.
-Usually, typing information is left implicit and
-is inferred during proof reconstruction. The pretty printing
-functions operating on theorems take a boolean flag as an
-argument which indicates whether the proof term should
-be reconstructed before printing.
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: "ref"
-%%% End: