Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:46:45 +0200
changeset 36408 4e11200b57b6
parent 36368 1b5b9bbab006 (current diff)
parent 36407 d733c1a624f4 (diff)
child 36413 942438a0fa84
--- a/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Nitpick/nitpick.tex	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -428,9 +428,6 @@
 $\mathit{sym}.y$ are simply the bound variables $x$ and $y$
 from \textit{sym}'s definition.
-Although skolemization is a useful optimization, you can disable it by invoking
-Nitpick with \textit{dont\_skolemize}. See \S\ref{optimizations} for details.
 \subsection{Natural Numbers and Integers}
@@ -2193,15 +2190,6 @@
 {\small See also \textit{overlord} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) and
 \textit{batch\_size} (\S\ref{optimizations}).}
-Specifies whether the values of Skolem constants should be displayed as part of
-counterexamples. Skolem constants correspond to bound variables in the original
-formula and usually help us to understand why the counterexample falsifies the
-{\small See also \textit{skolemize} (\S\ref{optimizations}).}
 Specifies whether the subsets used to approximate (co)in\-duc\-tive datatypes should
 be displayed as part of counterexamples. Such subsets are sometimes helpful when
@@ -2215,8 +2203,8 @@
 genuine, but they can clutter the output.
-Enabling this option effectively enables \textit{show\_skolems},
-\textit{show\_datatypes}, and \textit{show\_consts}.
+Enabling this option effectively enables \textit{show\_datatypes} and
 Specifies the maximum number of potential counterexamples to display. Setting
@@ -2258,9 +2246,6 @@
 arguments that are not accounted for are left alone, as if the specification had
 been $1,\ldots,1,n_1,\ldots,n_k$.
-{\small See also \textit{uncurry} (\S\ref{optimizations}).}
 Specifies the default format to use. Irrespective of the default format, the
 extra arguments to a Skolem constant corresponding to the outer bound variables
@@ -2454,15 +2439,6 @@
 {\small See also \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) and
 \textit{show\_consts} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
-Specifies whether the formula should be skolemized. For performance reasons,
-(positive) $\forall$-quanti\-fiers that occur in the scope of a higher-order
-(positive) $\exists$-quanti\-fier are left unchanged.
-{\small See also \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) and
-\textit{show\_skolems} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
 Specifies whether Nitpick should use Kodkod's transitive closure operator to
 encode non-well-founded ``linear inductive predicates,'' i.e., inductive
@@ -2474,15 +2450,6 @@
 {\small See also \textit{wf} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}), \textit{debug}
 (\S\ref{output-format}), and \textit{iter} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}).}
-Specifies whether Nitpick should uncurry functions. Uncurrying has on its own no
-tangible effect on efficiency, but it creates opportunities for the boxing 
-{\small See also \textit{box} (\S\ref{scope-of-search}), \textit{debug}
-(\S\ref{output-format}), and \textit{format} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
 Specifies whether Nitpick should optimize the definite and indefinite
 description operators (THE and SOME). The optimized versions usually help
@@ -2498,25 +2465,6 @@
 Unless you are tracking down a bug in Nitpick or distrust the peephole
 optimizer, you should leave this option enabled.
-Specifies an upper bound on the number of relations for which Kodkod generates
-symmetry breaking predicates. According to the Kodkod documentation
-\cite{kodkod-2009-options}, ``in general, the higher this value, the more
-symmetries will be broken, and the faster the formula will be solved. But,
-setting the value too high may have the opposite effect and slow down the
-Specifies the depth to which Kodkod should check circuits for equivalence during
-the translation to SAT. The default of 3 is the same as in Alloy. The minimum
-allowed depth is 1. Increasing the sharing may result in a smaller SAT problem,
-but can also slow down Kodkod.
-Specifies whether Kodkod should try to eliminate intermediate Boolean variables.
-Although this might sound like a good idea, in practice it can drastically slow
-down Kodkod.
 Specifies the maximum number of threads to use in Kodkod. If this option is set
 to 0, Kodkod will compute an appropriate value based on the number of processor
@@ -2569,7 +2517,7 @@
 Behind the scenes, Isabelle's built-in packages and theories rely on the
 following attributes to affect Nitpick's behavior:
@@ -2611,8 +2559,8 @@
 must be of the form
 \qquad $\lbrakk P_1;\> \ldots;\> P_m;\> M~(c\ t_{11}\ \ldots\ t_{1n});\>
-\ldots;\> M~(c\ t_{k1}\ \ldots\ t_{kn})\rbrakk \,\Longrightarrow\, c\ u_1\
-\ldots\ u_n$,
+\ldots;\> M~(c\ t_{k1}\ \ldots\ t_{kn})\rbrakk$ \\
+\hbox{}\qquad ${\Longrightarrow}\;\, c\ u_1\ \ldots\ u_n$,
 where the $P_i$'s are side conditions that do not involve $c$ and $M$ is an
 optional monotonic operator. The order of the assumptions is irrelevant.
@@ -2623,7 +2571,7 @@
 This attribute specifies the (free-form) specification of a constant defined
 using the \hbox{(\textbf{ax\_})}\allowbreak\textbf{specification} command.
 When faced with a constant, Nitpick proceeds as follows:
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -282,8 +282,7 @@
   $(SRC)/Provers/Arith/extract_common_term.ML \
   $(SRC)/Tools/Metis/metis.ML \
   Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML \
-  Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML \
-  Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML \
+  Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML \
   Tools/Groebner_Basis/groebner.ML \
   Tools/Groebner_Basis/misc.ML \
   Tools/Groebner_Basis/normalizer.ML \
@@ -319,6 +318,7 @@
   Tools/Sledgehammer/meson_tactic.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML \
+  Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML \
   Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML \
--- a/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/BigO.thy	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/BigO.thy	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
   apply (metis abs_ge_minus_self abs_ge_zero abs_minus_cancel abs_of_nonneg equation_minus_iff Orderings.xt1(6) abs_mult)
-(*** Now various verions with an increasing modulus ***)
+(*** Now various verions with an increasing shrink factor ***)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 1]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 1]
 lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::linordered_idom). 
     ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
   by (metis abs_le_iff 5 18 14)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 2]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 2]
 lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::linordered_idom). 
     ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
   by (metis 8 abs_ge_zero abs_mult_pos abs_mult 1 9 3 abs_le_iff)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 3]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 3]
 lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::linordered_idom). 
     ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 4]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 4]
 lemma (*bigo_pos_const:*) "(EX (c::'a::linordered_idom). 
     ALL x. (abs (h x)) <= (c * (abs (f x))))
--- a/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/set.thy	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Metis_Examples/set.thy	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 lemma "P(n::nat) ==> ~P(0) ==> n ~= 0"
 by metis
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 1]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 1]
 (*multiple versions of this example*)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   by (metis 31 29)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 2]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 2]
 lemma (*equal_union: *)
    "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
   by (metis 18 17)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 3]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 3]
 lemma (*equal_union: *)
    "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 (*Example included in TPHOLs paper*)
-sledgehammer_params [modulus = 4]
+sledgehammer_params [shrink_factor = 4]
 lemma (*equal_union: *)
    "(X = Y \<union> Z) =
--- a/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Mirabelle/Tools/mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -283,10 +283,7 @@
     fun default_atp_name () =
       hd (#atps (Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params thy []))
       handle Empty => error "No ATP available."
-    fun get_prover name =
-      (case ATP_Manager.get_prover thy name of
-        SOME prover => (name, prover)
-      | NONE => error ("Bad ATP: " ^ quote name))
+    fun get_prover name = (name, ATP_Manager.get_prover thy name)
     (case AList.lookup (op =) args proverK of
       SOME name => get_prover name
@@ -304,11 +301,11 @@
     val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal st
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    val change_dir = (fn SOME d => Config.put ATP_Wrapper.destdir d | _ => I)
+    val change_dir = (fn SOME d => Config.put ATP_Systems.dest_dir d | _ => I)
     val ctxt' =
       |> change_dir dir
-      |> Config.put ATP_Wrapper.measure_runtime true
+      |> Config.put ATP_Systems.measure_runtime true
     val params = Sledgehammer_Isar.default_params thy []
     val problem =
       {subgoal = 1, goal = (ctxt', (facts, goal)),
@@ -318,13 +315,14 @@
       (case hard_timeout of
         NONE => I
       | SOME secs => TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromSeconds secs))
-    val ({success, message, relevant_thm_names,
+    val ({outcome, message, relevant_thm_names,
           atp_run_time_in_msecs = time_atp, ...}: ATP_Manager.prover_result,
         time_isa) = time_limit (Mirabelle.cpu_time
                       (prover params (K "") (Time.fromSeconds timeout))) problem
-    if success then (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, relevant_thm_names))
-    else (message, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_atp))
+    case outcome of
+      NONE => (message, SH_OK (time_isa, time_atp, relevant_thm_names))
+    | SOME _ => (message, SH_FAIL (time_isa, time_atp))
   handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL => ("trivial", SH_OK (0, 0, []))
        | ERROR msg => ("error: " ^ msg, SH_ERROR)
@@ -381,17 +379,18 @@
 fun run_minimize args named_thms id ({pre=st, log, ...}: Mirabelle.run_args) =
-    open ATP_Minimal
+    open Sledgehammer_Fact_Minimizer
     open Sledgehammer_Isar
     val thy = Proof.theory_of st
     val n0 = length (these (!named_thms))
-    val (prover_name, prover) = get_atp thy args
+    val (prover_name, _) = get_atp thy args
     val timeout =
       AList.lookup (op =) args minimize_timeoutK
       |> (fst o read_int o explode)
       |> the_default 5
-    val params = default_params thy [("minimize_timeout", Int.toString timeout)]
-    val minimize = minimize_theorems params prover prover_name 1
+    val params = default_params thy
+      [("atps", prover_name), ("minimize_timeout", Int.toString timeout)]
+    val minimize = minimize_theorems params 1
     val _ = log separator
     case minimize st (these (!named_thms)) of
@@ -475,7 +474,7 @@
 fun invoke args =
-    val _ = ATP_Manager.full_types := AList.defined (op =) args full_typesK
+    val _ = Sledgehammer_Isar.full_types := AList.defined (op =) args full_typesK
   in Mirabelle.register (init, sledgehammer_action args, done) end
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mono_Nits.thy	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Mono_Nits.thy	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
   {thy = @{theory}, ctxt = @{context}, max_bisim_depth = ~1, boxes = [],
    stds = [(NONE, true)], wfs = [], user_axioms = NONE, debug = false,
    binary_ints = SOME false, destroy_constrs = false, specialize = false,
-   skolemize = false, star_linear_preds = false, uncurry = false,
-   fast_descrs = false, tac_timeout = NONE, evals = [], case_names = [],
-   def_table = def_table, nondef_table = Symtab.empty, user_nondefs = [],
+   star_linear_preds = false, fast_descrs = false, tac_timeout = NONE,
+   evals = [], case_names = [], def_table = def_table,
+   nondef_table = Symtab.empty, user_nondefs = [],
    simp_table = Unsynchronized.ref Symtab.empty, psimp_table = Symtab.empty,
    choice_spec_table = Symtab.empty, intro_table = Symtab.empty,
    ground_thm_table = Inttab.empty, ersatz_table = [],
--- a/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Special_Nits.thy	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Nitpick_Examples/Special_Nits.thy	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@
        \<and> (\<forall>u. b = u \<longrightarrow> f3 b b u b b = f3 u u b u u)"
 nitpick [expect = none]
 nitpick [dont_specialize, expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_skolemize, expect = none]
-nitpick [dont_specialize, dont_skolemize, expect = none]
 function f4 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
--- a/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Sledgehammer.thy	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
-  ("Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML")
-  ("Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML")
+  ("Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML")
+  ("Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML")
@@ -101,10 +101,11 @@
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML"
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML"
 use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML"
-use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML"
-setup ATP_Wrapper.setup
-use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML"
+use "Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML"
+setup ATP_Systems.setup
+use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML"
 use "Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML"
+setup Sledgehammer_Isar.setup
 subsection {* The MESON prover *}
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/SystemOnTPTP	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/SystemOnTPTP	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
   print $Response->content;
 }else {
-  print "Remote-script could not extract proof:\n".$Response->content;
+  print "Remote script could not extract proof:\n".$Response->content;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 signature ATP_MANAGER =
+  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.name_pool
   type relevance_override = Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter.relevance_override
   type minimize_command = Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct.minimize_command
   type params =
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
      higher_order: bool option,
      follow_defs: bool,
      isar_proof: bool,
-     modulus: int,
+     shrink_factor: int,
      sorts: bool,
      timeout: Time.time,
      minimize_timeout: Time.time}
@@ -34,29 +35,32 @@
      relevance_override: relevance_override,
      axiom_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option,
      filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option}
+  datatype failure =
+    Unprovable | TimedOut | OutOfResources | OldSpass | MalformedOutput |
+    UnknownError
   type prover_result =
-    {success: bool,
+    {outcome: failure option,
      message: string,
+     pool: name_pool option,
      relevant_thm_names: string list,
      atp_run_time_in_msecs: int,
+     output: string,
      proof: string,
      internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
+     conjecture_shape: int list list,
      filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list}
   type prover =
     params -> minimize_command -> Time.time -> problem -> prover_result
-  val atps: string Unsynchronized.ref
-  val timeout: int Unsynchronized.ref
-  val full_types: bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val kill_atps: unit -> unit
   val running_atps: unit -> unit
   val messages: int option -> unit
   val add_prover: string * prover -> theory -> theory
-  val get_prover: theory -> string -> prover option
+  val get_prover: theory -> string -> prover
   val available_atps: theory -> unit
-  val sledgehammer:
-    params -> int -> relevance_override -> (string -> minimize_command)
-    -> Proof.state -> unit
+  val start_prover_thread:
+    params -> Time.time -> Time.time -> int -> relevance_override
+    -> (string -> minimize_command) -> Proof.state -> string -> unit
 structure ATP_Manager : ATP_MANAGER =
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@
    higher_order: bool option,
    follow_defs: bool,
    isar_proof: bool,
-   modulus: int,
+   shrink_factor: int,
    sorts: bool,
    timeout: Time.time,
    minimize_timeout: Time.time}
@@ -94,13 +98,20 @@
    axiom_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option,
    filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list option};
+datatype failure =
+  Unprovable | TimedOut | OutOfResources | OldSpass | MalformedOutput |
+  UnknownError
 type prover_result =
-  {success: bool,
+  {outcome: failure option,
    message: string,
+   pool: name_pool option,
    relevant_thm_names: string list,
    atp_run_time_in_msecs: int,
+   output: string,
    proof: string,
    internal_thm_names: string Vector.vector,
+   conjecture_shape: int list list,
    filtered_clauses: (thm * (string * int)) list};
 type prover =
@@ -112,26 +123,6 @@
 val message_store_limit = 20;
 val message_display_limit = 5;
-val atps = Unsynchronized.ref "e spass remote_vampire"; (* set in "ATP_Wrapper" *)
-val timeout = Unsynchronized.ref 60;
-val full_types = Unsynchronized.ref false;
-val _ =
-  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
-    (Preferences.string_pref atps
-      "ATP: provers" "Default automatic provers (separated by whitespace)");
-val _ =
-  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
-    (Preferences.int_pref timeout
-      "ATP: timeout" "ATPs will be interrupted after this time (in seconds)");
-val _ =
-  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
-    (Preferences.bool_pref full_types
-      "ATP: full types" "ATPs will use full type information");
 (** thread management **)
@@ -172,13 +163,13 @@
   Synchronized.change global_state
   (fn state as {manager, timeout_heap, active, cancelling, messages, store} =>
     (case lookup_thread active thread of
-      SOME (birth_time, _, description) =>
+      SOME (birth_time, _, desc) =>
           val active' = delete_thread thread active;
           val now = ()
-          val cancelling' = (thread, (now, description)) :: cancelling;
+          val cancelling' = (thread, (now, desc)) :: cancelling;
           val message' =
-            description ^ "\n" ^ message ^
+            desc ^ "\n" ^ message ^
             (if verbose then
                "Total time: " ^ Int.toString (Time.toMilliseconds
                                           (Time.- (now, birth_time))) ^ " ms.\n"
@@ -246,7 +237,7 @@
           (Synchronized.timed_access global_state (SOME o time_limit o #timeout_heap) action
             |> these
-            |> (unregister params "Timed out.");
+            |> (unregister params "Timed out.\n");
             print_new_messages ();
             (*give threads some time to respond to interrupt*)
             OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
@@ -322,7 +313,7 @@
 fun err_dup_prover name = error ("Duplicate prover: " ^ quote name ^ ".");
-structure Provers = Theory_Data
+structure Data = Theory_Data
   type T = (prover * stamp) Symtab.table;
   val empty = Symtab.empty;
@@ -332,60 +323,43 @@
 fun add_prover (name, prover) thy =
- (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover, stamp ()))) thy
-    handle Symtab.DUP name => err_dup_prover name;
+ (Symtab.update_new (name, (prover, stamp ()))) thy
+  handle Symtab.DUP name => err_dup_prover name;
 fun get_prover thy name =
- #1 (Symtab.lookup (Provers.get thy) name);
+  case Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name of
+    SOME (prover, _) => prover
+  | NONE => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name)
 fun available_atps thy =
   priority ("Available ATPs: " ^
-            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Provers.get thy))) ^ ".")
+            commas (sort_strings (Symtab.keys (Data.get thy))) ^ ".")
 (* start prover thread *)
-fun start_prover (params as {timeout, ...}) birth_time death_time i
-                 relevance_override minimize_command proof_state name =
-  (case get_prover (Proof.theory_of proof_state) name of
-    NONE => warning ("Unknown ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
-  | SOME prover =>
+fun start_prover_thread (params as {timeout, ...}) birth_time death_time i
+                        relevance_override minimize_command proof_state name =
+  let
+    val prover = get_prover (Proof.theory_of proof_state) name
+    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal proof_state;
+    val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
+    val desc =
+      "ATP " ^ quote name ^ " for subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":\n" ^
+      Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i));
+    val _ = Toplevel.thread true (fn () =>
-        val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal proof_state;
-        val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
-        val desc =
-          "ATP " ^ quote name ^ " for subgoal " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":\n" ^
-            Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of goal i));
-        val _ = Toplevel.thread true (fn () =>
-          let
-            val _ = register params birth_time death_time (Thread.self (), desc)
-            val problem =
-              {subgoal = i, goal = (ctxt, (facts, goal)),
-               relevance_override = relevance_override, axiom_clauses = NONE,
-               filtered_clauses = NONE}
-            val message =
-              #message (prover params (minimize_command name) timeout problem)
-              handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL =>
-                  metis_line i n []
-                | ERROR msg => "Error: " ^ msg ^ ".\n";
-            val _ = unregister params message (Thread.self ());
-          in () end);
-      in () end);
-(* Sledgehammer the given subgoal *)
-fun sledgehammer (params as {atps, timeout, ...}) i relevance_override
-                 minimize_command proof_state =
-  let
-    val birth_time = ()
-    val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
-    val _ = kill_atps () (* RACE w.r.t. other invocations of Sledgehammer *)
-    val _ = priority "Sledgehammering..."
-    val _ = (start_prover params birth_time death_time i
-                                   relevance_override minimize_command
-                                   proof_state) atps
+        val _ = register params birth_time death_time (Thread.self (), desc)
+        val problem =
+          {subgoal = i, goal = (ctxt, (facts, goal)),
+           relevance_override = relevance_override, axiom_clauses = NONE,
+           filtered_clauses = NONE}
+        val message =
+          #message (prover params (minimize_command name) timeout problem)
+          handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL => metis_line i n []
+               | ERROR message => "Error: " ^ message ^ "\n"
+        val _ = unregister params message (Thread.self ());
+      in () end)
   in () end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_minimal.ML
-    Author:     Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
-Minimization of theorem list for Metis using automatic theorem provers.
-signature ATP_MINIMAL =
-  type params = ATP_Manager.params
-  type prover = ATP_Manager.prover
-  type prover_result = ATP_Manager.prover_result
-  val minimize_theorems :
-    params -> prover -> string -> int -> Proof.state -> (string * thm list) list
-    -> (string * thm list) list option * string
-structure ATP_Minimal : ATP_MINIMAL =
-open Sledgehammer_Util
-open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
-open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Manager
-(* Linear minimization algorithm *)
-fun linear_minimize test s =
-  let
-    fun aux [] p = p
-      | aux (x :: xs) (needed, result) =
-        case test (xs @ needed) of
-          SOME result => aux xs (needed, result)
-        | NONE => aux xs (x :: needed, result)
-  in aux s end
-(* failure check and producing answer *)
-datatype outcome = Success | Failure | Timeout | Error
-val string_of_outcome =
-  fn Success => "Success"
-   | Failure => "Failure"
-   | Timeout => "Timeout"
-   | Error => "Error"
-val failure_strings =
-  [("SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time.", Timeout),
-   ("Timeout", Timeout),
-   ("time limit exceeded", Timeout),
-   ("# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit", Timeout),
-   ("Error", Error)]
-fun outcome_of_result (result as {success, proof, ...} : prover_result) =
-  if success then
-    Success
-  else case get_first (fn (s, outcome) =>
-                          if String.isSubstring s proof then SOME outcome
-                          else NONE) failure_strings of
-    SOME outcome => outcome
-  | NONE => Failure
-(* wrapper for calling external prover *)
-fun sledgehammer_test_theorems (params as {full_types, ...} : params) prover
-        timeout subgoal state filtered_clauses name_thms_pairs =
-  let
-    val num_theorems = length name_thms_pairs
-    val _ = priority ("Testing " ^ string_of_int num_theorems ^
-                      " theorem" ^ plural_s num_theorems ^ "...")
-    val name_thm_pairs = maps (fn (n, ths) => map (pair n) ths) name_thms_pairs
-    val axclauses = cnf_rules_pairs (Proof.theory_of state) name_thm_pairs
-    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal state
-    val problem =
-     {subgoal = subgoal, goal = (ctxt, (facts, goal)),
-      relevance_override = {add = [], del = [], only = false},
-      axiom_clauses = SOME axclauses,
-      filtered_clauses = SOME (the_default axclauses filtered_clauses)}
-  in
-    `outcome_of_result (prover params (K "") timeout problem)
-    |>> tap (priority o string_of_outcome)
-  end
-(* minimalization of thms *)
-fun minimize_theorems (params as {debug, minimize_timeout, isar_proof, modulus,
-                                  sorts, ...})
-                      prover atp_name i state name_thms_pairs =
-  let
-    val msecs = Time.toMilliseconds minimize_timeout
-    val n = length name_thms_pairs
-    val _ =
-      priority ("Sledgehammer minimizer: ATP " ^ quote atp_name ^
-                " with a time limit of " ^ string_of_int msecs ^ " ms.")
-    val test_thms_fun =
-      sledgehammer_test_theorems params prover minimize_timeout i state
-    fun test_thms filtered thms =
-      case test_thms_fun filtered thms of
-        (Success, result) => SOME result
-      | _ => NONE
-    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal state;
-    val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
-  in
-    (* try prove first to check result and get used theorems *)
-    (case test_thms_fun NONE name_thms_pairs of
-      (Success, result as {internal_thm_names, filtered_clauses, ...}) =>
-        let
-          val used = internal_thm_names |> Vector.foldr (op ::) []
-                                        |> sort_distinct string_ord
-          val to_use =
-            if length used < length name_thms_pairs then
-              filter (fn (name1, _) => List.exists (curry (op =) name1) used)
-                     name_thms_pairs
-            else name_thms_pairs
-          val (min_thms, {proof, internal_thm_names, ...}) =
-            linear_minimize (test_thms (SOME filtered_clauses)) to_use
-                            ([], result)
-          val n = length min_thms
-          val _ = priority (cat_lines
-            ["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n] ^ ".")
-        in
-          (SOME min_thms,
-           proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt
-                      (K "", proof, internal_thm_names, goal, i) |> fst)
-        end
-    | (Timeout, _) =>
-        (NONE, "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
-               \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
-               string_of_int (10 + msecs div 1000) ^ " s\").")
-    | (Error, {message, ...}) => (NONE, "ATP error: " ^ message)
-    | (Failure, _) =>
-        (* Failure sometimes mean timeout, unfortunately. *)
-        (NONE, "Failure: No proof was found with the current time limit. You \
-               \can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
-               \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
-               string_of_int (10 + msecs div 1000) ^ " s\")."))
-    handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL =>
-        (SOME [], metis_line i n [])
-      | ERROR msg => (NONE, "Error: " ^ msg)
-  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_systems.ML
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Setup for supported ATPs.
+signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
+  type prover = ATP_Manager.prover
+  (* hooks for problem files *)
+  val dest_dir : string Config.T
+  val problem_prefix : string Config.T
+  val measure_runtime : bool Config.T
+  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
+  val default_atps_param_value : unit -> string
+  val setup : theory -> theory
+structure ATP_Systems : ATP_SYSTEMS =
+open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
+open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
+open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
+open ATP_Manager
+(** generic ATP **)
+(* external problem files *)
+val (dest_dir, dest_dir_setup) = Attrib.config_string "atp_dest_dir" (K "");
+  (*Empty string means create files in Isabelle's temporary files directory.*)
+val (problem_prefix, problem_prefix_setup) =
+  Attrib.config_string "atp_problem_prefix" (K "prob");
+val (measure_runtime, measure_runtime_setup) =
+  Attrib.config_bool "atp_measure_runtime" (K false);
+(* prover configuration *)
+type prover_config =
+  {home: string,
+   executable: string,
+   arguments: Time.time -> string,
+   proof_delims: (string * string) list,
+   known_failures: (failure * string) list,
+   max_axiom_clauses: int,
+   prefers_theory_relevant: bool};
+(* basic template *)
+val remotify = prefix "remote_"
+fun with_path cleanup after f path =
+  Exn.capture f path
+  |> tap (fn _ => cleanup path)
+  |> Exn.release
+  |> tap (after path)
+(* Splits by the first possible of a list of delimiters. *)
+fun extract_proof delims output =
+  case pairself (find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s output))
+                (ListPair.unzip delims) of
+    (SOME begin_delim, SOME end_delim) =>
+    output |> first_field begin_delim |> the |> snd
+           |> first_field end_delim |> the |> fst
+  | _ => ""
+fun extract_proof_and_outcome res_code proof_delims known_failures output =
+  case map_filter (fn (failure, pattern) =>
+                      if String.isSubstring pattern output then SOME failure
+                      else NONE) known_failures of
+    [] => (case extract_proof proof_delims output of
+             "" => ("", SOME UnknownError)
+           | proof => if res_code = 0 then (proof, NONE)
+                      else ("", SOME UnknownError))
+  | (failure :: _) => ("", SOME failure)
+fun string_for_failure Unprovable = "The ATP problem is unprovable."
+  | string_for_failure TimedOut = "Timed out."
+  | string_for_failure OutOfResources = "The ATP ran out of resources."
+  | string_for_failure OldSpass =
+    (* FIXME: Change the error message below to point to the Isabelle download
+       page once the package is there (around the Isabelle2010 release). *)
+    "Warning: Sledgehammer requires a more recent version of SPASS with \
+    \support for the TPTP syntax. To install it, download and untar the \
+    \package \"\" and add the \
+    \\"spass-3.7\" directory's full path to \"" ^
+    Path.implode (Path.expand (Path.appends
+        (Path.variable "ISABELLE_HOME_USER" ::
+         map Path.basic ["etc", "components"]))) ^
+    "\" on a line of its own."
+  | string_for_failure MalformedOutput = "Error: The ATP output is malformed."
+  | string_for_failure UnknownError = "Error: An unknown ATP error occurred."
+fun shape_of_clauses _ [] = []
+  | shape_of_clauses j ([] :: clauses) = [] :: shape_of_clauses j clauses
+  | shape_of_clauses j ((lit :: lits) :: clauses) =
+    let val shape = shape_of_clauses (j + 1) (lits :: clauses) in
+      (j :: hd shape) :: tl shape
+    end
+fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file home executable args
+        proof_delims known_failures name
+        ({debug, full_types, explicit_apply, isar_proof, shrink_factor, sorts,
+         ...} : params) minimize_command
+        ({subgoal, goal, relevance_override, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses}
+         : problem) =
+  let
+    (* get clauses and prepare them for writing *)
+    val (ctxt, (chain_ths, th)) = goal;
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
+    val chain_ths = map (Thm.put_name_hint chained_hint) chain_ths;
+    val goal_clss = #1 (neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th subgoal)
+    val goal_cls = List.concat goal_clss
+    val the_filtered_clauses =
+      (case filtered_clauses of
+        NONE => get_facts relevance_override goal goal_cls
+      | SOME fcls => fcls);
+    val the_axiom_clauses =
+      (case axiom_clauses of
+        NONE => the_filtered_clauses
+      | SOME axcls => axcls);
+    val (internal_thm_names, clauses) =
+      prepare goal_cls chain_ths the_axiom_clauses the_filtered_clauses thy;
+    (* path to unique problem file *)
+    val the_dest_dir = if overlord then getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER"
+                       else Config.get ctxt dest_dir;
+    val the_problem_prefix = Config.get ctxt problem_prefix;
+    fun prob_pathname nr =
+      let
+        val probfile =
+          Path.basic (the_problem_prefix ^
+                      (if overlord then "_" ^ name else serial_string ())
+                      ^ "_" ^ string_of_int nr)
+      in
+        if the_dest_dir = "" then File.tmp_path probfile
+        else if File.exists (Path.explode the_dest_dir)
+        then Path.append (Path.explode the_dest_dir) probfile
+        else error ("No such directory: " ^ the_dest_dir ^ ".")
+      end;
+    val command = Path.explode (home ^ "/" ^ executable)
+    (* write out problem file and call prover *)
+    fun command_line probfile =
+      (if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then
+         "TIMEFORMAT='%3U'; { time " ^
+         space_implode " " [File.shell_path command, args,
+                            File.shell_path probfile] ^ " ; } 2>&1"
+       else
+         space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path command, args,
+                            File.shell_path probfile, "2>&1"]) ^
+      (if overlord then
+         " | sed 's/,/, /g' \
+         \| sed 's/\\([^!=]\\)\\([=|]\\)\\([^=]\\)/\\1 \\2 \\3/g' \
+         \| sed 's/! =/ !=/g' \
+         \| sed 's/  / /g' | sed 's/| |/||/g' \
+         \| sed 's/ = = =/===/g' \
+         \| sed 's/= = /== /g'"
+       else
+         "")
+    fun split_time s =
+      let
+        val split = String.tokens (fn c => str c = "\n");
+        val (output, t) = s |> split |> split_last |> apfst cat_lines;
+        fun as_num f = f >> (fst o read_int);
+        val num = as_num (Scan.many1 Symbol.is_ascii_digit);
+        val digit = Symbol.is_ascii_digit;
+        val num3 = as_num (digit ::: digit ::: (digit >> single));
+        val time = num --| Scan.$$ "." -- num3 >> (fn (a, b) => a * 1000 + b);
+        val as_time = the_default 0 o Symbol.stopper time o explode;
+      in (output, as_time t) end;
+    fun split_time' s =
+      if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time s else (s, 0)
+    fun run_on probfile =
+      if File.exists command then
+        write_file full_types explicit_apply probfile clauses
+        |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (command_line probfile)))
+      else
+        error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode command ^ ".");
+    (* If the problem file has not been exported, remove it; otherwise, export
+       the proof file too. *)
+    fun cleanup probfile =
+      if the_dest_dir = "" then try File.rm probfile else NONE
+    fun export probfile (((output, _), _), _) =
+      if the_dest_dir = "" then
+        ()
+      else
+        File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode probfile ^ "_proof"))
+                   ((if overlord then
+                       "% " ^ command_line probfile ^ "\n% " ^ timestamp () ^
+                       "\n"
+                     else
+                       "") ^ output)
+    val (((output, atp_run_time_in_msecs), res_code),
+         (pool, conjecture_offset)) =
+      with_path cleanup export run_on (prob_pathname subgoal);
+    val conjecture_shape = shape_of_clauses (conjecture_offset + 1) goal_clss
+    (* Check for success and print out some information on failure. *)
+    val (proof, outcome) =
+      extract_proof_and_outcome res_code proof_delims known_failures output
+    val (message, relevant_thm_names) =
+      case outcome of
+        NONE =>
+        proof_text isar_proof
+                   (pool, debug, shrink_factor, sorts, ctxt, conjecture_shape)
+                   (minimize_command, proof, internal_thm_names, th, subgoal)
+      | SOME failure => (string_for_failure failure ^ "\n", [])
+  in
+    {outcome = outcome, message = message, pool = pool,
+     relevant_thm_names = relevant_thm_names,
+     atp_run_time_in_msecs = atp_run_time_in_msecs, output = output,
+     proof = proof, internal_thm_names = internal_thm_names,
+     conjecture_shape = conjecture_shape,
+     filtered_clauses = the_filtered_clauses}
+  end;
+(* generic TPTP-based provers *)
+fun generic_tptp_prover
+        (name, {home, executable, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures,
+                max_axiom_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant})
+        (params as {debug, overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold,
+                    convergence, theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs,
+                    isar_proof, ...})
+        minimize_command timeout =
+  generic_prover overlord
+      (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
+                          higher_order follow_defs max_axiom_clauses
+                          (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
+      (prepare_clauses higher_order false)
+      (write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord)) home
+      executable (arguments timeout) proof_delims known_failures name params
+      minimize_command
+fun tptp_prover name p = (name, generic_tptp_prover (name, p));
+(** common provers **)
+fun to_generous_secs time = (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000
+(* Vampire *)
+(* Vampire requires an explicit time limit. *)
+val vampire_config : prover_config =
+  {home = getenv "VAMPIRE_HOME",
+   executable = "vampire",
+   arguments = fn timeout =>
+     "--output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t " ^
+     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
+   proof_delims = [("=========== Refutation ==========",
+                    "======= End of refutation =======")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
+      (OutOfResources, "CANNOT PROVE"),
+      (OutOfResources, "Refutation not found")],
+   max_axiom_clauses = 60,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
+val vampire = tptp_prover "vampire" vampire_config
+(* E prover *)
+val tstp_proof_delims =
+  ("# SZS output start CNFRefutation.", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation")
+val e_config : prover_config =
+  {home = getenv "E_HOME",
+   executable = "eproof",
+   arguments = fn timeout =>
+     "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
+     string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
+   proof_delims = [tstp_proof_delims],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "SZS status: Satisfiable"),
+      (Unprovable, "SZS status Satisfiable"),
+      (TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
+      (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded"),
+      (OutOfResources,
+       "# Cannot determine problem status within resource limit"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SZS status: ResourceOut"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SZS status ResourceOut")],
+   max_axiom_clauses = 100,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
+val e = tptp_prover "e" e_config
+(* SPASS *)
+fun generic_dfg_prover
+        (name, {home, executable, arguments, proof_delims, known_failures,
+                max_axiom_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant})
+        (params as {overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold, convergence,
+                    theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs, ...})
+        minimize_command timeout =
+  generic_prover overlord
+      (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
+                          higher_order follow_defs max_axiom_clauses
+                          (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
+      (prepare_clauses higher_order true) write_dfg_file home executable
+      (arguments timeout) proof_delims known_failures name params
+      minimize_command
+fun dfg_prover name p = (name, generic_dfg_prover (name, p))
+(* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
+   counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
+val spass_config : prover_config =
+  {home = getenv "SPASS_HOME",
+   executable = "SPASS",
+   arguments = fn timeout =>
+     "-Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
+     \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout),
+   proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
+   known_failures =
+     [(Unprovable, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
+      (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
+      (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded")],
+   max_axiom_clauses = 40,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = true}
+val spass = dfg_prover "spass" spass_config
+(* SPASS 3.7 supports both the DFG and the TPTP syntax, whereas SPASS 3.0
+   supports only the DFG syntax. As soon as all Isabelle repository/snapshot
+   users have upgraded to 3.7, we can kill "spass" (and all DFG support in
+   Sledgehammer) and rename "spass_tptp" "spass". *)
+val spass_tptp_config =
+  {home = #home spass_config,
+   executable = #executable spass_config,
+   arguments = prefix "-TPTP " o #arguments spass_config,
+   proof_delims = #proof_delims spass_config,
+   known_failures =
+     #known_failures spass_config @
+     [(OldSpass, "unrecognized option `-TPTP'"),
+      (OldSpass, "Unrecognized option TPTP")],
+   max_axiom_clauses = #max_axiom_clauses spass_config,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = #prefers_theory_relevant spass_config}
+val spass_tptp = tptp_prover "spass_tptp" spass_tptp_config
+(* remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
+val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_systems" ([]: string list);
+fun get_systems () =
+  case bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER/SystemOnTPTP\" -w" of
+    (answer, 0) => split_lines answer
+  | (answer, _) =>
+    error ("Failed to get available systems at SystemOnTPTP:\n" ^ answer)
+fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
+  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ());
+fun get_system prefix = Synchronized.change_result systems (fn systems =>
+  (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
+  |> `(find_first (String.isPrefix prefix)));
+fun the_system prefix =
+  (case get_system prefix of
+    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^
+                   " not available at SystemOnTPTP.")
+  | SOME sys => sys);
+val remote_known_failures =
+  [(TimedOut, "says Timeout"),
+   (MalformedOutput, "Remote script could not extract proof")]
+fun remote_prover_config atp_prefix args
+        ({proof_delims, known_failures, max_axiom_clauses,
+          prefers_theory_relevant, ...} : prover_config) : prover_config =
+  {home = getenv "ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER",
+   executable = "SystemOnTPTP",
+   arguments = fn timeout =>
+     args ^ " -t " ^ string_of_int (to_generous_secs timeout) ^ " -s " ^
+     the_system atp_prefix,
+   proof_delims = insert (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
+   known_failures = remote_known_failures @ known_failures,
+   max_axiom_clauses = max_axiom_clauses,
+   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant}
+val remote_vampire =
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst vampire))
+              (remote_prover_config "Vampire---9" "" vampire_config)
+val remote_e =
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst e))
+              (remote_prover_config "EP---" "" e_config)
+val remote_spass =
+  tptp_prover (remotify (fst spass))
+              (remote_prover_config "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config)
+fun maybe_remote (name, _) ({home, ...} : prover_config) =
+  name |> home = "" ? remotify
+fun default_atps_param_value () =
+  space_implode " " [maybe_remote e e_config, maybe_remote spass spass_config,
+                     remotify (fst vampire)]
+val provers =
+  [spass, spass_tptp, vampire, e, remote_vampire, remote_spass, remote_e]
+val prover_setup = fold add_prover provers
+val setup =
+  dest_dir_setup
+  #> problem_prefix_setup
+  #> measure_runtime_setup
+  #> prover_setup
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML
-    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
-Wrapper functions for external ATPs.
-signature ATP_WRAPPER =
-  type prover = ATP_Manager.prover
-  (* hooks for problem files *)
-  val destdir : string Config.T
-  val problem_prefix : string Config.T
-  val measure_runtime : bool Config.T
-  val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
-  val setup : theory -> theory
-structure ATP_Wrapper : ATP_WRAPPER =
-open Sledgehammer_Util
-open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
-open Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause
-open Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter
-open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
-open ATP_Manager
-(** generic ATP wrapper **)
-(* external problem files *)
-val (destdir, destdir_setup) = Attrib.config_string "atp_destdir" (K "");
-  (*Empty string means create files in Isabelle's temporary files directory.*)
-val (problem_prefix, problem_prefix_setup) =
-  Attrib.config_string "atp_problem_prefix" (K "prob");
-val (measure_runtime, measure_runtime_setup) =
-  Attrib.config_bool "atp_measure_runtime" (K false);
-(* prover configuration *)
-val remotify = prefix "remote_"
-type prover_config =
- {home: string,
-  executable: string,
-  arguments: Time.time -> string,
-  known_failures: (string list * string) list,
-  max_new_clauses: int,
-  prefers_theory_relevant: bool};
-(* basic template *)
-fun with_path cleanup after f path =
-  Exn.capture f path
-  |> tap (fn _ => cleanup path)
-  |> Exn.release
-  |> tap (after path);
-fun find_known_failure known_failures proof =
-  case map_filter (fn (patterns, message) =>
-                      if exists (fn pattern => String.isSubstring pattern proof)
-                                patterns then
-                        SOME message
-                      else
-                        NONE) known_failures of
-    [] => if is_proof_well_formed proof then ""
-          else "Error: The ATP output is ill-formed."
-  | (message :: _) => message
-fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file home executable args
-        known_failures name
-        ({debug, full_types, explicit_apply, isar_proof, modulus, sorts, ...}
-         : params) minimize_command
-        ({subgoal, goal, relevance_override, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses}
-         : problem) =
-  let
-    (* get clauses and prepare them for writing *)
-    val (ctxt, (chain_ths, th)) = goal;
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val chain_ths = map (Thm.put_name_hint chained_hint) chain_ths;
-    val goal_cls = #1 (neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt th subgoal);
-    val the_filtered_clauses =
-      (case filtered_clauses of
-        NONE => get_facts relevance_override goal goal_cls
-      | SOME fcls => fcls);
-    val the_axiom_clauses =
-      (case axiom_clauses of
-        NONE => the_filtered_clauses
-      | SOME axcls => axcls);
-    val (internal_thm_names, clauses) =
-      prepare goal_cls chain_ths the_axiom_clauses the_filtered_clauses thy;
-    (* path to unique problem file *)
-    val destdir' = if overlord then getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER"
-                   else Config.get ctxt destdir;
-    val problem_prefix' = Config.get ctxt problem_prefix;
-    fun prob_pathname nr =
-      let
-        val probfile =
-          Path.basic (problem_prefix' ^
-                      (if overlord then "_" ^ name else serial_string ())
-                      ^ "_" ^ string_of_int nr)
-      in
-        if destdir' = "" then File.tmp_path probfile
-        else if File.exists (Path.explode destdir')
-        then Path.append (Path.explode destdir') probfile
-        else error ("No such directory: " ^ destdir' ^ ".")
-      end;
-    val command = Path.explode (home ^ "/" ^ executable)
-    (* write out problem file and call prover *)
-    fun command_line probfile =
-      (if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then
-         "TIMEFORMAT='%3U'; { time " ^
-         space_implode " " [File.shell_path command, args,
-                            File.shell_path probfile] ^ " ; } 2>&1"
-       else
-         space_implode " " ["exec", File.shell_path command, args,
-                            File.shell_path probfile, "2>&1"]) ^
-      (if overlord then
-         " | sed 's/,/, /g' \
-         \| sed 's/\\([^!=]\\)\\([=|]\\)\\([^=]\\)/\\1 \\2 \\3/g' \
-         \| sed 's/! =/ !=/g' \
-         \| sed 's/  / /g' | sed 's/| |/||/g' \
-         \| sed 's/ = = =/===/g' \
-         \| sed 's/= = /== /g'"
-       else
-         "")
-    fun split_time s =
-      let
-        val split = String.tokens (fn c => str c = "\n");
-        val (proof, t) = s |> split |> split_last |> apfst cat_lines;
-        fun as_num f = f >> (fst o read_int);
-        val num = as_num (Scan.many1 Symbol.is_ascii_digit);
-        val digit = Symbol.is_ascii_digit;
-        val num3 = as_num (digit ::: digit ::: (digit >> single));
-        val time = num --| Scan.$$ "." -- num3 >> (fn (a, b) => a * 1000 + b);
-        val as_time = the_default 0 o Symbol.stopper time o explode;
-      in (proof, as_time t) end;
-    fun split_time' s =
-      if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time s else (s, 0)
-    fun run_on probfile =
-      if File.exists command then
-        write_file full_types explicit_apply probfile clauses
-        |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (command_line probfile)))
-      else error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode command ^ ".");
-    (* If the problem file has not been exported, remove it; otherwise, export
-       the proof file too. *)
-    fun cleanup probfile = if destdir' = "" then try File.rm probfile else NONE;
-    fun export probfile (((proof, _), _), _) =
-      if destdir' = "" then
-        ()
-      else
-        File.write (Path.explode (Path.implode probfile ^ "_proof"))
-                   ((if overlord then
-                       "% " ^ command_line probfile ^ "\n% " ^ timestamp () ^
-                       "\n"
-                     else
-                        "") ^ proof)
-    val (((proof, atp_run_time_in_msecs), rc), _) =
-      with_path cleanup export run_on (prob_pathname subgoal);
-    (* Check for success and print out some information on failure. *)
-    val failure = find_known_failure known_failures proof;
-    val success = rc = 0 andalso failure = "";
-    val (message, relevant_thm_names) =
-      if success then
-        proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt
-                   (minimize_command, proof, internal_thm_names, th, subgoal)
-      else if failure <> "" then
-        (failure ^ "\n", [])
-      else
-        ("Unknown ATP error: " ^ proof ^ ".\n", [])
-  in
-    {success = success, message = message,
-     relevant_thm_names = relevant_thm_names,
-     atp_run_time_in_msecs = atp_run_time_in_msecs, proof = proof,
-     internal_thm_names = internal_thm_names,
-     filtered_clauses = the_filtered_clauses}
-  end;
-(* generic TPTP-based provers *)
-fun generic_tptp_prover
-        (name, {home, executable, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
-                prefers_theory_relevant})
-        (params as {debug, overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold,
-                    convergence, theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs,
-                    isar_proof, ...})
-        minimize_command timeout =
-  generic_prover overlord
-      (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
-                          higher_order follow_defs max_new_clauses
-                          (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
-      (prepare_clauses higher_order false)
-      (write_tptp_file (debug andalso overlord andalso not isar_proof)) home
-      executable (arguments timeout) known_failures name params minimize_command
-fun tptp_prover name p = (name, generic_tptp_prover (name, p));
-(** common provers **)
-fun generous_to_secs time = (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000
-(* Vampire *)
-(* Vampire requires an explicit time limit. *)
-val vampire_config : prover_config =
-  {home = getenv "VAMPIRE_HOME",
-   executable = "vampire",
-   arguments = (fn timeout => "--output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t " ^
-                              string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
-   known_failures =
-     [(["Satisfiability detected", "CANNOT PROVE"],
-       "The ATP problem is unprovable."),
-      (["Refutation not found"],
-       "The ATP failed to determine the problem's status.")],
-   max_new_clauses = 60,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
-val vampire = tptp_prover "vampire" vampire_config
-(* E prover *)
-val e_config : prover_config =
-  {home = getenv "E_HOME",
-   executable = "eproof",
-   arguments = (fn timeout => "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev \
-                              \-tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^
-                              string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
-   known_failures =
-       [(["SZS status: Satisfiable", "SZS status Satisfiable"],
-         "The ATP problem is unprovable."),
-        (["SZS status: ResourceOut", "SZS status ResourceOut"],
-         "The ATP ran out of resources."),
-        (["# Cannot determine problem status"],
-         "The ATP failed to determine the problem's status.")],
-   max_new_clauses = 100,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = false}
-val e = tptp_prover "e" e_config
-(* SPASS *)
-fun generic_dfg_prover
-        (name, {home, executable, arguments, known_failures, max_new_clauses,
-                prefers_theory_relevant})
-        (params as {overlord, respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold, convergence,
-                    theory_relevant, higher_order, follow_defs, ...})
-        minimize_command timeout =
-  generic_prover overlord
-      (get_relevant_facts respect_no_atp relevance_threshold convergence
-                          higher_order follow_defs max_new_clauses
-                          (the_default prefers_theory_relevant theory_relevant))
-      (prepare_clauses higher_order true) write_dfg_file home executable
-      (arguments timeout) known_failures name params minimize_command
-fun dfg_prover name p = (name, generic_dfg_prover (name, p))
-(* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
-   counteracting the presence of "hAPP". *)
-val spass_config : prover_config =
-  {home = getenv "SPASS_HOME",
-   executable = "SPASS",
-   arguments = (fn timeout => "-Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0" ^
-     " -FullRed=0 -DocProof -VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^
-     string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout)),
-   known_failures =
-     [(["SPASS beiseite: Completion found."], "The ATP problem is unprovable."),
-      (["SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time."], "The ATP timed out."),
-      (["SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded."],
-       "The ATP hit its loop limit.")],
-   max_new_clauses = 40,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = true}
-val spass = dfg_prover "spass" spass_config
-(* SPASS 3.7 supports both the DFG and the TPTP syntax, whereas SPASS 3.0
-   supports only the DFG syntax. As soon as all Isabelle repository/snapshot
-   users have upgraded to 3.7, we can kill "spass" (and all DFG support in
-   Sledgehammer) and rename "spass_tptp" "spass". *)
-(* FIXME: Change the error message below to point to the Isabelle download
-   page once the package is there (around the Isabelle2010 release). *)
-val spass_tptp_config =
-  {home = #home spass_config,
-   executable = #executable spass_config,
-   arguments = prefix "-TPTP " o #arguments spass_config,
-   known_failures =
-     #known_failures spass_config @
-     [(["unrecognized option `-TPTP'", "Unrecognized option TPTP"],
-       "Warning: Sledgehammer requires a more recent version of SPASS with \
-       \support for the TPTP syntax. To install it, download and untar the \
-       \package \"\" and add \
-       \the \"spass-3.7\" directory's full path to \"" ^
-       Path.implode (Path.expand (Path.appends
-           (Path.variable "ISABELLE_HOME_USER" ::
-            map Path.basic ["etc", "components"]))) ^
-       "\" on a line of its own.")],
-   max_new_clauses = #max_new_clauses spass_config,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = #prefers_theory_relevant spass_config}
-val spass_tptp = tptp_prover "spass_tptp" spass_tptp_config
-(* remote prover invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
-val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_wrapper_systems" ([]: string list);
-fun get_systems () =
-  let
-    val (answer, rc) = bash_output "\"$ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER/SystemOnTPTP\" -w"
-  in
-    if rc <> 0 then
-      error ("Failed to get available systems at SystemOnTPTP:\n" ^ answer)
-    else
-      split_lines answer
-  end;
-fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
-  Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ());
-fun get_system prefix = Synchronized.change_result systems (fn systems =>
-  (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
-  |> `(find_first (String.isPrefix prefix)));
-fun the_system prefix =
-  (case get_system prefix of
-    NONE => error ("System " ^ quote prefix ^ " not available at SystemOnTPTP")
-  | SOME sys => sys);
-val remote_known_failures =
-  [(["Remote-script could not extract proof"],
-    "Error: The remote ATP proof is ill-formed.")]
-fun remote_prover_config prover_prefix args
-        ({known_failures, max_new_clauses, prefers_theory_relevant, ...}
-         : prover_config) : prover_config =
-  {home = getenv "ISABELLE_ATP_MANAGER",
-   executable = "SystemOnTPTP",
-   arguments = (fn timeout =>
-     args ^ " -t " ^ string_of_int (generous_to_secs timeout) ^ " -s " ^
-     the_system prover_prefix),
-   known_failures = remote_known_failures @ known_failures,
-   max_new_clauses = max_new_clauses,
-   prefers_theory_relevant = prefers_theory_relevant}
-val remote_vampire =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst vampire))
-              (remote_prover_config "Vampire---9" "" vampire_config)
-val remote_e =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst e))
-              (remote_prover_config "EP---" "" e_config)
-val remote_spass =
-  tptp_prover (remotify (fst spass))
-              (remote_prover_config "SPASS---" "-x" spass_config)
-val provers =
-  [spass, spass_tptp, vampire, e, remote_vampire, remote_spass, remote_e]
-val prover_setup = fold add_prover provers
-val setup =
-  destdir_setup
-  #> problem_prefix_setup
-  #> measure_runtime_setup
-  #> prover_setup;
-fun maybe_remote (name, _) ({home, ...} : prover_config) =
-  name |> home = "" ? remotify
-val _ = atps := ([maybe_remote e e_config, maybe_remote spass spass_config,
-                  remotify (fst vampire)] |> space_implode " ")
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/HISTORY	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/HISTORY	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
   * Fixed soundness bug related to higher-order constructors
   * Added cache to speed up repeated Kodkod invocations on the same problems
   * Renamed "MiniSatJNI", "zChaffJNI", "BerkMinAlloy", and "SAT4JLight" to
- 	"MiniSat_JNI", "zChaff_JNI", "BerkMin_Alloy", and "SAT4J_Light"
+    "MiniSat_JNI", "zChaff_JNI", "BerkMin_Alloy", and "SAT4J_Light"
+  * Removed "skolemize", "uncurry", "sym_break", "flatten_prop",
+    "sharing_depth", and "show_skolems" options
 Version 2009-1
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -120,11 +120,10 @@
     AssignRelReg of n_ary_index * rel_expr |
     AssignIntReg of int * int_expr
-  type 'a fold_expr_funcs = {
-    formula_func: formula -> 'a -> 'a,
-    rel_expr_func: rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a,
-    int_expr_func: int_expr -> 'a -> 'a
-  }
+  type 'a fold_expr_funcs =
+    {formula_func: formula -> 'a -> 'a,
+     rel_expr_func: rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a,
+     int_expr_func: int_expr -> 'a -> 'a}
   val fold_formula : 'a fold_expr_funcs -> formula -> 'a -> 'a
   val fold_rel_expr : 'a fold_expr_funcs -> rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a
@@ -132,10 +131,9 @@
   val fold_decl : 'a fold_expr_funcs -> decl -> 'a -> 'a
   val fold_expr_assign : 'a fold_expr_funcs -> expr_assign -> 'a -> 'a
-  type 'a fold_tuple_funcs = {
-    tuple_func: tuple -> 'a -> 'a,
-    tuple_set_func: tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a
-  }
+  type 'a fold_tuple_funcs =
+    {tuple_func: tuple -> 'a -> 'a,
+     tuple_set_func: tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a}
   val fold_tuple : 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> tuple -> 'a -> 'a
   val fold_tuple_set : 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a
@@ -144,15 +142,15 @@
       'a fold_expr_funcs -> 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> bound -> 'a -> 'a
   val fold_int_bound : 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> int_bound -> 'a -> 'a
-  type problem = {
-    comment: string,
-    settings: setting list,
-    univ_card: int,
-    tuple_assigns: tuple_assign list,
-    bounds: bound list,
-    int_bounds: int_bound list,
-    expr_assigns: expr_assign list,
-    formula: formula}
+  type problem =
+    {comment: string,
+     settings: setting list,
+     univ_card: int,
+     tuple_assigns: tuple_assign list,
+     bounds: bound list,
+     int_bounds: int_bound list,
+     expr_assigns: expr_assign list,
+     formula: formula}
   type raw_bound = n_ary_index * int list list
@@ -291,15 +289,15 @@
   AssignRelReg of n_ary_index * rel_expr |
   AssignIntReg of int * int_expr
-type problem = {
-  comment: string,
-  settings: setting list,
-  univ_card: int,
-  tuple_assigns: tuple_assign list,
-  bounds: bound list,
-  int_bounds: int_bound list,
-  expr_assigns: expr_assign list,
-  formula: formula}
+type problem =
+  {comment: string,
+   settings: setting list,
+   univ_card: int,
+   tuple_assigns: tuple_assign list,
+   bounds: bound list,
+   int_bounds: int_bound list,
+   expr_assigns: expr_assign list,
+   formula: formula}
 type raw_bound = n_ary_index * int list list
@@ -313,15 +311,13 @@
 exception SYNTAX of string * string
-type 'a fold_expr_funcs = {
-  formula_func: formula -> 'a -> 'a,
-  rel_expr_func: rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a,
-  int_expr_func: int_expr -> 'a -> 'a
+type 'a fold_expr_funcs =
+  {formula_func: formula -> 'a -> 'a,
+   rel_expr_func: rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a,
+   int_expr_func: int_expr -> 'a -> 'a}
 (** Auxiliary functions on ML representation of Kodkod problems **)
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> formula -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_formula (F : 'a fold_expr_funcs) formula =
   case formula of
     All (ds, f) => fold (fold_decl F) ds #> fold_formula F f
@@ -354,7 +350,6 @@
   | False => #formula_func F formula
   | True => #formula_func F formula
   | FormulaReg _ => #formula_func F formula
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> rel_expr -> 'a -> 'a *)
 and fold_rel_expr F rel_expr =
   case rel_expr of
     RelLet (bs, r) => fold (fold_expr_assign F) bs #> fold_rel_expr F r
@@ -383,7 +378,6 @@
   | Rel _ => #rel_expr_func F rel_expr
   | Var _ => #rel_expr_func F rel_expr
   | RelReg _ => #rel_expr_func F rel_expr
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> int_expr -> 'a -> 'a *)
 and fold_int_expr F int_expr =
   case int_expr of
     Sum (ds, i) => fold (fold_decl F) ds #> fold_int_expr F i
@@ -409,7 +403,6 @@
   | Signum i => fold_int_expr F i
   | Num _ => #int_expr_func F int_expr
   | IntReg _ => #int_expr_func F int_expr
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> decl -> 'a -> 'a *)
 and fold_decl F decl =
   case decl of
     DeclNo (x, r) => fold_rel_expr F (Var x) #> fold_rel_expr F r
@@ -417,21 +410,17 @@
   | DeclOne (x, r) => fold_rel_expr F (Var x) #> fold_rel_expr F r
   | DeclSome (x, r) => fold_rel_expr F (Var x) #> fold_rel_expr F r
   | DeclSet (x, r) => fold_rel_expr F (Var x) #> fold_rel_expr F r
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> expr_assign -> 'a -> 'a *)
 and fold_expr_assign F assign =
   case assign of
     AssignFormulaReg (x, f) => fold_formula F (FormulaReg x) #> fold_formula F f
   | AssignRelReg (x, r) => fold_rel_expr F (RelReg x) #> fold_rel_expr F r
   | AssignIntReg (x, i) => fold_int_expr F (IntReg x) #> fold_int_expr F i
-type 'a fold_tuple_funcs = {
-  tuple_func: tuple -> 'a -> 'a,
-  tuple_set_func: tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a
+type 'a fold_tuple_funcs =
+  {tuple_func: tuple -> 'a -> 'a,
+   tuple_set_func: tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a}
-(* 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> tuple -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_tuple (F : 'a fold_tuple_funcs) = #tuple_func F
-(* 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> tuple_set -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_tuple_set F tuple_set =
   case tuple_set of
     TupleUnion (ts1, ts2) => fold_tuple_set F ts1 #> fold_tuple_set F ts2
@@ -444,23 +433,18 @@
   | TupleArea (t1, t2) => fold_tuple F t1 #> fold_tuple F t2
   | TupleAtomSeq _ => #tuple_set_func F tuple_set
   | TupleSetReg _ => #tuple_set_func F tuple_set
-(* 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> tuple_assign -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_tuple_assign F assign =
   case assign of
     AssignTuple (x, t) => fold_tuple F (TupleReg x) #> fold_tuple F t
   | AssignTupleSet (x, ts) =>
     fold_tuple_set F (TupleSetReg x) #> fold_tuple_set F ts
-(* 'a fold_expr_funcs -> 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> bound -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_bound expr_F tuple_F (zs, tss) =
   fold (fold_rel_expr expr_F) (map (Rel o fst) zs)
   #> fold (fold_tuple_set tuple_F) tss
-(* 'a fold_tuple_funcs -> int_bound -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_int_bound F (_, tss) = fold (fold_tuple_set F) tss
-(* int -> int *)
 fun max_arity univ_card = floor (Math.ln 2147483647.0
                                  / Math.ln (Real.fromInt univ_card))
-(* rel_expr -> int *)
 fun arity_of_rel_expr (RelLet (_, r)) = arity_of_rel_expr r
   | arity_of_rel_expr (RelIf (_, r1, _)) = arity_of_rel_expr r1
   | arity_of_rel_expr (Union (r1, _)) = arity_of_rel_expr r1
@@ -487,23 +471,18 @@
   | arity_of_rel_expr (Rel (n, _)) = n
   | arity_of_rel_expr (Var (n, _)) = n
   | arity_of_rel_expr (RelReg (n, _)) = n
-(* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> int *)
 and sum_arities_of_rel_exprs r1 r2 = arity_of_rel_expr r1 + arity_of_rel_expr r2
-(* decl -> int *)
 and arity_of_decl (DeclNo ((n, _), _)) = n
   | arity_of_decl (DeclLone ((n, _), _)) = n
   | arity_of_decl (DeclOne ((n, _), _)) = n
   | arity_of_decl (DeclSome ((n, _), _)) = n
   | arity_of_decl (DeclSet ((n, _), _)) = n
-(* problem -> bool *)
 fun is_problem_trivially_false ({formula = False, ...} : problem) = true
   | is_problem_trivially_false _ = false
-(* string -> string list *)
 val chop_solver = take 2 o space_explode ","
-(* setting list * setting list -> bool *)
 fun settings_equivalent ([], []) = true
   | settings_equivalent ((key1, value1) :: settings1,
                          (key2, value2) :: settings2) =
@@ -513,7 +492,6 @@
     settings_equivalent (settings1, settings2)
   | settings_equivalent _ = false
-(* problem * problem -> bool *)
 fun problems_equivalent (p1 : problem, p2 : problem) =
   #univ_card p1 = #univ_card p2 andalso
   #formula p1 = #formula p2 andalso
@@ -525,16 +503,13 @@
 (** Serialization of problem **)
-(* int -> string *)
 fun base_name j =
   if j < 0 then string_of_int (~j - 1) ^ "'" else string_of_int j
-(* n_ary_index -> string -> string -> string -> string *)
 fun n_ary_name (1, j) prefix _ _ = prefix ^ base_name j
   | n_ary_name (2, j) _ prefix _ = prefix ^ base_name j
   | n_ary_name (n, j) _ _ prefix = prefix ^ string_of_int n ^ "_" ^ base_name j
-(* int -> string *)
 fun atom_name j = "A" ^ base_name j
 fun atom_seq_name (k, 0) = "u" ^ base_name k
   | atom_seq_name (k, j0) = "u" ^ base_name k ^ "@" ^ base_name j0
@@ -542,14 +517,12 @@
 fun rel_reg_name j = "$e" ^ base_name j
 fun int_reg_name j = "$i" ^ base_name j
-(* n_ary_index -> string *)
 fun tuple_name x = n_ary_name x "A" "P" "T"
 fun rel_name x = n_ary_name x "s" "r" "m"
 fun var_name x = n_ary_name x "S" "R" "M"
 fun tuple_reg_name x = n_ary_name x "$A" "$P" "$T"
 fun tuple_set_reg_name x = n_ary_name x "$a" "$p" "$t"
-(* string -> string *)
 fun inline_comment "" = ""
   | inline_comment comment =
     " /* " ^ translate_string (fn "\n" => " " | "*" => "* " | s => s) comment ^
@@ -557,10 +530,8 @@
 fun block_comment "" = ""
   | block_comment comment = prefix_lines "// " comment ^ "\n"
-(* (n_ary_index * string) -> string *)
 fun commented_rel_name (x, s) = rel_name x ^ inline_comment s
-(* tuple -> string *)
 fun string_for_tuple (Tuple js) = "[" ^ commas (map atom_name js) ^ "]"
   | string_for_tuple (TupleIndex x) = tuple_name x
   | string_for_tuple (TupleReg x) = tuple_reg_name x
@@ -571,7 +542,6 @@
 val prec_TupleProduct = 3
 val prec_TupleProject = 4
-(* tuple_set -> int *)
 fun precedence_ts (TupleUnion _) = prec_TupleUnion
   | precedence_ts (TupleDifference _) = prec_TupleUnion
   | precedence_ts (TupleIntersect _) = prec_TupleIntersect
@@ -579,10 +549,8 @@
   | precedence_ts (TupleProject _) = prec_TupleProject
   | precedence_ts _ = no_prec
-(* tuple_set -> string *)
 fun string_for_tuple_set tuple_set =
-    (* tuple_set -> int -> string *)
     fun sub tuple_set outer_prec =
         val prec = precedence_ts tuple_set
@@ -608,19 +576,16 @@
   in sub tuple_set 0 end
-(* tuple_assign -> string *)
 fun string_for_tuple_assign (AssignTuple (x, t)) =
     tuple_reg_name x ^ " := " ^ string_for_tuple t ^ "\n"
   | string_for_tuple_assign (AssignTupleSet (x, ts)) =
     tuple_set_reg_name x ^ " := " ^ string_for_tuple_set ts ^ "\n"
-(* bound -> string *)
 fun string_for_bound (zs, tss) =
   "bounds " ^ commas (map commented_rel_name zs) ^ ": " ^
   (if length tss = 1 then "" else "[") ^ commas (map string_for_tuple_set tss) ^
   (if length tss = 1 then "" else "]") ^ "\n"
-(* int_bound -> string *)
 fun int_string_for_bound (opt_n, tss) =
   (case opt_n of
      SOME n => signed_string_of_int n ^ ": "
@@ -645,7 +610,6 @@
 val prec_Join = 18
 val prec_BitNot = 19
-(* formula -> int *)
 fun precedence_f (All _) = prec_All
   | precedence_f (Exist _) = prec_All
   | precedence_f (FormulaLet _) = prec_All
@@ -671,7 +635,6 @@
   | precedence_f False = no_prec
   | precedence_f True = no_prec
   | precedence_f (FormulaReg _) = no_prec
-(* rel_expr -> int *)
 and precedence_r (RelLet _) = prec_All
   | precedence_r (RelIf _) = prec_All
   | precedence_r (Union _) = prec_Add
@@ -697,7 +660,6 @@
   | precedence_r (Rel _) = no_prec
   | precedence_r (Var _) = no_prec
   | precedence_r (RelReg _) = no_prec
-(* int_expr -> int *)
 and precedence_i (Sum _) = prec_All
   | precedence_i (IntLet _) = prec_All
   | precedence_i (IntIf _) = prec_All
@@ -721,14 +683,11 @@
   | precedence_i (Num _) = no_prec
   | precedence_i (IntReg _) = no_prec
-(* (string -> unit) -> problem list -> unit *)
 fun write_problem_file out problems =
-    (* formula -> unit *)
     fun out_outmost_f (And (f1, f2)) =
         (out_outmost_f f1; out "\n   && "; out_outmost_f f2)
       | out_outmost_f f = out_f f prec_And
-    (* formula -> int -> unit *)
     and out_f formula outer_prec =
         val prec = precedence_f formula
@@ -773,7 +732,6 @@
          | FormulaReg j => out (formula_reg_name j));
         (if need_parens then out ")" else ())
-    (* rel_expr -> int -> unit *)
     and out_r rel_expr outer_prec =
         val prec = precedence_r rel_expr
@@ -813,7 +771,6 @@
          | RelReg (_, j) => out (rel_reg_name j));
         (if need_parens then out ")" else ())
-    (* int_expr -> int -> unit *)
     and out_i int_expr outer_prec =
         val prec = precedence_i int_expr
@@ -848,11 +805,9 @@
          | IntReg j => out (int_reg_name j));
         (if need_parens then out ")" else ())
-    (* decl list -> unit *)
     and out_decls [] = ()
       | out_decls [d] = out_decl d
       | out_decls (d :: ds) = (out_decl d; out ", "; out_decls ds)
-    (* decl -> unit *)
     and out_decl (DeclNo (x, r)) =
         (out (var_name x); out " : no "; out_r r 0)
       | out_decl (DeclLone (x, r)) =
@@ -863,22 +818,18 @@
         (out (var_name x); out " : some "; out_r r 0)
       | out_decl (DeclSet (x, r)) =
         (out (var_name x); out " : set "; out_r r 0)
-    (* assign_expr list -> unit *)
     and out_assigns [] = ()
       | out_assigns [b] = out_assign b
       | out_assigns (b :: bs) = (out_assign b; out ", "; out_assigns bs)
-    (* assign_expr -> unit *)
     and out_assign (AssignFormulaReg (j, f)) =
         (out (formula_reg_name j); out " := "; out_f f 0)
       | out_assign (AssignRelReg ((_, j), r)) =
         (out (rel_reg_name j); out " := "; out_r r 0)
       | out_assign (AssignIntReg (j, i)) =
         (out (int_reg_name j); out " := "; out_i i 0)
-    (* int_expr list -> unit *)
     and out_columns [] = ()
       | out_columns [i] = out_i i 0
       | out_columns (i :: is) = (out_i i 0; out ", "; out_columns is)
-    (* problem -> unit *)
     and out_problem {comment, settings, univ_card, tuple_assigns, bounds,
                      int_bounds, expr_assigns, formula} =
         (out ("\n" ^ block_comment comment ^
@@ -896,19 +847,16 @@
          out "solve "; out_outmost_f formula; out ";\n")
     out ("// This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Nitpick)\n" ^
-         "// " ^ Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-                          (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ())) ^ "\n");
+         "// " ^ Sledgehammer_Util.timestamp () ^ "\n");
     map out_problem problems
 (** Parsing of solution **)
-(* string -> bool *)
 fun is_ident_char s =
   Symbol.is_ascii_letter s orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit s orelse
   s = "_" orelse s = "'" orelse s = "$"
-(* string list -> string list *)
 fun strip_blanks [] = []
   | strip_blanks (" " :: ss) = strip_blanks ss
   | strip_blanks [s1, " "] = [s1]
@@ -919,29 +867,20 @@
       strip_blanks (s1 :: s2 :: ss)
   | strip_blanks (s :: ss) = s :: strip_blanks ss
-(* (string list -> 'a * string list) -> string list -> 'a list * string list *)
 fun scan_non_empty_list scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- scan)
 fun scan_list scan = scan_non_empty_list scan || Scan.succeed []
-(* string list -> int * string list *)
 val scan_nat = Scan.repeat1 ( Symbol.is_ascii_digit)
                >> (the o Int.fromString o space_implode "")
-(*  string list -> (int * int) * string list *)
 val scan_rel_name = $$ "s" |-- scan_nat >> pair 1
                     || $$ "r" |-- scan_nat >> pair 2
                     || ($$ "m" |-- scan_nat --| $$ "_") -- scan_nat
-(* string list -> int * string list *)
 val scan_atom = $$ "A" |-- scan_nat
-(* string list -> int list * string list *)
 val scan_tuple = $$ "[" |-- scan_list scan_atom --| $$ "]"
-(* string list -> int list list * string list *)
 val scan_tuple_set = $$ "[" |-- scan_list scan_tuple --| $$ "]"
-(* string list -> ((int * int) * int list list) * string list *)
 val scan_assignment = (scan_rel_name --| $$ "=") -- scan_tuple_set
-(* string list -> ((int * int) * int list list) list * string list *)
 val scan_instance = Scan.this_string "relations:" |--
                     $$ "{" |-- scan_list scan_assignment --| $$ "}"
-(* string -> raw_bound list *)
 val parse_instance =
   fst o Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
             (Scan.error (!! (fn _ =>
@@ -954,12 +893,10 @@
 val outcome_marker = "---OUTCOME---\n"
 val instance_marker = "---INSTANCE---\n"
-(* string -> substring -> string *)
 fun read_section_body marker =
   Substring.string o fst o Substring.position "\n\n"
   o Substring.triml (size marker)
-(* substring -> raw_bound list *)
 fun read_next_instance s =
   let val s = Substring.position instance_marker s |> snd in
     if Substring.isEmpty s then
@@ -968,8 +905,6 @@
       read_section_body instance_marker s |> parse_instance
-(* int -> substring * (int * raw_bound list) list * int list
-   -> substring * (int * raw_bound list) list * int list *)
 fun read_next_outcomes j (s, ps, js) =
   let val (s1, s2) = Substring.position outcome_marker s in
     if Substring.isEmpty s2 orelse
@@ -991,8 +926,6 @@
-(* substring * (int * raw_bound list) list * int list
-   -> (int * raw_bound list) list * int list *)
 fun read_next_problems (s, ps, js) =
   let val s = Substring.position problem_marker s |> snd in
     if Substring.isEmpty s then
@@ -1008,7 +941,6 @@
   handle Option.Option => raise SYNTAX ("Kodkod.read_next_problems",
                                         "expected number after \"PROBLEM\"")
-(* Path.T -> bool * ((int * raw_bound list) list * int list) *)
 fun read_output_file path =
   (false, read_next_problems (Substring.full ( path), [], [])
           |>> rev ||> rev)
@@ -1018,7 +950,6 @@
 val created_temp_dir = Unsynchronized.ref false
-(* bool -> string * string *)
 fun serial_string_and_temporary_dir_for_overlord overlord =
   if overlord then
     ("", getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER")
@@ -1033,14 +964,12 @@
    is partly due to the JVM and partly due to the ML "bash" function. *)
 val fudge_ms = 250
-(* Time.time option -> int *)
 fun milliseconds_until_deadline deadline =
   case deadline of
     NONE => ~1
   | SOME time =>
     Int.max (0, Time.toMilliseconds (Time.- (time, ())) - fudge_ms)
-(* bool -> Time.time option -> int -> int -> problem list -> outcome *)
 fun uncached_solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads max_solutions
                                problems =
@@ -1052,7 +981,6 @@
                                         (0 upto length problems - 1 ~~ problems)
     val triv_js = filter_out (AList.defined (op =) indexed_problems)
                              (0 upto length problems - 1)
-    (* int -> int *)
     val reindex = fst o nth indexed_problems
     if null indexed_problems then
@@ -1061,18 +989,15 @@
         val (serial_str, temp_dir) =
           serial_string_and_temporary_dir_for_overlord overlord
-        (* string -> Path.T *)
         fun path_for suf =
           Path.explode (temp_dir ^ "/kodkodi" ^ serial_str ^ "." ^ suf)
         val in_path = path_for "kki"
         val in_buf = Unsynchronized.ref Buffer.empty
-        (* string -> unit *)
         fun out s = Unsynchronized.change in_buf (Buffer.add s)
         val out_path = path_for "out"
         val err_path = path_for "err"
         val _ = write_problem_file out (map snd indexed_problems)
         val _ = File.write_buffer in_path (!in_buf)
-        (* unit -> unit *)
         fun remove_temporary_files () =
           if overlord then ()
           else (K () o try File.rm) [in_path, out_path, err_path]
@@ -1151,10 +1076,8 @@
   Synchronized.var "Kodkod.cached_outcome"
                    (NONE : ((int * problem list) * outcome) option)
-(* bool -> Time.time option -> int -> int -> problem list -> outcome *)
 fun solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads max_solutions problems =
-    (* unit -> outcome *)
     fun do_solve () = uncached_solve_any_problem overlord deadline max_threads
                                                  max_solutions problems
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod_sat.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/kodkod_sat.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@
    ("HaifaSat", ExternalV2 (ToStdout, "HAIFASAT_HOME", "HaifaSat", ["-p", "1"],
                             "s SATISFIABLE", "v ", "s UNSATISFIABLE"))]
-(* string -> sink -> string -> string -> string list -> string list
-   -> (string * (unit -> string list)) option *)
 fun dynamic_entry_for_external name dev home exec args markers =
   case getenv home of
     "" => NONE
@@ -74,8 +72,6 @@
                       if dev = ToFile then out_file else ""] @ markers @
                       (if dev = ToFile then [out_file] else []) @ args
-(* bool -> bool -> string * sat_solver_info
-   -> (string * (unit -> string list)) option *)
 fun dynamic_entry_for_info incremental (name, Internal (Java, mode, ss)) =
     if incremental andalso mode = Batch then NONE else SOME (name, K ss)
   | dynamic_entry_for_info incremental (name, Internal (JNI, mode, ss)) =
@@ -98,20 +94,15 @@
         (name, ExternalV2 (dev, home, exec, args, m1, m2, m3)) =
     dynamic_entry_for_external name dev home exec args [m1, m2, m3]
   | dynamic_entry_for_info true _ = NONE
-(* bool -> (string * (unit -> string list)) list *)
 fun dynamic_list incremental =
   map_filter (dynamic_entry_for_info incremental) static_list
-(* bool -> string list *)
 val configured_sat_solvers = map fst o dynamic_list
-(* bool -> string *)
 val smart_sat_solver_name = fst o hd o dynamic_list
-(* string -> string * string list *)
 fun sat_solver_spec name =
     val dyn_list = dynamic_list false
-    (* (string * 'a) list -> string *)
     fun enum_solvers solvers =
       commas (distinct (op =) (map (quote o fst) solvers))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/minipick.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/minipick.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 datatype rep = SRep | RRep
-(* Proof.context -> typ -> unit *)
 fun check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) = (check_type ctxt) Ts
   | check_type ctxt (Type (@{type_name "*"}, Ts)) =
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@
   | check_type ctxt T =
     raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T))
-(* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ -> int list *)
 fun atom_schema_of SRep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     replicate_list (card T1) (atom_schema_of SRep card T2)
   | atom_schema_of RRep card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) =
@@ -56,42 +54,32 @@
   | atom_schema_of _ card (Type (@{type_name "*"}, Ts)) =
     maps (atom_schema_of SRep card) Ts
   | atom_schema_of _ card T = [card T]
-(* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ -> int *)
 val arity_of = length ooo atom_schema_of
-(* (typ -> int) -> typ list -> int -> int *)
 fun index_for_bound_var _ [_] 0 = 0
   | index_for_bound_var card (_ :: Ts) 0 =
     index_for_bound_var card Ts 0 + arity_of SRep card (hd Ts)
   | index_for_bound_var card Ts n = index_for_bound_var card (tl Ts) (n - 1)
-(* (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> rel_expr list *)
 fun vars_for_bound_var card R Ts j =
   map (curry Var 1) (index_seq (index_for_bound_var card Ts j)
                                (arity_of R card (nth Ts j)))
-(* (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> rel_expr *)
 val rel_expr_for_bound_var = foldl1 Product oooo vars_for_bound_var
-(* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> decl list *)
 fun decls_for R card Ts T =
   map2 (curry DeclOne o pair 1)
        (index_seq (index_for_bound_var card (T :: Ts) 0)
                   (arity_of R card (nth (T :: Ts) 0)))
        (map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) (atom_schema_of R card T))
-(* int list -> rel_expr *)
 val atom_product = foldl1 Product o map Atom
 val false_atom = Atom 0
 val true_atom = Atom 1
-(* rel_expr -> formula *)
 fun formula_from_atom r = RelEq (r, true_atom)
-(* formula -> rel_expr *)
 fun atom_from_formula f = RelIf (f, true_atom, false_atom)
-(* Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> styp list -> term -> formula *)
 fun kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt card frees =
-    (* typ -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun R_rep_from_S_rep (T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) r =
           val jss = atom_schema_of SRep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
@@ -117,13 +105,11 @@
           |> foldl1 Union
       | R_rep_from_S_rep _ r = r
-    (* typ list -> typ -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (T as Type (@{type_name fun}, _)) r =
         Comprehension (decls_for SRep card Ts T,
             RelEq (R_rep_from_S_rep T
                        (rel_expr_for_bound_var card SRep (T :: Ts) 0), r))
       | S_rep_from_R_rep _ _ r = r
-    (* typ list -> term -> formula *)
     fun to_F Ts t =
       (case t of
          @{const Not} $ t1 => Not (to_F Ts t1)
@@ -154,28 +140,26 @@
        | Const (s, _) => raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("constant " ^ quote s)
        | _ => raise TERM ("Minipick.kodkod_formula_from_term.to_F", [t]))
       handle SAME () => formula_from_atom (to_R_rep Ts t)
-    (* typ list -> term -> rel_expr *)
     and to_S_rep Ts t =
-        case t of
-          Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
-          Product (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_S_rep Ts t2)
-        | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
-        | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
-        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) $ t1 =>
-          let val fst_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) in
-            Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq 0 fst_arity)
-          end
-        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
-        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) $ t1 =>
-          let
-            val pair_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t1))
-            val snd_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t))
-            val fst_arity = pair_arity - snd_arity
-          in Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq fst_arity snd_arity) end
-        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
-        | Bound j => rel_expr_for_bound_var card SRep Ts j
-        | _ => S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_R_rep Ts t)
-    (* term -> rel_expr *)
+      case t of
+        Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        Product (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_S_rep Ts t2)
+      | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
+      | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
+      | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) $ t1 =>
+        let val fst_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) in
+          Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq 0 fst_arity)
+        end
+      | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
+      | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) $ t1 =>
+        let
+          val pair_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t1))
+          val snd_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t))
+          val fst_arity = pair_arity - snd_arity
+        in Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq fst_arity snd_arity) end
+      | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
+      | Bound j => rel_expr_for_bound_var card SRep Ts j
+      | _ => S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_R_rep Ts t)
     and to_R_rep Ts t =
       (case t of
          @{const Not} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
@@ -282,7 +266,6 @@
       handle SAME () => R_rep_from_S_rep (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_S_rep Ts t)
   in to_F [] end
-(* (typ -> int) -> int -> styp -> bound *)
 fun bound_for_free card i (s, T) =
   let val js = atom_schema_of RRep card T in
     ([((length js, i), s)],
@@ -290,7 +273,6 @@
                    |> tuple_set_from_atom_schema])
-(* (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> rel_expr -> formula *)
 fun declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card Ts (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]))
                                    r =
     if body_type T2 = bool_T then
@@ -300,15 +282,12 @@
            declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card (T1 :: Ts) T2
                (List.foldl Join r (vars_for_bound_var card SRep (T1 :: Ts) 0)))
   | declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr _ _ _ r = One r
-(* (typ -> int) -> bool -> int -> styp -> formula *)
 fun declarative_axiom_for_free card i (_, T) =
   declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card [] T (Rel (arity_of RRep card T, i))
-(* Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> term -> problem *)
 fun kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt raw_card t =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-    (* typ -> int *)
     fun card (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
         reasonable_power (card T2) (card T1)
       | card (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) = card T1 * card T2
@@ -328,7 +307,6 @@
      bounds = bounds, int_bounds = [], expr_assigns = [], formula = formula}
-(* theory -> problem list -> string *)
 fun solve_any_kodkod_problem thy problems =
     val {overlord, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -9,51 +9,45 @@
   type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
   type term_postprocessor = Nitpick_Model.term_postprocessor
-  type params = {
-    cards_assigns: (typ option * int list) list,
-    maxes_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
-    iters_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
-    bitss: int list,
-    bisim_depths: int list,
-    boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-    finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-    monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
-    stds: (typ option * bool) list,
-    wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
-    sat_solver: string,
-    blocking: bool,
-    falsify: bool,
-    debug: bool,
-    verbose: bool,
-    overlord: bool,
-    user_axioms: bool option,
-    assms: bool,
-    merge_type_vars: bool,
-    binary_ints: bool option,
-    destroy_constrs: bool,
-    specialize: bool,
-    skolemize: bool,
-    star_linear_preds: bool,
-    uncurry: bool,
-    fast_descrs: bool,
-    peephole_optim: bool,
-    timeout: Time.time option,
-    tac_timeout: Time.time option,
-    sym_break: int,
-    sharing_depth: int,
-    flatten_props: bool,
-    max_threads: int,
-    show_skolems: bool,
-    show_datatypes: bool,
-    show_consts: bool,
-    evals: term list,
-    formats: (term option * int list) list,
-    max_potential: int,
-    max_genuine: int,
-    check_potential: bool,
-    check_genuine: bool,
-    batch_size: int,
-    expect: string}
+  type params =
+    {cards_assigns: (typ option * int list) list,
+     maxes_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
+     iters_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
+     bitss: int list,
+     bisim_depths: int list,
+     boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+     finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+     monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
+     stds: (typ option * bool) list,
+     wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
+     sat_solver: string,
+     blocking: bool,
+     falsify: bool,
+     debug: bool,
+     verbose: bool,
+     overlord: bool,
+     user_axioms: bool option,
+     assms: bool,
+     merge_type_vars: bool,
+     binary_ints: bool option,
+     destroy_constrs: bool,
+     specialize: bool,
+     star_linear_preds: bool,
+     fast_descrs: bool,
+     peephole_optim: bool,
+     timeout: Time.time option,
+     tac_timeout: Time.time option,
+     max_threads: int,
+     show_datatypes: bool,
+     show_consts: bool,
+     evals: term list,
+     formats: (term option * int list) list,
+     max_potential: int,
+     max_genuine: int,
+     check_potential: bool,
+     check_genuine: bool,
+     batch_size: int,
+     expect: string}
   val register_frac_type : string -> (string * string) list -> theory -> theory
   val unregister_frac_type : string -> theory -> theory
@@ -85,63 +79,56 @@
 structure KK = Kodkod
-type params = {
-  cards_assigns: (typ option * int list) list,
-  maxes_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
-  iters_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
-  bitss: int list,
-  bisim_depths: int list,
-  boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-  finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-  monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
-  stds: (typ option * bool) list,
-  wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
-  sat_solver: string,
-  blocking: bool,
-  falsify: bool,
-  debug: bool,
-  verbose: bool,
-  overlord: bool,
-  user_axioms: bool option,
-  assms: bool,
-  merge_type_vars: bool,
-  binary_ints: bool option,
-  destroy_constrs: bool,
-  specialize: bool,
-  skolemize: bool,
-  star_linear_preds: bool,
-  uncurry: bool,
-  fast_descrs: bool,
-  peephole_optim: bool,
-  timeout: Time.time option,
-  tac_timeout: Time.time option,
-  sym_break: int,
-  sharing_depth: int,
-  flatten_props: bool,
-  max_threads: int,
-  show_skolems: bool,
-  show_datatypes: bool,
-  show_consts: bool,
-  evals: term list,
-  formats: (term option * int list) list,
-  max_potential: int,
-  max_genuine: int,
-  check_potential: bool,
-  check_genuine: bool,
-  batch_size: int,
-  expect: string}
+type params =
+  {cards_assigns: (typ option * int list) list,
+   maxes_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
+   iters_assigns: (styp option * int list) list,
+   bitss: int list,
+   bisim_depths: int list,
+   boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+   finitizes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+   monos: (typ option * bool option) list,
+   stds: (typ option * bool) list,
+   wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
+   sat_solver: string,
+   blocking: bool,
+   falsify: bool,
+   debug: bool,
+   verbose: bool,
+   overlord: bool,
+   user_axioms: bool option,
+   assms: bool,
+   merge_type_vars: bool,
+   binary_ints: bool option,
+   destroy_constrs: bool,
+   specialize: bool,
+   star_linear_preds: bool,
+   fast_descrs: bool,
+   peephole_optim: bool,
+   timeout: Time.time option,
+   tac_timeout: Time.time option,
+   max_threads: int,
+   show_datatypes: bool,
+   show_consts: bool,
+   evals: term list,
+   formats: (term option * int list) list,
+   max_potential: int,
+   max_genuine: int,
+   check_potential: bool,
+   check_genuine: bool,
+   batch_size: int,
+   expect: string}
-type problem_extension = {
-  free_names: nut list,
-  sel_names: nut list,
-  nonsel_names: nut list,
-  rel_table: nut NameTable.table,
-  unsound: bool,
-  scope: scope}
+type problem_extension =
+  {free_names: nut list,
+   sel_names: nut list,
+   nonsel_names: nut list,
+   rel_table: nut NameTable.table,
+   unsound: bool,
+   scope: scope}
 type rich_problem = KK.problem * problem_extension
-(* Proof.context -> string -> term list -> Pretty.T list *)
 fun pretties_for_formulas _ _ [] = []
   | pretties_for_formulas ctxt s ts =
     [Pretty.str (s ^ plural_s_for_list ts ^ ":"),
@@ -152,10 +139,8 @@
                                  Pretty.str (if j = 1 then "." else ";")])
                (length ts downto 1) ts))]
-(* unit -> string *)
 fun install_java_message () =
   "Nitpick requires a Java 1.5 virtual machine called \"java\"."
-(* unit -> string *)
 fun install_kodkodi_message () =
   "Nitpick requires the external Java program Kodkodi. To install it, download \
   \the package from Isabelle's web page and add the \"kodkodi-x.y.z\" \
@@ -167,35 +152,27 @@
 val max_unsound_delay_ms = 200
 val max_unsound_delay_percent = 2
-(* Time.time option -> int *)
 fun unsound_delay_for_timeout NONE = max_unsound_delay_ms
   | unsound_delay_for_timeout (SOME timeout) =
     Int.max (0, Int.min (max_unsound_delay_ms,
                          Time.toMilliseconds timeout
                          * max_unsound_delay_percent div 100))
-(* Time.time option -> bool *)
 fun passed_deadline NONE = false
   | passed_deadline (SOME time) = ( (), time) <> LESS
-(* ('a * bool option) list -> bool *)
 fun none_true assigns = forall (not_equal (SOME true) o snd) assigns
 val syntactic_sorts =
   @{sort "{default,zero,one,plus,minus,uminus,times,inverse,abs,sgn,ord,eq}"} @
   @{sort number}
-(* typ -> bool *)
 fun has_tfree_syntactic_sort (TFree (_, S as _ :: _)) =
     subset (op =) (S, syntactic_sorts)
   | has_tfree_syntactic_sort _ = false
-(* term -> bool *)
 val has_syntactic_sorts = exists_type (exists_subtype has_tfree_syntactic_sort)
-(* (unit -> string) -> Pretty.T *)
 fun plazy f = Pretty.blk (0, pstrs (f ()))
-(* Time.time -> Proof.state -> params -> bool -> int -> int -> int
-   -> (term * term) list -> term list -> term -> string * Proof.state *)
 fun pick_them_nits_in_term deadline state (params : params) auto i n step
                            subst orig_assm_ts orig_t =
@@ -211,14 +188,11 @@
     val {cards_assigns, maxes_assigns, iters_assigns, bitss, bisim_depths,
          boxes, finitizes, monos, stds, wfs, sat_solver, falsify, debug,
          verbose, overlord, user_axioms, assms, merge_type_vars, binary_ints,
-         destroy_constrs, specialize, skolemize, star_linear_preds, uncurry,
-         fast_descrs, peephole_optim, tac_timeout, sym_break, sharing_depth,
-         flatten_props, max_threads, show_skolems, show_datatypes, show_consts,
+         destroy_constrs, specialize, star_linear_preds, fast_descrs,
+         peephole_optim, tac_timeout, max_threads, show_datatypes, show_consts,
          evals, formats, max_potential, max_genuine, check_potential,
-         check_genuine, batch_size, ...} =
-      params
+         check_genuine, batch_size, ...} = params
     val state_ref = Unsynchronized.ref state
-    (* Pretty.T -> unit *)
     val pprint =
       if auto then
         Unsynchronized.change state_ref o Proof.goal_message o K
@@ -227,22 +201,17 @@
         (fn s => (priority s; if debug then tracing s else ()))
         o Pretty.string_of
-    (* (unit -> Pretty.T) -> unit *)
     fun pprint_m f = () |> not auto ? pprint o f
     fun pprint_v f = () |> verbose ? pprint o f
     fun pprint_d f = () |> debug ? pprint o f
-    (* string -> unit *)
     val print = pprint o curry Pretty.blk 0 o pstrs
     val print_g = pprint o Pretty.str
-    (* (unit -> string) -> unit *)
     val print_m = pprint_m o K o plazy
     val print_v = pprint_v o K o plazy
-    (* unit -> unit *)
     fun check_deadline () =
       if debug andalso passed_deadline deadline then raise TimeLimit.TimeOut
       else ()
-    (* unit -> 'a *)
     fun do_interrupted () =
       if passed_deadline deadline then raise TimeLimit.TimeOut
       else raise Interrupt
@@ -288,8 +257,7 @@
       {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = max_bisim_depth, boxes = boxes,
        stds = stds, wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug,
        binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs,
-       specialize = specialize, skolemize = skolemize,
-       star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, uncurry = uncurry,
+       specialize = specialize, star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds,
        fast_descrs = fast_descrs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = evals,
        case_names = case_names, def_table = def_table,
        nondef_table = nondef_table, user_nondefs = user_nondefs,
@@ -307,7 +275,6 @@
     val got_all_user_axioms =
       got_all_mono_user_axioms andalso no_poly_user_axioms
-    (* styp * (bool * bool) -> unit *)
     fun print_wf (x, (gfp, wf)) =
       pprint (Pretty.blk (0,
           pstrs ("The " ^ (if gfp then "co" else "") ^ "inductive predicate \"")
@@ -344,18 +311,16 @@
     val unique_scope = forall (curry (op =) 1 o length o snd) cards_assigns
-    (* typ list -> string -> string *)
     fun monotonicity_message Ts extra =
       let val ss = map (quote o string_for_type ctxt) Ts in
         "The type" ^ plural_s_for_list ss ^ " " ^
-        space_implode " " (Sledgehammer_Util.serial_commas "and" ss) ^ " " ^
+        space_implode " " (serial_commas "and" ss) ^ " " ^
         (if none_true monos then
            "passed the monotonicity test"
            (if length ss = 1 then "is" else "are") ^ " considered monotonic") ^
         ". " ^ extra
-    (* typ -> bool *)
     fun is_type_fundamentally_monotonic T =
       (is_datatype thy stds T andalso not (is_quot_type thy T) andalso
        (not (is_pure_typedef thy T) orelse is_univ_typedef thy T)) orelse
@@ -416,7 +381,6 @@
     (* This detection code is an ugly hack. Fortunately, it is used only to
        provide a hint to the user. *)
-    (* string * (Rule_Cases.T * bool) -> bool *)
     fun is_struct_induct_step (name, (Rule_Cases.Case {fixes, assumes, ...}, _)) =
       not (null fixes) andalso
       exists (String.isSuffix ".hyps" o fst) assumes andalso
@@ -439,10 +403,10 @@
     val _ = (print_g o string_for_type ctxt) nonmono_Ts
-    val need_incremental = Int.max (max_potential, max_genuine) >= 2
-    val effective_sat_solver =
+    val incremental = Int.max (max_potential, max_genuine) >= 2
+    val actual_sat_solver =
       if sat_solver <> "smart" then
-        if need_incremental andalso
+        if incremental andalso
            not (member (op =) (Kodkod_SAT.configured_sat_solvers true)
                        sat_solver) then
           (print_m (K ("An incremental SAT solver is required: \"SAT4J\" will \
@@ -451,21 +415,19 @@
-        Kodkod_SAT.smart_sat_solver_name need_incremental
+        Kodkod_SAT.smart_sat_solver_name incremental
     val _ =
       if sat_solver = "smart" then
-        print_v (fn () => "Using SAT solver " ^ quote effective_sat_solver ^
-                          ". The following" ^
-                          (if need_incremental then " incremental " else " ") ^
-                          "solvers are configured: " ^
-                          commas (map quote (Kodkod_SAT.configured_sat_solvers
-                                                       need_incremental)) ^ ".")
+        print_v (fn () =>
+            "Using SAT solver " ^ quote actual_sat_solver ^ ". The following" ^
+            (if incremental then " incremental " else " ") ^
+            "solvers are configured: " ^
+            commas_quote (Kodkod_SAT.configured_sat_solvers incremental) ^ ".")
     val too_big_scopes = Unsynchronized.ref []
-    (* bool -> scope -> rich_problem option *)
     fun problem_for_scope unsound
             (scope as {card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth, datatypes, ofs, ...}) =
@@ -481,7 +443,6 @@
                          (Typtab.dest ofs)
         val all_exact = forall (is_exact_type datatypes true) all_Ts
-        (* nut list -> rep NameTable.table -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
         val repify_consts = choose_reps_for_consts scope all_exact
         val main_j0 = offset_of_type ofs bool_T
         val (nat_card, nat_j0) = spec_of_type scope nat_T
@@ -495,9 +456,9 @@
         val (sel_names, rep_table) = choose_reps_for_all_sels scope rep_table
         val (nonsel_names, rep_table) = repify_consts nonsel_names rep_table
         val min_highest_arity =
-          NameTable.fold (curry Int.max o arity_of_rep o snd) rep_table 1
+          NameTable.fold (Integer.max o arity_of_rep o snd) rep_table 1
         val min_univ_card =
-          NameTable.fold (curry Int.max o min_univ_card_of_rep o snd) rep_table
+          NameTable.fold (Integer.max o min_univ_card_of_rep o snd) rep_table
                          (univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0 [] KK.True)
         val _ = check_arity min_univ_card min_highest_arity
@@ -524,20 +485,20 @@
         val comment = (if unsound then "unsound" else "sound") ^ "\n" ^
                       PrintMode.setmp [] multiline_string_for_scope scope
         val kodkod_sat_solver =
-          Kodkod_SAT.sat_solver_spec effective_sat_solver |> snd
+          Kodkod_SAT.sat_solver_spec actual_sat_solver |> snd
         val bit_width = if bits = 0 then 16 else bits + 1
-        val delay = if unsound then
-             (fn time => Time.- (time, ()))
-                                 deadline
-                      |> unsound_delay_for_timeout
-                    else
-                      0
-        val settings = [("solver", commas (map quote kodkod_sat_solver)),
+        val delay =
+          if unsound then
+   (fn time => Time.- (time, ())) deadline
+            |> unsound_delay_for_timeout
+          else
+            0
+        val settings = [("solver", commas_quote kodkod_sat_solver),
                         ("skolem_depth", "-1"),
                         ("bit_width", string_of_int bit_width),
-                        ("symmetry_breaking", signed_string_of_int sym_break),
-                        ("sharing", signed_string_of_int sharing_depth),
-                        ("flatten", Bool.toString flatten_props),
+                        ("symmetry_breaking", "20"),
+                        ("sharing", "3"),
+                        ("flatten", "false"),
                         ("delay", signed_string_of_int delay)]
         val plain_rels = free_rels @ other_rels
         val plain_bounds = map (bound_for_plain_rel ctxt debug) plain_rels
@@ -605,22 +566,18 @@
     val checked_problems = Unsynchronized.ref (SOME [])
     val met_potential = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-    (* rich_problem list -> int list -> unit *)
     fun update_checked_problems problems = (Unsynchronized.change checked_problems o o cons
                 o nth problems)
-    (* string -> unit *)
     fun show_kodkod_warning "" = ()
       | show_kodkod_warning s = print_m (fn () => "Kodkod warning: " ^ s ^ ".")
-    (* bool -> KK.raw_bound list -> problem_extension -> bool * bool option *)
     fun print_and_check_model genuine bounds
             ({free_names, sel_names, nonsel_names, rel_table, scope, ...}
              : problem_extension) =
         val (reconstructed_model, codatatypes_ok) =
-          reconstruct_hol_model {show_skolems = show_skolems,
-                                 show_datatypes = show_datatypes,
+          reconstruct_hol_model {show_datatypes = show_datatypes,
                                  show_consts = show_consts}
               scope formats frees free_names sel_names nonsel_names rel_table
@@ -686,8 +643,7 @@
                   print ("Try again with " ^
-                         space_implode " "
-                             (Sledgehammer_Util.serial_commas "and" ss) ^
+                         space_implode " " (serial_commas "and" ss) ^
                          " to confirm that the " ^ das_wort_model ^
                          " is genuine.")
@@ -721,18 +677,15 @@
         |> pair genuine_means_genuine
-    (* bool * int * int * int -> bool -> rich_problem list
-       -> bool * int * int * int *)
     fun solve_any_problem (found_really_genuine, max_potential, max_genuine,
                            donno) first_time problems =
         val max_potential = Int.max (0, max_potential)
         val max_genuine = Int.max (0, max_genuine)
-        (* bool -> int * KK.raw_bound list -> bool * bool option *)
         fun print_and_check genuine (j, bounds) =
           print_and_check_model genuine bounds (snd (nth problems j))
         val max_solutions = max_potential + max_genuine
-                            |> not need_incremental ? curry Int.min 1
+                            |> not incremental ? Integer.min 1
         if max_solutions <= 0 then
           (found_really_genuine, 0, 0, donno)
@@ -828,8 +781,6 @@
              (found_really_genuine, max_potential, max_genuine, donno + 1))
-    (* int -> int -> scope list -> bool * int * int * int
-       -> bool * int * int * int *)
     fun run_batch j n scopes (found_really_genuine, max_potential, max_genuine,
                               donno) =
@@ -857,8 +808,6 @@
                           (length scopes downto 1) scopes))])
-        (* scope * bool -> rich_problem list * bool
-           -> rich_problem list * bool *)
         fun add_problem_for_scope (scope, unsound) (problems, donno) =
           (check_deadline ();
            case problem_for_scope unsound scope of
@@ -904,13 +853,10 @@
                            donno) true (rev problems)
-    (* rich_problem list -> scope -> int *)
     fun scope_count (problems : rich_problem list) scope =
       length (filter (curry scopes_equivalent scope o #scope o snd) problems)
-    (* string -> string *)
     fun excipit did_so_and_so =
-        (* rich_problem list -> rich_problem list *)
         val do_filter =
           if !met_potential = max_potential then filter_out (#unsound o snd)
           else I
@@ -932,7 +878,6 @@
            "") ^ "."
-    (* int -> int -> scope list -> bool * int * int * int -> KK.outcome *)
     fun run_batches _ _ []
                     (found_really_genuine, max_potential, max_genuine, donno) =
         if donno > 0 andalso max_genuine > 0 then
@@ -961,8 +906,8 @@
     val (skipped, the_scopes) =
-      all_scopes hol_ctxt binarize sym_break cards_assigns maxes_assigns
-                 iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts deep_dataTs
+      all_scopes hol_ctxt binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns iters_assigns
+                 bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts deep_dataTs
     val _ = if skipped > 0 then
               print_m (fn () => "Too many scopes. Skipping " ^
@@ -998,8 +943,6 @@
              error "Nitpick was interrupted."
-(* Proof.state -> params -> bool -> int -> int -> int -> (term * term) list
-   -> term list -> term -> string * Proof.state *)
 fun pick_nits_in_term state (params as {debug, timeout, expect, ...}) auto i n
                       step subst orig_assm_ts orig_t =
   if getenv "KODKODI" = "" then
@@ -1018,12 +961,10 @@
       else error ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code ^ ".")
-(* string list -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_fixed_equation fixes
                       (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Free (s, _) $ Const _) =
     member (op =) fixes s
   | is_fixed_equation _ _ = false
-(* Proof.context -> term list * term -> (term * term) list * term list * term *)
 fun extract_fixed_frees ctxt (assms, t) =
     val fixes = Variable.fixes_of ctxt |> map snd
@@ -1032,7 +973,6 @@
       |>> map Logic.dest_equals
   in (subst, other_assms, subst_atomic subst t) end
-(* Proof.state -> params -> bool -> int -> int -> string * Proof.state *)
 fun pick_nits_in_subgoal state params auto i step =
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
@@ -1042,8 +982,7 @@
       0 => (priority "No subgoal!"; ("none", state))
     | n =>
-        val (t, frees) = Logic.goal_params t i
-        val t = subst_bounds (frees, t)
+        val t = Logic.goal_params t i |> fst
         val assms = map term_of (Assumption.all_assms_of ctxt)
         val (subst, assms, t) = extract_fixed_frees ctxt (assms, t)
       in pick_nits_in_term state params auto i n step subst assms t end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_hol.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -13,39 +13,37 @@
   type unrolled = styp * styp
   type wf_cache = (styp * (bool * bool)) list
-  type hol_context = {
-    thy: theory,
-    ctxt: Proof.context,
-    max_bisim_depth: int,
-    boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-    stds: (typ option * bool) list,
-    wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
-    user_axioms: bool option,
-    debug: bool,
-    binary_ints: bool option,
-    destroy_constrs: bool,
-    specialize: bool,
-    skolemize: bool,
-    star_linear_preds: bool,
-    uncurry: bool,
-    fast_descrs: bool,
-    tac_timeout: Time.time option,
-    evals: term list,
-    case_names: (string * int) list,
-    def_table: const_table,
-    nondef_table: const_table,
-    user_nondefs: term list,
-    simp_table: const_table Unsynchronized.ref,
-    psimp_table: const_table,
-    choice_spec_table: const_table,
-    intro_table: const_table,
-    ground_thm_table: term list Inttab.table,
-    ersatz_table: (string * string) list,
-    skolems: (string * string list) list Unsynchronized.ref,
-    special_funs: special_fun list Unsynchronized.ref,
-    unrolled_preds: unrolled list Unsynchronized.ref,
-    wf_cache: wf_cache Unsynchronized.ref,
-    constr_cache: (typ * styp list) list Unsynchronized.ref}
+  type hol_context =
+    {thy: theory,
+     ctxt: Proof.context,
+     max_bisim_depth: int,
+     boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+     stds: (typ option * bool) list,
+     wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
+     user_axioms: bool option,
+     debug: bool,
+     binary_ints: bool option,
+     destroy_constrs: bool,
+     specialize: bool,
+     star_linear_preds: bool,
+     fast_descrs: bool,
+     tac_timeout: Time.time option,
+     evals: term list,
+     case_names: (string * int) list,
+     def_table: const_table,
+     nondef_table: const_table,
+     user_nondefs: term list,
+     simp_table: const_table Unsynchronized.ref,
+     psimp_table: const_table,
+     choice_spec_table: const_table,
+     intro_table: const_table,
+     ground_thm_table: term list Inttab.table,
+     ersatz_table: (string * string) list,
+     skolems: (string * string list) list Unsynchronized.ref,
+     special_funs: special_fun list Unsynchronized.ref,
+     unrolled_preds: unrolled list Unsynchronized.ref,
+     wf_cache: wf_cache Unsynchronized.ref,
+     constr_cache: (typ * styp list) list Unsynchronized.ref}
   datatype fixpoint_kind = Lfp | Gfp | NoFp
   datatype boxability =
@@ -217,7 +215,6 @@
 structure Nitpick_HOL : NITPICK_HOL =
-open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Nitpick_Util
 type const_table = term list Symtab.table
@@ -225,39 +222,37 @@
 type unrolled = styp * styp
 type wf_cache = (styp * (bool * bool)) list
-type hol_context = {
-  thy: theory,
-  ctxt: Proof.context,
-  max_bisim_depth: int,
-  boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
-  stds: (typ option * bool) list,
-  wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
-  user_axioms: bool option,
-  debug: bool,
-  binary_ints: bool option,
-  destroy_constrs: bool,
-  specialize: bool,
-  skolemize: bool,
-  star_linear_preds: bool,
-  uncurry: bool,
-  fast_descrs: bool,
-  tac_timeout: Time.time option,
-  evals: term list,
-  case_names: (string * int) list,
-  def_table: const_table,
-  nondef_table: const_table,
-  user_nondefs: term list,
-  simp_table: const_table Unsynchronized.ref,
-  psimp_table: const_table,
-  choice_spec_table: const_table,
-  intro_table: const_table,
-  ground_thm_table: term list Inttab.table,
-  ersatz_table: (string * string) list,
-  skolems: (string * string list) list Unsynchronized.ref,
-  special_funs: special_fun list Unsynchronized.ref,
-  unrolled_preds: unrolled list Unsynchronized.ref,
-  wf_cache: wf_cache Unsynchronized.ref,
-  constr_cache: (typ * styp list) list Unsynchronized.ref}
+type hol_context =
+  {thy: theory,
+   ctxt: Proof.context,
+   max_bisim_depth: int,
+   boxes: (typ option * bool option) list,
+   stds: (typ option * bool) list,
+   wfs: (styp option * bool option) list,
+   user_axioms: bool option,
+   debug: bool,
+   binary_ints: bool option,
+   destroy_constrs: bool,
+   specialize: bool,
+   star_linear_preds: bool,
+   fast_descrs: bool,
+   tac_timeout: Time.time option,
+   evals: term list,
+   case_names: (string * int) list,
+   def_table: const_table,
+   nondef_table: const_table,
+   user_nondefs: term list,
+   simp_table: const_table Unsynchronized.ref,
+   psimp_table: const_table,
+   choice_spec_table: const_table,
+   intro_table: const_table,
+   ground_thm_table: term list Inttab.table,
+   ersatz_table: (string * string) list,
+   skolems: (string * string list) list Unsynchronized.ref,
+   special_funs: special_fun list Unsynchronized.ref,
+   unrolled_preds: unrolled list Unsynchronized.ref,
+   wf_cache: wf_cache Unsynchronized.ref,
+   constr_cache: (typ * styp list) list Unsynchronized.ref}
 datatype fixpoint_kind = Lfp | Gfp | NoFp
 datatype boxability =
@@ -269,7 +264,7 @@
   val empty = {frac_types = [], codatatypes = []}
   val extend = I
   fun merge ({frac_types = fs1, codatatypes = cs1},
-               {frac_types = fs2, codatatypes = cs2}) : T =
+             {frac_types = fs2, codatatypes = cs2}) : T =
     {frac_types = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (fs1, fs2),
      codatatypes = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (cs1, cs2)})
@@ -294,31 +289,24 @@
 (** Constant/type information and term/type manipulation **)
-(* int -> string *)
 fun sel_prefix_for j = sel_prefix ^ string_of_int j ^ name_sep
-(* Proof.context -> typ -> string *)
 fun quot_normal_name_for_type ctxt T =
   quot_normal_prefix ^ unyxml (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T)
-(* string -> string * string *)
 val strip_first_name_sep =
   Substring.full #> Substring.position name_sep ##> Substring.triml 1
   #> pairself Substring.string
-(* string -> string *)
 fun original_name s =
   if String.isPrefix nitpick_prefix s then
     case strip_first_name_sep s of (s1, "") => s1 | (_, s2) => original_name s2
-(* term * term -> term *)
 fun s_betapply (Const (@{const_name If}, _) $ @{const True} $ t, _) = t
   | s_betapply (Const (@{const_name If}, _) $ @{const False} $ _, t) = t
   | s_betapply p = betapply p
-(* term * term list -> term *)
 val s_betapplys = Library.foldl s_betapply
-(* term * term -> term *)
 fun s_conj (t1, @{const True}) = t1
   | s_conj (@{const True}, t2) = t2
   | s_conj (t1, t2) =
@@ -330,18 +318,15 @@
     if t1 = @{const True} orelse t2 = @{const True} then @{const True}
     else HOLogic.mk_disj (t1, t2)
-(* term -> term -> term list *)
 fun strip_connective conn_t (t as (t0 $ t1 $ t2)) =
     if t0 = conn_t then strip_connective t0 t2 @ strip_connective t0 t1 else [t]
   | strip_connective _ t = [t]
-(* term -> term list * term *)
 fun strip_any_connective (t as (t0 $ _ $ _)) =
     if t0 = @{const "op &"} orelse t0 = @{const "op |"} then
       (strip_connective t0 t, t0)
       ([t], @{const Not})
   | strip_any_connective t = ([t], @{const Not})
-(* term -> term list *)
 val conjuncts_of = strip_connective @{const "op &"}
 val disjuncts_of = strip_connective @{const "op |"}
@@ -416,7 +401,6 @@
    (@{const_name minus_class.minus}, 2),
    (@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, 2)]
-(* typ -> typ *)
 fun unarize_type @{typ "unsigned_bit word"} = nat_T
   | unarize_type @{typ "signed_bit word"} = int_T
   | unarize_type (Type (s, Ts as _ :: _)) = Type (s, map unarize_type Ts)
@@ -437,44 +421,33 @@
   | uniterize_type T = T
 val uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type = uniterize_type o unarize_unbox_etc_type
-(* Proof.context -> typ -> string *)
 fun string_for_type ctxt = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt o unarize_unbox_etc_type
-(* string -> string -> string *)
 val prefix_name = Long_Name.qualify o Long_Name.base_name
-(* string -> string *)
 fun shortest_name s = List.last (space_explode "." s) handle List.Empty => ""
-(* string -> term -> term *)
 val prefix_abs_vars = Term.map_abs_vars o prefix_name
-(* string -> string *)
 fun short_name s =
   case space_explode name_sep s of
     [_] => s |> String.isPrefix nitpick_prefix s ? unprefix nitpick_prefix
   | ss => map shortest_name ss |> space_implode "_"
-(* typ -> typ *)
 fun shorten_names_in_type (Type (s, Ts)) =
     Type (short_name s, map shorten_names_in_type Ts)
   | shorten_names_in_type T = T
-(* term -> term *)
 val shorten_names_in_term =
   map_aterms (fn Const (s, T) => Const (short_name s, T) | t => t)
   #> map_types shorten_names_in_type
-(* theory -> typ * typ -> bool *)
 fun strict_type_match thy (T1, T2) =
   (Sign.typ_match thy (T2, T1) Vartab.empty; true)
   handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => false
 fun type_match thy = strict_type_match thy o pairself unarize_unbox_etc_type
-(* theory -> styp * styp -> bool *)
 fun const_match thy ((s1, T1), (s2, T2)) =
   s1 = s2 andalso type_match thy (T1, T2)
-(* theory -> term * term -> bool *)
 fun term_match thy (Const x1, Const x2) = const_match thy (x1, x2)
   | term_match thy (Free (s1, T1), Free (s2, T2)) =
     const_match thy ((shortest_name s1, T1), (shortest_name s2, T2))
   | term_match _ (t1, t2) = t1 aconv t2
-(* typ -> term -> term -> term *)
 fun frac_from_term_pair T t1 t2 =
   case snd (HOLogic.dest_number t1) of
     0 => HOLogic.mk_number T 0
@@ -483,7 +456,6 @@
           | n2 => Const (@{const_name divide}, T --> T --> T)
                   $ HOLogic.mk_number T n1 $ HOLogic.mk_number T n2
-(* typ -> bool *)
 fun is_TFree (TFree _) = true
   | is_TFree _ = false
 fun is_higher_order_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, _)) = true
@@ -509,50 +481,41 @@
   | is_word_type _ = false
 val is_integer_like_type = is_iterator_type orf is_integer_type orf is_word_type
 val is_record_type = not o null o Record.dest_recTs
-(* theory -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_frac_type thy (Type (s, [])) =
     not (null (these (AList.lookup (op =) (#frac_types (Data.get thy)) s)))
   | is_frac_type _ _ = false
 fun is_number_type thy = is_integer_like_type orf is_frac_type thy
-(* bool -> styp -> typ *)
 fun iterator_type_for_const gfp (s, T) =
   Type ((if gfp then gfp_iterator_prefix else lfp_iterator_prefix) ^ s,
         binder_types T)
-(* typ -> styp *)
 fun const_for_iterator_type (Type (s, Ts)) =
     (strip_first_name_sep s |> snd, Ts ---> bool_T)
   | const_for_iterator_type T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.const_for_iterator_type", [T], [])
-(* int -> typ -> typ list * typ *)
 fun strip_n_binders 0 T = ([], T)
   | strip_n_binders n (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     strip_n_binders (n - 1) T2 |>> cons T1
   | strip_n_binders n (Type (@{type_name fun_box}, Ts)) =
     strip_n_binders n (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts))
   | strip_n_binders _ T = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.strip_n_binders", [T], [])
-(* typ -> typ *)
 val nth_range_type = snd oo strip_n_binders
-(* typ -> int *)
 fun num_factors_in_type (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) =
     fold (Integer.add o num_factors_in_type) [T1, T2] 0
   | num_factors_in_type _ = 1
 fun num_binder_types (Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, T2])) =
     1 + num_binder_types T2
   | num_binder_types _ = 0
-(* typ -> typ list *)
 val curried_binder_types = maps HOLogic.flatten_tupleT o binder_types
 fun maybe_curried_binder_types T =
   (if is_pair_type (body_type T) then binder_types else curried_binder_types) T
-(* typ -> term list -> term *)
 fun mk_flat_tuple _ [t] = t
   | mk_flat_tuple (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) (t :: ts) =
     HOLogic.pair_const T1 T2 $ t $ (mk_flat_tuple T2 ts)
   | mk_flat_tuple T ts = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.mk_flat_tuple", [T], ts)
-(* int -> term -> term list *)
 fun dest_n_tuple 1 t = [t]
   | dest_n_tuple n t = HOLogic.dest_prod t ||> dest_n_tuple (n - 1) |> op ::
@@ -561,7 +524,6 @@
    set_def: thm option, prop_of_Rep: thm, set_name: string,
    Abs_inverse: thm option, Rep_inverse: thm option}
-(* theory -> string -> typedef_info *)
 fun typedef_info thy s =
   if is_frac_type thy (Type (s, [])) then
     SOME {abs_type = Type (s, []), rep_type = @{typ "int * int"},
@@ -579,21 +541,17 @@
           Rep_inverse = SOME Rep_inverse}
   | _ => NONE
-(* theory -> string -> bool *)
 val is_typedef = is_some oo typedef_info
 val is_real_datatype = is_some oo Datatype.get_info
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_standard_datatype thy = the oo triple_lookup (type_match thy)
 (* FIXME: Use antiquotation for "code_numeral" below or detect "rep_datatype",
    e.g., by adding a field to "". *)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> string -> bool *)
 fun is_basic_datatype thy stds s =
   member (op =) [@{type_name "*"}, @{type_name bool}, @{type_name unit},
                  @{type_name int}, "Code_Numeral.code_numeral"] s orelse
   (s = @{type_name nat} andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T)
-(* theory -> typ -> typ -> typ -> typ *)
 fun instantiate_type thy T1 T1' T2 =
   Same.commit (Envir.subst_type_same
                    (Sign.typ_match thy (T1, T1') Vartab.empty)) T2
@@ -602,20 +560,16 @@
 fun varify_and_instantiate_type thy T1 T1' T2 =
   instantiate_type thy (Logic.varifyT_global T1) T1' (Logic.varifyT_global T2)
-(* theory -> typ -> typ -> styp *)
 fun repair_constr_type thy body_T' T =
   varify_and_instantiate_type thy (body_type T) body_T' T
-(* string -> (string * string) list -> theory -> theory *)
 fun register_frac_type frac_s ersaetze thy =
     val {frac_types, codatatypes} = Data.get thy
     val frac_types = AList.update (op =) (frac_s, ersaetze) frac_types
   in Data.put {frac_types = frac_types, codatatypes = codatatypes} thy end
-(* string -> theory -> theory *)
 fun unregister_frac_type frac_s = register_frac_type frac_s []
-(* typ -> string -> styp list -> theory -> theory *)
 fun register_codatatype co_T case_name constr_xs thy =
     val {frac_types, codatatypes} = Data.get thy
@@ -631,10 +585,8 @@
     val codatatypes = AList.update (op =) (co_s, (case_name, constr_xs))
   in Data.put {frac_types = frac_types, codatatypes = codatatypes} thy end
-(* typ -> theory -> theory *)
 fun unregister_codatatype co_T = register_codatatype co_T "" []
-(* theory -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_quot_type thy (Type (s, _)) =
     is_some (Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup_raw thy s)
   | is_quot_type _ _ = false
@@ -671,32 +623,26 @@
      | NONE => false)
   | is_univ_typedef _ _ = false
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_datatype thy stds (T as Type (s, _)) =
     (is_typedef thy s orelse is_codatatype thy T orelse T = @{typ ind} orelse
      is_quot_type thy T) andalso not (is_basic_datatype thy stds s)
   | is_datatype _ _ _ = false
-(* theory -> typ -> (string * typ) list * (string * typ) *)
 fun all_record_fields thy T =
   let val (recs, more) = Record.get_extT_fields thy T in
     recs @ more :: all_record_fields thy (snd more)
   handle TYPE _ => []
-(* styp -> bool *)
 fun is_record_constr (s, T) =
   String.isSuffix Record.extN s andalso
   let val dataT = body_type T in
     is_record_type dataT andalso
     s = unsuffix Record.ext_typeN (fst (dest_Type dataT)) ^ Record.extN
-(* theory -> typ -> int *)
 val num_record_fields = Integer.add 1 o length o fst oo Record.get_extT_fields
-(* theory -> string -> typ -> int *)
 fun no_of_record_field thy s T1 =
   find_index (curry (op =) s o fst)
              (Record.get_extT_fields thy T1 ||> single |> op @)
-(* theory -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_record_get thy (s, Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, _])) =
     exists (curry (op =) s o fst) (all_record_fields thy T1)
   | is_record_get _ _ = false
@@ -715,7 +661,6 @@
        SOME {Rep_name, ...} => s = Rep_name
      | NONE => false)
   | is_rep_fun _ _ = false
-(* Proof.context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_quot_abs_fun ctxt
                     (x as (_, Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, Type (s', _)]))) =
     (try (Quotient_Term.absrep_const_chk Quotient_Term.AbsF ctxt) s'
@@ -727,19 +672,16 @@
      = SOME (Const x))
   | is_quot_rep_fun _ _ = false
-(* theory -> styp -> styp *)
 fun mate_of_rep_fun thy (x as (_, Type (@{type_name fun},
                                         [T1 as Type (s', _), T2]))) =
     (case typedef_info thy s' of
        SOME {Abs_name, ...} => (Abs_name, Type (@{type_name fun}, [T2, T1]))
      | NONE => raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.mate_of_rep_fun", [Const x]))
   | mate_of_rep_fun _ x = raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.mate_of_rep_fun", [Const x])
-(* theory -> typ -> typ *)
 fun rep_type_for_quot_type thy (T as Type (s, _)) =
   let val {qtyp, rtyp, ...} = Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s in
     instantiate_type thy qtyp T rtyp
-(* theory -> typ -> term *)
 fun equiv_relation_for_quot_type thy (Type (s, Ts)) =
       val {qtyp, equiv_rel, ...} = Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s
@@ -748,7 +690,6 @@
   | equiv_relation_for_quot_type _ T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.equiv_relation_for_quot_type", [T], [])
-(* theory -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_coconstr thy (s, T) =
     val {codatatypes, ...} = Data.get thy
@@ -771,19 +712,16 @@
 fun is_stale_constr thy (x as (_, T)) =
   is_codatatype thy (body_type T) andalso is_constr_like thy x andalso
   not (is_coconstr thy x)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_constr thy stds (x as (_, T)) =
   is_constr_like thy x andalso
   not (is_basic_datatype thy stds
                          (fst (dest_Type (unarize_type (body_type T))))) andalso
   not (is_stale_constr thy x)
-(* string -> bool *)
 val is_sel = String.isPrefix discr_prefix orf String.isPrefix sel_prefix
 val is_sel_like_and_no_discr =
   String.isPrefix sel_prefix orf
   (member (op =) [@{const_name fst}, @{const_name snd}])
-(* boxability -> boxability *)
 fun in_fun_lhs_for InConstr = InSel
   | in_fun_lhs_for _ = InFunLHS
 fun in_fun_rhs_for InConstr = InConstr
@@ -791,7 +729,6 @@
   | in_fun_rhs_for InFunRHS1 = InFunRHS2
   | in_fun_rhs_for _ = InFunRHS1
-(* hol_context -> boxability -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_boxing_worth_it (hol_ctxt : hol_context) boxy T =
   case T of
     Type (@{type_name fun}, _) =>
@@ -803,12 +740,10 @@
      exists (is_boxing_worth_it hol_ctxt InPair)
             (map (box_type hol_ctxt InPair) Ts))
   | _ => false
-(* hol_context -> boxability -> string * typ list -> string *)
 and should_box_type (hol_ctxt as {thy, boxes, ...}) boxy z =
   case triple_lookup (type_match thy) boxes (Type z) of
     SOME (SOME box_me) => box_me
   | _ => is_boxing_worth_it hol_ctxt boxy (Type z)
-(* hol_context -> boxability -> typ -> typ *)
 and box_type hol_ctxt boxy T =
   case T of
     Type (z as (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =>
@@ -830,37 +765,29 @@
                            else InPair)) Ts)
   | _ => T
-(* typ -> typ *)
 fun binarize_nat_and_int_in_type @{typ nat} = @{typ "unsigned_bit word"}
   | binarize_nat_and_int_in_type @{typ int} = @{typ "signed_bit word"}
   | binarize_nat_and_int_in_type (Type (s, Ts)) =
     Type (s, map binarize_nat_and_int_in_type Ts)
   | binarize_nat_and_int_in_type T = T
-(* term -> term *)
 val binarize_nat_and_int_in_term = map_types binarize_nat_and_int_in_type
-(* styp -> styp *)
 fun discr_for_constr (s, T) = (discr_prefix ^ s, body_type T --> bool_T)
-(* typ -> int *)
 fun num_sels_for_constr_type T = length (maybe_curried_binder_types T)
-(* string -> int -> string *)
 fun nth_sel_name_for_constr_name s n =
   if s = @{const_name Pair} then
     if n = 0 then @{const_name fst} else @{const_name snd}
     sel_prefix_for n ^ s
-(* styp -> int -> styp *)
 fun nth_sel_for_constr x ~1 = discr_for_constr x
   | nth_sel_for_constr (s, T) n =
     (nth_sel_name_for_constr_name s n,
      body_type T --> nth (maybe_curried_binder_types T) n)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> styp -> int -> styp *)
 fun binarized_and_boxed_nth_sel_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize =
   apsnd ((binarize ? binarize_nat_and_int_in_type) o box_type hol_ctxt InSel)
   oo nth_sel_for_constr
-(* string -> int *)
 fun sel_no_from_name s =
   if String.isPrefix discr_prefix s then
@@ -871,15 +798,12 @@
-(* term -> term *)
 val close_form =
-    (* (indexname * typ) list -> (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term *)
     fun close_up zs zs' =
       fold (fn (z as ((s, _), T)) => fn t' =>
                Term.all T $ Abs (s, T, abstract_over (Var z, t')))
            (take (length zs' - length zs) zs')
-    (* (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term *)
     fun aux zs (@{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2) =
         let val zs' = Term.add_vars t1 zs in
           close_up zs zs' (Logic.mk_implies (t1, aux zs' t2))
@@ -887,7 +811,6 @@
       | aux zs t = close_up zs (Term.add_vars t zs) t
   in aux [] end
-(* typ list -> term -> int -> term *)
 fun eta_expand _ t 0 = t
   | eta_expand Ts (Abs (s, T, t')) n =
     Abs (s, T, eta_expand (T :: Ts) t' (n - 1))
@@ -896,7 +819,6 @@
              (List.take (binder_types (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)), n))
              (list_comb (incr_boundvars n t, map Bound (n - 1 downto 0)))
-(* term -> term *)
 fun extensionalize t =
   case t of
     (t0 as @{const Trueprop}) $ t1 => t0 $ extensionalize t1
@@ -906,17 +828,14 @@
   | _ => t
-(* typ -> term list -> term *)
 fun distinctness_formula T =
   #> map (fn (t1, t2) => @{const Not} $ (HOLogic.eq_const T $ t1 $ t2))
   #> List.foldr (s_conj o swap) @{const True}
-(* typ -> term *)
 fun zero_const T = Const (@{const_name}, T)
 fun suc_const T = Const (@{const_name Suc}, T --> T)
-(* hol_context -> typ -> styp list *)
 fun uncached_datatype_constrs ({thy, stds, ...} : hol_context)
                               (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
     (case AList.lookup (op =) (#codatatypes (Data.get thy)) s of
@@ -953,7 +872,6 @@
   | uncached_datatype_constrs _ _ = []
-(* hol_context -> typ -> styp list *)
 fun datatype_constrs (hol_ctxt as {constr_cache, ...}) T =
   case AList.lookup (op =) (!constr_cache) T of
     SOME xs => xs
@@ -961,18 +879,14 @@
     let val xs = uncached_datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T in
       (Unsynchronized.change constr_cache (cons (T, xs)); xs)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ -> styp list *)
 fun binarized_and_boxed_datatype_constrs hol_ctxt binarize =
   map (apsnd ((binarize ? binarize_nat_and_int_in_type)
               o box_type hol_ctxt InConstr)) o datatype_constrs hol_ctxt
-(* hol_context -> typ -> int *)
 val num_datatype_constrs = length oo datatype_constrs
-(* string -> string *)
 fun constr_name_for_sel_like @{const_name fst} = @{const_name Pair}
   | constr_name_for_sel_like @{const_name snd} = @{const_name Pair}
   | constr_name_for_sel_like s' = original_name s'
-(* hol_context -> bool -> styp -> styp *)
 fun binarized_and_boxed_constr_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize (s', T') =
   let val s = constr_name_for_sel_like s' in
     AList.lookup (op =)
@@ -981,7 +895,6 @@
     |> the |> pair s
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term *)
 fun discr_term_for_constr hol_ctxt (x as (s, T)) =
   let val dataT = body_type T in
     if s = @{const_name Suc} then
@@ -992,7 +905,6 @@
       Abs (Name.uu, dataT, @{const True})
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term -> term *)
 fun discriminate_value (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) x t =
   case head_of t of
     Const x' =>
@@ -1001,7 +913,6 @@
     else betapply (discr_term_for_constr hol_ctxt x, t)
   | _ => betapply (discr_term_for_constr hol_ctxt x, t)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> term -> term *)
 fun nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr thy stds (x as (s, T)) n =
   let val (arg_Ts, dataT) = strip_type T in
     if dataT = nat_T andalso is_standard_datatype thy stds nat_T then
@@ -1010,7 +921,6 @@
       Const (nth_sel_for_constr x n)
-        (* int -> typ -> int * term *)
         fun aux m (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) =
               val (m, t1) = aux m T1
@@ -1023,7 +933,6 @@
                      (List.take (arg_Ts, n)) 0
       in Abs ("x", dataT, aux m (nth arg_Ts n) |> snd) end
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> term -> int -> typ -> term *)
 fun select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x t n res_T =
   (case strip_comb t of
      (Const x', args) =>
@@ -1033,7 +942,6 @@
    | _ => raise SAME())
   handle SAME () => betapply (nth_arg_sel_term_for_constr thy stds x n, t)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> styp -> term list -> term *)
 fun construct_value _ _ x [] = Const x
   | construct_value thy stds (x as (s, _)) args =
     let val args = map Envir.eta_contract args in
@@ -1050,7 +958,6 @@
       | _ => list_comb (Const x, args)
-(* hol_context -> typ -> term -> term *)
 fun constr_expand (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) T t =
   (case head_of t of
      Const x => if is_constr_like thy x then t else raise SAME ()
@@ -1070,17 +977,14 @@
                                      (index_seq 0 (length arg_Ts)) arg_Ts)
-(* (term -> term) -> int -> term -> term *)
 fun coerce_bound_no f j t =
   case t of
     t1 $ t2 => coerce_bound_no f j t1 $ coerce_bound_no f j t2
   | Abs (s, T, t') => Abs (s, T, coerce_bound_no f (j + 1) t')
   | Bound j' => if j' = j then f t else t
   | _ => t
-(* hol_context -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
 fun coerce_bound_0_in_term hol_ctxt new_T old_T =
   old_T <> new_T ? coerce_bound_no (coerce_term hol_ctxt [new_T] old_T new_T) 0
-(* hol_context -> typ list -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
 and coerce_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, fast_descrs, ...}) Ts new_T old_T t =
   if old_T = new_T then
@@ -1125,7 +1029,6 @@
         raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.coerce_term", [new_T, old_T], [t])
     | _ => raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.coerce_term", [new_T, old_T], [t])
-(* (typ * int) list -> typ -> int *)
 fun card_of_type assigns (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     reasonable_power (card_of_type assigns T2) (card_of_type assigns T1)
   | card_of_type assigns (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) =
@@ -1139,7 +1042,6 @@
       SOME k => k
     | NONE => if T = @{typ bisim_iterator} then 0
               else raise TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", [T], [])
-(* int -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> int *)
 fun bounded_card_of_type max default_card assigns
                          (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
@@ -1162,11 +1064,9 @@
                     card_of_type assigns T
                     handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) =>
-(* hol_context -> typ list -> int -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> int *)
 fun bounded_exact_card_of_type hol_ctxt finitizable_dataTs max default_card
                                assigns T =
-    (* typ list -> typ -> int *)
     fun aux avoid T =
       (if member (op =) avoid T then
@@ -1215,47 +1115,36 @@
 val small_type_max_card = 5
-(* hol_context -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_finite_type hol_ctxt T =
   bounded_exact_card_of_type hol_ctxt [] 1 2 [] T > 0
-(* hol_context -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_small_finite_type hol_ctxt T =
   let val n = bounded_exact_card_of_type hol_ctxt [] 1 2 [] T in
     n > 0 andalso n <= small_type_max_card
-(* term -> bool *)
 fun is_ground_term (t1 $ t2) = is_ground_term t1 andalso is_ground_term t2
   | is_ground_term (Const _) = true
   | is_ground_term _ = false
-(* term -> word -> word *)
 fun hashw_term (t1 $ t2) = hashw (hashw_term t1, hashw_term t2)
   | hashw_term (Const (s, _)) = hashw_string (s, 0w0)
   | hashw_term _ = 0w0
-(* term -> int *)
 val hash_term = Word.toInt o hashw_term
-(* term list -> (indexname * typ) list *)
 fun special_bounds ts =
   fold Term.add_vars ts [] |> sort (Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord o pairself fst)
-(* indexname * typ -> term -> term *)
 fun abs_var ((s, j), T) body = Abs (s, T, abstract_over (Var ((s, j), T), body))
-(* theory -> string -> bool *)
 fun is_funky_typedef_name thy s =
   member (op =) [@{type_name unit}, @{type_name "*"}, @{type_name "+"},
                  @{type_name int}] s orelse
   is_frac_type thy (Type (s, []))
-(* theory -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_funky_typedef thy (Type (s, _)) = is_funky_typedef_name thy s
   | is_funky_typedef _ _ = false
-(* term -> bool *)
 fun is_arity_type_axiom (Const (@{const_name HOL.type_class}, _)
                          $ Const (@{const_name TYPE}, _)) = true
   | is_arity_type_axiom _ = false
-(* theory -> bool -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_typedef_axiom thy boring (@{const "==>"} $ _ $ t2) =
     is_typedef_axiom thy boring t2
   | is_typedef_axiom thy boring
@@ -1264,7 +1153,6 @@
          $ Const _ $ _)) =
     boring <> is_funky_typedef_name thy s andalso is_typedef thy s
   | is_typedef_axiom _ _ _ = false
-(* term -> bool *)
 val is_class_axiom =
   Logic.strip_horn #> swap #> op :: #> forall (can Logic.dest_of_class)
@@ -1272,7 +1160,6 @@
    typedef axioms, and (3) other axioms, and returns the pair ((1), (3)).
    Typedef axioms are uninteresting to Nitpick, because it can retrieve them
    using "typedef_info". *)
-(* theory -> (string * term) list -> string list -> term list * term list *)
 fun partition_axioms_by_definitionality thy axioms def_names =
     val axioms = sort (fast_string_ord o pairself fst) axioms
@@ -1285,15 +1172,12 @@
 (* Ideally we would check against "Complex_Main", not "Refute", but any theory
    will do as long as it contains all the "axioms" and "axiomatization"
    commands. *)
-(* theory -> bool *)
 fun is_built_in_theory thy = Theory.subthy (thy, @{theory Refute})
-(* term -> bool *)
 val is_trivial_definition =
   the_default false o try (op aconv o Logic.dest_equals)
 val is_plain_definition =
-    (* term -> bool *)
     fun do_lhs t1 =
       case strip_comb t1 of
         (Const _, args) =>
@@ -1305,10 +1189,8 @@
       | do_eq _ = false
   in do_eq end
-(* theory -> (term * term) list -> term list * term list * term list *)
 fun all_axioms_of thy subst =
-    (* theory list -> term list *)
     val axioms_of_thys =
       maps Thm.axioms_of
       #> map (apsnd (subst_atomic subst o prop_of))
@@ -1337,7 +1219,6 @@
       user_defs @ built_in_defs
   in (defs, built_in_nondefs, user_nondefs) end
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> bool -> styp -> int option *)
 fun arity_of_built_in_const thy stds fast_descrs (s, T) =
   if s = @{const_name If} then
     if nth_range_type 3 T = @{typ bool} then NONE else SOME 3
@@ -1365,12 +1246,10 @@
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> bool -> styp -> bool *)
 val is_built_in_const = is_some oooo arity_of_built_in_const
 (* This function is designed to work for both real definition axioms and
    simplification rules (equational specifications). *)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun term_under_def t =
   case t of
     @{const "==>"} $ _ $ t2 => term_under_def t2
@@ -1384,8 +1263,6 @@
 (* Here we crucially rely on "Refute.specialize_type" performing a preorder
    traversal of the term, without which the wrong occurrence of a constant could
    be matched in the face of overloading. *)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> bool -> const_table -> styp
-   -> term list *)
 fun def_props_for_const thy stds fast_descrs table (x as (s, _)) =
   if is_built_in_const thy stds fast_descrs x then
@@ -1394,10 +1271,8 @@
     |> map_filter (try (Refute.specialize_type thy x))
     |> filter (curry (op =) (Const x) o term_under_def)
-(* term -> term option *)
 fun normalized_rhs_of t =
-    (* term option -> term option *)
     fun aux (v as Var _) (SOME t) = SOME (lambda v t)
       | aux (c as Const (@{const_name TYPE}, _)) (SOME t) = SOME (lambda c t)
       | aux _ _ = NONE
@@ -1410,7 +1285,6 @@
     val args = strip_comb lhs |> snd
   in fold_rev aux args (SOME rhs) end
-(* theory -> const_table -> styp -> term option *)
 fun def_of_const thy table (x as (s, _)) =
   if is_built_in_const thy [(NONE, false)] false x orelse
      original_name s <> s then
@@ -1420,16 +1294,13 @@
       |> normalized_rhs_of |> (prefix_abs_vars s)
     handle List.Empty => NONE
-(* term -> fixpoint_kind *)
 fun fixpoint_kind_of_rhs (Abs (_, _, t)) = fixpoint_kind_of_rhs t
   | fixpoint_kind_of_rhs (Const (@{const_name lfp}, _) $ Abs _) = Lfp
   | fixpoint_kind_of_rhs (Const (@{const_name gfp}, _) $ Abs _) = Gfp
   | fixpoint_kind_of_rhs _ = NoFp
-(* theory -> const_table -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_mutually_inductive_pred_def thy table t =
-    (* term -> bool *)
     fun is_good_arg (Bound _) = true
       | is_good_arg (Const (s, _)) =
         s = @{const_name True} orelse s = @{const_name False} orelse
@@ -1443,7 +1314,6 @@
        | NONE => false)
     | _ => false
-(* theory -> const_table -> term -> term *)
 fun unfold_mutually_inductive_preds thy table =
   map_aterms (fn t as Const x =>
                  (case def_of_const thy table x of
@@ -1455,7 +1325,6 @@
                  | NONE => t)
                | t => t)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> (string * int) list *)
 fun case_const_names thy stds =
   Symtab.fold (fn (dtype_s, {index, descr, case_name, ...}) =>
                   if is_basic_datatype thy stds dtype_s then
@@ -1466,7 +1335,6 @@
               (Datatype.get_all thy) [] @
   map (apsnd length o snd) (#codatatypes (Data.get thy))
-(* theory -> const_table -> string * typ -> fixpoint_kind *)
 fun fixpoint_kind_of_const thy table x =
   if is_built_in_const thy [(NONE, false)] false x then
@@ -1474,7 +1342,6 @@
     fixpoint_kind_of_rhs (the (def_of_const thy table x))
     handle Option.Option => NoFp
-(* hol_context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_real_inductive_pred ({thy, stds, fast_descrs, def_table, intro_table,
                              ...} : hol_context) x =
   fixpoint_kind_of_const thy def_table x <> NoFp andalso
@@ -1490,7 +1357,6 @@
   (is_real_equational_fun hol_ctxt orf is_real_inductive_pred hol_ctxt orf
    (String.isPrefix ubfp_prefix orf String.isPrefix lbfp_prefix) o fst)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun lhs_of_equation t =
   case t of
     Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t1) => lhs_of_equation t1
@@ -1501,7 +1367,6 @@
   | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ _ => SOME t1
   | @{const "op -->"} $ _ $ t2 => lhs_of_equation t2
   | _ => NONE
-(* theory -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_constr_pattern _ (Bound _) = true
   | is_constr_pattern _ (Var _) = true
   | is_constr_pattern thy t =
@@ -1518,10 +1383,8 @@
 (* Similar to "Refute.specialize_type" but returns all matches rather than only
    the first (preorder) match. *)
-(* theory -> styp -> term -> term list *)
 fun multi_specialize_type thy slack (s, T) t =
-    (* term -> (typ * term) list -> (typ * term) list *)
     fun aux (Const (s', T')) ys =
         if s = s' then
           ys |> (if AList.defined (op =) ys T' then
@@ -1540,22 +1403,18 @@
       | aux _ ys = ys
   in map snd (fold_aterms aux t []) end
-(* theory -> bool -> const_table -> styp -> term list *)
 fun nondef_props_for_const thy slack table (x as (s, _)) =
   these (Symtab.lookup table s) |> maps (multi_specialize_type thy slack x)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun unvarify_term (t1 $ t2) = unvarify_term t1 $ unvarify_term t2
   | unvarify_term (Var ((s, 0), T)) = Free (s, T)
   | unvarify_term (Abs (s, T, t')) = Abs (s, T, unvarify_term t')
   | unvarify_term t = t
-(* theory -> term -> term *)
 fun axiom_for_choice_spec thy =
   #> Object_Logic.atomize_term thy
   #> Choice_Specification.close_form
   #> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
-(* hol_context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_choice_spec_fun ({thy, def_table, nondef_table, choice_spec_table, ...}
                         : hol_context) x =
   case nondef_props_for_const thy true choice_spec_table x of
@@ -1571,7 +1430,6 @@
                                 ts') ts
-(* theory -> const_table -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_choice_spec_axiom thy choice_spec_table t =
   Symtab.exists (fn (_, ts) =>
                     exists (curry (op aconv) t o axiom_for_choice_spec thy) ts)
@@ -1579,18 +1437,15 @@
 (** Constant unfolding **)
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> int * styp -> term *)
 fun constr_case_body thy stds (j, (x as (_, T))) =
   let val arg_Ts = binder_types T in
     list_comb (Bound j, map2 (select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x (Bound 0))
                              (index_seq 0 (length arg_Ts)) arg_Ts)
-(* hol_context -> typ -> int * styp -> term -> term *)
 fun add_constr_case (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) res_T (j, x) res_t =
   Const (@{const_name If}, bool_T --> res_T --> res_T --> res_T)
   $ discriminate_value hol_ctxt x (Bound 0) $ constr_case_body thy stds (j, x)
   $ res_t
-(* hol_context -> typ -> typ -> term *)
 fun optimized_case_def (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) dataT res_T =
     val xs = datatype_constrs hol_ctxt dataT
@@ -1601,7 +1456,6 @@
     |> fold_rev (add_constr_case hol_ctxt res_T) (length xs downto 2 ~~ xs')
     |> fold_rev (curry absdummy) (func_Ts @ [dataT])
-(* hol_context -> string -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
 fun optimized_record_get (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) s rec_T res_T t =
   let val constr_x = hd (datatype_constrs hol_ctxt rec_T) in
     case no_of_record_field thy s rec_T of
@@ -1618,7 +1472,6 @@
     | j => select_nth_constr_arg thy stds constr_x t j res_T
-(* hol_context -> string -> typ -> term -> term -> term *)
 fun optimized_record_update (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) s rec_T fun_t rec_t =
     val constr_x as (_, constr_T) = hd (datatype_constrs hol_ctxt rec_T)
@@ -1641,12 +1494,10 @@
 (* Prevents divergence in case of cyclic or infinite definition dependencies. *)
 val unfold_max_depth = 255
-(* hol_context -> term -> term *)
 fun unfold_defs_in_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, fast_descrs, case_names,
                                       def_table, ground_thm_table, ersatz_table,
                                       ...}) =
-    (* int -> typ list -> term -> term *)
     fun do_term depth Ts t =
       case t of
         (t0 as Const (@{const_name Int.number_class.number_of},
@@ -1696,13 +1547,11 @@
       | Var _ => t
       | Bound _ => t
       | Abs (s, T, body) => Abs (s, T, do_term depth (T :: Ts) body)
-    (* int -> typ list -> styp -> term list -> int -> typ -> term * term list *)
     and select_nth_constr_arg_with_args _ _ (x as (_, T)) [] n res_T =
         (Abs (Name.uu, body_type T,
               select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x (Bound 0) n res_T), [])
       | select_nth_constr_arg_with_args depth Ts x (t :: ts) n res_T =
         (select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x (do_term depth Ts t) n res_T, ts)
-    (* int -> typ list -> term -> styp -> term list -> term *)
     and do_const depth Ts t (x as (s, T)) ts =
       case AList.lookup (op =) ersatz_table s of
         SOME s' =>
@@ -1783,39 +1632,30 @@
 (** Axiom extraction/generation **)
-(* term -> string * term *)
 fun pair_for_prop t =
   case term_under_def t of
     Const (s, _) => (s, t)
   | t' => raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.pair_for_prop", [t, t'])
-(* (Proof.context -> term list) -> Proof.context -> (term * term) list
-   -> const_table *)
 fun def_table_for get ctxt subst =
   ctxt |> get |> map (pair_for_prop o subst_atomic subst)
        |> (op =) |> Symtab.make
-(* term -> string * term *)
 fun paired_with_consts t = map (rpair t) (Term.add_const_names t [])
-(* Proof.context -> (term * term) list -> term list -> const_table *)
 fun const_def_table ctxt subst ts =
   def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Defs.get) ctxt subst
   |> fold (fn (s, t) => Symtab.map_default (s, []) (cons t))
           (map pair_for_prop ts)
-(* term list -> const_table *)
 fun const_nondef_table ts =
   fold (append o paired_with_consts) ts [] |> (op =) |> Symtab.make
-(* Proof.context -> (term * term) list -> const_table *)
 val const_simp_table = def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Simps.get)
 val const_psimp_table = def_table_for (map prop_of o Nitpick_Psimps.get)
 fun const_choice_spec_table ctxt subst =
   map (subst_atomic subst o prop_of) (Nitpick_Choice_Specs.get ctxt)
   |> const_nondef_table
-(* Proof.context -> (term * term) list -> const_table -> const_table *)
 fun inductive_intro_table ctxt subst def_table =
       (map (unfold_mutually_inductive_preds (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
                                             def_table o prop_of)
            o Nitpick_Intros.get) ctxt subst
-(* theory -> term list Inttab.table *)
 fun ground_theorem_table thy =
   fold ((fn @{const Trueprop} $ t1 =>
             is_ground_term t1 ? Inttab.map_default (hash_term t1, []) (cons t1)
@@ -1831,16 +1671,13 @@
    (@{const_name wf_wfrec}, @{const_name wf_wfrec'}),
    (@{const_name wfrec}, @{const_name wfrec'})]
-(* theory -> (string * string) list *)
 fun ersatz_table thy =
   fold (append o snd) (#frac_types (Data.get thy)) basic_ersatz_table
-(* const_table Unsynchronized.ref -> string -> term list -> unit *)
 fun add_simps simp_table s eqs =
   Unsynchronized.change simp_table
       (Symtab.update (s, eqs @ these (Symtab.lookup (!simp_table) s)))
-(* theory -> styp -> term list *)
 fun inverse_axioms_for_rep_fun thy (x as (_, T)) =
   let val abs_T = domain_type T in
     typedef_info thy (fst (dest_Type abs_T)) |> the
@@ -1848,7 +1685,6 @@
     |> pairself (Refute.specialize_type thy x o prop_of o the)
     ||> single |> op ::
-(* theory -> string * typ list -> term list *)
 fun optimized_typedef_axioms thy (abs_z as (abs_s, _)) =
   let val abs_T = Type abs_z in
     if is_univ_typedef thy abs_T then
@@ -1871,7 +1707,6 @@
     | NONE => []
-(* Proof.context -> string * typ list -> term list *)
 fun optimized_quot_type_axioms ctxt stds abs_z =
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
@@ -1900,7 +1735,6 @@
           HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (equiv_rel $ x_var $ normal_x))]
-(* hol_context -> typ -> term list *)
 fun codatatype_bisim_axioms (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) T =
     val xs = datatype_constrs hol_ctxt T
@@ -1915,13 +1749,11 @@
                           $ (suc_const iter_T $ Bound 0) $ n_var)
     val x_var = Var (("x", 0), T)
     val y_var = Var (("y", 0), T)
-    (* styp -> int -> typ -> term *)
     fun nth_sub_bisim x n nth_T =
       (if is_codatatype thy nth_T then bisim_const $ n_var_minus_1
        else HOLogic.eq_const nth_T)
       $ select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x x_var n nth_T
       $ select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x y_var n nth_T
-    (* styp -> term *)
     fun case_func (x as (_, T)) =
         val arg_Ts = binder_types T
@@ -1943,22 +1775,18 @@
 exception NO_TRIPLE of unit
-(* theory -> styp -> term -> term list * term list * term *)
 fun triple_for_intro_rule thy x t =
     val prems = Logic.strip_imp_prems t |> map (Object_Logic.atomize_term thy)
     val concl = Logic.strip_imp_concl t |> Object_Logic.atomize_term thy
     val (main, side) = List.partition (exists_Const (curry (op =) x)) prems
-    (* term -> bool *)
-     val is_good_head = curry (op =) (Const x) o head_of
+    val is_good_head = curry (op =) (Const x) o head_of
     if forall is_good_head main then (side, main, concl) else raise NO_TRIPLE ()
-(* term -> term *)
 val tuple_for_args = HOLogic.mk_tuple o snd o strip_comb
-(* indexname * typ -> term list -> term -> term -> term *)
 fun wf_constraint_for rel side concl main =
     val core = HOLogic.mk_mem (HOLogic.mk_prod (tuple_for_args main,
@@ -1972,12 +1800,9 @@
                   (t, vars)
-(* indexname * typ -> term list * term list * term -> term *)
 fun wf_constraint_for_triple rel (side, main, concl) =
   map (wf_constraint_for rel side concl) main |> foldr1 s_conj
-(* Proof.context -> Time.time option -> thm
-   -> (Proof.context -> tactic -> tactic) -> bool *)
 fun terminates_by ctxt timeout goal tac =
   can (SINGLE (Classical.safe_tac (claset_of ctxt)) #> the
        #> SINGLE (DETERM_TIMEOUT timeout
@@ -1993,7 +1818,6 @@
 val termination_tacs = [Lexicographic_Order.lex_order_tac true,
-(* hol_context -> const_table -> styp -> bool *)
 fun uncached_is_well_founded_inductive_pred
         ({thy, ctxt, stds, debug, fast_descrs, tac_timeout, intro_table, ...}
          : hol_context) (x as (_, T)) =
@@ -2038,7 +1862,6 @@
 (* The type constraint below is a workaround for a Poly/ML crash. *)
-(* hol_context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_well_founded_inductive_pred
         (hol_ctxt as {thy, wfs, def_table, wf_cache, ...} : hol_context)
         (x as (s, _)) =
@@ -2055,7 +1878,6 @@
              Unsynchronized.change wf_cache (cons (x, (gfp, wf))); wf
-(* typ list -> typ -> term -> term *)
 fun ap_curry [_] _ t = t
   | ap_curry arg_Ts tuple_T t =
     let val n = length arg_Ts in
@@ -2064,7 +1886,6 @@
                 $ mk_flat_tuple tuple_T (map Bound (n - 1 downto 0)))
-(* int -> term -> int *)
 fun num_occs_of_bound_in_term j (t1 $ t2) =
     op + (pairself (num_occs_of_bound_in_term j) (t1, t2))
   | num_occs_of_bound_in_term j (Abs (_, _, t')) =
@@ -2072,10 +1893,8 @@
   | num_occs_of_bound_in_term j (Bound j') = if j' = j then 1 else 0
   | num_occs_of_bound_in_term _ _ = 0
-(* term -> bool *)
 val is_linear_inductive_pred_def =
-    (* int -> term -> bool *)
     fun do_disjunct j (Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t2)) =
         do_disjunct (j + 1) t2
       | do_disjunct j t =
@@ -2083,7 +1902,6 @@
           0 => true
         | 1 => exists (curry (op =) (Bound j) o head_of) (conjuncts_of t)
         | _ => false
-    (* term -> bool *)
     fun do_lfp_def (Const (@{const_name lfp}, _) $ t2) =
         let val (xs, body) = strip_abs t2 in
           case length xs of
@@ -2093,24 +1911,19 @@
       | do_lfp_def _ = false
   in do_lfp_def o strip_abs_body end
-(* int -> int list list *)
 fun n_ptuple_paths 0 = []
   | n_ptuple_paths 1 = []
   | n_ptuple_paths n = [] :: map (cons 2) (n_ptuple_paths (n - 1))
-(* int -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
 val ap_n_split = HOLogic.mk_psplits o n_ptuple_paths
-(* term -> term * term *)
 val linear_pred_base_and_step_rhss =
-    (* term -> term *)
     fun aux (Const (@{const_name lfp}, _) $ t2) =
           val (xs, body) = strip_abs t2
           val arg_Ts = map snd (tl xs)
           val tuple_T = HOLogic.mk_tupleT arg_Ts
           val j = length arg_Ts
-          (* int -> term -> term *)
           fun repair_rec j (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T1) $ Abs (s2, T2, t2')) =
               Const (@{const_name Ex}, T1)
               $ Abs (s2, T2, repair_rec (j + 1) t2')
@@ -2140,7 +1953,6 @@
         raise TERM ("Nitpick_HOL.linear_pred_base_and_step_rhss.aux", [t])
   in aux end
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term -> term *)
 fun starred_linear_pred_const (hol_ctxt as {simp_table, ...}) (s, T) def =
     val j = maxidx_of_term def + 1
@@ -2174,7 +1986,6 @@
     |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
-(* hol_context -> bool -> styp -> term *)
 fun unrolled_inductive_pred_const (hol_ctxt as {thy, star_linear_preds,
                                                 def_table, simp_table, ...})
                                   gfp (x as (s, T)) =
@@ -2211,7 +2022,6 @@
       in unrolled_const end
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term *)
 fun raw_inductive_pred_axiom ({thy, def_table, ...} : hol_context) x =
     val def = the (def_of_const thy def_table x)
@@ -2238,7 +2048,6 @@
     raw_inductive_pred_axiom hol_ctxt x
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term list *)
 fun raw_equational_fun_axioms (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, fast_descrs, simp_table,
                                             psimp_table, ...}) x =
   case def_props_for_const thy stds fast_descrs (!simp_table) x of
@@ -2247,7 +2056,6 @@
            | psimps => psimps)
   | simps => simps
 val equational_fun_axioms = map extensionalize oo raw_equational_fun_axioms
-(* hol_context -> styp -> bool *)
 fun is_equational_fun_surely_complete hol_ctxt x =
   case raw_equational_fun_axioms hol_ctxt x of
     [@{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ _)] =>
@@ -2256,10 +2064,8 @@
 (** Type preprocessing **)
-(* term list -> term list *)
 fun merge_type_vars_in_terms ts =
-    (* typ -> (sort * string) list -> (sort * string) list *)
     fun add_type (TFree (s, S)) table =
         (case AList.lookup (op =) table S of
            SOME s' =>
@@ -2268,12 +2074,10 @@
          | NONE => (S, s) :: table)
       | add_type _ table = table
     val table = fold (fold_types (fold_atyps add_type)) ts []
-    (* typ -> typ *)
     fun coalesce (TFree (_, S)) = TFree (AList.lookup (op =) table S |> the, S)
       | coalesce T = T
   in map (map_types (map_atyps coalesce)) ts end
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ -> typ list -> typ list *)
 fun add_ground_types hol_ctxt binarize =
     fun aux T accum =
@@ -2294,10 +2098,8 @@
       | _ => insert (op =) T accum
   in aux end
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ -> typ list *)
 fun ground_types_in_type hol_ctxt binarize T =
   add_ground_types hol_ctxt binarize T []
-(* hol_context -> term list -> typ list *)
 fun ground_types_in_terms hol_ctxt binarize ts =
   fold (fold_types (add_ground_types hol_ctxt binarize)) ts []
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_isar.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -55,22 +55,16 @@
    ("binary_ints", "smart"),
    ("destroy_constrs", "true"),
    ("specialize", "true"),
-   ("skolemize", "true"),
    ("star_linear_preds", "true"),
-   ("uncurry", "true"),
    ("fast_descrs", "true"),
    ("peephole_optim", "true"),
    ("timeout", "30 s"),
    ("tac_timeout", "500 ms"),
-   ("sym_break", "20"),
-   ("sharing_depth", "3"),
-   ("flatten_props", "false"),
    ("max_threads", "0"),
    ("debug", "false"),
    ("verbose", "false"),
    ("overlord", "false"),
    ("show_all", "false"),
-   ("show_skolems", "true"),
    ("show_datatypes", "false"),
    ("show_consts", "false"),
    ("format", "1"),
@@ -93,23 +87,18 @@
    ("unary_ints", "binary_ints"),
    ("dont_destroy_constrs", "destroy_constrs"),
    ("dont_specialize", "specialize"),
-   ("dont_skolemize", "skolemize"),
    ("dont_star_linear_preds", "star_linear_preds"),
-   ("dont_uncurry", "uncurry"),
    ("full_descrs", "fast_descrs"),
    ("no_peephole_optim", "peephole_optim"),
-   ("dont_flatten_props", "flatten_props"),
    ("no_debug", "debug"),
    ("quiet", "verbose"),
    ("no_overlord", "overlord"),
    ("dont_show_all", "show_all"),
-   ("hide_skolems", "show_skolems"),
    ("hide_datatypes", "show_datatypes"),
    ("hide_consts", "show_consts"),
    ("trust_potential", "check_potential"),
    ("trust_genuine", "check_genuine")]
-(* string -> bool *)
 fun is_known_raw_param s =
   AList.defined (op =) default_default_params s orelse
   AList.defined (op =) negated_params s orelse
@@ -118,19 +107,16 @@
          ["card", "max", "iter", "box", "dont_box", "finitize", "dont_finitize",
           "mono", "non_mono", "std", "non_std", "wf", "non_wf", "format"]
-(* string * 'a -> unit *)
 fun check_raw_param (s, _) =
   if is_known_raw_param s then ()
   else error ("Unknown parameter: " ^ quote s ^ ".")  
-(* string -> string option *)
 fun unnegate_param_name name =
   case AList.lookup (op =) negated_params name of
     NONE => if String.isPrefix "dont_" name then SOME (unprefix "dont_" name)
             else if String.isPrefix "non_" name then SOME (unprefix "non_" name)
             else NONE
   | some_name => some_name
-(* raw_param -> raw_param *)
 fun unnegate_raw_param (name, value) =
   case unnegate_param_name name of
     SOME name' => (name', case value of
@@ -142,47 +128,36 @@
 structure Data = Theory_Data(
   type T = raw_param list
-  val empty = default_default_params |> map (apsnd single)
+  val empty = map (apsnd single) default_default_params
   val extend = I
-  fun merge p : T = AList.merge (op =) (K true) p)
+  val merge = AList.merge (op =) (K true))
-(* raw_param -> theory -> theory *)
 val set_default_raw_param = o AList.update (op =) o unnegate_raw_param
-(* theory -> raw_param list *)
 val default_raw_params = Data.get
-(* string -> bool *)
 fun is_punctuation s = (s = "," orelse s = "-" orelse s = "\<midarrow>")
-(* string list -> string *)
 fun stringify_raw_param_value [] = ""
   | stringify_raw_param_value [s] = s
   | stringify_raw_param_value (s1 :: s2 :: ss) =
     s1 ^ (if is_punctuation s1 orelse is_punctuation s2 then "" else " ") ^
     stringify_raw_param_value (s2 :: ss)
-(* int -> string -> int *)
 fun maxed_int_from_string min_int s = Int.max (min_int, the (Int.fromString s))
-(* Proof.context -> bool -> raw_param list -> raw_param list -> params *)
 fun extract_params ctxt auto default_params override_params =
     val override_params = map unnegate_raw_param override_params
     val raw_params = rev override_params @ rev default_params
-    (* string -> string *)
     val lookup = stringify_raw_param_value o AList.lookup (op =) raw_params
     val lookup_string = the_default "" o lookup
-    (* bool -> bool option -> string -> bool option *)
     fun general_lookup_bool option default_value name =
       case lookup name of
-        SOME s => Sledgehammer_Util.parse_bool_option option name s
+        SOME s => parse_bool_option option name s
       | NONE => default_value
-    (* string -> bool *)
     val lookup_bool = the o general_lookup_bool false (SOME false)
-    (* string -> bool option *)
     val lookup_bool_option = general_lookup_bool true NONE
-    (* string -> string option -> int *)
     fun do_int name value =
       case value of
         SOME s => (case Int.fromString s of
@@ -190,14 +165,11 @@
                    | NONE => error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
                                     " must be assigned an integer value."))
       | NONE => 0
-    (* string -> int *)
     fun lookup_int name = do_int name (lookup name)
-    (* string -> int option *)
     fun lookup_int_option name =
       case lookup name of
         SOME "smart" => NONE
       | value => SOME (do_int name value)
-    (* string -> int -> string -> int list *)
     fun int_range_from_string name min_int s =
         val (k1, k2) =
@@ -211,17 +183,14 @@
       handle Option.Option =>
              error ("Parameter " ^ quote name ^
                     " must be assigned a sequence of integers.")
-    (* string -> int -> string -> int list *)
     fun int_seq_from_string name min_int s =
       maps (int_range_from_string name min_int) (space_explode "," s)
-    (* string -> int -> int list *)
     fun lookup_int_seq name min_int =
       case lookup name of
         SOME s => (case int_seq_from_string name min_int s of
                      [] => [min_int]
                    | value => value)
       | NONE => [min_int]
-    (* (string -> 'a) -> int -> string -> ('a option * int list) list *)
     fun lookup_ints_assigns read prefix min_int =
       (NONE, lookup_int_seq prefix min_int)
       :: map (fn (name, value) =>
@@ -229,38 +198,31 @@
                   value |> stringify_raw_param_value
                         |> int_seq_from_string name min_int))
              (filter (String.isPrefix (prefix ^ " ") o fst) raw_params)
-    (* (string -> 'a) -> string -> ('a option * bool) list *)
     fun lookup_bool_assigns read prefix =
       (NONE, lookup_bool prefix)
       :: map (fn (name, value) =>
                  (SOME (read (String.extract (name, size prefix + 1, NONE))),
                   value |> stringify_raw_param_value
-                        |> Sledgehammer_Util.parse_bool_option false name
-                        |> the))
+                        |> parse_bool_option false name |> the))
              (filter (String.isPrefix (prefix ^ " ") o fst) raw_params)
-    (* (string -> 'a) -> string -> ('a option * bool option) list *)
     fun lookup_bool_option_assigns read prefix =
       (NONE, lookup_bool_option prefix)
       :: map (fn (name, value) =>
                  (SOME (read (String.extract (name, size prefix + 1, NONE))),
                   value |> stringify_raw_param_value
-                        |> Sledgehammer_Util.parse_bool_option true name))
+                        |> parse_bool_option true name))
              (filter (String.isPrefix (prefix ^ " ") o fst) raw_params)
-    (* string -> Time.time option *)
     fun lookup_time name =
       case lookup name of
         NONE => NONE
-      | SOME s => Sledgehammer_Util.parse_time_option name s
-    (* string -> term list *)
+      | SOME s => parse_time_option name s
     val lookup_term_list =
       AList.lookup (op =) raw_params #> these #> Syntax.read_terms ctxt
     val read_type_polymorphic =
       Syntax.read_typ ctxt #> Logic.mk_type
       #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) #> Logic.dest_type
-    (* string -> term *)
     val read_term_polymorphic =
       Syntax.read_term ctxt #> singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt)
-    (* string -> styp *)
     val read_const_polymorphic = read_term_polymorphic #> dest_Const
     val cards_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_type_polymorphic "card" 1
     val maxes_assigns = lookup_ints_assigns read_const_polymorphic "max" ~1
@@ -284,19 +246,13 @@
     val binary_ints = lookup_bool_option "binary_ints"
     val destroy_constrs = lookup_bool "destroy_constrs"
     val specialize = lookup_bool "specialize"
-    val skolemize = lookup_bool "skolemize"
     val star_linear_preds = lookup_bool "star_linear_preds"
-    val uncurry = lookup_bool "uncurry"
     val fast_descrs = lookup_bool "fast_descrs"
     val peephole_optim = lookup_bool "peephole_optim"
     val timeout = if auto then NONE else lookup_time "timeout"
     val tac_timeout = lookup_time "tac_timeout"
-    val sym_break = Int.max (0, lookup_int "sym_break")
-    val sharing_depth = Int.max (1, lookup_int "sharing_depth")
-    val flatten_props = lookup_bool "flatten_props"
     val max_threads = Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_threads")
     val show_all = debug orelse lookup_bool "show_all"
-    val show_skolems = show_all orelse lookup_bool "show_skolems"
     val show_datatypes = show_all orelse lookup_bool "show_datatypes"
     val show_consts = show_all orelse lookup_bool "show_consts"
     val formats = lookup_ints_assigns read_term_polymorphic "format" 0
@@ -306,9 +262,10 @@
     val max_genuine = Int.max (0, lookup_int "max_genuine")
     val check_potential = lookup_bool "check_potential"
     val check_genuine = lookup_bool "check_genuine"
-    val batch_size = case lookup_int_option "batch_size" of
-                       SOME n => Int.max (1, n)
-                     | NONE => if debug then 1 else 64
+    val batch_size =
+      case lookup_int_option "batch_size" of
+        SOME n => Int.max (1, n)
+      | NONE => if debug then 1 else 64
     val expect = lookup_string "expect"
     {cards_assigns = cards_assigns, maxes_assigns = maxes_assigns,
@@ -319,37 +276,28 @@
      user_axioms = user_axioms, assms = assms,
      merge_type_vars = merge_type_vars, binary_ints = binary_ints,
      destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs, specialize = specialize,
-     skolemize = skolemize, star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds,
-     uncurry = uncurry, fast_descrs = fast_descrs,
+     star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, fast_descrs = fast_descrs,
      peephole_optim = peephole_optim, timeout = timeout,
-     tac_timeout = tac_timeout, sym_break = sym_break,
-     sharing_depth = sharing_depth, flatten_props = flatten_props,
-     max_threads = max_threads, show_skolems = show_skolems,
+     tac_timeout = tac_timeout, max_threads = max_threads,
      show_datatypes = show_datatypes, show_consts = show_consts,
      formats = formats, evals = evals, max_potential = max_potential,
      max_genuine = max_genuine, check_potential = check_potential,
      check_genuine = check_genuine, batch_size = batch_size, expect = expect}
-(* theory -> (string * string) list -> params *)
 fun default_params thy =
   extract_params (ProofContext.init thy) false (default_raw_params thy)
   o map (apsnd single)
-(* P.token list -> string * P.token list *)
 val parse_key = Scan.repeat1 P.typ_group >> space_implode " "
-(* P.token list -> string list * P.token list *)
 val parse_value =
   Scan.repeat1 (P.minus >> single
                 || Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless P.minus
                 || P.$$$ "," |-- P.number >> prefix "," >> single) >> flat
-(* P.token list -> raw_param * P.token list *)
 val parse_param = parse_key -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "=" |-- parse_value) []
-(* P.token list -> raw_param list * P.token list *)
 val parse_params =
   Scan.optional (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.list parse_param --| P.$$$ "]") []
-(* Proof.context -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun handle_exceptions ctxt f x =
   f x
   handle ARG (loc, details) =>
@@ -387,7 +335,6 @@
        | Refute.REFUTE (loc, details) =>
          error ("Unhandled Refute error (" ^ quote loc ^ "): " ^ details ^ ".")
-(* raw_param list -> bool -> int -> int -> Proof.state -> bool * Proof.state *)
 fun pick_nits override_params auto i step state =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
@@ -395,7 +342,6 @@
     val _ = check_raw_param override_params
     val params as {blocking, debug, ...} =
       extract_params ctxt auto (default_raw_params thy) override_params
-    (* unit -> bool * Proof.state *)
     fun go () =
       (false, state)
       |> (if auto then perhaps o try
@@ -408,17 +354,14 @@
     else (Toplevel.thread true (fn () => (go (); ())); (false, state))
-(* raw_param list * int -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition *)
 fun nitpick_trans (params, i) =
   Toplevel.keep (fn st =>
       (pick_nits params false i (Toplevel.proof_position_of st)
                  (Toplevel.proof_of st); ()))
-(* raw_param -> string *)
 fun string_for_raw_param (name, value) =
   name ^ " = " ^ stringify_raw_param_value value
-(* raw_param list -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition *)
 fun nitpick_params_trans params =
       (fold set_default_raw_param params
@@ -431,20 +374,17 @@
                                params |> map string_for_raw_param
                                       |> sort_strings |> cat_lines)))))
-(* P.token list
-   -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) * P.token list *)
 val parse_nitpick_command =
   (parse_params -- Scan.optional P.nat 1) #>> nitpick_trans
 val parse_nitpick_params_command = parse_params #>> nitpick_params_trans
 val _ = OuterSyntax.improper_command "nitpick"
-            "try to find a counterexample for a given subgoal using Kodkod"
+            "try to find a counterexample for a given subgoal using Nitpick"
             K.diag parse_nitpick_command
 val _ = OuterSyntax.command "nitpick_params"
             "set and display the default parameters for Nitpick"
             K.thy_decl parse_nitpick_params_command
-(* Proof.state -> bool * Proof.state *)
 fun auto_nitpick state =
   if not (!auto) then (false, state) else pick_nits [] true 1 0 state
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_kodkod.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -57,24 +57,19 @@
 structure NfaGraph = Typ_Graph
-(* int -> KK.int_expr list *)
 fun flip_nums n = index_seq 1 n @ [0] |> map KK.Num
-(* int -> int -> int -> KK.bound list -> KK.formula -> int *)
 fun univ_card nat_card int_card main_j0 bounds formula =
-    (* KK.rel_expr -> int -> int *)
     fun rel_expr_func r k =
       Int.max (k, case r of
                     KK.Atom j => j + 1
                   | KK.AtomSeq (k', j0) => j0 + k'
                   | _ => 0)
-    (* KK.tuple -> int -> int *)
     fun tuple_func t k =
       case t of
         KK.Tuple js => fold Integer.max (map (Integer.add 1) js) k
       | _ => k
-    (* KK.tuple_set -> int -> int *)
     fun tuple_set_func ts k =
       Int.max (k, case ts of KK.TupleAtomSeq (k', j0) => j0 + k' | _ => 0)
     val expr_F = {formula_func = K I, rel_expr_func = rel_expr_func,
@@ -84,10 +79,8 @@
                |> KK.fold_formula expr_F formula
   in Int.max (main_j0 + fold Integer.max [2, nat_card, int_card] 0, card) end
-(* int -> KK.formula -> unit *)
 fun check_bits bits formula =
-    (* KK.int_expr -> unit -> unit *)
     fun int_expr_func (KK.Num k) () =
         if is_twos_complement_representable bits k then
@@ -100,7 +93,6 @@
                   int_expr_func = int_expr_func}
   in KK.fold_formula expr_F formula () end
-(* int -> int -> unit *)
 fun check_arity univ_card n =
   if n > KK.max_arity univ_card then
     raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_arity",
@@ -109,7 +101,6 @@
-(* bool -> int -> int list -> KK.tuple *)
 fun kk_tuple debug univ_card js =
   if debug then
     KK.Tuple js
@@ -117,19 +108,13 @@
     KK.TupleIndex (length js,
                    fold (fn j => fn accum => accum * univ_card + j) js 0)
-(* (int * int) list -> KK.tuple_set *)
 val tuple_set_from_atom_schema = foldl1 KK.TupleProduct o map KK.TupleAtomSeq
-(* rep -> KK.tuple_set *)
 val upper_bound_for_rep = tuple_set_from_atom_schema o atom_schema_of_rep
-(* int -> KK.tuple_set *)
 val single_atom = KK.TupleSet o single o KK.Tuple o single
-(* int -> KK.int_bound list *)
 fun sequential_int_bounds n = [(NONE, map single_atom (index_seq 0 n))]
-(* int -> int -> KK.int_bound list *)
 fun pow_of_two_int_bounds bits j0 =
-    (* int -> int -> int -> KK.int_bound list *)
     fun aux 0  _ _ = []
       | aux 1 pow_of_two j = [(SOME (~ pow_of_two), [single_atom j])]
       | aux iter pow_of_two j =
@@ -137,10 +122,8 @@
         aux (iter - 1) (2 * pow_of_two) (j + 1)
   in aux (bits + 1) 1 j0 end
-(* KK.formula -> KK.n_ary_index list *)
 fun built_in_rels_in_formula formula =
-    (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.n_ary_index list -> KK.n_ary_index list *)
     fun rel_expr_func (KK.Rel (x as (n, j))) =
         if x = unsigned_bit_word_sel_rel orelse x = signed_bit_word_sel_rel then
@@ -155,7 +138,6 @@
 val max_table_size = 65536
-(* int -> unit *)
 fun check_table_size k =
   if k > max_table_size then
     raise TOO_LARGE ("Nitpick_Kodkod.check_table_size",
@@ -163,7 +145,6 @@
-(* bool -> int -> int * int -> (int -> int) -> KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_func1 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
   (check_table_size k;
    map_filter (fn j1 => let val j2 = f j1 in
@@ -172,7 +153,6 @@
                         end) (index_seq 0 k))
-(* bool -> int -> int * int -> int -> (int * int -> int) -> KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) res_j0 f =
   (check_table_size (k * k);
    map_filter (fn j => let
@@ -186,8 +166,6 @@
                        end) (index_seq 0 (k * k)))
-(* bool -> int -> int * int -> int -> (int * int -> int * int)
-   -> KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) res_j0 f =
   (check_table_size (k * k);
    map_filter (fn j => let
@@ -202,33 +180,27 @@
                        end) (index_seq 0 (k * k)))
-(* bool -> int -> int * int -> (int * int -> int) -> KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_nat_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
   tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0 (atom_for_nat (k, 0) o f)
 fun tabulate_int_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
   tabulate_op2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0
                (atom_for_int (k, 0) o f o pairself (int_for_atom (k, 0)))
-(* bool -> int -> int * int -> (int * int -> int * int) -> KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_int_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) f =
   tabulate_op2_2 debug univ_card (k, j0) j0
                  (pairself (atom_for_int (k, 0)) o f
                   o pairself (int_for_atom (k, 0)))
-(* int * int -> int *)
 fun isa_div (m, n) = m div n handle General.Div => 0
 fun isa_mod (m, n) = m mod n handle General.Div => m
 fun isa_gcd (m, 0) = m
   | isa_gcd (m, n) = isa_gcd (n, isa_mod (m, n))
 fun isa_lcm (m, n) = isa_div (m * n, isa_gcd (m, n))
 val isa_zgcd = isa_gcd o pairself abs
-(* int * int -> int * int *)
 fun isa_norm_frac (m, n) =
   if n < 0 then isa_norm_frac (~m, ~n)
   else if m = 0 orelse n = 0 then (0, 1)
   else let val p = isa_zgcd (m, n) in (isa_div (m, p), isa_div (n, p)) end
-(* bool -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int * int
-   -> string * bool * KK.tuple list *)
 fun tabulate_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card j0 (x as (n, _)) =
   (check_arity univ_card n;
    if x = not3_rel then
@@ -269,25 +241,21 @@
      raise ARG ("Nitpick_Kodkod.tabulate_built_in_rel", "unknown relation"))
-(* bool -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int * int -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.bound *)
 fun bound_for_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card j0 x =
     val (nick, ts) = tabulate_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card
                                            j0 x
   in ([(x, nick)], [KK.TupleSet ts]) end
-(* bool -> int -> int -> int -> int -> KK.formula -> KK.bound list *)
 fun bounds_for_built_in_rels_in_formula debug univ_card nat_card int_card j0 =
   map (bound_for_built_in_rel debug univ_card nat_card int_card j0)
   o built_in_rels_in_formula
-(* Proof.context -> bool -> string -> typ -> rep -> string *)
 fun bound_comment ctxt debug nick T R =
   short_name nick ^
   (if debug then " :: " ^ unyxml (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T) else "") ^
   " : " ^ string_for_rep R
-(* Proof.context -> bool -> nut -> KK.bound *)
 fun bound_for_plain_rel ctxt debug (u as FreeRel (x, T, R, nick)) =
     ([(x, bound_comment ctxt debug nick T R)],
      if nick = @{const_name bisim_iterator_max} then
@@ -299,7 +267,6 @@
   | bound_for_plain_rel _ _ u =
     raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.bound_for_plain_rel", [u])
-(* Proof.context -> bool -> dtype_spec list -> nut -> KK.bound *)
 fun bound_for_sel_rel ctxt debug dtypes
         (FreeRel (x, T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]),
                   R as Func (Atom (_, j0), R2), nick)) =
@@ -331,12 +298,9 @@
   | bound_for_sel_rel _ _ _ u =
     raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.bound_for_sel_rel", [u])
-(* KK.bound list -> KK.bound list *)
 fun merge_bounds bs =
-    (* KK.bound -> int *)
     fun arity (zs, _) = fst (fst (hd zs))
-    (* KK.bound list -> KK.bound -> KK.bound list -> KK.bound list *)
     fun add_bound ds b [] = List.revAppend (ds, [b])
       | add_bound ds b (c :: cs) =
         if arity b = arity c andalso snd b = snd c then
@@ -345,40 +309,33 @@
           add_bound (c :: ds) b cs
   in fold (add_bound []) bs [] end
-(* int -> int -> KK.rel_expr list *)
 fun unary_var_seq j0 n = map (curry KK.Var 1) (index_seq j0 n)
-(* int list -> KK.rel_expr *)
 val singleton_from_combination = foldl1 KK.Product o map KK.Atom
-(* rep -> KK.rel_expr list *)
 fun all_singletons_for_rep R =
   if is_lone_rep R then
     all_combinations_for_rep R |> map singleton_from_combination
     raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.all_singletons_for_rep", [R])
-(* KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr list *)
 fun unpack_products (KK.Product (r1, r2)) =
     unpack_products r1 @ unpack_products r2
   | unpack_products r = [r]
 fun unpack_joins (KK.Join (r1, r2)) = unpack_joins r1 @ unpack_joins r2
   | unpack_joins r = [r]
-(* rep -> KK.rel_expr *)
 val empty_rel_for_rep = empty_n_ary_rel o arity_of_rep
 fun full_rel_for_rep R =
   case atom_schema_of_rep R of
     [] => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.full_rel_for_rep", [R])
   | schema => foldl1 KK.Product (map KK.AtomSeq schema)
-(* int -> int list -> KK.decl list *)
 fun decls_for_atom_schema j0 schema =
   map2 (fn j => fn x => KK.DeclOne ((1, j), KK.AtomSeq x))
        (index_seq j0 (length schema)) schema
 (* The type constraint below is a workaround for a Poly/ML bug. *)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula *)
 fun d_n_ary_function ({kk_all, kk_join, kk_lone, kk_one, ...} : kodkod_constrs)
                      R r =
   let val body_R = body_rep R in
@@ -420,14 +377,11 @@
       d_n_ary_function kk R r
   | kk_n_ary_function kk R r = d_n_ary_function kk R r
-(* kodkod_constrs -> KK.rel_expr list -> KK.formula *)
 fun kk_disjoint_sets _ [] = KK.True
   | kk_disjoint_sets (kk as {kk_and, kk_no, kk_intersect, ...} : kodkod_constrs)
                      (r :: rs) =
     fold (kk_and o kk_no o kk_intersect r) rs (kk_disjoint_sets kk rs)
-(* int -> kodkod_constrs -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr) -> KK.rel_expr
-   -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun basic_rel_rel_let j ({kk_rel_let, ...} : kodkod_constrs) f r =
   if inline_rel_expr r then
     f r
@@ -435,36 +389,25 @@
     let val x = (KK.arity_of_rel_expr r, j) in
       kk_rel_let [KK.AssignRelReg (x, r)] (f (KK.RelReg x))
-(* kodkod_constrs -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr) -> KK.rel_expr
-   -> KK.rel_expr *)
 val single_rel_rel_let = basic_rel_rel_let 0
-(* kodkod_constrs -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr) -> KK.rel_expr
-   -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun double_rel_rel_let kk f r1 r2 =
   single_rel_rel_let kk (fn r1 => basic_rel_rel_let 1 kk (f r1) r2) r1
-(* kodkod_constrs -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr)
-   -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun triple_rel_rel_let kk f r1 r2 r3 =
   double_rel_rel_let kk
       (fn r1 => fn r2 => basic_rel_rel_let 2 kk (f r1 r2) r3) r1 r2
-(* kodkod_constrs -> int -> KK.formula -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun atom_from_formula ({kk_rel_if, ...} : kodkod_constrs) j0 f =
   kk_rel_if f (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)) (KK.Atom j0)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> KK.formula -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun rel_expr_from_formula kk R f =
   case unopt_rep R of
     Atom (2, j0) => atom_from_formula kk j0 f
   | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.rel_expr_from_formula", [R])
-(* kodkod_cotrs -> int -> int -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr list *)
 fun unpack_vect_in_chunks ({kk_project_seq, ...} : kodkod_constrs) chunk_arity
                           num_chunks r =
   List.tabulate (num_chunks, fn j => kk_project_seq r (j * chunk_arity)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> bool -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr
-   -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun kk_n_fold_join
         (kk as {kk_intersect, kk_product, kk_join, kk_project_seq, ...}) one R1
         res_R r1 r2 =
@@ -484,8 +427,6 @@
             arity1 (arity_of_rep res_R)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr list
-   -> KK.rel_expr list -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun kk_case_switch (kk as {kk_union, kk_product, ...}) R1 R2 r rs1 rs2 =
   if rs1 = rs2 then r
   else kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 r (fold1 kk_union (map2 kk_product rs1 rs2))
@@ -493,7 +434,6 @@
 val lone_rep_fallback_max_card = 4096
 val some_j0 = 0
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun lone_rep_fallback kk new_R old_R r =
   if old_R = new_R then
@@ -510,7 +450,6 @@
         raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.lone_rep_fallback", [old_R, new_R])
-(* kodkod_constrs -> int * int -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and atom_from_rel_expr kk x old_R r =
   case old_R of
     Func (R1, R2) =>
@@ -523,7 +462,6 @@
   | Opt _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.atom_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
   | _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Atom x) old_R r
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep list -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs old_R r =
   case old_R of
     Atom _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
@@ -547,7 +485,6 @@
         lone_rep_fallback kk (Struct Rs) old_R r
   | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.struct_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
-(* kodkod_constrs -> int -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and vect_from_rel_expr kk k R old_R r =
   case old_R of
     Atom _ => lone_rep_fallback kk (Vect (k, R)) old_R r
@@ -570,7 +507,6 @@
                                          (kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 arg_r r))
                (all_singletons_for_rep R1))
   | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.vect_from_rel_expr", [old_R])
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and func_from_no_opt_rel_expr kk R1 R2 (Atom x) r =
       val dom_card = card_of_rep R1
@@ -599,7 +535,6 @@
          val args_rs = all_singletons_for_rep R1
          val vals_rs = unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1 k r
-         (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
          fun empty_or_singleton_set_for arg_r val_r =
            #kk_join kk val_r (#kk_product kk (KK.Atom (j0 + 1)) arg_r)
@@ -682,7 +617,6 @@
     | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.func_from_no_opt_rel_expr",
                       [old_R, Func (R1, R2)])
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk new_R old_R r =
     val unopt_old_R = unopt_rep old_R
@@ -702,25 +636,20 @@
                          [old_R, new_R]))
           unopt_old_R r
-(* kodkod_constrs -> rep -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 = rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk (Func (R1, R2))
-(* kodkod_constrs -> typ -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun bit_set_from_atom ({kk_join, ...} : kodkod_constrs) T r =
   kk_join r (KK.Rel (if T = @{typ "unsigned_bit word"} then
-(* kodkod_constrs -> typ -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.int_expr *)
 val int_expr_from_atom = KK.SetSum ooo bit_set_from_atom
-(* kodkod_constrs -> typ -> rep -> KK.int_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun atom_from_int_expr (kk as {kk_rel_eq, kk_comprehension, ...}
                         : kodkod_constrs) T R i =
   kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema ~1 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
                    (kk_rel_eq (bit_set_from_atom kk T (KK.Var (1, ~1)))
                               (KK.Bits i))
-(* kodkod_constrs -> nut -> KK.formula *)
 fun declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel kk (FreeRel (x, _, R as Func _, nick)) =
     kk_n_ary_function kk (R |> nick = @{const_name List.set} ? unopt_rep)
                       (KK.Rel x)
@@ -732,17 +661,13 @@
   | declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel _ u =
     raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.declarative_axiom_for_plain_rel", [u])
-(* nut NameTable.table -> styp -> KK.rel_expr * rep * int *)
 fun const_triple rel_table (x as (s, T)) =
   case the_name rel_table (ConstName (s, T, Any)) of
     FreeRel ((n, j), _, R, _) => (KK.Rel (n, j), R, n)
   | _ => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Kodkod.const_triple", [Const x])
-(* nut NameTable.table -> styp -> KK.rel_expr *)
 fun discr_rel_expr rel_table = #1 o const_triple rel_table o discr_for_constr
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> dtype_spec list -> styp -> int -> nfa_transition list *)
 fun nfa_transitions_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize
                             ({kk_project, ...} : kodkod_constrs) rel_table
                             (dtypes : dtype_spec list) constr_x n =
@@ -757,14 +682,10 @@
                    else SOME (kk_project r (map KK.Num [0, j]), T))
                (index_seq 1 (arity - 1) ~~ tl type_schema)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> dtype_spec list -> styp -> nfa_transition list *)
 fun nfa_transitions_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes
                                (x as (_, T)) =
   maps (nfa_transitions_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes x)
        (index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type T))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> dtype_spec list -> dtype_spec -> nfa_entry option *)
 fun nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ ({co = true, ...} : dtype_spec) = NONE
   | nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ {standard = false, ...} = NONE
   | nfa_entry_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ {deep = false, ...} = NONE
@@ -775,12 +696,10 @@
 val empty_rel = KK.Product (KK.None, KK.None)
-(* nfa_table -> typ -> typ -> KK.rel_expr list *)
 fun direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T final_T =
   case AList.lookup (op =) nfa final_T of
     SOME trans => map fst (filter (curry (op =) start_T o snd) trans)
   | NONE => []
-(* kodkod_constrs -> nfa_table -> typ list -> typ -> typ -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and any_path_rel_expr ({kk_union, ...} : kodkod_constrs) nfa [] start_T
                       final_T =
     fold kk_union (direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T final_T)
@@ -788,14 +707,11 @@
   | any_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_union, ...}) nfa (T :: Ts) start_T final_T =
     kk_union (any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T final_T)
              (knot_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T T final_T)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> nfa_table -> typ list -> typ -> typ -> typ
-   -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and knot_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_join, kk_reflexive_closure, ...}) nfa Ts
                        start_T knot_T final_T =
   kk_join (kk_join (any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts knot_T final_T)
                    (kk_reflexive_closure (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts knot_T)))
           (any_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T knot_T)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> nfa_table -> typ list -> typ -> KK.rel_expr *)
 and loop_path_rel_expr ({kk_union, ...} : kodkod_constrs) nfa [] start_T =
     fold kk_union (direct_path_rel_exprs nfa start_T start_T) empty_rel
   | loop_path_rel_expr (kk as {kk_union, kk_closure, ...}) nfa (T :: Ts)
@@ -806,12 +722,9 @@
       kk_union (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T)
                (knot_path_rel_expr kk nfa Ts start_T T start_T)
-(* nfa_table -> unit NfaGraph.T *)
 fun graph_for_nfa nfa =
-    (* typ -> unit NfaGraph.T -> unit NfaGraph.T *)
     fun new_node T = perhaps (try (NfaGraph.new_node (T, ())))
-    (* nfa_table -> unit NfaGraph.T -> unit NfaGraph.T *)
     fun add_nfa [] = I
       | add_nfa ((_, []) :: nfa) = add_nfa nfa
       | add_nfa ((T, ((_, T') :: transitions)) :: nfa) =
@@ -819,25 +732,19 @@
         new_node T' o new_node T
   in add_nfa nfa NfaGraph.empty end
-(* nfa_table -> nfa_table list *)
 fun strongly_connected_sub_nfas nfa =
   nfa |> graph_for_nfa |> NfaGraph.strong_conn
       |> map (fn keys => filter (member (op =) keys o fst) nfa)
-(* kodkod_constrs -> nfa_table -> typ -> KK.formula *)
 fun acyclicity_axiom_for_datatype kk nfa start_T =
   #kk_no kk (#kk_intersect kk
                  (loop_path_rel_expr kk nfa (map fst nfa) start_T) KK.Iden)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> dtype_spec list -> KK.formula list *)
 fun acyclicity_axioms_for_datatypes hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes =
   map_filter (nfa_entry_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes)
   |> strongly_connected_sub_nfas
   |> maps (fn nfa => map (acyclicity_axiom_for_datatype kk nfa o fst) nfa)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> KK.rel_expr -> constr_spec -> int -> KK.formula *)
 fun sel_axiom_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize j0
         (kk as {kk_all, kk_formula_if, kk_subset, kk_no, kk_join, ...})
         rel_table dom_r ({const, delta, epsilon, exclusive, ...} : constr_spec)
@@ -857,8 +764,6 @@
                               (kk_n_ary_function kk R2 r') (kk_no r'))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> int -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> constr_spec -> KK.formula list *)
 fun sel_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk rel_table
         (constr as {const, delta, epsilon, explicit_max, ...}) =
@@ -885,19 +790,14 @@
             (index_seq 0 (num_sels_for_constr_type (snd const)))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> int -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> dtype_spec -> KK.formula list *)
 fun sel_axioms_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk rel_table
                             ({constrs, ...} : dtype_spec) =
   maps (sel_axioms_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize bits j0 kk rel_table) constrs
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table -> constr_spec
-   -> KK.formula list *)
 fun uniqueness_axiom_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize
         ({kk_all, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_rel_eq, kk_lone, kk_join, ...}
          : kodkod_constrs) rel_table ({const, ...} : constr_spec) =
-    (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula *)
     fun conjunct_for_sel r =
       kk_rel_eq (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 0)) r) (kk_join (KK.Var (1, 1)) r)
     val num_sels = num_sels_for_constr_type (snd const)
@@ -915,16 +815,11 @@
                   (fold1 kk_and (map (conjunct_for_sel o #1) (tl triples)))
                   (kk_rel_eq (KK.Var (1, 0)) (KK.Var (1, 1))))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table -> dtype_spec
-   -> KK.formula list *)
 fun uniqueness_axioms_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table
                                    ({constrs, ...} : dtype_spec) =
   map (uniqueness_axiom_for_constr hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table) constrs
-(* constr_spec -> int *)
 fun effective_constr_max ({delta, epsilon, ...} : constr_spec) = epsilon - delta
-(* int -> kodkod_constrs -> nut NameTable.table -> dtype_spec
-   -> KK.formula list *)
 fun partition_axioms_for_datatype j0 (kk as {kk_rel_eq, kk_union, ...})
                                   ({card, constrs, ...} : dtype_spec) =
@@ -936,8 +831,6 @@
        kk_disjoint_sets kk rs]
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> int Typtab.table -> kodkod_constrs
-   -> nut NameTable.table -> dtype_spec -> KK.formula list *)
 fun other_axioms_for_datatype _ _ _ _ _ _ {deep = false, ...} = []
   | other_axioms_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize bits ofs kk rel_table
                               (dtype as {typ, ...}) =
@@ -947,15 +840,12 @@
       partition_axioms_for_datatype j0 kk rel_table dtype
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> int Typtab.table -> kodkod_constrs
-   -> nut NameTable.table -> dtype_spec list -> KK.formula list *)
 fun declarative_axioms_for_datatypes hol_ctxt binarize bits ofs kk rel_table
                                      dtypes =
   acyclicity_axioms_for_datatypes hol_ctxt binarize kk rel_table dtypes @
   maps (other_axioms_for_datatype hol_ctxt binarize bits ofs kk rel_table)
-(* int Typtab.table -> kodkod_constrs -> nut -> KK.formula *)
 fun kodkod_formula_from_nut ofs
         (kk as {kk_all, kk_exist, kk_formula_let, kk_formula_if, kk_or, kk_not,
                 kk_iff, kk_implies, kk_and, kk_subset, kk_rel_eq, kk_no,
@@ -970,17 +860,13 @@
     val false_atom = KK.Atom bool_j0
     val true_atom = KK.Atom (bool_j0 + 1)
-    (* polarity -> int -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula *)
     fun formula_from_opt_atom polar j0 r =
       case polar of
         Neg => kk_not (kk_rel_eq r (KK.Atom j0))
       | _ => kk_rel_eq r (KK.Atom (j0 + 1))
-    (* int -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula *)
     val formula_from_atom = formula_from_opt_atom Pos
-    (* KK.formula -> KK.formula -> KK.formula *)
     fun kk_notimplies f1 f2 = kk_and f1 (kk_not f2)
-    (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
     val kk_or3 =
       double_rel_rel_let kk
           (fn r1 => fn r2 =>
@@ -993,21 +879,15 @@
                         (kk_intersect r1 r2))
     fun kk_notimplies3 r1 r2 = kk_and3 r1 (kk_not3 r2)
-    (* int -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula list *)
     val unpack_formulas =
       map (formula_from_atom bool_j0) oo unpack_vect_in_chunks kk 1
-    (* (KK.formula -> KK.formula -> KK.formula) -> int -> KK.rel_expr
-       -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
     fun kk_vect_set_op connective k r1 r2 =
       fold1 kk_product (map2 (atom_from_formula kk bool_j0 oo connective)
                              (unpack_formulas k r1) (unpack_formulas k r2))
-    (* (KK.formula -> KK.formula -> KK.formula) -> int -> KK.rel_expr
-       -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula *)
     fun kk_vect_set_bool_op connective k r1 r2 =
       fold1 kk_and (map2 connective (unpack_formulas k r1)
                          (unpack_formulas k r2))
-    (* nut -> KK.formula *)
     fun to_f u =
       case rep_of u of
         Formula polar =>
@@ -1060,7 +940,6 @@
                  (* FIXME: merge with similar code below *)
-                 (* bool -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
                  fun set_to_r widen u =
                    if widen then
                      kk_difference (full_rel_for_rep dom_R)
@@ -1078,7 +957,6 @@
               kk_iff (to_f_with_polarity polar u1) (to_f_with_polarity polar u2)
             | min_R =>
-                (* nut -> nut list *)
                 fun args (Op2 (Apply, _, _, u1, u2)) = u2 :: args u1
                   | args (Tuple (_, _, us)) = us
                   | args _ = []
@@ -1177,14 +1055,12 @@
          | _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f", [u]))
       | Atom (2, j0) => formula_from_atom j0 (to_r u)
       | _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f", [u])
-    (* polarity -> nut -> KK.formula *)
     and to_f_with_polarity polar u =
       case rep_of u of
         Formula _ => to_f u
       | Atom (2, j0) => formula_from_atom j0 (to_r u)
       | Opt (Atom (2, j0)) => formula_from_opt_atom polar j0 (to_r u)
       | _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_f_with_polarity", [u])
-    (* nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_r u =
       case u of
         Cst (False, _, Atom _) => false_atom
@@ -1523,7 +1399,6 @@
            | Opt (Atom (2, _)) =>
                (* FIXME: merge with similar code above *)
-               (* rep -> rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
                fun must R1 R2 u =
                  kk_join (to_rep (Func (Struct [R1, R2], body_R)) u) true_atom
                fun may R1 R2 u =
@@ -1558,9 +1433,7 @@
                         (to_rep (Func (b_R, Formula Neut)) u2)
            | Opt (Atom (2, _)) =>
-               (* KK.rel_expr -> rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
                fun do_nut r R u = kk_join (to_rep (Func (R, body_R)) u) r
-               (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
                fun do_term r =
                  kk_product (kk_product (do_nut r a_R u1) (do_nut r b_R u2)) r
              in kk_union (do_term true_atom) (do_term false_atom) end
@@ -1572,7 +1445,6 @@
            (Func (R11, R12), Func (R21, Formula Neut)) =>
            if R21 = R11 andalso is_lone_rep R12 then
-               (* KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
                fun big_join r = kk_n_fold_join kk false R21 R12 r (to_r u1)
                val core_r = big_join (to_r u2)
                val core_R = Func (R12, Formula Neut)
@@ -1666,39 +1538,32 @@
       | FreeRel (x, _, _, _) => KK.Rel x
       | RelReg (j, _, R) => KK.RelReg (arity_of_rep R, j)
       | u => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_r", [u])
-    (* nut -> KK.decl *)
     and to_decl (BoundRel (x, _, R, _)) =
         KK.DeclOne (x, KK.AtomSeq (the_single (atom_schema_of_rep R)))
       | to_decl u = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_decl", [u])
-    (* nut -> KK.expr_assign *)
     and to_expr_assign (FormulaReg (j, _, _)) u =
         KK.AssignFormulaReg (j, to_f u)
       | to_expr_assign (RelReg (j, _, R)) u =
         KK.AssignRelReg ((arity_of_rep R, j), to_r u)
       | to_expr_assign u1 _ = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_expr_assign", [u1])
-    (* int * int -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_atom (x as (k, j0)) u =
       case rep_of u of
         Formula _ => atom_from_formula kk j0 (to_f u)
       | Unit => if k = 1 then KK.Atom j0
                 else raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_atom", [u])
       | R => atom_from_rel_expr kk x R (to_r u)
-    (* rep list -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_struct Rs u =
       case rep_of u of
         Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Struct Rs)
       | R' => struct_from_rel_expr kk Rs R' (to_r u)
-    (* int -> rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_vect k R u =
       case rep_of u of
         Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Vect (k, R))
       | R' => vect_from_rel_expr kk k R R' (to_r u)
-    (* rep -> rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_func R1 R2 u =
       case rep_of u of
         Unit => full_rel_for_rep (Func (R1, R2))
       | R' => rel_expr_to_func kk R1 R2 R' (to_r u)
-    (* rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_opt R u =
       let val old_R = rep_of u in
         if is_opt_rep old_R then
@@ -1706,16 +1571,13 @@
           to_rep R u
-    (* rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_rep (Atom x) u = to_atom x u
       | to_rep (Struct Rs) u = to_struct Rs u
       | to_rep (Vect (k, R)) u = to_vect k R u
       | to_rep (Func (R1, R2)) u = to_func R1 R2 u
       | to_rep (Opt R) u = to_opt R u
       | to_rep R _ = raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_rep", [R])
-    (* nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_integer u = to_opt (one_rep ofs (type_of u) (rep_of u)) u
-    (* nut list -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_guard guard_us R r =
         val unpacked_rs = unpack_joins r
@@ -1733,16 +1595,13 @@
         if null guard_fs then r
         else kk_rel_if (fold1 kk_or guard_fs) (empty_rel_for_rep R) r
-    (* rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> int -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_project new_R old_R r j0 =
       rel_expr_from_rel_expr kk new_R old_R
                              (kk_project_seq r j0 (arity_of_rep old_R))
-    (* rep list -> nut list -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_product Rs us =
       case map (uncurry to_opt) (filter (not_equal Unit o fst) (Rs ~~ us)) of
         [] => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_product", Rs)
       | rs => fold1 kk_product rs
-    (* int -> typ -> rep -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_nth_pair_sel n res_T res_R u =
       case u of
         Tuple (_, _, us) => to_rep res_R (nth us n)
@@ -1770,9 +1629,6 @@
                                (to_rep res_R (Cst (Unity, res_T, Unit)))
                | _ => to_project res_R nth_R (to_rep (Opt (Struct Rs)) u) j0
-    (* (KK.formula -> KK.formula -> KK.formula)
-       -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula) -> nut -> nut
-       -> KK.formula *)
     and to_set_bool_op connective set_oper u1 u2 =
         val min_R = min_rep (rep_of u1) (rep_of u2)
@@ -1788,12 +1644,6 @@
                                        (kk_join r2 true_atom)
         | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_set_bool_op", [min_R])
-    (* (KK.formula -> KK.formula -> KK.formula)
-       -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr)
-       -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula)
-       -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula)
-       -> (KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.formula) -> bool -> rep -> nut
-       -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_set_op connective connective3 set_oper true_set_oper false_set_oper
                   neg_second R u1 u2 =
@@ -1825,11 +1675,9 @@
                    r1 r2
              | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_set_op", [min_R]))
-    (* typ -> rep -> (KK.int_expr -> KK.int_expr) -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_bit_word_unary_op T R oper =
         val Ts = strip_type T ||> single |> op @
-        (* int -> KK.int_expr *)
         fun int_arg j = int_expr_from_atom kk (nth Ts j) (KK.Var (1, j))
         kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema 0 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
@@ -1837,12 +1685,9 @@
                  (map (fn j => KK.AssignIntReg (j, int_arg j)) (0 upto 1),
                   KK.IntEq (KK.IntReg 1, oper (KK.IntReg 0))))
-    (* typ -> rep -> (KK.int_expr -> KK.int_expr -> KK.int_expr -> bool) option
-       -> (KK.int_expr -> KK.int_expr -> KK.int_expr) option -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_bit_word_binary_op T R opt_guard opt_oper =
         val Ts = strip_type T ||> single |> op @
-        (* int -> KK.int_expr *)
         fun int_arg j = int_expr_from_atom kk (nth Ts j) (KK.Var (1, j))
         kk_comprehension (decls_for_atom_schema 0 (atom_schema_of_rep R))
@@ -1859,7 +1704,6 @@
                             [KK.IntEq (KK.IntReg 2,
                                        oper (KK.IntReg 0) (KK.IntReg 1))]))))
-    (* rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> nut -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_apply (R as Formula _) func_u arg_u =
         raise REP ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_apply", [R])
       | to_apply res_R func_u arg_u =
@@ -1896,7 +1740,6 @@
               (kk_n_fold_join kk true R1 R2 (to_opt R1 arg_u) (to_r func_u))
           |> body_rep R2 = Formula Neut ? to_guard [arg_u] res_R
         | _ => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Kodkod.to_apply", [func_u])
-    (* int -> rep -> rep -> KK.rel_expr -> nut *)
     and to_apply_vect k R' res_R func_r arg_u =
         val arg_R = one_rep ofs (type_of arg_u) (unopt_rep (rep_of arg_u))
@@ -1906,10 +1749,8 @@
         kk_case_switch kk arg_R res_R (to_opt arg_R arg_u)
                        (all_singletons_for_rep arg_R) vect_rs
-    (* bool -> nut -> KK.formula *)
     and to_could_be_unrep neg u =
       if neg andalso is_opt_rep (rep_of u) then kk_no (to_r u) else KK.False
-    (* nut -> KK.rel_expr -> KK.rel_expr *)
     and to_compare_with_unrep u r =
       if is_opt_rep (rep_of u) then
         kk_rel_if (kk_some (to_r u)) r (empty_rel_for_rep (rep_of u))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_model.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
   type rep = Nitpick_Rep.rep
   type nut = Nitpick_Nut.nut
-  type params = {
-    show_skolems: bool,
-    show_datatypes: bool,
-    show_consts: bool}
+  type params =
+    {show_datatypes: bool,
+     show_consts: bool}
   type term_postprocessor =
     Proof.context -> string -> (typ -> term list) -> typ -> term -> term
@@ -51,10 +51,9 @@
 structure KK = Kodkod
-type params = {
-  show_skolems: bool,
-  show_datatypes: bool,
-  show_consts: bool}
+type params =
+  {show_datatypes: bool,
+   show_consts: bool}
 type term_postprocessor =
   Proof.context -> string -> (typ -> term list) -> typ -> term -> term
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
   type T = (typ * term_postprocessor) list
   val empty = []
   val extend = I
-  fun merge (ps1, ps2) = AList.merge (op =) (K true) (ps1, ps2))
+  val merge = AList.merge (op =) (K true))
 val irrelevant = "_"
 val unknown = "?"
@@ -81,10 +80,8 @@
 type atom_pool = ((string * int) * int list) list
-(* Proof.context -> ((string * string) * (string * string)) * Proof.context *)
 fun add_wacky_syntax ctxt =
-    (* term -> string *)
     val name_of = fst o dest_Const
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt |> Context.reject_draft
     val (maybe_t, thy) =
@@ -106,7 +103,6 @@
 (** Term reconstruction **)
-(* atom_pool Unsynchronized.ref -> string -> int -> int -> string *)
 fun nth_atom_suffix pool s j k =
   (case AList.lookup (op =) (!pool) (s, k) of
      SOME js =>
@@ -118,7 +114,6 @@
   |> nat_subscript
   |> (s <> "" andalso Symbol.is_ascii_digit (List.last (explode s)))
      ? prefix "\<^isub>,"
-(* atom_pool Unsynchronized.ref -> string -> typ -> int -> int -> string *)
 fun nth_atom_name pool prefix (Type (s, _)) j k =
     let val s' = shortest_name s in
       prefix ^ (if String.isPrefix "\\" s' then s' else substring (s', 0, 1)) ^
@@ -128,18 +123,15 @@
     prefix ^ perhaps (try (unprefix "'")) s ^ nth_atom_suffix pool s j k
   | nth_atom_name _ _ T _ _ =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.nth_atom_name", [T], [])
-(* atom_pool Unsynchronized.ref -> bool -> typ -> int -> int -> term *)
 fun nth_atom pool for_auto T j k =
   if for_auto then
     Free (nth_atom_name pool (hd (space_explode "." nitpick_prefix)) T j k, T)
     Const (nth_atom_name pool "" T j k, T)
-(* term -> real *)
 fun extract_real_number (Const (@{const_name divide}, _) $ t1 $ t2) =
     real (snd (HOLogic.dest_number t1)) / real (snd (HOLogic.dest_number t2))
   | extract_real_number t = real (snd (HOLogic.dest_number t))
-(* term * term -> order *)
 fun nice_term_ord (Abs (_, _, t1), Abs (_, _, t2)) = nice_term_ord (t1, t2)
   | nice_term_ord tp = (pairself extract_real_number tp)
     handle TERM ("dest_number", _) =>
@@ -150,16 +142,12 @@
               | ord => ord)
            | _ => Term_Ord.fast_term_ord tp
-(* typ -> term_postprocessor -> theory -> theory *)
 fun register_term_postprocessor T p = (cons (T, p))
-(* typ -> theory -> theory *)
 fun unregister_term_postprocessor T = (AList.delete (op =) T)
-(* nut NameTable.table -> KK.raw_bound list -> nut -> int list list *)
 fun tuple_list_for_name rel_table bounds name =
   the (AList.lookup (op =) bounds (the_rel rel_table name)) handle NUT _ => [[]]
-(* term -> term *)
 fun unarize_unbox_etc_term (Const (@{const_name FinFun}, _) $ t1) =
     unarize_unbox_etc_term t1
   | unarize_unbox_etc_term (Const (@{const_name FunBox}, _) $ t1) =
@@ -184,7 +172,6 @@
   | unarize_unbox_etc_term (Abs (s, T, t')) =
     Abs (s, uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T, unarize_unbox_etc_term t')
-(* typ -> typ -> (typ * typ) * (typ * typ) *)
 fun factor_out_types (T1 as Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T11, T12]))
                      (T2 as Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T21, T22])) =
     let val (n1, n2) = pairself num_factors_in_type (T11, T21) in
@@ -209,25 +196,20 @@
     ((T1, NONE), (T21, SOME T22))
   | factor_out_types T1 T2 = ((T1, NONE), (T2, NONE))
-(* bool -> typ -> typ -> (term * term) list -> term *)
 fun make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1 T2 =
-    (* typ -> typ -> (term * term) list -> term *)
     fun aux T1 T2 [] =
         Const (if maybe_opt then opt_flag else non_opt_flag, T1 --> T2)
       | aux T1 T2 ((t1, t2) :: tps) =
         Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, (T1 --> T2) --> T1 --> T2 --> T1 --> T2)
         $ aux T1 T2 tps $ t1 $ t2
   in aux T1 T2 o rev end
-(* term -> bool *)
 fun is_plain_fun (Const (s, _)) = (s = opt_flag orelse s = non_opt_flag)
   | is_plain_fun (Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, _) $ t0 $ _ $ _) =
     is_plain_fun t0
   | is_plain_fun _ = false
-(* term -> bool * (term list * term list) *)
 val dest_plain_fun =
-    (* term -> bool * (term list * term list) *)
     fun aux (Abs (_, _, Const (s, _))) = (s <> irrelevant, ([], []))
       | aux (Const (s, _)) = (s <> non_opt_flag, ([], []))
       | aux (Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, _) $ t0 $ t1 $ t2) =
@@ -237,7 +219,6 @@
       | aux t = raise TERM ("Nitpick_Model.dest_plain_fun", [t])
   in apsnd (pairself rev) o aux end
-(* typ -> typ -> typ -> term -> term * term *)
 fun break_in_two T T1 T2 t =
     val ps = HOLogic.flat_tupleT_paths T
@@ -245,7 +226,6 @@
     val (ps1, ps2) = pairself HOLogic.flat_tupleT_paths (T1, T2)
     val (ts1, ts2) = t |> HOLogic.strip_ptuple ps |> chop cut
   in (HOLogic.mk_ptuple ps1 T1 ts1, HOLogic.mk_ptuple ps2 T2 ts2) end
-(* typ -> term -> term -> term *)
 fun pair_up (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1', T2']))
             (t1 as Const (@{const_name Pair},
                           Type (@{type_name fun},
@@ -254,13 +234,10 @@
     if T1 = T1' then HOLogic.mk_prod (t1, t2)
     else HOLogic.mk_prod (t11, pair_up T2' t12 t2)
   | pair_up _ t1 t2 = HOLogic.mk_prod (t1, t2)
-(* typ -> term -> term list * term list -> (term * term) list*)
 fun multi_pair_up T1 t1 (ts2, ts3) = map2 (pair o pair_up T1 t1) ts2 ts3
-(* typ -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
 fun typecast_fun (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1', T2'])) T1 T2 t =
-      (* typ -> typ -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
       fun do_curry T1 T1a T1b T2 t =
           val (maybe_opt, tsp) = dest_plain_fun t
@@ -270,7 +247,6 @@
                 |> AList.coalesce (op =)
                 |> map (apsnd (make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1b T2))
         in make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1a (T1b --> T2) tps end
-      (* typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
       and do_uncurry T1 T2 t =
           val (maybe_opt, tsp) = dest_plain_fun t
@@ -279,7 +255,6 @@
                 |> maps (fn (t1, t2) =>
                             multi_pair_up T1 t1 (snd (dest_plain_fun t2)))
         in make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1 T2 tps end
-      (* typ -> typ -> typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
       and do_arrow T1' T2' _ _ (Const (s, _)) = Const (s, T1' --> T2')
         | do_arrow T1' T2' T1 T2
                    (Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, _) $ t0 $ t1 $ t2) =
@@ -296,7 +271,6 @@
         | ((T1a', SOME T1b'), (_, NONE)) =>
           t |> do_arrow T1a' (T1b' --> T2') T1 T2 |> do_uncurry T1' T2'
         | _ => raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.typecast_fun.do_fun", [T1, T1'], [])
-      (* typ -> typ -> term -> term *)
       and do_term (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1', T2']))
                   (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) t =
           do_fun T1' T2' T1 T2 t
@@ -312,33 +286,25 @@
   | typecast_fun T' _ _ _ =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.typecast_fun", [T'], [])
-(* term -> string *)
 fun truth_const_sort_key @{const True} = "0"
   | truth_const_sort_key @{const False} = "2"
   | truth_const_sort_key _ = "1"
-(* typ -> term list -> term *)
 fun mk_tuple (Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) ts =
     HOLogic.mk_prod (mk_tuple T1 ts,
         mk_tuple T2 (List.drop (ts, length (HOLogic.flatten_tupleT T1))))
   | mk_tuple _ (t :: _) = t
   | mk_tuple T [] = raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.mk_tuple", [T], [])
-(* theory -> typ * typ -> bool *)
 fun varified_type_match thy (candid_T, pat_T) =
   strict_type_match thy (candid_T, Logic.varifyT_global pat_T)
-(* atom_pool -> (string * string) * (string * string) -> scope -> nut list
-   -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> KK.raw_bound list -> typ
-   -> term list *)
 fun all_values_of_type pool wacky_names (scope as {card_assigns, ...} : scope)
                        sel_names rel_table bounds card T =
     val card = if card = 0 then card_of_type card_assigns T else card
-    (* nat -> term *)
     fun nth_value_of_type n =
-        (* bool -> term *)
         fun term unfold =
           reconstruct_term unfold pool wacky_names scope sel_names rel_table
                            bounds T T (Atom (card, 0)) [[n]]
@@ -352,15 +318,11 @@
         | t => t
   in index_seq 0 card |> map nth_value_of_type |> sort nice_term_ord end
-(* bool -> atom_pool -> (string * string) * (string * string) -> scope
-   -> nut list -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> KK.raw_bound list -> typ -> typ -> rep -> int list list -> term *)
 and reconstruct_term unfold pool (wacky_names as ((maybe_name, abs_name), _))
         (scope as {hol_ctxt as {ctxt, thy, stds, ...}, binarize, card_assigns,
                    bits, datatypes, ofs, ...}) sel_names rel_table bounds =
     val for_auto = (maybe_name = "")
-    (* int list list -> int *)
     fun value_of_bits jss =
         val j0 = offset_of_type ofs @{typ unsigned_bit}
@@ -369,10 +331,8 @@
         fold (fn j => Integer.add (reasonable_power 2 j |> j = bits ? op ~))
              js 0
-    (* typ -> term list *)
     val all_values =
       all_values_of_type pool wacky_names scope sel_names rel_table bounds 0
-    (* typ -> term -> term *)
     fun postprocess_term (Type (@{type_name fun}, _)) = I
       | postprocess_term T =
         if null (Data.get thy) then
@@ -380,7 +340,6 @@
         else case AList.lookup (varified_type_match thy) (Data.get thy) T of
           SOME postproc => postproc ctxt maybe_name all_values T
         | NONE => I
-    (* typ list -> term -> term *)
     fun postprocess_subterms Ts (t1 $ t2) =
         let val t = postprocess_subterms Ts t1 $ postprocess_subterms Ts t2 in
           postprocess_term (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) t
@@ -388,13 +347,11 @@
       | postprocess_subterms Ts (Abs (s, T, t')) =
         Abs (s, T, postprocess_subterms (T :: Ts) t')
       | postprocess_subterms Ts t = postprocess_term (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) t
-    (* bool -> typ -> typ -> (term * term) list -> term *)
     fun make_set maybe_opt T1 T2 tps =
         val empty_const = Const (@{const_abbrev Set.empty}, T1 --> T2)
         val insert_const = Const (@{const_name insert},
                                   T1 --> (T1 --> T2) --> T1 --> T2)
-        (* (term * term) list -> term *)
         fun aux [] =
             if maybe_opt andalso not (is_complete_type datatypes false T1) then
               insert_const $ Const (unrep, T1) $ empty_const
@@ -415,12 +372,10 @@
           aux tps
-    (* bool -> typ -> typ -> typ -> (term * term) list -> term *)
     fun make_map maybe_opt T1 T2 T2' =
         val update_const = Const (@{const_name fun_upd},
                                   (T1 --> T2) --> T1 --> T2 --> T1 --> T2)
-        (* (term * term) list -> term *)
         fun aux' [] = Const (@{const_abbrev Map.empty}, T1 --> T2)
           | aux' ((t1, t2) :: tps) =
             (case t2 of
@@ -433,7 +388,6 @@
             aux' tps
       in aux end
-    (* typ list -> term -> term *)
     fun polish_funs Ts t =
       (case fastype_of1 (Ts, t) of
          Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]) =>
@@ -474,7 +428,6 @@
              | t => t
-    (* bool -> typ -> typ -> typ -> term list -> term list -> term *)
     fun make_fun maybe_opt T1 T2 T' ts1 ts2 =
       ts1 ~~ ts2 |> sort (nice_term_ord o pairself fst)
                  |> make_plain_fun maybe_opt T1 T2
@@ -482,7 +435,6 @@
                  |> typecast_fun (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T')
                                  (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T1)
                                  (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T2)
-    (* (typ * int) list -> typ -> typ -> int -> term *)
     fun term_for_atom seen (T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) T' j _ =
           val k1 = card_of_type card_assigns T1
@@ -523,10 +475,8 @@
         | SOME {deep = false, ...} => nth_atom pool for_auto T j k
         | SOME {co, standard, constrs, ...} =>
-            (* styp -> int list *)
             fun tuples_for_const (s, T) =
               tuple_list_for_name rel_table bounds (ConstName (s, T, Any))
-            (* unit -> term *)
             fun cyclic_atom () =
               nth_atom pool for_auto (Type (cyclic_type_name, [])) j k
             fun cyclic_var () = Var ((nth_atom_name pool "" T j k, 0), T)
@@ -615,14 +565,11 @@
-    (* (typ * int) list -> int -> rep -> typ -> typ -> typ -> int list
-       -> term *)
     and term_for_vect seen k R T1 T2 T' js =
       make_fun true T1 T2 T'
                (map (fn j => term_for_atom seen T1 T1 j k) (index_seq 0 k))
                (map (term_for_rep true seen T2 T2 R o single)
                     (batch_list (arity_of_rep R) js))
-    (* bool -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> typ -> rep -> int list list -> term *)
     and term_for_rep _ seen T T' Unit [[]] = term_for_atom seen T T' 0 1
       | term_for_rep _ seen T T' (R as Atom (k, j0)) [[j]] =
         if j >= j0 andalso j < j0 + k then term_for_atom seen T T' (j - j0) k
@@ -674,14 +621,12 @@
 (** Constant postprocessing **)
-(* int -> typ -> typ list *)
 fun dest_n_tuple_type 1 T = [T]
   | dest_n_tuple_type n (Type (_, [T1, T2])) =
     T1 :: dest_n_tuple_type (n - 1) T2
   | dest_n_tuple_type _ T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Model.dest_n_tuple_type", [T], [])
-(* theory -> const_table -> styp -> int list *)
 fun const_format thy def_table (x as (s, T)) =
   if String.isPrefix unrolled_prefix s then
     const_format thy def_table (original_name s, range_type T)
@@ -701,7 +646,6 @@
                  [num_binder_types T]
   | NONE => [num_binder_types T]
-(* int list -> int list -> int list *)
 fun intersect_formats _ [] = []
   | intersect_formats [] _ = []
   | intersect_formats ks1 ks2 =
@@ -711,7 +655,6 @@
       [Int.min (k1, k2)]
-(* theory -> const_table -> (term option * int list) list -> term -> int list *)
 fun lookup_format thy def_table formats t =
   case AList.lookup (fn (SOME x, SOME y) =>
                         (term_match thy) (x, y) | _ => false)
@@ -724,7 +667,6 @@
               | _ => format
-(* int list -> int list -> typ -> typ *)
 fun format_type default_format format T =
     val T = uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type T
@@ -742,28 +684,22 @@
           |> map (HOLogic.mk_tupleT o rev)
       in List.foldl (op -->) body_T batched end
-(* theory -> const_table -> (term option * int list) list -> term -> typ *)
 fun format_term_type thy def_table formats t =
   format_type (the (AList.lookup (op =) formats NONE))
               (lookup_format thy def_table formats t) (fastype_of t)
-(* int list -> int -> int list -> int list *)
 fun repair_special_format js m format =
   m - 1 downto 0 |> chunk_list_unevenly (rev format)
                  |> map (rev o filter_out (member (op =) js))
                  |> filter_out null |> map length |> rev
-(* hol_context -> string * string -> (term option * int list) list
-   -> styp -> term * typ *)
 fun user_friendly_const ({thy, evals, def_table, skolems, special_funs, ...}
                          : hol_context) (base_name, step_name) formats =
     val default_format = the (AList.lookup (op =) formats NONE)
-    (* styp -> term * typ *)
     fun do_const (x as (s, T)) =
       (if String.isPrefix special_prefix s then
-           (* term -> term *)
            val do_term = map_aterms (fn Const x => fst (do_const x) | t' => t')
            val (x' as (_, T'), js, ts) =
              AList.find (op =) (!special_funs) (s, unarize_unbox_etc_type T)
@@ -772,7 +708,6 @@
            val Ts = List.take (binder_types T', max_j + 1)
            val missing_js = filter_out (member (op =) js) (0 upto max_j)
            val missing_Ts = filter_indices missing_js Ts
-           (* int -> indexname *)
            fun nth_missing_var n =
              ((arg_var_prefix ^ nat_subscript (n + 1), 0), nth missing_Ts n)
            val missing_vars = map nth_missing_var (0 upto length missing_js - 1)
@@ -864,7 +799,6 @@
       |>> shorten_names_in_term |>> Term.map_abs_vars shortest_name
   in do_const end
-(* styp -> string *)
 fun assign_operator_for_const (s, T) =
   if String.isPrefix ubfp_prefix s then
     if is_fun_type T then "\<subseteq>" else "\<le>"
@@ -877,8 +811,6 @@
 (** Model reconstruction **)
-(* atom_pool -> scope -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> KK.raw_bound list
-   -> nut -> term *)
 fun term_for_name pool scope sel_names rel_table bounds name =
   let val T = type_of name in
     tuple_list_for_name rel_table bounds name
@@ -886,13 +818,11 @@
                         rel_table bounds T T (rep_of name)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun unfold_outer_the_binders (t as Const (@{const_name The}, _)
                                    $ Abs (s, T, Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _)
                                                 $ Bound 0 $ t')) =
     betapply (Abs (s, T, t'), t) |> unfold_outer_the_binders
   | unfold_outer_the_binders t = t
-(* typ list -> int -> term * term -> bool *)
 fun bisimilar_values _ 0 _ = true
   | bisimilar_values coTs max_depth (t1, t2) =
     let val T = fastype_of t1 in
@@ -909,17 +839,14 @@
         t1 = t2
-(* params -> scope -> (term option * int list) list -> styp list -> nut list
-  -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table -> KK.raw_bound list
-  -> Pretty.T * bool *)
-fun reconstruct_hol_model {show_skolems, show_datatypes, show_consts}
+fun reconstruct_hol_model {show_datatypes, show_consts}
         ({hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, boxes, stds, wfs, user_axioms,
                       debug, binary_ints, destroy_constrs, specialize,
-                      skolemize, star_linear_preds, uncurry, fast_descrs,
-                      tac_timeout, evals, case_names, def_table, nondef_table,
-                      user_nondefs, simp_table, psimp_table, choice_spec_table,
-                      intro_table, ground_thm_table, ersatz_table, skolems,
-                      special_funs, unrolled_preds, wf_cache, constr_cache},
+                      star_linear_preds, fast_descrs, tac_timeout, evals,
+                      case_names, def_table, nondef_table, user_nondefs,
+                      simp_table, psimp_table, choice_spec_table, intro_table,
+                      ground_thm_table, ersatz_table, skolems, special_funs,
+                      unrolled_preds, wf_cache, constr_cache},
          binarize, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth, datatypes, ofs} : scope)
         formats all_frees free_names sel_names nonsel_names rel_table bounds =
@@ -930,8 +857,7 @@
       {thy = thy, ctxt = ctxt, max_bisim_depth = max_bisim_depth, boxes = boxes,
        stds = stds, wfs = wfs, user_axioms = user_axioms, debug = debug,
        binary_ints = binary_ints, destroy_constrs = destroy_constrs,
-       specialize = specialize, skolemize = skolemize,
-       star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds, uncurry = uncurry,
+       specialize = specialize, star_linear_preds = star_linear_preds,
        fast_descrs = fast_descrs, tac_timeout = tac_timeout, evals = evals,
        case_names = case_names, def_table = def_table,
        nondef_table = nondef_table, user_nondefs = user_nondefs,
@@ -941,16 +867,13 @@
        skolems = skolems, special_funs = special_funs,
        unrolled_preds = unrolled_preds, wf_cache = wf_cache,
        constr_cache = constr_cache}
-    val scope = {hol_ctxt = hol_ctxt, binarize = binarize,
-                 card_assigns = card_assigns, bits = bits,
-                 bisim_depth = bisim_depth, datatypes = datatypes, ofs = ofs}
-    (* bool -> typ -> typ -> rep -> int list list -> term *)
+    val scope =
+      {hol_ctxt = hol_ctxt, binarize = binarize, card_assigns = card_assigns,
+       bits = bits, bisim_depth = bisim_depth, datatypes = datatypes, ofs = ofs}
     fun term_for_rep unfold =
       reconstruct_term unfold pool wacky_names scope sel_names rel_table bounds
-    (* nat -> typ -> nat -> term *)
     fun nth_value_of_type card T n =
-        (* bool -> term *)
         fun aux unfold = term_for_rep unfold T T (Atom (card, 0)) [[n]]
         case aux false of
@@ -961,10 +884,8 @@
         | t => t
-    (* nat -> typ -> term list *)
     val all_values =
       all_values_of_type pool wacky_names scope sel_names rel_table bounds
-    (* dtype_spec list -> dtype_spec -> bool *)
     fun is_codatatype_wellformed (cos : dtype_spec list)
                                  ({typ, card, ...} : dtype_spec) =
@@ -974,7 +895,6 @@
         forall (not o bisimilar_values (map #typ cos) max_depth)
                (all_distinct_unordered_pairs_of ts)
-    (* string -> Pretty.T *)
     fun pretty_for_assign name =
         val (oper, (t1, T'), T) =
@@ -998,7 +918,6 @@
             [setmp_show_all_types (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) t1,
              Pretty.str oper, Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t2])
-    (* dtype_spec -> Pretty.T *)
     fun pretty_for_datatype ({typ, card, complete, ...} : dtype_spec) =
       Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
           (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (uniterize_unarize_unbox_etc_type typ) ::
@@ -1012,7 +931,6 @@
                 (map (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) (all_values card typ) @
                  (if fun_from_pair complete false then []
                   else [Pretty.str unrep]))]))
-    (* typ -> dtype_spec list *)
     fun integer_datatype T =
       [{typ = T, card = card_of_type card_assigns T, co = false,
         standard = true, complete = (false, false), concrete = (true, true),
@@ -1035,7 +953,6 @@
                          (map pretty_for_datatype codatatypes)]
-    (* bool -> string -> nut list -> Pretty.T list *)
     fun block_of_names show title names =
       if show andalso not (null names) then
         Pretty.str (title ^ plural_s_for_list names ^ ":")
@@ -1062,7 +979,7 @@
               | _ => raise TERM ("Nitpick_Model.reconstruct_hol_model",
                                  [Const x])) all_frees
     val chunks = block_of_names true "Free variable" free_names @
-                 block_of_names show_skolems "Skolem constant" skolem_names @
+                 block_of_names true "Skolem constant" skolem_names @
                  block_of_names true "Evaluated term" eval_names @
                  block_of_datatypes @ block_of_codatatypes @
                  block_of_names show_consts "Constant"
@@ -1074,17 +991,13 @@
      forall (is_codatatype_wellformed codatatypes) codatatypes)
-(* scope -> Time.time option -> nut list -> nut list -> nut NameTable.table
-   -> KK.raw_bound list -> term -> bool option *)
 fun prove_hol_model (scope as {hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, debug, ...},
                                card_assigns, ...})
                     auto_timeout free_names sel_names rel_table bounds prop =
     val pool = Unsynchronized.ref []
-    (* typ * int -> term *)
     fun free_type_assm (T, k) =
-        (* int -> term *)
         fun atom j = nth_atom pool true T j k
         fun equation_for_atom j = HOLogic.eq_const T $ Bound 0 $ atom j
         val eqs = map equation_for_atom (index_seq 0 k)
@@ -1093,14 +1006,12 @@
               $ Abs ("x", T, foldl1 HOLogic.mk_disj eqs)
         val distinct_assm = distinctness_formula T (map atom (index_seq 0 k))
       in s_conj (compreh_assm, distinct_assm) end
-    (* nut -> term *)
     fun free_name_assm name =
       HOLogic.mk_eq (Free (nickname_of name, type_of name),
                      term_for_name pool scope sel_names rel_table bounds name)
     val freeT_assms = map free_type_assm (filter (is_TFree o fst) card_assigns)
     val model_assms = map free_name_assm free_names
     val assm = foldr1 s_conj (freeT_assms @ model_assms)
-    (* bool -> bool *)
     fun try_out negate =
         val concl = (negate ? curry (op $) @{const Not})
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_mono.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -54,55 +54,42 @@
 exception MTYPE of string * mtyp list * typ list
 exception MTERM of string * mterm list
-(* string -> unit *)
 fun print_g (_ : string) = ()
 (* val print_g = tracing *)
-(* var -> string *)
 val string_for_var = signed_string_of_int
-(* string -> var list -> string *)
 fun string_for_vars sep [] = "0\<^bsub>" ^ sep ^ "\<^esub>"
   | string_for_vars sep xs = space_implode sep (map string_for_var xs)
 fun subscript_string_for_vars sep xs =
   if null xs then "" else "\<^bsub>" ^ string_for_vars sep xs ^ "\<^esub>"
-(* sign -> string *)
 fun string_for_sign Plus = "+"
   | string_for_sign Minus = "-"
-(* sign -> sign -> sign *)
 fun xor sn1 sn2 = if sn1 = sn2 then Plus else Minus
-(* sign -> sign *)
 val negate = xor Minus
-(* sign_atom -> string *)
 fun string_for_sign_atom (S sn) = string_for_sign sn
   | string_for_sign_atom (V x) = string_for_var x
-(* literal -> string *)
 fun string_for_literal (x, sn) = string_for_var x ^ " = " ^ string_for_sign sn
 val bool_M = MType (@{type_name bool}, [])
 val dummy_M = MType (nitpick_prefix ^ "dummy", [])
-(* mtyp -> bool *)
 fun is_MRec (MRec _) = true
   | is_MRec _ = false
-(* mtyp -> mtyp * sign_atom * mtyp *)
 fun dest_MFun (MFun z) = z
   | dest_MFun M = raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.dest_MFun", [M], [])
 val no_prec = 100
-(* mtyp -> int *)
 fun precedence_of_mtype (MFun _) = 1
   | precedence_of_mtype (MPair _) = 2
   | precedence_of_mtype _ = no_prec
-(* mtyp -> string *)
 val string_for_mtype =
-    (* int -> mtyp -> string *)
     fun aux outer_prec M =
         val prec = precedence_of_mtype M
@@ -126,22 +113,17 @@
   in aux 0 end
-(* mtyp -> mtyp list *)
 fun flatten_mtype (MPair (M1, M2)) = maps flatten_mtype [M1, M2]
   | flatten_mtype (MType (_, Ms)) = maps flatten_mtype Ms
   | flatten_mtype M = [M]
-(* mterm -> bool *)
 fun precedence_of_mterm (MRaw _) = no_prec
   | precedence_of_mterm (MAbs _) = 1
   | precedence_of_mterm (MApp _) = 2
-(* Proof.context -> mterm -> string *)
 fun string_for_mterm ctxt =
-    (* mtype -> string *)
     fun mtype_annotation M = "\<^bsup>" ^ string_for_mtype M ^ "\<^esup>"
-    (* int -> mterm -> string *)
     fun aux outer_prec m =
         val prec = precedence_of_mterm m
@@ -158,7 +140,6 @@
   in aux 0 end
-(* mterm -> mtyp *)
 fun mtype_of_mterm (MRaw (_, M)) = M
   | mtype_of_mterm (MAbs (_, _, M, a, m)) = MFun (M, a, mtype_of_mterm m)
   | mtype_of_mterm (MApp (m1, _)) =
@@ -166,29 +147,24 @@
       MFun (_, _, M12) => M12
     | M1 => raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.mtype_of_mterm", [M1], [])
-(* mterm -> mterm * mterm list *)
 fun strip_mcomb (MApp (m1, m2)) = strip_mcomb m1 ||> (fn ms => append ms [m2])
   | strip_mcomb m = (m, [])
-(* hol_context -> bool -> bool -> typ -> mdata *)
 fun initial_mdata hol_ctxt binarize no_harmless alpha_T =
   ({hol_ctxt = hol_ctxt, binarize = binarize, alpha_T = alpha_T,
     no_harmless = no_harmless, max_fresh = Unsynchronized.ref 0,
     datatype_mcache = Unsynchronized.ref [],
     constr_mcache = Unsynchronized.ref []} : mdata)
-(* typ -> typ -> bool *)
 fun could_exist_alpha_subtype alpha_T (T as Type (_, Ts)) =
     T = alpha_T orelse (not (is_fp_iterator_type T) andalso
                         exists (could_exist_alpha_subtype alpha_T) Ts)
   | could_exist_alpha_subtype alpha_T T = (T = alpha_T)
-(* theory -> typ -> typ -> bool *)
 fun could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype _ (alpha_T as TFree _) T =
     could_exist_alpha_subtype alpha_T T
   | could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype thy alpha_T T =
     (T = alpha_T orelse is_datatype thy [(NONE, true)] T)
-(* mtyp -> bool *)
 fun exists_alpha_sub_mtype MAlpha = true
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype (MFun (M1, _, M2)) =
     exists exists_alpha_sub_mtype [M1, M2]
@@ -197,7 +173,6 @@
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype (MType (_, Ms)) = exists exists_alpha_sub_mtype Ms
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype (MRec _) = true
-(* mtyp -> bool *)
 fun exists_alpha_sub_mtype_fresh MAlpha = true
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype_fresh (MFun (_, V _, _)) = true
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype_fresh (MFun (_, _, M2)) =
@@ -208,11 +183,9 @@
     exists exists_alpha_sub_mtype_fresh Ms
   | exists_alpha_sub_mtype_fresh (MRec _) = true
-(* string * typ list -> mtyp list -> mtyp *)
 fun constr_mtype_for_binders z Ms =
   fold_rev (fn M => curry3 MFun M (S Minus)) Ms (MRec z)
-(* ((string * typ list) * mtyp) list -> mtyp list -> mtyp -> mtyp *)
 fun repair_mtype _ _ MAlpha = MAlpha
   | repair_mtype cache seen (MFun (M1, a, M2)) =
     MFun (repair_mtype cache seen M1, a, repair_mtype cache seen M2)
@@ -226,30 +199,24 @@
     | M => if member (op =) seen M then MType (s, [])
            else repair_mtype cache (M :: seen) M
-(* ((string * typ list) * mtyp) list Unsynchronized.ref -> unit *)
 fun repair_datatype_mcache cache =
-    (* (string * typ list) * mtyp -> unit *)
     fun repair_one (z, M) =
       Unsynchronized.change cache
           (AList.update (op =) (z, repair_mtype (!cache) [] M))
   in repair_one (rev (!cache)) end
-(* (typ * mtyp) list -> (styp * mtyp) list Unsynchronized.ref -> unit *)
 fun repair_constr_mcache dtype_cache constr_mcache =
-    (* styp * mtyp -> unit *)
     fun repair_one (x, M) =
       Unsynchronized.change constr_mcache
           (AList.update (op =) (x, repair_mtype dtype_cache [] M))
   in repair_one (!constr_mcache) end
-(* typ -> bool *)
 fun is_fin_fun_supported_type @{typ prop} = true
   | is_fin_fun_supported_type @{typ bool} = true
   | is_fin_fun_supported_type (Type (@{type_name option}, _)) = true
   | is_fin_fun_supported_type _ = false
-(* typ -> typ -> term -> term option *)
 fun fin_fun_body _ _ (t as @{term False}) = SOME t
   | fin_fun_body _ _ (t as Const (@{const_name None}, _)) = SOME t
   | fin_fun_body dom_T ran_T
@@ -265,7 +232,6 @@
                 $ (Const (@{const_name unknown}, ran_T)) $ (t0 $ t1 $ t2 $ t3)))
   | fin_fun_body _ _ _ = NONE
-(* mdata -> bool -> typ -> typ -> mtyp * sign_atom * mtyp *)
 fun fresh_mfun_for_fun_type (mdata as {max_fresh, ...} : mdata) all_minus
                             T1 T2 =
@@ -277,12 +243,10 @@
               S Minus
   in (M1, a, M2) end
-(* mdata -> bool -> typ -> mtyp *)
 and fresh_mtype_for_type (mdata as {hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}, binarize, alpha_T,
                                     datatype_mcache, constr_mcache, ...})
                          all_minus =
-    (* typ -> mtyp *)
     fun do_type T =
       if T = alpha_T then
@@ -329,21 +293,17 @@
       | _ => MType (Refute.string_of_typ T, [])
   in do_type end
-(* mtyp -> mtyp list *)
 fun prodM_factors (MPair (M1, M2)) = maps prodM_factors [M1, M2]
   | prodM_factors M = [M]
-(* mtyp -> mtyp list * mtyp *)
 fun curried_strip_mtype (MFun (M1, _, M2)) =
     curried_strip_mtype M2 |>> append (prodM_factors M1)
   | curried_strip_mtype M = ([], M)
-(* string -> mtyp -> mtyp *)
 fun sel_mtype_from_constr_mtype s M =
   let val (arg_Ms, dataM) = curried_strip_mtype M in
     MFun (dataM, S Minus,
           case sel_no_from_name s of ~1 => bool_M | n => nth arg_Ms n)
-(* mdata -> styp -> mtyp *)
 fun mtype_for_constr (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {thy, ...}, alpha_T, constr_mcache,
                                 ...}) (x as (_, T)) =
   if could_exist_alpha_sub_mtype thy alpha_T T then
@@ -362,14 +322,11 @@
   x |> binarized_and_boxed_constr_for_sel hol_ctxt binarize
     |> mtype_for_constr mdata |> sel_mtype_from_constr_mtype s
-(* literal list -> sign_atom -> sign_atom *)
 fun resolve_sign_atom lits (V x) =
     x |> AList.lookup (op =) lits |> S |> the_default (V x)
   | resolve_sign_atom _ a = a
-(* literal list -> mtyp -> mtyp *)
 fun resolve_mtype lits =
-    (* mtyp -> mtyp *)
     fun aux MAlpha = MAlpha
       | aux (MFun (M1, a, M2)) = MFun (aux M1, resolve_sign_atom lits a, aux M2)
       | aux (MPair Mp) = MPair (pairself aux Mp)
@@ -384,24 +341,19 @@
 type constraint_set = literal list * comp list * sign_expr list
-(* comp_op -> string *)
 fun string_for_comp_op Eq = "="
   | string_for_comp_op Leq = "\<le>"
-(* sign_expr -> string *)
 fun string_for_sign_expr [] = "\<bot>"
   | string_for_sign_expr lits =
     space_implode " \<or> " (map string_for_literal lits)
-(* literal -> literal list option -> literal list option *)
 fun do_literal _ NONE = NONE
   | do_literal (x, sn) (SOME lits) =
     case AList.lookup (op =) lits x of
       SOME sn' => if sn = sn' then SOME lits else NONE
     | NONE => SOME ((x, sn) :: lits)
-(* comp_op -> var list -> sign_atom -> sign_atom -> literal list * comp list
-   -> (literal list * comp list) option *)
 fun do_sign_atom_comp Eq [] a1 a2 (accum as (lits, comps)) =
     (case (a1, a2) of
        (S sn1, S sn2) => if sn1 = sn2 then SOME accum else NONE
@@ -419,8 +371,6 @@
   | do_sign_atom_comp cmp xs a1 a2 (lits, comps) =
     SOME (lits, insert (op =) (a1, a2, cmp, xs) comps)
-(* comp -> var list -> mtyp -> mtyp -> (literal list * comp list) option
-   -> (literal list * comp list) option *)
 fun do_mtype_comp _ _ _ _ NONE = NONE
   | do_mtype_comp _ _ MAlpha MAlpha accum = accum
   | do_mtype_comp Eq xs (MFun (M11, a1, M12)) (MFun (M21, a2, M22))
@@ -450,7 +400,6 @@
     raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.do_mtype_comp (" ^ string_for_comp_op cmp ^ ")",
                  [M1, M2], [])
-(* comp_op -> mtyp -> mtyp -> constraint_set -> constraint_set *)
 fun add_mtype_comp cmp M1 M2 ((lits, comps, sexps) : constraint_set) =
     (print_g ("*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M1 ^ " " ^ string_for_comp_op cmp ^
               " " ^ string_for_mtype M2);
@@ -458,12 +407,9 @@
        NONE => (print_g "**** Unsolvable"; raise UNSOLVABLE ())
      | SOME (lits, comps) => (lits, comps, sexps))
-(* mtyp -> mtyp -> constraint_set -> constraint_set *)
 val add_mtypes_equal = add_mtype_comp Eq
 val add_is_sub_mtype = add_mtype_comp Leq
-(* sign -> sign_expr -> mtyp -> (literal list * sign_expr list) option
-   -> (literal list * sign_expr list) option *)
 fun do_notin_mtype_fv _ _ _ NONE = NONE
   | do_notin_mtype_fv Minus _ MAlpha accum = accum
   | do_notin_mtype_fv Plus [] MAlpha _ = NONE
@@ -499,7 +445,6 @@
   | do_notin_mtype_fv _ _ M _ =
     raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.do_notin_mtype_fv", [M], [])
-(* sign -> mtyp -> constraint_set -> constraint_set *)
 fun add_notin_mtype_fv sn M ((lits, comps, sexps) : constraint_set) =
     (print_g ("*** Add " ^ string_for_mtype M ^ " is " ^
               (case sn of Minus => "concrete" | Plus => "complete") ^ ".");
@@ -507,31 +452,23 @@
        NONE => (print_g "**** Unsolvable"; raise UNSOLVABLE ())
      | SOME (lits, sexps) => (lits, comps, sexps))
-(* mtyp -> constraint_set -> constraint_set *)
 val add_mtype_is_concrete = add_notin_mtype_fv Minus
 val add_mtype_is_complete = add_notin_mtype_fv Plus
 val bool_from_minus = true
-(* sign -> bool *)
 fun bool_from_sign Plus = not bool_from_minus
   | bool_from_sign Minus = bool_from_minus
-(* bool -> sign *)
 fun sign_from_bool b = if b = bool_from_minus then Minus else Plus
-(* literal -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
 fun prop_for_literal (x, sn) =
   (not (bool_from_sign sn) ? PropLogic.Not) (PropLogic.BoolVar x)
-(* sign_atom -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
 fun prop_for_sign_atom_eq (S sn', sn) =
     if sn = sn' then PropLogic.True else PropLogic.False
   | prop_for_sign_atom_eq (V x, sn) = prop_for_literal (x, sn)
-(* sign_expr -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
 fun prop_for_sign_expr xs = PropLogic.exists (map prop_for_literal xs)
-(* var list -> sign -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
 fun prop_for_exists_eq xs sn =
   PropLogic.exists (map (fn x => prop_for_literal (x, sn)) xs)
-(* comp -> PropLogic.prop_formula *)
 fun prop_for_comp (a1, a2, Eq, []) =
     PropLogic.SAnd (prop_for_comp (a1, a2, Leq, []),
                     prop_for_comp (a2, a1, Leq, []))
@@ -541,7 +478,6 @@
   | prop_for_comp (a1, a2, cmp, xs) =
     PropLogic.SOr (prop_for_exists_eq xs Minus, prop_for_comp (a1, a2, cmp, []))
-(* var -> (int -> bool option) -> literal list -> literal list *)
 fun literals_from_assignments max_var assigns lits =
   fold (fn x => fn accum =>
            if AList.defined (op =) lits x then
@@ -550,18 +486,15 @@
              SOME b => (x, sign_from_bool b) :: accum
            | NONE => accum) (max_var downto 1) lits
-(* comp -> string *)
 fun string_for_comp (a1, a2, cmp, xs) =
   string_for_sign_atom a1 ^ " " ^ string_for_comp_op cmp ^
   subscript_string_for_vars " \<and> " xs ^ " " ^ string_for_sign_atom a2
-(* literal list -> comp list -> sign_expr list -> unit *)
 fun print_problem lits comps sexps =
   print_g ("*** Problem:\n" ^ cat_lines (map string_for_literal lits @
                                          map string_for_comp comps @
                                          map string_for_sign_expr sexps))
-(* literal list -> unit *)
 fun print_solution lits =
   let val (pos, neg) = List.partition (curry (op =) Plus o snd) lits in
     print_g ("*** Solution:\n" ^
@@ -569,10 +502,8 @@
              "-: " ^ commas (map (string_for_var o fst) neg))
-(* var -> constraint_set -> literal list option *)
 fun solve max_var (lits, comps, sexps) =
-      (* (int -> bool option) -> literal list option *)
       fun do_assigns assigns =
         SOME (literals_from_assignments max_var assigns lits
               |> tap print_solution)
@@ -607,27 +538,21 @@
 val initial_gamma = {bound_Ts = [], bound_Ms = [], frees = [], consts = []}
-(* typ -> mtyp -> mtype_context -> mtype_context *)
 fun push_bound T M {bound_Ts, bound_Ms, frees, consts} =
   {bound_Ts = T :: bound_Ts, bound_Ms = M :: bound_Ms, frees = frees,
    consts = consts}
-(* mtype_context -> mtype_context *)
 fun pop_bound {bound_Ts, bound_Ms, frees, consts} =
   {bound_Ts = tl bound_Ts, bound_Ms = tl bound_Ms, frees = frees,
    consts = consts}
   handle List.Empty => initial_gamma (* FIXME: needed? *)
-(* mdata -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
 fun consider_term (mdata as {hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, stds, fast_descrs,
                                           def_table, ...},
                              alpha_T, max_fresh, ...}) =
-    (* typ -> mtyp *)
     val mtype_for = fresh_mtype_for_type mdata false
-    (* mtyp -> mtyp *)
     fun plus_set_mtype_for_dom M =
       MFun (M, S (if exists_alpha_sub_mtype M then Plus else Minus), bool_M)
-    (* typ -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
     fun do_all T (gamma, cset) =
         val abs_M = mtype_for (domain_type (domain_type T))
@@ -656,7 +581,6 @@
         val set_T = domain_type T
         val set_M = mtype_for set_T
-        (* typ -> mtyp *)
         fun custom_mtype_for (T as Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
             if T = set_T then set_M
             else MFun (custom_mtype_for T1, S Minus, custom_mtype_for T2)
@@ -664,20 +588,16 @@
         (custom_mtype_for T, (gamma, cset |> add_mtype_is_concrete set_M))
-    (* typ -> accumulator -> mtyp * accumulator *)
     fun do_pair_constr T accum =
       case mtype_for (nth_range_type 2 T) of
         M as MPair (a_M, b_M) =>
         (MFun (a_M, S Minus, MFun (b_M, S Minus, M)), accum)
       | M => raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.consider_term.do_pair_constr", [M], [])
-    (* int -> typ -> accumulator -> mtyp * accumulator *)
     fun do_nth_pair_sel n T =
       case mtype_for (domain_type T) of
         M as MPair (a_M, b_M) =>
         pair (MFun (M, S Minus, if n = 0 then a_M else b_M))
       | M => raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.consider_term.do_nth_pair_sel", [M], [])
-    (* term -> string -> typ -> term -> term -> term -> accumulator
-       -> mterm * accumulator *)
     fun do_bounded_quantifier t0 abs_s abs_T connective_t bound_t body_t accum =
         val abs_M = mtype_for abs_T
@@ -697,7 +617,6 @@
                                  MApp (bound_m, MRaw (Bound 0, M1))),
                            body_m))), accum)
-    (* term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
     and do_term t (accum as (gamma as {bound_Ts, bound_Ms, frees, consts},
                              cset)) =
         (case t of
@@ -747,7 +666,6 @@
               | @{const_name converse} =>
                   val x = max_fresh
-                  (* typ -> mtyp *)
                   fun mtype_for_set T =
                     MFun (mtype_for (domain_type T), V x, bool_M)
                   val ab_set_M = domain_type T |> mtype_for_set
@@ -757,7 +675,6 @@
               | @{const_name rel_comp} =>
                   val x = max_fresh
-                  (* typ -> mtyp *)
                   fun mtype_for_set T =
                     MFun (mtype_for (domain_type T), V x, bool_M)
                   val bc_set_M = domain_type T |> mtype_for_set
@@ -783,7 +700,6 @@
               | @{const_name Sigma} =>
                   val x = max_fresh
-                  (* typ -> mtyp *)
                   fun mtype_for_set T =
                     MFun (mtype_for (domain_type T), V x, bool_M)
                   val a_set_T = domain_type T
@@ -891,14 +807,12 @@
                                       string_for_mterm ctxt m))
   in do_term end
-(* int -> mtyp -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
 fun force_minus_funs 0 _ = I
   | force_minus_funs n (M as MFun (M1, _, M2)) =
     add_mtypes_equal M (MFun (M1, S Minus, M2))
     #> force_minus_funs (n - 1) M2
   | force_minus_funs _ M =
     raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.force_minus_funs", [M], [])
-(* mdata -> bool -> styp -> term -> term -> mterm * accumulator *)
 fun consider_general_equals mdata def (x as (_, T)) t1 t2 accum =
     val (m1, accum) = consider_term mdata t1 accum
@@ -918,17 +832,12 @@
-(* mdata -> sign -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
 fun consider_general_formula (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {ctxt, ...}, ...}) =
-    (* typ -> mtyp *)
     val mtype_for = fresh_mtype_for_type mdata false
-    (* term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
     val do_term = consider_term mdata
-    (* sign -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
     fun do_formula sn t accum =
-          (* styp -> string -> typ -> term -> mterm * accumulator *)
           fun do_quantifier (quant_x as (quant_s, _)) abs_s abs_T body_t =
               val abs_M = mtype_for abs_T
@@ -944,7 +853,6 @@
                      MAbs (abs_s, abs_T, abs_M, S Minus, body_m)),
                accum |>> pop_bound)
-          (* styp -> term -> term -> mterm * accumulator *)
           fun do_equals x t1 t2 =
             case sn of
               Plus => do_term t accum
@@ -1005,7 +913,6 @@
   [@{const_name ord_class.less}, @{const_name ord_class.less_eq}]
 val bounteous_consts = [@{const_name bisim}]
-(* mdata -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_harmless_axiom ({no_harmless = true, ...} : mdata) _ = false
   | is_harmless_axiom {hol_ctxt = {thy, stds, fast_descrs, ...}, ...} t =
     Term.add_consts t []
@@ -1013,12 +920,10 @@
     |> (forall (member (op =) harmless_consts o original_name o fst) orf
         exists (member (op =) bounteous_consts o fst))
-(* mdata -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
 fun consider_nondefinitional_axiom mdata t =
   if is_harmless_axiom mdata t then pair (MRaw (t, dummy_M))
   else consider_general_formula mdata Plus t
-(* mdata -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
 fun consider_definitional_axiom (mdata as {hol_ctxt = {thy, ...}, ...}) t =
   if not (is_constr_pattern_formula thy t) then
     consider_nondefinitional_axiom mdata t
@@ -1026,11 +931,8 @@
     pair (MRaw (t, dummy_M))
-      (* typ -> mtyp *)
       val mtype_for = fresh_mtype_for_type mdata false
-      (* term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
       val do_term = consider_term mdata
-      (* term -> string -> typ -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
       fun do_all quant_t abs_s abs_T body_t accum =
           val abs_M = mtype_for abs_T
@@ -1043,7 +945,6 @@
                  MAbs (abs_s, abs_T, abs_M, S Minus, body_m)),
            accum |>> pop_bound)
-      (* term -> term -> term -> accumulator -> mterm * accumulator *)
       and do_conjunction t0 t1 t2 accum =
           val (m1, accum) = do_formula t1 accum
@@ -1058,7 +959,6 @@
           (MApp (MApp (MRaw (t0, mtype_for (fastype_of t0)), m1), m2), accum)
-      (* term -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
       and do_formula t accum =
           case t of
             (t0 as Const (@{const_name all}, _)) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1) =>
@@ -1083,22 +983,17 @@
                              \do_formula", [t])
     in do_formula t end
-(* Proof.context -> literal list -> term -> mtyp -> string *)
 fun string_for_mtype_of_term ctxt lits t M =
   Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " : " ^ string_for_mtype (resolve_mtype lits M)
-(* theory -> literal list -> mtype_context -> unit *)
 fun print_mtype_context ctxt lits ({frees, consts, ...} : mtype_context) =
   map (fn (x, M) => string_for_mtype_of_term ctxt lits (Free x) M) frees @
   map (fn (x, M) => string_for_mtype_of_term ctxt lits (Const x) M) consts
   |> cat_lines |> print_g
-(* ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'd) -> 'a -> 'c list * 'b -> 'c list * 'd *)
 fun amass f t (ms, accum) =
   let val (m, accum) = f t accum in (m :: ms, accum) end
-(* string -> bool -> hol_context -> bool -> typ -> term list * term list
-   -> (literal list * (mterm list * mterm list) * (styp * mtyp) list) option *)
 fun infer which no_harmless (hol_ctxt as {ctxt, ...}) binarize alpha_T
           (nondef_ts, def_ts) =
@@ -1127,15 +1022,11 @@
        | MTERM (loc, ms) =>
          raise BAD (loc, commas (map (string_for_mterm ctxt) ms))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ -> term list * term list -> bool *)
 val formulas_monotonic = is_some oooo infer "Monotonicity" false
-(* typ -> typ -> styp *)
 fun fin_fun_constr T1 T2 =
   (@{const_name FinFun}, (T1 --> T2) --> Type (@{type_name fin_fun}, [T1, T2]))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> (typ option * bool option) list -> typ
-   -> term list * term list -> term list * term list *)
 fun finitize_funs (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, fast_descrs, constr_cache, ...})
                   binarize finitizes alpha_T tsp =
   case infer "Finiteness" true hol_ctxt binarize alpha_T tsp of
@@ -1144,12 +1035,10 @@
-        (* typ -> sign_atom -> bool *)
         fun should_finitize T a =
           case triple_lookup (type_match thy) finitizes T of
             SOME (SOME false) => false
           | _ => resolve_sign_atom lits a = S Plus
-        (* typ -> mtyp -> typ *)
         fun type_from_mtype T M =
           case (M, T) of
             (MAlpha, _) => T
@@ -1161,12 +1050,10 @@
           | (MType _, _) => T
           | _ => raise MTYPE ("Nitpick_Mono.finitize_funs.type_from_mtype",
                               [M], [T])
-        (* styp -> styp *)
         fun finitize_constr (x as (s, T)) =
           (s, case AList.lookup (op =) constr_mtypes x of
                 SOME M => type_from_mtype T M
               | NONE => T)
-        (* typ list -> mterm -> term *)
         fun term_from_mterm Ts m =
           case m of
             MRaw (t, M) =>
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_nut.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
 exception NUT of string * nut list
-(* cst -> string *)
 fun string_for_cst Unity = "Unity"
   | string_for_cst False = "False"
   | string_for_cst True = "True"
@@ -225,7 +224,6 @@
   | string_for_cst NatToInt = "NatToInt"
   | string_for_cst IntToNat = "IntToNat"
-(* op1 -> string *)
 fun string_for_op1 Not = "Not"
   | string_for_op1 Finite = "Finite"
   | string_for_op1 Converse = "Converse"
@@ -237,7 +235,6 @@
   | string_for_op1 Second = "Second"
   | string_for_op1 Cast = "Cast"
-(* op2 -> string *)
 fun string_for_op2 All = "All"
   | string_for_op2 Exist = "Exist"
   | string_for_op2 Or = "Or"
@@ -258,14 +255,11 @@
   | string_for_op2 Apply = "Apply"
   | string_for_op2 Lambda = "Lambda"
-(* op3 -> string *)
 fun string_for_op3 Let = "Let"
   | string_for_op3 If = "If"
-(* int -> Proof.context -> nut -> string *)
 fun basic_string_for_nut indent ctxt u =
-    (* nut -> string *)
     val sub = basic_string_for_nut (indent + 1) ctxt
     (if indent = 0 then "" else "\n" ^ implode (replicate (2 * indent) " ")) ^
@@ -313,17 +307,14 @@
        Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T ^ " " ^ string_for_rep R) ^
-(* Proof.context -> nut -> string *)
 val string_for_nut = basic_string_for_nut 0
-(* nut -> bool *)
 fun inline_nut (Op1 _) = false
   | inline_nut (Op2 _) = false
   | inline_nut (Op3 _) = false
   | inline_nut (Tuple (_, _, us)) = forall inline_nut us
   | inline_nut _ = true
-(* nut -> typ *)
 fun type_of (Cst (_, T, _)) = T
   | type_of (Op1 (_, T, _, _)) = T
   | type_of (Op2 (_, T, _, _, _)) = T
@@ -338,7 +329,6 @@
   | type_of (RelReg (_, T, _)) = T
   | type_of (FormulaReg (_, T, _)) = T
-(* nut -> rep *)
 fun rep_of (Cst (_, _, R)) = R
   | rep_of (Op1 (_, _, R, _)) = R
   | rep_of (Op2 (_, _, R, _, _)) = R
@@ -353,7 +343,6 @@
   | rep_of (RelReg (_, _, R)) = R
   | rep_of (FormulaReg (_, _, R)) = R
-(* nut -> string *)
 fun nickname_of (BoundName (_, _, _, nick)) = nick
   | nickname_of (FreeName (s, _, _)) = s
   | nickname_of (ConstName (s, _, _)) = s
@@ -361,7 +350,6 @@
   | nickname_of (FreeRel (_, _, _, nick)) = nick
   | nickname_of u = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.nickname_of", [u])
-(* nut -> bool *)
 fun is_skolem_name u =
   space_explode name_sep (nickname_of u)
   |> exists (String.isPrefix skolem_prefix)
@@ -369,11 +357,9 @@
 fun is_eval_name u =
   String.isPrefix eval_prefix (nickname_of u)
   handle NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.nickname_of", _) => false
-(* cst -> nut -> bool *)
 fun is_Cst cst (Cst (cst', _, _)) = (cst = cst')
   | is_Cst _ _ = false
-(* (nut -> 'a -> 'a) -> nut -> 'a -> 'a *)
 fun fold_nut f u =
   case u of
     Op1 (_, _, _, u1) => fold_nut f u1
@@ -382,7 +368,6 @@
   | Tuple (_, _, us) => fold (fold_nut f) us
   | Construct (us', _, _, us) => fold (fold_nut f) us #> fold (fold_nut f) us'
   | _ => f u
-(* (nut -> nut) -> nut -> nut *)
 fun map_nut f u =
   case u of
     Op1 (oper, T, R, u1) => Op1 (oper, T, R, map_nut f u1)
@@ -394,7 +379,6 @@
     Construct (map (map_nut f) us', T, R, map (map_nut f) us)
   | _ => f u
-(* nut * nut -> order *)
 fun name_ord (BoundName (j1, _, _, _), BoundName (j2, _, _, _)) =
     int_ord (j1, j2)
   | name_ord (BoundName _, _) = LESS
@@ -411,24 +395,19 @@
      | ord => ord)
   | name_ord (u1, u2) = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.name_ord", [u1, u2])
-(* nut -> nut -> int *)
 fun num_occs_in_nut needle_u stack_u =
   fold_nut (fn u => if u = needle_u then Integer.add 1 else I) stack_u 0
-(* nut -> nut -> bool *)
 val is_subterm_of = not_equal 0 oo num_occs_in_nut
-(* nut -> nut -> nut -> nut *)
 fun substitute_in_nut needle_u needle_u' =
   map_nut (fn u => if u = needle_u then needle_u' else u)
-(* nut -> nut list * nut list -> nut list * nut list *)
 val add_free_and_const_names =
   fold_nut (fn u => case u of
                       FreeName _ => apfst (insert (op =) u)
                     | ConstName _ => apsnd (insert (op =) u)
                     | _ => I)
-(* nut -> rep -> nut *)
 fun modify_name_rep (BoundName (j, T, _, nick)) R = BoundName (j, T, R, nick)
   | modify_name_rep (FreeName (s, T, _)) R = FreeName (s, T, R)
   | modify_name_rep (ConstName (s, T, _)) R = ConstName (s, T, R)
@@ -436,18 +415,15 @@
 structure NameTable = Table(type key = nut val ord = name_ord)
-(* 'a NameTable.table -> nut -> 'a *)
 fun the_name table name =
   case NameTable.lookup table name of
     SOME u => u
   | NONE => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.the_name", [name])
-(* nut NameTable.table -> nut -> KK.n_ary_index *)
 fun the_rel table name =
   case the_name table name of
     FreeRel (x, _, _, _) => x
   | u => raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.the_rel", [u])
-(* typ * term -> typ * term *)
 fun mk_fst (_, Const (@{const_name Pair}, T) $ t1 $ _) = (domain_type T, t1)
   | mk_fst (T, t) =
     let val res_T = fst (HOLogic.dest_prodT T) in
@@ -459,23 +435,17 @@
     let val res_T = snd (HOLogic.dest_prodT T) in
       (res_T, Const (@{const_name snd}, T --> res_T) $ t)
-(* typ * term -> (typ * term) list *)
 fun factorize (z as (Type (@{type_name "*"}, _), _)) =
     maps factorize [mk_fst z, mk_snd z]
   | factorize z = [z]
-(* hol_context -> op2 -> term -> nut *)
 fun nut_from_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, fast_descrs, ...}) eq =
-    (* string list -> typ list -> term -> nut *)
     fun aux eq ss Ts t =
-        (* term -> nut *)
         val sub = aux Eq ss Ts
         val sub' = aux eq ss Ts
-        (* string -> typ -> term -> nut *)
         fun sub_abs s T = aux eq (s :: ss) (T :: Ts)
-        (* typ -> term -> term -> nut *)
         fun sub_equals T t1 t2 =
             val (binder_Ts, body_T) = strip_type (domain_type T)
@@ -498,7 +468,6 @@
               Op2 (eq, bool_T, Any, aux Eq ss Ts t1, aux Eq ss Ts t2)
-        (* op2 -> string -> typ -> term -> nut *)
         fun do_quantifier quant s T t1 =
             val bound_u = BoundName (length Ts, T, Any, s)
@@ -509,21 +478,18 @@
-        (* term -> term list -> nut *)
         fun do_apply t0 ts =
             val (ts', t2) = split_last ts
             val t1 = list_comb (t0, ts')
             val T1 = fastype_of1 (Ts, t1)
           in Op2 (Apply, range_type T1, Any, sub t1, sub t2) end
-        (* op2 -> string -> styp -> term -> nut *)
         fun do_description_operator oper undef_s (x as (_, T)) t1 =
           if fast_descrs then
             Op2 (oper, range_type T, Any, sub t1,
                  sub (Const (undef_s, range_type T)))
             do_apply (Const x) [t1]
-        (* styp -> term list -> nut *)
         fun do_construct (x as (_, T)) ts =
           case num_binder_types T - length ts of
             0 => Construct (map ((fn (s', T') => ConstName (s', T', Any))
@@ -716,21 +682,16 @@
   in aux eq [] [] end
-(* scope -> typ -> rep *)
 fun rep_for_abs_fun scope T =
   let val (R1, R2) = best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type scope T in
     Func (R1, (card_of_rep R1 <> card_of_rep R2 ? Opt) R2)
-(* scope -> nut -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_free_var scope v (vs, table) =
     val R = best_non_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (type_of v)
     val v = modify_name_rep v R
   in (v :: vs, NameTable.update (v, R) table) end
-(* scope -> bool -> nut -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_const (scope as {hol_ctxt = {thy, ...}, ...}) all_exact v
                          (vs, table) =
@@ -756,16 +717,11 @@
     val v = modify_name_rep v R
   in (v :: vs, NameTable.update (v, R) table) end
-(* scope -> nut list -> rep NameTable.table -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_reps_for_free_vars scope vs table =
   fold (choose_rep_for_free_var scope) vs ([], table)
-(* scope -> bool -> nut list -> rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_reps_for_consts scope all_exact vs table =
   fold (choose_rep_for_const scope all_exact) vs ([], table)
-(* scope -> styp -> int -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_nth_sel_for_constr (scope as {hol_ctxt, binarize, ...})
                                       (x as (_, T)) n (vs, table) =
@@ -778,21 +734,15 @@
                best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T' |> unopt_rep
     val v = ConstName (s', T', R')
   in (v :: vs, NameTable.update (v, R') table) end
-(* scope -> styp -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_sels_for_constr scope (x as (_, T)) =
   fold_rev (choose_rep_for_nth_sel_for_constr scope x)
            (~1 upto num_sels_for_constr_type T - 1)
-(* scope -> dtype_spec -> nut list * rep NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_sels_of_datatype _ ({deep = false, ...} : dtype_spec) = I
   | choose_rep_for_sels_of_datatype scope {constrs, ...} =
     fold_rev (choose_rep_for_sels_for_constr scope o #const) constrs
-(* scope -> rep NameTable.table -> nut list * rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_reps_for_all_sels (scope as {datatypes, ...}) =
   fold (choose_rep_for_sels_of_datatype scope) datatypes o pair []
-(* scope -> nut -> rep NameTable.table -> rep NameTable.table *)
 fun choose_rep_for_bound_var scope v table =
   let val R = best_one_rep_for_type scope (type_of v) in
     NameTable.update (v, R) table
@@ -802,7 +752,6 @@
    three-valued logic, it would evaluate to a unrepresentable value ("Unrep")
    according to the HOL semantics. For example, "Suc n" is constructive if "n"
    is representable or "Unrep", because unknown implies "Unrep". *)
-(* nut -> bool *)
 fun is_constructive u =
   is_Cst Unrep u orelse
   (not (is_fun_type (type_of u)) andalso not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u))) orelse
@@ -817,14 +766,11 @@
   | Construct (_, _, _, us) => forall is_constructive us
   | _ => false
-(* nut -> nut *)
 fun optimize_unit u =
   if rep_of u = Unit then Cst (Unity, type_of u, Unit) else u
-(* typ -> rep -> nut *)
 fun unknown_boolean T R =
   Cst (case R of Formula Pos => False | Formula Neg => True | _ => Unknown,
        T, R)
-(* nut -> bool *)
 fun is_fully_representable_set u =
   not (is_opt_rep (rep_of u)) andalso
   case u of
@@ -835,7 +781,6 @@
     forall is_fully_representable_set [u1, u2]
   | _ => false
-(* op1 -> typ -> rep -> nut -> nut *)
 fun s_op1 oper T R u1 =
   ((if oper = Not then
       if is_Cst True u1 then Cst (False, T, R)
@@ -845,7 +790,6 @@
       raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op1 (oper, T, R, u1))
   |> optimize_unit
-(* op2 -> typ -> rep -> nut -> nut -> nut *)
 fun s_op2 oper T R u1 u2 =
   ((case oper of
       Or =>
@@ -886,7 +830,6 @@
     | _ => raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op2 (oper, T, R, u1, u2))
   |> optimize_unit
-(* op3 -> typ -> rep -> nut -> nut -> nut -> nut *)
 fun s_op3 oper T R u1 u2 u3 =
   ((case oper of
       Let =>
@@ -897,12 +840,10 @@
     | _ => raise SAME ())
    handle SAME () => Op3 (oper, T, R, u1, u2, u3))
   |> optimize_unit
-(* typ -> rep -> nut list -> nut *)
 fun s_tuple T R us =
   (if exists (is_Cst Unrep) us then Cst (Unrep, T, R) else Tuple (T, R, us))
   |> optimize_unit
-(* theory -> nut -> nut *)
 fun optimize_nut u =
   case u of
     Op1 (oper, T, R, u1) => s_op1 oper T R (optimize_nut u1)
@@ -914,35 +855,26 @@
   | Construct (us', T, R, us) => Construct (us', T, R, map optimize_nut us)
   | _ => optimize_unit u
-(* (nut -> 'a) -> nut -> 'a list *)
 fun untuple f (Tuple (_, _, us)) = maps (untuple f) us
   | untuple f u = if rep_of u = Unit then [] else [f u]
-(* scope -> bool -> rep NameTable.table -> bool -> nut -> nut *)
 fun choose_reps_in_nut (scope as {card_assigns, bits, datatypes, ofs, ...})
                        unsound table def =
     val bool_atom_R = Atom (2, offset_of_type ofs bool_T)
-    (* polarity -> bool -> rep *)
     fun bool_rep polar opt =
       if polar = Neut andalso opt then Opt bool_atom_R else Formula polar
-    (* nut -> nut -> nut *)
     fun triad u1 u2 = s_op2 Triad (type_of u1) (Opt bool_atom_R) u1 u2
-    (* (polarity -> nut) -> nut *)
     fun triad_fn f = triad (f Pos) (f Neg)
-    (* rep NameTable.table -> bool -> polarity -> nut -> nut -> nut *)
     fun unrepify_nut_in_nut table def polar needle_u =
       let val needle_T = type_of needle_u in
         substitute_in_nut needle_u (Cst (if is_fun_type needle_T then Unknown
                                          else Unrep, needle_T, Any))
         #> aux table def polar
-    (* rep NameTable.table -> bool -> polarity -> nut -> nut *)
     and aux table def polar u =
-        (* bool -> polarity -> nut -> nut *)
         val gsub = aux table
-        (* nut -> nut *)
         val sub = gsub false Neut
         case u of
@@ -1050,15 +982,12 @@
             val u1' = sub u1
             val u2' = sub u2
-            (* unit -> nut *)
             fun non_opt_case () = s_op2 Eq T (Formula polar) u1' u2'
-            (* unit -> nut *)
             fun opt_opt_case () =
               if polar = Neut then
                 triad_fn (fn polar => s_op2 Eq T (Formula polar) u1' u2')
                 non_opt_case ()
-            (* nut -> nut *)
             fun hybrid_case u =
               (* hackish optimization *)
               if is_constructive u then s_op2 Eq T (Formula Neut) u1' u2'
@@ -1275,35 +1204,27 @@
       |> optimize_unit
   in aux table def Pos end
-(* int -> KK.n_ary_index list -> KK.n_ary_index list
-   -> int * KK.n_ary_index list *)
 fun fresh_n_ary_index n [] ys = (0, (n, 1) :: ys)
   | fresh_n_ary_index n ((m, j) :: xs) ys =
     if m = n then (j, ys @ ((m, j + 1) :: xs))
     else fresh_n_ary_index n xs ((m, j) :: ys)
-(* int -> name_pool -> int * name_pool *)
 fun fresh_rel n {rels, vars, formula_reg, rel_reg} =
   let val (j, rels') = fresh_n_ary_index n rels [] in
     (j, {rels = rels', vars = vars, formula_reg = formula_reg,
          rel_reg = rel_reg})
-(* int -> name_pool -> int * name_pool *)
 fun fresh_var n {rels, vars, formula_reg, rel_reg} =
   let val (j, vars') = fresh_n_ary_index n vars [] in
     (j, {rels = rels, vars = vars', formula_reg = formula_reg,
          rel_reg = rel_reg})
-(* int -> name_pool -> int * name_pool *)
 fun fresh_formula_reg {rels, vars, formula_reg, rel_reg} =
   (formula_reg, {rels = rels, vars = vars, formula_reg = formula_reg + 1,
                  rel_reg = rel_reg})
-(* int -> name_pool -> int * name_pool *)
 fun fresh_rel_reg {rels, vars, formula_reg, rel_reg} =
   (rel_reg, {rels = rels, vars = vars, formula_reg = formula_reg,
              rel_reg = rel_reg + 1})
-(* nut -> nut list * name_pool * nut NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * name_pool * nut NameTable.table *)
 fun rename_plain_var v (ws, pool, table) =
     val is_formula = (rep_of v = Formula Neut)
@@ -1313,7 +1234,6 @@
     val w = constr (j, type_of v, rep_of v)
   in (w :: ws, pool, NameTable.update (v, w) table) end
-(* typ -> rep -> nut list -> nut *)
 fun shape_tuple (T as Type (@{type_name "*"}, [T1, T2])) (R as Struct [R1, R2])
                 us =
     let val arity1 = arity_of_rep R1 in
@@ -1327,8 +1247,6 @@
   | shape_tuple T Unit [] = Cst (Unity, T, Unit)
   | shape_tuple _ _ us = raise NUT ("Nitpick_Nut.shape_tuple", us)
-(* bool -> nut -> nut list * name_pool * nut NameTable.table
-   -> nut list * name_pool * nut NameTable.table *)
 fun rename_n_ary_var rename_free v (ws, pool, table) =
     val T = type_of v
@@ -1370,15 +1288,12 @@
       in (w :: ws, pool, NameTable.update (v, w) table) end
-(* nut list -> name_pool -> nut NameTable.table
-  -> nut list * name_pool * nut NameTable.table *)
 fun rename_free_vars vs pool table =
     val vs = filter (not_equal Unit o rep_of) vs
     val (vs, pool, table) = fold (rename_n_ary_var true) vs ([], pool, table)
   in (rev vs, pool, table) end
-(* name_pool -> nut NameTable.table -> nut -> nut *)
 fun rename_vars_in_nut pool table u =
   case u of
     Cst _ => u
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_peephole.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_peephole.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
   type decl = Kodkod.decl
   type expr_assign = Kodkod.expr_assign
-  type name_pool = {
-    rels: n_ary_index list,
-    vars: n_ary_index list,
-    formula_reg: int,
-    rel_reg: int}
+  type name_pool =
+    {rels: n_ary_index list,
+     vars: n_ary_index list,
+     formula_reg: int,
+     rel_reg: int}
   val initial_pool : name_pool
   val not3_rel : n_ary_index
@@ -51,39 +51,38 @@
   val num_seq : int -> int -> int_expr list
   val s_and : formula -> formula -> formula
-  type kodkod_constrs = {
-    kk_all: decl list -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_exist: decl list -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_formula_let: expr_assign list -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_formula_if: formula -> formula -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_or: formula -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_not: formula -> formula,
-    kk_iff: formula -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_implies: formula -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_and: formula -> formula -> formula,
-    kk_subset: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_rel_eq: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_no: rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_lone: rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_one: rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_some: rel_expr -> formula,
-    kk_rel_let: expr_assign list -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_rel_if: formula -> rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_union: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_difference: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_override: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_intersect: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_product: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_join: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_reflexive_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_comprehension: decl list -> formula -> rel_expr,
-    kk_project: rel_expr -> int_expr list -> rel_expr,
-    kk_project_seq: rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr,
-    kk_not3: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_nat_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-    kk_int_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr
-  }
+  type kodkod_constrs =
+    {kk_all: decl list -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_exist: decl list -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_formula_let: expr_assign list -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_formula_if: formula -> formula -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_or: formula -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_not: formula -> formula,
+     kk_iff: formula -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_implies: formula -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_and: formula -> formula -> formula,
+     kk_subset: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_rel_eq: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_no: rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_lone: rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_one: rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_some: rel_expr -> formula,
+     kk_rel_let: expr_assign list -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_rel_if: formula -> rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_union: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_difference: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_override: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_intersect: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_product: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_join: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_reflexive_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_comprehension: decl list -> formula -> rel_expr,
+     kk_project: rel_expr -> int_expr list -> rel_expr,
+     kk_project_seq: rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr,
+     kk_not3: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_nat_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+     kk_int_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr}
   val kodkod_constrs : bool -> int -> int -> int -> kodkod_constrs
@@ -94,11 +93,11 @@
 open Kodkod
 open Nitpick_Util
-type name_pool = {
-  rels: n_ary_index list,
-  vars: n_ary_index list,
-  formula_reg: int,
-  rel_reg: int}
+type name_pool =
+  {rels: n_ary_index list,
+   vars: n_ary_index list,
+   formula_reg: int,
+   rel_reg: int}
 (* If you add new built-in relations, make sure to increment the counters here
    as well to avoid name clashes (which fortunately would be detected by
@@ -125,40 +124,31 @@
 val lcm_rel = (3, 11)
 val norm_frac_rel = (4, 0)
-(* int -> bool -> rel_expr *)
 fun atom_for_bool j0 = Atom o Integer.add j0 o int_from_bool
-(* bool -> formula *)
 fun formula_for_bool b = if b then True else False
-(* int * int -> int -> int *)
 fun atom_for_nat (k, j0) n = if n < 0 orelse n >= k then ~1 else n + j0
-(* int -> int *)
 fun min_int_for_card k = ~k div 2 + 1
 fun max_int_for_card k = k div 2
-(* int * int -> int -> int *)
 fun int_for_atom (k, j0) j =
   let val j = j - j0 in if j <= max_int_for_card k then j else j - k end
 fun atom_for_int (k, j0) n =
   if n < min_int_for_card k orelse n > max_int_for_card k then ~1
   else if n < 0 then n + k + j0
   else n + j0
-(* int -> int -> bool *)
 fun is_twos_complement_representable bits n =
   let val max = reasonable_power 2 bits in n >= ~ max andalso n < max end
-(* rel_expr -> bool *)
 fun is_none_product (Product (r1, r2)) =
     is_none_product r1 orelse is_none_product r2
   | is_none_product None = true
   | is_none_product _ = false
-(* rel_expr -> bool *)
 fun is_one_rel_expr (Atom _) = true
   | is_one_rel_expr (AtomSeq (1, _)) = true
   | is_one_rel_expr (Var _) = true
   | is_one_rel_expr _ = false
-(* rel_expr -> bool *)
 fun inline_rel_expr (Product (r1, r2)) =
     inline_rel_expr r1 andalso inline_rel_expr r2
   | inline_rel_expr Iden = true
@@ -172,7 +162,6 @@
   | inline_rel_expr (RelReg _) = true
   | inline_rel_expr _ = false
-(* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> bool option *)
 fun rel_expr_equal None (Atom _) = SOME false
   | rel_expr_equal None (AtomSeq (k, _)) = SOME (k = 0)
   | rel_expr_equal (Atom _) None = SOME false
@@ -183,7 +172,6 @@
   | rel_expr_equal (AtomSeq x1) (AtomSeq x2) = SOME (x1 = x2)
   | rel_expr_equal r1 r2 = if r1 = r2 then SOME true else NONE
-(* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> bool option *)
 fun rel_expr_intersects (Atom j1) (Atom j2) = SOME (j1 = j2)
   | rel_expr_intersects (Atom j) (AtomSeq (k, j0)) = SOME (j < j0 + k)
   | rel_expr_intersects (AtomSeq (k, j0)) (Atom j) = SOME (j < j0 + k)
@@ -192,84 +180,71 @@
   | rel_expr_intersects r1 r2 =
     if is_none_product r1 orelse is_none_product r2 then SOME false else NONE
-(* int -> rel_expr *)
 fun empty_n_ary_rel 0 = raise ARG ("Nitpick_Peephole.empty_n_ary_rel", "0")
   | empty_n_ary_rel n = funpow (n - 1) (curry Product None) None
-(* decl -> rel_expr *)
 fun decl_one_set (DeclOne (_, r)) = r
   | decl_one_set _ =
     raise ARG ("Nitpick_Peephole.decl_one_set", "not \"DeclOne\"")
-(* int_expr -> bool *)
 fun is_Num (Num _) = true
   | is_Num _ = false
-(* int_expr -> int *)
 fun dest_Num (Num k) = k
   | dest_Num _ = raise ARG ("Nitpick_Peephole.dest_Num", "not \"Num\"")
-(* int -> int -> int_expr list *)
 fun num_seq j0 n = map Num (index_seq j0 n)
-(* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> bool *)
 fun occurs_in_union r (Union (r1, r2)) =
     occurs_in_union r r1 orelse occurs_in_union r r2
   | occurs_in_union r r' = (r = r')
-(* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
 fun s_and True f2 = f2
   | s_and False _ = False
   | s_and f1 True = f1
   | s_and _ False = False
   | s_and f1 f2 = And (f1, f2)
-type kodkod_constrs = {
-  kk_all: decl list -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_exist: decl list -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_formula_let: expr_assign list -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_formula_if: formula -> formula -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_or: formula -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_not: formula -> formula,
-  kk_iff: formula -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_implies: formula -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_and: formula -> formula -> formula,
-  kk_subset: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_rel_eq: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_no: rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_lone: rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_one: rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_some: rel_expr -> formula,
-  kk_rel_let: expr_assign list -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_rel_if: formula -> rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_union: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_difference: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_override: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_intersect: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_product: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_join: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_reflexive_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_comprehension: decl list -> formula -> rel_expr,
-  kk_project: rel_expr -> int_expr list -> rel_expr,
-  kk_project_seq: rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr,
-  kk_not3: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_nat_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
-  kk_int_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr
+type kodkod_constrs =
+  {kk_all: decl list -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_exist: decl list -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_formula_let: expr_assign list -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_formula_if: formula -> formula -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_or: formula -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_not: formula -> formula,
+   kk_iff: formula -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_implies: formula -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_and: formula -> formula -> formula,
+   kk_subset: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_rel_eq: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_no: rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_lone: rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_one: rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_some: rel_expr -> formula,
+   kk_rel_let: expr_assign list -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_rel_if: formula -> rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_union: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_difference: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_override: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_intersect: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_product: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_join: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_reflexive_closure: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_comprehension: decl list -> formula -> rel_expr,
+   kk_project: rel_expr -> int_expr list -> rel_expr,
+   kk_project_seq: rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr,
+   kk_not3: rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_nat_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr,
+   kk_int_less: rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr}
 (* We assume throughout that Kodkod variables have a "one" constraint. This is
    always the case if Kodkod's skolemization is disabled. *)
-(* bool -> int -> int -> int -> kodkod_constrs *)
 fun kodkod_constrs optim nat_card int_card main_j0 =
-    (* bool -> int *)
     val from_bool = atom_for_bool main_j0
-    (* int -> rel_expr *)
     fun from_nat n = Atom (n + main_j0)
-    (* int -> int *)
     fun to_nat j = j - main_j0
     val to_int = int_for_atom (int_card, main_j0)
-    (* decl list -> formula -> formula *)
     fun s_all _ True = True
       | s_all _ False = False
       | s_all [] f = f
@@ -281,12 +256,10 @@
       | s_exist ds (Exist (ds', f)) = Exist (ds @ ds', f)
       | s_exist ds f = Exist (ds, f)
-    (* expr_assign list -> formula -> formula *)
     fun s_formula_let _ True = True
       | s_formula_let _ False = False
       | s_formula_let assigns f = FormulaLet (assigns, f)
-    (* formula -> formula *)
     fun s_not True = False
       | s_not False = True
       | s_not (All (ds, f)) = Exist (ds, s_not f)
@@ -299,7 +272,6 @@
       | s_not (Some r) = No r
       | s_not f = Not f
-    (* formula -> formula -> formula *)
     fun s_or True _ = True
       | s_or False f2 = f2
       | s_or _ True = True
@@ -316,7 +288,6 @@
       | s_implies f1 False = s_not f1
       | s_implies f1 f2 = if f1 = f2 then True else Implies (f1, f2)
-    (* formula -> formula -> formula -> formula *)
     fun s_formula_if True f2 _ = f2
       | s_formula_if False _ f3 = f3
       | s_formula_if f1 True f3 = s_or f1 f3
@@ -325,7 +296,6 @@
       | s_formula_if f1 f2 False = s_and f1 f2
       | s_formula_if f f1 f2 = FormulaIf (f, f1, f2)
-    (* rel_expr -> int_expr list -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_project r is =
       (case r of
          Project (r1, is') =>
@@ -340,7 +310,6 @@
                else Project (r, is)
-    (* (rel_expr -> formula) -> rel_expr -> formula *)
     fun s_xone xone r =
       if is_one_rel_expr r then
@@ -348,7 +317,6 @@
         1 => xone r
       | arity => foldl1 And (map (xone o s_project r o single o Num)
                                  (index_seq 0 arity))
-    (* rel_expr -> formula *)
     fun s_no None = True
       | s_no (Product (r1, r2)) = s_or (s_no r1) (s_no r2)
       | s_no (Intersect (Closure (Rel x), Iden)) = Acyclic x
@@ -362,13 +330,11 @@
       | s_some (Product (r1, r2)) = s_and (s_some r1) (s_some r2)
       | s_some r = if is_one_rel_expr r then True else Some r
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_not3 (Atom j) = Atom (if j = main_j0 then j + 1 else j - 1)
       | s_not3 (r as Join (r1, r2)) =
         if r2 = Rel not3_rel then r1 else Join (r, Rel not3_rel)
       | s_not3 r = Join (r, Rel not3_rel)
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> formula *)
     fun s_rel_eq r1 r2 =
       (case (r1, r2) of
          (Join (r11, Rel x), _) =>
@@ -427,12 +393,10 @@
         else if forall is_one_rel_expr [r1, r2] then s_rel_eq r1 r2
         else Subset (r1, r2)
-    (* expr_assign list -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_rel_let [b as AssignRelReg (x', r')] (r as RelReg x) =
         if x = x' then r' else RelLet ([b], r)
       | s_rel_let bs r = RelLet (bs, r)
-    (* formula -> rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_rel_if f r1 r2 =
       (case (f, r1, r2) of
          (True, _, _) => r1
@@ -443,7 +407,6 @@
        | _ => raise SAME ())
       handle SAME () => if r1 = r2 then r1 else RelIf (f, r1, r2)
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_union r1 (Union (r21, r22)) = s_union (s_union r1 r21) r22
       | s_union r1 r2 =
         if is_none_product r1 then r2
@@ -561,14 +524,12 @@
          handle SAME () => List.foldr Join r22 [r1, r21])
       | s_join r1 r2 = Join (r1, r2)
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_closure Iden = Iden
       | s_closure r = if is_none_product r then r else Closure r
     fun s_reflexive_closure Iden = Iden
       | s_reflexive_closure r =
         if is_none_product r then Iden else ReflexiveClosure r
-    (* decl list -> formula -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_comprehension ds False = empty_n_ary_rel (length ds)
       | s_comprehension ds True = fold1 s_product (map decl_one_set ds)
       | s_comprehension [d as DeclOne ((1, j1), r)]
@@ -579,10 +540,8 @@
           Comprehension ([d], f)
       | s_comprehension ds f = Comprehension (ds, f)
-    (* rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_project_seq r =
-        (* int -> rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr *)
         fun aux arity r j0 n =
           if j0 = 0 andalso arity = n then
@@ -595,7 +554,6 @@
               val arity1 = arity - arity2
               val n1 = Int.min (nat_minus arity1 j0, n)
               val n2 = n - n1
-              (* unit -> rel_expr *)
               fun one () = aux arity1 r1 j0 n1
               fun two () = aux arity2 r2 (nat_minus j0 arity1) n2
@@ -607,17 +565,13 @@
           | _ => s_project r (num_seq j0 n)
       in aux (arity_of_rel_expr r) r end
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun s_nat_less (Atom j1) (Atom j2) = from_bool (j1 < j2)
       | s_nat_less r1 r2 = fold s_join [r1, r2] (Rel nat_less_rel)
     fun s_int_less (Atom j1) (Atom j2) = from_bool (to_int j1 < to_int j2)
       | s_int_less r1 r2 = fold s_join [r1, r2] (Rel int_less_rel)
-    (* rel_expr -> int -> int -> rel_expr *)
     fun d_project_seq r j0 n = Project (r, num_seq j0 n)
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun d_not3 r = Join (r, Rel not3_rel)
-    (* rel_expr -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
     fun d_nat_less r1 r2 = List.foldl Join (Rel nat_less_rel) [r1, r2]
     fun d_int_less r1 r2 = List.foldl Join (Rel int_less_rel) [r1, r2]
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_preproc.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 open Nitpick_HOL
 open Nitpick_Mono
-(* polarity -> string -> bool *)
 fun is_positive_existential polar quant_s =
   (polar = Pos andalso quant_s = @{const_name Ex}) orelse
   (polar = Neg andalso quant_s <> @{const_name Ex})
@@ -33,10 +32,8 @@
    binary coding. *)
 val binary_int_threshold = 3
-(* bool -> term -> bool *)
 val may_use_binary_ints =
-    (* bool -> term -> bool *)
     fun aux def (Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t1 $ t2) =
         aux def t1 andalso aux false t2
       | aux def (@{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2) = aux false t1 andalso aux def t2
@@ -52,10 +49,8 @@
       | aux def (Abs (_, _, t')) = aux def t'
       | aux _ _ = true
   in aux end
-(* term -> bool *)
 val should_use_binary_ints =
-    (* term -> bool *)
     fun aux (t1 $ t2) = aux t1 orelse aux t2
       | aux (Const (s, T)) =
         ((s = @{const_name times} orelse s = @{const_name div}) andalso
@@ -70,10 +65,8 @@
 (** Uncurrying **)
-(* theory -> term -> int -> int *)
 fun add_to_uncurry_table thy t =
-    (* term -> term list -> int -> int *)
     fun aux (t1 $ t2) args table =
         let val table = aux t2 [] table in aux t1 (t2 :: args) table end
       | aux (Abs (_, _, t')) _ table = aux t' [] table
@@ -83,18 +76,15 @@
            is_sel s orelse s = @{const_name Sigma} then
-          Termtab.map_default (t, 65536) (curry Int.min (length args)) table
+          Termtab.map_default (t, 65536) (Integer.min (length args)) table
       | aux _ _ table = table
   in aux t [] end
-(* int -> int -> string *)
 fun uncurry_prefix_for k j =
   uncurry_prefix ^ string_of_int k ^ "@" ^ string_of_int j ^ name_sep
-(* int term -> term *)
 fun uncurry_term table t =
-    (* term -> term list -> term *)
     fun aux (t1 $ t2) args = aux t1 (aux t2 [] :: args)
       | aux (Abs (s, T, t')) args = betapplys (Abs (s, T, aux t' []), args)
       | aux (t as Const (s, T)) args =
@@ -131,17 +121,14 @@
 (** Boxing **)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> term -> term *)
 fun box_fun_and_pair_in_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, fast_descrs, ...}) def
                              orig_t =
-    (* typ -> typ *)
     fun box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts)) =
         Type (@{type_name fun}, map box_relational_operator_type Ts)
       | box_relational_operator_type (Type (@{type_name "*"}, Ts)) =
         Type (@{type_name "*"}, map (box_type hol_ctxt InPair) Ts)
       | box_relational_operator_type T = T
-    (* indexname * typ -> typ * term -> typ option list -> typ option list *)
     fun add_boxed_types_for_var (z as (_, T)) (T', t') =
       case t' of
         Var z' => z' = z ? insert (op =) T'
@@ -152,7 +139,6 @@
          | _ => raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Preproc.box_fun_and_pair_in_term.\
                             \add_boxed_types_for_var", [T'], []))
       | _ => exists_subterm (curry (op =) (Var z)) t' ? insert (op =) T
-    (* typ list -> typ list -> term -> indexname * typ -> typ *)
     fun box_var_in_def new_Ts old_Ts t (z as (_, T)) =
       case t of
         @{const Trueprop} $ t1 => box_var_in_def new_Ts old_Ts t1 z
@@ -170,8 +156,6 @@
       | _ => T
-    (* typ list -> typ list -> polarity -> string -> typ -> string -> typ
-       -> term -> term *)
     and do_quantifier new_Ts old_Ts polar quant_s quant_T abs_s abs_T t =
         val abs_T' =
@@ -185,7 +169,6 @@
         $ Abs (abs_s, abs_T',
                t |> do_term (abs_T' :: new_Ts) (abs_T :: old_Ts) polar)
-    (* typ list -> typ list -> string -> typ -> term -> term -> term *)
     and do_equals new_Ts old_Ts s0 T0 t1 t2 =
         val (t1, t2) = pairself (do_term new_Ts old_Ts Neut) (t1, t2)
@@ -195,12 +178,10 @@
         list_comb (Const (s0, T --> T --> body_type T0),
                    map2 (coerce_term hol_ctxt new_Ts T) [T1, T2] [t1, t2])
-    (* string -> typ -> term *)
     and do_description_operator s T =
       let val T1 = box_type hol_ctxt InFunLHS (range_type T) in
         Const (s, (T1 --> bool_T) --> T1)
-    (* typ list -> typ list -> polarity -> term -> term *)
     and do_term new_Ts old_Ts polar t =
       case t of
         Const (s0 as @{const_name all}, T0) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1) =>
@@ -302,21 +283,16 @@
 val val_var_prefix = nitpick_prefix ^ "v"
-(* typ list -> int -> int -> int -> term -> term *)
 fun fresh_value_var Ts k n j t =
   Var ((val_var_prefix ^ nat_subscript (n - j), k), fastype_of1 (Ts, t))
-(* typ list -> term -> bool *)
 fun has_heavy_bounds_or_vars Ts t =
-    (* typ list -> bool *)
     fun aux [] = false
       | aux [T] = is_fun_type T orelse is_pair_type T
       | aux _ = true
   in aux (map snd (Term.add_vars t []) @ map (nth Ts) (loose_bnos t)) end
-(* hol_context -> typ list -> bool -> int -> int -> term -> term list
-   -> term list -> term * term list *)
 fun pull_out_constr_comb ({thy, stds, ...} : hol_context) Ts relax k level t
                          args seen =
   let val t_comb = list_comb (t, args) in
@@ -336,18 +312,15 @@
     | _ => (t_comb, seen)
-(* (term -> term) -> typ list -> int -> term list -> term list *)
 fun equations_for_pulled_out_constrs mk_eq Ts k seen =
   let val n = length seen in
     map2 (fn j => fn t => mk_eq (fresh_value_var Ts k n j t, t))
          (index_seq 0 n) seen
-(* hol_context -> bool -> term -> term *)
 fun pull_out_universal_constrs hol_ctxt def t =
     val k = maxidx_of_term t + 1
-    (* typ list -> bool -> term -> term list -> term list -> term * term list *)
     fun do_term Ts def t args seen =
       case t of
         (t0 as Const (@{const_name "=="}, _)) $ t1 $ t2 =>
@@ -367,8 +340,6 @@
           do_term Ts def t1 (t2 :: args) seen
       | _ => pull_out_constr_comb hol_ctxt Ts def k 0 t args seen
-    (* typ list -> bool -> bool -> term -> term -> term -> term list
-       -> term * term list *)
     and do_eq_or_imp Ts eq def t0 t1 t2 seen =
         val (t2, seen) = if eq andalso def then (t2, seen)
@@ -381,22 +352,18 @@
                                                          seen, concl)
-(* term -> term -> term *)
 fun mk_exists v t =
   HOLogic.exists_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v (incr_boundvars 1 t)
-(* hol_context -> term -> term *)
 fun pull_out_existential_constrs hol_ctxt t =
     val k = maxidx_of_term t + 1
-    (* typ list -> int -> term -> term list -> term list -> term * term list *)
     fun aux Ts num_exists t args seen =
       case t of
         (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1) =>
           val (t1, seen') = aux (T1 :: Ts) (num_exists + 1) t1 [] []
           val n = length seen'
-          (* unit -> term list *)
           fun vars () = map2 (fresh_value_var Ts k n) (index_seq 0 n) seen'
           (equations_for_pulled_out_constrs HOLogic.mk_eq Ts k seen'
@@ -421,7 +388,6 @@
 val let_var_prefix = nitpick_prefix ^ "l"
 val let_inline_threshold = 32
-(* int -> typ -> term -> (term -> term) -> term *)
 fun hol_let n abs_T body_T f t =
   if n * size_of_term t <= let_inline_threshold then
     f t
@@ -431,14 +397,11 @@
       $ t $ abs_var z (incr_boundvars 1 (f (Var z)))
-(* hol_context -> bool -> term -> term *)
 fun destroy_pulled_out_constrs (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) axiom t =
-    (* styp -> int *)
     val num_occs_of_var =
       fold_aterms (fn Var z => (fn f => fn z' => f z' |> z = z' ? Integer.add 1)
                     | _ => I) t (K 0)
-    (* bool -> term -> term *)
     fun aux careful ((t0 as Const (@{const_name "=="}, _)) $ t1 $ t2) =
         aux_eq careful true t0 t1 t2
       | aux careful ((t0 as @{const "==>"}) $ t1 $ t2) =
@@ -450,7 +413,6 @@
       | aux careful (Abs (s, T, t')) = Abs (s, T, aux careful t')
       | aux careful (t1 $ t2) = aux careful t1 $ aux careful t2
       | aux _ t = t
-    (* bool -> bool -> term -> term -> term -> term *)
     and aux_eq careful pass1 t0 t1 t2 =
       ((if careful then
           raise SAME ()
@@ -485,7 +447,6 @@
        |> body_type (type_of t0) = prop_T ? HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
       handle SAME () => if pass1 then aux_eq careful false t0 t2 t1
                         else t0 $ aux false t2 $ aux false t1
-    (* styp -> term -> int -> typ -> term -> term *)
     and sel_eq x t n nth_T nth_t =
       HOLogic.eq_const nth_T $ nth_t
                              $ select_nth_constr_arg thy stds x t n nth_T
@@ -494,7 +455,6 @@
 (** Destruction of universal and existential equalities **)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun curry_assms (@{const "==>"} $ (@{const Trueprop}
                                    $ (@{const "op &"} $ t1 $ t2)) $ t3) =
     curry_assms (Logic.list_implies ([t1, t2] |> map HOLogic.mk_Trueprop, t3))
@@ -502,15 +462,12 @@
     @{const "==>"} $ curry_assms t1 $ curry_assms t2
   | curry_assms t = t
-(* term -> term *)
 val destroy_universal_equalities =
-    (* term list -> (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term *)
     fun aux prems zs t =
       case t of
         @{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2 => aux_implies prems zs t1 t2
       | _ => Logic.list_implies (rev prems, t)
-    (* term list -> (indexname * typ) list -> term -> term -> term *)
     and aux_implies prems zs t1 t2 =
       case t1 of
         Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ Var z $ t' => aux_eq prems zs z t' t1 t2
@@ -519,8 +476,6 @@
       | @{const Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t' $ Var z) =>
         aux_eq prems zs z t' t1 t2
       | _ => aux (t1 :: prems) (Term.add_vars t1 zs) t2
-    (* term list -> (indexname * typ) list -> indexname * typ -> term -> term
-       -> term -> term *)
     and aux_eq prems zs z t' t1 t2 =
       if not (member (op =) zs z) andalso
          not (exists_subterm (curry (op =) (Var z)) t') then
@@ -529,15 +484,11 @@
         aux (t1 :: prems) (Term.add_vars t1 zs) t2
   in aux [] [] end
-(* theory -> (typ option * bool) list -> int -> term list -> term list
-   -> (term * term list) option *)
 fun find_bound_assign thy stds j =
-    (* term list -> term list -> (term * term list) option *)
     fun do_term _ [] = NONE
       | do_term seen (t :: ts) =
-          (* bool -> term -> term -> (term * term list) option *)
           fun do_eq pass1 t1 t2 =
             (if loose_bvar1 (t2, j) then
                if pass1 then do_eq false t2 t1 else raise SAME ()
@@ -559,10 +510,8 @@
   in do_term end
-(* int -> term -> term -> term *)
 fun subst_one_bound j arg t =
-    (* term * int -> term *)
     fun aux (Bound i, lev) =
         if i < lev then raise SAME ()
         else if i = lev then incr_boundvars (lev - j) arg
@@ -574,10 +523,8 @@
       | aux _ = raise SAME ()
   in aux (t, j) handle SAME () => t end
-(* hol_context -> term -> term *)
 fun destroy_existential_equalities ({thy, stds, ...} : hol_context) =
-    (* string list -> typ list -> term list -> term *)
     fun kill [] [] ts = foldr1 s_conj ts
       | kill (s :: ss) (T :: Ts) ts =
         (case find_bound_assign thy stds (length ss) [] ts of
@@ -589,7 +536,6 @@
            Const (@{const_name Ex}, (T --> bool_T) --> bool_T)
            $ Abs (s, T, kill ss Ts ts))
       | kill _ _ _ = raise UnequalLengths
-    (* string list -> typ list -> term -> term *)
     fun gather ss Ts (Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1)) =
         gather (ss @ [s1]) (Ts @ [T1]) t1
       | gather [] [] (Abs (s, T, t1)) = Abs (s, T, gather [] [] t1)
@@ -600,20 +546,15 @@
 (** Skolemization **)
-(* int -> int -> string *)
 fun skolem_prefix_for k j =
   skolem_prefix ^ string_of_int k ^ "@" ^ string_of_int j ^ name_sep
-(* hol_context -> int -> term -> term *)
 fun skolemize_term_and_more (hol_ctxt as {thy, def_table, skolems, ...})
                             skolem_depth =
-    (* int list -> int list *)
     val incrs = map (Integer.add 1)
-    (* string list -> typ list -> int list -> int -> polarity -> term -> term *)
     fun aux ss Ts js depth polar t =
-        (* string -> typ -> string -> typ -> term -> term *)
         fun do_quantifier quant_s quant_T abs_s abs_T t =
           if not (loose_bvar1 (t, 0)) then
             aux ss Ts js depth polar (incr_boundvars ~1 t)
@@ -679,7 +620,6 @@
                   (ubfp_prefix, @{const "op &"},
                    @{const_name semilattice_inf_class.inf})
-              (* unit -> term *)
               fun pos () = unrolled_inductive_pred_const hol_ctxt gfp x
                            |> aux ss Ts js depth polar
               fun neg () = Const (pref ^ s, T)
@@ -693,7 +633,6 @@
                      val ((trunk_arg_Ts, rump_arg_T), body_T) =
                        T |> strip_type |>> split_last
                      val set_T = rump_arg_T --> body_T
-                     (* (unit -> term) -> term *)
                      fun app f =
                        list_comb (f (),
                                   map Bound (length trunk_arg_Ts - 1 downto 0))
@@ -717,21 +656,18 @@
 (** Function specialization **)
-(* term -> term list *)
 fun params_in_equation (@{const "==>"} $ _ $ t2) = params_in_equation t2
   | params_in_equation (@{const Trueprop} $ t1) = params_in_equation t1
   | params_in_equation (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ _) =
     snd (strip_comb t1)
   | params_in_equation _ = []
-(* styp -> styp -> int list -> term list -> term list -> term -> term *)
 fun specialize_fun_axiom x x' fixed_js fixed_args extra_args t =
     val k = fold Integer.max (map maxidx_of_term (fixed_args @ extra_args)) 0
             + 1
     val t = map_aterms (fn Var ((s, i), T) => Var ((s, k + i), T) | t' => t') t
     val fixed_params = filter_indices fixed_js (params_in_equation t)
-    (* term list -> term -> term *)
     fun aux args (Abs (s, T, t)) = list_comb (Abs (s, T, aux [] t), args)
       | aux args (t1 $ t2) = aux (aux [] t2 :: args) t1
       | aux args t =
@@ -743,10 +679,8 @@
   in aux [] t end
-(* hol_context -> styp -> (int * term option) list *)
 fun static_args_in_term ({ersatz_table, ...} : hol_context) x t =
-    (* term -> term list -> term list -> term list list *)
     fun fun_calls (Abs (_, _, t)) _ = fun_calls t []
       | fun_calls (t1 $ t2) args = fun_calls t2 [] #> fun_calls t1 (t2 :: args)
       | fun_calls t args =
@@ -756,7 +690,6 @@
                             SOME s'' => x = (s'', T')
                           | NONE => false)
          | _ => false) ? cons args
-    (* term list list -> term list list -> term list -> term list list *)
     fun call_sets [] [] vs = [vs]
       | call_sets [] uss vs = vs :: call_sets uss [] []
       | call_sets ([] :: _) _ _ = []
@@ -773,12 +706,10 @@
                  | [t as Free _] => cons (j, SOME t)
                  | _ => I) indexed_sets []
-(* hol_context -> styp -> term list -> (int * term option) list *)
 fun static_args_in_terms hol_ctxt x =
   map (static_args_in_term hol_ctxt x)
   #> fold1 (OrdList.inter (prod_ord int_ord (option_ord Term_Ord.term_ord)))
-(* (int * term option) list -> (int * term) list -> int list *)
 fun overlapping_indices [] _ = []
   | overlapping_indices _ [] = []
   | overlapping_indices (ps1 as (j1, t1) :: ps1') (ps2 as (j2, t2) :: ps2') =
@@ -786,7 +717,6 @@
     else if j1 > j2 then overlapping_indices ps1 ps2'
     else overlapping_indices ps1' ps2' |> the_default t2 t1 = t2 ? cons j1
-(* typ list -> term -> bool *)
 fun is_eligible_arg Ts t =
   let val bad_Ts = map snd (Term.add_vars t []) @ map (nth Ts) (loose_bnos t) in
     null bad_Ts orelse
@@ -794,7 +724,6 @@
      forall (not o is_higher_order_type) bad_Ts)
-(* int -> string *)
 fun special_prefix_for j = special_prefix ^ string_of_int j ^ name_sep
 (* If a constant's definition is picked up deeper than this threshold, we
@@ -803,7 +732,6 @@
 val bound_var_prefix = "b"
-(* hol_context -> int -> term -> term *)
 fun specialize_consts_in_term (hol_ctxt as {specialize, simp_table,
                                             special_funs, ...}) depth t =
   if not specialize orelse depth > special_max_depth then
@@ -812,7 +740,6 @@
       val blacklist = if depth = 0 then []
                       else case term_under_def t of Const x => [x] | _ => []
-      (* term list -> typ list -> term -> term *)
       fun aux args Ts (Const (x as (s, T))) =
           ((if not (member (op =) blacklist x) andalso not (null args) andalso
                not (String.isPrefix special_prefix s) andalso
@@ -836,7 +763,6 @@
                 val extra_args = map Var vars @ map Bound bound_js @ live_args
                 val extra_Ts = map snd vars @ filter_indices bound_js Ts
                 val k = maxidx_of_term t + 1
-                (* int -> term *)
                 fun var_for_bound_no j =
                   Var ((bound_var_prefix ^
                         nat_subscript (find_index (curry (op =) j) bound_js
@@ -880,7 +806,6 @@
 val cong_var_prefix = "c"
-(* typ -> special_triple -> special_triple -> term *)
 fun special_congruence_axiom T (js1, ts1, x1) (js2, ts2, x2) =
     val (bounds1, bounds2) = pairself (map Var o special_bounds) (ts1, ts2)
@@ -905,7 +830,6 @@
     |> close_form (* TODO: needed? *)
-(* hol_context -> styp list -> term list *)
 fun special_congruence_axioms (hol_ctxt as {special_funs, ...}) xs =
     val groups =
@@ -914,14 +838,10 @@
       |> (op =)
       |> filter_out (is_equational_fun_surely_complete hol_ctxt o fst)
       |> map (fn (x, zs) => (x, zs |> member (op =) xs x ? cons ([], [], x)))
-    (* special_triple -> int *)
     fun generality (js, _, _) = ~(length js)
-    (* special_triple -> special_triple -> bool *)
     fun is_more_specific (j1, t1, x1) (j2, t2, x2) =
       x1 <> x2 andalso OrdList.subset (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.term_ord)
                                       (j2 ~~ t2, j1 ~~ t1)
-    (* typ -> special_triple list -> special_triple list -> special_triple list
-       -> term list -> term list *)
     fun do_pass_1 _ [] [_] [_] = I
       | do_pass_1 T skipped _ [] = do_pass_2 T skipped
       | do_pass_1 T skipped all (z :: zs) =
@@ -930,7 +850,6 @@
           [] => do_pass_1 T (z :: skipped) all zs
         | (z' :: _) => cons (special_congruence_axiom T z z')
                        #> do_pass_1 T skipped all zs
-    (* typ -> special_triple list -> term list -> term list *)
     and do_pass_2 _ [] = I
       | do_pass_2 T (z :: zs) =
         fold (cons o special_congruence_axiom T z) zs #> do_pass_2 T zs
@@ -938,32 +857,23 @@
 (** Axiom selection **)
-(* 'a Symtab.table -> 'a list *)
 fun all_table_entries table = Symtab.fold (append o snd) table []
-(* const_table -> string -> const_table *)
 fun extra_table table s = Symtab.make [(s, all_table_entries table)]
-(* int -> term -> term *)
 fun eval_axiom_for_term j t =
   Logic.mk_equals (Const (eval_prefix ^ string_of_int j, fastype_of t), t)
-(* term -> bool *)
 val is_trivial_equation = the_default false o try (op aconv o Logic.dest_equals)
 (* Prevents divergence in case of cyclic or infinite axiom dependencies. *)
 val axioms_max_depth = 255
-(* hol_context -> term -> term list * term list * bool * bool *)
 fun axioms_for_term
         (hol_ctxt as {thy, ctxt, max_bisim_depth, stds, user_axioms,
                       fast_descrs, evals, def_table, nondef_table,
                       choice_spec_table, user_nondefs, ...}) t =
     type accumulator = styp list * (term list * term list)
-    (* (term list * term list -> term list)
-       -> ((term list -> term list) -> term list * term list
-           -> term list * term list)
-       -> int -> term -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
     fun add_axiom get app depth t (accum as (xs, axs)) =
         val t = t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
@@ -977,7 +887,6 @@
             else add_axioms_for_term (depth + 1) t' (xs, app (cons t') axs)
-    (* int -> term -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
     and add_def_axiom depth = add_axiom fst apfst depth
     and add_nondef_axiom depth = add_axiom snd apsnd depth
     and add_maybe_def_axiom depth t =
@@ -986,7 +895,6 @@
     and add_eq_axiom depth t =
       (if is_constr_pattern_formula thy t then add_def_axiom
        else add_nondef_axiom) depth t
-    (* int -> term -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
     and add_axioms_for_term depth t (accum as (xs, axs)) =
       case t of
         t1 $ t2 => accum |> fold (add_axioms_for_term depth) [t1, t2]
@@ -1058,7 +966,6 @@
       | Bound _ => accum
       | Abs (_, T, t) => accum |> add_axioms_for_term depth t
                                |> add_axioms_for_type depth T
-    (* int -> typ -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
     and add_axioms_for_type depth T =
       case T of
         Type (@{type_name fun}, Ts) => fold (add_axioms_for_type depth) Ts
@@ -1080,7 +987,6 @@
                    (codatatype_bisim_axioms hol_ctxt T)
-    (* int -> typ -> sort -> accumulator -> accumulator *)
     and add_axioms_for_sort depth T S =
         val supers = Sign.complete_sort thy S
@@ -1112,15 +1018,12 @@
 (** Simplification of constructor/selector terms **)
-(* theory -> term -> term *)
 fun simplify_constrs_and_sels thy t =
-    (* term -> int -> term *)
     fun is_nth_sel_on t' n (Const (s, _) $ t) =
         (t = t' andalso is_sel_like_and_no_discr s andalso
          sel_no_from_name s = n)
       | is_nth_sel_on _ _ _ = false
-    (* term -> term list -> term *)
     fun do_term (Const (@{const_name Rep_Frac}, _)
                  $ (Const (@{const_name Abs_Frac}, _) $ t1)) [] = do_term t1 []
       | do_term (Const (@{const_name Abs_Frac}, _)
@@ -1160,7 +1063,6 @@
 (** Quantifier massaging: Distributing quantifiers **)
-(* term -> term *)
 fun distribute_quantifiers t =
   case t of
     (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, T0)) $ Abs (s, T1, t1) =>
@@ -1199,7 +1101,6 @@
 (** Quantifier massaging: Pushing quantifiers inward **)
-(* int -> int -> (int -> int) -> term -> term *)
 fun renumber_bounds j n f t =
   case t of
     t1 $ t2 => renumber_bounds j n f t1 $ renumber_bounds j n f t2
@@ -1214,10 +1115,8 @@
    paper). *)
 val quantifier_cluster_threshold = 7
-(* term -> term *)
 val push_quantifiers_inward =
-    (* string -> string list -> typ list -> term -> term *)
     fun aux quant_s ss Ts t =
       (case t of
          Const (s0, _) $ Abs (s1, T1, t1 as _ $ _) =>
@@ -1237,7 +1136,6 @@
                    val typical_card = 4
-                   (* ('a -> ''b list) -> 'a list -> ''b list *)
                    fun big_union proj ps =
                      fold (fold (insert (op =)) o proj) ps []
                    val (ts, connective) = strip_any_connective t
@@ -1245,11 +1143,8 @@
                      map (bounded_card_of_type 65536 typical_card []) Ts
                    val t_costs = map size_of_term ts
                    val num_Ts = length Ts
-                   (* int -> int *)
                    val flip = curry (op -) (num_Ts - 1)
                    val t_boundss = map (map flip o loose_bnos) ts
-                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list
-                      -> (int list * int) list *)
                    fun merge costly_boundss [] = costly_boundss
                      | merge costly_boundss (j :: js) =
@@ -1261,9 +1156,7 @@
                          val yeas_cost = Integer.sum (map snd yeas)
                                          * nth T_costs j
                        in merge ((yeas_bounds, yeas_cost) :: nays) js end
-                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list -> int *)
                    val cost = Integer.sum o map snd oo merge
-                   (* (int list * int) list -> int list -> int list *)
                    fun heuristically_best_permutation _ [] = []
                      | heuristically_best_permutation costly_boundss js =
@@ -1287,14 +1180,12 @@
                                      (index_seq 0 num_Ts)
                    val ts = map (renumber_bounds 0 num_Ts (nth back_js o flip))
-                   (* (term * int list) list -> term *)
                    fun mk_connection [] =
                        raise ARG ("Nitpick_Preproc.push_quantifiers_inward.aux.\
                                   \mk_connection", "")
                      | mk_connection ts_cum_bounds =
                        ts_cum_bounds |> map fst
                        |> foldr1 (fn (t1, t2) => connective $ t1 $ t2)
-                   (* (term * int list) list -> int list -> term *)
                    fun build ts_cum_bounds [] = ts_cum_bounds |> mk_connection
                      | build ts_cum_bounds (j :: js) =
@@ -1321,9 +1212,6 @@
 (** Inference of finite functions **)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> (typ option * bool option) list
-   -> (typ option * bool option) list -> term list * term list
-   -> term list * term list *)
 fun finitize_all_types_of_funs (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize finitizes monos
                                (nondef_ts, def_ts) =
@@ -1338,18 +1226,15 @@
 (** Preprocessor entry point **)
-(* hol_context -> (typ option * bool option) list
-   -> (typ option * bool option) list -> term
-   -> term list * term list * bool * bool * bool *)
+val max_skolem_depth = 4
 fun preprocess_term (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, binary_ints, destroy_constrs,
-                                  boxes, skolemize, uncurry, ...})
-                    finitizes monos t =
+                                  boxes, ...}) finitizes monos t =
-    val skolem_depth = if skolemize then 4 else ~1
     val (nondef_ts, def_ts, got_all_mono_user_axioms, no_poly_user_axioms) =
       t |> unfold_defs_in_term hol_ctxt
         |> close_form
-        |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt skolem_depth
+        |> skolemize_term_and_more hol_ctxt max_skolem_depth
         |> specialize_consts_in_term hol_ctxt 0
         |> axioms_for_term hol_ctxt
     val binarize =
@@ -1361,14 +1246,12 @@
              (binary_ints = SOME true orelse
               exists should_use_binary_ints (nondef_ts @ def_ts))
     val box = exists (not_equal (SOME false) o snd) boxes
-    val uncurry = uncurry andalso box
     val table =
-      |> uncurry ? fold (add_to_uncurry_table thy) (nondef_ts @ def_ts)
-    (* bool -> term -> term *)
+      |> box ? fold (add_to_uncurry_table thy) (nondef_ts @ def_ts)
     fun do_rest def =
       binarize ? binarize_nat_and_int_in_term
-      #> uncurry ? uncurry_term table
+      #> box ? uncurry_term table
       #> box ? box_fun_and_pair_in_term hol_ctxt def
       #> destroy_constrs ? (pull_out_universal_constrs hol_ctxt def
                             #> pull_out_existential_constrs hol_ctxt
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_rep.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_rep.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -77,18 +77,15 @@
 exception REP of string * rep list
-(* polarity -> string *)
 fun string_for_polarity Pos = "+"
   | string_for_polarity Neg = "-"
   | string_for_polarity Neut = "="
-(* rep -> string *)
 fun atomic_string_for_rep rep =
   let val s = string_for_rep rep in
     if String.isPrefix "[" s orelse not (is_substring_of " " s) then s
     else "(" ^ s ^ ")"
-(* rep -> string *)
 and string_for_rep Any = "X"
   | string_for_rep (Formula polar) = "F" ^ string_for_polarity polar
   | string_for_rep Unit = "U"
@@ -101,7 +98,6 @@
     atomic_string_for_rep R1 ^ " => " ^ string_for_rep R2
   | string_for_rep (Opt R) = atomic_string_for_rep R ^ "?"
-(* rep -> bool *)
 fun is_Func (Func _) = true
   | is_Func _ = false
 fun is_Opt (Opt _) = true
@@ -110,7 +106,6 @@
   | is_opt_rep (Opt _) = true
   | is_opt_rep _ = false
-(* rep -> int *)
 fun card_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.card_of_rep", [Any])
   | card_of_rep (Formula _) = 2
   | card_of_rep Unit = 1
@@ -140,7 +135,6 @@
     Int.max (min_univ_card_of_rep R1, min_univ_card_of_rep R2)
   | min_univ_card_of_rep (Opt R) = min_univ_card_of_rep R
-(* rep -> bool *)
 fun is_one_rep Unit = true
   | is_one_rep (Atom _) = true
   | is_one_rep (Struct _) = true
@@ -149,10 +143,8 @@
 fun is_lone_rep (Opt R) = is_one_rep R
   | is_lone_rep R = is_one_rep R
-(* rep -> rep * rep *)
 fun dest_Func (Func z) = z
   | dest_Func R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.dest_Func", [R])
-(* int Typtab.table -> typ -> (unit -> int) -> rep -> rep *)
 fun lazy_range_rep _ _ _ Unit = Unit
   | lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Vect (_, R)) = R
   | lazy_range_rep _ _ _ (Func (_, R2)) = R2
@@ -164,19 +156,15 @@
     Atom (ran_card (), offset_of_type ofs T2)
   | lazy_range_rep _ _ _ R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.lazy_range_rep", [R])
-(* rep -> rep list *)
 fun binder_reps (Func (R1, R2)) = R1 :: binder_reps R2
   | binder_reps _ = []
-(* rep -> rep *)
 fun body_rep (Func (_, R2)) = body_rep R2
   | body_rep R = R
-(* rep -> rep *)
 fun flip_rep_polarity (Formula polar) = Formula (flip_polarity polar)
   | flip_rep_polarity (Func (R1, R2)) = Func (R1, flip_rep_polarity R2)
   | flip_rep_polarity R = R
-(* int Typtab.table -> rep -> rep *)
 fun one_rep _ _ Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.one_rep", [Any])
   | one_rep _ _ (Atom x) = Atom x
   | one_rep _ _ (Struct Rs) = Struct Rs
@@ -189,12 +177,10 @@
 fun opt_rep ofs (Type (@{type_name fun}, [_, T2])) (Func (R1, R2)) =
     Func (R1, opt_rep ofs T2 R2)
   | opt_rep ofs T R = Opt (optable_rep ofs T R)
-(* rep -> rep *)
 fun unopt_rep (Func (R1, R2)) = Func (R1, unopt_rep R2)
   | unopt_rep (Opt R) = R
   | unopt_rep R = R
-(* polarity -> polarity -> polarity *)
 fun min_polarity polar1 polar2 =
   if polar1 = polar2 then
@@ -208,7 +194,6 @@
 (* It's important that Func is before Vect, because if the range is Opt we
    could lose information by converting a Func to a Vect. *)
-(* rep -> rep -> rep *)
 fun min_rep (Opt R1) (Opt R2) = Opt (min_rep R1 R2)
   | min_rep (Opt R) _ = Opt R
   | min_rep _ (Opt R) = Opt R
@@ -237,7 +222,6 @@
     else if k1 > k2 then Vect (k2, R2)
     else Vect (k1, min_rep R1 R2)
   | min_rep R1 R2 = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.min_rep", [R1, R2])
-(* rep list -> rep list -> rep list *)
 and min_reps [] _ = []
   | min_reps _ [] = []
   | min_reps (R1 :: Rs1) (R2 :: Rs2) =
@@ -245,7 +229,6 @@
     else if min_rep R1 R2 = R1 then R1 :: Rs1
     else R2 :: Rs2
-(* int -> rep -> int *)
 fun card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R =
   case R of
     Unit => 1
@@ -255,14 +238,12 @@
   | Opt R => card_of_domain_from_rep ran_card R
   | _ => raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.card_of_domain_from_rep", [R])
-(* int Typtab.table -> typ -> rep -> rep *)
 fun rep_to_binary_rel_rep ofs T R =
     val k = exact_root 2 (card_of_domain_from_rep 2 R)
     val j0 = offset_of_type ofs (fst (HOLogic.dest_prodT (domain_type T)))
   in Func (Struct [Atom (k, j0), Atom (k, j0)], Formula Neut) end
-(* scope -> typ -> rep *)
 fun best_one_rep_for_type (scope as {card_assigns, ...} : scope)
                           (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     (case best_one_rep_for_type scope T2 of
@@ -283,7 +264,6 @@
 (* Datatypes are never represented by Unit, because it would confuse
    "nfa_transitions_for_ctor". *)
-(* scope -> typ -> rep *)
 fun best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     Func (best_one_rep_for_type scope T1, best_opt_set_rep_for_type scope T2)
   | best_opt_set_rep_for_type (scope as {ofs, ...}) T =
@@ -308,7 +288,6 @@
   | best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type _ T =
     raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Rep.best_non_opt_symmetric_reps_for_fun_type", [T], [])
-(* rep -> (int * int) list *)
 fun atom_schema_of_rep Any = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.atom_schema_of_rep", [Any])
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Formula _) = []
   | atom_schema_of_rep Unit = []
@@ -318,10 +297,8 @@
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Func (R1, R2)) =
     atom_schema_of_rep R1 @ atom_schema_of_rep R2
   | atom_schema_of_rep (Opt R) = atom_schema_of_rep R
-(* rep list -> (int * int) list *)
 and atom_schema_of_reps Rs = maps atom_schema_of_rep Rs
-(* typ -> rep -> typ list *)
 fun type_schema_of_rep _ (Formula _) = []
   | type_schema_of_rep _ Unit = []
   | type_schema_of_rep T (Atom _) = [T]
@@ -333,12 +310,9 @@
     type_schema_of_rep T1 R1 @ type_schema_of_rep T2 R2
   | type_schema_of_rep T (Opt R) = type_schema_of_rep T R
   | type_schema_of_rep _ R = raise REP ("Nitpick_Rep.type_schema_of_rep", [R])
-(* typ list -> rep list -> typ list *)
 and type_schema_of_reps Ts Rs = flat (map2 type_schema_of_rep Ts Rs)
-(* rep -> int list list *)
 val all_combinations_for_rep = all_combinations o atom_schema_of_rep
-(* rep list -> int list list *)
 val all_combinations_for_reps = all_combinations o atom_schema_of_reps
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_scope.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -10,32 +10,32 @@
   type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
   type hol_context = Nitpick_HOL.hol_context
-  type constr_spec = {
-    const: styp,
-    delta: int,
-    epsilon: int,
-    exclusive: bool,
-    explicit_max: int,
-    total: bool}
+  type constr_spec =
+    {const: styp,
+     delta: int,
+     epsilon: int,
+     exclusive: bool,
+     explicit_max: int,
+     total: bool}
-  type dtype_spec = {
-    typ: typ,
-    card: int,
-    co: bool,
-    standard: bool,
-    complete: bool * bool,
-    concrete: bool * bool,
-    deep: bool,
-    constrs: constr_spec list}
+  type dtype_spec =
+    {typ: typ,
+     card: int,
+     co: bool,
+     standard: bool,
+     complete: bool * bool,
+     concrete: bool * bool,
+     deep: bool,
+     constrs: constr_spec list}
-  type scope = {
-    hol_ctxt: hol_context,
-    binarize: bool,
-    card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
-    bits: int,
-    bisim_depth: int,
-    datatypes: dtype_spec list,
-    ofs: int Typtab.table}
+  type scope =
+    {hol_ctxt: hol_context,
+     binarize: bool,
+     card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
+     bits: int,
+     bisim_depth: int,
+     datatypes: dtype_spec list,
+     ofs: int Typtab.table}
   val datatype_spec : dtype_spec list -> typ -> dtype_spec option
   val constr_spec : dtype_spec list -> styp -> constr_spec
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   val scopes_equivalent : scope * scope -> bool
   val scope_less_eq : scope -> scope -> bool
   val all_scopes :
-    hol_context -> bool -> int -> (typ option * int list) list
+    hol_context -> bool -> (typ option * int list) list
     -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list
     -> int list -> int list -> typ list -> typ list -> typ list -> typ list
     -> int * scope list
@@ -61,43 +61,41 @@
 open Nitpick_Util
 open Nitpick_HOL
-type constr_spec = {
-  const: styp,
-  delta: int,
-  epsilon: int,
-  exclusive: bool,
-  explicit_max: int,
-  total: bool}
+type constr_spec =
+  {const: styp,
+   delta: int,
+   epsilon: int,
+   exclusive: bool,
+   explicit_max: int,
+   total: bool}
-type dtype_spec = {
-  typ: typ,
-  card: int,
-  co: bool,
-  standard: bool,
-  complete: bool * bool,
-  concrete: bool * bool,
-  deep: bool,
-  constrs: constr_spec list}
+type dtype_spec =
+  {typ: typ,
+   card: int,
+   co: bool,
+   standard: bool,
+   complete: bool * bool,
+   concrete: bool * bool,
+   deep: bool,
+   constrs: constr_spec list}
-type scope = {
-  hol_ctxt: hol_context,
-  binarize: bool,
-  card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
-  bits: int,
-  bisim_depth: int,
-  datatypes: dtype_spec list,
-  ofs: int Typtab.table}
+type scope =
+  {hol_ctxt: hol_context,
+   binarize: bool,
+   card_assigns: (typ * int) list,
+   bits: int,
+   bisim_depth: int,
+   datatypes: dtype_spec list,
+   ofs: int Typtab.table}
 datatype row_kind = Card of typ | Max of styp
 type row = row_kind * int list
 type block = row list
-(* dtype_spec list -> typ -> dtype_spec option *)
 fun datatype_spec (dtypes : dtype_spec list) T =
   List.find (curry (op =) T o #typ) dtypes
-(* dtype_spec list -> styp -> constr_spec *)
 fun constr_spec [] x = raise TERM ("Nitpick_Scope.constr_spec", [Const x])
   | constr_spec ({constrs, ...} :: dtypes : dtype_spec list) (x as (s, T)) =
     case List.find (curry (op =) (s, body_type T) o (apsnd body_type o #const))
@@ -105,7 +103,6 @@
       SOME c => c
     | NONE => constr_spec dtypes x
-(* dtype_spec list -> bool -> typ -> bool *)
 fun is_complete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
     is_concrete_type dtypes facto T1 andalso is_complete_type dtypes facto T2
   | is_complete_type dtypes facto (Type (@{type_name fin_fun}, [T1, T2])) =
@@ -128,19 +125,15 @@
 and is_exact_type dtypes facto =
   is_complete_type dtypes facto andf is_concrete_type dtypes facto
-(* int Typtab.table -> typ -> int *)
 fun offset_of_type ofs T =
   case Typtab.lookup ofs T of
     SOME j0 => j0
   | NONE => Typtab.lookup ofs dummyT |> the_default 0
-(* scope -> typ -> int * int *)
 fun spec_of_type ({card_assigns, ofs, ...} : scope) T =
   (card_of_type card_assigns T
    handle TYPE ("Nitpick_HOL.card_of_type", _, _) => ~1, offset_of_type ofs T)
-(* (string -> string) -> scope
-   -> string list * string list * string list * string list * string list *)
 fun quintuple_for_scope quote
         ({hol_ctxt = {thy, ctxt, stds, ...}, card_assigns, bits, bisim_depth,
          datatypes, ...} : scope) =
@@ -180,7 +173,6 @@
                    maxes (), iters (), miscs ())) ()
-(* scope -> bool -> Pretty.T list *)
 fun pretties_for_scope scope verbose =
     val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
@@ -194,14 +186,10 @@
-    if null ss then
-      []
-    else
-      Sledgehammer_Util.serial_commas "and" ss
-      |> map Pretty.str |> Pretty.breaks
+    if null ss then []
+    else serial_commas "and" ss |> map Pretty.str |> Pretty.breaks
-(* scope -> string *)
 fun multiline_string_for_scope scope =
     val (primary_cards, secondary_cards, maxes, iters, bisim_depths) =
@@ -216,47 +204,35 @@
     | lines => space_implode "\n" lines
-(* scope * scope -> bool *)
 fun scopes_equivalent (s1 : scope, s2 : scope) =
   #datatypes s1 = #datatypes s2 andalso #card_assigns s1 = #card_assigns s2
 fun scope_less_eq (s1 : scope) (s2 : scope) =
   (s1, s2) |> pairself (map snd o #card_assigns) |> op ~~ |> forall (op <=)
-(* row -> int *)
 fun rank_of_row (_, ks) = length ks
-(* block -> int *)
 fun rank_of_block block = fold Integer.max (map rank_of_row block) 1
-(* int -> typ * int list -> typ * int list *)
 fun project_row column (y, ks) = (y, [nth ks (Int.min (column, length ks - 1))])
-(* int -> block -> block *)
 fun project_block (column, block) = map (project_row column) block
-(* (''a * ''a -> bool) -> (''a option * int list) list -> ''a -> int list *)
 fun lookup_ints_assign eq assigns key =
   case triple_lookup eq assigns key of
     SOME ks => ks
   | NONE => raise ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", "")
-(* theory -> (typ option * int list) list -> typ -> int list *)
 fun lookup_type_ints_assign thy assigns T =
-  map (curry Int.max 1) (lookup_ints_assign (type_match thy) assigns T)
+  map (Integer.max 1) (lookup_ints_assign (type_match thy) assigns T)
   handle ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", _) =>
          raise TYPE ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_type_ints_assign", [T], [])
-(* theory -> (styp option * int list) list -> styp -> int list *)
 fun lookup_const_ints_assign thy assigns x =
   lookup_ints_assign (const_match thy) assigns x
   handle ARG ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_ints_assign", _) =>
          raise TERM ("Nitpick_Scope.lookup_const_ints_assign", [Const x])
-(* theory -> (styp option * int list) list -> styp -> row option *)
 fun row_for_constr thy maxes_assigns constr =
   SOME (Max constr, lookup_const_ints_assign thy maxes_assigns constr)
   handle TERM ("lookup_const_ints_assign", _) => NONE
 val max_bits = 31 (* Kodkod limit *)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> (typ option * int list) list
-   -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list
-   -> int list -> typ -> block *)
 fun block_for_type (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns
                    iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths T =
   if T = @{typ unsigned_bit} then
@@ -279,13 +255,9 @@
        [_] => []
      | constrs => map_filter (row_for_constr thy maxes_assigns) constrs)
-(* hol_context -> bool -> (typ option * int list) list
-   -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list
-   -> int list -> typ list -> typ list -> block list *)
 fun blocks_for_types hol_ctxt binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns iters_assigns
                      bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts =
-    (* typ -> block *)
     val block_for = block_for_type hol_ctxt binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns
                                    iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths
     val mono_block = maps block_for mono_Ts
@@ -294,10 +266,8 @@
 val sync_threshold = 5
-(* int list -> int list list *)
 fun all_combinations_ordered_smartly ks =
-    (* int list -> int *)
     fun cost_with_monos [] = 0
       | cost_with_monos (k :: ks) =
         if k < sync_threshold andalso forall (curry (op =) k) ks then
@@ -318,16 +288,13 @@
        |> sort (int_ord o pairself fst) |> map snd
-(* typ -> bool *)
 fun is_self_recursive_constr_type T =
   exists (exists_subtype (curry (op =) (body_type T))) (binder_types T)
-(* (styp * int) list -> styp -> int *)
 fun constr_max maxes x = the_default ~1 (AList.lookup (op =) maxes x)
 type scope_desc = (typ * int) list * (styp * int) list
-(* hol_context -> bool -> scope_desc -> typ * int -> bool *)
 fun is_surely_inconsistent_card_assign hol_ctxt binarize
                                        (card_assigns, max_assigns) (T, k) =
   case binarized_and_boxed_datatype_constrs hol_ctxt binarize T of
@@ -338,22 +305,17 @@
         map ( o map (bounded_card_of_type k ~1 card_assigns)
              o binder_types o snd) xs
       val maxes = map (constr_max max_assigns) xs
-      (* int -> int -> int *)
       fun effective_max card ~1 = card
         | effective_max card max = Int.min (card, max)
       val max = map2 effective_max dom_cards maxes |> Integer.sum
     in max < k end
-(* hol_context -> bool -> (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list
-   -> (styp * int) list -> bool *)
 fun is_surely_inconsistent_scope_description hol_ctxt binarize seen rest
                                              max_assigns =
   exists (is_surely_inconsistent_card_assign hol_ctxt binarize
                                              (seen @ rest, max_assigns)) seen
-(* hol_context -> bool -> scope_desc -> (typ * int) list option *)
 fun repair_card_assigns hol_ctxt binarize (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
-    (* (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list -> (typ * int) list option *)
     fun aux seen [] = SOME seen
       | aux _ ((_, 0) :: _) = NONE
       | aux seen ((T, k) :: rest) =
@@ -367,7 +329,6 @@
         handle SAME () => aux seen ((T, k - 1) :: rest)
   in aux [] (rev card_assigns) end
-(* theory -> (typ * int) list -> typ * int -> typ * int *)
 fun repair_iterator_assign thy assigns (T as Type (_, Ts), k) =
     (T, if T = @{typ bisim_iterator} then
@@ -381,15 +342,12 @@
   | repair_iterator_assign _ _ assign = assign
-(* row -> scope_desc -> scope_desc *)
 fun add_row_to_scope_descriptor (kind, ks) (card_assigns, max_assigns) =
   case kind of
     Card T => ((T, the_single ks) :: card_assigns, max_assigns)
   | Max x => (card_assigns, (x, the_single ks) :: max_assigns)
-(* block -> scope_desc *)
 fun scope_descriptor_from_block block =
   fold_rev add_row_to_scope_descriptor block ([], [])
-(* hol_context -> bool -> block list -> int list -> scope_desc option *)
 fun scope_descriptor_from_combination (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize blocks
                                       columns =
@@ -403,11 +361,8 @@
   handle Option.Option => NONE
-(* (typ * int) list -> dtype_spec list -> int Typtab.table *)
 fun offset_table_for_card_assigns assigns dtypes =
-    (* int -> (int * int) list -> (typ * int) list -> int Typtab.table
-       -> int Typtab.table *)
     fun aux next _ [] = Typtab.update_new (dummyT, next)
       | aux next reusable ((T, k) :: assigns) =
         if k = 1 orelse is_iterator_type T orelse is_integer_type T
@@ -423,18 +378,14 @@
                     #> aux (next + k) ((k, next) :: reusable) assigns
   in aux 0 [] assigns Typtab.empty end
-(* int -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> int *)
 fun domain_card max card_assigns = o map (bounded_card_of_type max max card_assigns) o binder_types
-(* scope_desc -> bool -> int -> (int -> int) -> int -> int -> bool * styp
-   -> constr_spec list -> constr_spec list *)
 fun add_constr_spec (card_assigns, max_assigns) co card sum_dom_cards
                     num_self_recs num_non_self_recs (self_rec, x as (_, T))
                     constrs =
     val max = constr_max max_assigns x
-    (* unit -> int *)
     fun next_delta () = if null constrs then 0 else #epsilon (hd constrs)
     val {delta, epsilon, exclusive, total} =
       if max = 0 then
@@ -470,7 +421,6 @@
      explicit_max = max, total = total} :: constrs
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ list -> (typ * int) list -> typ -> bool *)
 fun has_exact_card hol_ctxt facto finitizable_dataTs card_assigns T =
   let val card = card_of_type card_assigns T in
     card = bounded_exact_card_of_type hol_ctxt
@@ -478,8 +428,6 @@
                card_assigns T
-(* hol_context -> bool -> typ list -> typ list -> scope_desc -> typ * int
-   -> dtype_spec *)
 fun datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) binarize
         deep_dataTs finitizable_dataTs (desc as (card_assigns, _)) (T, card) =
@@ -490,7 +438,6 @@
     val self_recs = map (is_self_recursive_constr_type o snd) xs
     val (num_self_recs, num_non_self_recs) =
       List.partition I self_recs |> pairself length
-    (* bool -> bool *)
     fun is_complete facto =
       has_exact_card hol_ctxt facto finitizable_dataTs card_assigns T
     fun is_concrete facto =
@@ -500,7 +447,6 @@
     val complete = pair_from_fun is_complete
     val concrete = pair_from_fun is_concrete
-    (* int -> int *)
     fun sum_dom_cards max =
       map (domain_card max card_assigns o snd) xs |> Integer.sum
     val constrs =
@@ -512,10 +458,8 @@
      concrete = concrete, deep = deep, constrs = constrs}
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> typ list -> typ list -> scope_desc -> scope *)
-fun scope_from_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) binarize sym_break
-                          deep_dataTs finitizable_dataTs
-                          (desc as (card_assigns, _)) =
+fun scope_from_descriptor (hol_ctxt as {thy, stds, ...}) binarize deep_dataTs
+                          finitizable_dataTs (desc as (card_assigns, _)) =
     val datatypes =
       map (datatype_spec_from_scope_descriptor hol_ctxt binarize deep_dataTs
@@ -529,12 +473,9 @@
     {hol_ctxt = hol_ctxt, binarize = binarize, card_assigns = card_assigns,
      datatypes = datatypes, bits = bits, bisim_depth = bisim_depth,
-     ofs = if sym_break <= 0 then Typtab.empty
-           else offset_table_for_card_assigns card_assigns datatypes}
+     ofs = offset_table_for_card_assigns card_assigns datatypes}
-(* theory -> typ list -> (typ option * int list) list
-   -> (typ option * int list) list *)
 fun repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing_etc _ _ [] = []
   | repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing_etc thy Ts ((SOME T, ks) :: cards_assigns) =
     (if is_fun_type T orelse is_pair_type T then
@@ -548,12 +489,9 @@
 val max_scopes = 4096
 val distinct_threshold = 512
-(* hol_context -> bool -> int -> (typ option * int list) list
-   -> (styp option * int list) list -> (styp option * int list) list -> int list
-   -> typ list -> typ list -> typ list ->typ list -> int * scope list *)
-fun all_scopes (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize sym_break cards_assigns
-               maxes_assigns iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts
-               deep_dataTs finitizable_dataTs =
+fun all_scopes (hol_ctxt as {thy, ...}) binarize cards_assigns maxes_assigns
+               iters_assigns bitss bisim_depths mono_Ts nonmono_Ts deep_dataTs
+               finitizable_dataTs =
     val cards_assigns = repair_cards_assigns_wrt_boxing_etc thy mono_Ts
@@ -569,8 +507,8 @@
     (length all - length head,
      descs |> length descs <= distinct_threshold ? distinct (op =)
-           |> map (scope_from_descriptor hol_ctxt binarize sym_break
-                                         deep_dataTs finitizable_dataTs))
+           |> map (scope_from_descriptor hol_ctxt binarize deep_dataTs
+                                         finitizable_dataTs))
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_tests.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -292,7 +292,6 @@
-(* Proof.context -> string * nut -> Kodkod.problem *)
 fun problem_for_nut ctxt (name, u) =
     val debug = false
@@ -319,11 +318,10 @@
      formula = formula}
-(* unit -> unit *)
 fun run_all_tests () =
   case Kodkod.solve_any_problem false NONE 0 1
                                 (map (problem_for_nut @{context}) tests) of
     Kodkod.Normal ([], _, _) => ()
-  | _ => error "Tests failed"
+  | _ => error "Tests failed."
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_util.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Nitpick/nitpick_util.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@
   val is_substring_of : string -> string -> bool
   val plural_s : int -> string
   val plural_s_for_list : 'a list -> string
+  val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
+  val timestamp : unit -> string
+  val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
+  val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
   val flip_polarity : polarity -> polarity
   val prop_T : typ
   val bool_T : typ
@@ -61,6 +65,8 @@
   val pstrs : string -> Pretty.T list
   val unyxml : string -> string
   val maybe_quote : string -> string
+  val hashw : word * word -> word
+  val hashw_string : string * word -> word
 structure Nitpick_Util : NITPICK_UTIL =
@@ -79,25 +85,18 @@
 val nitpick_prefix = "Nitpick."
-(* ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd *)
 fun curry3 f = fn x => fn y => fn z => f (x, y, z)
-(* ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b * 'c *)
 fun pairf f g x = (f x, g x)
-(* (bool -> 'a) -> 'a * 'a *)
 fun pair_from_fun f = (f false, f true)
-(* 'a * 'a -> bool -> 'a *)
 fun fun_from_pair (f, t) b = if b then t else f
-(* bool -> int *)
 fun int_from_bool b = if b then 1 else 0
-(* int -> int -> int *)
 fun nat_minus i j = if i > j then i - j else 0
 val max_exponent = 16384
-(* int -> int -> int *)
 fun reasonable_power _ 0 = 1
   | reasonable_power a 1 = a
   | reasonable_power 0 _ = 0
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@
         c * c * reasonable_power a (b mod 2)
-(* int -> int -> int *)
 fun exact_log m n =
     val r = Math.ln (Real.fromInt n) / Math.ln (Real.fromInt m) |> Real.round
@@ -126,7 +124,6 @@
                  commas (map signed_string_of_int [m, n]))
-(* int -> int -> int *)
 fun exact_root m n =
   let val r = Math.pow (Real.fromInt n, 1.0 / (Real.fromInt m)) |> Real.round in
     if reasonable_power r m = n then
@@ -136,22 +133,16 @@
                  commas (map signed_string_of_int [m, n]))
-(* ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a *)
 fun fold1 f = foldl1 (uncurry f)
-(* int -> 'a list -> 'a list *)
 fun replicate_list 0 _ = []
   | replicate_list n xs = xs @ replicate_list (n - 1) xs
-(* int list -> int list *)
 fun offset_list ns = rev (tl (fold (fn x => fn xs => (x + hd xs) :: xs) ns [0]))
-(* int -> int -> int list *)
 fun index_seq j0 n = if j0 < 0 then j0 downto j0 - n + 1 else j0 upto j0 + n - 1
-(* int list -> 'a list -> 'a list *)
 fun filter_indices js xs =
-    (* int -> int list -> 'a list -> 'a list *)
     fun aux _ [] _ = []
       | aux i (j :: js) (x :: xs) =
         if i = j then x :: aux (i + 1) js xs else aux (i + 1) (j :: js) xs
@@ -160,7 +151,6 @@
   in aux 0 js xs end
 fun filter_out_indices js xs =
-    (* int -> int list -> 'a list -> 'a list *)
     fun aux _ [] xs = xs
       | aux i (j :: js) (x :: xs) =
         if i = j then aux (i + 1) js xs else x :: aux (i + 1) (j :: js) xs
@@ -168,76 +158,66 @@
                                "indices unordered or out of range")
   in aux 0 js xs end
-(* 'a list -> 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
 fun cartesian_product [] _ = []
   | cartesian_product (x :: xs) yss =
     map (cons x) yss @ cartesian_product xs yss
-(* 'a list list -> 'a list list *)
 fun n_fold_cartesian_product xss = fold_rev cartesian_product xss [[]]
-(* ''a list -> (''a * ''a) list *)
 fun all_distinct_unordered_pairs_of [] = []
   | all_distinct_unordered_pairs_of (x :: xs) =
     map (pair x) xs @ all_distinct_unordered_pairs_of xs
-(* (int * int) list -> int -> int list *)
 val nth_combination =
-    (* (int * int) list -> int -> int list * int *)
     fun aux [] n = ([], n)
       | aux ((k, j0) :: xs) n =
         let val (js, n) = aux xs n in ((n mod k) + j0 :: js, n div k) end
   in fst oo aux end
-(* (int * int) list -> int list list *)
 val all_combinations = n_fold_cartesian_product o map (uncurry index_seq o swap)
-(* 'a list -> 'a list list *)
 fun all_permutations [] = [[]]
   | all_permutations xs =
     maps (fn j => map (cons (nth xs j)) (all_permutations (nth_drop j xs)))
          (index_seq 0 (length xs))
-(* int -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
 fun batch_list _ [] = []
   | batch_list k xs =
     if length xs <= k then [xs]
     else List.take (xs, k) :: batch_list k (List.drop (xs, k))
-(* int list -> 'a list -> 'a list list *)
 fun chunk_list_unevenly _ [] = []
   | chunk_list_unevenly [] ys = map single ys
   | chunk_list_unevenly (k :: ks) ys =
     let val (ys1, ys2) = chop k ys in ys1 :: chunk_list_unevenly ks ys2 end
-(* ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list *)
 fun map3 _ [] [] [] = []
   | map3 f (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) = f x y z :: map3 f xs ys zs
   | map3 _ _ _ _ = raise UnequalLengths
-(* ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a option * 'b) list -> 'a -> 'b option *)
 fun double_lookup eq ps key =
   case AList.lookup (fn (SOME x, SOME y) => eq (x, y) | _ => false) ps
                     (SOME key) of
     SOME z => SOME z
   | NONE => ps |> find_first (is_none o fst) |> snd
-(* (''a * ''a -> bool) -> (''a option * 'b) list -> ''a -> 'b option *)
 fun triple_lookup _ [(NONE, z)] _ = SOME z
   | triple_lookup eq ps key =
     case AList.lookup (op =) ps (SOME key) of
       SOME z => SOME z
     | NONE => double_lookup eq ps key
-(* string -> string -> bool *)
 fun is_substring_of needle stack =
   not (Substring.isEmpty (snd (Substring.position needle
                                                   (Substring.full stack))))
-(* int -> string *)
-fun plural_s n = if n = 1 then "" else "s"
-(* 'a list -> string *)
+val plural_s = Sledgehammer_Util.plural_s
 fun plural_s_for_list xs = plural_s (length xs)
-(* polarity -> polarity *)
+val serial_commas = Sledgehammer_Util.serial_commas
+val timestamp = Sledgehammer_Util.timestamp
+val parse_bool_option = Sledgehammer_Util.parse_bool_option
+val parse_time_option = Sledgehammer_Util.parse_time_option
 fun flip_polarity Pos = Neg
   | flip_polarity Neg = Pos
   | flip_polarity Neut = Neut
@@ -247,42 +227,32 @@
 val nat_T = @{typ nat}
 val int_T = @{typ int}
-(* string -> string *)
 val subscript = implode o map (prefix "\<^isub>") o explode
-(* int -> string *)
 fun nat_subscript n =
   (* cheap trick to ensure proper alphanumeric ordering for one- and two-digit
      numbers *)
   if n <= 9 then "\<^bsub>" ^ signed_string_of_int n ^ "\<^esub>"
   else subscript (string_of_int n)
-(* Time.time option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b *)
 fun time_limit NONE = I
   | time_limit (SOME delay) = TimeLimit.timeLimit delay
-(* Time.time option -> tactic -> tactic *)
 fun DETERM_TIMEOUT delay tac st =
   Seq.of_list (the_list (time_limit delay (fn () => SINGLE tac st) ()))
-(* ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b *)
 fun setmp_show_all_types f =
   setmp_CRITICAL show_all_types
                  (! show_types orelse ! show_sorts orelse ! show_all_types) f
 val indent_size = 2
-(* string -> Pretty.T list *)
 val pstrs = Pretty.breaks o map Pretty.str o space_explode " "
-(* XML.tree -> string *)
 fun plain_string_from_xml_tree t =
   Buffer.empty |> XML.add_content t |> Buffer.content
-(* string -> string *)
 val unyxml = plain_string_from_xml_tree o YXML.parse
-(* string -> bool *)
 val is_long_identifier = forall Syntax.is_identifier o space_explode "."
-(* string -> string *)
 fun maybe_quote y =
   let val s = unyxml y in
     y |> ((not (is_long_identifier (perhaps (try (unprefix "'")) s)) andalso
@@ -290,4 +260,11 @@
            OuterKeyword.is_keyword s) ? quote
+(* This hash function is recommended in Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
+   Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. The hashpjw function, which they
+   particularly recommend, triggers a bug in versions of Poly/ML up to 4.2.0. *)
+fun hashw (u, w) = Word.+ (u, Word.* (0w65599, w))
+fun hashw_char (c, w) = hashw (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w)
+fun hashw_string (s:string, w) = CharVector.foldl hashw_char w s
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -693,10 +693,11 @@
                 val unused = th_cls_pairs |> map_filter (fn (name, cls) =>
                   if common_thm used cls then NONE else SOME name)
-                if not (common_thm used cls) then
-                  warning "Metis: The goal is provable because the context is \
-                          \inconsistent."
-                else if not (null unused) then
+                if not (null cls) andalso not (common_thm used cls) then
+                  warning "Metis: The assumptions are inconsistent."
+                else
+                  ();
+                if not (null unused) then
                   warning ("Metis: Unused theorems: " ^ commas_quote unused
                            ^ ".")
@@ -720,7 +721,7 @@
     if exists_type type_has_topsort (prop_of st0)
     then raise METIS "Metis: Proof state contains the universal sort {}"
-      (Meson.MESON neg_clausify
+      (Meson.MESON (maps neg_clausify)
         (fn cls => resolve_tac (FOL_SOLVE mode ctxt cls ths) 1) ctxt i
           THEN Meson_Tactic.expand_defs_tac st0) st0
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML
     Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, NICTA
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_minimizer.ML
+    Author:     Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Minimization of theorem list for Metis using automatic theorem provers.
+  type params = ATP_Manager.params
+  type prover_result = ATP_Manager.prover_result
+  val minimize_theorems :
+    params -> int -> Proof.state -> (string * thm list) list
+    -> (string * thm list) list option * string
+structure Sledgehammer_Fact_Minimizer : SLEDGEHAMMER_FACT_MINIMIZER =
+open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
+open Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct
+open ATP_Manager
+(* Linear minimization algorithm *)
+fun linear_minimize test s =
+  let
+    fun aux [] p = p
+      | aux (x :: xs) (needed, result) =
+        case test (xs @ needed) of
+          SOME result => aux xs (needed, result)
+        | NONE => aux xs (x :: needed, result)
+  in aux s end
+(* wrapper for calling external prover *)
+fun string_for_failure Unprovable = "Unprovable."
+  | string_for_failure TimedOut = "Timed out."
+  | string_for_failure OutOfResources = "Failed."
+  | string_for_failure OldSpass = "Error."
+  | string_for_failure MalformedOutput = "Error."
+  | string_for_failure UnknownError = "Failed."
+fun string_for_outcome NONE = "Success."
+  | string_for_outcome (SOME failure) = string_for_failure failure
+fun sledgehammer_test_theorems (params as {full_types, ...} : params) prover
+        timeout subgoal state filtered_clauses name_thms_pairs =
+  let
+    val num_theorems = length name_thms_pairs
+    val _ = priority ("Testing " ^ string_of_int num_theorems ^
+                      " theorem" ^ plural_s num_theorems ^ "...")
+    val name_thm_pairs = maps (fn (n, ths) => map (pair n) ths) name_thms_pairs
+    val axclauses = cnf_rules_pairs (Proof.theory_of state) name_thm_pairs
+    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal state
+    val problem =
+     {subgoal = subgoal, goal = (ctxt, (facts, goal)),
+      relevance_override = {add = [], del = [], only = false},
+      axiom_clauses = SOME axclauses,
+      filtered_clauses = SOME (the_default axclauses filtered_clauses)}
+  in
+    prover params (K "") timeout problem
+    |> tap (priority o string_for_outcome o #outcome)
+  end
+(* minimalization of thms *)
+fun minimize_theorems (params as {debug, atps, minimize_timeout, isar_proof,
+                                  shrink_factor, sorts, ...})
+                      i state name_thms_pairs =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof.theory_of state
+    val prover = case atps of
+                   [atp_name] => get_prover thy atp_name
+                 | _ => error "Expected a single ATP."
+    val msecs = Time.toMilliseconds minimize_timeout
+    val n = length name_thms_pairs
+    val _ =
+      priority ("Sledgehammer minimizer: ATP " ^ quote (the_single atps) ^
+                " with a time limit of " ^ string_of_int msecs ^ " ms.")
+    val test_thms_fun =
+      sledgehammer_test_theorems params prover minimize_timeout i state
+    fun test_thms filtered thms =
+      case test_thms_fun filtered thms of
+        (result as {outcome = NONE, ...}) => SOME result
+      | _ => NONE
+    val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal state;
+    val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
+  in
+    (* try prove first to check result and get used theorems *)
+    (case test_thms_fun NONE name_thms_pairs of
+      result as {outcome = NONE, pool, internal_thm_names, conjecture_shape,
+                 filtered_clauses, ...} =>
+        let
+          val used = internal_thm_names |> Vector.foldr (op ::) []
+                                        |> sort_distinct string_ord
+          val to_use =
+            if length used < length name_thms_pairs then
+              filter (fn (name1, _) => exists (curry (op =) name1) used)
+                     name_thms_pairs
+            else name_thms_pairs
+          val (min_thms, {proof, internal_thm_names, ...}) =
+            linear_minimize (test_thms (SOME filtered_clauses)) to_use
+                            ([], result)
+          val n = length min_thms
+          val _ = priority (cat_lines
+            ["Minimized: " ^ string_of_int n ^ " theorem" ^ plural_s n] ^ ".")
+        in
+          (SOME min_thms,
+           proof_text isar_proof
+                      (pool, debug, shrink_factor, sorts, ctxt,
+                       conjecture_shape)
+                      (K "", proof, internal_thm_names, goal, i) |> fst)
+        end
+    | {outcome = SOME TimedOut, ...} =>
+        (NONE, "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
+               \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
+               string_of_int (10 + msecs div 1000) ^ " s\").")
+    | {outcome = SOME UnknownError, ...} =>
+        (* Failure sometimes mean timeout, unfortunately. *)
+        (NONE, "Failure: No proof was found with the current time limit. You \
+               \can increase the time limit using the \"timeout\" \
+               \option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
+               string_of_int (10 + msecs div 1000) ^ " s\").")
+    | {message, ...} => (NONE, "ATP error: " ^ message))
+    handle Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause.TRIVIAL => (SOME [], metis_line i n [])
+         | ERROR msg => (NONE, "Error: " ^ msg)
+  end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_preprocessor.ML
     Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
 Transformation of axiom rules (elim/intro/etc) into CNF forms.
@@ -14,11 +15,13 @@
   val bad_for_atp: thm -> bool
   val type_has_topsort: typ -> bool
   val cnf_rules_pairs: theory -> (string * thm) list -> (thm * (string * int)) list
-  val neg_clausify: thm list -> thm list
-  val combinators: thm -> thm
-  val neg_conjecture_clauses: Proof.context -> thm -> int -> thm list * (string * typ) list
   val suppress_endtheory: bool Unsynchronized.ref
     (*for emergency use where endtheory causes problems*)
+  val strip_subgoal : thm -> int -> term list * term list * term
+  val neg_clausify: thm -> thm list
+  val neg_conjecture_clauses:
+    Proof.context -> thm -> int -> thm list list * (string * typ) list
+  val neg_clausify_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic
   val setup: theory -> theory
@@ -455,19 +458,31 @@
   lambda_free, but then the individual theory caches become much bigger.*)
+fun strip_subgoal goal i =
+  let
+    val (t, frees) = Logic.goal_params (prop_of goal) i
+    val hyp_ts = t |> Logic.strip_assums_hyp |> map (curry subst_bounds frees)
+    val concl_t = t |> Logic.strip_assums_concl |> curry subst_bounds frees
+  in (rev frees, hyp_ts, concl_t) end
 (*** Converting a subgoal into negated conjecture clauses. ***)
 fun neg_skolemize_tac ctxt =
   EVERY' [rtac ccontr, Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac, Meson.skolemize_tac ctxt];
+fun neg_skolemize_tac ctxt =
+  EVERY' [rtac ccontr, Object_Logic.atomize_prems_tac, Meson.skolemize_tac ctxt];
 val neg_clausify =
-  Meson.make_clauses_unsorted #> map combinators #> Meson.finish_cnf;
+  single #> Meson.make_clauses_unsorted #> map combinators #> Meson.finish_cnf
 fun neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt st0 n =
     val st = Seq.hd (neg_skolemize_tac ctxt n st0)
     val ({params, prems, ...}, _) = Subgoal.focus (Variable.set_body false ctxt) n st
-  in (neg_clausify prems, map (Term.dest_Free o Thm.term_of o #2) params) end;
+  in
+    (map neg_clausify prems, map (Term.dest_Free o Thm.term_of o #2) params)
+  end
 (*Conversion of a subgoal to conjecture clauses. Each clause has
   leading !!-bound universal variables, to express generality. *)
@@ -479,30 +494,14 @@
          (fn {prems, ...} =>
-             (map forall_intr_vars (neg_clausify prems)) i)) ctxt,
+             (map forall_intr_vars (maps neg_clausify prems)) i)) ctxt,
         REPEAT_DETERM_N (length ts) o etac thin_rl] i
-val neg_clausify_setup =
-  Method.setup @{binding neg_clausify} (Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o neg_clausify_tac))
-  "conversion of goal to conjecture clauses";
-(** Attribute for converting a theorem into clauses **)
-val clausify_setup =
-  Attrib.setup @{binding clausify}
-    (Scan.lift OuterParse.nat >>
-      (fn i => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => fn th =>
-          Meson.make_meta_clause (nth (cnf_axiom (Context.theory_of context) th) i))))
-  "conversion of theorem to clauses";
 (** setup **)
 val setup =
-  neg_clausify_setup #>
-  clausify_setup #>
   perhaps saturate_skolem_cache #>
   Theory.at_end clause_cache_endtheory;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML
     Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
 Storing/printing FOL clauses and arity clauses.  Typed equality is
 treated differently.
@@ -190,11 +191,15 @@
       tvar_prefix ^ (ascii_of_indexname (trim_type_var x,i));
 fun make_fixed_type_var x = tfree_prefix ^ (ascii_of (trim_type_var x));
-(* HACK because SPASS 3.0 truncates identifiers to 63 characters. (This is
-   solved in 3.7 and perhaps in earlier versions too.) *)
-(* 32-bit hash, so we expect no collisions. *)
+val max_dfg_symbol_length = 63
+(* HACK because SPASS 3.0 truncates identifiers to 63 characters. *)
 fun controlled_length dfg s =
-  if dfg andalso size s > 60 then Word.toString (hashw_string (s, 0w0)) else s;
+  if dfg andalso size s > max_dfg_symbol_length then
+    String.extract (s, 0, SOME (max_dfg_symbol_length div 2 - 1)) ^ "__" ^
+    String.extract (s, size s - max_dfg_symbol_length div 2 + 1, NONE)
+  else
+    s
 fun lookup_const dfg c =
     case Symtab.lookup const_trans_table c of
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML
     Author:     Jia Meng, NICTA
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
 FOL clauses translated from HOL formulae.
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
   type name =
+  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.name_pool
   type kind = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.kind
   type fol_type = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.fol_type
   type classrel_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.classrel_clause
@@ -36,10 +38,10 @@
        hol_clause list
   val write_tptp_file : bool -> bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
     hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
-    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> unit
+    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> name_pool option * int
   val write_dfg_file : bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
     hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
-    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> unit
+    classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> name_pool option * int
 structure Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause : SLEDGEHAMMER_HOL_CLAUSE =
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
    If "explicit_apply" is false, each function will be directly applied to as
    many arguments as possible, avoiding use of the "apply" operator. Use of
-   hBOOL is also minimized.
+   "hBOOL" is also minimized.
 fun min_arity_of const_min_arity c = the_default 0 (Symtab.lookup const_min_arity c);
@@ -499,7 +501,9 @@
 fun write_tptp_file readable_names full_types explicit_apply file clauses =
     fun section _ [] = []
-      | section name ss = "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ "\n" :: ss
+      | section name ss =
+        "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (length ss) ^
+        ")\n" :: ss
     val pool = empty_name_pool readable_names
     val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
       classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
@@ -514,17 +518,19 @@
     val arity_clss = map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
     val (helper_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params)
                                        helper_clauses pool
-  in
-    File.write_list file
-        (header () ::
-         section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
-         section "Type variable" tfree_clss @
-         section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss @
-         section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
-         section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
-         section "Helper fact" helper_clss)
-  end
+    val conjecture_offset =
+      length ax_clss + length classrel_clss + length arity_clss
+      + length helper_clss
+    val _ =
+      File.write_list file
+          (header () ::
+           section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
+           section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
+           section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
+           section "Helper fact" helper_clss @
+           section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss @
+           section "Type variable" tfree_clss)
+  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
 (* DFG format *)
@@ -540,30 +546,33 @@
     val params = (full_types, explicit_apply, cma, cnh)
     val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
       pool_map (dfg_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
-    and probname = Path.implode (Path.base file)
+    and problem_name = Path.implode (Path.base file)
     val (axstrs, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) axclauses pool
     val tfree_clss = map dfg_tfree_clause (union_all tfree_litss)
     val (helper_clauses_strs, pool) =
       pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) helper_clauses pool
     val (funcs, cl_preds) = decls_of_clauses params (helper_clauses @ conjectures @ axclauses) arity_clauses
     and ty_preds = preds_of_clauses axclauses classrel_clauses arity_clauses
-  in
-    File.write_list file
-        (header () ::
-         string_of_start probname ::
-         string_of_descrip probname ::
-         string_of_symbols (string_of_funcs funcs)
-                           (string_of_preds (cl_preds @ ty_preds)) ::
-         "list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf).\n" ::
-         axstrs @
-         map dfg_classrel_clause classrel_clauses @
-         map dfg_arity_clause arity_clauses @
-         helper_clauses_strs @
-         ["end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures, cnf).\n"] @
-         tfree_clss @
-         conjecture_clss @
-         ["end_of_list.\n\n",
-          "end_problem.\n"])
-  end
+    val conjecture_offset =
+      length axclauses + length classrel_clauses + length arity_clauses
+      + length helper_clauses
+    val _ =
+      File.write_list file
+          (header () ::
+           string_of_start problem_name ::
+           string_of_descrip problem_name ::
+           string_of_symbols (string_of_funcs funcs)
+                             (string_of_preds (cl_preds @ ty_preds)) ::
+           "list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf).\n" ::
+           axstrs @
+           map dfg_classrel_clause classrel_clauses @
+           map dfg_arity_clause arity_clauses @
+           helper_clauses_strs @
+           ["end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures, cnf).\n"] @
+           conjecture_clss @
+           tfree_clss @
+           ["end_of_list.\n\n",
+            "end_problem.\n"])
+  in (pool, conjecture_offset) end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_isar.ML
     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
 Adds "sledgehammer" and related commands to Isabelle/Isar's outer syntax.
@@ -8,19 +8,46 @@
   type params = ATP_Manager.params
+  val atps: string Unsynchronized.ref
+  val timeout: int Unsynchronized.ref
+  val full_types: bool Unsynchronized.ref
   val default_params : theory -> (string * string) list -> params
+  val setup: theory -> theory
 structure Sledgehammer_Isar : SLEDGEHAMMER_ISAR =
 open Sledgehammer_Util
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
 open ATP_Manager
-open ATP_Minimal
-open ATP_Wrapper
+open ATP_Systems
+open Sledgehammer_Fact_Minimizer
 structure K = OuterKeyword and P = OuterParse
+(** Proof method used in Isar proofs **)
+val neg_clausify_setup =
+  Method.setup @{binding neg_clausify}
+               (Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o neg_clausify_tac))
+               "conversion of goal to negated conjecture clauses"
+(** Attribute for converting a theorem into clauses **)
+val parse_clausify_attribute =
+  Scan.lift OuterParse.nat
+  >> (fn i => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => fn th =>
+                  let val thy = Context.theory_of context in
+                    Meson.make_meta_clause (nth (cnf_axiom thy th) i)
+                  end))
+val clausify_setup =
+  Attrib.setup @{binding clausify} parse_clausify_attribute
+               "conversion of theorem to clauses"
+(** Sledgehammer commands **)
 fun add_to_relevance_override ns : relevance_override =
   {add = ns, del = [], only = false}
 fun del_from_relevance_override ns : relevance_override =
@@ -35,6 +62,29 @@
 fun merge_relevance_overrides rs =
   fold merge_relevance_override_pairwise rs (only_relevance_override [])
+(*** parameters ***)
+val atps = Unsynchronized.ref (default_atps_param_value ())
+val timeout = Unsynchronized.ref 60
+val full_types = Unsynchronized.ref false
+val _ =
+  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
+      (Preferences.string_pref atps
+          "Sledgehammer: ATPs"
+          "Default automatic provers (separated by whitespace)")
+val _ =
+  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
+      (Preferences.int_pref timeout
+          "Sledgehammer: Time Limit"
+          "ATPs will be interrupted after this time (in seconds)")
+val _ =
+  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_proof
+      (Preferences.bool_pref full_types
+          "Sledgehammer: Full Types" "ATPs will use full type information")
 type raw_param = string * string list
 val default_default_params =
@@ -49,7 +99,7 @@
    ("higher_order", "smart"),
    ("follow_defs", "false"),
    ("isar_proof", "false"),
-   ("modulus", "1"),
+   ("shrink_factor", "1"),
    ("sorts", "false"),
    ("minimize_timeout", "5 s")]
@@ -59,9 +109,9 @@
   [("no_debug", "debug"),
    ("quiet", "verbose"),
    ("no_overlord", "overlord"),
+   ("partial_types", "full_types"),
    ("implicit_apply", "explicit_apply"),
    ("ignore_no_atp", "respect_no_atp"),
-   ("partial_types", "full_types"),
    ("theory_irrelevant", "theory_relevant"),
    ("first_order", "higher_order"),
    ("dont_follow_defs", "follow_defs"),
@@ -69,8 +119,8 @@
    ("no_sorts", "sorts")]
 val params_for_minimize =
-  ["full_types", "explicit_apply", "higher_order", "isar_proof", "modulus",
-   "sorts", "minimize_timeout"]
+  ["debug", "verbose", "overlord", "full_types", "explicit_apply",
+   "higher_order", "isar_proof", "shrink_factor", "sorts", "minimize_timeout"]
 val property_dependent_params = ["atps", "full_types", "timeout"]
@@ -153,7 +203,7 @@
     val higher_order = lookup_bool_option "higher_order"
     val follow_defs = lookup_bool "follow_defs"
     val isar_proof = lookup_bool "isar_proof"
-    val modulus = Int.max (1, lookup_int "modulus")
+    val shrink_factor = Int.max (1, lookup_int "shrink_factor")
     val sorts = lookup_bool "sorts"
     val timeout = lookup_time "timeout"
     val minimize_timeout = lookup_time "minimize_timeout"
@@ -163,49 +213,43 @@
      respect_no_atp = respect_no_atp, relevance_threshold = relevance_threshold,
      convergence = convergence, theory_relevant = theory_relevant,
      higher_order = higher_order, follow_defs = follow_defs,
-     isar_proof = isar_proof, modulus = modulus, sorts = sorts,
+     isar_proof = isar_proof, shrink_factor = shrink_factor, sorts = sorts,
      timeout = timeout, minimize_timeout = minimize_timeout}
 fun get_params thy = extract_params thy (default_raw_params thy)
 fun default_params thy = get_params thy o map (apsnd single)
-fun minimize override_params old_style_args i fact_refs state =
+(* Sledgehammer the given subgoal *)
+fun run {atps = [], ...} _ _ _ _ = error "No ATP is set."
+  | run (params as {atps, timeout, ...}) i relevance_override minimize_command
+        proof_state =
+    let
+      val birth_time = ()
+      val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
+      val _ = kill_atps ()  (* race w.r.t. other invocations of Sledgehammer *)
+      val _ = priority "Sledgehammering..."
+      val _ = (start_prover_thread params birth_time death_time i
+                                            relevance_override minimize_command
+                                            proof_state) atps
+    in () end
+fun minimize override_params i fact_refs state =
     val thy = Proof.theory_of state
     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
-    fun theorems_from_refs ctxt =
-      map (fn fact_ref =>
-              let
-                val ths = ProofContext.get_fact ctxt fact_ref
-                val name' = Facts.string_of_ref fact_ref
-              in (name', ths) end)
-    fun get_time_limit_arg s =
-      (case Int.fromString s of
-        SOME t => Time.fromSeconds t
-      | NONE => error ("Invalid time limit: " ^ quote s ^ "."))
-    fun get_opt (name, a) (p, t) =
-      (case name of
-        "time" => (p, get_time_limit_arg a)
-      | "atp" => (a, t)
-      | n => error ("Invalid argument: " ^ n ^ "."))
-    val {atps, minimize_timeout, ...} = get_params thy override_params
-    val (atp, timeout) = fold get_opt old_style_args (hd atps, minimize_timeout)
-    val params =
-      get_params thy
-          (override_params @
-           [("atps", [atp]),
-            ("minimize_timeout",
-             [string_of_int (Time.toMilliseconds timeout) ^ " ms"])])
-    val prover =
-      (case get_prover thy atp of
-        SOME prover => prover
-      | NONE => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ quote atp ^ "."))
+    val theorems_from_refs =
+      map o pairf Facts.string_of_ref o ProofContext.get_fact
     val name_thms_pairs = theorems_from_refs ctxt fact_refs
-    priority (#2 (minimize_theorems params prover atp i state name_thms_pairs))
+    priority (#2 (minimize_theorems (get_params thy override_params) i state
+                                    name_thms_pairs))
+val sledgehammerN = "sledgehammer"
+val sledgehammer_paramsN = "sledgehammer_params"
 val runN = "run"
 val minimizeN = "minimize"
 val messagesN = "messages"
@@ -226,7 +270,7 @@
          | value => " = " ^ value)
 fun minimize_command override_params i atp_name facts =
-  "sledgehammer minimize [atp = " ^ atp_name ^
+  sledgehammerN ^ " " ^ minimizeN ^ " [atp = " ^ atp_name ^
   (override_params |> filter is_raw_param_relevant_for_minimize
                    |> implode o map (prefix ", " o string_for_raw_param)) ^
   "] (" ^ space_implode " " facts ^ ")" ^
@@ -239,11 +283,11 @@
     if subcommand = runN then
       let val i = the_default 1 opt_i in
-        sledgehammer (get_params thy override_params) i relevance_override
-                     (minimize_command override_params i) state
+        run (get_params thy override_params) i relevance_override
+            (minimize_command override_params i) state
     else if subcommand = minimizeN then
-      minimize (map (apfst minimizize_raw_param_name) override_params) []
+      minimize (map (apfst minimizize_raw_param_name) override_params)
                (the_default 1 opt_i) (#add relevance_override) state
     else if subcommand = messagesN then
       messages opt_i
@@ -301,40 +345,17 @@
 val parse_sledgehammer_params_command =
   parse_params #>> sledgehammer_params_trans
-val parse_minimize_args =
-  Scan.optional (Args.bracks (P.list (P.short_ident --| P.$$$ "=" -- P.xname)))
-                []
 val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_kill" "kill all managed provers" K.diag
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative kill_atps))
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_info"
-    "print information about managed provers" K.diag
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.imperative running_atps))
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_messages"
-    "print recent messages issued by managed provers" K.diag
-    (Scan.option (P.$$$ "(" |-- P.nat --| P.$$$ ")") >>
-      (fn limit => Toplevel.no_timing
-                   o Toplevel.imperative (fn () => messages limit)))
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command sledgehammerN
+      "search for first-order proof using automatic theorem provers" K.diag
+      parse_sledgehammer_command
 val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "print_atps" "print external provers" K.diag
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory o
-      Toplevel.keep (available_atps o Toplevel.theory_of)))
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "atp_minimize"
-    "minimize theorem list with external prover" K.diag
-    (parse_minimize_args -- parse_fact_refs >> (fn (args, fact_refs) =>
-      Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_proof o
-        Toplevel.keep (minimize [] args 1 fact_refs o Toplevel.proof_of)))
+  OuterSyntax.command sledgehammer_paramsN
+      "set and display the default parameters for Sledgehammer" K.thy_decl
+      parse_sledgehammer_params_command
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.improper_command "sledgehammer"
-    "search for first-order proof using automatic theorem provers" K.diag
-    parse_sledgehammer_command
-val _ =
-  OuterSyntax.command "sledgehammer_params"
-    "set and display the default parameters for Sledgehammer" K.thy_decl
-    parse_sledgehammer_params_command
+val setup =
+  neg_clausify_setup
+  #> clausify_setup
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_proof_reconstruct.ML
     Author:     Lawrence C Paulson and Claire Quigley, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
 Transfer of proofs from external provers.
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
   type minimize_command = string list -> string
+  type name_pool = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.name_pool
   val chained_hint: string
   val invert_const: string -> string
@@ -14,17 +16,16 @@
   val num_typargs: theory -> string -> int
   val make_tvar: string -> typ
   val strip_prefix: string -> string -> string option
-  val is_proof_well_formed: string -> bool
   val metis_line: int -> int -> string list -> string
   val metis_proof_text:
     minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
     -> string * string list
   val isar_proof_text:
-    bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context
+    name_pool option * bool * int * bool * Proof.context * int list list
     -> minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
     -> string * string list
   val proof_text:
-    bool -> bool -> int -> bool -> Proof.context
+    bool -> name_pool option * bool * int * bool * Proof.context * int list list
     -> minimize_command * string * string vector * thm * int
     -> string * string list
@@ -37,110 +38,122 @@
 type minimize_command = string list -> string
-val trace_proof_path = Path.basic "atp_trace";
+fun is_ident_char c = Char.isAlphaNum c orelse c = #"_"
+fun is_head_digit s = Char.isDigit (String.sub (s, 0))
-fun trace_proof_msg f =
-  if !trace then File.append (File.tmp_path trace_proof_path) (f ()) else ();
+fun is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num = num <= Vector.length thm_names
-fun string_of_thm ctxt = PrintMode.setmp [] (Display.string_of_thm ctxt);
-fun is_ident_char c = Char.isAlphaNum c orelse c = #"_"
-fun is_axiom thm_names line_no = line_no <= Vector.length thm_names
+fun ugly_name NONE s = s
+  | ugly_name (SOME the_pool) s =
+    case Symtab.lookup (snd the_pool) s of
+      SOME s' => s'
+    | NONE => s
 (* Syntax trees, either term list or formulae *)
-datatype stree = Int of int | Br of string * stree list;
+datatype stree = SInt of int | SBranch of string * stree list;
-fun atom x = Br(x,[]);
+fun atom x = SBranch (x, [])
-fun scons (x,y) = Br("cons", [x,y]);
-val listof = List.foldl scons (atom "nil");
+fun scons (x, y) = SBranch ("cons", [x, y])
+val slist_of = List.foldl scons (atom "nil")
 (*Strings enclosed in single quotes, e.g. filenames*)
-val quoted = $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode;
-(*Intended for $true and $false*)
-fun tf s = "c_" ^ str (Char.toUpper (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE);
-val truefalse = $$ "$" |-- Symbol.scan_id >> (atom o tf);
+val parse_quoted = $$ "'" |-- Scan.repeat (~$$ "'") --| $$ "'" >> implode;
 (*Integer constants, typically proof line numbers*)
-fun is_digit s = Char.isDigit (String.sub(s,0));
-val integer = Scan.many1 is_digit >> (the o Int.fromString o implode);
-(* needed for SPASS's nonstandard output format *)
-fun fix_symbol "equal" = "c_equal"
-  | fix_symbol s = s
+val parse_integer = Scan.many1 is_head_digit >> (the o Int.fromString o implode)
-(*Generalized FO terms, which include filenames, numbers, etc.*)
-fun term x = (quoted >> atom || integer >> Int || truefalse
-              || (Symbol.scan_id >> fix_symbol)
-                 -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- terms --| $$ ")") [] >> Br
-              || $$ "(" |-- term --| $$ ")"
-              || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional terms [] --| $$ "]" >> listof) x
-and terms x = (term ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- term)) x
+(* needed for SPASS's output format *)
+fun repair_bool_literal "true" = "c_True"
+  | repair_bool_literal "false" = "c_False"
+fun repair_name pool "equal" = "c_equal"
+  | repair_name pool s = ugly_name pool s
+(* Generalized first-order terms, which include file names, numbers, etc. *)
+(* The "x" argument is not strictly necessary, but without it Poly/ML loops
+   forever at compile time. *)
+fun parse_term pool x =
+  (parse_quoted >> atom
+   || parse_integer >> SInt
+   || $$ "$" |-- Symbol.scan_id >> (atom o repair_bool_literal)
+   || (Symbol.scan_id >> repair_name pool)
+      -- Scan.optional ($$ "(" |-- parse_terms pool --| $$ ")") [] >> SBranch
+   || $$ "(" |-- parse_term pool --| $$ ")"
+   || $$ "[" |-- Scan.optional (parse_terms pool) [] --| $$ "]" >> slist_of) x
+and parse_terms pool x =
+  (parse_term pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "," |-- parse_term pool)) x
-fun negate t = Br ("c_Not", [t])
-fun equate t1 t2 = Br ("c_equal", [t1, t2]);
+fun negate_stree t = SBranch ("c_Not", [t])
+fun equate_strees t1 t2 = SBranch ("c_equal", [t1, t2]);
-(*Apply equal or not-equal to a term*)
-fun syn_equal (t, NONE) = t
-  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (NONE, t2)) = equate t1 t2
-  | syn_equal (t1, SOME (SOME _, t2)) = negate (equate t1 t2)
+(* Apply equal or not-equal to a term. *)
+fun repair_predicate_term (t, NONE) = t
+  | repair_predicate_term (t1, SOME (NONE, t2)) = equate_strees t1 t2
+  | repair_predicate_term (t1, SOME (SOME _, t2)) =
+    negate_stree (equate_strees t1 t2)
+fun parse_predicate_term pool =
+  parse_term pool -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "="
+                                  -- parse_term pool)
+  >> repair_predicate_term
 (*Literals can involve negation, = and !=.*)
-fun literal x =
-  ($$ "~" |-- literal >> negate
-   || (term -- Scan.option (Scan.option ($$ "!") --| $$ "=" -- term)
-       >> syn_equal)) x
+fun parse_literal pool x =
+  ($$ "~" |-- parse_literal pool >> negate_stree || parse_predicate_term pool) x
-val literals = literal ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- literal);
+fun parse_literals pool =
+  parse_literal pool ::: Scan.repeat ($$ "|" |-- parse_literal pool)
-(*Clause: a list of literals separated by the disjunction sign*)
-val clause = $$ "(" |-- literals --| $$ ")" || Scan.single literal;
+(* Clause: a list of literals separated by the disjunction sign. *)
+fun parse_clause pool =
+  $$ "(" |-- parse_literals pool --| $$ ")" || Scan.single (parse_literal pool)
-fun ints_of_stree (Int n) = cons n
-  | ints_of_stree (Br (_, ts)) = fold ints_of_stree ts
-val tstp_annotations =
-  Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- term --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- terms)
+fun ints_of_stree (SInt n) = cons n
+  | ints_of_stree (SBranch (_, ts)) = fold ints_of_stree ts
+val parse_tstp_annotations =
+  Scan.optional ($$ "," |-- parse_term NONE
+                   --| Scan.option ($$ "," |-- parse_terms NONE)
                  >> (fn source => ints_of_stree source [])) []
-fun retuple_tstp_line ((name, ts), deps) = (name, ts, deps)
 (* <cnf_annotated> ::= cnf(<name>, <formula_role>, <cnf_formula> <annotations>).
    The <name> could be an identifier, but we assume integers. *)
-val parse_tstp_line =
-  (Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- integer --| $$ "," --| Symbol.scan_id
-   --| $$ "," -- clause -- tstp_annotations --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
+fun retuple_tstp_line ((name, ts), deps) = (name, ts, deps)
+fun parse_tstp_line pool =
+  (Scan.this_string "cnf" -- $$ "(") |-- parse_integer --| $$ ","
+   --| Symbol.scan_id --| $$ "," -- parse_clause pool -- parse_tstp_annotations
+   --| $$ ")" --| $$ "."
   >> retuple_tstp_line
-val dot_name = integer --| $$ "." --| integer
+(* SPASS returns clause references of the form "x.y". We ignore "y", whose role
+   is not clear anyway. *)
+val parse_dot_name = parse_integer --| $$ "." --| parse_integer
-val spass_annotations =
-  Scan.optional ($$ ":" |-- Scan.repeat (dot_name --| Scan.option ($$ ","))) []
+val parse_spass_annotations =
+  Scan.optional ($$ ":" |-- Scan.repeat (parse_dot_name
+                                         --| Scan.option ($$ ","))) []
-val starred_literal = literal --| Scan.repeat ($$ "*" || $$ " ")
+(* It is not clear why some literals are followed by sequences of stars. We
+   ignore them. *)
+fun parse_starred_predicate_term pool =
+  parse_predicate_term pool --| Scan.repeat ($$ "*" || $$ " ")
-val horn_clause =
-  Scan.repeat starred_literal --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
-  -- Scan.repeat starred_literal
-  >> (fn ([], []) => [atom (tf "false")]
-       | (clauses1, clauses2) => map negate clauses1 @ clauses2)
-fun retuple_spass_proof_line ((name, deps), ts) = (name, ts, deps)
+fun parse_horn_clause pool =
+  Scan.repeat (parse_starred_predicate_term pool) --| $$ "-" --| $$ ">"
+  -- Scan.repeat (parse_starred_predicate_term pool)
+  >> (fn ([], []) => [atom "c_False"]
+       | (clauses1, clauses2) => map negate_stree clauses1 @ clauses2)
-(* Syntax: <name>[0:<inference><annotations>] || -> <cnf_formula> **. *)
-val parse_spass_proof_line =
-  integer --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
-  -- spass_annotations --| $$ "]" --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|" -- horn_clause
-  --| $$ "."
-  >> retuple_spass_proof_line
+(* Syntax: <name>[0:<inference><annotations>] ||
+           <cnf_formulas> -> <cnf_formulas>. *)
+fun retuple_spass_line ((name, deps), ts) = (name, ts, deps)
+fun parse_spass_line pool =
+  parse_integer --| $$ "[" --| $$ "0" --| $$ ":" --| Symbol.scan_id
+  -- parse_spass_annotations --| $$ "]" --| $$ "|" --| $$ "|"
+  -- parse_horn_clause pool --| $$ "."
+  >> retuple_spass_line
-val parse_proof_line = fst o (parse_tstp_line || parse_spass_proof_line)
+fun parse_line pool = fst o (parse_tstp_line pool || parse_spass_line pool)
@@ -169,8 +182,8 @@
   by information from type literals, or by type inference.*)
 fun type_of_stree t =
   case t of
-      Int _ => raise STREE t
-    | Br (a,ts) =>
+      SInt _ => raise STREE t
+    | SBranch (a,ts) =>
         let val Ts = map type_of_stree ts
           case strip_prefix tconst_prefix a of
@@ -188,13 +201,10 @@
 (*Invert the table of translations between Isabelle and ATPs*)
 val const_trans_table_inv =
-      Symtab.update ("fequal", "op =")
-        (Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest const_trans_table)));
+  Symtab.update ("fequal", @{const_name "op ="})
+                (Symtab.make (map swap (Symtab.dest const_trans_table)))
-fun invert_const c =
-    case Symtab.lookup const_trans_table_inv c of
-        SOME c' => c'
-      | NONE => c;
+fun invert_const c = c |> Symtab.lookup const_trans_table_inv |> the_default c
 (*The number of type arguments of a constant, zero if it's monomorphic*)
 fun num_typargs thy s = length (Sign.const_typargs thy (s, Sign.the_const_type thy s));
@@ -206,10 +216,10 @@
   them to be inferred.*)
 fun term_of_stree args thy t =
   case t of
-      Int _ => raise STREE t
-    | Br ("hBOOL",[t]) => term_of_stree [] thy t  (*ignore hBOOL*)
-    | Br ("hAPP",[t,u]) => term_of_stree (u::args) thy t
-    | Br (a,ts) =>
+      SInt _ => raise STREE t
+    | SBranch ("hBOOL", [t]) => term_of_stree [] thy t  (*ignore hBOOL*)
+    | SBranch ("hAPP", [t, u]) => term_of_stree (u::args) thy t
+    | SBranch (a, ts) =>
         case strip_prefix const_prefix a of
             SOME "equal" =>
               list_comb(Const (@{const_name "op ="}, HOLogic.typeT), (term_of_stree [] thy) ts)
@@ -232,11 +242,13 @@
                       | NONE => make_var (a,T)  (* Variable from the ATP, say "X1" *)
               in  list_comb (opr, (term_of_stree [] thy) (ts@args))  end;
-(*Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class, type.*)
-fun constraint_of_stree pol (Br("c_Not",[t])) = constraint_of_stree (not pol) t
+(* Type class literal applied to a type. Returns triple of polarity, class,
+   type. *)
+fun constraint_of_stree pol (SBranch ("c_Not", [t])) =
+    constraint_of_stree (not pol) t
   | constraint_of_stree pol t = case t of
-        Int _ => raise STREE t
-      | Br (a,ts) =>
+        SInt _ => raise STREE t
+      | SBranch (a, ts) =>
             (case (strip_prefix class_prefix a, map type_of_stree ts) of
                  (SOME b, [T]) => (pol, b, T)
                | _ => raise STREE t);
@@ -249,25 +261,55 @@
   | add_constraint ((false, cl, TVar(ix,_)), vt) = addix (ix,cl) vt
   | add_constraint (_, vt) = vt;
-(*False literals (which E includes in its proofs) are deleted*)
-val nofalses = filter (not o equal HOLogic.false_const);
+fun is_positive_literal (@{const Trueprop} $ t) = is_positive_literal t
+  | is_positive_literal (@{const Not} $ _) = false
+  | is_positive_literal t = true
-(*Final treatment of the list of "real" literals from a clause.*)
-fun finish [] = HOLogic.true_const  (*No "real" literals means only type information*)
-  | finish lits =
-      case nofalses lits of
-          [] => HOLogic.false_const  (*The empty clause, since we started with real literals*)
-        | xs => foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj (rev xs);
+fun negate_term thy (@{const Trueprop} $ t) =
+    @{const Trueprop} $ negate_term thy t
+  | negate_term thy (Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+    Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term thy t')
+  | negate_term thy (Const (@{const_name Ex}, T) $ Abs (s, T', t')) =
+    Const (@{const_name All}, T) $ Abs (s, T', negate_term thy t')
+  | negate_term thy (@{const "op -->"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const "op &"} $ t1 $ negate_term thy t2
+  | negate_term thy (@{const "op &"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const "op |"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
+  | negate_term thy (@{const "op |"} $ t1 $ t2) =
+    @{const "op &"} $ negate_term thy t1 $ negate_term thy t2
+  | negate_term thy (@{const Not} $ t) = t
+  | negate_term thy t =
+    if fastype_of t = @{typ prop} then
+      HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (negate_term thy (Object_Logic.atomize_term thy t))
+    else
+      @{const Not} $ t
+fun clause_for_literals _ [] = HOLogic.false_const
+  | clause_for_literals _ [lit] = lit
+  | clause_for_literals thy lits =
+    case List.partition is_positive_literal lits of
+      (pos_lits as _ :: _, neg_lits as _ :: _) =>
+      @{const "op -->"}
+          $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map (negate_term thy) neg_lits)
+          $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj pos_lits
+    | _ => foldr1 HOLogic.mk_disj lits
+(* Final treatment of the list of "real" literals from a clause.
+   No "real" literals means only type information. *)
+fun finish_clause _ [] = HOLogic.true_const
+  | finish_clause thy lits =
+    lits |> filter_out (curry (op =) HOLogic.false_const) |> rev
+         |> clause_for_literals thy
 (*Accumulate sort constraints in vt, with "real" literals in lits.*)
-fun lits_of_strees _ (vt, lits) [] = (vt, finish lits)
-  | lits_of_strees ctxt (vt, lits) (t::ts) =
-      lits_of_strees ctxt (add_constraint (constraint_of_stree true t, vt), lits) ts
-      handle STREE _ =>
-      lits_of_strees ctxt (vt, term_of_stree [] (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) t :: lits) ts;
+fun lits_of_strees thy (vt, lits) [] = (vt, finish_clause thy lits)
+  | lits_of_strees thy (vt, lits) (t :: ts) =
+    lits_of_strees thy (add_constraint (constraint_of_stree true t, vt), lits)
+                   ts
+    handle STREE _ => lits_of_strees thy (vt, term_of_stree [] thy t :: lits) ts
 (*Update TVars/TFrees with detected sort constraints.*)
-fun fix_sorts vt =
+fun repair_sorts vt =
   let fun tysubst (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, map tysubst Ts)
         | tysubst (TVar (xi, s)) = TVar (xi, the_default s (Vartab.lookup vt xi))
         | tysubst (TFree (x, s)) = TFree (x, the_default s (Vartab.lookup vt (x, ~1)))
@@ -281,14 +323,15 @@
 (*Interpret a list of syntax trees as a clause, given by "real" literals and sort constraints.
   vt0 holds the initial sort constraints, from the conjecture clauses.*)
-fun clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts =
-  let val (vt, dt) = lits_of_strees ctxt (vt0,[]) ts in
-    singleton (Syntax.check_terms ctxt) (TypeInfer.constrain HOLogic.boolT (fix_sorts vt dt))
+fun clause_of_strees ctxt vt ts =
+  let val (vt, dt) = lits_of_strees (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (vt, []) ts in
+    dt |> repair_sorts vt |> TypeInfer.constrain HOLogic.boolT
+       |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
 fun gen_all_vars t = fold_rev Logic.all (OldTerm.term_vars t) t;
-fun decode_proof_step vt0 (name, ts, deps) ctxt =
+fun decode_line vt0 (name, ts, deps) ctxt =
   let val cl = clause_of_strees ctxt vt0 ts in
     ((name, cl, deps), fold Variable.declare_term (OldTerm.term_frees cl) ctxt)
@@ -308,264 +351,110 @@
 (**** Translation of TSTP files to Isar Proofs ****)
-fun decode_proof_steps ctxt tuples =
+fun decode_lines ctxt tuples =
   let val vt0 = tfree_constraints_of_clauses Vartab.empty (map #2 tuples) in
-    #1 (fold_map (decode_proof_step vt0) tuples ctxt)
+    #1 (fold_map (decode_line vt0) tuples ctxt)
-(** Finding a matching assumption. The literals may be permuted, and variable names
-    may disagree. We must try all combinations of literals (quadratic!) and
-    match the variable names consistently. **)
-fun strip_alls_aux n (Const(@{const_name all}, _)$Abs(a,T,t))  =
-      strip_alls_aux (n+1) (subst_bound (Var ((a,n), T), t))
-  | strip_alls_aux _ t  =  t;
-val strip_alls = strip_alls_aux 0;
-exception MATCH_LITERAL of unit
-(* Remark 1: Ignore types. They are not to be trusted.
-   Remark 2: Ignore order of arguments for equality. SPASS sometimes swaps
-   them for no apparent reason. *)
-fun match_literal (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ u1)
-                  (Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t2 $ u2) env =
-    (env |> match_literal t1 t2 |> match_literal u1 u2
-     handle MATCH_LITERAL () =>
-            env |> match_literal t1 u2 |> match_literal u1 t2)
-  | match_literal (t1 $ u1) (t2 $ u2) env =
-    env |> match_literal t1 t2 |> match_literal u1 u2
-  | match_literal (Abs (_,_,t1)) (Abs (_,_,t2)) env =
-    match_literal t1 t2 env
-  | match_literal (Bound i1) (Bound i2) env =
-    if i1=i2 then env else raise MATCH_LITERAL ()
-  | match_literal (Const(a1,_)) (Const(a2,_)) env =
-    if a1=a2 then env else raise MATCH_LITERAL ()
-  | match_literal (Free(a1,_)) (Free(a2,_)) env =
-    if a1=a2 then env else raise MATCH_LITERAL ()
-  | match_literal (Var(ix1,_)) (Var(ix2,_)) env = insert (op =) (ix1,ix2) env
-  | match_literal _ _ _ = raise MATCH_LITERAL ()
-(* Checking that all variable associations are unique. The list "env" contains
-   no repetitions, but does it contain say (x, y) and (y, y)? *)
-fun good env =
-  let val (xs,ys) = ListPair.unzip env
-  in  not (has_duplicates (op=) xs orelse has_duplicates (op=) ys)  end;
-(*Match one list of literals against another, ignoring types and the order of
-  literals. Sorting is unreliable because we don't have types or variable names.*)
-fun matches_aux _ [] [] = true
-  | matches_aux env (lit::lits) ts =
-      let fun match1 us [] = false
-            | match1 us (t::ts) =
-                let val env' = match_literal lit t env
-                in  (good env' andalso matches_aux env' lits (us@ts)) orelse
-                    match1 (t::us) ts
-                end
-                handle MATCH_LITERAL () => match1 (t::us) ts
-      in  match1 [] ts  end;
-(*Is this length test useful?*)
-fun matches (lits1,lits2) =
-  length lits1 = length lits2  andalso
-  matches_aux [] (map Envir.eta_contract lits1) (map Envir.eta_contract lits2);
-fun permuted_clause t =
-  let val lits = HOLogic.disjuncts t
-      fun perm [] = NONE
-        | perm (ctm::ctms) =
-            if matches (lits, HOLogic.disjuncts (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (strip_alls ctm)))
-            then SOME ctm else perm ctms
-  in perm end;
-(*ctms is a list of conjecture clauses as yielded by Isabelle. Those returned by the
-  ATP may have their literals reordered.*)
-fun isar_proof_body ctxt sorts ctms =
-  let
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\n\nisar_proof_body: start\n")
-    val string_of_term = 
-      PrintMode.setmp (filter (curry (op =) Symbol.xsymbolsN)
-                              (print_mode_value ()))
-                      (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
-    fun have_or_show "show" _ = "  show \""
-      | have_or_show have lname = "  " ^ have ^ " " ^ lname ^ ": \""
-    fun do_line _ (lname, t, []) =
-       (* No depedencies: it's a conjecture clause, with no proof. *)
-       (case permuted_clause t ctms of
-          SOME u => "  assume " ^ lname ^ ": \"" ^ string_of_term u ^ "\"\n"
-        | NONE => raise TERM ("Sledgehammer_Proof_Reconstruct.isar_proof_body",
-                              [t]))
-      | do_line have (lname, t, deps) =
-        have_or_show have lname ^
-        string_of_term (gen_all_vars (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t)) ^
-        "\"\n    by (metis " ^ space_implode " " deps ^ ")\n"
-    fun do_lines [(lname, t, deps)] = [do_line "show" (lname, t, deps)]
-      | do_lines ((lname, t, deps) :: lines) =
-        do_line "have" (lname, t, deps) :: do_lines lines
-  in setmp_CRITICAL show_sorts sorts do_lines end;
 fun unequal t (_, t', _) = not (t aconv t');
 (*No "real" literals means only type information*)
 fun eq_types t = t aconv HOLogic.true_const;
-fun replace_dep (old:int, new) dep = if dep=old then new else [dep];
-fun replace_deps (old:int, new) (lno, t, deps) =
-      (lno, t, List.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) [] (map (replace_dep (old, new)) deps));
+fun replace_dep (old, new) dep = if dep = old then new else [dep]
+fun replace_deps p (num, t, deps) =
+  (num, t, fold (union (op =) o replace_dep p) deps [])
 (*Discard axioms; consolidate adjacent lines that prove the same clause, since they differ
   only in type information.*)
-fun add_proof_line thm_names (lno, t, []) lines =
+fun add_line thm_names (num, t, []) lines =
       (* No dependencies: axiom or conjecture clause *)
-      if is_axiom thm_names lno then
+      if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num then
         (* Axioms are not proof lines *)
         if eq_types t then
           (* Must be clsrel/clsarity: type information, so delete refs to it *)
-          map (replace_deps (lno, [])) lines
+          map (replace_deps (num, [])) lines
           (case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
              (_,[]) => lines                  (*no repetition of proof line*)
-           | (pre, (lno', _, _) :: post) =>   (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
-               pre @ map (replace_deps (lno', [lno])) post)
+           | (pre, (num', _, _) :: post) =>   (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
+               pre @ map (replace_deps (num', [num])) post)
-        (lno, t, []) :: lines
-  | add_proof_line _ (lno, t, deps) lines =
-      if eq_types t then (lno, t, deps) :: lines
+        (num, t, []) :: lines
+  | add_line _ (num, t, deps) lines =
+      if eq_types t then (num, t, deps) :: lines
       (*Type information will be deleted later; skip repetition test.*)
       else (*FIXME: Doesn't this code risk conflating proofs involving different types??*)
       case take_prefix (unequal t) lines of
-         (_,[]) => (lno, t, deps) :: lines  (*no repetition of proof line*)
-       | (pre, (lno', t', _) :: post) =>
-           (lno, t', deps) ::               (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
-           (pre @ map (replace_deps (lno', [lno])) post);
+         (_,[]) => (num, t, deps) :: lines  (*no repetition of proof line*)
+       | (pre, (num', t', _) :: post) =>
+           (num, t', deps) ::               (*repetition: replace later line by earlier one*)
+           (pre @ map (replace_deps (num', [num])) post);
 (*Recursively delete empty lines (type information) from the proof.*)
-fun add_nonnull_prfline ((lno, t, []), lines) = (*no dependencies, so a conjecture clause*)
-     if eq_types t (*must be type information, tfree_tcs, clsrel, clsarity: delete refs to it*)
-     then delete_dep lno lines
-     else (lno, t, []) :: lines
-  | add_nonnull_prfline ((lno, t, deps), lines) = (lno, t, deps) :: lines
-and delete_dep lno lines = List.foldr add_nonnull_prfline [] (map (replace_deps (lno, [])) lines);
+fun add_nonnull_line (num, t, []) lines = (*no dependencies, so a conjecture clause*)
+    if eq_types t then
+      (*must be type information, tfree_tcs, clsrel, clsarity: delete refs to it*)
+      delete_dep num lines
+    else
+      (num, t, []) :: lines
+  | add_nonnull_line (num, t, deps) lines = (num, t, deps) :: lines
+and delete_dep num lines =
+  fold_rev add_nonnull_line (map (replace_deps (num, [])) lines) []
 fun bad_free (Free (a,_)) = String.isPrefix skolem_prefix a
   | bad_free _ = false;
-(*TVars are forbidden in goals. Also, we don't want lines with <2 dependencies.
-  To further compress proofs, setting modulus:=n deletes every nth line, and nlines
-  counts the number of proof lines processed so far.
-  Deleted lines are replaced by their own dependencies. Note that the "add_nonnull_prfline"
-  phase may delete some dependencies, hence this phase comes later.*)
-fun add_wanted_prfline ctxt _ ((lno, t, []), (nlines, lines)) =
-      (nlines, (lno, t, []) :: lines)   (*conjecture clauses must be kept*)
-  | add_wanted_prfline ctxt modulus ((lno, t, deps), (nlines, lines)) =
-      if eq_types t orelse not (null (Term.add_tvars t [])) orelse
-         exists_subterm bad_free t orelse
-         (not (null lines) andalso   (*final line can't be deleted for these reasons*)
-          (length deps < 2 orelse nlines mod modulus <> 0))
-      then (nlines+1, map (replace_deps (lno, deps)) lines) (*Delete line*)
-      else (nlines+1, (lno, t, deps) :: lines);
+fun add_desired_line ctxt (num, t, []) (j, lines) =
+    (j, (num, t, []) :: lines)  (* conjecture clauses must be kept *)
+  | add_desired_line ctxt (num, t, deps) (j, lines) =
+    (j + 1,
+     if eq_types t orelse not (null (Term.add_tvars t [])) orelse
+        exists_subterm bad_free t orelse length deps < 2 then
+       map (replace_deps (num, deps)) lines  (* delete line *)
+     else
+       (num, t, deps) :: lines)
+(* ### *)
 (*Replace numeric proof lines by strings, either from thm_names or sequential line numbers*)
 fun stringify_deps thm_names deps_map [] = []
-  | stringify_deps thm_names deps_map ((lno, t, deps) :: lines) =
-      if is_axiom thm_names lno then
-        (Vector.sub(thm_names,lno-1), t, []) :: stringify_deps thm_names deps_map lines
-      else let val lname = Int.toString (length deps_map)
-               fun fix lno = if is_axiom thm_names lno
-                             then SOME(Vector.sub(thm_names,lno-1))
-                             else AList.lookup (op =) deps_map lno;
-           in  (lname, t, map_filter fix (distinct (op=) deps)) ::
-               stringify_deps thm_names ((lno,lname)::deps_map) lines
-           end;
+  | stringify_deps thm_names deps_map ((num, t, deps) :: lines) =
+    if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num then
+      (Vector.sub (thm_names, num - 1), t, []) ::
+      stringify_deps thm_names deps_map lines
+    else
+      let
+        val label = Int.toString (length deps_map)
+        fun string_for_num num =
+          if is_axiom_clause_number thm_names num then
+            SOME (Vector.sub (thm_names, num - 1))
+          else
+            AList.lookup (op =) deps_map num
+      in
+        (label, t, map_filter string_for_num (distinct (op=) deps)) ::
+        stringify_deps thm_names ((num, label) :: deps_map) lines
+      end
-fun isar_proof_start i =
-  (if i = 1 then "" else "prefer " ^ string_of_int i ^ "\n") ^
-  "proof (neg_clausify)\n";
-fun isar_fixes [] = ""
-  | isar_fixes ts = "  fix " ^ space_implode " " ts ^ "\n";
-fun isar_proof_end 1 = "qed"
-  | isar_proof_end _ = "next"
-fun isar_proof_from_atp_proof cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names =
+(* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned.
+   TSTP: Interesting lines have the form "cnf(108, axiom, ...)", where the
+   number (108) is extracted.
+   SPASS: Lines have the form "108[0:Inp] ...", where the first number (108) is
+   extracted. *)
+fun extract_clause_numbers_in_atp_proof atp_proof =
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_atp_proof: start\n")
-    val tuples = map (parse_proof_line o explode) cnfs
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
-      Int.toString (length tuples) ^ " tuples extracted\n")
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.set_mode ProofContext.mode_schematic ctxt
-    val raw_lines =
-      fold_rev (add_proof_line thm_names) (decode_proof_steps ctxt tuples) []
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
-      Int.toString (length raw_lines) ^ " raw_lines extracted\n")
-    val nonnull_lines = List.foldr add_nonnull_prfline [] raw_lines
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
-      Int.toString (length nonnull_lines) ^ " nonnull_lines extracted\n")
-    val (_, lines) = List.foldr (add_wanted_prfline ctxt modulus) (0,[]) nonnull_lines
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
-      Int.toString (length lines) ^ " lines extracted\n")
-    val (ccls, fixes) = neg_conjecture_clauses ctxt goal i
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (fn () =>
-      Int.toString (length ccls) ^ " conjecture clauses\n")
-    val ccls = map forall_intr_vars ccls
-    val _ = app (fn th => trace_proof_msg
-                              (fn () => "\nccl: " ^ string_of_thm ctxt th)) ccls
-    val body = isar_proof_body ctxt sorts (map prop_of ccls)
-                               (stringify_deps thm_names [] lines)
-    val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
-    val _ = trace_proof_msg (K "\nisar_proof_from_atp_proof: finishing\n")
-  in
-    isar_proof_start i ^ isar_fixes (map #1 fixes) ^ implode body ^
-    isar_proof_end n ^ "\n"
-  end
-  handle STREE _ => raise Fail "Cannot parse ATP output";
-val begin_proof_strs = ["# SZS output start CNFRefutation.",
-  "=========== Refutation ==========",
-  "Here is a proof"];
-val end_proof_strs = ["# SZS output end CNFRefutation",
-  "======= End of refutation =======",
-  "Formulae used in the proof"];
-fun get_proof_extract proof =
-  (* Splits by the first possible of a list of splitters. *)
-  case pairself (find_first (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof))
-                (begin_proof_strs, end_proof_strs) of
-    (SOME begin_string, SOME end_string) =>
-    proof |> first_field begin_string |> the |> snd
-          |> first_field end_string |> the |> fst
-  | _ => raise Fail "Cannot extract proof"
-fun is_proof_well_formed proof =
-  forall (exists (fn s => String.isSubstring s proof))
-         [begin_proof_strs, end_proof_strs]
-(* === EXTRACTING LEMMAS === *)
-(* A list consisting of the first number in each line is returned.
-   TPTP: Interesting lines have the form "cnf(108, axiom, ...)", where the
-   number (108) is extracted.
-   DFG: Lines have the form "108[0:Inp] ...", where the first number (108) is
-   extracted. *)
-fun get_step_nums proof_extract =
-  let
-    val toks = String.tokens (not o is_ident_char)
-    fun inputno ("cnf" :: ntok :: "axiom" :: _) = Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno ("cnf" :: ntok :: "negated_conjecture" :: _) =
-        Int.fromString ntok
-      | inputno (ntok::"0"::"Inp"::_) = Int.fromString ntok  (* DFG format *)
-      | inputno _ = NONE
-    val lines = split_lines proof_extract
-  in map_filter (inputno o toks) lines end
+    val tokens_of = String.tokens (not o is_ident_char)
+    fun extract_num ("cnf" :: num :: "axiom" :: _) = Int.fromString num
+      | extract_num ("cnf" :: num :: "negated_conjecture" :: _) =
+        Int.fromString num
+      | extract_num (num :: "0" :: "Inp" :: _) = Int.fromString num
+      | extract_num _ = NONE
+  in atp_proof |> split_lines |> map_filter (extract_num o tokens_of) end
-(*Used to label theorems chained into the sledgehammer call*)
-val chained_hint = "CHAINED";
-val kill_chained = filter_out (curry (op =) chained_hint)
+(* Used to label theorems chained into the Sledgehammer call (or rather
+   goal?) *)
+val chained_hint = "sledgehammer_chained"
 fun apply_command _ 1 = "by "
   | apply_command 1 _ = "apply "
@@ -585,28 +474,59 @@
       "To minimize the number of lemmas, try this command: " ^
       Markup.markup Markup.sendback command ^ ".\n"
-fun metis_proof_text (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
+fun metis_proof_text (minimize_command, atp_proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
     val lemmas =
-      proof |> get_proof_extract
-            |> get_step_nums
-            |> filter (is_axiom thm_names)
-            |> map (fn i => Vector.sub (thm_names, i - 1))
-            |> filter (fn x => x <> "??.unknown")
-            |> sort_distinct string_ord
+      atp_proof |> extract_clause_numbers_in_atp_proof
+                |> filter (is_axiom_clause_number thm_names)
+                |> map (fn i => Vector.sub (thm_names, i - 1))
+                |> filter_out (fn s => s = "??.unknown" orelse s = chained_hint)
+                |> sort_distinct string_ord
     val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
-    val xs = kill_chained lemmas
-  in
-    (metis_line i n xs ^ minimize_line minimize_command xs, kill_chained lemmas)
-  end
+  in (metis_line i n lemmas ^ minimize_line minimize_command lemmas, lemmas) end
+val is_valid_line = String.isPrefix "cnf(" orf String.isSubstring "||"
+type label = string * int
+type facts = label list * string list
+fun merge_fact_sets (ls1, ss1) (ls2, ss2) =
+  (union (op =) ls1 ls2, union (op =) ss1 ss2)
+datatype qualifier = Show | Then | Moreover | Ultimately
-val is_proof_line = String.isPrefix "cnf(" orf String.isSubstring "||"
+datatype step =
+  Fix of term list |
+  Assume of label * term |
+  Have of qualifier list * label * term * byline
+and byline =
+  Facts of facts |
+  CaseSplit of step list list * facts
+val raw_prefix = "X"
+val assum_prefix = "A"
+val fact_prefix = "F"
-fun do_space c = if Char.isSpace c then "" else str c
+(* ###
+fun add_fact_from_dep s =
+  case Int.fromString s of
+    SOME n => apfst (cons (raw_prefix, n))
+  | NONE => apsnd (cons s)
+val add_fact_from_dep = apfst o cons o pair raw_prefix
+fun step_for_tuple _ (label, t, []) = Assume ((raw_prefix, label), t)
+  | step_for_tuple j (label, t, deps) =
+    Have (if j = 1 then [Show] else [], (raw_prefix, label), t,
+          Facts (fold add_fact_from_dep deps ([], [])))
 fun strip_spaces_in_list [] = ""
-  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1] = do_space c1
-  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1, c2] = do_space c1 ^ do_space c2
+  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1] = if Char.isSpace c1 then "" else str c1
+  | strip_spaces_in_list [c1, c2] =
+    strip_spaces_in_list [c1] ^ strip_spaces_in_list [c2]
   | strip_spaces_in_list (c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: cs) =
     if Char.isSpace c1 then
       strip_spaces_in_list (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
@@ -614,39 +534,336 @@
       if Char.isSpace c3 then
         strip_spaces_in_list (c1 :: c3 :: cs)
-        str c1 ^
-        (if is_ident_char c1 andalso is_ident_char c3 then " " else "") ^
+        str c1 ^ (if forall is_ident_char [c1, c3] then " " else "") ^
         strip_spaces_in_list (c3 :: cs)
       str c1 ^ strip_spaces_in_list (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
 val strip_spaces = strip_spaces_in_list o String.explode
-fun isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt
-                    (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
+fun proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt atp_proof thm_names frees =
+  let
+    val tuples =
+      atp_proof |> split_lines |> map strip_spaces
+                |> filter is_valid_line
+                |> map (parse_line pool o explode)
+                |> decode_lines ctxt
+    val tuples = fold_rev (add_line thm_names) tuples []
+    val tuples = fold_rev add_nonnull_line tuples []
+    val tuples = fold_rev (add_desired_line ctxt) tuples (0, []) |> snd
+  in
+    (if null frees then [] else [Fix frees]) @
+    map2 step_for_tuple (length tuples downto 1) tuples
+  end
+val indent_size = 2
+val no_label = ("", ~1)
+fun no_show qs = not (member (op =) qs Show)
+(* When redirecting proofs, we keep information about the labels seen so far in
+   the "backpatches" data structure. The first component indicates which facts
+   should be associated with forthcoming proof steps. The second component is a
+   pair ("keep_ls", "drop_ls"), where "keep_ls" are the labels to keep and
+   "drop_ls" are those that should be dropped in a case split. *)
+type backpatches = (label * facts) list * (label list * label list)
+fun using_of_step (Have (_, _, _, by)) =
+    (case by of
+       Facts (ls, _) => ls
+     | CaseSplit (proofs, (ls, _)) => fold (union (op =) o using_of) proofs ls)
+  | using_of_step _ = []
+and using_of proof = fold (union (op =) o using_of_step) proof []
+fun new_labels_of_step (Fix _) = []
+  | new_labels_of_step (Assume (l, _)) = [l]
+  | new_labels_of_step (Have (_, l, _, _)) = [l]
+val new_labels_of = maps new_labels_of_step
+val join_proofs =
+  let
+    fun aux _ [] = NONE
+      | aux proof_tail (proofs as (proof1 :: _)) =
+        if exists null proofs then
+          NONE
+        else if forall (curry (op =) (hd proof1) o hd) (tl proofs) then
+          aux (hd proof1 :: proof_tail) (map tl proofs)
+        else case hd proof1 of
+          Have ([], l, t, by) =>
+          if forall (fn Have ([], l', t', _) :: _ => (l, t) = (l', t')
+                      | _ => false) (tl proofs) andalso
+             not (exists (member (op =) (maps new_labels_of proofs))
+                         (using_of proof_tail)) then
+            SOME (l, t, map rev proofs, proof_tail)
+          else
+            NONE
+        | _ => NONE
+  in aux [] o map rev end
+fun case_split_qualifiers proofs =
+  case length proofs of
+    0 => []
+  | 1 => [Then]
+  | _ => [Ultimately]
+val index_in_shape = find_index o exists o curry (op =)
+fun direct_proof thy conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t proof =
-    val cnfs = proof |> get_proof_extract |> split_lines |> map strip_spaces
-                     |> filter is_proof_line
+    val concl_ls = map (pair raw_prefix) (List.last conjecture_shape)
+    fun find_hyp (_, j) = nth hyp_ts (index_in_shape j conjecture_shape)
+    fun first_pass ([], contra) = ([], contra)
+      | first_pass ((ps as Fix _) :: proof, contra) =
+        first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons ps
+      | first_pass ((ps as Assume (l, t)) :: proof, contra) =
+        if member (op =) concl_ls l then
+          first_pass (proof, contra ||> cons ps)
+        else
+          first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons (Assume (l, find_hyp l))
+      | first_pass ((ps as Have (qs, l, t, Facts (ls, ss))) :: proof, contra) =
+        if exists (member (op =) (fst contra)) ls then
+          first_pass (proof, contra |>> cons l ||> cons ps)
+        else
+          first_pass (proof, contra) |>> cons ps
+      | first_pass _ = raise Fail "malformed proof"
+    val (proof_top, (contra_ls, contra_proof)) =
+      first_pass (proof, (concl_ls, []))
+    val backpatch_label = the_default ([], []) oo AList.lookup (op =) o fst
+    fun backpatch_labels patches ls =
+      fold merge_fact_sets (map (backpatch_label patches) ls) ([], [])
+    fun second_pass end_qs ([], assums, patches) =
+        ([Have (end_qs, no_label,
+                if length assums < length concl_ls then
+                  clause_for_literals thy (map (negate_term thy o fst) assums)
+                else
+                  concl_t,
+                Facts (backpatch_labels patches (map snd assums)))], patches)
+      | second_pass end_qs (Assume (l, t) :: proof, assums, patches) =
+        second_pass end_qs (proof, (t, l) :: assums, patches)
+      | second_pass end_qs (Have (qs, l, t, Facts (ls, ss)) :: proof, assums,
+                            patches) =
+        if member (op =) (snd (snd patches)) l andalso
+           not (AList.defined (op =) (fst patches) l) then
+          second_pass end_qs (proof, assums, patches ||> apsnd (append ls))
+        else
+          (case List.partition (member (op =) contra_ls) ls of
+             ([contra_l], co_ls) =>
+             if no_show qs then
+               second_pass end_qs
+                           (proof, assums,
+                            patches |>> cons (contra_l, (l :: co_ls, ss)))
+               |>> cons (if member (op =) (fst (snd patches)) l then
+                           Assume (l, negate_term thy t)
+                         else
+                           Have (qs, l, negate_term thy t,
+                                 Facts (backpatch_label patches l)))
+             else
+               second_pass end_qs (proof, assums,
+                                   patches |>> cons (contra_l, (co_ls, ss)))
+           | (contra_ls as _ :: _, co_ls) =>
+             let
+               val proofs =
+                 map_filter
+                     (fn l =>
+                         if member (op =) concl_ls l then
+                           NONE
+                         else
+                           let
+                             val drop_ls = filter (curry (op <>) l) contra_ls
+                           in
+                             second_pass []
+                                 (proof, assums,
+                                  patches ||> apfst (insert (op =) l)
+                                          ||> apsnd (union (op =) drop_ls))
+                             |> fst |> SOME
+                           end) contra_ls
+               val facts = (co_ls, [])
+             in
+               (case join_proofs proofs of
+                  SOME (l, t, proofs, proof_tail) =>
+                  Have (case_split_qualifiers proofs @
+                        (if null proof_tail then end_qs else []), l, t,
+                        CaseSplit (proofs, facts)) :: proof_tail
+                | NONE =>
+                  [Have (case_split_qualifiers proofs @ end_qs, no_label,
+                         concl_t, CaseSplit (proofs, facts))],
+                patches)
+             end
+           | _ => raise Fail "malformed proof")
+       | second_pass _ _ = raise Fail "malformed proof"
+    val (proof_bottom, _) =
+      second_pass [Show] (contra_proof, [], ([], ([], [])))
+  in proof_top @ proof_bottom end
+val kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof =
+  let
+    fun relabel_facts subst =
+      apfst (map (fn l => AList.lookup (op =) subst l |> the_default l))
+    fun do_step (ps as Fix _) (proof, subst, assums) =
+        (ps :: proof, subst, assums)
+      | do_step (ps as Assume (l, t)) (proof, subst, assums) =
+        (case AList.lookup (op aconv) assums t of
+           SOME l' => (proof, (l', l) :: subst, assums)
+         | NONE => (ps :: proof, subst, (t, l) :: assums))
+      | do_step (Have (qs, l, t, by)) (proof, subst, assums) =
+        (Have (qs, l, t,
+               case by of
+                 Facts facts => Facts (relabel_facts subst facts)
+               | CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
+                 CaseSplit (map do_proof proofs, relabel_facts subst facts)) ::
+         proof, subst, assums)
+    and do_proof proof = fold do_step proof ([], [], []) |> #1 |> rev
+  in do_proof end
+(* FIXME: implement *)
+fun shrink_proof shrink_factor proof = proof
+val then_chain_proof =
+  let
+    fun aux _ [] = []
+      | aux _ ((ps as Fix _) :: proof) = ps :: aux no_label proof
+      | aux _ ((ps as Assume (l, _)) :: proof) = ps :: aux l proof
+      | aux l' (Have (qs, l, t, by) :: proof) =
+        (case by of
+           Facts (ls, ss) =>
+           Have (if member (op =) ls l' then
+                   (Then :: qs, l, t,
+                    Facts (filter_out (curry (op =) l') ls, ss))
+                 else
+                   (qs, l, t, Facts (ls, ss)))
+         | CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
+           Have (qs, l, t, CaseSplit (map (aux no_label) proofs, facts))) ::
+        aux l proof
+  in aux no_label end
+fun kill_useless_labels_in_proof proof =
+  let
+    val used_ls = using_of proof
+    fun do_label l = if member (op =) used_ls l then l else no_label
+    fun kill (Fix ts) = Fix ts
+      | kill (Assume (l, t)) = Assume (do_label l, t)
+      | kill (Have (qs, l, t, by)) =
+        Have (qs, do_label l, t,
+              case by of
+                CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
+                CaseSplit (map (map kill) proofs, facts)
+              | _ => by)
+  in map kill proof end
+fun prefix_for_depth n = replicate_string (n + 1)
+val relabel_proof =
+  let
+    fun aux _ _ _ [] = []
+      | aux subst depth nextp ((ps as Fix _) :: proof) =
+        ps :: aux subst depth nextp proof
+      | aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) (Assume (l, t) :: proof) =
+        if l = no_label then
+          Assume (l, t) :: aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) proof
+        else
+          let val l' = (prefix_for_depth depth assum_prefix, next_assum) in
+            Assume (l', t) ::
+            aux ((l, l') :: subst) depth (next_assum + 1, next_fact) proof
+          end
+      | aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) (Have (qs, l, t, by) :: proof) =
+        let
+          val (l', subst, next_fact) =
+            if l = no_label then
+              (l, subst, next_fact)
+            else
+              let
+                val l' = (prefix_for_depth depth fact_prefix, next_fact)
+              in (l', (l, l') :: subst, next_fact + 1) end
+          val relabel_facts = apfst (map (the o AList.lookup (op =) subst))
+          val by =
+            case by of
+              Facts facts => Facts (relabel_facts facts)
+            | CaseSplit (proofs, facts) =>
+              CaseSplit (map (aux subst (depth + 1) (1, 1)) proofs,
+                         relabel_facts facts)
+        in
+          Have (qs, l', t, by) ::
+          aux subst depth (next_assum, next_fact) proof
+        end
+  in aux [] 0 (1, 1) end
+fun string_for_proof ctxt sorts i n =
+  let
+    fun do_indent ind = replicate_string (ind * indent_size) " "
+    fun do_raw_label (s, j) = s ^ string_of_int j
+    fun do_label l = if l = no_label then "" else do_raw_label l ^ ": "
+    fun do_have qs =
+      (if member (op =) qs Moreover then "moreover " else "") ^
+      (if member (op =) qs Ultimately then "ultimately " else "") ^
+      (if member (op =) qs Then then
+         if member (op =) qs Show then "thus" else "hence"
+       else
+         if member (op =) qs Show then "show" else "have")
+    val do_term =
+      quote o PrintMode.setmp (filter (curry (op =) Symbol.xsymbolsN)
+                                      (print_mode_value ()))
+                              (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt)
+    fun do_using [] = ""
+      | do_using ls = "using " ^ (space_implode " " (map do_raw_label ls)) ^ " "
+    fun do_by_facts [] [] = "by blast"
+      | do_by_facts _ [] = "by metis"
+      | do_by_facts _ ss = "by (metis " ^ space_implode " " ss ^ ")"
+    fun do_facts ind (ls, ss) =
+      do_indent (ind + 1) ^ do_using ls ^ do_by_facts ls ss
+    and do_step ind (Fix ts) =
+        do_indent ind ^ "fix " ^ space_implode " and " (map do_term ts) ^ "\n"
+      | do_step ind (Assume (l, t)) =
+        do_indent ind ^ "assume " ^ do_label l ^ do_term t ^ "\n"
+      | do_step ind (Have (qs, l, t, Facts facts)) =
+        do_indent ind ^ do_have qs ^ " " ^
+        do_label l ^ do_term t ^ "\n" ^ do_facts ind facts ^ "\n"
+      | do_step ind (Have (qs, l, t, CaseSplit (proofs, facts))) =
+        space_implode (do_indent ind ^ "moreover\n")
+                      (map (do_block ind) proofs) ^
+        do_indent ind ^ do_have qs ^ " " ^ do_label l ^ do_term t ^ "\n" ^
+        do_facts ind facts ^ "\n"
+    and do_steps prefix suffix ind steps =
+      let val s = implode (map (do_step ind) steps) in
+        replicate_string (ind * indent_size - size prefix) " " ^ prefix ^
+        String.extract (s, ind * indent_size,
+                        SOME (size s - ind * indent_size - 1)) ^
+        suffix ^ "\n"
+      end
+    and do_block ind proof = do_steps "{ " " }" (ind + 1) proof
+    and do_proof proof =
+      (if i <> 1 then "prefer " ^ string_of_int i ^ "\n" else "") ^
+      do_indent 0 ^ "proof -\n" ^
+      do_steps "" "" 1 proof ^
+      do_indent 0 ^ (if n <> 1 then "next" else "qed") ^ "\n"
+  in setmp_CRITICAL show_sorts sorts do_proof end
+fun isar_proof_text (pool, debug, shrink_factor, sorts, ctxt, conjecture_shape)
+                    (minimize_command, atp_proof, thm_names, goal, i) =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val (frees, hyp_ts, concl_t) = strip_subgoal goal i
+    val n = Logic.count_prems (prop_of goal)
     val (one_line_proof, lemma_names) =
-      metis_proof_text (minimize_command, proof, thm_names, goal, i)
-    val tokens = String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") one_line_proof
+      metis_proof_text (minimize_command, atp_proof, thm_names, goal, i)
     fun isar_proof_for () =
-      case isar_proof_from_atp_proof cnfs modulus sorts ctxt goal i thm_names of
+      case proof_from_atp_proof pool ctxt atp_proof thm_names frees
+           |> direct_proof thy conjecture_shape hyp_ts concl_t
+           |> kill_duplicate_assumptions_in_proof
+           |> shrink_proof shrink_factor
+           |> then_chain_proof
+           |> kill_useless_labels_in_proof
+           |> relabel_proof
+           |> string_for_proof ctxt sorts i n of
         "" => ""
-      | isar_proof =>
-        "\nStructured proof:\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback isar_proof
+      | proof => "\nStructured proof:\n" ^ Markup.markup Markup.sendback proof
     val isar_proof =
-      if member (op =) tokens chained_hint then
-        ""
-      else if debug then
+      if debug then
         isar_proof_for ()
         try isar_proof_for ()
         |> the_default "Warning: The Isar proof construction failed.\n"
   in (one_line_proof ^ isar_proof, lemma_names) end
-fun proof_text isar_proof debug modulus sorts ctxt =
-  if isar_proof then isar_proof_text debug modulus sorts ctxt
-  else metis_proof_text
+fun proof_text isar_proof =
+  if isar_proof then isar_proof_text else K metis_proof_text
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+  val pairf : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b * 'c
   val plural_s : int -> string
   val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
   val replace_all : string -> string -> string -> string
@@ -13,14 +14,13 @@
   val timestamp : unit -> string
   val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
   val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
-  val hashw : word * word -> word
-  val hashw_char : Char.char * word -> word
-  val hashw_string : string * word -> word
 structure Sledgehammer_Util : SLEDGEHAMMER_UTIL =
+fun pairf f g x = (f x, g x)
 fun plural_s n = if n = 1 then "" else "s"
 fun serial_commas _ [] = ["??"]
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
           aux (String.sub (s, 0) :: seen) (String.extract (s, 1, NONE))
   in aux [] end
 fun remove_all bef = replace_all bef ""
 val timestamp = Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" o Date.fromTimeLocal o
@@ -73,11 +72,4 @@
         SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds msecs)
-(* This hash function is recommended in Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
-   Tools, by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. The hashpjw function, which they
-   particularly recommend, triggers a bug in versions of Poly/ML up to 4.2.0. *)
-fun hashw (u, w) = Word.+ (u, Word.* (0w65599, w))
-fun hashw_char (c, w) = hashw (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w)
-fun hashw_string (s:string, w) = CharVector.foldl hashw_char w s
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Mon Apr 26 22:59:28 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/refute.ML	Mon Apr 26 23:46:45 2010 +0200
@@ -1357,7 +1357,6 @@
     val subst_t = Term.subst_bounds (map Free frees, strip_t)
     find_model thy (actual_params thy params) assm_ts subst_t true
-    handle REFUTE (s, s') => error ("REFUTE " ^ s ^ " " ^ s') (* ### *)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)