--- a/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML Tue Nov 05 05:48:08 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF/Tools/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML Tue Nov 05 05:48:08 2013 +0100
@@ -139,27 +139,27 @@
fun check_call_dead live_call call =
if null (get_indices call) then () else incompatible_calls live_call call;
- fun freeze_fp_simple (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
+ fun freeze_fpTs_simple (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
(case find_index (curry (op =) T) fpTs of
- ~1 => Type (s, map freeze_fp_simple Ts)
+ ~1 => Type (s, map freeze_fpTs_simple Ts)
| kk => nth Xs kk)
- | freeze_fp_simple T = T;
+ | freeze_fpTs_simple T = T;
- fun freeze_fp_map (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls)) s Ts =
+ fun freeze_fpTs_map (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls)) s Ts =
(List.app (check_call_dead live_call) dead_calls;
- Type (s, map2 freeze_fp (flatten_type_args_of_bnf (the (bnf_of no_defs_lthy s)) []
+ Type (s, map2 freeze_fpTs (flatten_type_args_of_bnf (the (bnf_of no_defs_lthy s)) []
(transpose callss)) Ts))
- and freeze_fp calls (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
+ and freeze_fpTs calls (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
(case map_partition (try (snd o dest_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
([], _) =>
(case map_partition (try (snd o dest_abs_or_applied_map_or_ctr no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
- ([], _) => freeze_fp_simple T
- | callsp => freeze_fp_map callsp s Ts)
- | callsp => freeze_fp_map callsp s Ts)
- | freeze_fp _ T = T;
+ ([], _) => freeze_fpTs_simple T
+ | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map callsp s Ts)
+ | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map callsp s Ts)
+ | freeze_fpTs _ T = T;
val ctr_Tsss = map (map binder_types) ctr_Tss;
- val ctrXs_Tsss = map2 (map2 (map2 freeze_fp)) callssss ctr_Tsss;
+ val ctrXs_Tsss = map2 (map2 (map2 freeze_fpTs)) callssss ctr_Tsss;
val ctrXs_sum_prod_Ts = map (mk_sumTN_balanced o map HOLogic.mk_tupleT) ctrXs_Tsss;
val Ts = map (body_type o hd) ctr_Tss;
@@ -298,13 +298,18 @@
val missing_Ts = perm_Ts |> subtract (op =) actual_Ts;
val Ts = actual_Ts @ missing_Ts;
- fun generalize_type (T as Type (s, Ts)) (seen_lthy as (seen, lthy)) =
- (case AList.lookup (op =) seen T of
- SOME U => (U, seen_lthy)
- | NONE =>
+ fun generalize_simple_type T (seen, lthy) =
+ mk_TFrees 1 lthy |> (fn ([U], lthy) => (U, ((T, U) :: seen, lthy)));
+ fun generalize_type T (seen_lthy as (seen, _)) =
+ (case AList.lookup (op =) seen T of
+ SOME U => (U, seen_lthy)
+ | NONE =>
+ (case T of
+ Type (s, Ts) =>
if exists_subtype_in Ts T then fold_map generalize_type Ts seen_lthy |>> curry Type s
- else mk_TFrees 1 lthy |> (fn ([U], lthy) => (U, ((T, U) :: seen, lthy))))
- | generalize_type T seen_lthy = (T, seen_lthy);
+ else generalize_simple_type T seen_lthy
+ | _ => generalize_simple_type T seen_lthy));
val (perm_Us, _) = fold_map generalize_type perm_Ts ([], lthy);