Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:27:19 +0100
changeset 30177 4d44eccbc7dd
parent 30176 78610979b3c6 (current diff)
parent 30175 62ba490670e8 (diff)
child 30178 70e42a88be37
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -59,18 +59,17 @@
   Isar/attrib.ML Isar/auto_bind.ML Isar/calculation.ML Isar/class.ML	\
   Isar/class_target.ML Isar/code.ML Isar/code_unit.ML			\
   Isar/constdefs.ML Isar/context_rules.ML Isar/element.ML		\
-  Isar/expression.ML Isar/isar.ML Isar/isar_cmd.ML			\
-  Isar/isar_document.ML Isar/isar_syn.ML Isar/local_defs.ML		\
-  Isar/local_syntax.ML Isar/local_theory.ML Isar/locale.ML		\
-  Isar/method.ML Isar/net_rules.ML Isar/object_logic.ML Isar/obtain.ML	\
-  Isar/outer_keyword.ML Isar/outer_lex.ML Isar/outer_parse.ML		\
-  Isar/outer_syntax.ML Isar/overloading.ML Isar/proof.ML		\
-  Isar/proof_context.ML Isar/proof_display.ML Isar/proof_node.ML	\
-  Isar/rule_cases.ML Isar/rule_insts.ML Isar/session.ML			\
-  Isar/skip_proof.ML Isar/spec_parse.ML Isar/specification.ML		\
-  Isar/theory_target.ML Isar/toplevel.ML Isar/value_parse.ML		\
-  ML/ml_antiquote.ML ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_lex.ML ML/ml_parse.ML	\
-  ML/ml_syntax.ML ML/ml_thms.ML Proof/extraction.ML			\
+  Isar/expression.ML Isar/isar_cmd.ML Isar/isar_document.ML		\
+  Isar/isar_syn.ML Isar/local_defs.ML Isar/local_syntax.ML		\
+  Isar/local_theory.ML Isar/locale.ML Isar/method.ML Isar/net_rules.ML	\
+  Isar/object_logic.ML Isar/obtain.ML Isar/outer_keyword.ML		\
+  Isar/outer_lex.ML Isar/outer_parse.ML Isar/outer_syntax.ML		\
+  Isar/overloading.ML Isar/proof.ML Isar/proof_context.ML		\
+  Isar/proof_display.ML Isar/proof_node.ML Isar/rule_cases.ML		\
+  Isar/rule_insts.ML Isar/skip_proof.ML Isar/spec_parse.ML		\
+  Isar/specification.ML Isar/theory_target.ML Isar/toplevel.ML		\
+  Isar/value_parse.ML ML/ml_antiquote.ML ML/ml_context.ML ML/ml_lex.ML	\
+  ML/ml_parse.ML ML/ml_syntax.ML ML/ml_thms.ML Proof/extraction.ML	\
   Proof/proof_rewrite_rules.ML Proof/proof_syntax.ML			\
   Proof/proofchecker.ML Proof/reconstruct.ML ProofGeneral/ROOT.ML	\
   ProofGeneral/pgip.ML ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML			\
@@ -81,11 +80,12 @@
   ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML Pure.thy ROOT.ML Syntax/ast.ML	\
   Syntax/lexicon.ML Syntax/mixfix.ML Syntax/parser.ML			\
   Syntax/printer.ML Syntax/simple_syntax.ML Syntax/syn_ext.ML		\
-  Syntax/syn_trans.ML Syntax/syntax.ML Syntax/type_ext.ML Thy/html.ML	\
-  Thy/latex.ML Thy/present.ML Thy/term_style.ML Thy/thm_deps.ML		\
-  Thy/thy_header.ML Thy/thy_info.ML Thy/thy_load.ML Thy/thy_output.ML	\
-  Thy/thy_syntax.ML Tools/ROOT.ML Tools/find_consts.ML			\
-  Tools/find_theorems.ML Tools/isabelle_process.ML Tools/named_thms.ML	\
+  Syntax/syn_trans.ML Syntax/syntax.ML Syntax/type_ext.ML		\
+  System/isabelle_process.ML System/isar.ML System/session.ML		\
+  Thy/html.ML Thy/latex.ML Thy/present.ML Thy/term_style.ML		\
+  Thy/thm_deps.ML Thy/thy_header.ML Thy/thy_info.ML Thy/thy_load.ML	\
+  Thy/thy_output.ML Thy/thy_syntax.ML Tools/ROOT.ML			\
+  Tools/find_consts.ML Tools/find_theorems.ML Tools/named_thms.ML	\
   Tools/xml_syntax.ML assumption.ML axclass.ML codegen.ML config.ML	\
   conjunction.ML consts.ML context.ML context_position.ML conv.ML	\
   defs.ML display.ML drule.ML envir.ML facts.ML goal.ML			\
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
   General/position.scala General/swing.scala General/symbol.scala	\
   General/xml.scala General/yxml.scala Isar/isar.scala			\
   Isar/isar_document.scala Isar/outer_keyword.scala			\
-  Thy/thy_header.scala Tools/isabelle_process.scala			\
-  Tools/isabelle_syntax.scala Tools/isabelle_system.scala
+  System/isabelle_process.scala System/isabelle_system.scala		\
+  Thy/thy_header.scala Tools/isabelle_syntax.scala
 SCALA_TARGET = $(ISABELLE_HOME)/lib/classes/Pure.jar
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@
 use "../old_goals.ML";
 use "outer_syntax.ML";
 use "../Thy/thy_info.ML";
-use "session.ML";
-use "isar.ML";
 use "isar_document.ML";
 (*theory and proof operations*)
@@ -91,3 +89,5 @@
 use "../Thy/thm_deps.ML";
 use "isar_cmd.ML";
 use "isar_syn.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/isar.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-The global Isabelle/Isar state and main read-eval-print loop.
-signature ISAR =
-  val init: unit -> unit
-  val exn: unit -> (exn * string) option
-  val state: unit -> Toplevel.state
-  val context: unit -> Proof.context
-  val goal: unit -> thm
-  val print: unit -> unit
-  val >> : Toplevel.transition -> bool
-  val >>> : Toplevel.transition list -> unit
-  val linear_undo: int -> unit
-  val undo: int -> unit
-  val kill: unit -> unit
-  val kill_proof: unit -> unit
-  val crashes: exn list ref
-  val toplevel_loop: {init: bool, welcome: bool, sync: bool, secure: bool} -> unit
-  val loop: unit -> unit
-  val main: unit -> unit
-  type id = string
-  val no_id: id
-  val create_command: Toplevel.transition -> id
-  val insert_command: id -> id -> unit
-  val remove_command: id -> unit
-structure Isar: ISAR =
-(** TTY model -- SINGLE-THREADED! **)
-(* the global state *)
-type history = (Toplevel.state * Toplevel.transition) list;
-  (*previous state, state transition -- regular commands only*)
-  val global_history = ref ([]: history);
-  val global_state = ref Toplevel.toplevel;
-  val global_exn = ref (NONE: (exn * string) option);
-fun edit_history count f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-  let
-    fun edit 0 (st, hist) = (global_history := hist; global_state := st; global_exn := NONE)
-      | edit n (st, hist) = edit (n - 1) (f st hist);
-  in edit count (! global_state, ! global_history) end);
-fun state () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_state);
-fun set_state state = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => global_state := state);
-fun exn () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_exn);
-fun set_exn exn =  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => global_exn := exn);
-fun init () = edit_history 1 (K (K (Toplevel.toplevel, [])));
-fun context () = Toplevel.context_of (state ())
-  handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "Unknown context";
-fun goal () = #2 (#2 (Proof.get_goal (Toplevel.proof_of (state ()))))
-  handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "No goal present";
-fun print () = Toplevel.print_state false (state ());
-(* history navigation *)
-fun find_and_undo _ [] = error "Undo history exhausted"
-  | find_and_undo which ((prev, tr) :: hist) =
-      ((case Toplevel.init_of tr of SOME name => ThyInfo.kill_thy name | NONE => ());
-        if which (Toplevel.name_of tr) then (prev, hist) else find_and_undo which hist);
-fun linear_undo n = edit_history n (K (find_and_undo (K true)));
-fun undo n = edit_history n (fn st => fn hist =>
-  find_and_undo (if Toplevel.is_proof st then K true else OuterKeyword.is_theory) hist);
-fun kill () = edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist =>
-  find_and_undo
-    (if Toplevel.is_proof st then OuterKeyword.is_theory else OuterKeyword.is_theory_begin) hist);
-fun kill_proof () = edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist =>
-  if Toplevel.is_proof st then find_and_undo OuterKeyword.is_theory hist
-  else raise Toplevel.UNDEF);
-(* interactive state transformations *)
-fun op >> tr =
-  (case Toplevel.transition true tr (state ()) of
-    NONE => false
-  | SOME (_, SOME err) => (set_exn (SOME err); Toplevel.error_msg tr err; true)
-  | SOME (st', NONE) =>
-      let
-        val name = Toplevel.name_of tr;
-        val _ = if OuterKeyword.is_theory_begin name then init () else ();
-        val _ =
-          if OuterKeyword.is_regular name
-          then edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist => (st', (st, tr) :: hist)) else ();
-      in true end);
-fun op >>> [] = ()
-  | op >>> (tr :: trs) = if op >> tr then op >>> trs else ();
-(* toplevel loop *)
-val crashes = ref ([]: exn list);
-fun raw_loop secure src =
-  let
-    fun check_secure () =
-      (if secure then warning "Secure loop -- cannot exit to ML" else (); secure);
-  in
-    (case Source.get_single (Source.set_prompt Source.default_prompt src) of
-      NONE => if secure then quit () else ()
-    | SOME (tr, src') => if op >> tr orelse check_secure () then raw_loop secure src' else ())
-    handle exn =>
-      (Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message exn)
-        handle crash =>
-          (CRITICAL (fn () => change crashes (cons crash));
-            warning "Recovering from Isar toplevel crash -- see also Isar.crashes");
-          raw_loop secure src)
-  end;
-fun toplevel_loop {init = do_init, welcome, sync, secure} =
- (Context.set_thread_data NONE;
-  if do_init then init () else ();  (* FIXME init editor model *)
-  if welcome then writeln (Session.welcome ()) else ();
-  uninterruptible (fn _ => fn () => raw_loop secure (OuterSyntax.isar sync)) ());
-fun loop () =
-  toplevel_loop {init = false, welcome = false, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};
-fun main () =
-  toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = true, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};
-(** individual toplevel commands **)
-(* unique identification *)
-type id = string;
-val no_id : id = "";
-(* command category *)
-datatype category = Empty | Theory | Proof | Diag | Control;
-fun category_of tr =
-  let val name = Toplevel.name_of tr in
-    if name = "" then Empty
-    else if OuterKeyword.is_theory name then Theory
-    else if OuterKeyword.is_proof name then Proof
-    else if OuterKeyword.is_diag name then Diag
-    else Control
-  end;
-val is_theory = fn Theory => true | _ => false;
-val is_proper = fn Theory => true | Proof => true | _ => false;
-val is_regular = fn Control => false | _ => true;
-(* command status *)
-datatype status =
-  Unprocessed |
-  Running |
-  Failed of exn * string |
-  Finished of Toplevel.state;
-fun status_markup Unprocessed = Markup.unprocessed
-  | status_markup Running = (Markup.runningN, [])
-  | status_markup (Failed _) = Markup.failed
-  | status_markup (Finished _) = Markup.finished;
-fun run int tr state =
-  (case Toplevel.transition int tr state of
-    NONE => NONE
-  | SOME (_, SOME err) => (Toplevel.error_msg tr err; SOME (Failed err))
-  | SOME (state', NONE) => SOME (Finished state'));
-(* datatype command *)
-datatype command = Command of
- {category: category,
-  transition: Toplevel.transition,
-  status: status};
-fun make_command (category, transition, status) =
-  Command {category = category, transition = transition, status = status};
-val empty_command =
-  make_command (Empty, Toplevel.empty, Finished Toplevel.toplevel);
-fun map_command f (Command {category, transition, status}) =
-  make_command (f (category, transition, status));
-fun map_status f = map_command (fn (category, transition, status) =>
-  (category, transition, f status));
-(* global collection of identified commands *)
-fun err_dup id = sys_error ("Duplicate command " ^ quote id);
-fun err_undef id = sys_error ("Unknown command " ^ quote id);
-local val global_commands = ref (Graph.empty: command Graph.T) in
-fun change_commands f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => change global_commands f)
-  handle Graph.DUP bad => err_dup bad | Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
-fun get_commands () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_commands);
-fun add_edge (id1, id2) =
-  if id1 = no_id orelse id2 = no_id then I else Graph.add_edge (id1, id2);
-fun init_commands () = change_commands (K Graph.empty);
-fun the_command id =
-  let val Command cmd =
-    if id = no_id then empty_command
-    else (Graph.get_node (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad)
-  in cmd end;
-fun prev_command id =
-  if id = no_id then no_id
-  else
-    (case Graph.imm_preds (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad of
-      [] => no_id
-    | [prev] => prev
-    | _ => sys_error ("Non-linear command dependency " ^ quote id));
-fun next_commands id =
-  if id = no_id then []
-  else Graph.imm_succs (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
-fun descendant_commands ids =
-  Graph.all_succs (get_commands ()) (distinct (op =) (filter_out (fn id => id = no_id) ids))
-    handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
-(* maintain status *)
-fun report_status markup id = Toplevel.status (#transition (the_command id)) markup;
-fun update_status status id = change_commands (Graph.map_node id (map_status (K status)));
-fun report_update_status status id =
-  change_commands (Graph.map_node id (map_status (fn old_status =>
-    let val markup = status_markup status
-    in if markup <> status_markup old_status then report_status markup id else (); status end)));
-(* create and dispose commands *)
-fun create_command raw_tr =
-  let
-    val (id, tr) =
-      (case Toplevel.get_id raw_tr of
-        SOME id => (id, raw_tr)
-      | NONE =>
-          let val id =
-            if ! Toplevel.debug then "isabelle:" ^ Toplevel.name_of raw_tr ^ serial_string ()
-            else "isabelle:" ^ serial_string ()
-          in (id, Toplevel.put_id id raw_tr) end);
-    val cmd = make_command (category_of tr, tr, Unprocessed);
-    val _ = change_commands (Graph.new_node (id, cmd));
-  in id end;
-fun dispose_commands ids =
-  let
-    val desc = descendant_commands ids;
-    val _ = (report_status Markup.disposed) desc;
-    val _ = change_commands (Graph.del_nodes desc);
-  in () end;
-(* final state *)
-fun the_state id =
-  (case the_command id of
-    {status = Finished state, ...} => state
-  | {transition, ...} => error ("Unfinished command " ^ Toplevel.str_of transition));
-(** editor model **)
-(* run commands *)
-fun try_run id =
-  (case try the_state (prev_command id) of
-    NONE => ()
-  | SOME state =>
-      (case run true (#transition (the_command id)) state of
-        NONE => ()
-      | SOME status => report_update_status status id));
-fun rerun_commands ids =
-  ( (report_update_status Unprocessed) ids; try_run ids);
-(* modify document *)
-fun insert_command prev id = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-  let
-    val nexts = next_commands prev;
-    val _ = change_commands
-     (fold (fn next => Graph.del_edge (prev, next)) nexts #> add_edge (prev, id) #>
-      fold (fn next => Graph.add_edge (id, next)) nexts);
-  in descendant_commands [id] end) |> rerun_commands;
-fun remove_command id = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
-  let
-    val prev = prev_command id;
-    val nexts = next_commands id;
-    val _ = change_commands
-     (fold (fn next => Graph.del_edge (id, next)) nexts #>
-      fold (fn next => add_edge (prev, next)) nexts);
-  in descendant_commands nexts end) |> rerun_commands;
-(* concrete syntax *)
-structure P = OuterParse;
-val op >> = Scan.>>;
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.command"
-    (P.string -- P.string >> (fn (id, text) =>
-      Toplevel.imperative (fn () =>
-        ignore (create_command (OuterSyntax.prepare_command ( id) text)))));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.insert"
-    (P.string -- P.string >> (fn (prev, id) =>
-      Toplevel.imperative (fn () => insert_command prev id)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.remove"
-    (P.string >> (fn id => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => remove_command id)));
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
   val skip_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val init_theory: string * string list * (string * bool) list ->
     Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val welcome: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val exit: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val quit: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val pr: string list * (int option * int option) -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
@@ -265,8 +264,6 @@
       if ThyInfo.check_known_thy (Context.theory_name thy)
       then ThyInfo.end_theory thy else ());
-val welcome = Toplevel.imperative (writeln o Session.welcome);
 val exit = Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
  (Context.set_thread_data (try Toplevel.generic_theory_of state);
   raise Toplevel.TERMINATE));
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -729,39 +729,6 @@
       handle ERROR msg => Scan.fail_with (K msg)));
-(* global history commands *)
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "init_toplevel" "init toplevel point-of-interest" K.control
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative Isar.init));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "linear_undo" "undo commands" K.control
-    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >>
-      (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => Isar.linear_undo n)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "undo" "undo commands (skipping closed proofs)" K.control
-    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >>
-      (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => Isar.undo n)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "undos_proof" "undo commands (skipping closed proofs)" K.control
-    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >> (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o
-      Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
-        if Toplevel.is_proof state then (Isar.undo n; Isar.print ()) else raise Toplevel.UNDEF)));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "cannot_undo" "partial undo -- Proof General legacy" K.control
-    ( >>
-      (fn "end" => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => Isar.undo 1)
-        | txt => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => error ("Cannot undo " ^ quote txt))));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "kill" "kill partial proof or theory development" K.control
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative Isar.kill));
 (** diagnostic commands (for interactive mode only) **)
@@ -974,9 +941,5 @@
   OuterSyntax.improper_command "exit" "exit Isar loop" K.control
     (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.exit));
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "welcome" "print welcome message" K.diag
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o IsarCmd.welcome));
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/session.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/session.ML
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Session management -- maintain state of logic images.
-signature SESSION =
-  val id: unit -> string list
-  val name: unit -> string
-  val welcome: unit -> string
-  val use_dir: string -> bool -> string list -> bool -> bool -> string -> bool -> string list ->
-    string -> string -> bool * string -> string -> int -> bool -> int -> int -> bool -> unit
-  val finish: unit -> unit
-structure Session: SESSION =
-(* session state *)
-val session = ref ([Context.PureN]: string list);
-val session_path = ref ([]: string list);
-val session_finished = ref false;
-val remote_path = ref (NONE: Url.T option);
-(* access path *)
-fun id () = ! session;
-fun path () = ! session_path;
-fun str_of [] = Context.PureN
-  | str_of elems = space_implode "/" elems;
-fun name () = "Isabelle/" ^ str_of (path ());
-fun welcome () =
-  if Distribution.is_official then
-    "Welcome to " ^ name () ^ " (" ^ Distribution.version ^ ")"
-  else
-    "Unofficial version of " ^ name () ^ " (" ^ Distribution.version ^ ")" ^
-    (if Distribution.changelog <> "" then "\nSee also " ^ Distribution.changelog else "");
-(* add_path *)
-fun add_path reset s =
-  let val sess = ! session @ [s] in
-    (case duplicates (op =) sess of
-      [] => (session := sess; session_path := ((if reset then [] else ! session_path) @ [s]))
-    | dups => error ("Duplicate session identifiers " ^ commas_quote dups ^ " in " ^ str_of sess))
-  end;
-(* init *)
-fun init reset parent name =
-  if not (member (op =) (! session) parent) orelse not (! session_finished) then
-    error ("Unfinished parent session " ^ quote parent ^ " for " ^ quote name)
-  else (add_path reset name; session_finished := false);
-(* finish *)
-fun finish () =
-  (Output.accumulated_time ();
-    ThyInfo.finish ();
-    Present.finish ();
-    Future.shutdown ();
-    session_finished := true);
-(* use_dir *)
-fun get_rpath rpath =
-  (if rpath = "" then () else
-     if is_some (! remote_path) then
-       error "Path for remote theory browsing information may only be set once"
-     else
-       remote_path := SOME (Url.explode rpath);
-   (! remote_path, rpath <> ""));
-fun dumping (_, "") = NONE
-  | dumping (cp, path) = SOME (cp, Path.explode path);
-fun use_dir root build modes reset info doc doc_graph doc_versions
-    parent name dump rpath level verbose max_threads trace_threads parallel_proofs =
-  ((fn () =>
-     (init reset parent name;
-      Present.init build info doc doc_graph doc_versions (path ()) name
-        (dumping dump) (get_rpath rpath) verbose (map ThyInfo.get_theory (ThyInfo.get_names ()));
-      use root;
-      finish ()))
-    |> setmp_noncritical Proofterm.proofs level
-    |> setmp_noncritical print_mode (modes @ print_mode_value ())
-    |> setmp_noncritical Goal.parallel_proofs parallel_proofs
-    |> setmp_noncritical Multithreading.trace trace_threads
-    |> setmp_noncritical Multithreading.max_threads
-      (if Multithreading.available then max_threads
-       else (if max_threads = 1 then () else warning "Multithreading support unavailable"; 1))) ()
-  handle exn => (Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message exn); exit 1);
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -81,12 +81,18 @@
 use "goal.ML";
 use "axclass.ML";
-(*the main Isar system*)
+(*main Isar stuff*)
 cd "Isar"; use "ROOT.ML"; cd "..";
 use "subgoal.ML";
 use "Proof/extraction.ML";
+(*Isabelle/Isar system*)
+use "System/session.ML";
+use "System/isar.ML";
+use "System/isabelle_process.ML";
+(*additional tools*)
 cd "Tools"; use "ROOT.ML"; cd "..";
 use "codegen.ML";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Isabelle process wrapper -- interaction via external program.
+General format of process output:
+  (1) unmarked stdout/stderr, no line structure (output should be
+  processed immediately as it arrives);
+  (2) properly marked-up messages, e.g. for writeln channel
+  "\002A" ^ props ^ "\002,\n" ^ text ^ "\002.\n"
+  where the props consist of name=value lines terminated by "\002,\n"
+  each, and the remaining text is any number of lines (output is
+  supposed to be processed in one piece);
+  (3) special init message holds "pid" and "session" property;
+  (4) message content is encoded in YXML format.
+  val isabelle_processN: string
+  val init: string -> unit
+structure IsabelleProcess: ISABELLE_PROCESS =
+(* print modes *)
+val isabelle_processN = "isabelle_process";
+val _ = Output.add_mode isabelle_processN Output.default_output Output.default_escape;
+val _ = Markup.add_mode isabelle_processN YXML.output_markup;
+(* message markup *)
+fun special ch = Symbol.STX ^ ch;
+val special_sep = special ",";
+val special_end = special ".";
+fun clean_string bad str =
+  if exists_string (member (op =) bad) str then
+    translate_string (fn c => if member (op =) bad c then Symbol.DEL else c) str
+  else str;
+fun message_props props =
+  let val clean = clean_string [Symbol.STX, "\n", "\r"]
+  in implode (map (fn (x, y) => clean x ^ "=" ^ clean y ^ special_sep ^ "\n") props) end;
+fun message_pos trees = trees |> get_first
+  (fn XML.Elem (name, atts, ts) =>
+        if name = Markup.positionN then SOME (Position.of_properties atts)
+        else message_pos ts
+    | _ => NONE);
+fun output out_stream s = NAMED_CRITICAL "IO" (fn () =>
+  (TextIO.output (out_stream, s); TextIO.output (out_stream, "\n")));
+fun message _ _ "" = ()
+  | message out_stream ch body =
+      let
+        val pos = the_default Position.none (message_pos (YXML.parse_body body));
+        val props =
+          Position.properties_of (Position.thread_data ())
+          |> Position.default_properties pos;
+        val txt = clean_string [Symbol.STX] body;
+      in output out_stream (special ch ^ message_props props ^ txt ^ special_end) end;
+fun init_message out_stream =
+  let
+    val pid = (Markup.pidN, process_id ());
+    val session = (Markup.sessionN, List.last ( ()) handle List.Empty => "unknown");
+    val text = Session.welcome ();
+  in output out_stream (special "A" ^ message_props [pid, session] ^ text ^ special_end) end;
+(* channels *)
+fun auto_flush stream =
+  let
+    val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream stream, IO.BLOCK_BUF);
+    fun loop () =
+      (OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 50); try TextIO.flushOut stream; loop ());
+  in loop end;
+fun setup_channels out =
+  let
+    val out_stream =
+      if out = "-" then TextIO.stdOut
+      else
+        let
+          val path = File.platform_path (Path.explode out);
+          val out_stream = TextIO.openOut path;  (*fifo blocks until reader is ready*)
+          val _ = OS.FileSys.remove path;  (*prevent alien access, indicate writer is ready*)
+          val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush TextIO.stdOut);
+        in out_stream end;
+    val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush out_stream);
+    val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush TextIO.stdErr);
+  in
+    Output.status_fn   := message out_stream "B";
+    Output.writeln_fn  := message out_stream "C";
+    Output.priority_fn := message out_stream "D";
+    Output.tracing_fn  := message out_stream "E";
+    Output.warning_fn  := message out_stream "F";
+    Output.error_fn    := message out_stream "G";
+    Output.debug_fn    := message out_stream "H";
+    Output.prompt_fn   := ignore;
+    out_stream
+  end;
+(* init *)
+fun init out =
+ (change print_mode (update (op =) isabelle_processN);
+  setup_channels out |> init_message;
+ ();
+  Isar.toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = false, sync = true, secure = true});
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.scala	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+    Options:    :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
+Isabelle process management -- always reactive due to multi-threaded I/O.
+package isabelle
+import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
+import{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter,
+  InputStream, OutputStream, IOException}
+object IsabelleProcess {
+  /* results */
+  object Kind extends Enumeration {
+    //{{{ values and codes
+    // internal system notification
+    val SYSTEM = Value("SYSTEM")
+    // Posix channels/events
+    val STDIN = Value("STDIN")
+    val STDOUT = Value("STDOUT")
+    val SIGNAL = Value("SIGNAL")
+    val EXIT = Value("EXIT")
+    // Isabelle messages
+    val INIT = Value("INIT")
+    val STATUS = Value("STATUS")
+    val WRITELN = Value("WRITELN")
+    val PRIORITY = Value("PRIORITY")
+    val TRACING = Value("TRACING")
+    val WARNING = Value("WARNING")
+    val ERROR = Value("ERROR")
+    val DEBUG = Value("DEBUG")
+    // messages codes
+    val code = Map(
+      ('A' : Int) -> Kind.INIT,
+      ('B' : Int) -> Kind.STATUS,
+      ('C' : Int) -> Kind.WRITELN,
+      ('D' : Int) -> Kind.PRIORITY,
+      ('E' : Int) -> Kind.TRACING,
+      ('F' : Int) -> Kind.WARNING,
+      ('G' : Int) -> Kind.ERROR,
+      ('H' : Int) -> Kind.DEBUG,
+      ('0' : Int) -> Kind.SYSTEM,
+      ('1' : Int) -> Kind.STDIN,
+      ('2' : Int) -> Kind.STDOUT,
+      ('3' : Int) -> Kind.SIGNAL,
+      ('4' : Int) -> Kind.EXIT)
+    // message markup
+    val markup = Map(
+      Kind.INIT -> Markup.INIT,
+      Kind.STATUS -> Markup.STATUS,
+      Kind.WRITELN -> Markup.WRITELN,
+      Kind.PRIORITY -> Markup.PRIORITY,
+      Kind.TRACING -> Markup.TRACING,
+      Kind.WARNING -> Markup.WARNING,
+      Kind.ERROR -> Markup.ERROR,
+      Kind.DEBUG -> Markup.DEBUG,
+      Kind.SYSTEM -> Markup.SYSTEM,
+      Kind.STDIN -> Markup.STDIN,
+      Kind.STDOUT -> Markup.STDOUT,
+      Kind.SIGNAL -> Markup.SIGNAL,
+      Kind.EXIT -> Markup.EXIT)
+    //}}}
+    def is_raw(kind: Value) =
+      kind == STDOUT
+    def is_control(kind: Value) =
+      kind == SYSTEM ||
+      kind == SIGNAL ||
+      kind == EXIT
+    def is_system(kind: Value) =
+      kind == SYSTEM ||
+      kind == STDIN ||
+      kind == SIGNAL ||
+      kind == EXIT ||
+      kind == STATUS
+  }
+  class Result(val kind: Kind.Value, val props: List[(String, String)], val result: String) {
+    override def toString = {
+      val trees = YXML.parse_body_failsafe(result)
+      val res =
+        if (kind == Kind.STATUS)
+        else trees.flatMap(XML.content(_).mkString).mkString
+      if (props.isEmpty)
+        kind.toString + " [[" + res + "]]"
+      else
+        kind.toString + " " +
+          (for ((x, y) <- props) yield x + "=" + y).mkString("{", ",", "}") + " [[" + res + "]]"
+    }
+    def is_raw = Kind.is_raw(kind)
+    def is_control = Kind.is_control(kind)
+    def is_system = Kind.is_system(kind)
+  }
+  def parse_message(isabelle_system: IsabelleSystem, result: Result) =
+  {
+    XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Kind.markup(result.kind)) :: result.props,
+      YXML.parse_body_failsafe(isabelle_system.symbols.decode(result.result)))
+  }
+class IsabelleProcess(isabelle_system: IsabelleSystem,
+  results: EventBus[IsabelleProcess.Result], args: String*)
+  import IsabelleProcess._
+  /* demo constructor */
+  def this(args: String*) =
+    this(new IsabelleSystem, new EventBus[IsabelleProcess.Result] + Console.println, args: _*)
+  /* process information */
+  @volatile private var proc: Process = null
+  @volatile private var closing = false
+  @volatile private var pid: String = null
+  @volatile private var the_session: String = null
+  def session = the_session
+  /* results */
+  def parse_message(result: Result): XML.Tree =
+    IsabelleProcess.parse_message(isabelle_system, result)
+  private val result_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Result]
+  private def put_result(kind: Kind.Value, props: List[(String, String)], result: String)
+  {
+    if (kind == Kind.INIT) {
+      val map = Map(props: _*)
+      if (map.isDefinedAt(Markup.PID)) pid = map(Markup.PID)
+      if (map.isDefinedAt(Markup.SESSION)) the_session = map(Markup.SESSION)
+    }
+    result_queue.put(new Result(kind, props, result))
+  }
+  private class ResultThread extends Thread("isabelle: results") {
+    override def run() = {
+      var finished = false
+      while (!finished) {
+        val result =
+          try { result_queue.take }
+          catch { case _: NullPointerException => null }
+        if (result != null) {
+          results.event(result)
+          if (result.kind == Kind.EXIT) finished = true
+        }
+        else finished = true
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* signals */
+  def interrupt() = synchronized {
+    if (proc == null) error("Cannot interrupt Isabelle: no process")
+    if (pid == null) put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Cannot interrupt: unknown pid")
+    else {
+      try {
+        if (isabelle_system.execute(true, "kill", "-INT", pid).waitFor == 0)
+          put_result(Kind.SIGNAL, Nil, "INT")
+        else
+          put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Cannot interrupt: kill command failed")
+      }
+      catch { case e: IOException => error("Cannot interrupt Isabelle: " + e.getMessage) }
+    }
+  }
+  def kill() = synchronized {
+    if (proc == 0) error("Cannot kill Isabelle: no process")
+    else {
+      try_close()
+      Thread.sleep(500)
+      put_result(Kind.SIGNAL, Nil, "KILL")
+      proc.destroy
+      proc = null
+      pid = null
+    }
+  }
+  /* output being piped into the process */
+  private val output = new LinkedBlockingQueue[String]
+  private def output_raw(text: String) = synchronized {
+    if (proc == null) error("Cannot output to Isabelle: no process")
+    if (closing) error("Cannot output to Isabelle: already closing")
+    output.put(text)
+  }
+  def output_sync(text: String) =
+    output_raw(" \\<^sync>\n; " + text + " \\<^sync>;\n")
+  def command(text: String) =
+    output_sync("Isabelle.command " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
+  def command(props: List[(String, String)], text: String) =
+    output_sync("Isabelle.command " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_properties(props) + " " +
+      IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
+  def ML(text: String) =
+    output_sync("ML_val " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
+  def close() = synchronized {    // FIXME watchdog/timeout
+    output_raw("\u0000")
+    closing = true
+  }
+  def try_close() = synchronized {
+    if (proc != null && !closing) {
+      try { close() }
+      catch { case _: RuntimeException => }
+    }
+  }
+  /* stdin */
+  private class StdinThread(out_stream: OutputStream) extends Thread("isabelle: stdin") {
+    override def run() = {
+      val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out_stream, isabelle_system.charset))
+      var finished = false
+      while (!finished) {
+        try {
+          //{{{
+          val s = output.take
+          if (s == "\u0000") {
+            writer.close
+            finished = true
+          }
+          else {
+            put_result(Kind.STDIN, Nil, s)
+            writer.write(s)
+            writer.flush
+          }
+          //}}}
+        }
+        catch {
+          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdin thread: " + e.getMessage)
+        }
+      }
+      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdin thread terminated")
+    }
+  }
+  /* stdout */
+  private class StdoutThread(in_stream: InputStream) extends Thread("isabelle: stdout") {
+    override def run() = {
+      val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in_stream, isabelle_system.charset))
+      var result = new StringBuilder(100)
+      var finished = false
+      while (!finished) {
+        try {
+          //{{{
+          var c = -1
+          var done = false
+          while (!done && (result.length == 0 || reader.ready)) {
+            c =
+            if (c >= 0) result.append(c.asInstanceOf[Char])
+            else done = true
+          }
+          if (result.length > 0) {
+            put_result(Kind.STDOUT, Nil, result.toString)
+            result.length = 0
+          }
+          else {
+            reader.close
+            finished = true
+            try_close()
+          }
+          //}}}
+        }
+        catch {
+          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdout thread: " + e.getMessage)
+        }
+      }
+      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdout thread terminated")
+    }
+  }
+  /* messages */
+  private class MessageThread(fifo: String) extends Thread("isabelle: messages") {
+    override def run() = {
+      val reader = isabelle_system.fifo_reader(fifo)
+      var kind: Kind.Value = null
+      var props: List[(String, String)] = Nil
+      var result = new StringBuilder
+      var finished = false
+      while (!finished) {
+        try {
+          if (kind == null) {
+            //{{{ Char mode -- resync
+            var c = -1
+            do {
+              c =
+              if (c >= 0 && c != 2) result.append(c.asInstanceOf[Char])
+            } while (c >= 0 && c != 2)
+            if (result.length > 0) {
+              put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Malformed message:\n" + result.toString)
+              result.length = 0
+            }
+            if (c < 0) {
+              reader.close
+              finished = true
+              try_close()
+            }
+            else {
+              c =
+              if (Kind.code.isDefinedAt(c)) kind = Kind.code(c)
+              else kind = null
+            }
+            //}}}
+          }
+          else {
+            //{{{ Line mode
+            val line = reader.readLine
+            if (line == null) {
+              reader.close
+              finished = true
+              try_close()
+            }
+            else {
+              val len = line.length
+              // property
+              if (line.endsWith("\u0002,")) {
+                val i = line.indexOf('=')
+                if (i > 0) {
+                  val name = line.substring(0, i)
+                  val value = line.substring(i + 1, len - 2)
+                  props = (name, value) :: props
+                }
+              }
+              // last text line
+              else if (line.endsWith("\u0002.")) {
+                result.append(line.substring(0, len - 2))
+                put_result(kind, props.reverse, result.toString)
+                kind = null
+                props = Nil
+                result.length = 0
+              }
+              // text line
+              else {
+                result.append(line)
+                result.append('\n')
+              }
+            }
+            //}}}
+          }
+        }
+        catch {
+          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Message thread: " + e.getMessage)
+        }
+      }
+      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Message thread terminated")
+    }
+  }
+  /** main **/
+  {
+    /* isabelle version */
+    {
+      val (msg, rc) = isabelle_system.isabelle_tool("version")
+      if (rc != 0) error("Version check failed -- bad Isabelle installation:\n" + msg)
+      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, msg)
+    }
+    /* messages */
+    val message_fifo = isabelle_system.mk_fifo()
+    def rm_fifo() = isabelle_system.rm_fifo(message_fifo)
+    val message_thread = new MessageThread(message_fifo)
+    message_thread.start
+    new ResultThread().start
+    /* exec process */
+    try {
+      val cmdline =
+        List(isabelle_system.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_PROCESS"), "-W", message_fifo) ++ args
+      proc = isabelle_system.execute(true, cmdline: _*)
+    }
+    catch {
+      case e: IOException =>
+        rm_fifo()
+        error("Failed to execute Isabelle process: " + e.getMessage)
+    }
+    /* stdin/stdout */
+    new StdinThread(proc.getOutputStream).start
+    new StdoutThread(proc.getInputStream).start
+    /* exit */
+    new Thread("isabelle: exit") {
+      override def run() = {
+        val rc = proc.waitFor()
+        Thread.sleep(300)
+        put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Exit thread terminated")
+        put_result(Kind.EXIT, Nil, Integer.toString(rc))
+        rm_fifo()
+      }
+    }.start
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/*  Title:      Pure/System/isabelle_system.scala
+    Author:     Makarius
+Isabelle system support -- basic Cygwin/Posix compatibility.
+package isabelle
+import java.util.regex.{Pattern, Matcher}
+import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, FileInputStream, File, IOException}
+class IsabelleSystem {
+  val charset = "UTF-8"
+  /* Isabelle environment settings */
+  private val environment = System.getenv
+  def getenv(name: String) = {
+    val value = environment.get(if (name == "HOME") "HOME_JVM" else name)
+    if (value != null) value else ""
+  }
+  def getenv_strict(name: String) = {
+    val value = environment.get(name)
+    if (value != "") value else error("Undefined environment variable: " + name)
+  }
+  val is_cygwin = Pattern.matches(".*-cygwin", getenv_strict("ML_PLATFORM"))
+  /* file path specifications */
+  private val cygdrive_pattern = Pattern.compile("/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])($|/.*)")
+  def platform_path(source_path: String) = {
+    val result_path = new StringBuilder
+    def init(path: String) = {
+      val cygdrive = cygdrive_pattern.matcher(path)
+      if (cygdrive.matches) {
+        result_path.length = 0
+        result_path.append(
+        result_path.append(":")
+        result_path.append(File.separator)
+      }
+      else if (path.startsWith("/")) {
+        result_path.length = 0
+        result_path.append(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_ROOT_JVM"))
+        path.substring(1)
+      }
+      else path
+    }
+    def append(path: String) = {
+      for (p <- init(path).split("/")) {
+        if (p != "") {
+          val len = result_path.length
+          if (len > 0 && result_path(len - 1) != File.separatorChar)
+            result_path.append(File.separator)
+          result_path.append(p)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (p <- init(source_path).split("/")) {
+      if (p.startsWith("$")) append(getenv_strict(p.substring(1)))
+      else if (p == "~") append(getenv_strict("HOME"))
+      else if (p == "~~") append(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_HOME"))
+      else append(p)
+    }
+    result_path.toString
+  }
+  def platform_file(path: String) =
+    new File(platform_path(path))
+  /* processes */
+  def execute(redirect: Boolean, args: String*): Process = {
+    val cmdline = new java.util.LinkedList[String]
+    if (is_cygwin) cmdline.add(platform_path("/bin/env"))
+    for (s <- args) cmdline.add(s)
+    val proc = new ProcessBuilder(cmdline)
+    proc.environment.clear
+    proc.environment.putAll(environment)
+    proc.redirectErrorStream(redirect)
+    proc.start
+  }
+  /* Isabelle tools (non-interactive) */
+  def isabelle_tool(args: String*) = {
+    val proc =
+      try { execute(true, (List(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_TOOL")) ++ args): _*) }
+      catch { case e: IOException => error(e.getMessage) }
+    proc.getOutputStream.close
+    val output = Source.fromInputStream(proc.getInputStream, charset).mkString
+    val rc = proc.waitFor
+    (output, rc)
+  }
+  /* named pipes */
+  def mk_fifo() = {
+    val (result, rc) = isabelle_tool("mkfifo")
+    if (rc == 0) result.trim
+    else error(result)
+  }
+  def rm_fifo(fifo: String) = {
+    val (result, rc) = isabelle_tool("rmfifo", fifo)
+    if (rc != 0) error(result)
+  }
+  def fifo_reader(fifo: String) = {
+    // blocks until writer is ready
+    val stream =
+      if (is_cygwin) execute(false, "cat", fifo).getInputStream
+      else new FileInputStream(fifo)
+    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, charset))
+  }
+  /* find logics */
+  def find_logics() = {
+    val ml_ident = getenv_strict("ML_IDENTIFIER")
+    var logics: Set[String] = Set()
+    for (dir <- getenv_strict("ISABELLE_PATH").split(":")) {
+      val files = platform_file(dir + "/" + ml_ident).listFiles()
+      if (files != null) {
+        for (file <- files if file.isFile) logics += file.getName
+      }
+    }
+    logics.toList.sort(_ < _)
+  }
+  /* symbols */
+  private def read_symbols(path: String) = {
+    val file = new File(platform_path(path))
+    if (file.canRead) Source.fromFile(file).getLines
+    else Iterator.empty
+  }
+  val symbols = new Symbol.Interpretation(
+    read_symbols("$ISABELLE_HOME/etc/symbols") ++
+    read_symbols("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/symbols"))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isar.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/System/isar.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+The global Isabelle/Isar state and main read-eval-print loop.
+signature ISAR =
+  val init: unit -> unit
+  val exn: unit -> (exn * string) option
+  val state: unit -> Toplevel.state
+  val context: unit -> Proof.context
+  val goal: unit -> thm
+  val print: unit -> unit
+  val >> : Toplevel.transition -> bool
+  val >>> : Toplevel.transition list -> unit
+  val linear_undo: int -> unit
+  val undo: int -> unit
+  val kill: unit -> unit
+  val kill_proof: unit -> unit
+  val crashes: exn list ref
+  val toplevel_loop: {init: bool, welcome: bool, sync: bool, secure: bool} -> unit
+  val loop: unit -> unit
+  val main: unit -> unit
+  type id = string
+  val no_id: id
+  val create_command: Toplevel.transition -> id
+  val insert_command: id -> id -> unit
+  val remove_command: id -> unit
+structure Isar: ISAR =
+(** TTY model -- SINGLE-THREADED! **)
+(* the global state *)
+type history = (Toplevel.state * Toplevel.transition) list;
+  (*previous state, state transition -- regular commands only*)
+  val global_history = ref ([]: history);
+  val global_state = ref Toplevel.toplevel;
+  val global_exn = ref (NONE: (exn * string) option);
+fun edit_history count f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+  let
+    fun edit 0 (st, hist) = (global_history := hist; global_state := st; global_exn := NONE)
+      | edit n (st, hist) = edit (n - 1) (f st hist);
+  in edit count (! global_state, ! global_history) end);
+fun state () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_state);
+fun set_state state = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => global_state := state);
+fun exn () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_exn);
+fun set_exn exn =  NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => global_exn := exn);
+fun init () = edit_history 1 (K (K (Toplevel.toplevel, [])));
+fun context () = Toplevel.context_of (state ())
+  handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "Unknown context";
+fun goal () = #2 (#2 (Proof.get_goal (Toplevel.proof_of (state ()))))
+  handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "No goal present";
+fun print () = Toplevel.print_state false (state ());
+(* history navigation *)
+fun find_and_undo _ [] = error "Undo history exhausted"
+  | find_and_undo which ((prev, tr) :: hist) =
+      ((case Toplevel.init_of tr of SOME name => ThyInfo.kill_thy name | NONE => ());
+        if which (Toplevel.name_of tr) then (prev, hist) else find_and_undo which hist);
+fun linear_undo n = edit_history n (K (find_and_undo (K true)));
+fun undo n = edit_history n (fn st => fn hist =>
+  find_and_undo (if Toplevel.is_proof st then K true else OuterKeyword.is_theory) hist);
+fun kill () = edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist =>
+  find_and_undo
+    (if Toplevel.is_proof st then OuterKeyword.is_theory else OuterKeyword.is_theory_begin) hist);
+fun kill_proof () = edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist =>
+  if Toplevel.is_proof st then find_and_undo OuterKeyword.is_theory hist
+  else raise Toplevel.UNDEF);
+(* interactive state transformations *)
+fun op >> tr =
+  (case Toplevel.transition true tr (state ()) of
+    NONE => false
+  | SOME (_, SOME err) => (set_exn (SOME err); Toplevel.error_msg tr err; true)
+  | SOME (st', NONE) =>
+      let
+        val name = Toplevel.name_of tr;
+        val _ = if OuterKeyword.is_theory_begin name then init () else ();
+        val _ =
+          if OuterKeyword.is_regular name
+          then edit_history 1 (fn st => fn hist => (st', (st, tr) :: hist)) else ();
+      in true end);
+fun op >>> [] = ()
+  | op >>> (tr :: trs) = if op >> tr then op >>> trs else ();
+(* toplevel loop *)
+val crashes = ref ([]: exn list);
+fun raw_loop secure src =
+  let
+    fun check_secure () =
+      (if secure then warning "Secure loop -- cannot exit to ML" else (); secure);
+  in
+    (case Source.get_single (Source.set_prompt Source.default_prompt src) of
+      NONE => if secure then quit () else ()
+    | SOME (tr, src') => if op >> tr orelse check_secure () then raw_loop secure src' else ())
+    handle exn =>
+      (Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message exn)
+        handle crash =>
+          (CRITICAL (fn () => change crashes (cons crash));
+            warning "Recovering from Isar toplevel crash -- see also Isar.crashes");
+          raw_loop secure src)
+  end;
+fun toplevel_loop {init = do_init, welcome, sync, secure} =
+ (Context.set_thread_data NONE;
+  if do_init then init () else ();  (* FIXME init editor model *)
+  if welcome then writeln (Session.welcome ()) else ();
+  uninterruptible (fn _ => fn () => raw_loop secure (OuterSyntax.isar sync)) ());
+fun loop () =
+  toplevel_loop {init = false, welcome = false, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};
+fun main () =
+  toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = true, sync = false, secure = Secure.is_secure ()};
+(** individual toplevel commands **)
+(* unique identification *)
+type id = string;
+val no_id : id = "";
+(* command category *)
+datatype category = Empty | Theory | Proof | Diag | Control;
+fun category_of tr =
+  let val name = Toplevel.name_of tr in
+    if name = "" then Empty
+    else if OuterKeyword.is_theory name then Theory
+    else if OuterKeyword.is_proof name then Proof
+    else if OuterKeyword.is_diag name then Diag
+    else Control
+  end;
+val is_theory = fn Theory => true | _ => false;
+val is_proper = fn Theory => true | Proof => true | _ => false;
+val is_regular = fn Control => false | _ => true;
+(* command status *)
+datatype status =
+  Unprocessed |
+  Running |
+  Failed of exn * string |
+  Finished of Toplevel.state;
+fun status_markup Unprocessed = Markup.unprocessed
+  | status_markup Running = (Markup.runningN, [])
+  | status_markup (Failed _) = Markup.failed
+  | status_markup (Finished _) = Markup.finished;
+fun run int tr state =
+  (case Toplevel.transition int tr state of
+    NONE => NONE
+  | SOME (_, SOME err) => (Toplevel.error_msg tr err; SOME (Failed err))
+  | SOME (state', NONE) => SOME (Finished state'));
+(* datatype command *)
+datatype command = Command of
+ {category: category,
+  transition: Toplevel.transition,
+  status: status};
+fun make_command (category, transition, status) =
+  Command {category = category, transition = transition, status = status};
+val empty_command =
+  make_command (Empty, Toplevel.empty, Finished Toplevel.toplevel);
+fun map_command f (Command {category, transition, status}) =
+  make_command (f (category, transition, status));
+fun map_status f = map_command (fn (category, transition, status) =>
+  (category, transition, f status));
+(* global collection of identified commands *)
+fun err_dup id = sys_error ("Duplicate command " ^ quote id);
+fun err_undef id = sys_error ("Unknown command " ^ quote id);
+local val global_commands = ref (Graph.empty: command Graph.T) in
+fun change_commands f = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => change global_commands f)
+  handle Graph.DUP bad => err_dup bad | Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
+fun get_commands () = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () => ! global_commands);
+fun add_edge (id1, id2) =
+  if id1 = no_id orelse id2 = no_id then I else Graph.add_edge (id1, id2);
+fun init_commands () = change_commands (K Graph.empty);
+fun the_command id =
+  let val Command cmd =
+    if id = no_id then empty_command
+    else (Graph.get_node (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad)
+  in cmd end;
+fun prev_command id =
+  if id = no_id then no_id
+  else
+    (case Graph.imm_preds (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad of
+      [] => no_id
+    | [prev] => prev
+    | _ => sys_error ("Non-linear command dependency " ^ quote id));
+fun next_commands id =
+  if id = no_id then []
+  else Graph.imm_succs (get_commands ()) id handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
+fun descendant_commands ids =
+  Graph.all_succs (get_commands ()) (distinct (op =) (filter_out (fn id => id = no_id) ids))
+    handle Graph.UNDEF bad => err_undef bad;
+(* maintain status *)
+fun report_status markup id = Toplevel.status (#transition (the_command id)) markup;
+fun update_status status id = change_commands (Graph.map_node id (map_status (K status)));
+fun report_update_status status id =
+  change_commands (Graph.map_node id (map_status (fn old_status =>
+    let val markup = status_markup status
+    in if markup <> status_markup old_status then report_status markup id else (); status end)));
+(* create and dispose commands *)
+fun create_command raw_tr =
+  let
+    val (id, tr) =
+      (case Toplevel.get_id raw_tr of
+        SOME id => (id, raw_tr)
+      | NONE =>
+          let val id =
+            if ! Toplevel.debug then "isabelle:" ^ Toplevel.name_of raw_tr ^ serial_string ()
+            else "isabelle:" ^ serial_string ()
+          in (id, Toplevel.put_id id raw_tr) end);
+    val cmd = make_command (category_of tr, tr, Unprocessed);
+    val _ = change_commands (Graph.new_node (id, cmd));
+  in id end;
+fun dispose_commands ids =
+  let
+    val desc = descendant_commands ids;
+    val _ = (report_status Markup.disposed) desc;
+    val _ = change_commands (Graph.del_nodes desc);
+  in () end;
+(* final state *)
+fun the_state id =
+  (case the_command id of
+    {status = Finished state, ...} => state
+  | {transition, ...} => error ("Unfinished command " ^ Toplevel.str_of transition));
+(** editor model **)
+(* run commands *)
+fun try_run id =
+  (case try the_state (prev_command id) of
+    NONE => ()
+  | SOME state =>
+      (case run true (#transition (the_command id)) state of
+        NONE => ()
+      | SOME status => report_update_status status id));
+fun rerun_commands ids =
+  ( (report_update_status Unprocessed) ids; try_run ids);
+(* modify document *)
+fun insert_command prev id = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+  let
+    val nexts = next_commands prev;
+    val _ = change_commands
+     (fold (fn next => Graph.del_edge (prev, next)) nexts #> add_edge (prev, id) #>
+      fold (fn next => Graph.add_edge (id, next)) nexts);
+  in descendant_commands [id] end) |> rerun_commands;
+fun remove_command id = NAMED_CRITICAL "Isar" (fn () =>
+  let
+    val prev = prev_command id;
+    val nexts = next_commands id;
+    val _ = change_commands
+     (fold (fn next => Graph.del_edge (id, next)) nexts #>
+      fold (fn next => add_edge (prev, next)) nexts);
+  in descendant_commands nexts end) |> rerun_commands;
+(** command syntax **)
+structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterKeyword;
+val op >> = Scan.>>;
+(* global history *)
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "init_toplevel" "init toplevel point-of-interest" K.control
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative init));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "linear_undo" "undo commands" K.control
+    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >>
+      (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => linear_undo n)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "undo" "undo commands (skipping closed proofs)" K.control
+    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >>
+      (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => undo n)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "undos_proof" "undo commands (skipping closed proofs)" K.control
+    (Scan.optional P.nat 1 >> (fn n => Toplevel.no_timing o
+      Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
+        if Toplevel.is_proof state then (undo n; print ()) else raise Toplevel.UNDEF)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "cannot_undo" "partial undo -- Proof General legacy" K.control
+    ( >>
+      (fn "end" => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => undo 1)
+        | txt => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => error ("Cannot undo " ^ quote txt))));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "kill" "kill partial proof or theory development" K.control
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative kill));
+(* editor model *)
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.command"
+    (P.string -- P.string >> (fn (id, text) =>
+      Toplevel.imperative (fn () =>
+        ignore (create_command (OuterSyntax.prepare_command ( id) text)))));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.insert"
+    (P.string -- P.string >> (fn (prev, id) =>
+      Toplevel.imperative (fn () => insert_command prev id)));
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.internal_command "Isar.remove"
+    (P.string >> (fn id => Toplevel.imperative (fn () => remove_command id)));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/System/session.ML
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Session management -- maintain state of logic images.
+signature SESSION =
+  val id: unit -> string list
+  val name: unit -> string
+  val welcome: unit -> string
+  val use_dir: string -> bool -> string list -> bool -> bool -> string -> bool -> string list ->
+    string -> string -> bool * string -> string -> int -> bool -> int -> int -> bool -> unit
+  val finish: unit -> unit
+structure Session: SESSION =
+(* session state *)
+val session = ref ([Context.PureN]: string list);
+val session_path = ref ([]: string list);
+val session_finished = ref false;
+val remote_path = ref (NONE: Url.T option);
+(* access path *)
+fun id () = ! session;
+fun path () = ! session_path;
+fun str_of [] = Context.PureN
+  | str_of elems = space_implode "/" elems;
+fun name () = "Isabelle/" ^ str_of (path ());
+(* welcome *)
+fun welcome () =
+  if Distribution.is_official then
+    "Welcome to " ^ name () ^ " (" ^ Distribution.version ^ ")"
+  else
+    "Unofficial version of " ^ name () ^ " (" ^ Distribution.version ^ ")" ^
+    (if Distribution.changelog <> "" then "\nSee also " ^ Distribution.changelog else "");
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "welcome" "print welcome message" OuterKeyword.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative (writeln o welcome)));
+(* add_path *)
+fun add_path reset s =
+  let val sess = ! session @ [s] in
+    (case duplicates (op =) sess of
+      [] => (session := sess; session_path := ((if reset then [] else ! session_path) @ [s]))
+    | dups => error ("Duplicate session identifiers " ^ commas_quote dups ^ " in " ^ str_of sess))
+  end;
+(* init *)
+fun init reset parent name =
+  if not (member (op =) (! session) parent) orelse not (! session_finished) then
+    error ("Unfinished parent session " ^ quote parent ^ " for " ^ quote name)
+  else (add_path reset name; session_finished := false);
+(* finish *)
+fun finish () =
+  (Output.accumulated_time ();
+    ThyInfo.finish ();
+    Present.finish ();
+    Future.shutdown ();
+    session_finished := true);
+(* use_dir *)
+fun get_rpath rpath =
+  (if rpath = "" then () else
+     if is_some (! remote_path) then
+       error "Path for remote theory browsing information may only be set once"
+     else
+       remote_path := SOME (Url.explode rpath);
+   (! remote_path, rpath <> ""));
+fun dumping (_, "") = NONE
+  | dumping (cp, path) = SOME (cp, Path.explode path);
+fun use_dir root build modes reset info doc doc_graph doc_versions
+    parent name dump rpath level verbose max_threads trace_threads parallel_proofs =
+  ((fn () =>
+     (init reset parent name;
+      Present.init build info doc doc_graph doc_versions (path ()) name
+        (dumping dump) (get_rpath rpath) verbose (map ThyInfo.get_theory (ThyInfo.get_names ()));
+      use root;
+      finish ()))
+    |> setmp_noncritical Proofterm.proofs level
+    |> setmp_noncritical print_mode (modes @ print_mode_value ())
+    |> setmp_noncritical Goal.parallel_proofs parallel_proofs
+    |> setmp_noncritical Multithreading.trace trace_threads
+    |> setmp_noncritical Multithreading.max_threads
+      (if Multithreading.available then max_threads
+       else (if max_threads = 1 then () else warning "Multithreading support unavailable"; 1))) ()
+  handle exn => (Output.error_msg (Toplevel.exn_message exn); exit 1);
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/ROOT.ML	Sat Feb 28 20:27:19 2009 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 use "named_thms.ML";
-use "isabelle_process.ML";
 (*basic XML support*)
 use "xml_syntax.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/isabelle_process.ML	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Tools/isabelle_process.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-Isabelle process wrapper -- interaction via external program.
-General format of process output:
-  (1) unmarked stdout/stderr, no line structure (output should be
-  processed immediately as it arrives);
-  (2) properly marked-up messages, e.g. for writeln channel
-  "\002A" ^ props ^ "\002,\n" ^ text ^ "\002.\n"
-  where the props consist of name=value lines terminated by "\002,\n"
-  each, and the remaining text is any number of lines (output is
-  supposed to be processed in one piece);
-  (3) special init message holds "pid" and "session" property;
-  (4) message content is encoded in YXML format.
-  val isabelle_processN: string
-  val init: string -> unit
-structure IsabelleProcess: ISABELLE_PROCESS =
-(* print modes *)
-val isabelle_processN = "isabelle_process";
-val _ = Output.add_mode isabelle_processN Output.default_output Output.default_escape;
-val _ = Markup.add_mode isabelle_processN YXML.output_markup;
-(* message markup *)
-fun special ch = Symbol.STX ^ ch;
-val special_sep = special ",";
-val special_end = special ".";
-fun clean_string bad str =
-  if exists_string (member (op =) bad) str then
-    translate_string (fn c => if member (op =) bad c then Symbol.DEL else c) str
-  else str;
-fun message_props props =
-  let val clean = clean_string [Symbol.STX, "\n", "\r"]
-  in implode (map (fn (x, y) => clean x ^ "=" ^ clean y ^ special_sep ^ "\n") props) end;
-fun message_pos trees = trees |> get_first
-  (fn XML.Elem (name, atts, ts) =>
-        if name = Markup.positionN then SOME (Position.of_properties atts)
-        else message_pos ts
-    | _ => NONE);
-fun output out_stream s = NAMED_CRITICAL "IO" (fn () =>
-  (TextIO.output (out_stream, s); TextIO.output (out_stream, "\n")));
-fun message _ _ "" = ()
-  | message out_stream ch body =
-      let
-        val pos = the_default Position.none (message_pos (YXML.parse_body body));
-        val props =
-          Position.properties_of (Position.thread_data ())
-          |> Position.default_properties pos;
-        val txt = clean_string [Symbol.STX] body;
-      in output out_stream (special ch ^ message_props props ^ txt ^ special_end) end;
-fun init_message out_stream =
-  let
-    val pid = (Markup.pidN, process_id ());
-    val session = (Markup.sessionN, List.last ( ()) handle List.Empty => "unknown");
-    val text = Session.welcome ();
-  in output out_stream (special "A" ^ message_props [pid, session] ^ text ^ special_end) end;
-(* channels *)
-fun auto_flush stream =
-  let
-    val _ = TextIO.StreamIO.setBufferMode (TextIO.getOutstream stream, IO.BLOCK_BUF);
-    fun loop () =
-      (OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 50); try TextIO.flushOut stream; loop ());
-  in loop end;
-fun setup_channels out =
-  let
-    val out_stream =
-      if out = "-" then TextIO.stdOut
-      else
-        let
-          val path = File.platform_path (Path.explode out);
-          val out_stream = TextIO.openOut path;  (*fifo blocks until reader is ready*)
-          val _ = OS.FileSys.remove path;  (*prevent alien access, indicate writer is ready*)
-          val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush TextIO.stdOut);
-        in out_stream end;
-    val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush out_stream);
-    val _ = SimpleThread.fork false (auto_flush TextIO.stdErr);
-  in
-    Output.status_fn   := message out_stream "B";
-    Output.writeln_fn  := message out_stream "C";
-    Output.priority_fn := message out_stream "D";
-    Output.tracing_fn  := message out_stream "E";
-    Output.warning_fn  := message out_stream "F";
-    Output.error_fn    := message out_stream "G";
-    Output.debug_fn    := message out_stream "H";
-    Output.prompt_fn   := ignore;
-    out_stream
-  end;
-(* init *)
-fun init out =
- (change print_mode (update (op =) isabelle_processN);
-  setup_channels out |> init_message;
- ();
-  Isar.toplevel_loop {init = true, welcome = false, sync = true, secure = true});
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/isabelle_process.scala	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/isabelle_process.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-    Options:    :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
-Isabelle process management -- always reactive due to multi-threaded I/O.
-package isabelle
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
-import{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter,
-  InputStream, OutputStream, IOException}
-object IsabelleProcess {
-  /* results */
-  object Kind extends Enumeration {
-    //{{{ values and codes
-    // internal system notification
-    val SYSTEM = Value("SYSTEM")
-    // Posix channels/events
-    val STDIN = Value("STDIN")
-    val STDOUT = Value("STDOUT")
-    val SIGNAL = Value("SIGNAL")
-    val EXIT = Value("EXIT")
-    // Isabelle messages
-    val INIT = Value("INIT")
-    val STATUS = Value("STATUS")
-    val WRITELN = Value("WRITELN")
-    val PRIORITY = Value("PRIORITY")
-    val TRACING = Value("TRACING")
-    val WARNING = Value("WARNING")
-    val ERROR = Value("ERROR")
-    val DEBUG = Value("DEBUG")
-    // messages codes
-    val code = Map(
-      ('A' : Int) -> Kind.INIT,
-      ('B' : Int) -> Kind.STATUS,
-      ('C' : Int) -> Kind.WRITELN,
-      ('D' : Int) -> Kind.PRIORITY,
-      ('E' : Int) -> Kind.TRACING,
-      ('F' : Int) -> Kind.WARNING,
-      ('G' : Int) -> Kind.ERROR,
-      ('H' : Int) -> Kind.DEBUG,
-      ('0' : Int) -> Kind.SYSTEM,
-      ('1' : Int) -> Kind.STDIN,
-      ('2' : Int) -> Kind.STDOUT,
-      ('3' : Int) -> Kind.SIGNAL,
-      ('4' : Int) -> Kind.EXIT)
-    // message markup
-    val markup = Map(
-      Kind.INIT -> Markup.INIT,
-      Kind.STATUS -> Markup.STATUS,
-      Kind.WRITELN -> Markup.WRITELN,
-      Kind.PRIORITY -> Markup.PRIORITY,
-      Kind.TRACING -> Markup.TRACING,
-      Kind.WARNING -> Markup.WARNING,
-      Kind.ERROR -> Markup.ERROR,
-      Kind.DEBUG -> Markup.DEBUG,
-      Kind.SYSTEM -> Markup.SYSTEM,
-      Kind.STDIN -> Markup.STDIN,
-      Kind.STDOUT -> Markup.STDOUT,
-      Kind.SIGNAL -> Markup.SIGNAL,
-      Kind.EXIT -> Markup.EXIT)
-    //}}}
-    def is_raw(kind: Value) =
-      kind == STDOUT
-    def is_control(kind: Value) =
-      kind == SYSTEM ||
-      kind == SIGNAL ||
-      kind == EXIT
-    def is_system(kind: Value) =
-      kind == SYSTEM ||
-      kind == STDIN ||
-      kind == SIGNAL ||
-      kind == EXIT ||
-      kind == STATUS
-  }
-  class Result(val kind: Kind.Value, val props: List[(String, String)], val result: String) {
-    override def toString = {
-      val trees = YXML.parse_body_failsafe(result)
-      val res =
-        if (kind == Kind.STATUS)
-        else trees.flatMap(XML.content(_).mkString).mkString
-      if (props.isEmpty)
-        kind.toString + " [[" + res + "]]"
-      else
-        kind.toString + " " +
-          (for ((x, y) <- props) yield x + "=" + y).mkString("{", ",", "}") + " [[" + res + "]]"
-    }
-    def is_raw = Kind.is_raw(kind)
-    def is_control = Kind.is_control(kind)
-    def is_system = Kind.is_system(kind)
-  }
-  def parse_message(isabelle_system: IsabelleSystem, result: Result) =
-  {
-    XML.Elem(Markup.MESSAGE, (Markup.CLASS, Kind.markup(result.kind)) :: result.props,
-      YXML.parse_body_failsafe(isabelle_system.symbols.decode(result.result)))
-  }
-class IsabelleProcess(isabelle_system: IsabelleSystem,
-  results: EventBus[IsabelleProcess.Result], args: String*)
-  import IsabelleProcess._
-  /* demo constructor */
-  def this(args: String*) =
-    this(new IsabelleSystem, new EventBus[IsabelleProcess.Result] + Console.println, args: _*)
-  /* process information */
-  @volatile private var proc: Process = null
-  @volatile private var closing = false
-  @volatile private var pid: String = null
-  @volatile private var the_session: String = null
-  def session = the_session
-  /* results */
-  def parse_message(result: Result): XML.Tree =
-    IsabelleProcess.parse_message(isabelle_system, result)
-  private val result_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Result]
-  private def put_result(kind: Kind.Value, props: List[(String, String)], result: String)
-  {
-    if (kind == Kind.INIT) {
-      val map = Map(props: _*)
-      if (map.isDefinedAt(Markup.PID)) pid = map(Markup.PID)
-      if (map.isDefinedAt(Markup.SESSION)) the_session = map(Markup.SESSION)
-    }
-    result_queue.put(new Result(kind, props, result))
-  }
-  private class ResultThread extends Thread("isabelle: results") {
-    override def run() = {
-      var finished = false
-      while (!finished) {
-        val result =
-          try { result_queue.take }
-          catch { case _: NullPointerException => null }
-        if (result != null) {
-          results.event(result)
-          if (result.kind == Kind.EXIT) finished = true
-        }
-        else finished = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* signals */
-  def interrupt() = synchronized {
-    if (proc == null) error("Cannot interrupt Isabelle: no process")
-    if (pid == null) put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Cannot interrupt: unknown pid")
-    else {
-      try {
-        if (isabelle_system.execute(true, "kill", "-INT", pid).waitFor == 0)
-          put_result(Kind.SIGNAL, Nil, "INT")
-        else
-          put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Cannot interrupt: kill command failed")
-      }
-      catch { case e: IOException => error("Cannot interrupt Isabelle: " + e.getMessage) }
-    }
-  }
-  def kill() = synchronized {
-    if (proc == 0) error("Cannot kill Isabelle: no process")
-    else {
-      try_close()
-      Thread.sleep(500)
-      put_result(Kind.SIGNAL, Nil, "KILL")
-      proc.destroy
-      proc = null
-      pid = null
-    }
-  }
-  /* output being piped into the process */
-  private val output = new LinkedBlockingQueue[String]
-  private def output_raw(text: String) = synchronized {
-    if (proc == null) error("Cannot output to Isabelle: no process")
-    if (closing) error("Cannot output to Isabelle: already closing")
-    output.put(text)
-  }
-  def output_sync(text: String) =
-    output_raw(" \\<^sync>\n; " + text + " \\<^sync>;\n")
-  def command(text: String) =
-    output_sync("Isabelle.command " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
-  def command(props: List[(String, String)], text: String) =
-    output_sync("Isabelle.command " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_properties(props) + " " +
-      IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
-  def ML(text: String) =
-    output_sync("ML_val " + IsabelleSyntax.encode_string(text))
-  def close() = synchronized {    // FIXME watchdog/timeout
-    output_raw("\u0000")
-    closing = true
-  }
-  def try_close() = synchronized {
-    if (proc != null && !closing) {
-      try { close() }
-      catch { case _: RuntimeException => }
-    }
-  }
-  /* stdin */
-  private class StdinThread(out_stream: OutputStream) extends Thread("isabelle: stdin") {
-    override def run() = {
-      val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out_stream, isabelle_system.charset))
-      var finished = false
-      while (!finished) {
-        try {
-          //{{{
-          val s = output.take
-          if (s == "\u0000") {
-            writer.close
-            finished = true
-          }
-          else {
-            put_result(Kind.STDIN, Nil, s)
-            writer.write(s)
-            writer.flush
-          }
-          //}}}
-        }
-        catch {
-          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdin thread: " + e.getMessage)
-        }
-      }
-      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdin thread terminated")
-    }
-  }
-  /* stdout */
-  private class StdoutThread(in_stream: InputStream) extends Thread("isabelle: stdout") {
-    override def run() = {
-      val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in_stream, isabelle_system.charset))
-      var result = new StringBuilder(100)
-      var finished = false
-      while (!finished) {
-        try {
-          //{{{
-          var c = -1
-          var done = false
-          while (!done && (result.length == 0 || reader.ready)) {
-            c =
-            if (c >= 0) result.append(c.asInstanceOf[Char])
-            else done = true
-          }
-          if (result.length > 0) {
-            put_result(Kind.STDOUT, Nil, result.toString)
-            result.length = 0
-          }
-          else {
-            reader.close
-            finished = true
-            try_close()
-          }
-          //}}}
-        }
-        catch {
-          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdout thread: " + e.getMessage)
-        }
-      }
-      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Stdout thread terminated")
-    }
-  }
-  /* messages */
-  private class MessageThread(fifo: String) extends Thread("isabelle: messages") {
-    override def run() = {
-      val reader = isabelle_system.fifo_reader(fifo)
-      var kind: Kind.Value = null
-      var props: List[(String, String)] = Nil
-      var result = new StringBuilder
-      var finished = false
-      while (!finished) {
-        try {
-          if (kind == null) {
-            //{{{ Char mode -- resync
-            var c = -1
-            do {
-              c =
-              if (c >= 0 && c != 2) result.append(c.asInstanceOf[Char])
-            } while (c >= 0 && c != 2)
-            if (result.length > 0) {
-              put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Malformed message:\n" + result.toString)
-              result.length = 0
-            }
-            if (c < 0) {
-              reader.close
-              finished = true
-              try_close()
-            }
-            else {
-              c =
-              if (Kind.code.isDefinedAt(c)) kind = Kind.code(c)
-              else kind = null
-            }
-            //}}}
-          }
-          else {
-            //{{{ Line mode
-            val line = reader.readLine
-            if (line == null) {
-              reader.close
-              finished = true
-              try_close()
-            }
-            else {
-              val len = line.length
-              // property
-              if (line.endsWith("\u0002,")) {
-                val i = line.indexOf('=')
-                if (i > 0) {
-                  val name = line.substring(0, i)
-                  val value = line.substring(i + 1, len - 2)
-                  props = (name, value) :: props
-                }
-              }
-              // last text line
-              else if (line.endsWith("\u0002.")) {
-                result.append(line.substring(0, len - 2))
-                put_result(kind, props.reverse, result.toString)
-                kind = null
-                props = Nil
-                result.length = 0
-              }
-              // text line
-              else {
-                result.append(line)
-                result.append('\n')
-              }
-            }
-            //}}}
-          }
-        }
-        catch {
-          case e: IOException => put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Message thread: " + e.getMessage)
-        }
-      }
-      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Message thread terminated")
-    }
-  }
-  /** main **/
-  {
-    /* isabelle version */
-    {
-      val (msg, rc) = isabelle_system.isabelle_tool("version")
-      if (rc != 0) error("Version check failed -- bad Isabelle installation:\n" + msg)
-      put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, msg)
-    }
-    /* messages */
-    val message_fifo = isabelle_system.mk_fifo()
-    def rm_fifo() = isabelle_system.rm_fifo(message_fifo)
-    val message_thread = new MessageThread(message_fifo)
-    message_thread.start
-    new ResultThread().start
-    /* exec process */
-    try {
-      val cmdline =
-        List(isabelle_system.getenv_strict("ISABELLE_PROCESS"), "-W", message_fifo) ++ args
-      proc = isabelle_system.execute(true, cmdline: _*)
-    }
-    catch {
-      case e: IOException =>
-        rm_fifo()
-        error("Failed to execute Isabelle process: " + e.getMessage)
-    }
-    /* stdin/stdout */
-    new StdinThread(proc.getOutputStream).start
-    new StdoutThread(proc.getInputStream).start
-    /* exit */
-    new Thread("isabelle: exit") {
-      override def run() = {
-        val rc = proc.waitFor()
-        Thread.sleep(300)
-        put_result(Kind.SYSTEM, Nil, "Exit thread terminated")
-        put_result(Kind.EXIT, Nil, Integer.toString(rc))
-        rm_fifo()
-      }
-    }.start
-  }
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/isabelle_system.scala	Sat Feb 28 10:55:10 2009 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/isabelle_system.scala
-    Author:     Makarius
-Isabelle system support -- basic Cygwin/Posix compatibility.
-package isabelle
-import java.util.regex.{Pattern, Matcher}
-import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, FileInputStream, File, IOException}
-class IsabelleSystem {
-  val charset = "UTF-8"
-  /* Isabelle environment settings */
-  private val environment = System.getenv
-  def getenv(name: String) = {
-    val value = environment.get(if (name == "HOME") "HOME_JVM" else name)
-    if (value != null) value else ""
-  }
-  def getenv_strict(name: String) = {
-    val value = environment.get(name)
-    if (value != "") value else error("Undefined environment variable: " + name)
-  }
-  val is_cygwin = Pattern.matches(".*-cygwin", getenv_strict("ML_PLATFORM"))
-  /* file path specifications */
-  private val cygdrive_pattern = Pattern.compile("/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])($|/.*)")
-  def platform_path(source_path: String) = {
-    val result_path = new StringBuilder
-    def init(path: String) = {
-      val cygdrive = cygdrive_pattern.matcher(path)
-      if (cygdrive.matches) {
-        result_path.length = 0
-        result_path.append(
-        result_path.append(":")
-        result_path.append(File.separator)
-      }
-      else if (path.startsWith("/")) {
-        result_path.length = 0
-        result_path.append(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_ROOT_JVM"))
-        path.substring(1)
-      }
-      else path
-    }
-    def append(path: String) = {
-      for (p <- init(path).split("/")) {
-        if (p != "") {
-          val len = result_path.length
-          if (len > 0 && result_path(len - 1) != File.separatorChar)
-            result_path.append(File.separator)
-          result_path.append(p)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    for (p <- init(source_path).split("/")) {
-      if (p.startsWith("$")) append(getenv_strict(p.substring(1)))
-      else if (p == "~") append(getenv_strict("HOME"))
-      else if (p == "~~") append(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_HOME"))
-      else append(p)
-    }
-    result_path.toString
-  }
-  def platform_file(path: String) =
-    new File(platform_path(path))
-  /* processes */
-  def execute(redirect: Boolean, args: String*): Process = {
-    val cmdline = new java.util.LinkedList[String]
-    if (is_cygwin) cmdline.add(platform_path("/bin/env"))
-    for (s <- args) cmdline.add(s)
-    val proc = new ProcessBuilder(cmdline)
-    proc.environment.clear
-    proc.environment.putAll(environment)
-    proc.redirectErrorStream(redirect)
-    proc.start
-  }
-  /* Isabelle tools (non-interactive) */
-  def isabelle_tool(args: String*) = {
-    val proc =
-      try { execute(true, (List(getenv_strict("ISABELLE_TOOL")) ++ args): _*) }
-      catch { case e: IOException => error(e.getMessage) }
-    proc.getOutputStream.close
-    val output = Source.fromInputStream(proc.getInputStream, charset).mkString
-    val rc = proc.waitFor
-    (output, rc)
-  }
-  /* named pipes */
-  def mk_fifo() = {
-    val (result, rc) = isabelle_tool("mkfifo")
-    if (rc == 0) result.trim
-    else error(result)
-  }
-  def rm_fifo(fifo: String) = {
-    val (result, rc) = isabelle_tool("rmfifo", fifo)
-    if (rc != 0) error(result)
-  }
-  def fifo_reader(fifo: String) = {
-    // blocks until writer is ready
-    val stream =
-      if (is_cygwin) execute(false, "cat", fifo).getInputStream
-      else new FileInputStream(fifo)
-    new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, charset))
-  }
-  /* find logics */
-  def find_logics() = {
-    val ml_ident = getenv_strict("ML_IDENTIFIER")
-    var logics: Set[String] = Set()
-    for (dir <- getenv_strict("ISABELLE_PATH").split(":")) {
-      val files = platform_file(dir + "/" + ml_ident).listFiles()
-      if (files != null) {
-        for (file <- files if file.isFile) logics += file.getName
-      }
-    }
-    logics.toList.sort(_ < _)
-  }
-  /* symbols */
-  private def read_symbols(path: String) = {
-    val file = new File(platform_path(path))
-    if (file.canRead) Source.fromFile(file).getLines
-    else Iterator.empty
-  }
-  val symbols = new Symbol.Interpretation(
-    read_symbols("$ISABELLE_HOME/etc/symbols") ++
-    read_symbols("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/symbols"))