moved most material to its proper place (sign.ML, pure_thy.ML, method.ML, proof.ML, locale.ML etc.);
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:19:38 +0200
changeset 17354 4d92517aa7f4
parent 17353 cd440b6812b1
child 17355 5b31131c0365
moved most material to its proper place (sign.ML, pure_thy.ML, method.ML, proof.ML, locale.ML etc.); begin_theory: tuned interface, check uses in thy_info.ML;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_thy.ML	Tue Sep 13 22:19:37 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_thy.ML	Tue Sep 13 22:19:38 2005 +0200
@@ -2,124 +2,49 @@
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Pure/Isar derived theory operations.
+Derived theory and proof operations.
 signature ISAR_THY =
-  val hide_names: string * xstring list -> theory -> theory
-  val hide_names_i: string * string list -> theory -> theory
   val add_axioms: ((bstring * string) * Attrib.src list) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_axioms_i: ((bstring * term) * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_defs: bool * ((bstring * string) * Attrib.src list) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_defs_i: bool * ((bstring * term) * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory
+  val apply_theorems: (thmref * Attrib.src list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
+  val apply_theorems_i: (thm list * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
   val theorems: string ->
     ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list
     -> theory -> theory * (string * thm list) list
   val theorems_i: string ->
     ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm list * theory attribute list) list) list
     -> theory -> theory * (string * thm list) list
-  val locale_theorems: string -> xstring ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list
-    -> theory -> (theory * Proof.context) * (bstring * thm list) list
-  val locale_theorems_i: string -> string ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
-    theory -> (theory * Proof.context) * (string * thm list) list
   val smart_theorems: string -> xstring option ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list
-    -> theory -> (theory * Proof.context) * (string * thm list) list
+    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (thmref * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
+    theory -> theory * Proof.context
   val declare_theorems: xstring option ->
     (thmref * Attrib.src list) list -> theory -> theory * Proof.context
-  val apply_theorems: (thmref * Attrib.src list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
-  val apply_theorems_i: (thm list * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
-  val theorem: string -> (bstring * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list))
-    -> bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val theorem_i: string -> (bstring * theory attribute list) *
-    (term * (term list * term list)) -> bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val multi_theorem: string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
-    (cterm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm -> thm) ->
-    bstring * Attrib.src list -> Locale.element Locale.elem_expr list ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val multi_theorem_i: string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
-    (cterm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm -> thm) ->
-    bstring * theory attribute list ->
-    Locale.element_i Locale.elem_expr list ->
-    ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list ->
-    bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val locale_multi_theorem:
-    string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
-    (cterm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm -> thm) ->
-    xstring ->
-    bstring * Attrib.src list -> Locale.element Locale.elem_expr list ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
-    bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val locale_multi_theorem_i:
-    string -> (thm list * thm list -> theory -> theory) ->
-    (cterm list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context -> thm -> thm) ->
-    string ->
-    bstring * Attrib.src list -> Locale.element_i Locale.elem_expr list ->
-    ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list ->
-    bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val smart_multi_theorem: string -> xstring option
-    -> bstring * Attrib.src list -> Locale.element Locale.elem_expr list
-    -> ((bstring * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val have: ((string * Attrib.src list) *
-    (string * (string list * string list)) list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val have_i: ((string * Proof.context attribute list) *
-    (term * (term list * term list)) list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val hence: ((string * Attrib.src list) *
-    (string * (string list * string list)) list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val hence_i: ((string * Proof.context attribute list) *
-    (term * (term list * term list)) list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val show: ((string * Attrib.src list) *
-    (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val show_i: ((string * Proof.context attribute list) *
-    (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val thus: ((string * Attrib.src list) *
-    (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val thus_i: ((string * Proof.context attribute list)
-    * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-    -> bool -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val obtain: (string list * string option) list
-    * ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list
-    -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val obtain_i: (string list * typ option) list
-    * ((string * Proof.context attribute list) * (term * (term list * term list)) list) list
-    -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val three_buffersN: string
-  val cond_print: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
+  val have: ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
+    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+  val hence: ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
+    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+  val show: ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
+    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+  val thus: ((string * Attrib.src list) * (string * (string list * string list)) list) list ->
+    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+  val theorem: string -> string * Attrib.src list -> string * (string list * string list) ->
+    theory -> Proof.state
+  val theorem_i: string -> string * theory attribute list -> term * (term list * term list) ->
+    theory -> Proof.state
   val qed: Method.text option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val terminal_proof: Method.text * Method.text option
-    -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
+  val terminal_proof: Method.text * Method.text option ->
+    Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val default_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val immediate_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val done_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val skip_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
   val forget_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val get_thmss: (thmref * Attrib.src list) list -> Proof.state -> thm list
-  val also: (thmref * Attrib.src list) list option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val also_i: thm list option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val finally: (thmref * Attrib.src list) list option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val finally_i: thm list option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val moreover: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val ultimately: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
-  val generic_setup: string -> theory -> theory
-  val method_setup: bstring * string * string -> theory -> theory
-  val add_oracle: bstring * string * string -> theory -> theory
-  val register_globally:
-    ((string * Attrib.src list) * Locale.expr) * string option list ->
-    bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val register_in_locale:
-    string * Locale.expr -> bool -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
-  val register_locally:
-    ((string * Attrib.src list) * Locale.expr) * string option list ->
-    ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
-  val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (string * bool) list -> theory
+  val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (string * bool) list -> bool -> theory
   val end_theory: theory -> theory
   val kill_theory: string -> unit
   val theory: string * string list * (string * bool) list
@@ -131,37 +56,6 @@
 structure IsarThy: ISAR_THY =
-(** derived theory and proof operations **)
-(* name spaces *)
-val kinds =
- [("class", (Sign.intern_class, can o Sign.certify_class, Theory.hide_classes_i)),
-  ("type", (Sign.intern_type, Sign.declared_tyname, Theory.hide_types_i)),
-  ("const", (Sign.intern_const, Sign.declared_const, Theory.hide_consts_i))];
-fun gen_hide int (kind, xnames) thy =
-  (case AList.lookup (op =) kinds kind of
-    SOME (intern, check, hide) =>
-      let
-        val names = if int then map (intern thy) xnames else xnames;
-        val bads = filter_out (check thy) names;
-      in
-        if null bads then hide true names thy
-        else error ("Attempt to hide undeclared item(s): " ^ commas_quote bads)
-      end
-  | NONE => error ("Bad name space specification: " ^ quote kind));
-val hide_names = gen_hide true;
-val hide_names_i = gen_hide false;
 (* axioms and defs *)
 fun add_axms f args thy =
@@ -175,357 +69,114 @@
 (* theorems *)
-fun present_thmss kind (thy, named_thmss) =
+fun present_theorems kind (thy, named_thmss) =
   conditional (kind <> "" andalso kind <> Drule.internalK) (fn () =>
     Context.setmp (SOME thy) (Present.results (kind ^ "s")) named_thmss);
-fun present_thmss' kind ((thy, _), named_thmss) = present_thmss kind (thy, named_thmss);
-fun global_attribs thy = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.global_attribute thy);
-fun theorems_i k = tap (present_thmss k) oo PureThy.note_thmss_i (Drule.kind k);
-fun locale_theorems_i k loc = tap (present_thmss' k) oo Locale.note_thmss_i k loc;
-fun theorems k args thy = thy
-  |> PureThy.note_thmss (Drule.kind k) (global_attribs thy args)
-  |> tap (present_thmss k);
+fun theorems kind args thy = thy
+  |> PureThy.note_thmss (Drule.kind kind) (Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.global_attribute thy) args)
+  |> tap (present_theorems kind);
-fun locale_theorems k loc args thy = thy
-  |> Locale.note_thmss k loc args
-  |> tap (present_thmss' k);
-fun smart_theorems k NONE args thy =
-      let val (thy', res) =
-        thy |> PureThy.note_thmss (Drule.kind k) (global_attribs thy args)
-      in
-        present_thmss k (thy', res);
-        ((thy', ProofContext.init thy'), res)
-      end
-  | smart_theorems k (SOME loc) args thy = thy
-      |> Locale.note_thmss k loc args
-      |> tap (present_thmss' k);
-fun declare_theorems opt_loc args = #1 o smart_theorems "" opt_loc [(("", []), args)];
+fun theorems_i kind args =
+  PureThy.note_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind) args
+  #> tap (present_theorems kind);
 fun apply_theorems args = apsnd (List.concat o map snd) o theorems "" [(("", []), args)];
 fun apply_theorems_i args = apsnd (List.concat o map snd) o theorems_i "" [(("", []), args)];
+fun smart_theorems kind NONE args thy = thy
+      |> theorems kind args
+      |> tap (present_theorems kind)
+      |> (fn (thy, _) => (thy, ProofContext.init thy))
+  | smart_theorems kind (SOME loc) args thy = thy
+      |> Locale.note_thmss kind loc args
+      |> tap (present_theorems kind o apfst #1)
+      |> #1;
+fun declare_theorems opt_loc args =
+  smart_theorems "" opt_loc [(("", []), args)];
-(* local results *)
+(* goals *)
-fun prt_facts ctxt =
-  List.concat o (separate [Pretty.fbrk, Pretty.str "and "]) o
-    map (single o ProofContext.pretty_fact ctxt);
+fun local_goal opt_chain goal stmt int =
+  opt_chain #> goal (K (K Seq.single)) stmt int;
-fun pretty_results ctxt ((kind, ""), facts) =
-      Pretty.block (Pretty.str kind :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_facts ctxt facts)
-  | pretty_results ctxt ((kind, name), [fact]) = Pretty.blk (1,
-      [Pretty.str (kind ^ " " ^ name ^ ":"), Pretty.fbrk, ProofContext.pretty_fact ctxt fact])
-  | pretty_results ctxt ((kind, name), facts) = Pretty.blk (1,
-      [Pretty.str (kind ^ " " ^ name ^ ":"), Pretty.fbrk,
-        Pretty.blk (1, Pretty.str "(" :: prt_facts ctxt facts @ [Pretty.str ")"])]);
-fun pretty_rule s ctxt thm =
-  Pretty.block [Pretty.str (s ^ " to solve goal by exported rule:"),
-    Pretty.fbrk, ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt thm];
+fun global_goal goal kind a propp thy =
+  goal kind (K (K I)) NONE a [(("", []), [propp])] (ProofContext.init thy);
-val print_result = Pretty.writeln oo pretty_results;
-fun print_result' ctxt (k, res) = print_result ctxt ((k, ""), res);
-fun cond_print_result_rule true =
-      (print_result', priority oo (Pretty.string_of oo pretty_rule "Successful attempt"))
-  | cond_print_result_rule false = (K (K ()), K (K ()));
-fun proof'' f = Toplevel.proof' (f o cond_print_result_rule);
-fun check_goal false state = state
-  | check_goal true state =
-      let
-        val rule = ref (NONE: thm option);
-        fun fail exn =
-          (["Problem! Local statement will fail to solve any pending goal"] @
-          (case exn of NONE => [] | SOME e => [Toplevel.exn_message e]) @
-          (case ! rule of NONE => [] | SOME thm =>
-            [Pretty.string_of (pretty_rule "Failed attempt" (Proof.context_of state) thm)]))
-          |> cat_lines |> error;
-        val check =
-          (fn () => Seq.pull (SkipProof.local_skip_proof (K (K ()),
-            fn _ => fn thm => rule := SOME thm) true state))
-          |> setmp proofs 0
-          |> transform_error;
-        val result = (check (), NONE) handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt | e => (NONE, SOME e);
-      in (case result of (SOME _, NONE) => () | (_, exn) => fail exn); state end;
-(* statements *)
-fun global_statement f args int thy = ProofHistory.init (Toplevel.undo_limit int) (f args thy);
-fun local_statement' f g args int = ProofHistory.apply (f args int o g);
-fun local_statement f g args = local_statement' (K o f) g args ();
-fun multi_theorem k after_qed export a elems concl int thy =
-  global_statement (Proof.multi_theorem k after_qed export NONE a
-    (map (Locale.intern_attrib_elem_expr thy) elems)) concl int thy;
-fun multi_theorem_i k after_qed export a =
-  global_statement o Proof.multi_theorem_i k after_qed export NONE a;
-fun locale_multi_theorem k after_qed export locale (name, atts) elems concl int thy =
-  global_statement (Proof.multi_theorem k after_qed export
-      (SOME (locale,
-        (map (Attrib.intern_src thy) atts,
-         map (map (Attrib.intern_src thy) o snd o fst) concl)))
-      (name, [])
-      (map (Locale.intern_attrib_elem_expr thy) elems))
-    (map (apfst (apsnd (K []))) concl) int thy;
-fun locale_multi_theorem_i k after_qed export locale (name, atts) elems concl =
-  global_statement (Proof.multi_theorem_i k after_qed export
-      (SOME (locale, (atts, map (snd o fst) concl)))
-      (name, []) elems) (map (apfst (apsnd (K []))) concl);
-fun theorem k (a, t) =
-  multi_theorem k (K I) ProofContext.export_standard a [] [(("", []), [t])];
-fun theorem_i k (a, t) =
-  multi_theorem_i k (K I) ProofContext.export_standard a [] [(("", []), [t])];
-fun smart_multi_theorem k NONE a elems =
-      multi_theorem k (K I) ProofContext.export_standard a elems
-  | smart_multi_theorem k (SOME locale) a elems =
-      locale_multi_theorem k (K I) ProofContext.export_standard locale a elems;
-val have        = local_statement (Proof.have (K Seq.single) true) I;
-val have_i      = local_statement (Proof.have_i (K Seq.single) true) I;
-val hence       = local_statement (Proof.have (K Seq.single) true) Proof.chain;
-val hence_i     = local_statement (Proof.have_i (K Seq.single) true) Proof.chain;
-val show        = local_statement' ( check_goal (K Seq.single) true) I;
-val show_i      = local_statement' (Proof.show_i check_goal (K Seq.single) true) I;
-val thus        = local_statement' ( check_goal (K Seq.single) true) Proof.chain;
-val thus_i      = local_statement' (Proof.show_i check_goal (K Seq.single) true) Proof.chain;
-fun obtain (xs, asms) = proof'' (ProofHistory.applys o Obtain.obtain xs asms);
-fun obtain_i (xs, asms) = proof'' (ProofHistory.applys o Obtain.obtain_i xs asms);
+val have = local_goal I Proof.have;
+val hence = local_goal Proof.chain Proof.have;
+val show = local_goal I;
+val thus = local_goal Proof.chain;
+val theorem = global_goal Proof.theorem;
+val theorem_i = global_goal Proof.theorem_i;
 (* local endings *)
-val three_buffersN = "three_buffers";
-val cond_print = Toplevel.print' three_buffersN;
+fun local_qed m = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys (Proof.local_qed (m, true)));
+val local_terminal_proof = Toplevel.proof o ProofHistory.applys o Proof.local_terminal_proof;
+val local_default_proof = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys Proof.local_default_proof);
+val local_immediate_proof = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys Proof.local_immediate_proof);
+val local_done_proof = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys Proof.local_done_proof);
+val local_skip_proof = Toplevel.proof' (ProofHistory.applys o Proof.local_skip_proof);
-val local_qed = proof'' o (ProofHistory.applys oo Proof.local_qed true);
 val skip_local_qed =
   Toplevel.skip_proof (History.apply (fn i => if i > 1 then i - 1 else raise Toplevel.UNDEF));
-val local_terminal_proof = proof'' o (ProofHistory.applys oo Proof.local_terminal_proof);
-val local_default_proof = proof'' (ProofHistory.applys o Proof.local_default_proof);
-val local_immediate_proof = proof'' (ProofHistory.applys o Proof.local_immediate_proof);
-val local_done_proof = proof'' (ProofHistory.applys o Proof.local_done_proof);
-val local_skip_proof = Toplevel.proof' (fn int =>
-  ProofHistory.applys (SkipProof.local_skip_proof (cond_print_result_rule int) int));
 (* global endings *)
-fun name_results "" res = res
-  | name_results name res =
-      let
-        val n = length (List.concat (map #2 res));
-        fun name_res (i, (a, ths)) =
-          let
-            val m = length ths;
-            val j = i + m;
-          in
-            if a <> "" then (j, (a, ths))
-            else if m = n then (j, (name, ths))
-            else if m = 1 then
-              (j, (PureThy.string_of_thmref (NameSelection (name, [Single i])), ths))
-            else (j, (PureThy.string_of_thmref (NameSelection (name, [FromTo (i, j - 1)])), ths))
-          end;
-      in #2 (foldl_map name_res (1, res)) end;
-fun global_result finish = Toplevel.proof_to_theory_context (fn int => fn prf =>
+fun global_ending ending = Toplevel.proof_to_theory_context (fn int => fn prf =>
     val state = ProofHistory.current prf;
-    val _ = if Proof.at_bottom state then () else raise Toplevel.UNDEF;
-    val ((thy, ctxt), ((kind, name), res)) = finish int state;
-  in
-    if kind = "" orelse kind = Drule.internalK then ()
-    else (print_result (Proof.context_of state) ((kind, name), res);
-      Context.setmp (SOME thy) (Present.results kind) (name_results name res));
-    (thy, ctxt)
-  end);
+    val _ = Proof.assert_bottom true state handle Proof.STATE _ => raise Toplevel.UNDEF;
+  in ending int state end);
-fun global_qed m = global_result (K (Proof.global_qed true m));
+fun global_qed m = global_ending (K (Proof.global_qed (m, true)));
+val global_terminal_proof = global_ending o K o Proof.global_terminal_proof;
+val global_default_proof = global_ending (K Proof.global_default_proof);
+val global_immediate_proof = global_ending (K Proof.global_immediate_proof);
+val global_skip_proof = global_ending Proof.global_skip_proof;
+val global_done_proof = global_ending (K Proof.global_done_proof);
 val skip_global_qed = Toplevel.skip_proof_to_theory (equal 1 o History.current);
-fun global_terminal_proof m = global_result (K (Proof.global_terminal_proof m));
-val global_default_proof = global_result (K Proof.global_default_proof);
-val global_immediate_proof = global_result (K Proof.global_immediate_proof);
-val global_skip_proof = global_result SkipProof.global_skip_proof;
-val global_done_proof = global_result (K Proof.global_done_proof);
 (* common endings *)
-fun qed meth = local_qed meth o global_qed meth o skip_local_qed o skip_global_qed;
-fun terminal_proof meths = local_terminal_proof meths o global_terminal_proof meths;
+fun qed m = local_qed m o global_qed m o skip_local_qed o skip_global_qed;
+fun terminal_proof m = local_terminal_proof m o global_terminal_proof m;
 val default_proof = local_default_proof o global_default_proof;
 val immediate_proof = local_immediate_proof o global_immediate_proof;
 val done_proof = local_done_proof o global_done_proof;
 val skip_proof = local_skip_proof o global_skip_proof;
-val forget_proof = Toplevel.proof_to_theory (Proof.theory_of o ProofHistory.current) o
+val forget_proof =
+  Toplevel.proof_to_theory (Proof.theory_of o ProofHistory.current) o
   Toplevel.skip_proof_to_theory (K true);
-(* calculational proof commands *)
-fun cond_print_calc int ctxt thms =
-  if int then
-    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "calculation:" (map (ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt) thms))
-  else ();
-fun proof''' f = Toplevel.proof' (f o cond_print_calc);
-fun gen_calc get f args prt state =
-  f ( (fn srcs => get srcs state) args) prt state;
-fun get_thmss srcs = Proof.the_facts o Proof.note_thmss [(("", []), srcs)];
-fun get_thmss_i thms _ = thms;
-fun also x = proof''' (ProofHistory.applys o gen_calc get_thmss Calculation.also x);
-fun also_i x = proof''' (ProofHistory.applys o gen_calc get_thmss_i Calculation.also x);
-fun finally x = proof''' (ProofHistory.applys o gen_calc get_thmss Calculation.finally x);
-fun finally_i x = proof''' (ProofHistory.applys o gen_calc get_thmss_i Calculation.finally x);
-val moreover = proof''' (ProofHistory.apply o Calculation.moreover);
-val ultimately = proof''' (ProofHistory.apply o Calculation.ultimately);
-(* generic_setup *)
-val generic_setup =
-  Context.use_let "val setup: (theory -> theory) list" "Library.apply setup";
-(* method_setup *)
-fun method_setup (name, txt, cmt) =
-  Context.use_let
-    "val thm = PureThy.get_thm_closure (Context.the_context ()) o PureThy.Name;\n\
-    \val thms = PureThy.get_thms_closure (Context.the_context ()) o PureThy.Name;\n\
-    \val method: bstring * (Method.src -> Proof.context -> Proof.method) * string"
-    "Method.add_method method"
-    ("(" ^ Library.quote name ^ ", " ^ txt ^ ", " ^ Library.quote cmt ^ ")");
-(* add_oracle *)
-fun add_oracle (name, T, oracle) =
-  let val txt =
-    "local\n\
-    \  type T = " ^ T ^ ";\n\
-    \  val oracle: theory -> T -> term = " ^ oracle ^ ";\n\
-    \  val name = " ^ quote name ^ ";\n\
-    \  exception Arg of T;\n\
-    \  val _ = Context.>> (Theory.add_oracle (name, fn (thy, Arg x) => oracle thy x));\n\
-    \  val thy = Context.the_context ();\n\
-    \  val invoke_" ^ name ^ " = Thm.invoke_oracle_i thy (Sign.full_name thy name);\n\
-    \in\n\
-    \  fun " ^ name ^ " thy x = invoke_" ^ name ^ " (thy, Arg x);\n\
-    \end;\n";
-  in Context.use_mltext_theory txt false end;
-(* registration of locale interpretations *)
-fun register_globally (((prfx, atts), expr), insts) int thy =
-  let
-    val (propss, after_qed) =
-      Locale.prep_global_registration (prfx, atts) expr insts thy;
-  in
-    multi_theorem_i Drule.internalK (after_qed o fst) ProofContext.export_plain
-      ("", []) []
-      (map (fn ((n, _), props) => ((NameSpace.base n, []),
-        map (fn prop => (prop, ([], []))) props)) propss) int thy
-  end;
-fun register_locally (((prfx, atts), expr), insts) =
-  ProofHistory.apply (fn state =>
-    let
-      val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
-      val (propss, after_qed) =
-        Locale.prep_local_registration (prfx, atts) expr insts ctxt;
-    in
-      state
-      |> Proof.map_context (fn _ => ctxt)
-      |> Proof.have_i (fn result => Seq.single o Proof.map_context (after_qed result)) true
-        (map (fn ((n, _), props) => ((NameSpace.base n, []),
-          map (fn prop => (prop, ([], []))) props)) propss)
-    end);
-fun register_in_locale (target, expr) int thy =
-  let
-    val target = Locale.intern thy target;
-    val (propss, after_qed) =
-        Locale.prep_registration_in_locale target expr thy;
-  in
-    locale_multi_theorem_i Drule.internalK (after_qed o fst)
-      ProofContext.export_plain
-      target ("",[]) []
-      (map (fn ((n, _), props) => ((NameSpace.base n, []),
-        map (fn prop => (prop, ([], []))) props)) propss) int thy
-  end;
 (* theory init and exit *)
-fun gen_begin_theory upd name parents files =
-  let
-    val ml_filename = Path.pack (ThyLoad.ml_path name);
-    (* FIXME unreliable test -- better make ThyInfo manage dependencies properly *)
-    val _ = conditional (exists (equal ml_filename o #1) files) (fn () =>
-      error ((quote ml_filename) ^ " not allowed in files section for theory " ^ name));
-  in
-    ThyInfo.begin_theory Present.begin_theory upd name parents
-      (map (apfst Path.unpack) files)
-  end;
+fun begin_theory name imports uses =
+  ThyInfo.begin_theory Present.begin_theory name imports (map (apfst Path.unpack) uses);
-val begin_theory = gen_begin_theory false;
-fun end_theory thy =
-  if ThyInfo.check_known_thy (Context.theory_name thy) then ThyInfo.end_theory thy
-  else thy;
+val end_theory = (ThyInfo.check_known_thy o Context.theory_name) ? ThyInfo.end_theory;
 val kill_theory = ThyInfo.if_known_thy ThyInfo.remove_thy;
-fun bg_theory (name, parents, files) int = gen_begin_theory int name parents files;
-fun en_theory thy = (end_theory thy; ());
-fun theory spec =
-  Toplevel.init_theory (bg_theory spec) en_theory (kill_theory o Context.theory_name);
+fun theory (name, imports, uses) =
+  Toplevel.init_theory (begin_theory name imports uses)
+    (fn thy => (end_theory thy; ()))
+    (kill_theory o Context.theory_name);
 (* context switch *)