--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML Tue Feb 24 18:06:36 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_hol_clause.ML Wed Feb 25 10:02:10 2009 +0100
@@ -59,14 +59,12 @@
use of the "apply" operator. Use of hBOOL is also minimized.*)
val minimize_applies = ref true;
-val const_needs_hBOOL = ref (Symtab.empty : bool Symtab.table);
fun min_arity_of const_min_arity c = getOpt (Symtab.lookup const_min_arity c, 0);
(*True if the constant ever appears outside of the top-level position in literals.
If false, the constant always receives all of its arguments and is used as a predicate.*)
-fun needs_hBOOL c = not (!minimize_applies) orelse
- getOpt (Symtab.lookup(!const_needs_hBOOL) c, false);
+fun needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c = not (!minimize_applies) orelse
+ getOpt (Symtab.lookup const_needs_hBOOL c, false);
@@ -216,8 +214,8 @@
val type_wrapper = "ti";
-fun head_needs_hBOOL (CombConst(c,_,_)) = needs_hBOOL c
- | head_needs_hBOOL _ = true;
+fun head_needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL (CombConst(c,_,_)) = needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c
+ | head_needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL _ = true;
fun wrap_type (s, tp) =
if !typ_level=T_FULL then
@@ -233,9 +231,9 @@
(*Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator or
direct function application.*)
-fun string_of_applic const_min_arity (CombConst(c,tp,tvars), args) =
+fun string_of_applic cma (CombConst(c,tp,tvars), args) =
let val c = if c = "equal" then "c_fequal" else c
- val nargs = min_arity_of const_min_arity c
+ val nargs = min_arity_of cma c
val args1 = List.take(args, nargs)
handle Subscript => error ("string_of_applic: " ^ c ^ " has arity " ^
Int.toString nargs ^ " but is applied to " ^
@@ -246,30 +244,30 @@
string_apply (c ^ RC.paren_pack (args1@targs), args2)
- | string_of_applic const_min_arity (CombVar(v,tp), args) = string_apply (v, args)
+ | string_of_applic cma (CombVar(v,tp), args) = string_apply (v, args)
| string_of_applic _ _ = error "string_of_applic";
-fun wrap_type_if (head, s, tp) = if head_needs_hBOOL head then wrap_type (s, tp) else s;
+fun wrap_type_if cnh (head, s, tp) = if head_needs_hBOOL cnh head then wrap_type (s, tp) else s;
-fun string_of_combterm const_min_arity t =
+fun string_of_combterm cma cnh t =
let val (head, args) = strip_comb t
- in wrap_type_if (head,
- string_of_applic const_min_arity (head, map (string_of_combterm const_min_arity) args),
+ in wrap_type_if cnh (head,
+ string_of_applic cma (head, map (string_of_combterm cma cnh) args),
type_of_combterm t)
(*Boolean-valued terms are here converted to literals.*)
-fun boolify const_min_arity t = "hBOOL" ^ RC.paren_pack [string_of_combterm const_min_arity t];
+fun boolify cma cnh t = "hBOOL" ^ RC.paren_pack [string_of_combterm cma cnh t];
-fun string_of_predicate const_min_arity t =
+fun string_of_predicate cma cnh t =
case t of
(CombApp(CombApp(CombConst("equal",_,_), t1), t2)) =>
(*DFG only: new TPTP prefers infix equality*)
- ("equal" ^ RC.paren_pack [string_of_combterm const_min_arity t1, string_of_combterm const_min_arity t2])
+ ("equal" ^ RC.paren_pack [string_of_combterm cma cnh t1, string_of_combterm cma cnh t2])
| _ =>
case #1 (strip_comb t) of
- CombConst(c,_,_) => if needs_hBOOL c then boolify const_min_arity t else string_of_combterm const_min_arity t
- | _ => boolify const_min_arity t;
+ CombConst(c,_,_) => if needs_hBOOL cnh c then boolify cma cnh t else string_of_combterm cma cnh t
+ | _ => boolify cma cnh t;
fun string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) =
RC.clause_prefix ^ RC.ascii_of ax_name ^ "_" ^ Int.toString cls_id;
@@ -280,23 +278,23 @@
(*** tptp format ***)
-fun tptp_of_equality const_min_arity pol (t1,t2) =
+fun tptp_of_equality cma cnh pol (t1,t2) =
let val eqop = if pol then " = " else " != "
- in string_of_combterm const_min_arity t1 ^ eqop ^ string_of_combterm const_min_arity t2 end;
+ in string_of_combterm cma cnh t1 ^ eqop ^ string_of_combterm cma cnh t2 end;
-fun tptp_literal const_min_arity (Literal(pol, CombApp(CombApp(CombConst("equal",_,_), t1), t2))) =
- tptp_of_equality const_min_arity pol (t1,t2)
- | tptp_literal const_min_arity (Literal(pol,pred)) =
- RC.tptp_sign pol (string_of_predicate const_min_arity pred);
+fun tptp_literal cma cnh (Literal(pol, CombApp(CombApp(CombConst("equal",_,_), t1), t2))) =
+ tptp_of_equality cma cnh pol (t1,t2)
+ | tptp_literal cma cnh (Literal(pol,pred)) =
+ RC.tptp_sign pol (string_of_predicate cma cnh pred);
(*Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals concerning TFrees;
the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses.*)
-fun tptp_type_lits const_min_arity pos (Clause{literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
- (map (tptp_literal const_min_arity) literals,
+fun tptp_type_lits cma cnh pos (Clause{literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
+ (map (tptp_literal cma cnh) literals,
map (RC.tptp_of_typeLit pos) (RC.add_typs ctypes_sorts));
-fun clause2tptp const_min_arity (cls as Clause{axiom_name,clause_id,kind,ctypes_sorts,...}) =
- let val (lits,tylits) = tptp_type_lits const_min_arity (kind = RC.Conjecture) cls
+fun clause2tptp cma cnh (cls as Clause{axiom_name,clause_id,kind,ctypes_sorts,...}) =
+ let val (lits,tylits) = tptp_type_lits cma cnh (kind = RC.Conjecture) cls
(RC.gen_tptp_cls(clause_id,axiom_name,kind,lits,tylits), tylits)
@@ -304,10 +302,10 @@
(*** dfg format ***)
-fun dfg_literal const_min_arity (Literal(pol,pred)) = RC.dfg_sign pol (string_of_predicate const_min_arity pred);
+fun dfg_literal cma cnh (Literal(pol,pred)) = RC.dfg_sign pol (string_of_predicate cma cnh pred);
-fun dfg_type_lits const_min_arity pos (Clause{literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
- (map (dfg_literal const_min_arity) literals,
+fun dfg_type_lits cma cnh pos (Clause{literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
+ (map (dfg_literal cma cnh) literals,
map (RC.dfg_of_typeLit pos) (RC.add_typs ctypes_sorts));
fun get_uvars (CombConst _) vars = vars
@@ -318,8 +316,8 @@
fun dfg_vars (Clause {literals,...}) = RC.union_all (map get_uvars_l literals);
-fun clause2dfg const_min_arity (cls as Clause{axiom_name,clause_id,kind,ctypes_sorts,...}) =
- let val (lits,tylits) = dfg_type_lits const_min_arity (kind = RC.Conjecture) cls
+fun clause2dfg cma cnh (cls as Clause{axiom_name,clause_id,kind,ctypes_sorts,...}) =
+ let val (lits,tylits) = dfg_type_lits cma cnh (kind = RC.Conjecture) cls
val vars = dfg_vars cls
val tvars = RC.get_tvar_strs ctypes_sorts
@@ -331,30 +329,30 @@
fun addtypes tvars tab = foldl RC.add_foltype_funcs tab tvars;
-fun add_decls const_min_arity (CombConst(c,tp,tvars), (funcs,preds)) =
+fun add_decls cma cnh (CombConst(c,tp,tvars), (funcs,preds)) =
if c = "equal" then (addtypes tvars funcs, preds)
- let val arity = min_arity_of const_min_arity c
+ let val arity = min_arity_of cma c
val ntys = if !typ_level = T_CONST then length tvars else 0
val addit = Symtab.update(c, arity+ntys)
- if needs_hBOOL c then (addtypes tvars (addit funcs), preds)
+ if needs_hBOOL cnh c then (addtypes tvars (addit funcs), preds)
else (addtypes tvars funcs, addit preds)
- | add_decls _ (CombVar(_,ctp), (funcs,preds)) =
+ | add_decls _ _ (CombVar(_,ctp), (funcs,preds)) =
(RC.add_foltype_funcs (ctp,funcs), preds)
- | add_decls const_min_arity (CombApp(P,Q),decls) = add_decls const_min_arity (P,add_decls const_min_arity (Q,decls));
+ | add_decls cma cnh (CombApp(P,Q),decls) = add_decls cma cnh (P,add_decls cma cnh (Q,decls));
-fun add_literal_decls const_min_arity (Literal(_,c), decls) = add_decls const_min_arity (c,decls);
+fun add_literal_decls cma cnh (Literal(_,c), decls) = add_decls cma cnh (c,decls);
-fun add_clause_decls const_min_arity (Clause {literals, ...}, decls) =
- foldl (add_literal_decls const_min_arity) decls literals
+fun add_clause_decls cma cnh (Clause {literals, ...}, decls) =
+ foldl (add_literal_decls cma cnh) decls literals
handle Symtab.DUP a => error ("function " ^ a ^ " has multiple arities")
-fun decls_of_clauses const_min_arity clauses arity_clauses =
+fun decls_of_clauses cma cnh clauses arity_clauses =
let val init_functab = Symtab.update (type_wrapper,2) (Symtab.update ("hAPP",2) RC.init_functab)
val init_predtab = Symtab.update ("hBOOL",1) Symtab.empty
- val (functab,predtab) = (foldl (add_clause_decls const_min_arity) (init_functab, init_predtab) clauses)
+ val (functab,predtab) = (foldl (add_clause_decls cma cnh) (init_functab, init_predtab) clauses)
(Symtab.dest (foldl RC.add_arityClause_funcs functab arity_clauses),
Symtab.dest predtab)
@@ -422,43 +420,42 @@
(*Find the minimal arity of each function mentioned in the term. Also, note which uses
are not at top level, to see if hBOOL is needed.*)
-fun count_constants_term toplev t const_min_arity =
+fun count_constants_term toplev t (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
let val (head, args) = strip_comb t
val n = length args
- val const_min_arity = fold (count_constants_term false) args const_min_arity
+ val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) = fold (count_constants_term false) args (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
case head of
CombConst (a,_,_) => (*predicate or function version of "equal"?*)
let val a = if a="equal" andalso not toplev then "c_fequal" else a
val const_min_arity = Symtab.map_default (a,n) (curry Int.min n) const_min_arity
- if toplev then const_min_arity
- else (const_needs_hBOOL := Symtab.update (a,true) (!const_needs_hBOOL);
- const_min_arity)
+ if toplev then (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
+ else (const_min_arity, Symtab.update (a,true) (const_needs_hBOOL))
- | ts => const_min_arity
+ | ts => (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
(*A literal is a top-level term*)
-fun count_constants_lit (Literal (_,t)) const_min_arity = count_constants_term true t const_min_arity;
+fun count_constants_lit (Literal (_,t)) (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
+ count_constants_term true t (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL);
-fun count_constants_clause (Clause{literals,...}) const_min_arity =
- fold count_constants_lit literals const_min_arity;
+fun count_constants_clause (Clause{literals,...}) (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
+ fold count_constants_lit literals (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL);
-fun display_arity (c,n) =
+fun display_arity const_needs_hBOOL (c,n) =
Output.debug (fn () => "Constant: " ^ c ^ " arity:\t" ^ Int.toString n ^
- (if needs_hBOOL c then " needs hBOOL" else ""));
+ (if needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c then " needs hBOOL" else ""));
fun count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses) =
if !minimize_applies then
- (const_needs_hBOOL := Symtab.empty;
- let val const_min_arity =
- fold count_constants_clause conjectures Symtab.empty
+ let val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) =
+ fold count_constants_clause conjectures (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)
|> fold count_constants_clause axclauses
|> fold count_constants_clause helper_clauses
- val _ = List.app display_arity (Symtab.dest (const_min_arity))
- in const_min_arity end)
- else Symtab.empty;
+ val _ = List.app (display_arity const_needs_hBOOL) (Symtab.dest (const_min_arity))
+ in (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) end
+ else (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
(* tptp format *)
@@ -469,17 +466,17 @@
val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy thms
val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy ax_tuples)
val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses thy isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
- val const_min_arity = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
- val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2tptp const_min_arity) conjectures)
+ val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
+ val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2tptp const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL) conjectures)
val tfree_clss = map RC.tptp_tfree_clause (foldl (op union_string) [] tfree_litss)
val out = TextIO.openOut filename
- List.app (curry TextIO.output out o #1 o (clause2tptp const_min_arity)) axclauses;
+ List.app (curry TextIO.output out o #1 o (clause2tptp const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL)) axclauses;
RC.writeln_strs out tfree_clss;
RC.writeln_strs out tptp_clss;
List.app (curry TextIO.output out o RC.tptp_classrelClause) classrel_clauses;
List.app (curry TextIO.output out o RC.tptp_arity_clause) arity_clauses;
- List.app (curry TextIO.output out o #1 o (clause2tptp const_min_arity)) helper_clauses;
+ List.app (curry TextIO.output out o #1 o (clause2tptp const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL)) helper_clauses;
TextIO.closeOut out;
@@ -493,14 +490,14 @@
val conjectures = make_conjecture_clauses thy thms
val (clnames,axclauses) = ListPair.unzip (make_axiom_clauses thy ax_tuples)
val helper_clauses = get_helper_clauses thy isFO (conjectures, axclauses, user_lemmas)
- val const_min_arity = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
- val (dfg_clss, tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2dfg const_min_arity) conjectures)
+ val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) = count_constants (conjectures, axclauses, helper_clauses);
+ val (dfg_clss, tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2dfg const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL) conjectures)
and probname = Path.implode (Path.base (Path.explode filename))
- val axstrs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg const_min_arity)) axclauses
+ val axstrs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL)) axclauses
val tfree_clss = map RC.dfg_tfree_clause (RC.union_all tfree_litss)
val out = TextIO.openOut filename
- val helper_clauses_strs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg const_min_arity)) helper_clauses
- val (funcs,cl_preds) = decls_of_clauses const_min_arity (helper_clauses @ conjectures @ axclauses) arity_clauses
+ val helper_clauses_strs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL)) helper_clauses
+ val (funcs,cl_preds) = decls_of_clauses const_min_arity const_needs_hBOOL (helper_clauses @ conjectures @ axclauses) arity_clauses
and ty_preds = preds_of_clauses axclauses classrel_clauses arity_clauses
TextIO.output (out, RC.string_of_start probname);