include Document.History in Document.State -- just one universal session state maintained by main actor;
Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:27:38 +0200
changeset 38841 4df7b76249a0
parent 38840 ec75dc58688b
child 38842 f762b33e0821
include Document.History in Document.State -- just one universal session state maintained by main actor; Session.command_change_buffer: thread actor ensures asynchronous dispatch; misc tuning;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Sat Aug 28 17:20:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/document.scala	Sat Aug 28 17:27:38 2010 +0200
@@ -116,7 +116,25 @@
-  /* history navigation and persistent snapshots */
+  /* history navigation */
+  object History
+  {
+    val init = new History(List(Change.init))
+  }
+  // FIXME pruning, purging of state
+  class History(val undo_list: List[Change])
+  {
+    require(!undo_list.isEmpty)
+    def tip: Change = undo_list.head
+    def +(change: Change): History = new History(change :: undo_list)
+  }
+  /** global state -- document structure, execution process, editing history **/
   abstract class Snapshot
@@ -131,52 +149,6 @@
     def revert(range: Text.Range): Text.Range =
-  object History
-  {
-    val init = new History(List(Change.init))
-  }
-  // FIXME pruning, purging of state
-  class History(undo_list: List[Change])
-  {
-    require(!undo_list.isEmpty)
-    def tip: Change = undo_list.head
-    def +(ch: Change): History = new History(ch :: undo_list)
-    def snapshot(name: String, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit], state_snapshot: State): Snapshot =
-    {
-      val found_stable = undo_list.find(change =>
-        change.is_finished && state_snapshot.is_assigned(change.current.join))
-      require(found_stable.isDefined)
-      val stable = found_stable.get
-      val latest = undo_list.head
-      val edits =
-        (pending_edits /: undo_list.takeWhile(_ != stable))((edits, change) =>
-            (for ((a, eds) <- change.edits if a == name) yield eds).flatten ::: edits)
-      lazy val reverse_edits = edits.reverse
-      new Snapshot
-      {
-        val version = stable.current.join
-        val node = version.nodes(name)
-        val is_outdated = !(pending_edits.isEmpty && latest == stable)
-        def lookup_command(id: Command_ID): Option[Command] = state_snapshot.lookup_command(id)
-        def state(command: Command): Command.State =
-          try { state_snapshot.command_state(version, command) }
-          catch { case _: State.Fail => command.empty_state }
-        def convert(offset: Text.Offset) = (offset /: edits)((i, edit) => edit.convert(i))
-        def revert(offset: Text.Offset) = (offset /: reverse_edits)((i, edit) => edit.revert(i))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** global state -- document structure and execution process **/
   object State
     class Fail(state: State) extends Exception
@@ -202,7 +174,8 @@
     val commands: Map[Command_ID, Command.State] = Map(),
     val execs: Map[Exec_ID, (Command.State, Set[Version])] = Map(),
     val assignments: Map[Version, State.Assignment] = Map(),
-    val disposed: Set[ID] = Set())  // FIXME unused!?
+    val disposed: Set[ID] = Set(),  // FIXME unused!?
+    val history: History = History.init)
     private def fail[A]: A = throw new State.Fail(this)
@@ -265,11 +238,44 @@
         case None => false
-    def command_state(version: Version, command: Command): Command.State =
+    def extend_history(previous: Future[Version],
+        edits: List[Node_Text_Edit],
+        result: Future[(List[Edit[Command]], Version)]): (Change, State) =
+    {
+      val change = new Change(previous, edits, result)
+      (change, copy(history = history + change))
+    }
+    // persistent user-view
+    def snapshot(name: String, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit]): Snapshot =
-      val assgn = the_assignment(version)
-      require(assgn.is_finished)
-      the_exec_state(assgn.join.getOrElse(command, fail))
+      val found_stable = history.undo_list.find(change =>
+        change.is_finished && is_assigned(change.current.join))
+      require(found_stable.isDefined)
+      val stable = found_stable.get
+      val latest = history.undo_list.head
+      val edits =
+        (pending_edits /: history.undo_list.takeWhile(_ != stable))((edits, change) =>
+            (for ((a, eds) <- change.edits if a == name) yield eds).flatten ::: edits)
+      lazy val reverse_edits = edits.reverse
+      new Snapshot
+      {
+        val version = stable.current.join
+        val node = version.nodes(name)
+        val is_outdated = !(pending_edits.isEmpty && latest == stable)
+        def lookup_command(id: Command_ID): Option[Command] = State.this.lookup_command(id)
+        def state(command: Command): Command.State =
+          try { the_exec_state(the_assignment(version).join.getOrElse(command, fail)) }
+          catch { case _: State.Fail => command.empty_state }
+        def convert(offset: Text.Offset) = (offset /: edits)((i, edit) => edit.convert(i))
+        def revert(offset: Text.Offset) = (offset /: reverse_edits)((i, edit) => edit.revert(i))
+      }
--- a/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Sat Aug 28 17:20:53 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/System/session.scala	Sat Aug 28 17:27:38 2010 +0200
@@ -57,17 +57,64 @@
-  /** main actor **/
+  /** buffered command changes (delay_first discipline) **/
+  private case object Stop
+  private val command_change_buffer ="command_change_buffer", daemon = true)
+  //{{{
+  {
+    import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime
+    var changed: Set[Command] = Set()
+    var flush_time: Option[Long] = None
+    def flush_timeout: Long =
+      flush_time match {
+        case None => 5000L
+        case Some(time) => (time - currentTime) max 0
+      }
+    def flush()
+    {
+      if (!changed.isEmpty) commands_changed.event(Session.Commands_Changed(changed))
+      changed = Set()
+      flush_time = None
+    }
+    def invoke()
+    {
+      val now = currentTime
+      flush_time match {
+        case None => flush_time = Some(now + output_delay)
+        case Some(time) => if (now >= time) flush()
+      }
+    }
+    var finished = false
+    while (!finished) {
+      receiveWithin(flush_timeout) {
+        case command: Command => changed += command; invoke()
+        case TIMEOUT => flush()
+        case Stop => finished = true
+        case bad => System.err.println("command_change_buffer: ignoring bad message " + bad)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //}}}
+  /** main protocol actor **/
   @volatile private var syntax = new Outer_Syntax(system.symbols)
   def current_syntax(): Outer_Syntax = syntax
-  @volatile private var global_state = Document.State.init
-  private def change_state(f: Document.State => Document.State) { global_state = f(global_state) }
-  def current_state(): Document.State = global_state
+  private val global_state = new Volatile(Document.State.init)
+  def current_state(): Document.State = global_state.peek()
+  private case class Edit_Version(edits: List[Document.Node_Text_Edit])
   private case class Started(timeout: Int, args: List[String])
-  private case object Stop
   private val session_actor ="session_actor", daemon = true)
@@ -84,7 +131,7 @@
       val previous = change.previous.join
       val (node_edits, current) = change.result.join
-      var former_assignment = current_state().the_assignment(previous).join
+      var former_assignment = global_state.peek().the_assignment(previous).join
       for {
         (name, Some(cmd_edits)) <- node_edits
         (prev, None) <- cmd_edits
@@ -103,8 +150,8 @@
                     c2 match {
                       case None => None
                       case Some(command) =>
-                        if (current_state().lookup_command( {
-                          change_state(_.define_command(command))
+                        if (global_state.peek().lookup_command( {
+                          global_state.change(_.define_command(command))
                           prover.define_command(, system.symbols.encode(command.source))
@@ -113,7 +160,7 @@
             (name -> Some(ids))
-      change_state(_.define_version(current, former_assignment))
+      global_state.change(_.define_version(current, former_assignment))
       prover.edit_version(,, id_edits)
@@ -134,16 +181,15 @@ match {
         case Position.Id(state_id) =>
           try {
-            val (st, state) = global_state.accumulate(state_id, result.message)
-            global_state = state
-            indicate_command_change(st.command)
+            val st = global_state.change_yield(_.accumulate(state_id, result.message))
+            command_change_buffer ! st.command
           catch { case _: Document.State.Fail => bad_result(result) }
         case _ =>
           if (result.is_status) {
             result.body match {
               case List(Isar_Document.Assign(id, edits)) =>
-                try { change_state(_.assign(id, edits)) }
+                try { global_state.change(_.assign(id, edits)) }
                 catch { case _: Document.State.Fail => bad_result(result) }
               case List(Keyword.Command_Decl(name, kind)) => syntax += (name, kind)
               case List(Keyword.Keyword_Decl(name)) => syntax += name
@@ -202,6 +248,19 @@
     var finished = false
     while (!finished) {
       receive {
+        case Edit_Version(edits) =>
+          val previous = global_state.peek().history.tip.current
+          val result = Future.fork { Thy_Syntax.text_edits(Session.this, previous.join, edits) }
+          val change = global_state.change_yield(_.extend_history(previous, edits, result))
+          val this_actor = self; => this_actor ! change)
+          reply(())
+        case change: Document.Change if prover != null =>
+          handle_change(change)
+        case result: Isabelle_Process.Result =>
+          handle_result(result)
         case Started(timeout, args) =>
           if (prover == null) {
             prover = new Isabelle_Process(system, self, args:_*) with Isar_Document
@@ -219,12 +278,6 @@
             finished = true
-        case change: Document.Change if prover != null =>
-          handle_change(change)
-        case result: Isabelle_Process.Result =>
-          handle_result(result)
         case TIMEOUT =>  // FIXME clarify!
         case bad if prover != null =>
@@ -235,95 +288,15 @@
-  /** buffered command changes (delay_first discipline) **/
-  private val command_change_buffer = actor
-  //{{{
-  {
-    import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime
-    var changed: Set[Command] = Set()
-    var flush_time: Option[Long] = None
-    def flush_timeout: Long =
-      flush_time match {
-        case None => 5000L
-        case Some(time) => (time - currentTime) max 0
-      }
-    def flush()
-    {
-      if (!changed.isEmpty) commands_changed.event(Session.Commands_Changed(changed))
-      changed = Set()
-      flush_time = None
-    }
-    def invoke()
-    {
-      val now = currentTime
-      flush_time match {
-        case None => flush_time = Some(now + output_delay)
-        case Some(time) => if (now >= time) flush()
-      }
-    }
-    loop {
-      reactWithin(flush_timeout) {
-        case command: Command => changed += command; invoke()
-        case TIMEOUT => flush()
-        case bad => System.err.println("command_change_buffer: ignoring bad message " + bad)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //}}}
-  def indicate_command_change(command: Command)
-  {
-    command_change_buffer ! command
-  }
-  /** editor history **/
-  private case class Edit_Version(edits: List[Document.Node_Text_Edit])
-  @volatile private var history = Document.History.init
-  def snapshot(name: String, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit]): Document.Snapshot =
-    history.snapshot(name, pending_edits, current_state())
-  private val editor_history = actor
-  {
-    loop {
-      react {
-        case Edit_Version(edits) =>
-          val prev = history.tip.current
-          val result =
-            // FIXME potential denial-of-service concerning worker pool (!?!?)
-            isabelle.Future.fork {
-              val previous = prev.join
-              val former_assignment = current_state().the_assignment(previous).join  // FIXME async!?
-              Thy_Syntax.text_edits(Session.this, previous, edits)
-            }
-          val change = new Document.Change(prev, edits, result)
-          history += change
- => session_actor ! change)
-          reply(())
-        case bad => System.err.println("editor_model: ignoring bad message " + bad)
-      }
-    }
-  }
   /** main methods **/
   def started(timeout: Int, args: List[String]): Option[String] =
     (session_actor !? Started(timeout, args)).asInstanceOf[Option[String]]
-  def stop() { session_actor ! Stop }
+  def stop() { command_change_buffer ! Stop; session_actor ! Stop }
+  def edit_version(edits: List[Document.Node_Text_Edit]) { session_actor !? Edit_Version(edits) }
-  def edit_version(edits: List[Document.Node_Text_Edit]) { editor_history !? Edit_Version(edits) }
+  def snapshot(name: String, pending_edits: List[Text.Edit]): Document.Snapshot =
+    global_state.peek().snapshot(name, pending_edits)