--- a/src/HOL/Tools/datatype_codegen.ML Thu Nov 29 18:09:36 2007 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/datatype_codegen.ML Thu Nov 29 23:01:17 2007 +0100
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
val get_eq: theory -> string -> thm list
val get_eq_datatype: theory -> string -> thm list
- val dest_case_expr: theory -> term
- -> ((string * typ) list * ((term * typ) * (term * term) list)) option
val get_case_cert: theory -> string -> thm
type hook = (string * (bool * ((string * sort) list * (string * typ list) list))) list
@@ -314,35 +312,12 @@
(** datatypes for code 2nd generation **)
-fun dtyp_of_case_const thy c =
- Option.map (fn {descr, index, ...} => #1 (the (AList.lookup op = descr index)))
- (DatatypePackage.datatype_of_case thy c);
-fun dest_case_app cs ts tys =
- let
- val names = (Name.make_context o map fst) (fold Term.add_tfrees ts []);
- val abs = Name.names names "a" (Library.drop (length ts, tys));
- val (ts', t) = split_last (ts @ map Free abs);
- val (tys', sty) = split_last tys;
- fun dest_case ((c, tys_decl), ty) t =
- let
- val (vs, t') = Term.strip_abs_eta (length tys_decl) t;
- val c' = list_comb (Const (c, map snd vs ---> sty), map Free vs);
- in case t'
- of Const ("HOL.undefined", _) => NONE
- | _ => SOME (c', t')
- end;
- in (abs, ((t, sty), map2 dest_case (cs ~~ tys') ts' |> map_filter I)) end;
-fun dest_case_expr thy t =
- case strip_comb t
- of (Const (c, ty), ts) =>
- (case dtyp_of_case_const thy c
- of SOME dtco =>
- let val (vs, cs) = (the o DatatypePackage.get_datatype_spec thy) dtco;
- in SOME (dest_case_app cs ts (Library.take (length cs + 1, (fst o strip_type) ty))) end
- | _ => NONE)
- | _ => NONE;
+val not_sym = thm "HOL.not_sym";
+val not_false_true = iffD2 OF [nth (thms "HOL.simp_thms") 7, TrueI];
+val refl = thm "refl";
+val eqTrueI = thm "eqTrueI";
fun mk_distinct cos =
@@ -365,11 +340,6 @@
in HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t end;
in map mk_dist (sym_product cos) end;
- val not_sym = thm "HOL.not_sym";
- val not_false_true = iffD2 OF [nth (thms "HOL.simp_thms") 7, TrueI];
- val refl = thm "refl";
- val eqTrueI = thm "eqTrueI";
fun get_eq_datatype thy dtco =
@@ -438,10 +408,16 @@
(* abstraction over datatypes vs. type copies *)
+fun get_typecopy_spec thy tyco =
+ let
+ val SOME { vs, constr, typ, ... } = TypecopyPackage.get_info thy tyco
+ in (vs, [(constr, [typ])]) end;
fun get_spec thy (dtco, true) =
(the o DatatypePackage.get_datatype_spec thy) dtco
| get_spec thy (tyco, false) =
- TypecopyPackage.get_spec thy tyco;
+ get_typecopy_spec thy tyco;
fun get_eq_thms thy tyco = case DatatypePackage.get_datatype thy tyco
@@ -479,7 +455,7 @@
fun datatype_hook dtcos thy =
hook (map (add_spec thy) (map (rpair true) dtcos)) thy;
fun typecopy_hook tyco thy =
- hook ([(tyco, (false, TypecopyPackage.get_spec thy tyco))]) thy;
+ hook ([(tyco, (false, get_typecopy_spec thy tyco))]) thy;
|> DatatypePackage.interpretation datatype_hook
@@ -576,24 +552,20 @@
val SOME (vs, cos) = DatatypePackage.get_datatype_spec thy dtco;
val cs = map (fn (c, tys) => (c, tys ---> Type (dtco, map TFree vs))) cos;
- in try (Code.add_datatype cs) thy |> the_default thy end;
-fun add_datatype_case_certs dtco thy =
- Code.add_case (get_case_cert thy dtco) thy;
-fun add_datatype_case_defs dtco thy =
- let
val {case_rewrites, ...} = DatatypePackage.the_datatype thy dtco;
+ val certs = get_case_cert thy dtco;
- fold_rev Code.add_default_func case_rewrites thy
+ thy
+ |> try (Code.add_datatype cs)
+ |> the_default thy
+ |> Code.add_case certs
+ |> fold_rev Code.add_default_func case_rewrites
val setup =
add_codegen "datatype" datatype_codegen
#> add_tycodegen "datatype" datatype_tycodegen
#> DatatypePackage.interpretation (fold add_datatype_spec)
- #> DatatypePackage.interpretation (fold add_datatype_case_certs)
- #> DatatypePackage.interpretation (fold add_datatype_case_defs)
#> add_codetypes_hook eq_hook